HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-17, Page 5DARING ATTEMPT TO KILL. Jays I,ewse. at Bath* eat.rd.y SION- sfs W S14•be A.e.ela Asve.M&. Dpm 3 , Nur. 11•—A !larirg *Atoll*114 was made this men*to ess..eitlsie ♦ Jht'�1udi Lumen is Ohm sOm*Dubile. W the judge was going to his deb, the,,r�,.e ,, PACS iotioed suspiciolrs movements onthe part of an itto'iridual on the opposite stde el the street. The man was afterward Men tU cross i bed in ad tower& Lawson sad put beast out, whereupon be was knocked down by a policemen and found to be holding a 0 -chambered revolver. The prisoner was When to the station. He roe t s Mule of Corrigan, which is knows to be false. He is kuuwn to bee foreman carpenter, and the affair is be beret le have originated in a secret so- e Numerate anode are expected. Dublin, Nov. 12.—Jedge Lawson evi- dently had a narrow escape from assassi- n ates lest evening. Sine his appoint - meet of judge ender the prevention of crimes set, and more especially since the severe sewipaper oommIOti upon think, he has never gone out without 2olioe protection. He has received a - it u number of threatening lettere, aadlsrge alleged has been sentenced to death iby secret societies. The Aker who knocked the presser doves received * oat on the hand in the The 's revolver is au t' exact tern o those found in the house on )Post street, where MeileboL was shot some time ago. On the way to the poiios station the prisoner tried t:, get rid of a doses cartridges. His real n ame is Patrick Delaney, and he resides at 131 Cork street, Dublin. It is believed other persons besides Delaney, were engaged in the attempt, as an endeavor was made to stop a ' tram car so u to give the assassin an opportu- nity to comp* during tho confusion. Sone sayDelaney is s returned convict who is oliged to report himself to them from time to time. In 1880 be was sen- tenced to five years for robbery and attempted murder. A search of the prisoner's house revealed nothing, but the police appear to regard his sect se a corroboration al their suspicions relative to him in eonneottoo with another very ;1.1portant affair. A conference et law e6 eta was held ::t the castle toddy. Thal{ rd-liewtensnt went to oongeseelate Lawson on his escape. Sew l. 1•taeie a Biting sea. A gemination wbo has given the sub- ject clops attention furnishes Ilse follow- • ing campaign plan to avoid being bitten by a vicious dog,whieb we in all serious - nus publish fur tete bese6t of tbo.e of our readers who airy be interrupted by a biting deg while they are stealing fire wood, or are in tbeir nebnibor's yard dor My other improper purpose ! "If you enters lot wberr there is a vieiwa dog be csrsfd to remove your amt es the animal app osehes you, hold the tame down by your nido between yourself end the day /Flue you have dere this you have ssoond perfect im- Munity from an ettas& The dog well sot attack you if this &deice is followed. each is arty faith in thio pdis7 that I will pay all deMor hills ism dog bites, and tenser expanses hr deaths from. hydrophobia. It is tie unknown den- ier the deg does not libeto meet " Why the dog refuses,* bite the man who carries the let in his hand we are unable to say : but such is the fact um - ' libelee'. Perhaps the intelligent and appreoimtiVe animal is dimmed by the politeness of the ietroes, in removing hit hat, or, may be, the dog becomes paralysed at the intrsder•tsking ups col- lection tor some deritatie pwrptma — [Texas EiftmtR "Well, hang it all ! I told the boy to Ills it last sight; gimme that marking - pet," and rushing out of the store, the board emus burr the cabalistic words "dealt fur Gala" Mr. John Oreuy, - formerly of Walde- mar, tae been appointed agent at the (lorrie elation, is the place of Mr. t' Russell, who will assist Mr. B.Ruall t%e Harriet,n station fur *he present. WiLL YOU Exc"aw®r *caro f Dy or �i Olt• Of5 _ i 3 cents? It fs c.:rflslly l' iwltte to -"or Da- - '•-"_'" ^ortnotut:-y sono ilmants "' smith:" from 1;;; apopalu, Indigestion, D1,ort_',Tea fat cm thcn.1 Liver. 171i-.11 this odor is -nada to you An your own 'home la *aft sincerity, with an absolute oertainty of oaring (from Brasil) cases Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A ogle doss relieves ; a R:.mpl o bottle convinces; a 75 cent bottle cures. It acts directly upon thc Stomach Liver, and Kidneys. Cleaasi!n r, Corr•+cting, Reg- ulating, Zopesa gives energy and vim to the Brain, Nervy, and Muscle, simply by work- ing wonders upon the n ;,ca•. tion, and giving activity to tho Liver. Cut this out, tato it to a-,-► dealer in medicines, and g_! at least one 78 cent but•av c - Zopeaa,and tel tyear ne•ighb t how it act& It f l w:.r-.an• • to care Dyipepsla o. d I. • SiMerWnIng t esemay. The 'Mole philosophy of hospitality is sm.med op by lmerem i. a following: "I prey pe, 0 excellent wife ! not to eember yettreSlf and me te get rich dinner for this men or this woman who has alighted at our gate, nor a bed *m- ho/ made 'ready at too gnat $ eon. Them things, if they are miens in, they can get fot dollar et the mirage. Bet in this stranger see, if he will, -in =three looks, in your anent and behavior, your heart and earnestness, yon yyoght sad will what he cannot boy Many poise, at nay village ee tom, as41sh be nue well 101,01 ail, Ades and dine sparingly and work Ltd in order to behold Certainly let tie board be spread an4'tbe bed he bested flee the traveller, toilet Mt the engineis of bespilsitt` be in that things. Hester to the boon where they ars aiesple M lie -verge of headship, en that the intellect is awsle mrd sem the laws et the eniNrM the soul worship esti sad lots, bons end courtesy bow into .11 deed." One et the pale.. somiu.s eta having a 4 • tome timid be tbs. is k w ties • place for friends and use stnegsis•— rooats, users than Hopei, the seeds et ahs family, and mane. "losses" M the in- tension tibia The mere of tone tmpi- tlelity, es Lanes bee sestak leis ite eosins from the beset 17, 1 `� �• XMAS ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Q -EO. SHEPPARD. 1 would respect- fully intimate that 1 ata opening cp au immense stock of TILS VARIETY" I`3 bu LARGE IT Wt I ►I'LL BE IMPOSSIBLE Tu ENUMERATE T1iE�f LL I HAVE BOUGHT LAlt(:ELI IN i� Miss Jessie Wilson, WASH' ONABLE 1 ILLINBtZ. Newest Styles in Hat and Bonnets The most popular Shades in Ribbons. ; Novelties lin Feathers and Ornaments. II Styles and Prices certain to pirate. Miss Jessie Wilson, THE SQUARE, GODERICH The Cheapest House Under The Sun. SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. CI Foie THE BALANCE of xuv F:MIElt. ver orient, AL1. GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH . SPECIAL LIM t; IN STOVES 1 TINWAf;i, WALL PAPER AND GENERAL NOUS'_ FURNISHINGS. - JAMES SAUNDERS & SON. England. Unified States' Principally from Manufacturers toil Large Dealers, and at Pricb; 20 to 40 per cent. Lower than the Regular Rate. I nn. thus enable.l to nen at Very Low Prices. In Sanas Cards I Will Show the Best Trade Nark Registered. ANo'raHR GBHAT DOOM IN WINNIPHG. Bp casual observation, we nod al lar' eepee(platere have a cleaarebpdd�eaaand wetdb the large foetuses. But the whets thus antiey keep the system in a h eendlt by th use /t y MI MUM SW TER TALL= lric15W ter Treat asyadWoof pottier cometo beforre w1at watt. � the following nls.ement We -weld give thousands of the amine kind h ft were was trembled two errs g awed net e.udda vrith o.sun,. i lee abetiiage. pates to °beet delle >saok ckice �r giving .tssv, am sow this tobuadreds et dollars up all hopes. I tried nwork g aRersevea Treem . J lB MoNRM. �[ flu Shoos' Street, Leedom. On . "The above statement at say wile 1. oot JAM= Megan.. leer est by all deegg eta. aseaefietered by Fred A. I Sieievee.4 tint Sample Illased.a.of Caa be hid In Ube folk, .�raeeerdr : deka Lky- ass..ad d. A. TIMOTHY SEED. A Bd tbti S es ashen' (i .There was a tend-ptiltsd .lin iB frost of en uptown groom is this city whish origisary reed, in dick, rMwdi lst Este "chit fee Ilea" A ,very B1Ree_ and sdtien inns hrlig areued the molar mina M row list it wee wrongly welled, asai spobs to the proprietor ebur' it. "Hata't that Gigs hon chs gad yet, lin t►" he kegm>s4 el bis soaldestisl sleet. "11o. 1 itl(te. set.' FRZSH and UOOD. THIS YEAR'S GROWTH. -A- SPLENDID VARIETY -AT- IR- S L O A T S BJH! STORM. CANADA'S FAVORITE WEEKLY ! to 1uu8TBRII ADVBBTI l • 1 I -AND- WZi37CLT LI333RJL, OF LONDON. CONT. lowering Reductio* in Price-Bsince of 180$ Fem Velneble Fre• mien for the coming year. WtsEl...S. . hos bows relined to JO The ;dice of ams Warm, Any a Itetfras to new A Yi.t1 emeass pegee, eistytosr oelmes. "iiii"'�eee. tnte.t news, valuable -departments, -0f Waren to all-...ttnned and completed hetes, tangle p.tsmes, tan. Der a sinus ex - me am 1 Mot pentium of WI p/aaggeed���sett ANS IrLiLl •, will be eell.d 1n wow tag cover or, for 1t omit., wDDI then gent to beery hoard raver. Comdata@ p fse1- latest aote watt tbirpapilla. .•wade asssss[[s�1 wsrfi. ay tee.wlrtg at Teem, tu'er'N wkaorlhrrs ova gsere' o,ra Aon Hsacrg " ammo,miruseee" ttSa U p' f tload Itogt ease wrorgMp.rt Vestal fortheDem Isle to the letIgor* 'U AiTLAND HOTEL, OODERICH AL, ONT. gray mid Mdaes Mme, else* le 51st.�.*w.*d arevslsa le lbs le .a *ad aetallea ie lease Igen iMe Air. Ate s*usi BATES. swtaaao SATE sae •ad.l iallatttti stt.esoetn`"'7« Fnotu Every Kstown Manufacturer. N:XT 1):101( TO'1'ItF: 1'(u -t- (nFFICF. the Chicago House, WEST -ST., GOID RICH. THE FALL TRADE IN MILLINERY I F{a:+ Ilo\C olxii d at that head•inart. r; of fashion, the t'hit•tic,, House, • •nI.1 I ago now in a position t-. state that the styl, l . st material and uw'.t reasonable prices can be found then. 1'' (•rt•thing in the Millinery line in Misses, Young l.a.lies, Matrons and Widows' Wear it on view ct the Chicago Hon Apart: •nlarly fine line in Willows' Caps can Is, seen. MISS WILKINSON is also agent for Butterick•s Patterns, and Works. Toronto. "'Ra•tiirmber the piaci • THE l'HIC'AGO HOUSE. Nest -Street. 1 NEWARR1VLS In. Albums, Shell Goods, Work Beans, Writing Decks, Dolls, Purees, Pipes, Toys, (IF (. FALL & WINTER GOODSI Fancy Cups and Simons, Vases, Toilet Setts, Se .t My Stack corona be surpassed for variety. Miscellaneous Books, Poets, Bibbes and Christmas Aatauals. A full liar. if will guarantor satisfaction in quality and prices. The Huron School Book Depot, CORNER NORTH STREET AND SQUARE, OODERiCH. OVERCOgTSNG S ScotcL English, Irisk & Cauadaiii Teods HUGH D UNLOP cggs_ A_ ivg=R,iv NEW DRESS GOODS But NIP— NEW 1P NEW FRUITS' CHRI'STMAS FallDress Goods A large shipment of NEW ARRIVALS EVERY DA7 . An Inspection Invited. --WITH- STRIPED and BROCADED shams Tc match in Dolor for trimming,. COURT'HOt:SE 84.1l ARE r zedice l ME c- o e�.C3a.,COLBORNE BROS � t „ C-ODERICH_ (: (D e 12311 Ate I !Ili '•8 a. B • w 7. JORDAN, Ohemixt *lad Druggist. wholesale nod foetal! Duster h Drupe, Chemicals, Dye Stn*. Herne sad Cattle Medi/fines. els. Perfumery, Toilet Articles and rises Goode. DANIEL GORDON CABIN= IdAKf1R, THE LELDINCIAV7NDERTAMIR. Furniture at Bottom Prices for Cash I have now on hand a very large stock, such as Chairs of all kinds, Tablets, Bedsteads, Parlor Bettis, Bide Boards, Rat- tan Chairs, &o., a>co., azo. 2 Doors West of the Post Office. Ari Des!gns ill Wall Papers. Now to the time. it you wish 01I0 or twg Noe rooms at home. to see Butler's room paper He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs Beautiful colors. and at price, leas than very muck f.feriorCall and eye them they are the best video In town. aid mast be .old. The Lalesi Spng Baur Piros and Fashions, ..At 313ZTTI.1ER'S_ T23E FemATA ta�T rxs DOMINION HAIR RESTORED MADI BY S. TAPHCO'IT, of Brantford, pitmen them Metter than any peepers- tt.. iter ever send- riots a�.t rwhwtly 1. sees of teaches. er MerMsase. of Ate e. p. Asa e.1ee Faded er Grey Hair .ewta.. rMrst.5ly asteral end h..Nsy sppesreocw. Price °50 Cesa.te Pea Bottle GEORGE REMO, AaZIQT row aoasastalr.