HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-17, Page 61 j 6 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY NOV 17 1 SHO 18 II B? 1 "Ob. what a lovely bomb of lanais' ! is it possible they are for rae 1" I ex- claimed to a tiny, brown -eyed girl, who placed a fragrant boquet of the gold and purple dewy blooms in my hammock in which I was idly swinging under the big maple. "Auntie Lee sent thein," said the wee child, "and she hopes the mountain air will soon make you well, anti she ii our neighbor down under the hill." "Who is neighborly Aunty Lew 1 1 asked the woman with whom I boarded when next she came within hearing of 1111 voice. "Oh, then, she sent you some posies," replied talkative Mn. Evans, coining briskly from the garden and sitting down on the steps of the little porch so that she might entertain me while she was shelling her peas, thus "killin' tew birds with one stun,' as she said. "I was a wonderin' tew myself not tew min- utes -ago how long 'twuuld be afore she'd find out about ye an' send ye suthin'. I snd it really sated to me as if the brisk i had a basket and e s ado. and had been lite tertian thudded to herself as she diggink up wild towers to trsnaplaot in gatileir down stairs. their garden. Although an entire strasg- In lea than half an hour she came er, they Mooetod me kindly. Noticing bark with as doleful s looking visage as that 1 WO been crying, Mrs. Lee asked 1 ever saw. me say4ouble. Before I knew it I had Whatever is agoin to become it, rte blurted out the whole story, and had and my man," cried she ; "and we gottiu' bleu invited by her to go hone with hor to be old folks, too. Our saving were and stay over Sunday with her. 1 was, all in the stook company at*Manville, of uou.., only to: grateful to accept the because they paid more interest than the invitation. After supper we set out the bank ; we only tuk it eout o' the bank a plants, and then Mr. Lee took me with little while ago, meow their Mill has gone him down the hill to the bank of the clean off, an' they'll all go to gineral "brook" as ate called it then, and into smash and we along with 'stn." And his little u•achine:s hop. I soon evinced this time she went slowly groaning down my fondness for tool,:and conhded to the stairs. 1 could not help pitying the him an invention that had, in a crude woman from the bottom of my heart. forth, long had possession of my brain. There was great excitemeut in the Being a natural Mechanic, he saw the little village, as a Matter of course ; hut utility of my invention st a glance The Aunty Lee was reported to be as "chip- subject was not mentioned on the mor - per" ns ever. The nosegay came to me row, which was a quiet, restful day to every day as usual, not quite so many me. Sin. Lee loaned me a clean liner, nor so great a variety as formerly, for a part 4,1 the garden had been washed away, but enough to give me an increas- e 1 admiration for the sweet old lady, olid was so persistent and so unweary- IA /be•Ysras w.eslssa A gentleman leanimr seism oste elf the i rue pillars iu Dooner.'s eels us eat adej evesiut efts observed to pitch suddenly forward, and nearly fall on the marble floor. He turns 1 very pale and looked- about ookedabout hnn lusee whether his involuntary action had been noticed. It did not op pear to have been, and he walked back to,,the pillar and eastuiued it critically. Theihe walked around it and looked up to th ceiling He looked at the floor, -and then to satisfy himself whether the post had moved from its place aa� kicked hitt he pressed hard against it Stith tt.r palm of his hand. In another instant the gentleman wrs sprawling on the floor. Be got up, ai d finding that he was begging to attract it• teutiou, he walked back and sought \t . Dui.ner. ' • Is this place hauntoil," he asked, ' ..t hare you a familiar spirit which knock' snit belonging to her husband, and 1 'I people down 1 Then he oxidative,' ala' went to church with them. Next day had taken place. Mr. Lee went over to H—and made taken Nonsense,' said Mr. Dooner, "show terns with master, because lira. Lee said she could not allow um to feel like If yew are dwir..'.to •el.l..iu 1111, collude relief from any ki•luey trouble, anti thus rotout tb.lat..lrtohlt• that a:si sat- taal the souleat ..f these ilt tivaataia • • to plants (toed alio do' a ii • !) who t u Dr. Vast litat?'. Ku•..r.l tet 1. e. j'tr is wife, site; be . 11,1 e'i, cr nal. tail i hyo l' W n.• i, ..".'r,'., 10. all can't see, for uiy part, how she can af- , and gave me a cor- ing in her nighborly acts of kindness. � a 'run away.' Then Mr. Lee took me ford to do as she does." The next Monday's local newspaper intu his employment "Why what does she do 1" I asked. hal this unique notice at the head of the ner in his shop, where I ooukt, at odd "Oh, she says she aims to be neigh- 1 village items : moments work at my jmodel. My inven- borly, and if anybody happens to be sick anywhcr•o around she sends then, little things to eat and flowers to cheer 'em up, as she says, an' she always has her knittin-work in her pocket and her 'odd job o' knittin' ' as she calls it,•growa out like Magic into glove, and mittens and wristlets and stoeckin's that she glees , At the time appointed I had a car- ferouely. antsy. rime come to take my hostess and me, "To her friends, people full able to "Dear heart," said Aunty Lee to ane, I P Y and my basket of cakes and bone fresh "what was he talking about 1 He's paid buy then,, I suppose.'I from the bakery to the beautiful grove. us ever and over, and he's tried and "Oh, dear, no. To poor children, an' I As we were driven 1 was surprised to tried to make Elijah go into partnership tew old men an' women that J epxose are I see so many people, lunch baskets in with him, but he wouldn't, and I would re:.! o.,...1... ,io' '' .. ...., ^ by !hand, speeding in the same direction. not let bin,." ll,. , r • . , i : >,,,^_,. for I "Almost everybody in town is going, Thou followed one-tninute speeches by her yarns are as bright as her flowers,an' said Mrs. Evans, "high and low, rich 1 the score "They kept mo three I've told say Mall a good many tinea and poor." Mentha when I was sick and homeless," that the color wont toward inaein' her As I was being assisted to my seat n little gifts so welcome. An' then she gentle, motherly little woman spread a said one. "I made their house my home for weeks when I was out of work," said has so much company." I soft shawl over the Lack of the chair�in- another. Ten homeless working girls "Hick people from the city, whose vie- ' tended for ine,and quickly folded anoth aero married in their parlor, and went out into the world.. with their blessing. There was a great number of touching little speeches from thoset hathadreceiv- td,flowers and delicacies in:illness and warm garments in time of need. And so from them all flowed out con- tributions of money, the greater part of which was safely placed in the bank fur the tenefit of the Lees when old age and failing should overtake them. "Dear ole," said Mrs Evans to Aunty Lee, "you've been lendui to the Lord, and he pays the boat interest, after all, I never could understand before ; but I do now." - e , "There are tune of us ro poor that we , mai, who though', he was drinking mol- ten lead did the same by placing his foot on the metal rail in front of the bar, after he had lilted the glass to his lips. The screw was given a half turn back, the circuit was broken and everybody was relieived.—[Philaleipdia Press. "All who have ever been the recipients of 'kindly deeds from 'Aunty Lee' and who would like to reciprocate now in her day of misfortune are invited to bring their supper to Oak Grove on Thursday afternoon at 5 o'clock and talk the mat- ter up over a 'neighborly' cup cf tea." tion was a success and made try fortune, as you all know. I am thankful, my friends, that I am able to day to repair the damages done to the dear old home- stead and to rebuild my old friend's shop.' Major Sanford sat down, wiping his eyes with his handkerchief, while his delighted audience applauded voci- MAN ,,,r oaaaatoirerte wore von aW mama oe a a -1� r use the post and 1'11 hug it if you say lsc.. ' Mr. Dooner was shown the post, and ha put his arms around it. But it was nt t fur long. In less than two secunda Mr. Dooner was where his guest had been a few minutes before. At the same time a howl of rage was heard in the barroom. Mr. Doouer ran back. A man was stand- ing there with a half -emptied glass of wine in his hand. ' •What does this mean 7" he domand- ed. ''I attempted to take a drink and a shock went through me like a galvanic battery. Do you —'He was inturruj t- ed by another man who entered ,suddtn- ly, with a yell and a muttered imprea- tion. "What's the matter here?" he ask,d rather angrily. "I put my hand on to iron post out there," pointing to the cafe, and I believe I'm paralyzed." By thistime a group of excited min had bathered around. "The place 'a bewitched," said one; "or has been mag- netized," ventured a little man, who wi s smiling broadly. I'ts nothing of the kind. These gentlemen have received an electric shock. Make an investigation and s ie it I ani not right. The hotel proprietor sent for the nl+ l- ager -ager of the Electric Power company airs Ar.h street aouve Tenth. Be came and in less than twenty minutes had silted the mystery. It was found that a steel screw, 1.• which depended an electric light, .had' been pushed too far through the lath and plaster and come in contact with an iron girder, the girder rests en tke pillar, and the base of the pillar rested on ane,ther girder beneath the floor. The gentle- men who were knocked had cempletel the circuit by touching the poet, and the its she returl:s, I suppose ?" „ "Oh, land sakes. no ; pour folks that are tickled moat to death to get an invi- tation to her pretty little home. Yes, her home is amazin pleasant, though her lean is a poor ine.:hanic. She's always a sayin' that she'd rather dew a little good I dols t know what all these good people are to do with Elijah and me," she said, every day aa she goes at thinghan to be a with a smile that was genial as a eun- waitin' to do some great when rhe with „but the minister would have to get. able, and p'raps lose her opportun- ity and never do nothin'. I told her come, and he and his wite drove around one day last year, says I, 'Mrs. Lee, I foThe minister ascended the platform should ruthur be a puffin' by a little just then, and after tendeny yet impres- aumthin' in the bank for a rainy clay, 7 than to be a givin' away all the time.' lively invoking the divine blessing, he And says she, 'Mrs. Evans,` say.‘ she looked down benignly upon the faces 'that's your way, an' its a good way. I upturned to his and with a touching in - don't find no fault with it, but all these tonation of a voice asked littfe things that I give away would nee- "Who is my neighbor 1" He then went cn to tell hew Aunty er get into the -bank, and so, you see, Lee had answered that question in they would be lost, and I would pats re - away without ever doin' anything for my "When I first to himself, ft became acquainted with Master. An' I don't want to go to bed Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Lee," he said, '`I a night without , to lighten about I have was finishing mytheological studies here that day tried lighten some fellow g � mortal's burden, brought a ainile to some in the village with Dr. Mills, and they face or a streak o' sunshine tew some had just been married and settled down d which they heart, if it's only givin' a bunch o' posies er shawl for my lame foot to rest upon. "This is Aunty Lee," said Mrs. Evans, anJ the sweet-faced little woman and I looked into each other's fats with a little curiosity; perhaps, as well as eym- pa'. hy, and shook hands ccrdially. "I A ,pus. l;Yerl N'.44 r, 1 . ' '•"„ • ay.J the l..to tient. Mir tsars. a t.se 1. ,lev►Ila deaf ani ylltatb instil ,t.•,' was i.t II hid week, 111 p., •. nee •t 1 he eul.erin- ...,•...ewt. valour* p e,•ila .+ .1 , ..1e ..f „.. 1 naJ1 Ytivit in the right spirit.' " "And these flowers cost Liter a good deal first and last, I suppose !" said I, caressing my pansies. "Oh, 'ane a 'cod deal to run such a garden s. she does, but Mrs. Lee says she's not strong, so she gets fresh air, sun -baths, and exercise in her garden, an' agenda her time workin' in there in- stead of visitlh'. She returns all her calls by sendin' her compliments with a bunch o' posies." "She hirci 'moons to carry them about I presume?" "Massy, no. There isn't s child in the village but what would run its legs off for Aunty Lee," and having finished shelling her mess of peas, my talkative little hostess trotted about her work again, saying as she disappeared through the doorway, "It's well enough to be neighootly, of course, but Mrs. Lee may see the time when she'd a wished she had a little *runt lain' eout' at interest. Haawrwer t a � Mt pallrtte lsMsstaea� �—a r by that .hortewo awes wt+ t e►aoe�n�o� SOK ne alta all the rte fel Noe of two use, AilltoS arses gods and Sae Yount. t at reed the Annette and tee ! Ile ant V .art.aled and of Yost Oomtortebie p.n.s ?neatest P.faoelees/1t 11ne d Maths Oars In tai or �•re1 e� between Dose pant, •ia the Tenons "ALBERT LEA ROUTeEa.." A New and Direct Lnt•, el. eewaese LeKaska- te•,has r•eestls been opened betwee Horroik.lrewvort $•OwSe,, Olu,..io0P, Manta. ea- ao•te, apo"' ante, LwlTe',. Lzl1Omah� u ae.p- oils and sad Lens•ate..:: Dila add aR Teal and tnte„•o..t.0 Mlsu. All 'Through pa.as•rtgee. ' .v,i on lest *xprsa TraiTieka ter sale .t .n pprto•.pal ?Whet Ome.s the United Aute. and Canada. Haag. 5 elle bed through sed rates or tam al- ways as low u ooap•titor. that afar less deen- or deta.ld information, get oke Yaps end Tote• ere of the GREAT ROCK ISLAMD ROUTE, gg�eta leaf Horton bolus Oat end Y.roart_ I•e. My e Cha .std =ta lel cannot give as we have. A smile or a kind word even will come back to us in kind," said Aunty Lee, and we all brush- ed away the tears that we could not sup- press while those touching speeches were bein bade -and went to our homes. .taawer m eleey t errespendeats. In reply to numerous‘ inquiries from our readers, concerning the wonderful quali- ties of the Great German Remedy, St. Jacobs Oil,—mentioned in our last issue, At pour nearest Ticket Canoe, or .ddewe R. R OABLt, t. &T. JOHN, The sudden changes in our, Canadian climate are certainly conducive to Lung, Throat and Chest affections, but by the prompt use of the proper remedy there in their little house yonder, w w ey is no reason why Consum];tion should ]d informthem that the article be so prevalent. Dr. Carson s Pulmonary had inherited. (loco I was sent for to won preach on trialthe g town of may be obtainedfrom our retail druggists, Cough Drops never fails to cure Couoa. inadjoining or by their aid. Ask forst. Jaeobs Oil, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, pain or op - may Luxboro'. My only coat was worn and 1f the dealer does not keep it in pression of the Chest, and all pulmonary threadbare and extensively patched, and stock, he will be able to procure it in a affections. It loosens the phlegm I had no way of procuring another. few dayundersts from na there in existing o iesmeWe We bra largeereaks btitles ohe tgh. old everywhere Feeling sorely grieved and dispirited I I demand for the remedy, which is not so For sale by Geo. Rhyne. started out for a walk, and for the sake of,' telling my troubles to some fellow creature, and with no thought of receiy- very surprising when it is considered what it is daily accomplishing in the way of relief and cures, bordering, in some ing any aid in thespremiaes, turned into instances, on the miraculous. Mrs. Lee's house and read to her the It is re,orted that the ex -Empresa invitation I had had from Luxboro and frankly told her why I could not go at present. Leave it to the Lord.' said the good woman, and forthwith she proceeded to take my measure with a piece of tape• Theexperience of thousands has shown `Go horde,' she continued. 'write your that the Stomach, Liver and Bowels may sermon, and come here' again Saturday be kept in a perfectly healthy condition --the attacks of disease warded off and a morning.' vigorous state of health maintained by "I obeyed. I subsequently found that the use cf Dr. Carson's Stomach and the woman had actually taken a piece of Constipation Bitten Ate you troubled cloth she had laid by in the house for a cloak for herself, and tailoress as she was by trade, bad cut and made Ines coat from it. I preached my first sermon in it, and shortly received and accepted my first Eugenie has made a will leaving all her property to Prince Victor Napoleon, to whom falls the inheritance of Napoleonic succession. The estate is of immense value. The Vermont mountain air agreed with me, my health gradually improving and I stayed on, week after week, spending a great part of my time when the weather did not positively forbid, in my hammock under the maples. As yet I had not onto seen my neighbor, Aunty Lee, but grew to love her on amount of the pretty nose gays that daily found their way from her hand to mine by an- other child messenger ON night, late in August, there was a seddsn downfall of rain swelled the little river that skirted aur village to a veritable mountain torrent. A small dam 00110 mile. up the stream had brok- en rok-en away and the angry flood came rush- ing down sweeping .11 before 1t "Aunty Lee's husband's work shop has efts," shouted my hostess, Mrs. Ke- ane, w she broiled at toy door is the early morning after the storm ; "and that's not the wont of it, for her garden is all sashed out and undermined, an that it will take a party pile of money tee► ill it up again if 'tis ever fixed. I weeder now of Nm Lee don't wish eke hadn't been quite so neighborly, and so anthad a tittle .omethie' .t at esterase r' with Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stom ach, Bili'.usness or Comtipation? If so, try this remedy and be cured. For tale by all Druggists i• bottles at 50 eta, For sale by Geo. Rkss yn The widow alt the lite A. Inman, "Oh, all." drowned off the Asia, has base ptasent- "Oh, dear," whispered Aunty Lee ed with an address, and will t!esstee $1, - from her seat by my side, "he has paid 000 from the Coesmeeeiiel Travellers' As - me for that coat every New Year's day sosiat1( . of which let husband was a since, and it wean't mueh for me to do Ineillbel alter all." Major Seaford, the richest man in town was the next to take the stand. The old people smiled and nodded their heads, bet the young folks 1,•oked at a + eseh raker rind wondered what he could which made my lentv, very sow's, bat be indebted to Aunty Lae fur. after using , •ns bottle of Wistar s Balsam "When 1 was a boy," the Major be 1o/ Wtlol Ohtrry the pair, sand cough du• 1 sea* boned oat is 11—, to atap.are.d earl have not tn*hleet medics. Ban. f believe the Balsam is the best mitdian very. very bad master, from whom I (i.- 1 in use and well worth the paloe asked for Itermined to rtes away. I seeded myd f it. Tours truly. .1aaaa Tires. 60oents of an opportunity to escape sae Sitar- tate 111 a I"',tie. `fold by desl.n gainer - day afternoti, whist 1 *as that t e ' padore to salt the°lttle. 1 cmeolllaight At itarrie. on Friday, Henry Yorke Lover the mountain to this plane t was acquitted of the murder of Daniel wanted to get ort of eh. Stat. two anon m Neel in Tay township in May last. the able, se camerect directly to the bridge evidence not proving that death resulted pn.s from tit. blow streak. down here at the river which is, you all Prompt Estiet to stoic lA••dsehe, dissi- know, the New Hampshire bosadary. nese. nausea. eoaetipstion, ppart in the Just as I had stepped upon Vermont rade, etc . gltaraatesd alt thnus oeiftg toil. I overtook, ow the mad, Mr end Carter's Little Luer riles Goa pill a Ain Lae young people then They does. E6 *onto el. rales of sae Stals. Bow man vilk, Ont., Nov. 8, 187 2. Messrs. Setts W. Towle I lions, Bastes: fiertleman -1 have been troubled with bleeding of the lungs for a long time. About two vein i took a severe cold Dairymen who own from 60 to 100 cows, and who have made butter far 30 yeah, mshesitatengly state that Thaieher'e Orange Butter Color possesses a degree of merit heretofore unknown. Of all the ills that flesh is heir to kid- neydisease is the most distressin To suerers, we can only say, take Dr. VAN BURRS'S KIDiaY CURS at once, and thus obtain a relief you annotlfind elsewhere. All Druggists have it. J. Wilson Code - rich 2m: 11lee.rrea [: (Mal a•a', Gm'I Tat i ams. Alt CHICAGO. 1111E1Pik N, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Le aoagqo, Bat -;lathe, Soreness or oho Chert, Nil, Quinsy, S^re T.1r cct, Stre/f- itis and r. ' ': s, Burns cnd Scalds, G;rcra1 Eca::y Pains, Tcoth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all .thea Pains and Aches. lo. Preparation on earth Huai• Sr .1 iron On se a safe, err*, simple and cheap Etter..) lteoed;. A Mel .steals but �Kl •rrp+nei ely tellies ostler of ue trots, lar wi10 pails .0 have cheap sad wenn afore' 4 Is dense Dtreetl,:nr le ?Jens lespe ape BOLD ST ALL 't !ODIOUS> LIDDEELLE= Ii. VOG R & CO.. B.tNeaere, Ma.. V. S. L Mr. James Auld, of Wawanaih.: this year sold about 800 dozen eggs' the product of about 70 fowl. Free of Cost. All persona wishing to test the merits of a great remedy—one that will peei- tively cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchites, or any affection of We Throat and Lungs—are requested to Hall at Jas. Wilson's Drug Store and get a Trial • Bottle of Dr. Kings Ne* Dis- eovery for Consumption, free of cost, which will show you what a regular dol• lar -rise bottle will do (1) A cargo of walnut ex Reba -met Jessie Drummond, from Chicago, was geld on arrival at Quebec at 111.10 per hoot. The owner, Mr. Kelly, will clear about $ 10,000. Ladies who suffer periodical) from pains in the back will find immediate r - lief in a few doses of Dr. VAN BUREN'S KIAwsv Cram it ROA never known toted. Try it at on e. Your Druggist keeps it. ,a. %Nilson Godericb. 'pts: A Good inyestmeat. — Twenty -6v. cents es need to your druggist for a bottle of Hagysrt's Yellow Oil will allay more pain and care more diseases than many dollen speer for ordinary ppedi- Cies' would de, Fejow O411 Dara Iltheti matism, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, Sora Throat, Croup, Stift Joint*, CooWssted Cads, and all Latawuem and ieieomb tion. 2. Why go on day after day sufferintg� with A *boa a bate of Dr. 'e will cure you t if you do ad ills b it ask youV druggist for a diAflis --sad read what those who have used it say about it. Price $1.00 2m Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ad- justed to secure activity, certainty, d uniformity of effect. Tbe7 and practicalthe of years and are the study ost effectual r'em- dray gement of tlheer diaeasea caused stomacb, liver, end bowels,bowels, wh1Ch require prompt and effec- tual treatmaht. ATsn s Pitts ars are cially applicable to this class of dlteasea. They act directly on the digestive fns assimilative processes and restore rows. par healthy action. Their extensive use byy ase in their practioe, and by a�ilized nations, is one of the many proofs of their valise as a sate, sore, ant perfectly reliable purgative medicine Being compounded of ice su enh nt aces. virtues of purely e� algal s. they are positively tree troch or any injurious properties, and can be administered to children with perfect I safety. Arm's Paas are an effectual cure for Constipation or Coftd*ewsm, Indi- gestion, Dysppeepsia, Loused iiiireifft Foul Stomch andImam seas. Headache, Losss u o Numbness, Biliousness, .1a Rheumatism, Eruptions asp Birds Diseases,DrciPey, Tumors, Worms, >Dya•aRery, Clout,, Pflws, iMssriw'a Neuralgia, Collo the Liverresult- ing from a tand all other e disordered state of tthhe ddi6es- tive apparatus. A3 a Dinner Pill they have no equal. While gentle in their action, these rims are the most thorough and sesteh. ing cathartic that can be employed, and never give pain unless the bowels are is. flamed, and then their influence is heal- ing. They stimulate the appetite and digestive organs; they operate to purify and enrich the blood, and impart re- newed health and vigor to the whole system. PREPARED BY DR./. C. AYER & CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists - Lowell, Mass. SOLD ST ALL D$U8Gu111 areaTwases. For sale by ALLAN LINE .IAS. W ILSON. of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL LONDONDERRY. 0158 - GO 1t-. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS lf.{IL 1rL'.:=lt'J:—.'F.rI ON 1M2 Cabia. lett rmedinte and Steerage Tickets LOW CST RATES. Steerage Passengers are booked to Land C'ardif. Bristol, geaeestewn. Derry, Be Galway and tp -gow, at esme rates as Liverpool eA W 3iCe Mime to MAC ,(OCT11. r OCT PARI ANN ! I NO.14 SARDINIAN V . C[ItCASSN AN tb PARISIA PARISIAN SA RIIATIAN PERUVIAN NOV. 1 . For tickets and e •ere laformation apply • H. AR11l TftONO. Ticket AZieric b 1831-3m. HARDWARE. GO TO-- MCKENZIE'S • • To o BUY YOl7R— CrossCutSaws&Axes TOUR cow c1I1viLIES Y Table AendAPocknet. CPCrituHtTler- fayll N-ee fleeif t Value, PaintlsarrandaOIilsFaas—ottosmHaPdrices. Barb Wire --Best Made. R. W. McS:.t 1 .•