HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-10, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAXNOV 10 1882.
a published 'mere
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Bl general Fpt �swsya s a Omuta-
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rad most reliableabjooersieb la Ontario
.nn• 4 being l oddities t.$hs /Mast • Mt -et
fatally and aro a
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Tasks. -41.30 la .vasa postage pre -paid
by publishers; $1.73, 1t hems sli months
Rif not so paid. This rule will he strictly
Rams or ADAS/Ttstau. Eight cents pe
One for first insertion ; three Dents pperr line for
each subsequent insertion. Yearlyr.half-yearly.
and quarterly contract$ at reduced rates.
Jai rttlTri6..-We have also&first-class
ebbing department In ooanectloo, and possess -
nig the most complete mut-et and bestfao4ltles
lir turning out work in Goderich, are prepared
do buainese in that line at prices that cannot
be beaten, and of ie anality that cannot be
surplred.-Terms Cask
FRIDAY, NOV. 10th,'I 2.
"Mn. CAMERON and his floods" still
Diu the Mail ever get the full returns
fro.n Muskoka 1
The Hun. Adam Crooks has substi-
tuted Goldsmith's "Traveller," option-
ally, for "Marmite.'" at the Intermediate
Examinatious to be held next Jelly. The
"Traveller" is a beautiful poem,far,ahead
of "Marmien" in our estimation, and
will not be objected to by anyone.
THE Barrie eldranre (Tory) fastens the
defeat of the party candidate in Simcoe
upon the Mail. It says : "The Mail's
dissertations upon the M:armion ques-
tion were nine -tenths of them totally un-
called for ' We do not know what effect
they may have had upon other portions
of the Province, but we do know that
in this section at least they have disgust-
ed all classes alike."
Tax Conservative preen seem to for-
get that the political torn which the
Marmiou matter kers taken was foroed
upon Archbiahop Lynch by the Med.
At the beginning, . the prelate took the
ground that the work was objectionable
as a tart hook. It was kis place to point
out anything which bore hard upon his
people, and in objecting to the prescrib-
ed tett book he spoke what proves to
have been the mind al the entire Catho-
lic clergy. The brutal onslaught made
upon Hon. Mr. Crooks by the Mail for
taking into consideration the Arch-
bishop's complaint, apd the base attempt
of that sheet to put the Minister of
Education in a false light, foroed the
plain-spoken prelate to administer •
fitting rebuke to the impertinent scribe
who harped about "intelligent Catholics','
who had an intellect above that of
"poodles." Turning his abuse upon the
Archbishop, the Mail writer again roceiv-
ed a terrible drubbing from the head of
the Church in Ontario, and then posed as
a martyr. Abused, misrepresented, de-
rided and taunted by the representative
journal of the Conservative party, the
venerable Archbishop could not be driv-
en from supporting the minister who
had paid deference to his opinion, and
so tried, successfully it proved, to cor-
rect the injurious slanders uttered by
the Mail. It now remains to be seen
*ho are the best guardians of Catholic
morals and Catholic education, the
bishops and priests, or the editor of the
Mail, John O'Donohue and Frank
Smith, the latter of whom spells proprie-
tor with an "a," and copy with an ex-
tra "pe."
Teta Tory papers in Bruce are it joie -
lug because O'Connors total vote at the I
bye -election was not quite as large as j
that ot Waile at the general election.
And they have good reason to rejoice ; 1111
for a majority larder than 80;, would I
have been a sockdolager. Will our Tory
Cotten', in Bruce kindly let the Reform
vote alone, and tell us what cause over
the Tory vote, that it failed tin connect
for Eckford 1
AN old toady named French has been
getting freely advertised in the paper+
recently, owing to the fact that he has
been guilty of the "crank" of send-
ing a barrel apples to the Queen,
another barrel to Sir Garnet Wolseley,
another to -Lori Dufferin, and five
barrels to different other distinguished
persons, who nerer heard of old French,
and wouldn't know hind if they ran
against him and his unbrella on King et.,
Toronto. If ' Faench would give some
of his surplus cash to his own flesh and
blood in Toronto, he would deserve more
respect than is his portion on account of
his apple. freak.
THE statement published in' the .4t tr _ _ _
last week. that J. L Sturdy pleaded THE Democrats. carried New York,
"guilty" to the indictment, ler perjury Pennsylvania, Massachusetts. and many
and unlawfully voting, is not correct. other states on Tuesday.
Mr. Sturdy pleaded "guilty' to the
indictment for unlawfully teeing, but
did not withdraw his /,lea ' f "not guil-
ty" in the perjury case. It was the
jury that decided the perjury case. The
Star in publishing that Sturdy pleaded
guilty to beet;: indictments is inaccurate,
as usual.
THE Kin,nti:1w papers tare '•doing.
themselves Froud" because Eli Perkins
is billed to lecture in that burg. The
only peculiaritvab.out Eli is that hell lie
right straight ahem., sad d res not pre-
tend to respect the truth. But. in going
to Kincardine to lecture his imagination
will be put to a heavy est, for Mr. Mer-
edith spoke there r",n behalf of the On-
tario Oep'siti•e-t, at the Ikte bye -election
in Druce. E:i lees a right smart con-
tract on hent t "out-stretcle. Mere-
Mee. Me. Molest fbsews Mew el • Welled 1r . [armea•at N (sus"
to • Marcia
Bishop Cleary ofKinKeton Refers weseles. s� Ora Piet t s+ a,
L� Lbs Book. ammo Wadies teelau.
No andel be better in forret and I
spirit theta Mr. Muwat's reply to the re- eesdeinuathe Reaerated--l'ssedesee le
Dent deputntiuu un this question. He the Preudeas eyeless.
admitted that up to • very recent period
the etistiap law on the subject had not Kiugstun, Nov. 6.- (Special.)- -Bishop
Cleary, i
been familiar to him, but stated that he
' his termor this eveuiug, re•
had, an view of the interview looked in- turned to the "Mrniiiun" question, and
to it to souse extant. That he had dens pronounced it unjust and unfair that
so to wine purpose was manifest from it should be forced upon Catholic% when
o1 it
bishops --guardians et the ntora1a of the
the clear and aocurate supposition
which he gave in his remarks. The pre- young -objected, sad considered it offen-
sent law and regulations on the subject, sive.
He the alluded
I mos the
he reminded the delegates, were original- 4 p
1 the result ei a compromise umougat filed,aa t ostudenta had not only to read
the representt;ties@ of various religious )hent, but had the contents indelibly ire
denominations acting in concert with the P►*ed upon their minds. Was it right
late chief superintendent of education. theu that pictures such as Scott had
He reminded them also that they have drawn of Catholic life Dud institutions,
(if the immorality and turpitude of Mar -
remained unchanged for thirty years,
the only recent official utterance en the inion and Constance, should he ini-
subject being Mr. Crooks' answer to a pressed upon the memory of youth t
)deputation which waited un him a few
years aero.
And how fardoes the regulations go
In the first place they make all clergy-
men school visitors. By giving a min-
ister the right to enter a school when-
ever he pleases, and as much infoentatiun
about its working as he can, they enable
him to see how far the official recommen-
dations are carried out, and give him the
right to advise the teacher, trustees, and
ratepayers on the subject. They enable
him to devote himself to the improve-
ment of the school in the matter of re-
ligion without laying himself open to
the imputation of being an intruder.
How have the clergy availed themselves
of this great privilege ? How many of
theta even know that they have been
constituted by law visitors of the public
schools. How many of them have ever
gone into the schools to see for them-
selves what kind of moral teaching is
practised and what status is accorded to
the bible 1 How many of them have
talked this natter over with the school
authorities, and endeavored ip this way
t, secure more generous recognition of
the scriptures in their own schools? Well
might the attorney general remind the
delegates of the notorious realisation of
the clergy in this plarticular direction.
If there were more earnestness in the
discharge of this obvious local duty
there would be less of this helpless ap-
pealing to the secular powers to enable
the clergy to recover their waning influ-
ence+ over the masses. How much harm
the church is likely to receive from this
publication tof clerical faintheartedness
time alone can disclose. Clearly genie
of the successors of the apostles have
very little of the apostolic zeal and en-
durance. Fancy Paul appealing to the
civil pewee for help. All he wanted
frons i. N as opportunity to preach un-
In the next place the regulations not
merely permit but urgently recommend
the use of the bible and of -certain re-
ligious exercises in schools. Is this
nuthing ? The whole Listory of our
TiI E l'IIESS ON THE STURDY school systeir_ shows that it is a powerful
CASE. influence. Religious exercises are now
conducted regularly in sic -sevenths of
i all all our public schools; would that pro-
portion have become so great but for an
official ' recommendation worded so
strongly that it is often mistaken for a
positive direction ? And is it worth rais•
ing the whole question of state -church•
sum in order to force the performance
of religious exercises on the few remain-
ing schools? In all probability the
.ler=•y could if they woud exert them-
selves a little, secure the introduction of
the bible in the great majority of the
schools in which it has at present no
I footing. Suppose they all set to work
Ithia year and make the experiment; it
would be interesting to nate the statia-
Un our se:ond page we reproduce a
number of pithy extracts Elam cur ex-
changes en the Sturdy case. They all
point nut the beneht of an example be-
ing made by those who violate the elec-
tiau lax and attempt to steal the fran-
chise. The Seaforth Expositor has gene
into the subject a little more fully, and
its calm comment on the case is' well
worth reading. It says:
At the recent assizes in this county
Mr. J. L Sturdy was fuund guilty of
purjury and fake v,tintt. The full par-
ticulars of the case will be found in an-
other column. Suffice it to say here
there that Mr. Sturdy's offence was com-
mitted in connection with his tooting at
the recent election in \•est Huron. He
took the oath of residence, thereby tes-
tifying. that he was a resident of the
ridine. and voting its such. when in re-
ality he was not a resident, and had no
Wily dot tringemen celebrate the 5th right tt' vote. This, of course was a
of November ' Because it iso the rime- most flagr;tnt offence, and one which
tersart of the lay that William Prince
night have suhiected him to the severest
of Orange len des at T •rbny, and i.aued punishment. fortunately fur him. how-
ever, the judge, at the urgent solicita-
an ejectment summons upon King James tion of the Crown Prosecutor, took a
II, his fath:v-in-law. Very few Orange most lenient view of the offence, and in-
flictedoraturs are a.vare tf this fact, and when the lightest possible punishment.
eloquence barns and speech is warm, This. tinder the circumstances, was quiet
proper, but at the same time the warn -
they usually endeavor to bridge over ing afforded should be none the leas
150 years, l; .iiu!r.ug the Orange order heeded. !t is too frequently the case
with the disc every of the Gunpowder that in the heat of an election campaign
ent to
plot, which o_c•irred in the beginning of het oursree ofr their apt
ondo t•oto bein �'Ir. Sturdy
the reign of Junes I, before William of is said te le a theroughly honorable end
Oran.te's grin i father was born. t orange- reliable man as a rule, pnd in any nrdin-
iau had n e more to do with the die- dry business transaction no doubt would
be an, end in a court of justice or at any
cover). '.f the Gunpowder Plot than it
other time. would no more think of mak-
had with the death of Queen 31:tr a or ing it false ,nth and committing the
the Lsttle•ef Cl•ntarf. crime of (perjury than he would of com-
mitting theft. But, "n this occasion, he
THEt:e are any number iii this section i evidently deliberately were to what he
must have known to be false. This,
who are reaey r ahowtheir cote&lenceitt II however. is net se much due to his dis-
Camer•en and his cause by being wilting i regard for his oath, as to the loose and
to wager their substance en hitn aeainst iitdiferrnt manner in which election
Tory lucre. We understand a c'euple of oaths are usually aduruistere(as well as
faked. Toe manyy are apt to think that
bets have len indulged in by Mr. J. C, in p•ditics evervthinc is fair, and they
Currie and Mr. 1', Kelly, of Blyth, , will resort to tricker) and dishonesty to
Currie is the well-known G.tdk•rich auc-, gain a point at an election, which, in
on with tioneer, -a Grit of the Grits --and Kelly life wfc�ld almost make them shudder i;f
is the gentleman whom the Tories sac- think •1. In this way the case tried at
rificed at the shrine of Col. Roes in 1879. Goderich should bare the effect of mak-
Kelly, like Ephraim cf old, is still "join- inti the people alt take an active part
ed to his idopi'--he still walluws in Con- in elections ne.re careful in fnture. We
hate isian excelltmt election law, and if its
.erratiam -but Currie i. not dirpttscd to procotu were strictly adhered t•, and
"let him a:one." Kelly, sometime since. tereertir,ns of is as promptly pnni.bsd as
@peaking of the protest against Calueroti in the present instanee, onr eleotione
stated that it was his intention to"foe.lt "..Ida be It des] more free (ram seleept
any our l;ttelaton
du matthrr to .de 1•ittbat incl acrd tirn'.re•en, honest thean they aretr.o, nowwou,id MIler.
Currie informed hits that he would hate C.a,ertn is certainly entitled to credit
his labor f •r hie pains. The ■rgtataent • for kis efforts to check this species o1 e', -
gen warm, and finally Currie wagerer/ a ectinn currmpti•.n, which has been t....
@mit of el•the'- 1,• c'o.t h •t Ives than we-) a.m.vce
rwnly ;cti' in the past, ami fi
prenptittrde wi11 bear g•.ort and w:t,•!,•
-that Cameron would not lee unseated some fruit in the (inert.. if candid:it,.
before the court; Ind he wa1•eree1annther generally were to leek mon: chesty after
suit o1 the carne fibre that Cameron riolatio.lts •.1 the law. they would he eat-,
would Loe ret:Irned by an incresneel ma- ..i n" liitl. ex;ena. and trnnhte at $tee•
crit at an future election which he tires. And it wreak/ alert be wall ifee
1 y y'Ireton, to look closely after oanditiates.
txtntest.tl. 11 any of our readers see A few exatnspMw .ii both @isles similar to
Currie sporting around in the sweet by- that referred to, would hare a splendid
and -bye, clad in a spanking new suit of ($Well in keeping onr excellent elective
clothe -a. theycan snake uptheir mind system germ, and ridfing it of the tnan�
a uses which it is tr' IM fear../ are
that Kell! heel 1 • f •. tt the bin •.,n re,tetttoe
I tice of 1883, and read the lesson theyren. ' inform the Khedive end Egyptian :eine
would convey. - [Toronto World. uterth•i Prince Remark has m•a.t es -
'•Mall"and the osier.. „t: ;, _,_c.i.: _. r__t__a•_ �__:.•
London, Nov 3. -The Ladies' Aid
Sudety in etisaasttns with the Luaus
Cheers, Irvin{ made an au -
quilt, a neeetitpl was recently
d in the town hall to dupes of it.
Two id the eherchwerdeas, Mr. Jahn
Fox and Mr. Wei. Stanley, proposed
that two young Indies be nomtn.ted ss
eandidates'fur the Quilt. Aocordi%g1]7
Miss Alice Porte and Mw Louise Good -
acre were the nominees respectively of
Mr. W. E. titanley and John Fox. The
voting went oat at a Neely rats until
whoa autos SAO or $60 had been collect-
ed, when the pull Dae declared closed,
when Mir Gordaere delared queen 01
the quilt. But out as the declaration
was made some one picked up a $5 bill
from the doer and stoutly waioteined
Curtain/ not! He again reviewed the
he had vat eif , pens again,
Y K 1x0//3 were therefore opened aim, and
educational history of Ireland, and point' :n a few minister •trade of 190 wasuol-
ed out that he Church had condemned leted, and amid deafening cheers Mir
Queen's College and other Schools be- Porte was declared elected. But here
cause the Pope had decided that they another hitch occurred, the uproar be
were intrinsically dangerous to the Cath-
olic faith and morals. So far as he (the
Bishop) could perceive there was but
one difference between then) and the
University and Hitch Schools of this Pro -
creme deafening, &ad Mr. Fee demand-
ed the poll to be opened again, laying
his $100 gold watch and chain in favor
of Miss G.adacre. Mr. Stapley, not to
be outdone, shouted "I'll give my 11,000
wince, in the spirit manifested by the house and lot in suppolt of my girl,
Government tuwardathem. Fox." Whereupon Mr. Fox pulled out
C0NrroENt•E IN THE SCHOOL sl-sTKM. It 1200 roll of hills which he laid down
in front of the poll clerk. "There," he
said, "is 1200, and I have it thousand
more at the back of it. Colne on . naw."
The meeting now became a scene of Con-
fusion, some claiming the quilt for Miss
Goodacre, and ethers demanding it fun
Miss Porte. The matter stands. In the
mantime Rev. Mr. Miaga,Yhy has returu-
ed the watch and chain, house and lot,
and the roll of bills to their respective
owners, and rays the church will be well
satisfied with the $90, which, when ad-
ded to the receipts of the evening and
the proceeds of the q-iilt in the item of
names, will make something like $300.
It is utderstuod that Messrs. Fox and
In his diocese, most of which he had
visited, he had failed to find a single in-
stance in which the Catholic Church had
been tampered with by the teachers, in
which an attempt has been made in the
Public Schools to proselytize Catholic
pupils. This was -a fact which strength-
ened his confidence in the system. He
hoped nothing would occur to alter this
condition of affetirs; that open hostility
against Catholics would not be engen-
dered; that peace and amity would con-
tinue, The Church, however, reserved
the right to dictate in regard to the re-
ligion of her children, to make sugges-
tions affecting their moral education.
When her bishops conld not do this in Stanley have resigned their pewee's as
the discharge of their functions and duty churchwardens.
peace would he destroyed, and a lament-
able coudition of affairs exist. )•easy tttsatuees la NI.
TRANSPORTING ENGLISH PaEJrDICn1. Bradford, Fa. „Nov. G.- Notwithstand-
Ile could not understand why the im- ' int; that it was Sunday there was an
m oral book, the book of so 'ouch dim-' active market at all the exchanged In the
cussion, andsodeserving "f condemns' I oil region yesterday. The market on
tion, should have been transported to 1 Sttneday closed at 119e but last night
Canada, carrying upon its face English ; the brokers were buying all the oil
prejudices. He could not. see why a' Offered at 125. One o1 the heaviest
wrung should have been done in making speculators taking 100.000 barrels at that
it a text book in the first place, and why !figure. Chicago capitalists have bought
it shobld be retained now when an at-$ up a million or wr barrels. Orders to
tempt was made to undo an injustice. buy clime iu from all partsof the iountry.
It was foul, abominable, and should not
be a standard work.
In clueing he alluded to the bah name 1
Kingston had won in times agone for re- London, Nev. 4. - The Governor of
ligious strife, a name that had gone to Crete his telegraphed to the Khedive
Europe. It had suffered on account of that by order of the Porte the prisoners.
this reputation. Its growth had been re- Mnralaked Pasha. Hassan Pasha, Sulei-
tarded, because potpie pee did not wish to man Pasha and Decub Pasha, w ho were
live and Quake their homes amid a con- arrested at Cardia after the hurried
filet of creeds. Now the utmnet har- flight and pursuit fern Cairn. and who
mony prevailed. The past was nearly were implicate -1 itt the burring of Alex -
forgotten, end he hoped nothing would andnia and the scenes of pillage and
happen to refits it. The whole county slaughter which aecempanied it, will be
was orderly, and ie civil and reli. ieus sure.-neer..I t•. the Eev1.tiin Govern -
matters such an improvement on the meet for punishment The Sultan pre -
United States that without a wonderful fen to let t'ae authunties of Egypt deal
change annexation o•iuld not take piece. with them than to Make an t•xcepti•en in
and it was not desirable. The sermon, the case.
a particularly able one, and but faintly Cain, Nov- 4. --In t.l sequerice o1 the Q
outlined above, eeccupied about an hour impn•esion which is still prevalent among$n worth daYi3t frcec ddcees±
and three-quarters in delivery, but only the h.D5 to "
the latter art was a criticism of solteel rn 'we tian olre dy that the .: ixNuv fi Co.,('I'ortivtd \Sainc.
1' h.,rthurn powers arc ready to oppose Mwks. The hest part was addew. v iu t .a nmtis ex,rte tin pmcure the Iskews.�TENTS
reference t.. the responsibility der•ItinK 14x4 i:ation , f t'gSpt. Berm Trrakew,
on parents in the training ot their child- ' German 'Consul, has Leen instructed to
atralre it Egypt.
Ushered Illarbes.
eaesxntcr, N rt�11, 113x.
�b.� mail
ail ort seat' .... ,. 4 rt z in
hour, r lrrrsl........... , • • • S • S Os
Rata • btrah U N
ii.ziaitiaa W Yeah • tr 0 110
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el . to Ik. Duncan)Graduate of Ontario Ys
ton ertnary CottaMoe,mpet Btreet d000rrs esattdreindenceofColborne
Hotel. N.1. -Hoven examined as to sound
rasa 1161.- f
('us. 3caRT Ili VISION.
- Purulent to an order of the High Court of
Justice. (limitary Division. made In the neu-
ter ed the estate of Henry Horley, de,•eas,rd,
and to a cause Morley against Morley,
the creditors of Henry Morle7,� late at
the village of } elgrave, In the County elf
Huron. who died In or about the month of
31a.-mb, haat are un or before the &h day of
November, 18111. to send by post prepaid ton.
4 Boyle, of (ioderich, the solicitor of thy.
plaintiff, Bergh Morley,the administratrix of
the deceased. their Cristian and suriuun-e,
addresses and description, the full particu-
lars of their claims. a statement of their
account's and the nature of the occur ties iif
auvI held by them, or In default thereof tb^y
will be peremptorily excluded from the
• of' the the said order.
Every creditor holding any security is to
produce the same before rete, at my chambers
at the ('ourt House, In the Town of Ooderlch.
In the County of Huron. on the lith day of
November, 188t at ten o'clock In the forenoon.
being the time appointed for edjudioation on
the claims.
Nand this it day of October. A. D. 1882.
S. MaLOowaos.
Master at Goderich,
COL•NTt or HURON, l - By virtue of a Writ o
TO WIT : fFier/ Facies issued out
of /ler Majesty's County Court of the Count,
,f Lnmblon, and to me directed against the
lands and tenements of JAMES ITHArHAN.
at the suit of FINLAY \t-KIHBON. i have
eeited and taken to execution all the right.
Utley Interest and equity of relemptlon of the
above named defendant, in and to lot flv,•
hundred and ninety two Bali situate In the
Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron,
comprising a dwelng hoose and one quarter
of an acre of land, more or lees, and subject to
e morti:aaw of three hundred dollars, whin
land, and tenements 1 shall offer for sale
my office in the court House, in the Tow f
Geared'. on Tuesday. the 30th day of Jan
uarv. 111113. at the hour of twelve of the cloc•ic.
Sheriff of Huron
She ref'. Office, Goderlch, t
Oct. 18th, 1882. I 1861-3m
Francis Mott, Commercial Hotel, Brannon!
ant's: "1 was troubled with adistressing heiei
ache. For four days i could neither eat no
sleep. and was nearly distracted. I could no
even allow my head to be combed. My son
went to Tapecott's Deng Store and got Inc ri
bottle of Egyptian M. and gave me half a
teaspoonful. and also bathed toy- head. ani 1
cru honestly say that the effect passes belief.
Itcured my headache and gave me the utmo.'
comfort to ten minutes. and I felt at once n
desire for food. And a!thongh this happen,. 1
overs week ago. 1 hare had no return of U,•
pain. A ten dollar hill is the value 1 put tae
that bottle of Egyptian (lil."
]s ,„ee:-els sell if. - .'• pt.. hor R.,rt
N. TArtat'oTT doe's.. Mete rroprletera.
Brantford. tinter,o
'W. J. C.. Naf tel,
871-1 Agent for Oodei ich.
The Cresk's,Art a Been.
The London _•l,lrerti.n'r directed circul-
ars to many prominent clergymen anent
the operations of the Crooks license act,
and among others, receiving the ((Mew-
ing replies to the interrogation: --
"Do you desire to see the issuing of
bluer licenses placed swain in the hands
of the municipal conncils?"
Rev. Pr'ncipal Caves:, Toronto: -"No.
Neither en general grounds, nor in view
of results, would I desire this to be
Rev. H. D. Ilunter:-"No. never,
but license commissioner's should he se-
lecteti, as nearly as may be, from both
political parties."
. Ret. R. N. (iraiit:-"I believe the
Crooks Act a most beneficial law, and
would regard its repeal as a disaster."
Rev. E. Rainsford, Toronto:- `'Idea -
Yen forbid' The result would be a nt.-
tion ••f drunkards, and the creation of a
saliem keepers' municipal and political
ring, and the nppeintment of the most
worthless characters in the community as
(1 saloon keepers, (2 aldermen aryl
mayrs, (3. M. P. P,'s."
Rev. W. tt-iiliams:-"No; i:or in any
other hands."
In the course of his reply to a felici-
, tons address presented to him et Prince
, .lrthur's l.mdine on his way home from
' Winnipeg. Sir Charles Tapper gave a
1 glowing picture of the work being demo
on the Canada Pacific Railway, and the
prospects "f the country through which
it rune. ile said these was now being
enacted in onr western country rapidity
of railway construction which surpasses
anything the world ever eta, and that
be believe§ ft to lees fair and sober pre-
diction that nithin Ave years a great
Comedian highway front the Atlantic to1
the Pacific (Mean will extend from city
to city slid fern t,.wri to town in its
courts scenes the e.'ntinent. it is al•
ways inti.nrating to hear Sir Cheries
speak; he seems to 1113 so sanguine and I
r• thernuithlr in earnest in everythieghe
says that quart.1.1 always look like half.
dollars all the time he is speaking,
although everyh'aly- knows that they are
enly 'quartets. 1{e expects that a purge
itt on of Iritlh tenants will eet in
for Canada next year.
Smite*a�tvheasion is caused in
OevmanrSwd Aottele at the heavy cnn-
centreti.n of Ruesinn tretpe onthe fmn•
tier of the farmer Power. The Berman
lfinister o1 war has ordered the strength-
ening an,1 rstennt,•n o1 ell the fortresses
in Eastern c it•rmany and on the Baltic
The presumption of the Mullis some-. rested pr.liry ret''ardine Egypt, which he
thing stupendous. It liar got itself into e Insiders as being the only and test
no end of a pickle over the Mannion ilia- metre .•f estabhehing 'p.eace and order.
cussion, and instead of quietly dropping
London, Nov. 4. -- ariuue special die -
the whole subject it is getting deeper (patches to London newspaper,. and teie-
into the nuci every day. It has abused grams received from Cain., say the report
Bishnp Jame, Bishop Clear/ and .Arch- from Khartoum. dated t tetober 30. of
bishop Lynch in gn.id round terms, say- the .trfrat .1 the false por'•;.liet w 4th Ztr9t
ing in so ninny words that they de nut . slaughter u n• t believed Dr. Schwem-
preaess intellects above the level of a forth writes to the Anti -Slavery Society,
poodle, and that they do n..t snow what
under dies Cairo, tktober 23, that x11)
they are talking about. It calla upon the i nocinces of Egypt lying snafu arid
Bishop Jamot to retract his ,statements west "f Khartoum are in the hands +ef
in regard to itself, such reparation for ' fanatical insurgents, and that Khartoum •
detraction, it says, being due to it front . is "4117 hanginit "n by a thread, the
him as a Christian. Bishop ('Icaiy is { army being cut down by resistant dime -
also re•luested to 0 the forward anal )rue t••:ul at• with the false i t'hrt,un l
square up with the orienn. In his case . is re'lu°ed to half its oricinnl six:e. The
the Mei( Nays it will rent retaliate, as mass of the population believe in erety
"An apology will suffice for all the satis- ' victorious Use prophet. Six thousand
faction we need.'' Of course the vener- 'nen. Schaemfurth repeats, were 'mas-
ahle archbishop and the two distinguish- Sacred in .lune by alahni'e army, which
eel bishops will wind their way to the' is reported to uumher 150,000, and ties -
Moil office forthwith and ask the editor'.
' perately brave. As soon as ti:e town
pardon for having dared to differ from lie Obeid has fade», the army, it is ex -
him in a matter affecting the welfare of petted, will march on Khartoum, 1
i the Catholic yeuth.-[Tel(gram. Med' also stares that the Geyer- ;
nor of,the Sondan estimates that during
1/nratna of tete rsrrlaelal Peer Asylum.the war ;;0,000 of the fnlee ernphets
Mailbox, followers perished. . - r73
--- Cairo, Nev. (i. -It is reported tact 'he
Halifax, N. S.. Nev. 7, -A tire broke tortes of the Lille prophet male five es -
out at midnight et the eastern end of the "'Jia ui• n the to,vn of Obeid. in the
Provincial Poar Asylum, an immense %••ndan. hat were repulsed with great
six -story brisk structure in the smith- 1 i"set- The prophet c'•ntinues t • advance
eastern suburbs 1,1 the city, containing upon Khartoum. ! ' -T
about 400 peal le, and at L30 a. tie, i Liendon. Nov 6. -It is asserted that
one-half of the building is a tress ripit is under consideration to bring the
flames. The fire originated in the 1 trial of Arabi end the p.pnlar leaders to i
bakery. where there were twenty reeds , an abrupt c•.ncluelen in order to bring 1
of weieel stves/. The flames, catching *beet the L -p ttati•'n of tliem all to
this, thou spread with lightning rapidity, Cyprus.
and soon had that part •.f the buildingAlrxandru► Nuv, G, _Numurnm•
used u n hospital in their clutches. The plaints hating been made that
erthoes Egopp-
inmates rushed :about thesbudinugt sln .ciao authorities treated with gre•1t harsh -
great confusion, seen-lint-0ymInoue Steins reernits brought here toaerv'e
of their senses. and the work of getting' in the new army, it has been decided
them out watt very .lifticult• it it ! t„ „end them hack to Switzerland to -
thought moat of those confined itt the`w-
hospital have lteeu saved, but it isClaifearsld IJ Nov. r1, --
A numhrr of lives are Leet The whole ,Al+del Ka•let tele-
Icity Are brigale are now at the scene • l teraphs from Khartoum, tyre.. 6th:- r
the confingrxtiono bat outdo little, har{- r have defeated the rebels at three .ints
ly any water being ottsai.tebte, i by
They were sonmehat demoralmxed
LATRn. Thirty-one lives hare hien report that English troops were coniin e
fest. - Khartoum is for the moment re:ieve 1.
Tho w••men in Scotland were rel.- The Rer. Charles finetfet-n. son of the
bratinv Friday Inst with much *Whirl- honor tarot of the Lnndettt Tabernacle,
nam. the first •'craw e11 ^ • n wkiets they has been pr'e ehinttn cmwdel enng epa- I
have exercised the mune:eel Animehiee. tie•ns in PK Letts and other Wester.
The women in eke up from oneelmeb to.. cities. He preaches short, aiuiy-weird• !
one-fifth • •f the municipal eleekaele in ed sernsonsi, with trench.* of pathos and
Scotch cities and towns lib* Or awash quasi haw* i1Ml!swtinilkrl, ami with a'
Paisley, Ahenleen, Gloves, and Edam. drwasalie sell* d diliewr•. in fit. Louie
burgh. and they art deteentined net e was rog rtis,i to one nt the moot ilo. I
M he
rest satisfiel 011theyhare ebaillst1 title }quant preachers the. *rev hid vivirtivl l
Oatliame.ntsr'• frtnrltise sleet that tit!
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trigs. Tblrty.ale years' practice.
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drawings. Alt pee• by mail free.
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