HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-17, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRdDAY. NOV. 17, IK82. Fun anti Tsncv. An «liter whu mjaa told that his last at tide was as clear as row l,said--"Well, that p.vers the gr'onad, all (SLOW .` • otlyd kis Parson Junes bd just cem of long d' unwtne benedictionheti berm a proDoalld. 11:0a 11611 11011111111gaitlinn was dtspirals. field Dewey Brown, • great admirer of the parson : "A fine sermon. slid well ti at�d Wu." "Yes replied "It Mas certainly wtlll•tiwtd. Fogg. �iAA About heft th a,t,gregasltlweuh their was watches out mast f( the talking." A mate, editor meet to see the play of '‘Rilleakeir the utter everting, and when Barrett rendered the lines- -la she beads or men entirely kreat Tbs pas le reireter than I be sword. the penvilaeial journalist arose, bowed profoundly and ezclaitnu 1, "Uh, theuk uu, sir, thank you." .Fa hi .ns's Fancies. The w'l•a a. II.• ,.,.,u r.i •••,,, -.. Vit., hi A'11 11. . t • pe r sus•.I.g other of , ten. 11 •io els her{aridly Is 4i.• the crown of DSO ulll..r, fhe heti. Id au..thrr. !'techs ',tray an 1 electric 'due is an solitaire; O•mUulatt..is f..r wIlhuary. 1t,atoy te.l s jl.t 1...u'. Ilea drseasiest saapu.e, 1.111' huts 11 "t. a '1 either 0.a. 1 be serest shill• .A Islay Idles taker lite Siam- .If II IY hr -.'f • Fhnpe hi... . I'I...,I r.h1..•1. a.t11 .dt • II.tu ripped b:wk■ appear .01 :cult' ares) boomers. 1'naah x11.1 14o14:11 cups sill he much w.,sis 1., •..-.1 ..11.1 ..CII....! girls. • ,its .p_ Ali ,r . o•uni f,o.1' cdo(,s the brims of "I'a•e lost a patient," slid s d.retor, I tr, ••., •I ...11.10.• lith rle.tr amber sitting down W a boarding house dimes'. !..a 1.. tablewith a frown on his face as dark ,tr..wlwrry root iu wyersl shades makes an! admired Clanbirlatioll for evening drew as a gunpowder poultice. "I ass sorry to bear It. Man or woman 7" asked tole of the boarders. "Man." "When did he die 7" 'Die, hang him, he's not dews. He stopped taking my medicine, got well, and ran away without paying the bill." Years ago there was a pauper who was alatya on the point of committing sui- cide, much to the annoyanceof all tshee people who had anything to him. Finally the medical attendant of the work -house invited him to drive in- to town one day, and on the way the pauper remarked : "Doctor, please give me a few pence to buy some arsenic ; I want to make an end of myself." Then the doctor replied � T6 "at I the e reason why I asked youaputd ake you down to my surgery aacidyoura couple of drops of a certainon tongue. It will kill you in lees than half a minute, and I shall tell the people that you died in -a fit. Then the parish will bury Jou in good style. The peeper waited to hear no more, but jumped from the trrp and boltedbackto the poorhouse.. His lips were sealed forever after on the subject of suicide. A lady who presides .•ter a medical .lisjensary for woman in ludic, says, "Not one woman in s. thousand in that country knows her age." It is slightly different in this country. Here women always know their age until they are about 25 years old. After reaching that point their memory becomes defective, and they forget the year they were born. Rscsfrr ma A Tarr'.ss-Take the vine of a runabout and •the root of a' nimble tonvue of each six handfuls, 15 oz of ambition and the same quantity of nonsense, bruise them together is s mor- tar of misapprehension, boil them over the fire of wildsunniseuntil you perceive a scum of falsehood rising on the top, then strain through a strainer of misin- struction, then put it in s bottle of malignity, then cork it with a cork of envy, tten suck s glass of it through a quill of malevolenoe and you will be pre- pared to speak all manner of evil without regard to man. persou or character. DIDN'T CART ion LLAD.-Some of the old maids of St' Thomas have threatened to take the editor of the St. Thomas Journal to task. The Scribe makes him- self "understood" in the following para- graph -tilt any tensatesrank has s ,pito at the Journal, she [trey come in and kin the whole staff, or as many as cannot es - ape, and if not satisfied cin finish upon the boniness manager, booet -ukeer O w mre- an and compositors,cumatanties do we wish to be shot. We hone we make ourselves understood." 11 .use wrappers and Woruiug meth - vette take the form ..f Japaursc a:id Turk- ish notes. Plaids are worn by women a ho effect English styles; they ate not geuerally becoming. The wearing of nal and green together is relived, but both eiders must le, in subdued tone& Pcnipadour designs Sud stripes appear in the new eveuin1 +elks niteuded forthe dressiest toilets. Itasp.berry-and-creast c.•lor rivals strawberry as a popular color for millin- ery and evening dreee. - Fisx gray wool dresses, worn With pale pink trimmings. is the latest fancy m- troduoed by Sara 13ertihardt. Leve erucic. Blue and red cloth pelisses, with shoulder capes, are the favorite wraps for little people, both boys and girls. Full lace jabots, reaching from the neck to the point of the hudlco, will be worn with dressy indoor costumes. The bouffant tuucnure draperies as now worn, give all women very unsym- metrical and even ludicrous figures. The latest fancy for neck lingerie is to unite several colors in the ribbon bow that mingle with the laces at the throat. The fancy work of the moment is thb crocheting of ficelle-colored twine or un- bleached cotton into collars and cuffs for dresses. Dressy cloth suits are tailor finished, and then. made effective with handsome soutache embroideries and artistic cr•.ch et button*. Ficeile lace is more worn on the other side than in New York.. There it is combined with all kinds of laces, black, white, and colored. Plaids of all kinds, sombre, gay. and aesthetic colon, are worn for skirts with jackets of solid -colored plush, silk, cleth, or novelty goods. It Is not unusual to see a Delhi or camel's hair shawl utilized as part of the underskirt of a dressy carriage costume. This is a Parisian fancy. Small boys are given the white pique suite for the warm days of fall, over which .1s wore a red cloth satirist and a red fes or Tam o'Shanter cap. Velours ottoman is the novelty for bride's dresses, its repped texture form- ing either tho entire dress, or else the train and side robes or panic' r, looped back from a satin heed -embroidered or brocaded front breadth. A favourite trimming for black velve bonnets consist of a black lace sgarfr which does double duty as crown drap- ery and strings and also affords a setting for tha tuft of strings, tips which adorns one sfde of the bonnet. Cashmere remains the popular mate- rial for costumes intended to do doable duty as utility suits and demi-toilets. Such costumes are made dressy with ac- cessories, Dollars, cuffs, revers, side robes,aud plastrons of moire, satin or velvet. That woman is wise who choses fo her p artner in life a man who desires to find his home a place sf rest. It is the man with many interests, with engrossing occupations, with plenty .4 people to fight, with a straggle to maintain against the world, who is really the domestic man, in the wife's sense ; who enjoys home, who is tempted to make a friend of his wife, who relishes prattle, who feel' in the home circle, where nu: ody is above him and nobody unsympathetic with him, as if he were in a haven of oase and reparation The drswhack ,f home -life, ita con- tained possibilities of insipidity, s:.I.t•C- ness, and consequent wearynesa, is nev- er present, in such a man. He no more tires of his wiie than of his own happy moods. He is no more plagued with his children than with his lighter thoughts. All the monotony and weariness sf life he anccunters outside. Itis the -pleasant laving In tn4R.he ober ry eompaninn, who requires constant ex- citement, thet finds home life unendur- able. He soon grows weary .1 it, and. considers everything so very tame, and so like flat beet, that it is irttp..tuible for him, not only to be happy, het to feel that 1.e is less unhappy there than Naw is tet old 'ni as 1'sweleease TI.eter. "Rh.- tile." says Mr. A. McFsul, proprietor of the City Hotel, Kinestoc, 'use i t Lind its own pretty well but 'the d It , t'Iat h.,re are o er.' St.Jaenhs Oil. tin+ tlrent (lerman Remedy has r.m- nit.•tely con peered the rheumatism, and no man a •ed suffer from it no longer. I had it holly until a short time ago. but T used St..T.tnobs Oil and was cored, and so can ally one bo cured in a similar manner.' Thr l'ack's Awawa=*datts* Layer. When a certain family on tie Bush farm t.' k a new co..k last month it was ttpecifjcallj stated and tally understood that elle Sas not to have any men hang- ing armnnl the kitchen. Stir held to the agreement three er four nights, and thew the family discovered that she had a bean. He carne regularly every eight after that, and three or four nights ego the colonel was at the back gate waiting elsewhere. for hien. When the young man appear - We do -nut mesa that the domestic ed the colonel threw a whole iceberg in - man, %n the w ife'a sere, will be Mways to his tonesas he ingsired : at home. "Well. sir, do you cuwe liete to The man always at home has not half @Pari " was the calm reply. the chance of the man whose duty is out- 'hit 1 did," , are Jou way. aa Bide )t(((ine r metiertehe inter 6 / i�F • with 1" - The point at the wife is, that he „blwrah ask." shr.uld like home when he is there ; and "Oh, T didn't know but you loved one that likin a contend, belongs, first of of m 1111 did ■ err, ' aneered'tlltt a,l�•nel: es to sli sane notate Orono, end t. * ► '' ,,'i, J ikl't a pie sw4,.'.4 dote .use; e.�aRsd, 111'1 non t�la`Ie icy toe • d Ili lie a toted to rodctl a 'udder' ideas easy minded Iran. I`tatuniey Review. "but the thing hasn't gone Bo far with Sarah but what I might break off in ewe The will of the late Mary M Perkins of a.siou reeds : --'eI leave to m hue- you had s..mething letter up stairs for band. "tom, me*** Fozra ti. P • a tatrtti..1 UMiaghllknsiid°ma4°°ertF>rrtmh a 't s�nrk cher! - Any morel John Hardy, from whom she snppnned but the ookwlal won't get over being herself diyMlcett the p perry, pee l for errors' weeks yet. kine, no:r claims the property, en the cued Neat Wires belay/RA husioadtt.l ",ye �r arrattM..-A wet kn.,wn a ilio 11i1'rrl't's► t+►rteeeolatt+t Melvin�{- )wind frwudolent. 'j•p,tt�� vtipt _decided ^nne''fion with the Hair Re»evert wlriei► that the estate .+l» I,d Adviddd be -1 stormcooter s erey hair to its natural by tween the two men. anti the case in he- tA few attle by ks nee. smee WSold at ?n ...roots pee fore the V ,mime ironer .•n attest SUBSCRIBE FOR TRE SIGNAL Fitt\t Nt►W Till tbe 1st oftianuary FOR ONLY 25 Cls. Now is the time to Subscribe for a Wide Awake lcwspap�r. The Euron Signal Will be sent to any address from now Till Jan. lst,1884 R For $1.50_ Thus giving you the balance of 1882 for nothing. The Sial and Giobe FROM NOW Till Jan. lst,1884 Ft tit $2.25 Subscribe Now 1 And get the benefit o"f this offer w 'CHEAP GROCERIES I IDEAS SWIFTI Segs to announce to the people of Clodenth and this section of Huron, that he ha pour ha d from Mr. A. Phillipa kis stink of Groceries, etc., and will continue the business in the old stand, us the Corner of Victoria and Bri ioe Streets. Raring bought the goods for nosh, and aa 1 imbued to make all my purchases from wholesale men for cash also, I will be in a position to sell at Very Low Prions for Cash My stock will always be fresh. 1 will keep the beat brands of teas, good sugars, and everything in the grocery has from the hest producers. Bacon, Spiced Meats etc.,alwayys on band is season. I am determined to please, both iopuality and price jitia-Call at the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Fair Ground, neer D. K. BtGoderich, March nth, 1882. S WIFMmachine ,bop. 11. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. C4-_ B A R R Y t f`$ a t le - CABINET CABINET - :1 11 AND IINBERTAKER se Hamilton Street, Goderich. D_ A guod ue...ruuel.t of Sit. ben. Std -room, 1lin!ne froom and Fartor Furniture. But h as Ta hies. Chan. (hair, ca . and wood seated., Cupboards, Bed -steads, Mattresses. Wash -scan Lounges, Sufu■. What -Not.. Looking N. B.- A complete assortment of Cortina and Shrouds always on har.dialao liver -sea for h at reasonable rate . Picture Framing a srectalty•-A t all s.:l.cited. BOOTS&SHOES =OVT1Z1.n1 B • t announce to the Public that thry hair opened b11ineas in the above Strew a I the ..torn lately occupied by Horace 'Newton. Having purchaacd a Targe and .ell a.+e reed stock of Spring and Sunnos r Goods at close figures, et. are determined to give the Public the benefit. i. CUICK SALES & HALL ' OFITS WILL B OUR "OTTO ire -Plea cell and examine our goods lefere purchasing elsewhere. i j Per-Remelnber the place, next dost to J. \\ 1•sun's Drug Store. , anr•Custoni work will receive our special attention. ra'None but the lest of mittens' used and first -close workmen employed. t Mr -Repairing neatly done 00 the shortest notice. Gleterich, March b. 11382. DOWNING & WE DU P Mr. Jas. Fulton, of Walton, has sold his pn.perty there. He intends keeping hetet iu Winthrop•, and will commence 'bout the 1st of November. las the mean in, the hotel is being fitted up for him. Mr.tFulton will make a genial a nd obli- ging host. Tree is Her Treat. Too much cannot be said of the ever faithful wife and they, cnnstautly watching and oaring for her dear ones, never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they are asaaiTed by dis- ease, and tl.e system shout$ have a thorough cleansing, the stomach and b..wels regulated, bb,otl purified. and tit,1 sial pi .)son exteruoioate,l, elle intlst knew that Electric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the hest and purest ,nediciue in tar world and only coat fifty cents. Sok! !.t .7. Wilson. E4] •s tndltutrtrnveN �`: j ttsitr robbed r (et1111.1• lives /t l..ufi'�• hapyt•lesv 1 health rostomd RRR iii/// by(hen.00fthetrrent GERMAN INVIGORATOR 1-10 ! FOR IMO I Inlet 1. p.4a1'Ively and prnnanl•1 y muses rias• Potency' tensed by evictors "l any kind 1 sesslaal vicakaera, I.net all di,.ea.t•e that fel- low asa segucncc of St!f-:\bm:v, as loos of en- ergy, hew of memory, er.iversal lassitude. pain In ins .tack. dimneas of vision. prema- ture old ageand many other diseases that lead. to 11x4:, t' or consumption and a hrcma- tINe lineave. Bend for ei:: Mars with SCSI ('00045,4 free by mall. The 1%TIte*ATOt is sold at ill per box, or six boxes for nut by all drufnriats. or Alli be neva tree my mail, se. •.trely I:esied. nn re(eipt of price. by addressing. F..). 1.11ENR'Y. 1'rll rti„'. 187 Summit ht.. rt-).:'hin r'.•:e Agent for Godcrt•' KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying off gradually without weakening the system, all :he impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Acidity of the Stomauna4ach. hensneaa, Dyape sineous. Heart tti. Constipation. Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy Dim - of Vision•Janndice. Salt Ehenm Dim- of Scrofula. Fluttering of liiart, Nervousness and General ty; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the ha y inthienre of BURDOOS BLOOD B • Sample Bottles 10c ;Regular size $1. For sale by all dealers. T. ■IIaiu • CO. lweprtsttees, T*YouNt ;AANIT0Bit The Great Western 'Railway will run their excursions t•• MANITOBA and DAKOTA points during May and June every two weeks, commencing TUES- DAY May, 2nd. 1881. Fares Reduced. For uferntatien, tickets, etc., apply t GEO. B. JOHNSTON. Special Agent Great 1Veetern hallway Goderich.Ont Ooderizh. April. LR, 1)442.• - 1835. NRS. \VAR OCK Begs to acquaint the ladies of )oderieli vletnity. that she is now showing. Sprig Slimmer Millinery At her shop. Hamilton Street, in great and brsutitul variety. She halt secured the ser- vices ofn city milliner, and tools assured that she can give SATSIFAC T I ON IN ROTH , STYLE AND MAKE. sacho es to be favored with a visit frum her patrons. and the ladles generally. \IBS. WARNOC'K. HALL'S ATARRH URE is Recommended by Pkv'slefsna. CUn,MS Catarrh of the Nasal Cgvity Cnronic and llkerattvap Catarrhf ��he Ear. Eye or Thrnat. It is takM INTERNALLY, and! acts DIRECTLY upon the Mood and Luso Surfacer et the System. it is the seat Wool Fernier in the WORLD, and l worth ALL that h charged for IL for THAT assns. T11 ONLY MIME. CU3E [OR CATARRH car IN THY: a1.tltl4Y•T 100 ?sea $51:13.W.; ts7 qt?not $ 00 �J GJina�% wazatien, inns, harsh b, � My litt a s.g ,t -r erns trot' e t whir Oatarrh roeMO y.ars, .n 1 was rare a• roe b••nellltad by the use of ' 1t4.1.1 Uatarru a burr" She IB now about eared. Wle. T. H > Yaa. dt.t.Axn, Out., Marsh tall, l•, [baro u'N4 " H►ll'e C itsrrb Cmw," an 1 judo. 14 f.r.n, the a'+e•t remits 1 ds 4v.4 fro,n me .,,ttI.. believe 11 wi.l ei.r., thn mutt stubborn' • 50 of catarrh if 11. nu be non'In',s-I for a r. smoothie length o1 to tY, 11. 1131.1.511111. 11'at.t.aan. that, Marisa s>. Haft i. J.CwevarRC•s,T••1•dld• n. Gents. -Hate amid I1.11's Catarrh cue,* ler she st )ear, awl 11 giro. rutin. se. ttdSehou Y'w,rs IrelY, Il. V. HODSON, i>rsagtsk Hall's Catarrh Cure ' Nola by all Wbo,les,le ant Retail Drnadeb sad Dealer. In Patent Y..•11eMnsIs the CrJMd .,t.tes and Comm/. cents a "Mlle. KW a Dos. Curse Cholera,Cholera Morbus. Dy- ' rpt gym male* v, Catarrh i *nhoC Curs is saws- watery, watery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- QP., of ,m,wttowa nese and Sumpter Complaint ; also 1 >Mtel.a a. ere octans trade by ! Cholera Infantum, and all Com- 1 IA w. HOBSON, W l plaints peculiar to children teeth- int. and will be found equally Ibeneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL ORUCCISTS. T. MILBURN & 00., ,, ♦.ors• Tpeeve t s sIland. Ont. GEORGE RHYNAS, Sole Agent, t3uderielt. .) -113. WILT. PAY Font TUE STEN \ goat* a free int the halano•eof t -�.bset'Trr► t'hsee seal wet hall benetwae t111s R, ti