The Huron Signal, 1882-11-17, Page 22 eodsztah Township Mr. J. C. Smith has been re-engaged m M, 8. No. 1foe 1883. That he gives ��Ytltiu an b evldsa.s4 by No act OI lcia re-eegslwottt OgpKaa. The following are the mases of the Cof S, $ 14e. a, who slued Wrsat Msteb.r : - fourth Clab•--1 l sly Mitchell, f Henrietta Ha8lilf. 41st -1 Martha Blake, f Mary titian, 3 Juba MaOlsrv. Si cuad Clan, Sen. - 1 Mary McClure, 2 Mary Psnnebaker. 3�AAg�nes Frick+ Seemed Claes, Jr. --1 Clssde Fisher, 2 Catherine Blake, 3 S. Pfeifer. Part 11, Sen. ---1 Walter Aln. t Edward Pfeffer, 3 Claude Mitchell. Part II, Jr -1 John Flick, 2 Wesley Fisher I horses were c ught'a alit dist moa down the base Lea, and remaiMAi.'m Pike's stable all eight. They tittles tiainjur'ed. ,< these tiKrliaa ateVasendslad td"`. b �o and weal thwart ea' ` _ Mot ovoid deal& MR* bid `r7 Psr_c au, that they beit1�i�M i�r !Wont *imply te" test the ability to nolle.* the Mils, Mt they were such clever cosMsrfs ts, that they passed all right, but vera id oustas, subsequently withdrawn. nay were afterwards presented to quite a num- ber in town, scarcely one of whom were able to detect anything wrongabout them. The only prucepttble difference between them and genuine bill* is the quality of the paper, the latter being of better (talky. It . beyond question that a largo number of oounterfett bills are in circulatiou, but where they are so well executed there is no possible way of detecting them. --[New Era. Stanley. Goou Flacon.--Mr.Edward then pur- chased a two year old filly from Mr. Mc- Dougall, Goderich township, for $200. - Mr, Doo*ld Smith also purcahsed lately a young mare paying therefor $906. Act-waicr. -On Friday last while Mr Wm. Soott was oiling the bevelled gear attached to the fanning mill of the threshing machine, the third hnger of the right hind hand was caught by the gearing and smashed to a jelly. The finger was almost severed from the hand, and had to be cut off. Threshers can- not be too careful while working with machinery. Wlnslsam_ FATAL A,v.'lua.T.-A few days attice the remains of a young man named Helps, whose people people reside is E. Wawanosh, were sent here for interment, deceased having been killed in Manito- ba. It sppears, from Winnipeg papers of the 2d of November, that on the day previous he was engaged in ooupline cars on the C. P. R.. near Morris, Manitoba. While the locomotive was backing up he was seated on the brake bar and lea to the ground to perform his tank. he brake bar was corered with ice, and fail- ing to make the distance he judged for the spring, he fell on the rail and the en- gine passing over him, taking off both legs above the knee, and the right arm above the elbow. He was picked up un- conscious and placed upon a train for Winnipeg, but when 19 miles from Mor- ris he died. Shortly after the accident he said to one of the men who was try- ing to alleviate his pain :-"1 always wanted to go railroading said new I have had enough of it. Knock me on the head and put an end to my suffer- ings. " Sayflrld. There is no prettier location in the county for a town, than this oc.upwd by the village of Baytield,but notwithstand- ing its admirable location, it is not mak- ing any progress, in fact, it almost ap- pears to be retrograding. At the harbor the large and substantial storehouses, which were expected to prove such a boon, are tumbling to pieces, and it seems two batt that buildings like these, and abut a number of houses in the vil- lage, should go to ruin, but there is ap- parently no alternative for it. A few years since quite a profitable busiuess was carried on in fish, but this profitable resource has died out completely, awing to the failure of the "crop in this lo- cality. The people talk "railway" and apparently think that the torpor which exists will only be banished when that deairedatum is an accomplished fact. The village, notwithstanding its lack of vitality, has several things on which it can be congratulated. It has a good school, under the excellent tuition of Mr. Stuart; it has three churches, sup- plied with spiritual feed by men of cul- ture, iatelligeuce, and broad liberal views, in the peranns ,of Revs. Messrs. McCosh, Baugh and Patterson. It has a good Reeve, who is respected and es- teemed by even those who do not agree with him in everything, and last, but no means least, it has some adtnirable young ladies in its midst, who combine all the qualities of modesty, virtue, grace and refinement, in their characters. -- [New Eras. Clinttln. Orr or JUC(T. -On Thursday Mr. A. Cnuch was slipping down from the in- side of his !nett safe, when he stepped on a stone, which threw his ankle out of joint. He is new undor the necessity of using crutches. La.i 11Rnita:N.-While playing i'n the echoed yard during recess, last Thursday, a son of Mr. Theinas Tipling, aged about 13 years, by •,lore means hail his leg broken. It was twisted round, and was very difficult to set. Mr. .4. Burehell, of this place, has been engtige,l a, teach in S. S. No. 10 East .Vawanosh, et 0 salary of $375. This is hie first eage ement, but we feel certain that he will give complete satis- faction in the section, and can recom- mend people thereof Nr. $. Me;;aw and wife, have just re- turned to town. They spent fico weeks in vist.ing different parts of Ireland, but the weather aro en wet all the 'time they were there, that it militated against their pleasure. Mr. Megan inteinds to reside here f,•r the future. Mas Dnncr.n. •,re of the M•Rlelites in attendance on the echo"1 here. has been engaged for one •' the divisions of the V.'ingham 'sch,,. 1, at a salary of $225. Miss McEwan, another Mndelite, has been enrageel far Lumley school, at a salary of $901. doth ars well .p'alified to discharge their resl•e'tive duties. PAtN11.1 A• • worse. - ,11i .Tuesday evening, as Mr. John Thumps, in. of Ao lett, was drit ing down the Hill at the north side of the town on the base line, the bolt that fastens the whi9.•trees to the taupe* came •taut, let:n^ there fall IS the heels of the horses are i hihAivie them, (causing them to run a*Rt Ike ring of the neck sc•1 e !.•.?ding ea Mt Ile, tongue till 'he -sag,;•'n and its Mnfents were diteliad a A w yards from starting. Sir Joh* Mar• h f'.nrd Mr. Th• 'tnp,.m I and a ifs lying l.elpfeee in the ditch. and brutInt Oen) to town when medical aid Was ,nbtelned. }LIz T)EMaps. n having e anall I one in Itis coronet and hie wife a sever. sprain in 1M %8tk Pei were dies (r a• 'r.,; •hof Aro the .Mk. HURON SIGN Y IDAY, NOV. 17, 1882 . Med ea tan stater. Thus. Claydo,, Shelburne, Oot, .-"1 have been sufferiag with a fur tits • ears, )IM eda bet• IitfAire 1IA .. +Nae ! y oho ort , ea a Ids ' 'teendi11r a fiaet- tso(i. a with thee a ` been i for �sMa I wee laid up with a sewers attack a short tune ago, sad I can truly say that St. Jaoob.Oil prudgesd the quickest relief that I ewer extNrsenced. I cheerfully recommend it to every sufferer." A Few ralat.es Wbtsky hers a Ittarkerp rr'. alaadMlal. "Yes, there is such a thing as good, pure whisky." "Where can it be obtained?' "At many places," "At saloons?" "Nut often." 'Drug stores t" •om. "SeldWhere t"hen f ' "Well, the fact is, I know of only two lots of pure whisky -except, of course, a few packages owned by private individu- als and not for sale -in Detroit. One is at the store of--" "Never mind the place. Now tull.ne, what profit can be made on a barrel of whisky 1"' "That depends e,n whether it is retail- ed by the drink or measure, and on the class of people you sell it to." "How much water can you put into '• gallon of $3 whisky *without giving the cheat away ?" "Olt a pint never would be noticed, and sotuetimes more is put in." "That is to say you can sell 50 or 75 cents worth of water to every gallon of whisky?" "Yes, and sometimes more 7" "How many drinks of whisky are esti- mated to the gallon 1" "Sixty. That is the average of a gal - on, because some men take Large drinks, while others take little "nips," and so we have come to average it at sixty drinks." "That is $6 per gallon, for all kinds of whisky sold over a bar 1" "Nu, because there are bars where whisky is sold at five cents, and others where fifteen and twenty cents a drink is charged." "Yee, the average profit on a gallon of whisky sold by the glass is 300 to 400 per cent 1" '1. should say about that." "Now hew many of your regular cue- tonlers.can tell $3 whisky from whisky which c ,st you $2 or less?" "Very few. I have, perhaps, fifteen or twenty men who are accurate judges of good liquor; can tell the various ' brands immediately, and to whom I would not dare offer any diluted or 'doc,- tored' liquors. "How do you know. but you may sometimes make a mistake and set out pour liquor to a good judge ?" "You can sized a man up generally. Fur instance, the other day when I waa pretty busy a fashionableyoung man came in and called fur . 'gin fizz ' I began mixing the drink and when I had it near- ly concocted I realized that I had used whisky instead of gin. I looked at sty titan, thought 'never mind; let her go, and squiring a little stuff into the drink which kills the smell of gin or any other Bribe for that matter, I passed it to my customer." "Did he drink it 1 "Drink it 1 Yes indeed, and he never knew whether he was drinking a 'gin bet' or a whisky cocktail." "How did you escape detection (- 'My inau didn't know anything about iigaor. He was just drinking for the style of the thing." "It's • queer business isn't it (" Yea; it is, and I'm going to get nut of it as soon as possible." 4 General atsspeee. Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now et Wilson's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discov- ery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. A11 pernms afflicted with Asthma, Bron- chitis, Hoarseness, Severe Omaha, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bottle of this great reme- dy Fkss, by calling at above Lru•: Stere. (4) & •inn►euting on the disgraceful scene which took place during the sale of an , "autograph quilt at Lucan the other day. the Globe says In seeking fur crrtribuhons the churchus'ahotdd appeal to men's higher ; tn.•'ireti- Dot to the low ,.nes of candy, hive of sensation. and partisanship Churches should d , a good rainy tunas. we ars sorry b, say they do not, and Mere le Do queetiuo whatever, but that wary of the ditieee resorted to fur those raising of an ,nay are an appeal to vanity and sensation. (living sho•il,l always be vel'tntary, prompted by right grin"iples and to worthy olijecta. 1 Beautiful Hair is one of the rontt strait- iig and pleasing of characteristic% and tan easily be obtained by the ane of the Cingslese Hair Renewer. Sold at IiOeents per .•.ones lot lambs Wilson tam Setter Mae pea. A good name, good health, • good companion and • bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil are among the Wei unites tor Y alloy► orfs bat- ilase natag /be Mims* Illerelety. J[MT RECELYED. dLi's The London Free Press having called the attention of its readers to the fact that "Chicago has a saloon to every 160 of its populetiuo," regretfully adds: "Loudon has only one to every 300.' It is to bring Ontario towns and cities to the level of Chicago in the matter of sa- loons that the Free Press cries -aloud fur the revocation of the Crooks Act and the restoration of the licensing power to the municipalities -(Sarnia Observer. Caere Laws. Geese, pheasants, partridges shall nut be hunted, taken or killed between 1st Jan. and 1st Sept. Wild Turkeys and quail shall not be hunted taken or killed between 1st Jan and 1.t of Oct Woodcock shall not be hunted, taken or killed between 1st January and 1st of Aug. Snipe shall not be hunted, taken or killed between 1st of January and 15th Aug. Water fowl known as mallard, grey duck, black duck, wood or summer duck shall not be hunted, taken or killed be- tween lat of January and 15th of Aug- ust. ' The eggs of any of the above-meutiun- ed birds are not to be taken. No batteries, sunken punts or night lights shall be used for taking any swan, geese, or ducks at any time. No traps ur nets shall be set for the purpose of taking game birds at. any time. Hares shall not be hunted, taken or killed between the let of March and 1st Sept. Beaver, muskrat, mink, martin, ra- coon, otter or fisher, shall not be hunted taken or killed between 1st May and lst Nov. Deer shall not be )-.unted, taken fir killed between 15th December and let Oct. Deer shall not be hunted with dugs or hounded between 1Jth November and est `Oct. A Gond Flouts. -At an auction sale 1 of the stock of Mr. Jas. McMichael, 1 Hullett, a draught mare was sold for the large sum of $300. Mrs. B. M. Gifford, of Pert Rowan, was for many years a sufferer with Liver Complaint, and a serious complication of diseases. In a recent letter she says that she has only two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, and has nearly recovered her health, and authorises us to use her name in advertising to suffering humani- ty. 2: Ve the Medical Prefesejaa, sad all wham It any gammen. Phosphatine, or Nerve host, a I'hos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. 11 of Boston, Man., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Rick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Metiecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, Ntrc,tics, and no Stimulants, but situp ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements found in our daily food. A ain{tle bottle is sufficient to convince. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. IoW Dov oak Co., sole agents for the Dominion 55 Front Street East Toronto VERY FEW ENJOY WHAT MAY BE GALLED PERFECT HEALTH. F.X- aminatton will clieooversome defect, damage or latent disease, the result of herehttary im- pulses. special wear and tear, previous habits Or atteeks of dlae.ase, the effects of which are supposed to have pleased away. Nature in theme Impaired constitutions requires help all through Itte. and Wheeler's Phosphates and Udtsaya supplies the form of energy wanted totting endo systems to higher plain of Vigor aid maintain fudet lona! activity, McCOLL BROS & CO. TORONTO_ TO_ MANUFACTURER S -OF-- LARDINE ;OIL AND iTLIN ETt OIL. Four Medals and three diplomas •wart* them Iwo year at Ibe leading Pit ,'• tions. In the Ihmtialon MANUFACTURERS And all in •s r.rnniat miebiser will sot e moue b timing oar nils ehrr I.A Dees a . 1 ( YttNDAR OI1.beeion even. Mmeet t awe weirdo. sane the poetic Mo• n 118 :1 tbat the fore e,1 a•eertIone see free, t.y t ont ow. seraph e/ erre flits wove Ae., nn aa hratton 1. McColl Bros & Co Toronto. The lard", Is few sa1e in:(7 nd wri(.h by R. W. M•[ENZIE, G. H. PARSONS; C CR4811, so d T► 1s. 'TR4(Ii4v os.. r If you • teak Diem's, and bleb • teI�d %a'ce tMlft]d ri 'lt M d rmttedMel i sere. O o - $1t your druggist, ur address T. Mil - barn * Co., Taronti., for proof positive regarding the merits of Burdock Blood Bitters, the (;rest Regulating Blood pu- nfyiug Tonic. that acts uu the liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and skin. 2. WWI of ,811. Our rigorous and changable dinette, and our mode of life induces frequent odds, that often lead to severe Coughs, Bronchitis and other lung troubles that are liable to end in Consumption. The best and most pleasant remedy known fur these difficulties is Hagyard's Pecto- ral Balsam, to be obtained of any Drug- gist. Y: Thousands bear witness to the posi- tive cerative powers of the GasAT Osa- KAN I1tt16oBATOR, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, sentinel weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, insanity and • prema- ture grave. Sold by all druggists, or will be sent free on receipt of $1.00 per box, or six boxes for $5. Address F. J. CHattiY, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Send for circular and testimonials of genuine cures. Geo. Rhynes, Goderich. " 3m WILSON'S PRKSCRIPTION DRUGSTORE. MRS. PIN KHAM'S COMPOUND. HALLS CATARRH CURE. AUGUST FLOWER. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Special agent ter VAN BUREC'S KID- NEY CURE. CING ILESE. 113,ASSOIMINNT OF FR"'ESII' GROCERIES, SUITABLE Ft)R THE SEASON. Spacial 8a1ilis iu Tes of Vory Lour Prices 25c. per lb at,d upwards. If you want a really fine Tea try sty bks. Young Hys, a it is a splenlid article mol worth in ire 10 trey. I have also just opened out a plete assortment of Crockery& Glassware Including Stone and Chins Tae Seta. Children' Toy Tea Setts, Ladies and Gee,: Fancy Tea Cups and Salvers, suitable 1. r Christians and New Year's (lilte Lamps & Lamp Goods in great Variety AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. Call and be Convinced FsArmaxs .,attrition.! Barbed Fence Wire contracted for n any quantity at very lowest prat... I SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WiRE. Wire and barb galvanized,after bang twisted which cannot •ealeoff. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW 3IFTS NO WEEDS SIC WASTE LANDS. For sa! by G He -PARSONS, CHEAP 4ARD\VARZ, OO D/MICH KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. BI'CKLEN'S ARNI ASA VE. ROOTS A MACK'S MAGNETIC EDICINE. • ELECTRIC BITTERS. - SMITH'S GERMAN WORM CANDY. $600.00 Itawasig We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Hradec -he. Indigestion. (onetipeoion or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver P1Us. when the directions arc strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and neverfail to give „uisraa•tion. Sugar Coated. Large Boxes. containing 30 Pills. 3s. .ants. Fur sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and imita- tions. a genuine CO..mmanufactured ill only y Is new cumple.e, and I take pleasure in informing my customer, that at•no i r, 81 and 83 King ret. East, Toronto, Ont. Free 'flouts time have I had such a trial package sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a3 cent stamp. SHOES At the i widest Established St1 'e Store in Town, In Endless Variety t, suit the most fastidious and the most economic buyer MY SPRING STOCK ■ Far Kale atl'IL••Y'sbit CUT•tI_,Large & \f_ rced Stock $ealth is Wealth De. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT- Mali?, a guuunteed•secfle for Hystrrui. Lizzineas, Convulsions. bits, Nervous Neralgia. Lit1ks a „&tils Ilji chair,Headache, Nerous Prostration caused bthi. iii A y7) Pla1d Free oftreeof alcohol or tobacco. \Vakefulness, en-` f t1iss ,1 t 'I tal I)epreeslon, Softening of the Brain, result- ing in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Pccroatum Old Age, Barrenness, i Love of Power in either sex, involuntary Lotuses and hpermatorrhtra, caused by uver-exertion ■ ■� One box 'nail cure recent coons. Each box eon - of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence. tains one month's treatment. (Inc dollar* box: or six boxes for live dollars: sent he mail pre- ' paid on roueip of price. We guarantee six y_ boxes to cure any cave- \Vith reach order re. As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price'unti it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere • CUSTOM W ORK of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be ma e up in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, end of the very best material obtainable. At time of purchase if so desired. cell's! by us for els boxes. a •compat:ied with SEEGMILLER Ave dollar., we will send the purchaser our treatment guarantee W refund the money if the �'`t l 1 Plow treatment Anes not effect a cora. ole atter- v l 1 j is uo,l only by JANE* Ismailia. sole author - laved agent for Goderich. Ont. JOHN C. W EST a: CO., sole proprietors, Toronto, Ont. AND -- Work. cConstant employment AGRICULTURAL WORKS. or Capital required, JAttael LEE at eo. Mon - real. Quebec 1763 Gray's Specific Medicine , IMAMIli MARK TRE GREAT- TRADI MR AK ,iiit ENGLISH Rit M•DY. An un- failing cure for seminal \\•E.saY Etta, r2 erniator. 1'~ rhea. irnpot- - (. ency. avd an diseaat•s that follow as a se - E gnenrr, of self that a tnew; as bon of Mammy. universe e TsDl- tode. fain in the Back. Direness of Vision. Premature old ago. and many other diseases that lead to insanity or ceasemptlpn and a pretos amphl t, whitroce.h �e yell pts sots rs in our Chrystal pamphlet, which we desire et. sola tree by mail to everyone. The Rpeorah, Medicine la 8: 131ack sold by all drugglete at $1 per package. or six packages for >♦5, or will be sent free by mail • -- on receipt oft a mover hvaAdressing THK(ittAY Mtill( 'INK CO..Toronto. iont. MIL sold in Order:ch by J. Wilson. Having purchased the Goderich Foundry. ate fittingthe premises for the manufactur of CHILED PLOWS and AG RIC!: LTi' R A IMPLEMENTS on a large scale. Mill Work General Repairing and Jobbing will be con tinned. All work guaranteed. Mr. D. ►tuncimen 1. the only man aulhorize to collect payments and give receipts on be half of the late Orin of Raneiman ,4 Co.. en all prrwnns Indebted are requested to govcr thetn•'elree accord incl.-. W. S.:Hart & Co AGEN1� l'iiOPRiETota3 OF THE: Goderich Mills LATE PIPER'S.) Beg to return their thanks to the public the liberal patronage received during the pas year, and to state they are peepam(1 to e'.( c-t,T I r[`Ii' c n. nn the shortest notice, or for the convenience of ps-tees living at a distance will exchange grista at their town .'ore Late 1V. M. IfiPinrd'a,) S. SEEGMII.I.F.R, Masonic block, Kant St. Goderich. Proprietor. Highest price paid f•,r wheat GOOERICH BOILER WORKS. • A CURE G1sA ItANTEED AQNETICMEDICINE. Kee *ad mad 'awns. Mate awe 1 resale. • . ' ' r..,n,nrsa irr��as its •'agc. H k .11 ..,n,/. t . ,,r Jowl* iywvr. Arrenl I PPse(r.ti.*, %,M g.vwra .wNA,•r'riin•. j rtasr+r, a.a.,wHwttsei 11'.nawts. w• e:.'..rei J n' Peww, t• repair. .rgtve,,. 1t'wr,. I9r.1..-n, Fe e •�e 4.,l jatrl. al env(' n 4'rhews '1 M�r,r 'Avg A►w/n, nset Rh- h,h 1w ..f f7 •' r(.: , A) fir 1.W4".11. cart. r ' dor firtweav, pnrbi.. a ..'ea Mee with l, -e *arm we w.11 WOW ever tt rdren Octet•• Ann». to refried 11..• motley, If the tredtaeat d. ,pr' .toast a . sr'. t'Ia .lie tteearee.seked nod M. 'Melo•• :r. the rrN*M4r. tot r t,l�,�r• taclan.+n orsr jt o'i1•r, chi, -h w.'le.!r.tr•Tu*.- tneey'••t Morose'• as,seeei.e tleahnie is entt h7 11, ug- gMr.at M= t•, p., .. x, w tf b. i ,. t .- tot seer wiUA•n.w.hi. •...tp.,•(a '.etare..e.tlK.ttbe moot•,. rev s1•,.•s..• top N tot O'* MLOWbi*M Nolan, ttww e all 1►rnr,tat.root, eL.wr , $72 t WjtLK• 312 sa iota as 'One moll, St, Catharines Nurseries r.iTARa3eHEI, to MG. Hav;ng fully !rated TO MILL MEN and SALT W ELL MEN IOORN'S EARLY & BRIGHTON two new grapes, 1 unhetitatiaaggl advise my 1 New Boll -Mee and SALT PANS manufae. psttrems to plant thews. \ on will siot be dis- turt•d;onshortest notice. appotited. M(x►P.taS luA�rlrtl•\ 1. the best -- 1 1 .Hutmdb birty d nursers brio ► a5o tuibnrat: BJW HTON is a deticio * fwd grape, rlpenit; Alt kinds of Repairing executed under the }oft atter Mnorp's Early. They are both !afar to baneh and berry, and very productive. 1 p•rwnsl snpen leton of the Proprlctors w -bo will mail both to any address peapaid, en receipt of 112, or rltbrr for E. .gents wantr•t ARF. Practical Workmen. P. t i. Box 10.'t 178.7 D. W. BEADLE, ST. CATHrtleTeat t INT. 1n 17tn. MUSICAL INSTRUINDTS MRS. W A R N O C K Iles t aeunrr to a m►dnt to hrr �1, vJnetaatj t t nett ice *M fM solta Meat a*I Iirlvlle+g M ewwnMl hitt mad sell SEWING MACHINE;. The selene tete wound tathmate to the pea �w�ersea lis.1 u• ts_ stv. I ai 1 pg e� tbnt k is laeeaM�l ss. it lntt.a,Nie ,. ye �tM i�tet m aaTthitat "7Mr A want tahr'r to t els PIAN(IR, t tweet It tube . Aave win raters f►RUANN nr �n etsay k:: •1, it cea. DR. TaUCYAN'S CLIANSING & R iOYATIHG BLitt W. t2 nota Ow • t* teal, Iealosk •• Wet:: SlICWLNG MAI'i;INEc "ewe itciear.a without the rota.'., Jt will And It to Ihrlradvarssgr to .alt et erre i/ wilt". O � ,�,•'. i Is K aef ss Mu* L a tiE`diGLN1G r.ie•ti ire whom ekt to Le Mol �J W. WEATHERALD. cakewteeifest fore, thou f ib. octan In yr ewer to 11 at Jeno. WAi Y:DC:4 e :nunnery Lib {rbtast M ." : rlersiltnn er •r d tors foo lit fa1M� b the we ng a w sed mad. t`,s, net ':,, ,a .,,••,••s lfelrc rot An. reel Ar VII Liu! Am An! Wb It•tt to He An 11-' \ti A H If