HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-10, Page 11 fir 1.111. erfatensests. Notice -Frances Cattle. Au•:t.on Yrle -1. P. Win'. Bazar fu: 4,.•ri e - t..1 , . ManUub.i \i't CAItol nigt'erches 4 p.m" i•,at!'a. Sinai Anoo,W.- t r ,-QIP dl,epp'rd. The t'hcaoe, . loos • - iiturde.s & Son. Ui suiutiun tot P.m: nett l U -not : uu it Crew - mw OaittitTV. NICHOL9ON, SURGEON DEN- TIST. OMoe and restdenue, West Street three doors below Bank of Montreal, Go=e- lob EDW1N KEEVER, DENTAL SDR- OICO J into with Trotter t Caesar, the leedisg DenUa a of Tos•outu AU operations weeny sad canto scoped. Rooms, set's Block, over W. tutor's d• elon's CLIN- TON. cgrratlsats Brom • distance will plebe& maks spfMsAnsaM M edvwaw. by walk 1811. She People's ttolumn. g it)MP081TOR WANTED - GOOD, for book work. Address at on:e Tel lit Hos SIGNAL, Oodericb• ,(ANITOBA - PERSONS DLS1R- 11 iltil part of • oar to Manitoba will pietas ooansaafeate with MRS. It. CALLA t- I,CR. Clinton, Oat. Loans ane insurance. OOI Itlt.1'. QN'T., FRIDAY, NOvr:rN BEB 10, !882. OrEY TO LOAN --Private Fut.ds. L r , o: Small !;tour'masa , Apply to iS. .WLN Odlu:, L'uurt It t oN'EY--PILI-VATS I: -,f N NO 1 t loud oa e•.i) tita i to :OWL t0 split b.x- rowert ALex, Mei) ALL.t'. Golarluh. tiov I . h 1831_ JOT!CE TO DEBTOR14--NOTICE IS 1_ hereby gives that all parties indebted to the wadorsfsaod tv sots or book account are 'posed W settle the same .t once and therr- 07 ease kit_dele'edM I mean bust - seta �i OntTe NOME- At1 accounts owing the lab George Celtic Med they � 1bo e I i(sppt el hof SMorr lawSaiieetryer tor don- FRANCES CATTLt. 11+500,000 TO LO&N. APPLY TO T CAMERON, HOLT 3tCAMERON, e- lob. 175& 475,000 TO LEND ON REAL E S - Tem. Terms favorable. Applyto 11. L. GOYI.IC, t)oderich. T0 THRESHERS -FOR SALK-A First-Class =Heine and Boiler, nearly new W 111�1 thIe sold cheap. App at the foundry to JO101 McCALLL 31. or tfle subscriber JI� O. THOROUGH BRED SREEP-J. 0. STEWART offers for sale a number of thorougb-bsed'I.eleaster and 8out6iows rates and ewe lambs. Apply to .1. O. STEWART, Co.oi0. Lot 11, Colborne. 1811 - t50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND ea good Fermi qqrz eireCcioes Town Property Spee cent. Aooty toe. RAD01IFFE. 1751 ONEY TO LEN1a IN ANY 11�v11 amount to suit borrowers a�, �0� �0�t�t� Pet cent. Private fends. Apply to RiMYa,� -. MORTOx, Goderlch. MONEY TO LEND -A LARGE amount of Print.- - . ♦t tow., rates op _... undo for investment to °ARROW a- V1tOIJ leas Mortgages. Apply L°a a FREE SOF CHARGE. - Money to fond at lowest rates free of •e -y costa or charges. SEALER d' MORTON, opposite Colborne noted. Goderich. 23rd March 1881. MLR t) PER CEN'. -THE CANADA Landed Credit Compaay is prepared to lend money on good Farm security, at six cent. rut' part iculars given upon application :o 1I1'GIl HAMILTON, C. L. agent, Goderich. 1785. NO lin TO SUBSCRIBE 11Jt1Feint brut g. - A )-ergo sale of farm S. stook owned by NO W. Ranaford will be sold at Stapletuo (w mile from Ciintos) un Friday, Nuy. 17, For particulars see aivertiaeoewt, HYwIurIKA0'.--Mr. N. M. Cowan, of the Exeter ttefector,was joined in matri- mony "le %Wednesday lot to Maggie Mil- ler, onl' j dsughtei of GArin Struthers, ^r,?d.sta f�4 protestult: ThP J Eeq of this town The hap y couple t' 1.1'; ...eject ridal T1.e attention of subscribers in threat's is directed to the date un the address Le- ber on their papers, which shows the time p•tid to, and they are requested to remit the amount without delay. The im,,t'ttauce off prompt remittance will be recuguized front the fact that h total amount due is very large. HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 76, corner of Victoria and East Meets. in the towu of Goderich, for sale cheap. or will be :changed for farm property. Forppa.rticnlare apply to Jas. SYAILL, Architect, once Crabb's Bloc, or J. C. Cusats, auctioneer. FART[ FOB flALE. Being the west half of lot 22, 7th con. of the township of West Wawanoeb. cdotains 100 acres, 67 cleared. of which 80 is fit tor the reap- er, remainder black ash and cedar. Frame barn 34 x W, ,shed and stables. 16x 71 and a good hewn 1 dwelling house. The farm is weU watered and fenced, and as excellent clay soiL Apply to Themes Horne on the premise1orto oss5T MURRAY, St. Mats, 910 1 THE MUSICAL PUBLIC OF 1 Goosxtcn. . C. HA YES, SOLICITOR Aa, The Sisters of 3: Joseph, a- ro now prepared Office corner of the quaere and West t0gl es lessons In vocal as well a3 ins the Con - street, Goderich, over Butler's bookstore. taxa North For particulars apply at the Con- money to lend at lowest rates of interest. . est. 8t. 11M7. 20,0.0 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND on Farm and Town Property at lowest in- terest Mortgogea purchased, no CommWion ak zged' Conveyancing Fees reasosabte. N. B. Borrowers can obtain money In oneday title is satisfactory.-DAVISON & JOHN STON. Barristers. fife., Goderich. 1751 LbRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, . Life and Aocident Insurance Agent. R"presenting flrstclaes Companies. Alae agent for the CAxana Lrvs Sroct Iestrom CE Co. Money to lend on Mortgage, either in Town of Farm Property, in an way to suit the borrow- er. OIEoe-Iapetain) Kay's block Goderich. 3 ebical. for his test. "Come uver and help us," and made a forcible and eloquent appeal for aid in the work of extending Protest- antism in Quebec. He alluded to the great powers and privileges exercised by the Ro'uan Catholic clergy in that pro- vince, and pointed out the difficulties which Protestant missionaries had to face there. But 5 per cent of the French left toy the noon train on their b trip of the mission was the evangelization Ore- best wishes go with them• the ` We want each subscriber to take the 1 rvr R d' Lxa R WL. -We have been hint home and remit at once, -sated to ask if some enterprising There are a few who the -- .,ugh careless - neat or sometl.'- -.ig else, have shown no dlatv"...,ton to pay. We advise them to settle at once. It will be their own fault if costs are incurred. The full rate of $2.00 a year will be charged to all in arrears. Subscribers forwarding their subscriptions before the expiration of the month:will be charged only $1.60. R-''McDONAGH, GM.D. , PHYSIC- . IAN, SURGEON. &c.. Graduate of Tor- oato U•iveralty. Lloectlate of the Royal Col- lege of Ph sicians, London, England, &c., &c., M. C. P. S., Ontario. Office and residence Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hamilton streem - DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON. Coroner &c. Office and residence Err eta Street. second door west of V ctoria 17. HG. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- . octan.urgeosand Aceoucber, Graduate of Termite Univer Ity. OdIceopposite Comer -on L Cameron's Bank, Lttoknow. If not in oMoe. enquire at the Bank. 1702-y. j QRS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, LJ Pnysieiens, Surgeons, Amour -hers. tc. Moe at Dr. Shannon's residence. near the Tall. Goderich. G. C. Saawwow, J. C. Haim - .the. 1751. Legal. NOTICE TODEBTORS.-ALL AC - counts due Lewis J. Treble must be paid at once as I intend doing • strioUy o•ab pudneas. bright per cent per annum will be charged o• all overdue .coo&nta Cash ear tamers mu get good horse -dotes wad general bOsokamithing eons at favors terms by �ving me • 'AUL Stand near the gaol. L. J. Tsg Tempo. 1057. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. -BEING eontpoiM of lot number 13, in the 1 Itb concession of the township of Mullett Is the Consttyy of H'iron oontattag 100 acres. 85 acres clawed balance hardwood bush- For further parttcroWna apply to Oawsow & PsocnrooT. Barristers eta. 11161-3m Oo'lerich. BOOKBIN DING. --WE HAVE MADE arrangement& with Mr. D. MoOregor, the weU-known bookbinder of Seaf rth, to tete orders for wart la his line, All work done from the plainest to the most supetb at Toreatepricets. Orders left at this once will receive hie personal attention. 1863. TO RENT. -THAT VERY CON - 1 venient house corner of Newgate and Alberts streets for a number of years oceu• pied by Mrs. Elwood, The house is in every way a desirable one. Foe further partaeuiars seely to Joss Bascta sxatns Newgate le=t. 1852. IEWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, J Attorneys, Solicitors in Chancery &c. OMce In the Court House, Godericb. IRA Lswie. M.A. B.C.L. b:. N �wts. NEWS ABOUT HOME PROFESBORC. J. NEWMAN LATE of London. Bag., Msdeoy o4 Music, eleisons in Organ and Piano 30 c.7 laying. .gtws•astd harmony. For particulars se trop the equate or main bnylttam rens. ears of Kiss Payne, Gederich 3PeOe 1 11161 owlet Goaertok. en a meta strut. and in s very d,strabre satiation either for a buena.* Mind or resfdesce Paaoval. -Lot 10x, ruining number. Town of GoderMb, sbotd one fifth of as aorta. in the Wooten part of tna Town, .est� yei [bks sad Harbor, and In oae of the most sls..aa�tna Mossi.There b reit' repair. wW.wkeMMt11t age,: Aldi the estosslvo caller e and the home as eroeedbwitl able ens. There is deo a stable Oh W ormo- lees. and .osnt .11111.1016•114 PAeto.L 8 -- Lit ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR T RISTERA. Attorneys, Soodooitors ole Goderlub. J. T. G.rvow, W.P173 "A chiefs among ye. Lakin' notes, Ac.' faith he'll prent it." TOWN TOPIOS. Ma.iure ncedlei at G. C. Robertson's. first street. Come and get your chola of the choicest of choice chrietmas cards at Imrie s Book Store. They are selling fast. J. W. Weatherald employs no agents now. but sells Organs and Sewing Machines direct from his shop. Save money by buying from hint. I now have my next store formerly occupied by Mr. Campbell. tilled with a variety of stoves which 1 shall sell cheappJor cash. Just received a car load of oiL-O. N. Davis. The falling off in the price of wheat has caused the Grit and Tory papers to squabble over the good or bad e of the N. P. There is no chance for diecuadon on the ques- tion of the llrst-class photos turned lout by Bellows the photographer. Some of the liquor dealers are grumbling because they hare not got longer hours to w rg�dtsposeof liquor. Their liquor can't Sow W. L. Horton keeps only the best, he doesn't want the hour for selling ex- tended. He'd get rich too fast. DL DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D Attorney, Solicitor In Chancery. & Godorlak, Out SEALER & MORTON, BARRIS- TERS. to., tis, Gnderioh and W C. Seeger Jr.. Ooderlch. J. A. Morton, i76L hash CAMERON, HOLT R CAMERON, od tsars, 8nitc . in C. Coni y, tc. Holt. am. M. C. Gmerow. Msoars W1ngbsm• Bron Goderfoh W. 1751. 1-N THE HIGH COURT OF JUS TICK. CRANOERY DIVISION. AuetienSale of Venable Prop•rttea betosg Ing to the Lancaster �atate. le a Pa�nup p �1 urt. Mel the lath dote A. ill SiM sale br PrMle Auetloq by MHaleoso�s, hof arawsr.s ueesb' r. J.b*C. Currle, Aanctleoeer,at his ATM t Roeau, 1a the Town of odwb0. es Ih filth November, UM at 13 •Ube& soon. to : following P wOOn 6 -Inst 10,' in b vis ' - r Per. Town of Goderich, about one 1tb of an sere. on tb corner of West and Waterloo Streets. abou man cannot be found who will put up a new skatingrink. It u averred by acme that • good rink, well conducted, would pay in Goderich. During the summer the rink could be used for tennis, roller skating, public meetings, etc. Mr. Wm. Proctor, late of Holwesville who has for some time been in the em- ploy of the'U. S. Government contractors at Belle Isle, Mich , met with a serious accident by wounding one of his feet badly. Cutting the main artery, and causing a great loss of blood. The schooner Jane McLeod, light, when entering Kincardine harbor about eight o'clock on Sunday evening struck the corner of the north pier, tearing &way considerable of the pier timbers. It will take about 1400 to repair the damage, the vessel did nut sustain any i juries. AUEI''uLTL- KAL IMPLEMEh?9.--A reap- er, wVwer single bumf, cutter, and sulky horse rake, :o wood condition, to- gether with s quantity of honcho:.1 fur- niture and other articles will be sold at Currie'. Auction mart on Saturday after- noon, at (Inc o'clock. Remember the time and place. A rare channel for bar- gains. James Saunders Sr Son, the cartel store men, are ,d}tag off their immense stock of stoves. tinware, fancy goods and wall paper at lowest prices In town. Those who have not yet taken advantage of the low prbes. are invited to cart- 'The Cheeped Hose under the Sun." Mr. R. McBrine Lu returned from Manitoba. Mrs- RoeiC4dge, n i pas• Ads i lluett, is in town, viwtprg-A 1:-` .' A debate' is expended to -night at the Kith School Literary $ocisty. Mr. sod Mn. W. Chapman of Wing - ham, are guests of Mr. Thos. Cowherd. Rev. J. 11. Watters, is attending the Ecclestiastical Retreat at London this week. Mrs George Thompson, has been call- ed to Strsthroy bj the serious illness of her mother. We are sorry to learn that Mr. James McNair has been laid up for a fortigbt by a severe form of cold. We are indebted to A. Vogler & Co., of Toruntq, for • copy of Vennor's Al- manac for 1883. It u very interesting. Miss &ante Gordon, daughter of Mr. James Gordon, left for Manitoba recent- ly to join her brother and other re- latives. Mr. John Macdougall, late student at Cameron Holt and Cameron's law office, has goneto push his fortune in an Ameri- can city. Mrs. Frances Cattle publishes an an- nouncement to debtors in another col- umn, which they will do well to give heed to John Tackaberry, employed by Peter McEwen, at the Saltfcrd salt works, while shovelling salt on Friday last, ac- cidentally fell into a pan of scalding brine. He was plucked out by some fellow -workmen almost instantaneoualy, bet waw severely scalded nevertheless, and died on Tuesday, having lingered in great suffering. The auction sale of household furni- ture, etc., belonging to Mrs. Hibbard was sold at the U. S. consulate on Tues- day. There was a very Lige attendance of buyers, principally ladies, bidding was spirited, and very good prices were paid. Currie, the auctioneer, was in good humor and capital voice, and rattl- ed off his witticisms in a most taking manner. There are but few who can beat J. C. C. on a general sale. Mr. Dan Carty, while on his way to the post office on Tuesday afternoon, noticed a number of bank bills drop from a lady's pocket book. The owner was unaware of her loss until Mr. Carty had picked up the notes and gallantly returned them to her. Her joy may be imagined. Dan received her thanks with a beaming smile, and went on happy in the cdnsciousness that he had done en honest act. The money fell into good hands. Last month it is said by the meteorolo- gical authorities to have been the mildest in a period extending over forty-three years. There is just the probability that the comet may have had something to do with it, although the scientific au- thorities have not shown any connection between the two things- It seems reasonable to assume that so large & mar of heat could hardly exist so long with- out having some effect on our atmos- phere, -[Ex- ST- GEOaOx'�t S. S. CONCERT- - The new Sunday schoolhouse of St. George's Church was formally opened on Wednes- day evening last. There was a good at- tendance. The chair was 'occupied by Ven. Archdeacon Elwood, who paid a high tribute to the work done by Rev. R. H1ckp in forwarding the progress of the building- An interesting programme was presented by the members of the choir, under the leadership of Prof. Newman. At the close of rhe concert, a vote of thanks to all who bad taken part in the entertainment was moved by Col. Ross, M. P.P. , seconded by Mr. T. B. VanEvery, and carried unanimously. and education of French Canadians, The speaker declared that Romanian' was incompatible with enlightenment, saying it was a Jesuit doctrine that "You must be as a dead body in the presence of your ecclesiastical superiors." 45 per cent of the french Canadian population cannot write, and 35 per cent. cannot read. There are now tire French Pro- testant churches in the Province and 40 or 50 missionaries, 10,461 members, and 2,000 Sunday School scholar!. 8,000 boys and girls have been educated through the efforts ot Protestant mis- sionaries. Thera are 75,000 French Canadians in Ontario, and 500,000 in the United States. The preacher re- marked that the pocket and the heart of the French Canadian were very close together. He characterized Romanian) as a political system, alluded to Mar - mien (which subject he did not appear to understand), and declared that it was heresy to Quebec to be a Liberal, as it is in Ontario to be a Conservative (?) He announced at the close that he would be soliciting subscriptions during the week, MISS NETTIE SEEGMILLER, Raving c libelled her bridles le mask ander Prat 81Vpt •[1 t osdoa, and bavtsg re- eelved • certificate, is sow prepared to re oelve • limited number of pupils for Piano iastr•ot on. bias Seags�ler 1s aiao prs�a�ed to take orders ter Cryo& TottrsltI. Ssrtatac• tion Is every cats nteed. R dente. censer Cambria sad Newgate Street OR SALE. -THAT BEAUTIFUL FillenaIng ate. as1 buildings thereonerrMt of 1011. 1 its 006 and 01e. In the towns of Oodettoa. be- nimbi( .embsni. There � •s tai ter tae property ecu d •ad 000911 d by tis Fori dry Property late lies' Morton sat- vr:tutt to two wiW • large brisk so n u R tY soft Require of 1. t•. onOus. Auctioneer. as . t sod is Mt the Real yStwgea. ,troch otwpedaefoa. Ware. ifd111 be 11 1 one Pareet sin lets awe •e • is adrf to hero aeilMatr LSD. air • •wr fwbtmp ea three eweesfseW tet ..d .s orae of the wain PatiDt�. L-- berth live eighths of Lot 11 FOR SERVICE. -HAVING rtpl,eafd a-° °k ..5b " id e II Fan. It /Y be for Sows e r• 6TH OF NOVEMBER. • �NTELLi ' - • MCOUUYEARBAVI t$1.A IN DANCE.. use of lbs cross was a corrupt one, and had a degrading tendency. Protestant- ism restored the Cross of Christ to its proper position. The Protestant saw in the dying Saviour the only trust of the loot soul, and trusted in the God -man, and not in penanoes or mass sacrifices The penitent sinner is taught by Protest antism to go strai"ht to ¢°a nese, and not to trust to any inlerfnedi- ary sources. With his Bible in his hand every Christian sees that he has the pri- vilege of going direct to God. From every pulpit came forth testimony to the worth of the Bible, and the Bible said. "Let God bo true,and every man a liar." Protestantism had restored good works to their proper place, but had not given them the first place. Had any man ever been thrust out of the Romish Church, no matter hew profligate, who was will- ing to be obedient to the Church? Dis- obedience to the Church was, according to Romanism, a greater offence than dis- obedience to God. For the former of- fence the delinquent was liable to be ex- communicated, but not so for the latter. Protestantism teaches that no man is a Christian unless his life is good, but the good works do mot necoasanly make the Christian. The hymn says : Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy Cross I cling " For by grace are ye saved, through faith." AsMethod sta it had.been said of us that we laid great stress on good works. The real fact was, Menton d he ists believed no man was a good did not lead a good life. There were people who said it was not right to attack any Christian body. The rev. 'peeler contended he did not attack the Roman Catholics as individuals --he at- tacked theRomiah system. Papal count- ries were behind Protestant countries in progress: the Papal system was a despot- ism, and gave a right to the hier• uo ey over the faith:and lives of the !people; and the worst governments to -day were dh ed to the Papacy. The Anniversary Mel'Wen by se.. J. Wakefield. On Sunday last, an anniversary ser- mon was preached to the Orangemen of Goderich in the Methodist Church by Ray. John Wakefield. The preacher took for his text from Rev. xiv, chap. 6-7. In the opinion of many these verses were a prophetic announcement relating to Luther. The mission of Protestant- ism was to protest against the irregula- rities which had crept into the Church of Rome anterior to the time of Luther. They who protested were willing to obey the behests of the Emperor in matters political, but they protested against be- inv bound by Rome in matters spiritual. Protestantiistm had spread greatly and had been greatly blessed as an element of progress ; it now numbered over 114,- 000,000 souls. „ The anniversary sermon to -day was in commemoration of the discovery of the plot of Guy Fawkes and his accomplices to blow up the Protes- tant King James I and his parliament. The rev. speaker narrated the partic- ulars of the discoleryof the plot in 1606, and attributed the saving of Protestan- tism in England to the fact that the con- spirators were foiled in their design to destroy King James and his parliament. The Orange institution was first formed BotT LAuwt*.-A boat built byy Mr. Henry Marlton for the Saugeen Fishing WOW was launched at the dock on Sun - a, last. A good composittw, and clean, is wanted at once at this, to work on a book. Address Ten Hnnox SPINAL, Gaoler -b. The Peterboro Examin,r is our latest exchange. It is a handsomely printed sheet, and • ered'it t, the town in which it is published. Prisons wishing to go to Manitoba cheap can secure a portion of a oar with 14 s. R. Callender, Clinton. See "Peo- ple's Column The schooner Lady Dufferin, owned by Oameron s Campbell, of Luoknow village, after • very successful season's business, is laid up for the winter ir. the Ooderich harbor. The Schooner Mary 8. Gordon, Capt. McDonald, owned by Ales. Gordon, of Kincardine, went ashore on Beaman bland on Sunday. The captain wired to Wiarton for a tug. Mr. Charles Slight! of Winnipeg, and well known in OodericII, died in the first named place last week from typhoid fesw. He was well spoken of se a steady at.d reliable young man. a rho tai a�tsavary' awe s•If�rll�bs K 1fb ire fRt mtreT Frepr+ r. 'FOr BALK OR TO 41114T-THAT of le eoi . bele Pr • RA wrbt foe O. e� . '1'R)t'�b� 1g1AUri tlbe geld to this me� s•M,sad llaa taareaar tt �t ti le'F1 O tkn'ott, sal. si Ibm_ W nwMSA��o�+ perehoes suer w ster at tf Aesatseser st eeet•asee seer of th. Vite ether eMi1M.2 of will hi the elegiag cos1Atw of the Qsurt Pe Mia /rr MGedar4Ai. oeosta or to the %Ade - fob. the Alia (kbbt, iIM S. Ai.OU1t180N, p� Mast* at Ooderich. jJellApRR .M.,1lesar.Rrfleelevtett 1fe1,d Why don't the London dills arrive more regulary an the tummies train t Our contemporaries of the Forest sty make • mistake by not shoving their papers into Goderioi every worsing• The f3Ar.nra BATIKS. -Yr. Joh Beek- man has closed the saline bathe for the mason. He has been well ptroois.d and hopes for a continuance ci th. none when le ,w-epsss the bathe nett year. lliruis Kerr, late of fiannders )huisbU iwsat, left os Welbillatt Ilarrisboirs Tees.ws.. where has 11r. raw. leer midst sift Kerr bas many friends in town who "nab he $es. parity is bet =nay Snothern home Bv[xlwo or Inn Jossrslw' KIDD. - A despatch from Owen Sonnet says: -"The propeller Josephine Kidd was burned off Cape Commodore on Saturday night. She left here about eight o'clock in the evening with a full cargo of merchandise, including a large quantity of mill sup- plies for Lion's Head. Atter mailing at Pre.qu'isle. Where she took ort board fifteen tons of hay, she prodded on her way to R tartan, thecae bound for Lion's Head. When a few miles from Cape Commodore fire was disonvered in the after cabin. Captain Tborburn fret made an effort to extinguish it hut find• ing it ginning too much headway heeled the vessel fur shore, when they soused - ed in beaching ler, the grew attempted to use the pumps, bot were driven from their posts 'Cie Wks' said had a nar- row swaps Tb. venni and cargo are a total loss The crew were all picked op safely by the steam Myrtle, that happen- ed to he en route from Wiarton to this place, and taken to Wiartoo early this morning. The cargo is valved at up- wards of $4,000, and not insured. The Josephine Kidd is a small prt+ps ler of 108 toms house, built .t Port Manley is 1lf'79. She wet owed by Kidd 1 0o., of flaferfdt, valved et 15,000, deemed A 4. She wee insured. Viaf5MtdO AEASSAS EvAINSIM1 aTiOW - itw. Yr. Roy. w'nosh OEaadi a our Pelsaaboad in RR G.on.'s alert& Sundialsbet. Rio o.iron in the t s N those that a er ' rev. speaker contrasted the progress of the United States as against that of the ''South American Spanish republics, to il- lustrate his contehtion in this regard. Continuing, he said that Rome bad per- • I secuted with fire and sword in days gone by, and although we in Ontario could sue no evidence of the persecuting spirit f theR ash church yet on the part o on' the spirit of persecution was still tkere. The work of the Protestant Church had been great in the past and much progress had been made. The work of Protestan- tism was great at the present time, and work of the Lord was moving coward. Even in Italy, under the shadow os the Vatican, thelmissionaries of Protestant- ism were opening up the Word of Ood to those who had never had_ a similar opportunity offered them fbrvont. The h rev, speaker concluded by ferventlyhop- ing that the good work of spreading the glad tiding of great joy would go on and on until all the nations of the earth would learn to know God. in 1759 to counteract the influence of -- - the Papist society known aethe "Ribbon Fatal ate haat tael•a- men- ' The object of Orangeism was toDPTROIT l- t. • • -Captain Putnam defend the Queen, the legislative union, and the suoceewn to the throne, so long as they remained true to Protestantism. There were a few points the speaker wished to refer to on this occasion, and and in doing so he would not forgot that • headway. The St of the tug Sill, who was racing with the tug Weitzel on Saturday morning when she exploded, makes the following state- ment: -We were running down the lake' off Oak Creek, and were under good 11 was about two feet he was speaking as a Christian preacher and in the House of the Lord. (1) What had Protestantism done 1 (2) What ws it doing? (3) What was it destin- ed to do in the time to come. Prttes- tanism had done away with the tradi- tional religion which had for centuries been fostered by Rome, and had replac- ed it by a preaching ministry and an open Bible. The progressive form of hristianity was the Word of God, an' from the Weitzel, and the fireman had gone down to the furnace and was ppntt- ing in col, for we could see the black smoke coming out of the stack. The engineer then went to the engine -room and as he entered we could see hisnd already shaped es if to take hold 61 the water valve, when in an instant there wasa loud explosion, and we were fairly lifted from the water, and covered with rt dcindera frons the Weitzet. A the aggressive form was the p ot the Word. Before printing was in- troduced oral instruction had Ni be given owing to the scarcity of copies of the Bible, and the lack of education among the people. Whatever agencies had been put forth in days past to destroy the Word of God had failed, and it would continue to be handed down to the latest ages as God's communication with Ithree on the Weitzel were Frank F. than. The Bible occupied a twofold- Lovell, owner and master: Bill Kelly, engineer, lately engaged; and Thomas White. We cruised around for over an hour and a half, but could find no trace of either of the crew. Tho hall mink as •,,n occurred, in about seven ^ping of i dt an uck th Um e Sill's large piece of mber sit fireman and injured him considerably. We were all black as coal from head to foot. The glass in the pilot -house was broken, and something heavy went through the aft hatch. We were covered with debris from stem to stern, and part of the entrails of one of the Weitzel's crew was thrown on our deck. The names of position : (1.) It was a text - preacher ; (2.) It secured the laity against false teaching on the part of the preach er. Hares] , if now preached from the pulpit, oonld be detected by the pew. the explue. The first thing the Reformation did was fathoms of water. to repudiate the traditions of the Roman Church ; such as the doctrine of trsn- Esfrressg tae Croup' see. substantiation, praying to the Saints, - withholding the cup from the laity, the inauguration of the seven sacraments, the imposition of the oonfessidttal, &c. The rejection of the doctrine of infalli- bility an far as Rome was ooncerned. If the Church was infallible then there was no appeal ; if the Church was not infallible then the Word of God was the tree test. The Roman Church did not wish to disseminate the knowledge of , the Bible- It was not a text book even specific information supplied them. and with the priesthood. The diferenoe be- that they were not called upon to per- twesn Romanam and Protestantism was form detective service. The non en - that one wet accountable to the Church foroement of the Sunday law in wine for its faith, and the other was sborwtt- districts ha. been reported to Oa Da. able to God, and Ood ales». Justifier partment. The circular 'tondos the Io - tion by bill had not, it i• time, been de- speetors that they aro expected .^ tire Hied by the Ohara! of Bowe, let it lad meets% attention to Lha ewes bees lost eight el mud Netisd in the these complaints, and to adopt every pwta0ISS, the wammwtl eswf, tlw lawful means for We proper enfor'es• Prayer to t1e mieb, wad odor stopwe feint of the law against the male of innovation. Tho gainer eb.arvaasIS liquor nn Sunday They are reformed wet he" been good in Heir plc, at that it is their duty 10 proseeute with - hes period el tie CYrimtian era, het t oat waiting to has•e information furnish - had g�rroove uo rmnk�bwt they obtuse .d by others, anal to perfornt such de- iba Orvr of Christ, sal Ube Atesassaet teatime service as they may M able w lost sight of it seemed etawe�s .oeuwplish effectively Those who on that when a emu weld be sass in every action until oomplaints are made will terming is said to love been a fine d- knee the Oros. of Christ, in a spirituel treated as derelict in the •lischarge 11-• 7 , •' e evening 'h' %pelt. •r tnnk t wins. wa. ..haeuvnd Mot the «mon t their duty- be A circular to the Limnos Inspectors throughout the Province has been issued from the Provincial Secretary's office de- fining their duties in regard to infrac- tions of the Lw. Some of the Inspec- tors have entertained the opinion Chet it was not their duty to prosecute for of- fences cnmmittd in s ioLation of the License Act unless their attention was called to particular cases of infraetinn or