HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-10, Page 8n . THE HURON IGN AL . FRIDAY, NOV. 10, L882.
MOULDINGS, and evet3r
Description of Iuterio letnish.
A Specialty. Send for Price
Bromates on applies
tion. wir-Addrem
August Eckmier bought& farm of So
acres about 7 miles from Listowel Mur
62,500, and intends giving up railroad-
ing and going in for terming.
The trustees of Ethel school have en-
gaged J. A. Young, of Newbury, as their
teacher for nort year at a salary of 6425
per annum. He holds a 2nd clue certi-
ticate and comes well recommended.
4/01M10h TOWuah1y
There died at his residence, Huron
Road, un Friday Nov-. 3rd, Mr. John
Taylor, aged 74 years. Deceased was
one of the sons of probably the hest
settler in Goderich township. His father
settled about where deceased's homestead
and late residence was, in the year 1828,
but wan killed by afallingtree soon after.
Deceased, except fora short intermission
in town, has resided on his property on
the Huron Road about tive miles from
town, for about 5.1 [.ars. He wasat one
lima an active member of the Methodist
body. Of late years he has not moved
about much. By industry and thrift he
accumulated a fair competence. He leaves
one son, Robert, who resides on the
w•stecasitc .
The new Presbyterian Clare* an the
10th line of East i+awanwh, which is
under the paste& charge ut Mr. Ander-
euu, of hitveherch, was .•i,etiel fur
Divine service on the 21hul of (towhee,
by Rev. Jas. Little, of Princeton, preseh-
ini ur.oruiug and evening, and Itev.A.
McLean, ul Blyth, to the afternoon..
The church was tilled to overAawiag, at
Mune of the ser v toes n. even standng
rem could be secured. The collections
aoeuted to $85. CMonday folks ing
a en)sesafel tea meeting ws held. Tea
wall served in the Methodist Church uear
lel, ilei addresses were delivered to the
new ei.rsh by Revs. Cameron, ut Luck -
now; Brown, of Wrozeter, Little, of
Princeton, Mr. Cu,yler, of Whitechurob,
and plater Excellent riusic was pro-
vided by a union choir, under the lead-
ership of Mr. Wu:. Reach, Mrs. Ander-
son presiding at the organ. At the close
of the meeting a number of story cakes
were orought forward for presentation to
the choir. Each member received one
and Mra. A. two very nice nue.. On the
folluwiug evening a social wait held for'
the young people, which was highly en- i
joyed by those present. Total proceeds
A Row. --A number of roughs from
Clinton, named Butcher, Swartz, 'Berton,
Cook and Holloway, succeeded in raising
a disturbsnee at the Queen's Hotel, ear-
ly on Wednesday morning. They had
Dome to town tine previous evening with
a span of horses and carriage, and had
evidently indulged rather freely in Sea -
forth whiskey. About one o'clock in the
morning, just as they were starting for
home, they stopped at the Queen's Ho-
tel, which was closed, and the inmates
wrapped in the embrace of Morpheus.
nemestead, and several daughters. most oo pounded on the door and wakened
iso M. Stephens, and, (oaring they
of whom are tnarried and provided for. would break in, he comedown an.1
ed the door, but ref ua-'
They woula to admit thew.
nut be refused, however,
and atteapt vs. to force an entrance, but
Mr. Stephens was too much for thew,
and succeeded in cloning them out. Mrs.
Stephens came to the assistance et her
husband, and in the dtaturbance one . f
the rascals hit her on the face, discolor -
Colborne. ing her cheek. When they found that
. they could not get into the hotel, they
.v BAD SCARE. -The Halloween ma- started out and gathered up a lot of
rauders, after having finished their la- stones, and then driving peat the hotel
bora of carrying off immense gates, re- several times threw the 'ktones at the
moving ponderous wheels from waggons, windows, breaking • number of panes of
etc., hiding plows, and doing other silly glass. Mr. Lusby, the chief constable,
acts, captured a goose and cooked it at was apprised of the affair, and soon ap-
their improvised camp fire in the old peered on the scene. While they were
style of Caleb in "Ravenswood." Just driving round he caught the heroes, and
as the mischievious company were about captured two of the men, but the others
to satisfy their hunger an alarm was alighted from the vehicle and made
Bounded, and the cry given that the their escape The captured men were
Dunlop constable and his portly col- ply in the lock up, where they were
league from Sheppardtun was upon them. afforded an opportunity to become sober.
The crew fled precipitately, leaving The names of the two who escaped are
goose, campfire and all. The next morn- Butcher and Horton, and they are still
ing it was found that the advancing at large The third gave himself up on
figures were those of two active lassies Wednesday. The captured partie swore
returning from a rnerry making. It was liberally fined. The horses and vehicle
a bad sell en the boys. were taken care of by Mr. Lusby, and
Courcit. Maartxa. - The municipal the owner arrived in town on Wednes-
Council of Colborne met in the Town- day and took them home. They belong
ship hall, on Friday, 27th October, 1882. to Mr. Burns, liveryman, of Clinton. -
Members all present - Reeve iia the [Expositor.
chair. Minute, of last meeting read,
when it wu moved by A. Beek, second-
ed by A. Malloy, that the minutes just
read be amended by striking out the The poetry, given below, was written
motion made to pass a by-law prohibit- under the following circumstances.
trig all animals from running at large in Some one on the last evening of Octo-
thu township. There being no amend- ber, in sport we presume, took the gate
meat the minutes were a000rdinaly off No. 1 Colborne from its hinges and
amended and signed by the Reeve. and mounting the school house took the
Communication from H. Y. Attrill in tongue from the bell, aid hid both. The
regard to a house on the public road gate was found next day, but the tongue
opposite his property, which he wished has not yet turned up. It is hoped that
the Council to cause to be removed. the kind invitation, given in the poetry,
The matter was deferred until the party to return it, will be acted upon.
ham an opportunity of procuring a place
THE Payr res res rosrors
to remove to, which is to be not longer
than six months The clerk was in-
structed to communicate with Mr.
Attrill regarding the nuisance complain-
ed of. The Reeve reported the sexton
had resigned his position. Moved by .On the first morn or November.
Mr. Beck, seconded by Mr Carroll, that Lo 1 the bell had lost its tongue.
Thos. Mitchell be appointed sexton- Listening tor it now was useless.
Carried. The fees were fixed at $1.25 For it could not now be rung.
per grave. The tax roll was handed
over to the collector, his bonds being
previously examined and, found satisfac-
tory. The Council then adjourned. --
J. A. McDoxaos, Clerk.
The fuperal took place on' Monday and
was largely attended. Mr. Alex. Taylor,
brother of deceased. and who has lived
here since 1828 or '29, is yet a hearty
yeoman and bids fair to lengthen out for
many r'fl' an int,•.'^:.)Uy s" ,l ros,ected
the greater trait of the snootier in Win-
nipeg returned home a few weeks since
Mr. in'. spent all of his time in the city
of Winnipeg, and consequeatly . iv.s no
opinion on the state of the country, but
hsiays that city is growing alt au Ast.an-
ithing rate.
On the last night of October,
In the stillness of the night,
Had we watched our school house belfrey.
We'd have seen a curious sight.
That mild sorra of idiocy indulged in
by certain boys and young men on Hal-
loween in the way of removing gates,
etc., has not yet died out here. It dies
U000 Holiezmesit. - Mr. Matthew
Foley sold his fine bay gelding two years
and three months old to Mr. A. M. Pol-
ley, of Goderich, for $151. Mr. Polley
also purchased a four year old bay cult
from Mr. James Bogie, jr., for $166.
Boors. -Although roots are not large
.ts a rule this year, the crop has been
pretty wood all over, the rows being very
regular in growth. One farmer rsised
.2,300 bushels of roots, chiefly mangolds.
MAMMAS, Morrow Bros. fin-
ished their labors here nn the 31st ult.
Their best record was at Fred. Horton's,
in two hours and a half 240 bushels of
fall wheat ; at Mr. Burke's 180 bushels
of data in one hour, keeping two grain
•larks on the hop When leaving they
expressed a hearty feeling at the kind
treatment they had received from the
Leeburn and Dunlop farmers. Tall
Donald and the junior ern/laser express-
' el a deep sorrow in parting with the
lasses. We are afraid that though they
are gone they have left their hearts be-
hind. The firm started off for Turks
line amid ked °been, having still 46
days' walk ahead.
Tmerw -alrc . -The following are the
.,Mears for the I.aehnrn Lodge I. 0. G.
T., 2E3, for the miming quarter : W. C.
T. Hn, A Horton: N'. V. Sister P.
Horton: W. R. Bro. (J. H. Olstfnn; W.
P'. $ Re... Peter Stewart; W. T. Bro.
John fwnklater: W. M. Brn. John Stew-
art; W. D N.'lister Jane • . I.(11.
Sister Heise maybe; W. R.
Howarth; W. R. H. 11. . Edith
Hesi.; W. L H. ft. M. Mac -
manna: P W. 0 T. Bar, W. Memnanus;
W. 0. Il/a. S. B Williams. During the
hs arranrereent. dill be
etch. i betel. elf Or aster -
Wow .tr.iv taus flys The
nate, fi biretta le
How we gazed in speechless wonder
Upwards et his house on high ;
Then looked round to think and ponder.
Why its tongue so still did lie.
Horror stricken, almost speechless.
Were we, when we knew the truth,
Knew, that It bad Mot its clapper
By the hand of reckless youth.
Soon were voices beard to utter,
While our hands we ceaseless wrung
"Lo 1 the gate has left its hinges,
Gone perchance to hent the tongue.
Mourning for the pale is ended.
Still the tosgeehas not appeared
Should it turn up as the other.
Greatly thee we should be cheered.
Good old towpau for years so taitbtty.
How we mW tt every day,
B. who called us weary stragglers
In from all our youthful pier.
Wili the public, if they meet it,
In its wand'rinas, tar from home.
Kindly to its place return it.
And well teach it not to roam.
No lees than two wedding parties
Visited our town one day last week.
Inspector Miller visited our public
schools ore day lately.
The funeral of Mr. Phillips, of Belfast,
Weed through this place last Tuesday,
31st ult.
Then are a few asses of diphtheria
reported in this village ; bet none of
thea* appear the be very serious.
Mr. D. R Munro has been re-engsged
as principal of the puhlic schools here,
M en &dyaa., of salary.
Quite a number of usgistratas' cases
hem been tried Likely in title hull over
the look -up.
Miss Mattie Qumran, who bas been os
mai eitended tour through the States,
bee just returned, sad appears to have
enjoyed eejeyed Ysakes society im-
mensely. ea% --w ei...410
- On Sabbath- last quarterly services
5tetcs dirpsnsed in the )ttet�okiat obet
The Rev. Mr. Ortswell oo4eapi.I
pulpit, pad preached* very � o stable
urinesto a large end apprssidtire con-
Mr Robert Waller* who hu spent
Our Ir,ys on Halloween behared the
selves with Levering pr. pretty, m•• •1
contented themselves with playing neat_=
funny tricks. So far there have b cp
no reports of any destruction of proper
ty. This says s great deal for the t":.d
spirit prev:.iling among the youth of our
village 11
Mrs. Christie Stewart of the .Nile,
who has been for a long time ailing,
passhd peacefully awsy on Sunday morn-
ing last. Deceased was widely known
mud highly respected The bereaved
husband and ' family. have the . miner's
sympathy of the commtnn$y.
Look ter Mr. Bean's advertir-ment in
the People's Column.
Mr. P. Layton, formerly market clerk
here, but now of Brucefield, is visiting
of s;eues hereabout.
Miss Rose Currie, Goderich, was the
guest of Mrs. Allen.
Mrs. Allen, who was laid up last
week by an attack of illness, is uuw 1)11
the mend.
The lads abstained frc.tn mak iig any
depredations on Halloween, at -d have
been commended for their good sense to
the local constable.
"We never miss the water till Co,
well run's dry," sings our 011;7; .on of
Erin as he drives his cow-, to the lake.
All his wella have given out.
Archer, the well-known jockey, tell
from • horse at Newmarket, Saturday,
while jituapi.g q hurdle and ass severa-
1 injured. a
Literary Notices.
"0." VP PA., • gl
°"4".`"•year Fline nue.
cent$. Wu. Baioos, Toronto Pnblish-
Ili this number the Rev. C. S. Eby, B.
A., of Japan, completes his admirable
series of "Littering" in Europe," which
has been so finely illustrated. A paper
on Quebec and its Environs,' gives num-
erous engravings of historic scenes lathe
aucient capital. The Rev. Hugh John-
son, M. A., contributes a striking paper
on "Personal Recollections of the late
Dr. Punshon," and the Rev. Dr. Suther-
land an able discourse on the "Attrac
tive Power of the Croats." The Rev. E.
R. Young, for many years missionary to
the North-west, gives a very interesting
account of the "Invention of the Cree
Syhabic Characters by the Rev. Tames
Evans." He gives the full alphabet, and
Ishows how readily it can be combined
into words and how easily it can be
learned. The Rev. R. W. Harrison has
a thoughtful paper on "The Destruction
of Faith and Its Results " The story. of
"Life in a Parsonage" is drawing to a
clo.e. A tine Poem by John Macdonald,
Esq., and a Letter by Dr Nelles on the
Marmion Question, with an unusual num-
ber of very full book notices complete
the number.
Among the contributors announced
for the next volume are Prof. (loldwin
Smith, Dr. Daniel Wilson, President of
University College; Dr. Dawson, Princi-
pal of McGill College, and other fore-
most writers in Canada.
'N. (Peer) Irish Need Apply.'
"The prospect of a large pauper immi-
gration from the south of Ireland is not
a pleasing one. ; * The
parasite class, who have learned to live
upon others, have lest all those qualities
which would make them anything but
an intolerable- burden, and a source of
danger 4o us in this c.untry. We don't
want them. We have evil elements
enough in our population without having
them augmented by the iguorance, idle-
ness, and vice inseparable from the pau-
perism of the Old World. -(Mail.
"The Aserleaa News tzeaeuge."
Philadelphia, Nov. 6. -An advertise-
nient has appeared in many newspapers
and periodicals, purporting to furnish
easy employment and good compensa-
tion to persons desirous of entering the
journalistic ranks. The Pennsylvania
Society for the- P.evention of Vice and
Crime wrote to the office of the "Ameri-
can News Exchange," the title of the
organization at Cincinnati, and receired
in return a circular containing two cards,
supposed to b.- ..Open Sesame" to
theatres and railroad.. It was stated
that the cards 'must first be signed by a
reporter, and returned, with $5, for the
signature of the manager of the "Ex-
bhange." Railroad officials and theatre
managers say the cards are worthless.
The "Exchange" will be investigated.
L Iadstoae's $seeesa.
Nxw YORK, Nov 5. -- Time lVorGd's
London correspondent says ; "It is now
understood that the Irish home rulers
have come to a definite understanding
with Mr. Gladstone's administration not
to oppose the cloture or any ministerial
measures brought forward this year in
consideration of future concessions to
Ireland nett session. The opposition to
Gladstone's measure* has collapsed utter-
ly and the clove of the season 1882 will
find him the most powerful minister of
modern times."
lic,sro e, Nov. 5. --B. M. Sullivan, M. A.
says the reason the Irish members voted
with the government against Mr. Gib -
son's amendment to the cloture would
have crushed the Irish parts and allow-
ed the Tories to escape. The Tories alt
ways have a third of the house, but the
Irish party has not. Mr. Gladstone's
cloture will hit the Tory and Homo Rul-
er alike. Sullivan believes the coming
land resolution in England will far out-
step in magnitude and tremendous con-
sequences the Irish land movement.
A quoit match has been arranged be-
tween McLaren, champion of the United
States. and Dotson, champieeof Oanele,
to decide the championship of America.
The match is best two in three games,
and will be pitched at Walkerville on
the 10th and lith inst.
Mrs. Keltie, thebworite vocalist. ret
Hamilton, and her sen, while staving at
a friend's hong. on Bay etre'', in that
wty, on Saturday night, were attacked
by a rat. tine of her ears was bitten,
end blood was streaming from colon the
child's ears
Th.: illness of Anthony Trollope is now
• . ar d. d es very serious and possibl'
feta) His friends fear if ht ruoovtn hts
olio.., wJl les pemuaueutly affected.
Mr Charism Holmes, who foo a number
..1 yb..rs was County Engineer, of Bast
.fere=. died ia the London Insane
A •.'. un BandsV.
The deprirtment of marine and fisheries
h've reswvttddoeassents which templets-
' ogetierate the lighthouse keeper at
lamely island trout the charge of robbing
A..t.i victims.
A nasly found in Chamberlin'& fish net
at it.,,kp polet on Saturday has been
identified maths* of Orion Avery of Both-
well, that, who waadrowned at Amherst -
burg" October 19.
A .iouutnent erected to the meatoryof
the • to Prof. McOana, of the Belleville
deaf and dumb ittatitute, wu unveiltd
in peewees of the superin-
t.nd•.a.t, officers, pupils and fr ends et
that institution.
filo Allan steamship company has
.!.... en action against the Montreal
it'itecas for $50,000 damages fur libel in
u..t retracting statements made against
, he treatment of passengers on tA0
steamrbip Sardinian.
The widow of the late A. Duncan,
drowned of the Asia, hat Glyn present-
• t with lin &Mens, an trill t'edelve $1,-
000 from the Cohtmercial Travelleti Aa-
a..eiation, of which her husband was a
At Barrie, on Friday, Henry Yorke
was acquitted of the murder of Daniel
Dowel in Tay township in May last, the
evidence not proving that death resulted
from the blow struck.
Mr George Neale, a veterinary sur-
geon living near Brooklin, Ont., hanged
himself Friday morning. He was much
respected and in easy financial circum-
stances. 1t is sippused he was laboring
under a fit of melancholy. He leaves a
wife and two children.
It ie reported that the ex -Empress
Eugenie has made a will leaving all her
property to Prince Victor Napoleon, to
whom falls the inheritance of Napoleonic
succession. The estate is of immense
The burning of the Park Theatre, in
New York, has excited general_ interest
in London. There were numerous ex-
pressions of sympathy foe Mrs. Lantry,
though the Times reproaches the Ameri-
cans for offering so young an actress
homage adequate to the genius of Sidd-
The ret.remcut ..f County Judge Bus-
well, of Northamheelaud &ad Durbasn,
is sentienced. Junior Judge Clark, who
emeossds kite, will in turn be suooeeded
by Atte Thus. 8111111011, Q. C. of Port
J. t, f'errie's Sale Um.
November 10 -Salo of household fur-
niture at the residence of Mra.Dunsford,
Weetat., commencing at one o'clock.
November 18th. -Annual sale of farm
stock and implements at the Agricultural
(ir'.unds, ll.derioh, sale commences
sharp at 1 o'clock.
November dj- Peremptory auction
sale ••f household furniture eta , to take
place at the Most, Crabb's• block Sale
will ttwsasenoe at one o'clock sharp.
Duction Sales.
OF SU 141./41
Improved Fars StocI.
Mr. J. P Brine has been instructed by the
uudersignea to sell by Public Auction, on
Next year it is the intention r.1 the
Telephone Company to construct lines all
through Canada, the experiment between
Kingston and Montreal proving that
service is more „expeditious and better
for eoro purposes than the telegraph.
Napanee and Deseronto are now being
connected by telephone.
Levi Kelp, who tried to escape from
penitentiary at Columbus, O, last weak,
has confessed to the murder of Noah
Apps, an insane inmate ofSereca Comity
Infirmary. Help was sentenced to 16
FRIDAY, RQVEIB! 1 11,'82
Cemmaneing at twelve o'clock. noon. at
Stapleton, e e in1e east of Cluing.
The following valuable and oboios Farm
lttock, via : -
t steers three yrs. old s Yarrow cows
10 51st'» t too Ira old E Spring oaiver
3 steers tiy►Oa o • heavy 13 webs old t h draught bre
Traria/11g states.
(MA fill) 'r3tU N*
Pi.,. tilW.. Hiz'd .. llt>s d
6•detlek.lo.L Mesa.. WNW. iNpsowla s.&1 o
Poen Sues, llite& Med.
Iioderlob.A, i �WMum3aaa, m
Luck sow ttt.$.I ttyl srtr. IAiMus .. Ik.pfp s
K1*eardiae fir
CLPIl4L. • - Iltsss,Ns,
BURPLf7B, - - • - M,sseefa.
Goderich Branch.
It. (JLASS . • - -tfunaoer
Allows Interest en deposits. Dratta. Iette.
of emelt aged circular sobs lssmsA abl
la all Parts of the world. fab
Yutd tip Capita', . $(2,000,000.
Rat, - - *1,41)0,000.
Prestdeat - iSU.':. WAY AhMdSTaI II
icarrot Mn
aager, • fl'. ,v, ....vosaov
Goderich Branch.
A. M. ROSS, - - - • Mavaeaa.
Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a Canada
principal Towns wad Cities in nada
Great Britain and the ('nited States, bough
and sold.
Adranoesto Farmers on Notes. with one e
more endorsers. without mortgage. 1713
t stock helfersSyr ota tag mare to foal to T N?DRA:fCE CARD.
2 stook halters !+r old Bismarck j
1 milehoows in calf to t mare are years old
a thoroughbred bull 1 rburoughbrod short- BRITISH ASS. CO' Y, Tliwomrro-IisubiLhe
1 yearling Neer n got horn Bull, 1 yearn
iiii• thorn br ad bull old t 1633
e whole of the shoos stock w•Ui be sold. I'1i(ILVIX INH, (Try., d Iwurpo:r (Kagiand)
5ita4ubed 17.2.
HARTFORD INS. CO'Y, of HinTroRo, loan
-Established 1810.
Risks taken In the abovoftrst-olas,Omoes, it
the lowest rates by MORACS HORTON.
The undersigned la also Appraiser for the
Homs, to Loan on first-class security, root
i toil per Cent. -Charges moderate.
Goderiob Sept. 10. iMS.
Th2;ld9. - Twelve months' credit will be
given on furnishing app -red joint notes. A,
dleCOUnt et rix txn a on .h,- dollar will be al -
towed for easb oe endit i^moyt{aptr.
J. P. BRINE, Auer. HY' ..ANSFORD, P.Dp.
Slapletor, Nov. 8th. 18t•:
Under a power of 011aD contained In a cer-
tain mortgage,which wit. be produced at the
time of sale. tere will be so:4 bI li. Hoven-
berry. auctioneer. at the Huron. Hotel. in the
village of Zurich. on Saturday, the :15 car of
November, at the hour of 13 o'clock no,..'. the
following valuable property, namely :
South halt of lot 13oa the lake Road, mast co>s-
ceseion of the township of Hay flew 10 acres
thereon which said parcel Oland contains e6
acres, more or less. On the said property is
situated a large frame house and a small barn;
the land Lot good quality and L in a tine
farming oouatry.
Tmasas : - Ten per omit of the purchase
Money to be paid to the YosNors Solicitors at
the tine of 5.te,1 r sin oast la thirty daps
thereafter sad tits iaYses 10 be secured by
mortgage the premises wlsbtn eve years
with o at MVM tae out smswlly. For
further particulars nod ee sea. as of sate, ap-
ply to the Vendors 8otiettoes.
Rose, Macdonald, Merritt d` Coatawortk.
Vendor's Solicitors.
38 and 30 Toronto -o. lis.lt.
Vr next Entrance &nomination will be held
in the Central School, on Weas led*, and
Thursday. the 30th and 31st of ilmsaaaidsr.1M3.
beginning at WM a.m. each d$ Iatseher
Caad mut sottty the Best libeler, or
the Doors
est latae Oen s1. 17th of
Nredeletbui same
usual. except to Art metic tan
Percentage ase Interest are added. Ager
thts year, bowever, • paper will be set on
Drawler,as given in Walter Smith's
MsamIG Tor
BSA her particulars apes, 3tto H.
...^ a 10>5' tr '
tig, «
�, 1i
at • i_i„tifoloola woo
T T lfatrdresser. begs to return
hanks to the public top Daat gip
solicit. a esntlananee of senior. He can
always be toned be Marta, Parke. sea r
Poe Oeloe Godertcb. 1763
years for tumult with intent to kill. He
has groears ur pondent, sentendc seeks toaroiid (3-reat (Jlearixig Sale
11 years ntserced sentence by standinghis trial for murder.
Mrs. Lan ry made her debut at New
York on Monday evening at Wallack sPOR
Theatre before one of the largest and
moat ere. Shee audiences acev everr favorable
hied here. made a eery favorable Wimpression, and her impersonation of
"Hester Grazebrooke" in "The Unequal
Ketch" is conceded b critics to bea fine
performance. The debutante was repeat-
edly called before the curtain and reoeir- Imrie's Book Store!
ed many floral tributes.
The body of Mr. Samuel Brownlee
the man who has been missing since a
week ago Wt night, wu found about
noon to -day in the canal in the rear of
Riordon's Paper Mill where the debeas-
ed had been formerly employed. He
was evidently on his way home when he
fell into the canal and was drowned.
He was a member of United Workmen
and leaves a wife and three young child-
A BRVTAr. MURDER. -One of thernost
appalling olurders ever perpetrated in
the Ottawa district occurred on Thursday
last. It appears on the day mentioned a
cripple, named Robertson, son of a
Vankleek Hill merchant, left his home
on a hunting expedition. Not returning
the same evening a party of friends or-
ganized and went in search of him. His
mother accompanied them, but no suc-
cess was achieved until Saturday, when
his mother discovered the dead body of
the unfortunate man in his own room.
His. skull was fractured, evidently by
some blunt instrument, and his face and
body also bore marks of harsh treatment.
It is thought that after being pummelled
he was left to die in the wood t by the
villain whoattacked him, hut subsequent-
ly recovered sufficient strength to crawl
home. The Crown -Attorney has the
matter in hand, and a detective is new
at work on the cage.
At the ree;den -• of the bride's mother. Goder-
lob, oo the 1st of Nov., by Rev. J. Wake -
1,1d, Mr. James Yates to Lizzie Sneyd, of
Nov. tet, by the P.ev. J. ('aswetl,st the par-
sonage thensaneon. Mr. J. Carter, to
Mies Mary itstbsrfngtea,both et Colborne
At the residence of abs bride's tacker es the
8th inst., by Bev. Dr. Urs. We H. i1. Cow.
an. of the Reffertnr. 1tr<eter. to
Miller, only daughter of Oavin ear athsie,
[fart.. Ooderkcb.
At the Nile, Nov. S. Cyatlea, beloved wits of
ler litew.rt, and dsueb-
tet et L 0. RA tome
papers please
Net 1. hereby_-
ilbtw... the M'b"ib
Ira ▪ of ttader
=Nit eeigta' &eorMiliLIVe
AMt. i(sttsst.
t[osse Ctwsasae.
temDated thlseth day N
r)'ridhant witness
merit • Marcet pub Mas IMMO se the trees to
&e., &., &C., INCLUDING -
Writing Desks.
Ladies Dressing Cases.
Gents Dressing Cases.
Photograph Albums.
Japanese Goods in great variety.
Writing Books o£ all kinds.
Psalm Books.
Blank Books.
Pass Books
Work Bores
Scrap Albums.
Autograph Albums.
English Church Prayer BookBf it
English Church Services.
Pocket Bibles.
Family Bibles.
Svc., 6L.. &c.
The above goods are offered at
Twenty -Five per Cent.
Clear Them Quick
New Christmas Goods
Arriving Weekly from England
Or"tIm. std.. i\zazocisot Sq.
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