HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-10, Page 3Tae sotiiesalaa atattra
An English gentleman, who passed
many months bmstime among the Rocky
Mountains, says the first genuine im-
prsesion of the West came while he was
riding over an arid plain sod from a
aiuealiag baby. It revealed to him the
'liygenuity with which a Western rowan
adapts herself to circumststtcee and
makes the most of her limited rusolltrves.
"There wan nothing,” he says, "very pe-
culier about the appearance .,f this baby
I saw just ahead of me. It was not
overburdened with garments, and was
strapped in Indian fashion to a board
about two feet long and one foot Drawl.
"Board and• the blanket were leaning
agaipet the log wall of a frontier shanty
on the shady side. There was nobody
neer. The baby seemed very happy.
Its little arms were free and kept up con-
stant movement.
As my horse came nearer I saw that
some strings were dangling about the
baby's neck, and that one was tied to the
big toe of one of its ro.y tittle feet.
"I was puzzled. Dismounting I had
the curiosity to examine the tape arrange-
'nent. The child was sucking at a bit of
raw pork, about the size of a large wal-
nut. This was tied on one end of the
string, while the other end was fastened
to the child's foot. A second piece of
twine, knotted to she board over his head
prevented the pork from falling to the
ground should the child drop it.
"Suddenly the baby grew very red in
the face. Then its eyes filled with tears
and its little arms beat the air with fran-
tic energy. At that moment the mother
made her appearance.
"That baby is choking, madam," I
"No, he ain't and he can't.' she replied
"At this instant the infantile legs
began to work. One kick, two kicks,
and there on the board lay the piece of
• pork, jerked from the baby's throat by
the string tied to the big toe."
"'Aint you ever seen this afore,
mister r asked the mother, observing
the Englishman's surprised looks.
"No—o—," he answered slowly.
"Then kind o' remembrance it. May -
haps yer wife won't go back en it,"
Several years have passed since that
day. I have seen that baby in • hun-
dred different guises. From sheer habit
it has become with me a sort of standard
wherewith to gage novel instances of the
three qualities ('f western men—and
women—self-help, self-confidence and
lase leas teS reassesea.
To His Orson the Mous Rev. J. J. Lynch, D.D.
Archbishop of Tomato :
YOUa (lakes,-- Allow ole to congrat-
ulate you on the well -merited ca.tiption
you have so suooessfully administered to
the patrons of immoral literature, who
in their blind seal for party or political
pure rooms are ready to sacrifice c,uscietloe.
Christianity, and reason itself to upheld
a doctrine which they know well is
wrong. I ani really surprised to notice
that the Mail newspaper has become the
champion of that sort of morality as is
contained in "Marmite)," a work bril-
liantly written, it is true, bat all the
more offensive to Christian morality,and
principally so to Catholic feelings. And
this is the work which, according to the
Afail,.hould be imposed on the boys and
girls and -the young 'nen and young wo-
men attending our schools ; to be stud-
ied analyzed , and admired by them ,
1't1E 111 ItoN SIGNAL. Fitt )AY. NOV. It 1882.
F,•'Ilaws' tMateria.
The following letter was written by
the gats Cbatles Liuireley, December 22,
186.2. It °octane a hiut of value to
etany in the ohurdt today :
"You are • sanguine an, my dear
sir, who ask me to solve for you the rid-
dle of existence, aims the days of Job
and Solomon, since the days of Sucrates
and Buddah ; the ti petaial ridele tat, of
our time, with it* 'Meltable' knowledge
of physical science. • But what I seem to
know 1 will tell yeti. Knowing and be-
lieving a great deal of the advanced
physical scheme of Darwin's school, I
still mit say that I believe m the exist-
ence of Law. "laws of nature," "laws
impressed," .'r "proprieties impressed on
matter," are to nue, after careful analysis
of their meaning, uuore jargou. Nothing
exists but Will. All physical laws and
phenomena are but the manifestations of
that Will— cue underly, utterly wise ; el-
and to be proposed to them as a model terly benevolent. In Him"the Father,
in any sense of the word, not to speak of
the teachers and oaf the members of aur
religious communities who would be ex-
pected to explain it. But every weapon
is available at the time of an election
contest, should it even raise religious
The Mail and all tnuee concerned
should know that we have always con-
sidered, and consider now more than
ever, that Your Grace is the able defend-
er and advocate of Catholic right and
of sound Christian morality, and that
if until now very few have come for-
ward to help you, (it is not correct to
soy that nobody else has upheld you, for
amongst others Father Stafford, of Lind-
say, has written able articles in condem-
nation of the morality of Mention) it is
because we know well that Your Greco
is quite competent for the task.
No ; Your Grace is not alone. You
have with you the Bishops, the clergy of
the Catholic Church you have the faith-
ful laity, all those really worthy of the
nano of Catholic and who prefer con-
science) to party ; you have with you all
those outside of the Catholic Church,
who want only books of sound morality
to be placed in the hands of their sons
and daughters, and also who object to
religious prejudices being kept alive be-
tween the members of the community
and imbibing these prejudices even in
the (school room.
As for some of the other effusions of
that paper, w coarse and offensive to
Your Grace's dignity and personal worth
I believe that it means to be witty. Let
some think sn. A just and 'unprejudic-
ed public is of a different opinion.
I have the honour to be,
My dear Lord Archbishop,
Very respectf.tlly yours,
tJotte FairtC1e JANoT,
Bishop of Peterbxoro'.
Peterboro', Oct. 19, 1882.
[Nora. —We understand that the other
Catholic Bishops of Ontario take the
same ground as Mona Jomot. — ED.
wast fade • Minister Lasa.
"Well, brethren," said a Maine min-
ister to some of his fellow evangelists,
never was guilty of laughing in the pul-
pit but once. Some years ago I had in
my congregation an old man who univer-
sally went to sleep in church and snored
very loudly throughout the entire ser-
vice. One Sabbath morning, glancing
in the direction, I ext .v him enjoying a
nap, and right above him in the gallery a
young man was rolling a quid of tobacco
around in his mouth. As I looked he
took it out and poised it carefully over
the open mouth below. I became so in-
terested in the proceeding that I forgot
to continue the sermon, but stood watch-
ing the young man, With a wicked
smile he took careful aim and dropped it
Ns -rely into the old man's mouth. With
a gulp-Ip-ip the sleeper started up, and
with face red as a beet, rushed from the
house. The people, no doubt were hor-
rified, but I could not have kept from
laughing.if a sword had hung over my
head ready to fall. The old man did not
come for several Sabbaths, and when he
did he changed his seat and remained
wide awake."
car Tweatblwe Itus
came room the Venerable Arehde•
Ab, il
at entesse, V. ti "The auto
also has olitiorienced in himself a great
btessitno if he 1" esteem any 1 W/ 0!
sentiment, aawtut but feel sateen grati-
tude to the agent through whom he has
been bhoublted. e s s I ani an invet-
erate Dyspeptic of more than twenty
un ie) years standing. • * • I have
wonderfully benefitted in the throe short
weeks during which I have used the Per -
arise Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade
myself of the reality. People who have
known me ere astonished at the change.
I am widely known, and can but recom-
mend to others that which has done so
much for me." roId by all druggists.
I can trust, in spite of the fact that my
own prayers are not answered. I be-
lieve that He makes all things work to-
gether for the good of the human race,
and of me, among the rest, so long as I
t bey His will. 1 believe that he will
answer tiny prayer, not according to the
letter, but teoording to the spirit of it ;
that if I desire good, I shall find gond,
though not the good which I lunged
for. And ''law" and "necessity„ I took
ones phamtotns of my own imagination,
always ready to re appear, but always
certain, likewise, to vanish again, before
one sound blow of careful logic or of
practical life. Yours very truly, C.
if yon are tired tilting the large old-
vriping pills, try
Liver Pills and take some anufort. A a
utan cant stand everything. Oue pill a a
dose. 0
A God Investment. — Twenty-five A
ce'.ts expended to your druggist for • H
bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil will allay VI
more pain and cure more diseases than
many dollars spent for ordinary meted -
cines would do. Yellow Oil cures Rheu-
tnatism, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, Stare
Throat, Croup, Stili Joins, Contracted
Cords, and all Lameness and inflamma-
tion. '2
TaaT. ski " ORANW Brrrea CoLok. —
With the microscope we have found as
perfect a Butter Color as any dairyman
can ask for. It is used by thousands of
the best butter nnakers in twenty five
states, and still there are great numbers
who have not yet tried it, and who know
very little of this wonderful scientific
discovery. Write to us for the highest
testimony that man can gine. Man-
ufactured by H. D. Thatcher o& Co.,
Potsdam, N. Y.
ltheutnatisnt.—This painful disease
that so often cripples for life, arises from
{oiao'n circulating in the blood, and often
from an excess of acid. Inflammation is
developed in the muscles, ligaments and
joints, by colds, damp clothing, Ac.,
Liniments are sere icableto relieve. Among
many Hagyard's Yellow Oil is preferable
To eradicate the rheumatic poison from
the system, nothing can snrpass Burdock
Blond Bitters. 2.
Most itev. Dr. Jamot, Bishop of Peterboru':
Mr DILA( Lone, -1 owe your Lord-
ship an apology for tho publication of
your kind letter. I sent in to the Edit-
or of the (ilo)ir that he might see how un-
true were the statements of tho Mail,
but not for publication. He mistook
my intention and allowed the letter to
be published. I regret it, as I did not
wish to pay so much attention to the
wild statements cf a writer in the .'flail
who appears to have lost his wits.
I have the honor to be,
Your Lordship's
Humble servant and brother in Xt.
tJouN Josara LTNC I,
Archbishopof Toronto.
St. Michael's Palace, Toronto, Octo-
ber 25. 1882.
Gains saws.
1883 T $E
amination will discover some defect, damage
or latent disease. the result of herebitary im-
pulses, special wear and tear, previous habits
or shacks of dia.:ase:. the of nets of which arc,
supposed to have passed away. Nature in
these tmpatred constitutions requ;r.* help all
through life, and Wheeler's Phosphates and
Coltsaya supplies the form of energy wanted
to bring such systems toe higher plain of vigor
and maintain fudettonal activity.
Geese, pheasants, partridges shall not
be hunted, taken or killed between 1st
Jan. and 1st Sept.
Wild Turkeys and quail shall not be
hunted taken nr killed between let Jan
and lst of Oct.
Woodcock shall not be hunted, taken
or killed between 1st January and 1st of
Snipe shall not bo hunted, taken or
kitled between 1st of January and 15th
Water fowl known as mallard, grey
duck, black duck, wood nr summer duck
shall not be hunted, taken or killed be-
tween 1st of January and 15th of Aug-
The eggs of any of the above-,nention-
ed birds are not to be taken.
No batteties, sunken punts or night
tights shall be used for taking an y swan,
geese, or ducks at any time.
No traps or note shall be set for the
purpose of taking game birds at any
Hares shall not be hunted, taken or
killed between the Lt of March and let
Beaver, muskrat, mink, martin, ra-
coon, otter or fisher, shall not be hunted
taken or killed between let May and 1st
Deer shall not be hunted, taken or
killed between 15th December and 1st l
Fkurr EVAPOKATINO — A Nr.w INDt:ts-
rsv.— Mr W. R Marshall's fruit eva-
porating establishment, says the Strat-
ford .Beacon. is now in full blast and em-
ploying some 30 hands day and night. It
to fitted by with a steam engine and
boiler, and two Pacific evaporators man-
ufactured py Messrs J. & H Bsrtholonew
Vanessa, said to be the best machine
known for the purpose. About 200
bushels of apples are now used daily,
but nearly double that quantity could be
manufactured if they were to be had.
Altogether Mr Marshall expects to use
6000 bushels; all of which were bought
about Ooderich and Clinton, there bend
none to be procured in this immediate
vicinity. When thoroughly evaporated
they are packed in 50 lb boxes for ship-
ment to England and to tropical climates.
They are beautifully white and look very
attractive. The noises and peelings are
converted Into vinegar by machinery
provided for the purpose, so that the
waste ma redoosd to a minimum. As soon
as the apple crop is worked up, it is in-
tendedtstoes and
t American ,
demand. himself
All About • 14bee-res.
It is 'laughable to see how
taken to rein • crowd—or to start a
story—in a city street.
"Neter you mind me,'' said a bent -
over old man, when asked what had
happened to him.
"How did he get hurt i • asked a man
out of breath.
"Did the horse step on him 7'• queried
• colored man with spectacles •on.
"Where did the dog bite hies 1 Did
they shoot the dog 1 Was it a big dog 1
Has he got a wife 1 Did they live to-
gethet 7" rattled a woman made up a
gond des)'like Widow Bedott.
"Come and see the man
squeaked out • bootblack, ea
the rest of the brigade.
"Look out, he's going to shout yell-
ed • big man with red wkiskers ; and
the crowd blew away like dust when the
old man did his head into his pocket as
if for a shooting iron.
where they are geeatly in Then he straightened
ereaseves Tree Menet. started off on his own business, mutter -
A (need in need is a friend indeed. in something about ''What the mischief'
little it
] e aeon
Deer shall not be hunted with do s or
hounded between 15th November ail 1st
Oct. of
!Never "tweet ft.
If you suffer from a cough, never ne-
glect it, it is no trifling matter, and might
lead to a speedily fatal disease of the
Lunge. Hagyard s Pectoral Balsam will
allay all irritation of the muceus mem-
brane by its soothing healing power; it
cures Bronchites, Asthma and all throat
and Lung complaints. 2.
to a fit,"
he called
The Best General Newsp r
Contains Seventrtwo Columns of Reading
Matter, and Is admitted to be the best author-
ity upon Agricultural and Commerclal matters
In the Dominion.
Subscribe for 1883 now, and GET
Orders and remittances to be addressed
min Extraordinary Offer !I pERCHERIN HORSES
GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED. importingand Breeding
If you are out of employment and
want to start in a business you can make
f $3 to $10 a day clear, and take no
of $11, goods that will sell readily in a WORLD.
few days for $25. If ti e Agents fails to
sell these goods in four days, they can
return all unsold to us, and we will re-
Cr turn them their money, can anything be
fairer 1 We take all risk of loss, and the
MAgent gets started in a business that. will
he permanent, and pay from $1,000 to
$3,000 a year Ladies -can do ss well as
omen. We want an Agent in every
county. Full particular* free. Address,
U. S. Manufacturing fin., No. 116 Smith-
field h Pa.
_ risk of loss, we will send you on receipt
(T&' sweats, ,•e,a•eau ta• L..e ta. a•eenr eWal
All Diseases of the Throat, Lungs and
Palmenary Organs.
ST ITS FAlrrrrt. res
When other Remedies and Physicians hare
failed to effect a cure.
peeommended bt7 Pev.,c'Avs. Mmnsrras AND
given it a rood trial. i wooer jail+
to brine relit/.
As an YZPTCPORAWT it has no Equal.
It is harmless to the Most Delicate Child.
It eswMiws no DPI raz fns any Forts.
RR -i ireetione se eompan7 each bottle.
sl�poe eagle by all Drutguts.
field Street, Pittsburgh, .1 M. II/. DUNHAit
— '.,Wayne Du Page County, Mine* U. 6. A.
FLESH AREIYALS. Daring the et 17 ase have
b omrted
from Prague to this9staM/MresentiM.Np
MORS Mass Me combined fanporiat(ows of
all other importers of Draft Homes from
all parts orEurope for any one yew.
One -AH of the entJte ericanunthar d tesport•-
net French Homes in America can De seen on
his farm. His Importations have included the
CORN N, PrtsJJ'ari . Winders ofthernytal � FerPe es
LUNCH TONGUE, of the Greet Shows of Prance since ha lmpor-
ENGLISH BRAWN I tenons began. They also carried off the honors
at the Centennial, 1876; and, at the Great
Ch Fair. Vial, Mr.Dun)sam's Herd
oef/ rmorHIRONS, (in eempet/ttess with
the largest and finest nonaction of Clydes-
dales near shown, consistingof the win•
nem meths Great Shows of ed was awarded the G-eand and En-
J'v,Atw1 takes
91.000 and Grand Oda Medal.
len PAGE cATALOO9i?E sews FREW
CHICKEN en n,,�t ieaNea. Cantatas ever' 40Ilh.e-
trat(eas andt*e )► o/ the' 'e*:Aerat•
rasa Order "CATdL(►Oi7E.1.
wean A rate oro MAW=
_s'1 trial has demcn-
..j A thirty�r°" that when bred to the
eoomoa mares of the country the prudnee is
Moro lmiaorm, in Miler keepers. tetter work-
ers. sad sell fob mora money on the market
than any other slates of Sones.
NC alias. In act by everybody who has
(33 miles west of Chicago.)
Christie Brown & Co';
Pure Spioes.,
Chas. A. Nairn.
pg,M 'Biblical Reward.
Thi publishers of Rutledge s Afar f.' Iy
offer twelve valuable rewards in their
Monthly for November, among which is
the following :
We will give $20.00 in gold to the per-
son telling us which verso in the ieew
Testament Scriptures (not in the New
Revision) contains the greatest number
of words by November lOth, 1882.
Should two or more correct answers be
received, the award will be divided.
The money will be forwarded to the
winner November 15th, 1882. Persons
trying for the reward must send 20 Dents
in silver (no postage stamps taken) with
their answer, for which they will receive
the December Monthly, in which the
name and address of the reward end the
correct answer will be peblishe.l. This
may be worth $20.00 to you; cut it not.
Address ReTt'awo.Pt'5LLshIler000MPANY,
to oo>•oostsoe on potatoes
I Easton, Peals.
pvllapktna, for nth. ou h A .�
A Dore for Aeadacbe.- are
This some can deny, eapeeWly w
Muteness is reedet,sd when one is sorely
afflicted with disease, more particularly
those complaints and weaknesses SOEvery
to oar fatale pthat fl7eotrio Bit-
ters are woman's true 1rhal, sad will
positively adore her as hMOW - —
when other remedies fail. A single
trial always proves our easediowl. Ths7
are *meant to the taste, and Jamesy Wit -
fifty twos a brittle. Held by
eon. (41
Comestible (frena of the Montreal
Polies bas been arrested for arson
it was to them if he wanted to sit down
and take • peg oat of his shoe.
sm. sway.
We cannot help noticing the liberal
tithe made to all tncelide and sufferers
by Ili. Kings New Discovery for Cnn-
iremption. Ton are requested to call at
Wilsons drug store, sad gat a Trial Pot-
tle flee of cost, if you are euflaring with
O.Matptioa, Swore Coughs, Colic
Beoasidtds, Hay Feller, Lw of
assgisso, or any affection of
the Throat of UMW It will positively
1 eure you rb`
in dbteriag martyrs W this didwnlss
iambim if you have pure and
vitalised hl„od crouton's(
your veins. if the stomach liver. kidneys
and bowe's act rightly, you will Meat
experience hesisobs Bowie* )Maud
Bitters will affect this desirable esaditiitta
if properly used. Try it. et
Winnint erpencnced its first hail a'►a
sone en Wednesday night
I rhnusande are being owed ht; Catarrh
Ievery year with Hall's 0Marth care, that
ibis looters had smile Ip sal ssii amid �M eared. 75 seals a bottle Sold
dssrtss Rhyne*. sole stent for (lode•
t'omptxtrd largely o: p'n tend lura nr Tsdn-
glar'4. LstnelISTandCH[AP[$Twhites-
riiottdiem bu ems asgST t t polished
eon over the site. reduclle, Motion and
lighten rte, the draft r t;le CHEAPEST tie•
^sone it costa NO MORE than Inferior
Wands. and ono boa will do the wort[ o
of any other mens. Sumer' as wed\
IR Rarveeters, NU Gearing, .1 hrrslting Y•
alines, Corn-I'btatcrs. a errlag b. 0
etc.. as ter wagons. CUARANTUD �q
centitle NO Petreteeet. Feld by aliments.
tr emir /brit rysidlisela V rkftle Warta
if ',maw malted free.
!!a Modope $t. New Tora•M
Cleveland. i. sine Ot11do. Iii.
6AMIT[L ROCER1 A CO. Tarorto.Owt.
hole Agents for ibeFomtalc t.
saw utast axon
1.11 Weekly se gad ---
Wes Wt. 111101
at low
Pasnlspr- sum"'
p 415. �R�ravermesleawweeSeu�nsasem.
oorsedl. isa41.. ewdM , fwhdw Dews,
tt'w net. Cc ;r10`. h !ens* ewe ti Tarsen
Or a Mfr 1, vv t ewnrw trfntlenst R• 1 '3 , ', r • Addr,M.$. Hauatt
t„„1. • • .4.
.1. bnultl-bas,, 4.lGlcI k3T see
IIL• BT t. t. ro St. Jneeplt.
\,• l te.,, Tole its. Drill.
•e.o. 1 wllaa Gal
it stud
Ana eft
points In tors,
Ne bra.ka.Mlasoorl. Rai
ea., New nada°, AArese.1;,-
taoa and Tessa.
Ings Soon-. Asa no sup r1.., ' tibr,
L. .• Minn, rp a. nig Tsui
rattonaliy n (,' te,i
to lima the Great
eoec.ded to
he the test sftttpeN
Kattrnw to tae World t": •
all rl.r• of lrfrel
A:1 ennerrt lora made
In 1'n', d.e
Tlekets rl. th
Celebrated Llne fn
sawMas slims
Um U. S. sat
Ter It.
and rn., r,❑
led tr.eeIIng *
t" n, ry . Instead
of a 414
.best Rates et
M. stee,M( •^rs,
sec rea 1
1 1 POTTBa. TIRCIMAL lswtu..
Y Ila Pearl'Maas. 8U. l:tfleae,e, U&,
J. Slrrw'e,
Canadian Pana. Ag't.
Toren°, t Int
Glen. 8. Jeannine.
Ticket Agent, O:oderich.