The Huron Signal, 1882-11-10, Page 5A P&INIPI L HISTORY. w Sera tarar«ws.. W,.Nkr Mreebaese, B.LtiI ilseMN Meet& lr$ak.- eased ase 1/wrYes- L ndou,ov. 6. —About 26 years ago Wm. Muir a partner is the tutu of Adam H & Co., he was at that, time considered to he one of wealthiest men in the west. He lived in • tint e1•as residence, kept his carriage, and was the Scat in the city to introduce a liveried footman. He was a brother-in-law . f Judge Daniels, sod was otherwise well connected. After leaving this city he went into partnership with the well . uowu 8rtu et Buchan..., Han-ia, J: Cu. , of Hamilton. In that ,.sty he mulled nine of Mr. R. W. Harris, which still tended to improve ais financial staudiug. In the crib which swept over the Pro- vince a few days after, Mr. Muir, no had been speculating freely, was among the victims, and in an evil hour he had receeurse to drink in order to stifle Ina grief. He now removed to Montreal, but it was only tram bad to worts His career was now steadily downward, and to such an extent was he reduced that he was "bliged to travel the country as s book agent. When hest WWI in this city it was evident to those who were ac- quainted with him that he was fast break- ing up. On his return to Mountie' he was reduced to great poverty, and finally through exposure and the baleful effects of drink he fell a victim to disease and was removed to the Montreal hospital. where s few days ago he died. During all his dreadful seasons of distress he seemed to realize his position keenly, and he kept aloof as much as possible from his homer associates, his pride pre- veutino him from taking known his wretched position to those who would have willingly stretched furl saving hand. In his case, however, it would have al'parently proved an impossibility to snatch the devotee of folly from the grave. He carefully concealed from his friends his whereabouts, and after his death in the hospital his remain» were taken to the disseettng-room to be operat- ed on, as is the custom, by the Montreal students. Just as the professor was about to plunge the knife int() the sub- ject an old friend arrived at the dissect- ) in the greatest h.c..to and ex- , itement, and forbade the Professor pro- ceeding. After some parley the [natter was satisfactorily explained, and the re- mains of the once wealthy, influential, and respected Wm. Muir were -taken in charge, and decent sepulture assured. A Mother's Geste Neglected. 51 The Cheapest House Under The Sun. !I SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. . FOR THE BAI,ANCS E Or NOVMBYIL WS orrER ALL 000D8 AT t► " LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH . ' O -EO. SH1PPARD.STOVES 1 TNWAR, WALL PAPER ANDGENERAL HOUSE FURNISHINGS. JAMES SAUNDERS & SON. THE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY. NOV. 10, I882. XMAS ANUUNCEMPJN Trade Mark Registe+'ed. ANOTHER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. By casual otMar. ':un, We rind all Ian, speculators have a t ..r head and watt h the ups and downs at property. thus makin. large fortunes. Nut the whole secret is, the) keep the system in a healthy ronditien by th use of NISI mom Or TINE I'ALLEY RE11t'ItW We eau safely say that hundreds touts to ,r fur the great lung and blood purifier before going west. Read the following statement We could give thousands of the sane kind it it were necessary. 1 certify that 1 war troubled with Catarrh In the gathering of pntcgnh in the throat choking and coughing at night for years. su I could not sleep, often t' oubled with dull, life - leas feelings, pains In . be chest and back. After gluing hundreds o1 dollars to doctor., and giving up all hopes, !tried the Pntos ov Tris VALLar, and am now able to do my work after seven rear's sickness." MRS. JAMES MCNlilt.. 1001 Simcoe Street, Loudon, Ua "The above statement of my wife's is .'ut rect. JAttaa McNutt.. For sale by all druggists, manufactured b) Prof. A. M. Shrleves, London, Ont. Sample Etc25 eta; five for ,1..00. Can be had in (lode cb of the follow druggists: J.k. Mead. JI... Wilson. F. .rdas. cr.. sky. saw, aad J. A. vanes. IN_5 London, Nov. 6.—A ease of shocking depravity is reported from London town- ship. On Wednesday last an old woman named Mrs. Loudon, residing on the 3rd con., died from old age and general de- bility. Har two sons named John and James, who were informed of the d lath of their maternal relative, borrowed some money from Mrs. Scatchertl and her hir- ed man for the purpose of purchasing a coffin for the enslosure of the remains. They sat out for London with about lit 116 in their po.se.ion, but on their way call- ed lute two or three taverns where they squandered all they possessed for drink and did not return. The tieighborakind- ly sat up with the body, which was plac- ed on the lounge without a shred of cov- ering, all Wednesday night. Thursday cause and passed, but no nea• of the, men was received. The warden of the county was visited and acquainted with the circumstances,and immediately order- ed a coffin, and on Fri -lay afternoon the remains were interred at the Roman Catholic cemetery in presence of three men and a few ladies, the son8 not he- ing present. That in this enlighten- ed age two youth men should be so de- praved as to leave the corpse of their mother without, so far as they were con- cerned, s shred of covering, lying upona lounve for two days and a night, whilst they revelled in taverna and barroom. , is ahroat beyond credence. The Minister of Education has extend- ed the time for the payment of grants to Mechanics' Institutes throughout the Province, which expired on Wednesday Last, to December 1st. About 820,000 has been paid out since the 1st „1 May. Lamps! Limps! Lamps! A general order has been issued by the British goverpment to the consols of the empire in all parts of the wot 1.1 di- recting them to carefully avoid any in- terference in the politics of the c milt ry to which they are assigned. WILL YOU EXCHANGE a case of Dyspepsia or Iii110ti511Cs5 for 75 cents? I c is awfully watt -Ise to P^,e)nt7.e un- d•'rt %omany 1..11 inont5 irisin" from 1)yspcpsiu, Indigestion,t Disordered Stomach and Liver. when this other is made to you In yonr own home in ail sincerity. with an absolute certainty o;{ erring you. Z().•. SA(from Rrriz,1)cures Dys-,logia and I3iltousnesa. A Finale stogie ri Hewes; a sample bottle convinces; a 75 cent bottle cure.. It vets directly noon :he S:r)nlacll Laver, and liic_neya. ( leansi'n�. Corr'ctlna, Reg- ulating. 7.,)pesa gives cues...- and ver"an(l ♦Into tit() Drain.31 and 'M$SCIey Amply br lag went*crs raon tbt t►tgeai• Mini_ and Wring nc!icity to the Liter. Cut this out. take it t cat: dealer in medicines' and t e ' at least one tan 75 Bent aTrim et er itatswIt- Iswerrpni.il. to enr(' Py-pepsia and tonsneas. I would res, e, fully intiti . to that I am opening t.p an `• immense stuck of Fancy Goods f r th- Holiday Trade in E V ERY STYLE. TH2C V A RIETY IS S() LARGE IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE TO ENUMERATE THEM ALL t, NEXT coca TO THEE POST OFFICE. The Chicago House f �• WEST- , C-0IDERICH. THE FALL TRADE IN MILLINERY! Ifas now opened at that heaileluartera of fashion, the C: icago House, and I ani now in a position to state that the latest styles, best material and most reasonable prices can be found there. Everything in the Millinery line in Misses, Young Ladies, Matrons and Widows' Wear iq 011 view at the Chicago Hon-. -. A Particularly- fine line in Widows' Caps Call be seen. -_ ISS WILKINSON is also agent fur Butterick's Patterns, and Parker's' Steam Dye Works, Toronto. iarRemeitiber the place: THE l'HI('_AG() HOUSE, West -Street. I HAVE BOUGHT LARGELY EnglandWnted States1 Principally from Manufacturers ant Large Dealers, and at Prces 20 to 40 per cent. Lower than ch,-- LIGHT FOR EVERYBODY. Regular Rate. - I sin thus enabled t oe!! oat Very Low Prices. Geo. H. Old Hasbeen busily engaed for the past few In Xma$ Cardf) I Will Show t.,-; Nare►st wkg s, working up the cnmprtalon anio eget iii thcee apple bu7.w .o that the farmers would Fe enabled to Est the lliIist laitet Price But he has not neglected to keep cap 1 . st ,ck of Cheap Groceries, And i e n jw selling them at prices that .anno be beaten. The Best Line of Teas in Town in at 3-_ HJ c _I _ Ile has also gone largely into Crocory & fflass'#ie and has on hand a large selection of Lampe of beautiful design. fl you tt ant satisfaction call and sec. ',iG. H. OLD Oodericb, Sept. 29th 18,12. 1858 TIMOTHY SEED. , FRILBH and GOOD. THIS YEAR'S GROWTH. -A - SPLENDID VARIETY --AT- I4, SLOANE"s S?SI) STORE. CANADA'S FAVORITE WEEKLY '. THE WESTERN ADVERTISER --ANI) -- WI i Ic LY LIBERAL, of LONDON. (1NT. impoartant Reduction in Piles—Balance of 1502 Free— Valuable Pre- mium for the conning year. From Every Known M.tnufacturet. In Albums, Shell Goods, Work Boxes, Writing Desks, Dolls, Purses, Piper, Toys, Fancy Cups' and Saucers, Vases, Toilet Bette, £c., Ac. My Stock cannot be aerpamed for variety. Miscellaneous Books 1'.,ets, Bibles and Christmas ''Annuals. A fuli line. 1 will .guarantee satisfaction i in quality and ,,rices. - r The Huron School Book Depot, CORNER NORTH STREET AND SQUARE, GODERICH. Grated .Announcement to the People. PtirIN ARRril" 4� S :SAL & WIN!11L G9DS. 0 v : Rco. T11 G S Scotcli, Ell1isll, Irish & Ganaaiii Tweeds I3 -CT GH 1) u N LOP NEW DRESS GOODS .\ tr,r,• .I,ilnrnt of Goods rfu STRYrm:::::nd 131i3OCAAL1) SATINS Miss STEWART Legs to to announce that. owing to the '1'c m:U.•h to color for trimmings. Tremendous Rush ! COLBORNE B R OS which attended her fall opening having abated in some measure, the ladies of our town and the surrounding country. can cat,w ( ' view with a greater degree of pleasure, the MAGNIFICENT DIsPuAY!• ! G-ODERICII The prier of the WFtTERN ADVERTIPER e% WEriti.Y 1.1iiiRAT, has been red oral to (PIM for 11185(tbnl nwre .f Volt for to weir awl w'rtfera 1. Eight trimester pages. sixty -tour columns. The latest news, valuable -departments,"--of interest to all -continued and completed stories, nta.ic pictures. err. For 10 meats et- tpnMyg�eesrM ithal 1 greatbook iILpremium, ill or be , ma1tP . in strong tall ''over: or. for 15 ernes, will he sent in heavy board rover. Contains information. hints and recipes on 2.000sn1r- �eota rho uapuhlishe 1. The yetea t sand ! Every one wall want this popular and 'whit work. By renewing at once. prrse'wt ' .nbserlbe'rw can seders "Howe Lee 1{,t lr.Tn. ase Aorta eann uteve-entloned terms. witgqhrrottutyq,!'ti.l delay. prlretit. Pavel pest card for particulars. Inmates everywhere. F Address - J/RN t'AWPW • t'A. Advertiser (41014 r qLO♦ ONT, win shove tenet' date to 1st of Unitarytr Trig Peer , ISM. for the extremely low figure of 1111.50 tw ad seise. at her new premises, next door to R. W r' M K ' Mtli'tnlware St c enzle s Store. • Medical =an 1 argil a Lad Can Desiree ' l a�� �I j 1 ' She Has Everything in Wearing pp y The most complete assortment of Children"s Wearing Apparel in town. MILLINERY &MANTLEa- Ui1lsont. Feather. Plover.. Ornaments, etre.. STAPLE AND FANCYRRY anserrat Lime Fruit Juice, and Lime juice, Cordial Gdei h, The$lurt,.t audlbts1 itt 1 in the Markt. Makes a chap, delicus, erl IIOLESOME SITi1 MIEI I DRI -N KS. Just recrlvr'1 a ercnt lot of LONDON PURPLE AND PARIS GREEN, 1.,„. I'O1 .\TO lit t,-. HELLEBORE FOR INSECTS, FTC_, ttN Qin;rFsnh:r;l-. ' PERSIAN INSECT POWDER For the destruction of all kinds of in.e( *N. Tbl• cat',V rat nn.1 n,01,0 pci nn, fir(.11.1. AND INSPECT THE GOODS FOR YtiUR$ELF.- C 7 1-3 Q, INT POISON FIN I'APF.R?. Fere. Apprentices Wanted to Learn Millinery and Dressmaking, F. JORDAN, Chemist and D gist._ `1 AiTLAND HOTEL, GODIRiCH � 1 ONT Thevel�sew.aA first -cleat andrevsslesMow% rine .. ISOM and r(mann. r ow 1e�e�1e�ee la Ontario. for rota- , fe ecesostaealNfee- is heated M Ke Air. - It aILES, RITwa, SW1MWltti RATIN DANIEL GORDON CABINET MAKER, Art Beialls 111 WWII Nts. A\ n --- TEE LEADING t7NDERTAXE1t. Now {.the time, It yon wish one or two rice mom. Pt home, to we Ian tie iota over Furniture at Bottom Prices for Cash 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Designs I have now On Land lr Curl" large ,tock sl1Ch R' It,t,tuleolors.anti atpricer;,•' tsar u . ..o❑.. I -. ,h,vu tL• are the lost •"Pbl. In town. Pnd ;111,1 b.•.obl. TAMSS MILL, ARCHITECT, do. cregnet'Awe awd garden on the ItirbWo Sksek, i<iwsM.w mL. (lode- Not and cold meals at all honru for WS tialbMIMS and Healer des ire rrw�rrrt. An (Annlhn. to and from boat. and ten 17 Ca,pe.tltds' 'ar's and mason's work i Plant le In .•andwnr• Inn ArnnmanPro- isssser'sd a.d v esd. erletnr 1 t Chairs ofa11 kinds, Tables, Bedsteads, r lizaihns Parlor Setts, Side Boards,Rat- 1hP 11161 Sl�1'Ill Fihirns, tan Chairs, &.c., azo., 2 Doors West of the Post Office. . t nE3Z'TTZIER'S_ Miss Jessie Wilson i FASHIONABLE MILLINER. Newest Styles in Hats and Bonnets The moat popular Shales in Ribbons. Novelties in Feather• and t irnameatis, Styles and Price. eertain to please Miss Jessie Wilson THE SQUARE (,t)I)F.I 1' 11 T = Z e = 1= t.iAl' TIIA•r Till. DOMINION ,HAI h h F�PH't� J� L / AL l I I XI ADli AY 8, TAPf$C(FTT, 'f Hrnntfonl, pleases them bett.r tfa , as v prep.. re- L IMn they ever n.►A. It 1. tnn.t Nt he -I ng to rase M kra.t*'h' atoll ' n.. t of ,A. e a►. sad m.ke'. Faded ee (Arley Hair w.snme a charminel♦ not . rel at o hes 'r. v P .T'r-cars � e Price 50 Cerits Pci = :.tt 1 GEORGE RIIYNAC AGENT FOR 0QDii:II Dia 14 5, 1 1