HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-10, Page 2J ie 2 L'Hh HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 10, 1882. UNLAWFUL VOTING.I Q1'a0" Opinions of the Press on t_s Bicrowma-On ?►tansy last Rat& Sturdy Case. - A War.lag to iv1I Deers a althea "lb. M Ibe Tag Dep.° er tae Peaty. �Trli LIBILAIA HANDICAPPKD. One of the votes cast against Mr. M. C. Cameron in West Huron was that of one-8turt*, a hotel keeper, whoeons- milted perjury in order to get in the Tots. .For .he offeree he was tried at .the °odesioh assizes and found guilty. With -blackmail, perjury, gerrymander- ing, and manipulation of a.sesament rolls against them, the Liberals were heavily handicapped in the last Domiou- ion election. But time and justii a are on their side. - [London Advertiser. BOINSee of the !Vass Ere, inside the ass from Clinton to $haler, a daisies, of 19 miles, on • 62 inch bicycle, In exaotty tuts hours He went front Chutes to Brumfield without dismuuating, in 40 minutes, Bruoetekl to Nippon in 20 minutes, and Kippee to Easter in use hour. A great ninny teems were met on the rued, whioh made it osoeaaary W slack up pretty often. The trip beck took somewhat longer. Ou Saturday, 'Mr. Coleman, of Seaforth, rode up here in 4b minutes, riding up every hill ex - met Stapleton. IT MAY NK A WAPNINU. A Mt. Sturdy rat Goderich got the le- nient sentence of three days imprison- ment -with a serval Sue for perjury in taking the cath that he was entitled to vote at the late election. Light as the penalty is, it stay be a wa g to per- sons inclined -to undervalue their oath. He voted rthe Tory ticket. --[Waterloo Chronicle. rata mums. The conviction of an election of Hu- ron for perjury and unlawful voting, and perjury will, perhaps serve as an example to other over -zealous electors. The eeutenee was • fine of a hundred dollars and •three days' imprisontneut. The offenoe- is not by any mean s com- mon one, but it is known that it is now and then committed, instances having been cited is connection with elections in our own city. The Huron voter has doubtless by this time realised that it was hardly worth while to violate the taw in crder tot in an additional vote for his party. -[Toronto Telegram. AND MARRIAGE. ... earlaSse Iwai M Were. Prom the earliest tines no event in hu earl life has been airteciated with a moss extensive (ilk Sus than marrisge• Beginning with Ione dlidastiosa, thus are of every a mosiv.bla kind, the anx- ious mad en apparently having left no atone unturned in his anxiety to ascer- tain her lot in the marriage state. Some cut the eversion basks er fora just about the rout le ascertain the initials of the future husband's nate. Again, nuts and apples are very favorite love tests. The mode of prosadure is for • girl to plate on the ban of a grates uut, repeat- ing this incantation. 0 be levee me pyesp and fly : It he bate. zne ti Pe aad dt. Great is the dismay if the anxious face of the inquirer grad.ally perceives the nut, instead of tasking the hoped for pop, die and rake no sign. One means of divination is to throw a lady -bird into the air, and repeating meanwhile the subjourned ou.plet: Fly away east and Ay awe west. Show me where the ma I love test. Should thia little imbed change to fly in the direction tit the house where the loved one resides, it is regarded as a wast favorable omen. Another 'species of love divination once observed oousiated in obtaining five bay leaves, four of which the anxious maiden pinned et the four corners of her pillow, and the fifth in the middle. If she was fortunate enough to dream of her lover, it was a sure sign that he would be married to her in the course of the year. Friday had beeu held a good day of the week for love omens; and in Norfolk lines are repeated un three uights succes- sively, a, on the last one it is believed that the young lady will dream of her future husband : To -night. Tonight is Friday night, Lay me down in dirty white; Dream who my hasband is to be,. And lay my children by my side. 't 1 ti.. to be bis brlds In selecting the time for the marriage ceremony precautions of every kind have generally been taden to avoid an unlucky mouth and day for the knot to be tied. Indeed; the old Roman notion that the May marriages are unlucy survives to this day in E•igland. June is a highly popular mouth.. Friday on account of its being regarded as an in auspicious and evil day for the commencement of any kind of enterprise, i i generally ave id - Fran, -At aabuut 11 o'clock Thurs- day night, the Record printing office eras discovered to be on fire and the sound - net of the fire alarm quickly brought out a -crowd who soon had the engine on the square, but for some reason it could not be gut to work. Entrance being gained to the premises by the front windows the application of a few pails of water soon extinguished the tire, but not before it had done considerable damage. How the2re originated is not known, but it is supposed that • lamp had been left burning which exploded, the oil taking fire. A number of cases of type were completely destroyed, the metal melting and manning on the Hour, the racks or frames on which the cases stand, being •leo benne d. The Ices will be consider- able, and our friends will be thrown be- hind somewhat by the occurrence. They hive user sympathy under the arcuni- stemoea; we know what a fire in a print- ing oboe means. There is an insurance on stock. A portion of Mr. Stephen - son's stook of furniture was removed, as it was feared that the building would go, and was more or less injured in the re- me,val.-{New Era ANYTHING TO Bal•T CAXER(". "Beat Cameron by hook or by crook" was his opponent.' watchword in West Huron, and the action of Mr. J. L Stur- dy, in perjuring himself to get in a vote, was only one of the many flagrant acts of wrong -doing practised in order to defeat the Reform candidate. When. the devices adopted for that end are taken into consideration, it becomok e+"tdent that Mr. Cameron was contend- ing against tremendous odds, and made a remarkably good fight. It is hoped that the lesson taught Sturdy will have a salutary effect on a stood many others, no matter to which side they belong, who might, on a future occasion, be tempted to vote, when they have no legal right to do so. -[New Era. • PATRHYTIC CONSERVITI V E. J. L Sturdy is his name and he lives in Wingham. He is a patriotic Conser- vative and he believes in the principle of voting early and often, but he got caught at it up in Huron, and he don't believe in it any more. He was tried at the Goderich assizes for perjury and un- lawful voting, and was fined $100 and sent to gaol for three days, and he has to thank . the man he perjured himself to vote against for getting off with a punishment so light for 'his offence. We know several Cases just like Sturdy's which occurred in Dundas at last election; and it is a pity that the men who perjured them- selves here were riot punished for their offence. The law an such cases should be strictly enforoed.-[Dundas Banner. LnW13ow. Mrs, M. C..Potta, who for some time past carried on a fancy store in thia vil- lage, left fur Toronto on Tuesday, where she will in future reside. Anuaaw's Nunn. -The Caledo- nian Society i.tend celebrating St. An- drew's night, 30th Nov., with a grand banquet. A grand time is expected. Mita Soma -Messrs. B. & W. J. Mc- Clure have sold their steam flour mill to Messrs. Joseph & Caas A. Tomlinson, of Melton, who intend taking possession at once and carrying on the business ex- tensively. Aet uoxnEN'r.-We regret to learn that Mr. D. D. McIntyre, hardware mer- chant, has been forced through business difficulties to make an assignment for the benefit of hi. creditors. Mr. D. R. Cameron, banker, is trustee in the mat- ter. Gomm SOLD; Mr. R. J. Whitely has purchased from Messrs. Camer,u & Campbell the 'hotel he occupies, and in- tends making extensive improvements. The price has not transpired. , An ex- cellent and commodious shed is being erected for Mr. Whitely by Messrs. Cameron & Campbell on the rear end of the bank lot. This will prove a great boon to the farmers who will not be slow to appreciate such accommodation. Mr. Whitely is to be congratulated on his ,enterprise. NOT Titus. -Some malicious or stupid persons have been industriously circu- lating the report abroad that typhoid fever is prevalent in the village. to the serious injury of business, as timid per- sons are apt to avoid s place where any contagious diseage is supposed to exist The report is groundless, however, as the fever has been, and still is, confined to one house in the village, and the afflict- ed ones, we are glad to say. are rapidly recovering. THs Naw BANK.— Lucknow can now boast of one of the handsomest banks we have seen in the Province. and the pro- prietors, Messrs. Cameron A Campbell, are to be congratulated nn the enter- prise and taste exhibited in the matter. The building is a substantial brick one, two and a half storeys high, and is fin- ished throughout in the meat modern fashion. The interior is finished in dark and light woods and presents an attrac- tive and cheerful appear•n.;e. Inside the vaultwhich is large and substantial, is a powerful burglar proof safe. Alto- gether the new bank is well worth a visit, and Messrs. Cameton & Campbell will be pleased to see all who wish to call. The contractors were R & J. Stewart who deserve great credit fgr the excellent manner in which they have finished their contract. -[Sentinel. A SHARP RKMIfteee. A N'iughant hotel -keeper named Stur- dy, has been convicted of perjury at the Dominion electie;ns and sentenced to three days' smprisonment and a fine of $100. Another person in South Norfolk hu had the penalty for election bribery imposed upon hint by the court.. The Wiugham men is a Conservative and the l.orfolk one is a Reformer. so that we cannot be accused of being biased by party leanings when we express our gratification at seeing signs of a determi- nation to enforce the penalties for infrac- tions of the election law. It is only by making examples of those who wilfully violate the law that a stop can be. Fut to the prevalent practices of false swearing, personation, and bribery, that are so common at our elections. Men who in other matters would shrink with horror from the commission of crime, appear to have no scruples about breaking the law themselves or inducing others to da so, when it is done for the benefit of a candi- date or a party during an election con- test. A few sharp reminders that crime has its ponalttes, t+lection crimes as well as other kinds, enol the evil will be wip• ed out. -- [Sarnia Observer. Tertebers Eagaged. Mr. H. S. McLean, of S. S. No. 3, Colborne, has been engaged u principal for Lucknow public school for 1883, at a salary of $800. Mr. Robt. L. Stutters formerly of Ashfield, who has been teaching in the southern part of the county. has been engaged to teach at Holyrood,Co. Bruce, for next year. Salary $426. Mr. Thor. Elliott has been re-engaged in S. S. No. 4, Colborne. John McIntosh, jr., has been engaged as teacher in Slime's school, Grey, for 1883, Mr. Wm. McKie, of tioaforth, has been engage(' to tea.•t, a school in Water- loo county, near Berlin. ata ss. ray Ower sets cowl. comgood . .ens panies nod a good h mottle urigq 'a Yellow Oil swMses. R Iretr cep for hamar (hi sores ktheonaafilw, Imeasams, Brui- � B )Most les, Croup, Sore Thrust, and 411 pit InAamati°n. 2: If you suffer seas, Chrunid Jesse, and have little faith is advertised remedies sud hare sought vitally for a cure. Con- sult your druggist, or address T. Mil= burn & Co., Torunte, for proof postaie regarding the merits of Burdock Blood Bitten, the Great Regulating Blood pu- ntyiaR Tonic. that acts on the liver, ItAtiews, stomach, towels and skin. 2. A Peet. Meet of AU. Oar rigorous and changabls cheats, and our merle of life induces frequent onlds, that often lead to severe Coughs, Bronchitis and other lung troubles that are liable to end in Consumption. The best and mint pleasant remedy known for these ditficul:ie. is Hsgyrd's Pecto- ral Balason, to be obtained of any Drug- gist, 2: The Occident publishes the following as the searching sermon of • circus clowin said to have been delivered recently at the close of the usual ring performance in a crowded tent in Virginia: We have taken in $600 here to -day- more than nest ministers of the Gospel receive for a whole year's service. A large nortion of this money was given by church mem- bers, and a large portion e.1 this audience is trade up of mumben of the church. Ard yet, when your preacher asks you to aid hum in supporting the Gaspel,you are too poor to give anything. But yin come here and pay dollars to hear tae talk nonsocial. i am a f.xol bemuse I am paid for it. I make my living by it. You pro- fess to be wise, and yet you support me inny folly. Now isn't this a pretty place fox Christians to be in? Don't you Feel ashamed of yourselves. You ought to. In the present month of October Dr. Carson's Stomach and Custipstien hit- t'rs should he taken to purify the blood Thousands bear witness to the posi- tire ocretive powers of the Ga1AT Gaa- NAN INvwu&AToa, the only remedy that has proved itself • specific for general debility. sentinel weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in consumption, insanity and • prema- ture gore. Sold by all drutttiaa, or will be sent free on receipt of $1.00 per box, or six boxes for $5. Address F. J. Casimir, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Send for circular and testimonials of genuine cures. Geo. Rhynes, Goderich. 3m ed. In days gone by Sunday appears to have been a popular day for marriages. it is above all things, necessary that the sun should shine on the bride, and it is deemed absolutely necosaary by very many that she should weep on her wed- ding day, if it be only a few tears; the omiaeion of sub an act being considered ominous of her. future happiness. In Sussex, a bride on her return home from church is often rubbed of all her pins about her dress by the single wo- men present, from the belief that who- ever possesses one of them will be mar- ried in the course of a year, and evil for_ tune will sooner or later inevitably over- take the bride who keeps even one pin used in the marriage toilet. 1 , 1 f and feortifr the system against the severe The following ten. -hers have logien en- proves the circullatien and cures Dye. I changes er our anadtan winter. 1t int - WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. MRS. PINKHAW'S COMPOUND. „ HALLS CATARRH CURE. AUGUST FLOWER. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Specialagent for VAN BUREU'S KID- NEY CURE. CING 4LESE. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ELECTRIC BITTERS. SMITkiI'S� GERMAN WORM CANDY. /efette.'s Andra Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. It is gust an - toed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded Price 26 cents per box. For sale by Jas. Wilson- ly. JTF 11'U1'IVEI)','. ` bT d FERGUSON'S A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FRFii GL()C14''1ES $UITtdLE FOR THE SEASON. at VoryLow PriceSpocial Bars lIl Toas 25c. per ib at.d upwards. If you want a really fine Tea try my boo. Young Hysoa it is a splendid article arid worth more m-mey. I have also just opened out •cum plete assortment of Corckery& Glassware Including Stone tutl China Tea Sets, Children Toy Tea Setts, Ladies and (lent Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Chri°ttnas and New Year's Gifts. Lamps & Lamp Goods in Great Variety $500.00 Reward. We will pay the above reward for any cane of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Hick Headache. Indigestion. Constiplttion or Costiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills. when the d lrec floes are strictly oomplled with. They are purely Vegetable, and sever fall to give satisfaction. Sugar (bated large Boxes, containing 30 Pits, 26 cents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfeits and Imita- tions. The genuine tnanufsctnred only by JOHN C. WEST alt CO.. "The PILI Makers, el and 13 Hing St. East, Toronto, Ont. Free trial package sent by mall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For Sale at WILSON'S RRL STORE. Mrs. H. W. Fleming started for Nel- son, Manitoba, on Tuesday. She in- tends to visit her brother Dr. T. Cnllil, in Michigan, U. S., on her way. Free et test. All persons wishing to teat the merits of a great remedy -one that will posi- tively cure Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitee, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs -are requested to call at Jas. Wilson's Drug Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr. Kings New Dis- covery for Consumption, free of cost, which will show you what a regular dol- lar -size bottle will de (1) Why go on day after day suffering with splitting headaches when a bottle of Dr. Austin's Phoephatine will cure you ? If you do Dot believe it ask your druggist for a circular -and read what those who have used it say about it. Price $1.00. 2n► gaged in the respective schools in the IPsis., Biliousness, and Sick Headache. n large township o f Turkerxmiih for the entreat I s.. year, at the sahtr ieit named : -Sec. No { dtogar 1, Mr. Esokney, $41,0: No. 2, Mr. Seat; 11f all the ills Chet flesh is heir to ktd- $39O , No. 3, Mr F. W. Sellers. N50; ; ney dowse is the moat distressing. To No. 4, Miss Lsndahornugh. $320 ; Ni.e! twfferats, we os.. only sae, take Dr. VAN R ilias (244)in• $400 No• 7 Mi.. It.,.. '. Ku•am Ccag at ones, and thus bottles% At 50 cents. Rad ball y McCOLL BROS & CO. TORONTO_ MANUFACTURERS -OF- LARDINE OIL AND CYLINDER, OIL e Four Medals and three 41ploaaae swan:e them last year •t tee leedtaagm iixbtbl- ions. in tl.e [tootle on $ealth is Wealth! AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. Call and be Convinced Da. E. C. Wtta'r's Nxata AND BRAIN TREAT. MKNT, • guaranteed specific for Hysteria. Diz- ziness, iaziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration cawed by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Men- tal Ioepresniou. softening of the Brain, result- ing in Insanit • and leading to misery, decay and death. 1'romature Old Age. Barrenness, Las of Power in cit her sex. Involuntary losses and Sperniatorrhona, caused by over-exertion of the brain, seltaboee or over-iadnlgenoe. One box will cure recent cases. Eacb box con- tains one mont h s treatment. One dollar a box, or eix boxes for five dollars : sent by mall pre- paid on receip of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any cs.e. With each order re- ceived by us for sex boxes, accompanied with five dollars. we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to refund the money if the treatment does not etre/ t a erre. Guarantees issued only by JANES WILSO.I. pole amber - hied agent for Ooderich, Ont. JOIN C. WI= & CO., sole proprietors, Toronto. Oat. Wanr.t. tftg Pay,- Liget AG E N 1 S Work . (onstaat .mysaest o: Capital required. J►rw Leat jibs - real. Quebec 1715 Gray's Specific Medicine TRf1Dd MARKTIIE I:KKAT-- TRANI MARK ENOLIelr Its- ttauv. An un- failing cure for Seminal tt•gARN KAN, Sp erm•tor- rhea, impot- ency, and all diseases thati follow as s se IUIIETMWII. queewe of ecif NTe UM!". Abuse•as Loss of Memory. Universal %ode, Pain In the hack, Dimness of Vision. Premature old age. and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or consumption and a premature grave. te.Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we desire to send free by mall to everyone. The Htweulc Medicine Is std by all druggistsst$1 per package. or siz packages for f3, or will be sent Inc by mail on receipt efthe moms b addressing THK O R A Y M EDi(71N SCO., Toronto. n' en. Hold In Goderich by J. Wilson. F'aiix s A.tt =It iosi i Barbed Pence Wire contracted for n any quantity at very lowest price. 1 SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. %Vire and barb galranlzed-atter Deng twisted which cannot scaleoff. Use Barbed 'Wore for Fences. NO SNOW 7IFTS NO WEEDS SIG WASTE UNDS. For sal b7 G H. PARSONS, CHEAP BARD W A Rio OODZRICH. ROOT AND SHOES At the 011ent Established Shoe Store in Town, In Endless Variety t( suit the most fastidious and the most economic buyer MY SPRING STOCK U now comple.e, and I take pleasure in inf. rtning my custnnera that at no pre vious •tme have I had suck a Large & Varied Stock As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price' unto it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be gut elsewhere. JUSTOM W ORS of every grade still receives my prorupt and careful attention, and will be ma e up in the most approved styles by first-class workmen, end of the very best material obtainable. Ladies and gisse. Bools Hccl PIaIed Free of Charge. ..t tune of purchase if so desired. 1) owNzrTG_ BSEGM1LLER Chilled Plow AND_ AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Having purrhaaed the Ooderich Foundry. ass fitting Ib.ises for them ufactur of CHILLg131 OWH and AORICIILTURA IIrPLEM Te on • large scale. Mill Work General Repairing sed Jobbing will be con Untied. All work guaranteed. Mr. D. Rnuctman la the only man autborize to collect payments and give receipts on be hall of the late firm of Hnnciman era Co.. an all persons indebted are requested to gover themselves accordingly. S. SEEGMILLER. Proprietor. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal & Slack. TO MILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN A CURE GUARANTEED Waw BOILERS and SALT PANS manning Lured on shortest notice. MAGNETIC MEDICINE one , v,aos saa1M i .e BRAIN and NR1tv`'WtX Is. Cee Nd ..d .Nag. fatale meg Fireaak. Positively (ares Nieto/crania. ;n aJ it 1/'s..! lk 7r� lova a✓/ /trefs Power. ii..er.lr.w"O11-tgae !larv�efs. epea..r Lwwasrv*asa. Ntnrresaeas, 14wate l N s..4 (7raerwf f,°•- er reeve 11 Merriest wash k i -, avows. thee/mead INE - MANUFACTURERS - i tart, weals rtarM toe AA/reeled rete, .al MAN U FACTU RERS lxerert.nw� rear.a.f ;VIP fa see dar t�► ta+awn p. oaf ene.as•re fA�n. tfli .meld pr , And all man r•unnlntt rurhirrery r►i t` y aLvn • •e.• /. ma w1M Foveet, $2445; No tt, Me Hicks, $4.10 ; (Alain a retied yea Bann tfind elsewhere. ,r jtDI W 1aMvw we watt seed w. t► nue a Guae- aAnt�d,� b mein oar Uta LA IN 1'IJ.NI;AR eel k .sane Id ground the weal; if the o•e✓tneet itYtbelbew M n, Mr. Borten, $450 ; No 10. her. Me rich �: 1 t hat theR,rwrtnteg sseerMsrs are bee try (dill, $4:10; Nn. 1.1, Mee Wilson. S.1 Ladies who gruffer peri.Istally trent' I^hone ssmr/..r.i,er•uOtlaPNewetc., enapl and assistant, Miss Crswforl, $'l.3 ; No -1 All Dt data Ise R. J. '%tla on thele- c meek fowler tarn weeds. atawg. see fobs out 1 the twee a� _-..��►c _ 1 11 le ' the back "al End Immo dialer you ere .lusirotlltn.thtAirtirrrorlute relief from any kidney ti ,mole, and thus pre- ant the fatal results that always at- tend this pet(leetof thus diaireeving com- plaints (eii who does note) why tike D*. VAN Brute's Kilmer Crss et .,e -e. it to safe. simple and e:lfeotue! '4 i 1 '•. 1 Wil°•a if. enrh 2m E�ttna 1n ., in a few doses et Dr. Vali Witte al' Ninety Crus. rt was never known Detail. Try it at em's, Tour Ihirgetist keeps it. ' ,o. Wilson Ooderich. 2re: Teo o1 our villagers had a little scuffle •ger dad• lea • ••vt % ,one was serious - 1 eon in .r. lar• in nor pna•►kN' wort, ss. end Mee tease watt, -• llt�rtp� "t•: 1•i elf at els r s. tb5 /t t++a . r „r YcOoll Bras ti Co Tonto. will wraita•d 41'44114P . d1'ee14P, en air , ► I'' of t .oawR l: wtit n aa'lirmwtst co.. The limine 1• lot rale la (lodertch byWtdest, 41111 , .nada yid M (iaciertc)>. b eM 1 std evertt�ief► 1W -1v, R. W. MoKKN7IE, H. H. PARSONS, 16_,,11,„,, at�� j DrwRK:stii ILA 1 la K. STRACHAN. I %2 , w'st tc {Is a 4 to bone wetly C. C R' B R, aro ladd ie. ('o.t es 1 11:111-A liras & o'et t•trusta Mato. All kinds of Repairing executed under the prse.alsapervtsion of the Proprietors who Atu Practical Workmen. P. O. Box 10.4 17d7 W. S.:Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE Goderich Mills (LATE PIPER').(.; Beg to return their thanks to the public the liberal patronage received during the pas d to do Year, (41; 1to4rr1N(3-! on the shortest notice, or for the convenience of pa -Iles living at a distance will exchange wrists at their town store Late TV. M. HiUuord's,) Masonic block, East St. Goderich. par -Highest price paid for wheat idea St. Gatherings Nursenesl r_eTABLINHED IN Wit; flaring fully tested 100RB'S EARLY & BRIGHTON two new grape., 1 nnrnbeeslter y advise m7 iv-tat�rogea�Say��g DtaWOOpRasit ZARL1 le itte bI net le est ri iM.bod�ttafKl Mgra7w felssr sloae �tvk Pest Mil h ant is • e r. aaii t d;..� Peat atter ocee's iesD rev; e Misch and berry. aa% very will mail both to any mess, POMO . w receipt of SI or either fear gl. JtrsNs wasted D. W. BEADLE, ST. Catallan%ls, Ort. Is,/st. MUBIOAL IRBTRUIBITS M RS. W A R OC K AND SEWING Mt"Ctliii F. The �o he e ee 14) the pe w .b Ms•1tM ewlag to III heal ran Haat b Haw prepared to ere execration - SSP deed baraw sol An warmer PIANO . wat ()ROANS ex MEWI W MHiNER win Sod tt 1e tNtr advantasagdr� to eaACll at esre .s tuts lea (rl[NU1Nit clearing tale. J W. WEATHERALD 92p 1' • M M� vicinity that s• lase elect sole meat HY tato as man? sstrelMa4s •ea ptroY la meet a Ana privilege to same sss and sell 1)It. LUC.rAN'S GLOAMING & RENOVATING FLV22�. Fshvtsevinggrease aaA nail Rom anything end °vwythfeg, }rota td s West st fabric to t ro ar t} have been aatarat/'d tit II fled. It MI. }dr a OoeV M b fled Me ettil Iws teirrs, W A PILI (C;' 1SO /temM litn• et •e see or vow ei t.