HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-17, Page 1TytClY-11111111 ''EAR. itULt: Villa. mew 14,ereaewseare Notice.- -lra Lewis. I Uwe Praha, etas.. Nei ...."4,4 (1.1 VARM Foli el.tLE. Found.- Apple sa tea Ireaei .3117 ! Deere the west halLY let r. Nib eon., of the , township of West wawanoeh. contains 100 Found. -- %poly at this office. ; wares.87 clean., 1, of which 80 14 lit for the mop- 'rwo Teactieri Wantewil.--W. Mitefiell. : barn 31 ,S1, shod and stables, tds 71 and a 1 good hewn log dwelling house. The farm is Physiciac, Surgeon. etc.. De. 51acJontlil. i 'ell tures' tand fenced. and an excellent 111"8"1"0"1111.111016 Taisstosk k Lc. :My 41,1. Anky te deemed Monte on the bast on the Wine Read.....fipply at tide efilos Weals's" eIVIWng" 1"7244/r• 'kV% GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER -47,-1882. Re 3! Estate for Sale. lJentistrV, --- 1 (-loop FARM Flat SALE. -BEING `� ootnposed of lot number 42• to the 4th _ S -- concession of the townsttIP of Hullset in ]r1Clttlt re i B1I�t6$ONo 'VIZ' VeaFty t uro> wntatnlltosa topeK•res, ✓B acres ej„Mtsl, wee Tuarfiw rod l teh. Y -or tur+her . TMT. Mlno an 1 retddesw. tFeetss particulars. aput to teree dears below lank of Montreal, Vie- it.titnow d• P stere.. ( oderieh. Lf.DWIN KEEFER, 'DENTAL SUR- allpx fiats wKh Trotter tt Caesar, the lseding Dentists of Toronto.I All operating neatly sad carefully perforated. Rooms, Coat's Bleck. over W. Taylor's d` Boob CLIN- TON. If Patients from • distance please make appointment In advance by man. She People's Column. LIOCND-ONE MILE SOUTH OF rg pKintaWt4 a large drY g�twparoel by >tr'ev- inq pace ir and paying oturo a Apply at 18S:-3ut FOI1 BALE --THAT BEAUTIFUL Balding site. and buildings thereon lots 1104 and f118, In the town of ooder(ch, be - lag the property owned and occupied by the late Henry Horton sen. Convenient to the square. dial be sold in one Parcel or in lots to seit. En•Intre of J. C. CURs1r. Auctioneer. FOR SALE OR TO RENT -THAT Valuable Property known u the Shep- pardton Store aur cost Once, with quarter of an acre of land, th offered for sale or to rent. Stock In store all now tad fresh this year. Tbe •hich will re - proprietor has other. bus---. _ FOUND -ON KINGSTON STREET quire his role attention. Also the west half of i' _morning. a watnh Pendant lot x. con. 3,orehaK.D.tA'shfield alt good new end land comfort- proving :t rt fie Tuesday and chain ter, owner can have 1t by able frame houses. he lot contains 100 acres, proving propertyply and paying fur this i .i..s. of wbi:h 50 are cleared and all well fenced. tisemewt. ApDI)pttlrlsoaoc. Remaining SI sere. heavily timbered with hardwood. For particulars P.O. address :1 1'. HAYNg9, Shepp+ ILO13T ON THE HURON ROAD. about three weeks ego. a be s tweed "dater coat. The ooet le supposed to have been let in • waggon driven oothe road two womenand who bad picked up the boy given him a ride. Information regarding the coat wIll be thankfully received at this Alm 1810411. NOTICE The Statutes of Canada. 45 Victoria. 18$L are now ready for distribution at the office of the Clerk of et the Peace aned h re min all ed to sara3. to fie IR A LKWiS clerk of the Peace. Clerk of the Peaceoi6 1. 32. t h ooderich, TWO TEACHERS WANTED FOR the (loderlch Public Schoolaholditytsnd and 3rd class certificates. Sa : to n Jnddd IMO per annum. Engagement uary 1st 1883. Address until December lib 1883. W. MITCH/LL. 341815. Keay, B.B.T. NOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IS hereby givendnotethat eto bock indebted aro rto equested fisted undersigned by reQaMeed t0 settle the same at once and thea ness.Dave ABRnHAM Sed MITH. I mesa l NOTICE. All accounts owing the - late Oeorge Cattle. must be paid before the 1st et December. 1�t. or they will be planed In the bands of my lawyer Mer 1�e�. FRANCES CATTLE, Exec THOROUGH BRED SHEEP -J. 0. STEWART offers for tale a number of thorqugh•bred'Letoeeler ane Southdown rams and ewe lambs. Apply to J. O. STEWART, Con. 10. Lot 11. Colborn HOUSE, AND LATS NOS. 33 AND , ®20,0.0 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND 76. corner of, oiotnria and East atreta in I t� on tywad Town Property at lowed ia- the town of Godenoh, for sale cheap, or will be o teres,.. Mortdvges Dtirchased • eco Commlsaloa „roti charged Couveyanctng Fees reasonable. N. B. -Borrowers can obtain money in oneday It title is satisfactory.-DAVISON a: JOHN 'TON. Barristers. &c.. Gedericb. 1751 RRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Accident Insurance Agent. R^prsssatlag flet-0Isss Companies. Also agent tar the CAxaoa Ltvs Itroca Itmtrawwca Co. Yore? to lead oo Mortgage, either in Town of Tanta Property in any way to suit the borrow- er. Omoe--4up- alral Ear's block Ooderlch. Loans ane insurance. MOIIEY TO LOAN -Private Fonds. L or Small Sams. Apply to F.. N. LE W 18.Otboe, Court House. 1� MONEY. -PRIVATE FUNDS TO lend on may terms 1n sows to suit bor- rowMcD ers. N •v. 17th dill. N 181Stm. 000,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO K CAMIiRON,HOLT!tCAMHRON, Clodo- �. *75,000 TO LEND ON REAL E S - TATE. Terms taversb e. Apply to B. DOYLE, Ooderich. 761 4k5O,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND NV on good harm or first-class Town Property •t a per cent. Aooly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1751 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount to suit borrowers at 6 to a4 pee cent- Private lounhds. Apply to miaow' and MONEY '�O LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds tor investment tit lowest rates on first-class o GARAOW t PROUDFUOT� ages. APD4 CHARGE.- -11.-4 FREE OF CHARGE.- Money to lend adEAGER t MOR?ITI(free ( any aims or ohaegca opppoo•s1ite Colborne HotoL 17771 H Ooderich, Ord March 1661. PER CENT. -THE CANADA U Leaded Credit Company is prepared to lend moss on �d'arrlars imvrsnecn�ty,att six per sent HUGH HAMILTON. C. L. agent. Oode� . on to Ii NE1VS tes I l/c0' 40 A YEAR INADVANCE.BROM sew the greet commercial proAees th., ABOUT HOME A little bey on last Saturday 'teas run Paaasu K district had Riede daring the quarter of sing along h pta• )e,raciu'notos, . suit► Iw'll grout lt. i timely assistance of 31r. Grierson, who tulate our young townsman ort his we rhes gsiMianarise in the united counties TOWN TOPICS. held out his fishing le, he would have earned success. None wised without an of Huron, Grey end Brow, and it was a been drowned. Altho* h the boy mutt oral. We understand the exantivation I pleasure to know that tate of the pioneer G.C• !tot„-rtson shows a l.tr„e mei .rfnient of °nee ho had the presence of mind t•, misalonaries to -night P t the beautiful Christmas cards. take hold of the rod, and thereby got orf The powerful L' tug Conqueror, tsun of the CCeteewDl --A% e are lad to le•ruthdt Mr. Loftus E. Ducey, barrister, hu just d his examination as solicitor in e the top of •pile of tie/‘amd a �,{" t th a century, we stttouki ask had t e Church g 1u the buy watt pre- kept up with the march of stouts u t e river. But fur the u renis Court of Ontario. Wo congas- stir! there were only iso heted i A cilia. fig cipltatttt into p An' f well. Twenty-five y ago I now have my next store former!s occurred by Mr. Campbell, filled with a variety of with a fright and • good wetting doves which 1 shall sell uhwp for each. Just RUNAWAY. -A horse belonging to M- reocived • car lostd of olh--(I. V. DAvle• C. Cameron, M. Y. , ran away on Friday Over five thousand volumes of Sunda! and Day school prize sod library books at Moor- last, and demolished the vehicle to which houses old stand. New Hooks arriving daily it mss attached. It ren wildly through from England and United States, prices eery the town with the shafts dangling be fo u'. Always buy the trot of everything Is a good hind, made an unsuccessful attemptto mount the stairs leading to Carrow & Preudfox;t's office, and wound up by jumping on a waggon owned by Mr. Potter, of Colborne. The latter's team started off, carrying the original runewsy between the dashboard and themselves, until it rolled off the whiffietrees and smashed the wheels of the waggon. A little child belonging to Mr. Hennings was run over, hut not badly Injured. The horse was not much the worse of its i strange adventure. ONTARIO Hein Sello0Ls.-The follow- ing regulations were approved by the lieutenant -governor in council on Satur- day : -Drawing is removed from the eh- ligatory subjects of study in the lower school and at the intermediate. The item 7 e, now 6 e, in the optional sub - n jects thereat, shall therefore read, 'French or German, and wheu selected s by the parent or guardian of such pupil Co music or drawing. In the subject of n English literature, prescribed by the order in council of the 31st March last, Goldsmith's Traveller or Marmion may rule. and especially eu in reference to having a pjiotograph taken. E. L. Johnston's gallery turned out the first prize photographs at our tall show,1881. Saunders B• Son are preparing fur a good fall trade, and their store are filled from cel ter to garret. with presents to tickle the fancy of everyone old and young. their Christmas cards excel! anything in town for beauty and cheapness. All picture frame orders will be finished promptly. A fine stook of new de- signs in mouldings suitable for water adore, etc.,( wit in. "Tbe Cheapest House under the Sun. Miss Platt is home agate. Miss Maud Evans is visiting friends it Stratford. Mr. M. C. Cameron, M. P., left ou Friday last on a business visit W New York. Mrs. Isaac Cassidy has been prostrated by a severe :week of congestion of the lungs. 17,000 bushels of apples have bee shipped from our o.untry alone thi season. Mr. and Mrs John Struthers, of Bruce, are the guests of Mr. Gati sh al th A great number' of wild ducks were of in our harbor !sat week. Fishing be used by any pupil in the high schools au was engaged in by • great number<,f or candid.ete at the departmental eland- so disciples of Isaac Walton. nations in July nett, es the parent or guardian may select. Miss Allis Clegg, of Detroit, is the I H. q• L S. -At a meeting of the G. uest of Mrs.Capt. Danny. We under- H.S. Literary Society held on Friday stand that this young lady u going to night lest, the following programme was 1 carried out: Duett by the Misses a hhoomp- son; reading by Mr. Strang; te- "Resolved that annexation to the Unit- ed States would not be beneficial to Canada." The 'Amities was sustained h, by Mr. Blair, u leader, assisted by in burs. Hogarth and Simeon, the nega- itn tive by Mr. Hyslop, as leader, assisted in by Messrs. Henderson and Wilson. Af- ter these had spoken, the chairman, Mr. Strang, made a few remarks in reference to the debate which he decided in favor of the affirmative. It was thea moved by Mr. Hyslop, seconded by Mr. Blair, that a vote of :hanks be tendered to Mr. Strang fee acting as chairman ---carried. attend Mrs. Fletcher'a private Schou . It made a faint attempt to snow Monday, but it was only a freint. It w a very mw day,however, and was a fo Maloof what we may expect this winte .Dr. W. G. S. Macdonald, of Gederio has begun the practice of medicine Auburn. We expect to hear of h building up a considerable practice that district. Mise Meldrunt has returned from a lengthened and very pleesaut visit to Montreal. She was the guest of her cousin, David Watson, Esq., of the first of Kerry & Wtsen, wholesale drug - Mr. F S. Hbtk who is now in the jewelry trade in V�innipeg, is, we under- stand, meeting with success. His part- ner and he have enlarged their premises, and have had to employ extra help in the workshop. on SA re - r. :changed for form property. For apply to Jaw, BISAILr. Architect. oMee Cre.bb's Hlook. or J. C. CUant•. sactieaeer, typo THE MUSICAL PUBLIC OF 1 Gouoitcn. The Sisters of 41. J osepb, are now prepared to give lessons In musi.. For particulars apply at tmit as well as hemee- Con- . , eat, North et. 1467. NOTICE Til tDEBTORS.-ALL AC- oounts due Lewis J. Treble mrd be at once. as I intend doing a strlour oast nese. Eight per cent per sanum will be charged on eh Overdue soeoaats(d S genercus- al eau get good herseedeia• _an blscksmtth.ng done a: tavoratle terms by giving me a call. Stand near •:+e 7541. L. J. Tassts 11167, wasunusuallysevere. wrec -illy to in charge of Captain Donnelly, t4 King- ston, the well-known wrecker, called into port on Wednesday morning early, on her way to the Georgian Bay, t.. assist the steam barge Georgian, ashore with a load of flour from Hutchison ttedilvie's mill for the Syndicate The Conqueror is a splendid vessel, and was much ad- mired by those whose s her as she steam- ed out of the harbor. Lev:v rve.-The following paragraph from a London paper will be of interest to our readers: -"A rumor is current that L J. Brace, the contractor for the Byron bridge, has left the country for Washington Territory. Whether this be' true or not it is a fact that Brace assign- ed his contract to the county Commis- sioner of a great deal of worthless timber which the contractor had on the ground, and which was being used in the bridge. It is also alleged that Brace neglected to pay the men who were working on the lob. THANKttuavtNG SUPPER. -There was a goodly company in the basement of the North street Mothodiat church on the the evening of Thanksgiying Day, to at- tend the supper got up by the Ladies' Aid Association. The spread was • splgna did one, the meat dishes being very tempting, and full justice was done it by the appreciative company. After supper Rev. J. Wakefield took tho chair, and culled the meeting to order, excusing himself, however, from nuking a speeeh. Mr. Henderson sang "The Sextou, ' in a very plessing manner, after which a brief and pointed address was delivered by Mr. T. McGillicuddy. Mr. F. Bond Tea loudly encored in a charming concer- tina solo, and was rapturously applauded upon responding with "The Inst Rose of Summer." Alaa number of very interesting views of Westminster Abbey were shown by Mr. S. P. Halls by the aid of a magic lantern. Mr. Halls also sang "The Bridge." The ladies of. North street Methodist church are to be con- gratulated on the success of the supper, got up as it was on such short notice. BOOKBINDING. --WE H AVEMADE arrangements with Mr. D. McGregor. the well-known bookbinder of S.storth, to take orders for work in hi+ line, All work dame from the plainest to the most superb at receive ve his personal s Orders left this office 1853. TO RENT. -THAT VERY CON- ventent house corner of he, rote and Alberts streets for a number of t -ars occu- pied by Mrs. Elwood. Tbe house is in every way s desirable one. For farther particulars a p , to Jon -w Basoeswatnae Nteeweste street. 51. PROFESSORC. J. NEWMAN, LATE of London. gi4- is E of Music, Orgrich. will glut of St Georges n and Plano pplayin will give lessons in Organ and particulars ad- dress, and harmony. Goderieh P. O. drew once of Wm Payne.3mos-1161 Teaical. DR.W. G. s± MACDONALD, M. D., C. M.. Physician, Surgeon Aeooucbeur, etc. Office and residence, Main street, Au- burn. Mr. John Bruce, father-in-law of Mr. J. H. Colborne, died et his residence in town on Tuesday, et the ripe age of 83 years and 6 months, The deceased was highly esteemed as a faithful Christian and a good neighbor. Mr. James F. Lister left on Wednes- day evening by steamer for Sault Ste. Marie to attend as counsel fee the de- fence in the cue of Gildney, steward of the Ontario, who is in custody there one charge of rape. -[Sarnia Observer. Miss Nettie Seegmiller has been ing to her reputation u • first crayon artist by a splendid porta Sheriff Gibbons- The likeness is pe the shading is fine, and the whole tore bean the impress of a master GR. McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC -I . IAN. SURGEON, to-, Graduate of Tor- onto oronto University. Licentiate of the Royal toC-- Col- lege of Pbydciane. London. England. M. C. P. 8.Ontario. Offloe and residence i Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton street.Io - erlch. DB McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, S17R- OKON, Coroner Re. Olive anipeed dsmos Bruoe Street. second door wait Street. 7111. G. MACKfID,d KoonDcher, ar BL H. clan, Surged ate of Toronto University. °Mee opposite Coater deo enquire at the Banknk. . 17f/1.7. 11net is 111.7. j IRS. SHANNON A HAMILTON, l! ^o !pian, Surgeons. 4ee.eeb i glee at Dr. Shannoo'. reoss� *pis. the Ooderlch. G. C. Sometime. J. C. HAS .o+. I%(ISS NETTIE SEEGMILLER, 111 Rev" oompi 'her studies In mode dole t�..emstddas. std boring re - (salved oeu�v ed Prof. oertl oats, is sow pre oelvs • limltwd number of pupa tor PianoPe� tsatraotb•. Mis.Seegetlaw i. oleo prepared to Mks orders ter Crayon tea Ss Ustac- tion In ever) case guarwyriM.d. Residence. corner Cambria Roai sad Newgate Street. OAR FOR SERVICE. -HAVING itoisig ro�eed►superior improved BirhbrodBose'Panxut.. sited at - eode1 f iron. It can be had- for nrvles fee lows (m ety)remet L Lake Root, Townshto sf t,..,,a wt s q erpat a mils north of the £.0man a TfoBETerms ie IeY. M 1Mtat add - class it of rfect, pia - hand. That pushing, enterprising merchant, Geo. Acheson, tells us he never was so busy as he has been for the pat month. He has recently secured the services of two new clerks, so that the goods can be handled promptly over his counter. He ie • live business man and believes in advertising: See his advt. onnur eighth was resew in pe, a Archdeacot, Elwood, the chaicnusn of this meeting. To -day there were, thirty rectors in the district fortnerly su}.erviwl by the three missionaries. When tite Diocese of Huron was first formed the missions were kept up by the Society for the : Propagation of Christian Knowledge ; now, it was a pleasure to know that the diocese was not only self-supporting, notwithstanding its greedy enlarged 8 t 0 I 116 a .i• sphere of usefulness, bat that it was able to to give au helping, hand to outside r• vtission fields. Huron diocese had been helped in its day of leakage, and now when it was strong and virerons, i t should not shrink from hetyiag to bear the burdens of the districts which were now weak. An attempt had been made to create a sustentation fund, but the subscription had become a sort of "Kath- leen Mavourneen" one,1 It Wray be for years. and it mai be tar ever, before it would be fully paid up. Fur this reason the mission work had to be prosecuted chiefly through the mesas Of voluntary contributions. Ip 1879 the voluntary contributions amounted t" 511,809 ; last year it reached $16,56.2, being a gain of nearly $4,000 in the past three years. Of the parishes that had contributed none had dune better than Goderioh, and it was to be hoped that the good record would be main tained. The rev.spee fe ` he working ave an interesting description Rupert*. land, f the missions in Algoma, pe Assinaboine and other sectiuns,andgsaph icslly described the hardship, under which missionaries and people Labelled. The labors in the mission field last year cost about 518,000 ; this year it woald Bost fully 520,000. We could not keep it inside the latter sum, and, as Godhed prospered us, we would noted we could. Aftor giving a glowing account of the manner in which the evangelizing of the world and the conversion of the Meehan had,been carried on during.the past sten tury, and the wonderful results that had followed the preaching of the Word in China, Japan, Fiji, Australia, America and Africa, the speaker closed as power- ful and eloquent address -by calling upon the people to give to the work of the Lord, as the Lord had 1 sven unto them. The meeting ed with prayer. Aovaarta: YOCR CERIwTMAs GOona•-" Advertisers, remarks an exchange, .have not pians days left in which to make known their Christmas "strong holds." What is the use of having for sale desir- able holiday goods unless they be knowu to the public. No dealer can trust to show -window advertising. Customers do not go about inspecting show -win- dows in order to determine their pur- chases. Inuoed they inspect their news- paper, and from information rounded there determine just what they will do, and having so determined, proceed ac- cordingly. The newspaper is every day becoming, more and more a factor in the affairs of life. Hence it is that the deal- er who advertises most sells most nut and the waggon in pieces. The porn only of holiday goods, but everything I over which Mr. Million is supposed to Oe Mr. Sands' farm PATENTS We otatiaw fe bet M oolidssrs elm, ter W all herr mon of models is es oto echoed In which bag tk. mast tlasp�sa� Legal. ps1�e. BiCTrtnrre. -The Clinton Net On Thursday our towns were treated to quite an exhibition number of bicyolista who visited place. There were three tram Lo six from Goderiob, and two from ham, and u they rode along the it was quite s novel sight. The Point Farm property has up in value of late. Mr. A. Ho osntly sold 60 acres at an i $1100; and Mr. D. Stirling, for ho or so ago boot; was lately ofiered 54,500 ooh but fused There is • A TeltetBLE FALL, - On Monday a number of relatives and friends of Mr. James Million, who lives near the In- ternational Salt Well, came in from Col- borne to have a "plowing bee" on his land. Returning just after tea, the four teams were driving in procession up the hill on the said leading from Saltford to Benmiller, occasionally hailing one another in the darkness to see if all was safe. A short time after reaching the top of the -hill the party found that one of their number, Mr. Wm. Million, with his beam, was missing, and it be- s came evident that in the ',itchy dark- ness the man, horses. and waggon had gone over the steep embankment skirt- ing the road. Lanterns were procured from Bellbird, and a diligent search made at the foot of the hill. They found the young nun with several ribs broken anotherwise Injured, ore of the horses dead and the other badly hurt, e Era people in the this Tlon, Wing - streets, gone rton re- nRreaes of a year 52,500 for the boom in else. have gone wasoppos , TUB TRlxarr or V&itti --On Decem- and is at the mouth of an ug'y "wash- ber 6th, of this year, the astronomer anti The road here is a dangerous will have their interest worked up to the I , i e, and it should be Looked after by highest point of excitement. The inn- i the authorities. We understand that sit of Venus, or her apparent passage Mr. Million is improving. across the face of the sun, affords astron- omers the best means of determiningthe MIf38IONARY MEETING. sun's distance from the earth, and on R. C. HAVES, SOLICITOR tc. Ofiice ooener of the squire sail West street, Godericb over Butkr's bookator e. money to lend at lowed rates of interest. LEWIS it LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorneys. Solicitors is Csaaeerl Re. Wilco le the Court Hove. Ooderiob. Ina Lewis, M.A.. B.C.L. S N. r CARROW & PROVDFOOT, BAR T RISTER.S. Attarneya BsYotM's. see Ooderich. J. T. Garrow, W. Prswdtess. 176 wg��,� L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D IL Atswnel. Soppiest 1s Chaacuryita. Aederbh. Oat. relies emery passage S "e"r Ait(SNHSAD e,•8• t I�OQMfeea �M A 1s i� _T . �.aaa st flseasls Van mac a• this depends the measure of distanoes i addre s by rev. sir. Craig. fir Cuatea. I movement of our surplus produce, to from each other of most of the visible sad rev. Mr. Campbell, et toadies. tae i fur resliration by our farmers and bay bodies in the heavens. The transit of this whsle c t Venus is sufficiently rare to give a special interest to each occasion, that previous oaloulations may be checked and new ones made. The last taansit was in 1874, and the next after tl.e present year will not be until June 2004. Therefore, very extensive preparations have been made for the observation this year, and the interest in the United States and Canada will be heightened by the fact that these countries will be the best sit- uartd for observations. COMMUNTCAT IONE3;- We do not hold ourselves responsible for- tie opinions of our Correspondents. Contribu ters to this department must confine thee - selves 10 public questions. and be brief. The Credit Wadley t. K. To the Editor of the Signal. The. people of St. Marys, in common with those of most of the towns west and north, are begiuning to feel the evil effects of the railway monopolincident h to the fusion of the G. T. R. W. As the matter stands at passant, the 0. W and its conneotiette. having been practically abolished, thage is no longer evert the semblanoe of oonnpeti tion in the carrying trade, and.ths coun- try is at the mercy of the Grand. Trani', with its huge foreign relations, putting the local trade of Ontario into a compar- atively insigniticeet position, in relation to the business of the 0. T. R, and henoe the indifference of that rsilwa v0 the requirements of our country en while rates have been increased for the s5 eesaa secretary. The annual missionary meeting in con- nection with the diocesan work of the Church of England, was held in St. George's Church school house eon Wed- nesday evening. The attendance was larger than on the previous occasion. After prayer by Rev. R Hicks, Vena erable Archdesoon Elwood was called to the chair and introduced the rev. speak - ere. Rev. Mr. Craig, of Clinton, was the first speaker, and after congratulating the condregatien on the evidences of the prosperity of the Episcopalian Church in Godertoh, entered Into an earnest and practical discussion of the question of giving assistanw to mission work out - ers is out of the question, aqd people are forced to- ask, how long is t e things to last, and is there not a reme- dy 1 Fortunately there is a remedy, and the energy of the people interested must supply it. It is now known that the Canada Pacific las secured control of C. V. R.. and in onnnection with tho Canada Central will open before another summer a direct competition with the G. T. R. for the trade of Canada; and as this line natural! seeks a branch outlet from the C. V. R. to Lake Huron, and it so happens that a charter already exists contemplating a line from some port on Lake Huron, through St. Marys to • point on the C. V. R. -say Wood- stock or InReAO l • And thus a trouble - and *emissive portion of work The of there own ichurch people Lmsed necessary to the remedy is already sc- of means many ability to oa po work, compl she t. The charter is known as butf owing and the Jto of e good work, to the first. keeping !heir , �ti�l¢tth�ryu rt Yt•ua[H why �i oriaA powers unexpended, moth injury was done to the possessors of the power. sshhouldhis : 'it beAt pthe rowntwestern t a termin neo - Take a mill -pond and keep the flood- tion is fully alive to the necessity of wo- ggles barred, and in due aurum the dam will break and ruin ensue. 11 was the I contpieitn; the work, and opening up • same with pent-up energies. He dosed competition so essential W the trade of by calling upon hu hearers to give this section , and there can be lithe willingly and cheerfully toward the `doubt that the municipalities conneobi spreading of the 0os.el of Christ. with the western sectioi-that is, from Bev. Yr. Catnpbc1T1, of London, Dio eosin Secretary, was the nett speaker, and was well rooetted. He, too, con retaliated the congregation on the - ts•agy it had shown in pushing on local improvements, bid human hest eneeniefe1 is esnlhg • clock and a esessmila • witeei-he fie ter thesusames wee all the more reason why they should he willing to lend aid to missions where brethren were set so forts•Mely situated. Now that swum had seaweed their *forts in they *odd "Thank tied, and e rceettxa,-On Thursday morning of last week (Thanksgiving Ds) five of our hicyclists, comprising (Thanksgivings._ G. B. Cox, McCulloch, Platt, and H. McLean, left for Clinton, for the pur- pose of meeting a party of wheelamen same, u re real estate along the lake shore of Col- who were expected from London. e party which was expected from Lucknow borne. Mr. John Elliott, who is well and ailed to appear, so our representatives left without them. On arrival at the WAGER ftS AS MORTON, B A Jr., R1118- 1,7 TERS. e., to sod C. ruesr � A. Merica, tile. urn CAMERON, HOLT & CAKIDOK, favorably known to the teaching frater- nity of Huron, has been appointed astist- ant master of Richmond Hill High School, and left on Monday Rim fill hie d Hill position. The people are getting a good man in Mr. Elliott, and the trustees will not repent of their pisses. int, left on Sat- ter*, g He any eco Its. F. Jerlaa, dra t r*, flee the Ueglk•wesc s• far as Facto by Kr. John Mr 'maim intends to push b Regina, or Wanton.% as it is mew egged. As we write his fees is still to- w& the pet Wo wish kale • r plgimt joeirn y to the far west. wad • rte return. Rue Oras! - A lad namd Thomas rte berms, who Bees on Waterloo street, woo riding ea • wagon loaded with wheaea Weeseaday leek t eatally fled 6 sed Oro the wheelsgeed over his bask, giving lir • geesea, hurt forte- .544ly no bosses were broken. Medial rid was M (tore smeared. and the injur- ed W attended to .1 farm'�m' J . f, ljltiRtLTAE If OTt ESP GPl'LW 1 AUO pet free Rattenbury House they met Messrs. Payne and McIntosh, of Landon, who were all of the party who came via Clin- ton. The others, esere. Keenleyside, Begg and Cameron having gone from Brimfield ne Bayfield. The 0oderich party left Clinton, atter partaking of an excellent dinner at three° Rattanber ed by Mr. Payne of tLondon, and Mr. Holmes of Clinton. On arrival here it was found that the Hayfield trio had arrived, par- taken of diener sad deputed for home by train, 'sea to the disappointment of tin rest Mast of Ilse ley net with dight ane•Mies is the shape of torn tremas, ole. 1LeLsse bake a handle her, and Os: while .,. i6h q otter Payne taut a header whisk ...-14led d a buorelved issue enlly mics ll gd eptsdkine. Mr. 21101 aroma lkireeelf as d Osdeel % and d is rtf epwa•aced that Aedetla w1 teat year be the greet) age," in the flood verb- It was new l tletermined ~ray.titer! tweet -!les shout sows= point of Mle•etienl for 6gwerliaw wheels- r years sines the formation , .t lust M N-.• 17 .h• t.revta„ ,>< Nu�••^ and 'lie 4i Marys, MP') 'f r St Maryl to the lake board are q anxious, se they ars Mu in Aa *fort will he needed, a� it were to make it a united one. Prompt is essential, and St Marys is prone once t, enter upon that action ; end may h. 2e it will not be long d Of aures her interest is mote d Lately ens fleeted with the eastern but she will w."•rk in harmony with eat and west , and the sooner as sla riding is hsd by all parties this letter. The .luestion u one moment, and should be