HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-10, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. NOV. 10, 1882. Fun and Fsncv. Jones thinks a maa fortunate who has his win oustested alter death only. He says his will has boss oostestd eves sister he carried Kra Junes. "What are yuu gdng to do when you grow up: itou dost know how to cipher r asked • to ether of • rather slow buy. "I am going to be school teacher, aad make the boys do all the cypher - leg," was the reply. It is related that President 8egnier was always hard upon the lawyers When. the docket was being called mos day it was found that both advoostes in • coo talo cue w about. "Ou on with it, thou, cried smote e president, in high spi- rits; "go on with it; we shall have a chance of getting at the truth." A dry goods clerk, with s very affect- ed gait, had to At* a distant pari of the stere for some goods for a party of feminine customers. 'Walk this way, ladies," he called, as he swung himself off "But we can't walk that way," cried a pert miss; "we never learned that style, you know." The clerk is now drilling on • more common method. An elderly resident, of Newtown, was appy ached by an agent for a cyclopedia "I guess I won't get one," said the el- derly citizen, and frankly added, "1 know I never could learn to ride one of the peaky things." It was at the house of the bride's pa- rents after the wedding. On • table were exposed the costly presents. Two gentlemen were ezamintag them. Said one of them suddenly: "Thane, you say, are the bride's presents, but what does the groom get r' "Oh,'' id the other, "he gets the woman." First rn- tleman: "Is that all 1 Poor fellow !' READY WIT.—Toe jester attached to the oourt of Peter the Gnat of Russia was remarkable for his ingenuity in ex- tricating himself and others from trou- ble. A cousin of his, on one occasion, had fallen under the Czar's displeasure, and was about to be executed The jes- ter presented himself at oourt to petition for a reprieve. On seeing him enter the chamber of state. and divining his ar rand, the mouarch shouted to him—"It's of no use coining here; I swear that I will net grant what you are ming Is :.sk." Quick as tboughtthe fun dropped on his knees, •ndexolaimrl--"I beseech your Imperial • Highness to put that scamp of a omat u of mine to death.,' Peter, thus cart-lht In his own trap, had no choice but to laugh, and sent a par- don to the offender. 1 lsdlabde Wtratres. Mr. White, iatepr'oprietor of the Man- sion Saloon, KiAg Street, Turonto, w ri t es as follows shout Dr. Canton's Stomach and Constipation Bitters: "I have used Dr. Canon s dwnt•eb Bitten for nearly two year, and I believe it to be the best medicine in the worts. I would not be without it for anything. I have induoed scores of people to try it, and when taken according to directions, I have never known, it to fail. I call the Bit- ters, 'The Doctor.' It has certainly been my family doctor ever since I first used it, and will centinno to be as long as it acts the same as hitherto. I strong- ly advise ell my friends and the polder generally, who suffer from any affections of the Stomach, Rowels, Liver or Blood, such as Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver O omplaiat, Headache, 1)iasine•s, Cos- tiveness,'Impurities of the Blood, Rheu- matism, Neuralgia,. etc. , to buy a bottle f 'The Doctor, and 1 am certain that not one will regret having done so. I do not thing there ia any medicine in the whole world equal to Dr. Carton's Stomach and Coastipatiou Bitters." (Signed,) Jae. Wntrrf. Sold in large tx,ttles at 50 cents by all druggists, is Proem A nob? Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 29.—A Washing- ton correspondence writes . An impor- tant omission has been discovered in the famous treaty of Vt ashiagton which threatens to affect seriously an impor- tant American industry by leaving it un- protected, and may cause our Govern- ment to lose thousands of dollars on duties which would otherwise have been collected. The demand for frogs as an article of food in cities has increased so largely cif late that the domestic supply has been found insufficient a brisk trade in these amphibious animals has aprons/ up with Canada, and large o umbers are being shipped across the border to American dealers. The action of cer- tain Customs collectors, however, thrat- ens to put an end to this traffic if their rulings are sustained by tho Treasury Department. Under the provisions of the treaty of Washington fish caught in Canadian waters have been edmiUd to the United States free of duty. The Canadian dealers insist that frogs at e fiah, and therefore exempt; the American Cus- toms officers object to this claaification, and hold the. fish were never known to have feet, while the subject of dispute has four. To this she Canadians reply, that if frogs ate net kah, they aro cer- faip` pot Mtimmis nor lie's, end oagnot be suttjeetet bo olasei$eafli n for duty. The .nMter has been referred to the Treasury Department for a decistnn, but Is At exillilkid that Secretitf7, Felgef will sttetttot to give an opitlintt nerd after the election -- h.rnirhly not then, for fear of foreign complication s—and the tttstldeer will drably be referred to eer Words of t 'Wisdom. Sorrow may .ordure for a eight. Joy mouth la the moraine. He who knows must, grieves most fur misted time. The must profound joy has more of gravity in it. `11s death to me to be at meaty I bate it. and desire all goad sea's by.. They say women and music should never oe dated. God created the coquette as soon aa he had insole the fool. Better • day of strife Tues • (eatery of sleep. Among (mortals, second thoughts are the wisest. The man oho stumbles twice on the same stone is a fou'. And as birds drink and straight life up the. head, So may I sip, aad think Of better drink I sou attals to atter I ss dead. What is mind 1 No matter. What ia matter 1 Never mind. What is the soul 1 It is immaterial. The word that oboe eeoapes the tongue cannot he recalled ; the arrow cannot be detained which has once escaped from the bow. Suffering is the surtat way of snaking us true to ourselves. He who for love has undergone The worst than can befall, L happier thousand -told than one Who sever loved at all. The secreta of lifeare not shown except to sympathy and likeness. Show me the man you honour. I know by that system, better than any other, what you are yourself. For you show me then what your ideal of manhood is, what kind of a man you long inexpressi- bly to be. There are two ways of being happy. We may either diminish our wants or augment our means. The result is the ame, and it is for each man to decide for himself and to do that which may happen to be the easier. A rat guawed a hole in the gas pt's in the window of Wade's drug store, King- ston. The plumber struck a match to see where the leak was and caused an explosion, doing considerable damage There is so doubt about it, that Dr. t VAN Bcute's KIDNEY CUES is the only known remedy that science has bestowed upon mankind that wilt positively cure kidney diseases Ask aur druggist for it. Sold by J. Wilson Goderich. 2m: A R.WAkD—Of one dozeu " TaAaett- ee" to any one sending the best four line rhyme on "Tsassaay," the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Breath. Ask your druggist for address. It was rather • remarkable coincident* that the eighty-seventh Psalm, appoist;M• by the Episcopalian prayer took for We Sunday evening sereice the week of the British victory in Egypt contained the following passage: "Thou hast subdued Wt and destroyed it. Thou hast scat - thine enemies abroad with thy mighty arm." Te tore Medical Profession. and all wases It may mama. Phusphatine, or Nerve 1' ooa, s Phos- phate Element based upon licientifc Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates, Narcotics, and no Stimulants, but simp ly the Phosphatic and Oartric Elements found in our daily food. A single bottle is sufficient to convince. All Druggists sell it. $1.00 per bottle. LowDSN & Co., sole agents for the Dominion 66 Front Street East Toronto In the House of Commons Dilke stated that correspondence has taken place with the United States iu regard to the Newfonndland fisheries. but no arrange- ment has yet been arrived at, MIIIt.as Gives Away. Millions of Bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have been given away as Trial Bottles of the large size. This enormous outlay would 1* disaatr us to the pro- prietors, were it not for the rare mints possessed by this wonderful medicine. Call et Wilson's siren more, and get a •Trial Bottle free. and try for yourself. It never fails to curs. (6) Mr. Win. Ranson, tit Sleuth Norwick, says: For sixteen years I suffered from Rilionenesa, never had any medicine done me any penaanent good until re- commended by our druq{ists. (.1. Wes - leer Fish As Co , OtterviUe.) to try Dr Careent'a Stomach and Constipation Bit- ters, which hare done me more gond than any medicine 1 have ever taken. I would, with the utmost onsfidenee, re- commend them to a ittflemeg from Tionantes, etre. Sod by all Drugitiata at 50 cta. a bottle. jse has tent a telegram to the tag a continuator alai. Ran litA p etecti.,. expressing unalter.ble Ad fidelity. /otiose* esrhraaeoe- e ,sad lesalioaMS. , Thdollars can 11 by OHIO If 1167 spirits, a If yea are ei ser Ysltdjunit low end despines, id 'st mama Nso. e aim to see tho theft will folio/it iM tt i iwill • t tile; will t1 pe'Ii f Elector llOtero., Sold at n M•ftle. hT Jag Witting'. Ltinee—.Soars tat Asa Wil. a (11 it ' ,reliable that the foot tided gene Med fulls %ill be If ingrtes. and either nrrmte n R lasari!• iew OM SUBSICRIBE FOR TRE SIGNAL FROM NO)K' Till the 1st ofJauuary FOR ONLY 25 Cls. Now is the time to Subscribe for a Wide. Awe Newspaper, The Huron Signal Will be sent to any address (ruin now Till Jan. lst,1884 FOR $1.50_ Thus giving you the balance of 1882 fur nothing. The Siu and Giobo f'lti)M \t)1\ Till Jan. lst,1884 RIR $2.25 Subscribe Now 1 And get the base& of this offer CHEAP GROCERIESI S FT 1 D people Ooderieh and on of Huron, that he ha p urohawd fountinue the busine in the old Ntand, his Mock of onst'and will be Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets. Having bought the gouda for cosh, and sa 1 intend to make all my purchases from wholesale oxen fur cash also, I will be in • position to sell at Very Low Prices for Cash My Mock will always be fresh. 1 will keep the best brands of teak, geed sugars, and everything in the grocery line from the beet prudeoBazar,ere• Bun, Spaced Yeats etc. , always on hand in season. I am determined to please, both in quality and pts porCall at the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Fair Ground, near D. K i er d G Stes machine shop. SWIFT_ uerob, March Otho 1882. D w Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G-_ BARRY CABINET MAKER AB IIJBERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A Meg Chain ( air, cans and assortment of Kitchen, seatrdBed nl,t Cupboards, Bed-steadRoom and s Mattresses,r tture, each Wash-et*a Lounges, Sofas, What -Note, Looking Glasses_ N. B.—A complete assortment of Caine and Shrouds always on handliblao Hearse' for b at reasonable rate . Picture Framing a specialty.—A esti solicited 1;51 BOOTS&SHOES =)p WedeCtio'LZp ile t. -announce to the Public that they have opened business in the above Stroe in the .tore lately 000n ied by Horace Newton. Having purchased a large and well assorted stock of Spring and Summer Goods at close figures, we are determined t give the Public the benefit. QUICK SALES & 811AI1L P80FITS WILL BE OUR ?MOTTO odoPleaae call and examine our goods before purchasing elsewhere. for -Remember tho place, next door to J. Wi'. en's Drug Store. SA -Custom work will receive our special no None hut the best el materiel used and first-class workmen employed. toe -Repairing neatly dune on thee-leotteest notice. Gntierich, March 9, 1 ss'l. D OI , • :1\4G & WED U P Mr. Jas. Fulton, of Walton, hall a•1.1 his j.reperty there. He intends kecpinit hotel in Winthrop, and will 0 0lllenee -Smut the 1st of Nvveinher. In themean •.ase the hotel is being fitted up for f:iut. M. Fulton will make a genial a lid( Lli I ging host. Tree to Ner Trust. Toro much cannot be said of the ever faithful .wife and mother, constantly watching and caring for her dear onea, never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by dis- ease, and the system should have a thorough cleansing, the stomach and bowels regulated, blood purified, and m.larial poison ezter.nivatsd, she .oust kw.* tlte' Electric Bitten are the duly sure remedy. They are the beat and purest medicine in the world and only cost fifty cents. tioj.l tort'.T. Wilson. [4) r,pyrga ldderarevee :w a'tu.iall re►bed ,r. ii. t'.tT.i' :1lk, tins, Ut•oe lhvl_ It it ori) ate ote+d Y . ...bawesoftltegreat GERMAN INVIGORATOR w L.rb peslr,vetyy and perremaeu. , cures IIm- i,.leaeg misused by excesses of any kind ) a.•s.lsal Weariness" and all diseases that fol- luvv as a se.tae•oe of Self -Abuse, as lees of en- e. e. ,w of memory, ar.iversal lassitude, path 1I • . reback, do anv tf rreness of vision. leer prams- ' that :..saa)ty or .aoWamption and a pronta- nt urn wfth testJtnonlala free by ,' o *ahltifilltATIPIR 1s sold at wt per o- is `totes tor by all druggists, or ere env mail, securely sealed, on : ''•Hes. le. addressing. F. J. CIIPINKY, Druggist,191 Summit St,-Tulo :r, Ohio Ou.. P.NTwae, Mole Agent for Ouderloh. THE KEY TO HEALTH. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying Or gradually without wakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions ; at the seri time Des Acidity of the atiO111A0h, curi ss'yey in g Diz- ziness. Heartburn. Osnott%Uot. Dryness of the Skin., Dim- ness o(Vidon, Jeusliow Salt Rheum Brysi 1sa, screfldla, Flnttscingo the Heast. Nervousness and General Debility; all these and many other simi- Iofar ('8IIBDOObn nplunts teBLll OOD ii1T8to the hapt'y l du38urnc • Sample Bottles 10e ; Regular size $L For sale by all dealers. T. MIllitlid s. CP.. Proprietors. TeresN fl VQWLLRS 3TRAWBERY' Cum CholAnt,CAolorn car oontiay, Camps, Colic, be - twoseniitaMuna O..plaiat ; alas Cliolora IR,Jiawtflrllw. aad & Com- pose/sr hi ohiMnm Meth - VIM M 0sr o • VW SAL! BY ALL Nile T. te MILBURN i Clay Prnprieiors, T.eoeta• xo MANITOB14 The (treat Western Railway will run their excursions to MANITOBA and DAKOTA points during May and June every two weeks, commencing T[7n8- DAY May, 2nd, 1881. Fares Reduced. For reformation, tickets, etc., apply t GEO. Bt JOHNSTON. Special Agent Greet Wentern Railway (loderieh, Ont Goderich. April. 2e.. yvert. 1855. MRSI WaRVOfN Bege to acquaint the ladies of Goderich vicinity. that she Is now showing Spans ad Sasser Militaery At ber shop, Hamilton Street, in great and beautiful variety. She has ,curet- the ser- vices ora city milliner, and feels assured that she .an give SATSIFAC T I ON IN BOTH STYLE AND MAKE. She ho .c' to be favored with • visit from her patron.. and the ladles generally. MPS. WARN()CK. HALL'S IIATARRHIURE ,mac,... Y-- arzic r --a-, le Recommended by Ptralrtana. C1712.1243 .atarrh of the Nissl (gaily (,Leask asd inroadhp 1.atarrh of the Ear. E ts or Throat I`` h t',k.. INTERNALLY, an( arts DIRECTLY epos the ac Blood sad Mon ° acett of the System. t the be .t NOR./ a the WORLD, lad Is wort), All that it charged for It. fa THAT •lona. Tit-. MI cook CURE FOR CATARRH is IN TSIN MANKKT Art 100 ws 7far EQ2 br aq e , ,t Oaten. tt s:;1 ate :ut $100 • lVRLI A)rrt, . Mt., awns Es, Leos, Ly littis ...'Ritter was troe:w with batary'tt tr t+o )e T. ..n 1 woo ser, tL r;'1 b.n.atted by tee ate n1 ' lira '. Caiatra cm+" Shs Is now saes carol. W. T. HOUSE. WRt.r.Avn, On, , Horeb ant, MP& lhays titled " Halle UstarchCurs,' and 1udg. t7 from site `sod moults 1 desired from one .til., be'Iwe It wiltcurethe mn•t etueboeu ... of aearrb 11 IN nes be eonttnn.d for a • awwbie loopth of t(ms. W. (I. HELLEYa WALLArn, Ont., Horeb 151. 1S88. ' ► Cwaaee & 1'.... T,drder. .1. Nowt -Mete sold Hall', Cetarrb Cars for trite et) ear. sod it rtes eosin ..tldMYes Yours truly. H W AOt4SON, Drente,. fiall's Catarrh Cure std by an Nbnlesale sed befall Drtfillists and Dome's 1p 1/eotk. 1b lb*II•Jso►d Melte sM OaedlslaAs. a Cepa a Bottle. $4,09 a Doz. The dimly esais C terrb Cans is rnso- 1assw/Ma by ►• J• Ts 00.. Teioly O. itinlelserti of r-w-Yesa MON. an tub. Oeiarte tads by NOV. «0880N, Welland. Oat GEORGE RHYNAS, 8.4 Agent, G.slerich ), (1. WILL PA% FOR THX ATOMa ,, •) pAo e free for the balmier, of be of *nee sat se• fen tree*, of