HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-03, Page 81 THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY. NOV. 3, 1882. DOORS b BLINDS, MOULDINGS, INGS, and every Description of Interior Finish. STAIRS, HANDRAILS, • NEWELS and BALUSTERS c A Specialty. Send for Price List& SHINGLES, LATH X LUMBER Estimates on applieps� tion. onr•Addkess FRANCIS SMEETH, Goderich HURON ASSIZES. Conclusion of the Autumn Sit- tings. vermilion wit* deft as to his right to vote; had Lars ooavesrsatiou before or after. To Mr. i Doyle -When Dr. Torment came in to vote he produced a certificate; to act as scrutineer for Mr Porter, two for u I can recollect; the certificate was produced to M. McCrory; it was niter this that he vc..ed; 1 think he remained Duly about a half an hour; ceuuot tell how *say voted while Tet.naut was in the beoth; did nut know that he was call- ed out; know that he has been in activt practice se a doctor at Lucknow; do not know why ha left; know Mr. Clare's fam- ily; can't awe that I saw Clare's sou there that day; don't know in what ca- pacity Tennant voted. Tae Retard .f the Bemis Jobe L. Wird, needs 't:sllty' Is the Iedletiaent for bsllewrwlly totting -Dr. Tealut Re - reeves a Verdict et **het c.I.ty."--A Rineeng et the Judge ravers the Ile- lambent. le- rru GAY. Court opened at 9 a. in., pursuant to adjournment. The Queen v. NVilliam Higginson - This wsa a case of aggravated assault with intent to commit rape on one Mrs. Heffernan of Blyth. The evidence went to show that the prisoner was a most degraded specimen of humanity. Hig- Otson was undefended by counsel, and conducted his own defence. His man- ner of doing so did not gun for him the favor of the Court. He was sentenced to five years in the Penitentiary; and re- ceived the sentence with a vilhincus leer on his countenance and a muttered oath on his lip. The Queen v. Win. John Bennett, as principal, and Isabelle Bennett and Sarah Ryan, as accessories --Aggravated assault. Indictment traversed until next court, two sureties being found in $400 each for the appearance of deft& The It wee■ v. Jena a. Teaaaat. ' Mr. Hodrine, Q. C., in opening the case r.f The l,)•u,•,•„ ,..1. , . T•su•, int, for ill o . ''.e • ,1 . had to tied ..1 tt ... ser 'thy defend- ant had voted or not, and (I) Had de- fendant any right to vote Every man who exercises the franchise should have a proper qualification, either as an own- er, a tenant, or an occupant. In this carte it was claimed by the prosecution that Tennant up to the 29th of April last was owner of the property, but - had disposed of it to Holmes on that day, and therefore, when he swore he was owner on the 20th of June be had done an unlawful MCL. ?! !:u vote was a good one why did Tennant go to Ashfield to poll it on a scrutineer'■ certi- ficate instead of voting in the polling sub -division in Ashfield where his name was entered 1 He had not only parted wiih the ownership, on the day opf elec- tion, but he was not resident of the county of Huron, and invaded the fran- chise of this county. He had been warned not to vote, but had persisted in voting. The evidence would be duly laid before them for consideration. B. Willson, sworn -Was appointed re- turning officer for election held on 20th June, (oommiasion produced); took the oath of qualification of returning officer and caused an election to be held on the 20th June ; M. C. Cameron and Robt Porter were nominated and a poll wu de- manded; the election wu held on the 20th June; appointed Robt. McGrory as deputy returning officer in No, 2 Ash- field; swore him in on the 13th of June; (deputy returning officer's oath produced) ; have reason to believe McGrory held poll, as I received the required papers from him; believe the signatures to be his; on poll book under the marginal No. "469,John S. Tennant, M. D., No. 3 Div., W. Wawano.h;" under the heading "owner" was "Yes," and a "tick" signifying ditto; "residence" was crossed out; and there was another column with the heading "sworu;" also was produced a certified copy of the last revised voters' list of polling station No. 2, Ashfield, certified to by In Lewis, Clerk of the Peace for Huron, custodian of voters' lists. The name of John 8, Tennant was not on the hat ; know defendant., he lives in Lucknow, County of Bruce; have known him for several years, think at one time he lived on the farm in W. Wawenoeh; am not positive; he is an M, D. and he practiced in Lucknow; have never been in his house, but have seen it; thepapen produced were Last received from Mr. Pope, Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, Ottawa, on the day before yesterday, by me here in Goderich, he had received them from meaner the election; I iden- tify them as the same documents which, I had transmitted to him. o'clock ; he acted as stout for Mr. Por- ter ; he produced a certificate to shun that he was ; I read it and handed i1 to the other acrutineors ; he gave me ouly cue paper, signed by B. W illsou ; after lime the free use o1 the last should form a part of the Puunhwent. We strongly recommend that steps be taken to have witnesses in all Crowe craw paid the same as in other oases. the others had seen it, 1 enclosed it wuh It is lawenteble toe observe the grow - the other papers in the ballot box at the ing lendeucv to utter carelownws both close of the poll ; 1 have not seen it I in the adwiniatering and taking of oaths. since ; 1 know 1 put it 111 ; 1 gave the Commissioners and others empowered to sealed bus to Mr. W illson's election I administer do not do w as a rule in a clerk, wanner calculated to inspire parties tak- At this point Mr Willson was recalled ing oaths with the gravity and responsi- to prove that he had received the ballot oility of such acts. Politicians iia the box apparently 111 good order, and had heat of tarty strife too often rashly ad- tratijmttted it to the clerk of the Crown viae their fnoend', who may thenuolves 0hancery at Ottawa He did nut doubt their legal right to vote, to tale know whether the certificate was there the cath prescribed by Statute if their ur not. There were papers sealed which votes are challenged, and thus we believe he had ao riy,ht to [open --the ballot many a man is made to perjure hi .self papers. through his confidence in the adyioe and fo Mr. Hodgiva -1 found some of On knowledge of his political superiors. ballot boxes with the seals broken, and We visited the gaol and found it neat made the remark what a farce it was ; I end clesu throughout, and the prisoners don't remember seeing the certificate expressed themselves well pleased with after the election ; 1 did not get all the their treatment at the hands of the otti- papers back from Mr. Pope which I sent clads. There are only .five persons at hitt[• present in gaol. One of thew, John To Mr. Doyle -1 simply referred to Moosehead from Exeter, has been la- the breaking of the seals when I said it carcerated since March !sat for using was •farce. The key cause with it. threatening language. He appears to It. Metirory, recalled -The certificates be idiotic, and we recommend that he be were printed, and were the sante form transferred to a suitable asylum. Al - for both parties ; the contents of the though his parents are said to be good certificate were to the effect that Dr. circumstances, they have not supplied Tennant was entitled to vote at my polling sub -division from another; I gave him a ballot paper ; I administered part of an oath, that as to bribery; he remain- ed there as agent for some after voting ; Paul Reid was also present as an went with the doctor ; Dr. Tennant remained half an hour or three-quarters ; *event" votes were polled during that time ; he left because Michael Clare's son came for him ; I did not know the nature of the tare until afterwards ; the doctor came back between 11 and 12, shared my lunch, and retrained some time ; Mr. Crozier, Mr. Lane and John Griffin were there also as agents ; in the doctor's ab- sence John Griffin took his place; W. H. Johnstone was my poll clerk. To Mr. Hodgins -While at lunch Dr. Tennant remained for some time, but did not again take his place as agent, as John Griffin had taken his place ; I did not allow more than two agent, at a time for one candidate ; Griffin and Reid had both certificates ; their certifi- cates were from the returning officer ; 1 them cpm the able manner in which don't knew if they brought anytking they had performed the duties entrusted else ; Griffin and Reid were votes ; Dr. upon them, and stated it had never been hs privilege to meet a more intelligent body of grand jurors than those at the present Huron mimes. The Crown coun- sel had also requested him to convey to the jury tris highest praise for and meet sincere thanks for the hearty and able manner in which they had aided him in the discharge of his dun The jury were then The case against John S. Tennant for perjury at the West Huron elec- tion was withdrawn by the Crown coun- sel. James Lanes,sworn.--lteatom ber being at No.2,Ashfield,un polling day as scruti- neer for Mr, Cameron; deft came before the poll opened, end voted after the all opened; deft did not reside in the poll- ing section; I objected to his vote and he produced a certificate; 1 wanted him to be sworn, because his name was not on the voters' list; knew every one whose haute was on the voters' hat, and his tutee was not on; deft. did not remain in the bath over half an hour; he did not return again during the day; this voters list resembles the one uied in the pulling booth that day; I believe it to be the same; cannot find John S. Tennant'• nave on this list. a, 1L"� To Mr. Doyle -Did not say he was not oft the voters list; 1 simply requested him to be sworn; he produced his cer- tificate to the returning officer, and after being sworn voted; can't say how many persons voted in the defendant's presence; was positive he was not in the booth lon- ger than half an hour; can't say that he returned; don't know that defendant was residing in the County of Huron up to last May; could not be sure] that part of Lucknow was in Bruce. To Mr. Dole --I puce all the pap- ers I receivedfrom the Clerk of the Crown in Chanoery; I gave Dr. Tennant :a certificate because he was appointed as anent for Mr. Porter; I transmitted all 'the papers for poll No. 2, Ashfield, do the Clerk of the Crown in Chancery; do not recollect that Tennant•' certificate was sent to Ottawa; the certificate ahould have been returned to me but i have no reoolleetion of reoeiving it; remember giving it to him; before giving the cer- tificate I required the production of a written appointment from one of the can- didates stating he was appoicted an agent; much a doeameat was given me; I received the authority for appointing Dr. Tennant .from Mr. Peeler; de not ranee - bar sesia* the certificates eine; handed both back to Dr. Tennant when 1 gars him my certificate; on receipt of the bog there were sealed ecvelopes,of which 'did not know the contents. Mr. Hodgins submitted that the ap- pointment should be produced if it was in the possession al deft. Hie Lowrie* concurred. Jaw Crozier. Attended palling div- ision No. 2, Ashfield, for Dee at the can- didates; remember deft. Tennant weals to the booth before the poll was open; he came into the booth when it opened, sad voted about the fourth, to the best day reoolleetion; was plant when his name was entered, knew hint before he voted; he ,waded in Lieebnow; waa not p sttive to the time, it might be ten ears; recog- nized the voters' llstprodt,deft'a name was not ca the li 1.esld sot say how long deg remained is the ung -station, was not more than half an boor; did not remember mooing him afterward that day; Mr James Lanes was actin as agent with me fee Kr. Aaron; W ao ens- Travellba helde. URANI)'IHUNK hAsr. Pass. Lxp•a blu'd. Hts'd. Oudvr is h. Lv.S. ISoni ..111 ties .. &Lipo 8.31 aa• w Pass. p'& Mla'd. Wte'd. Uodericb.Ar &&aScpro 11.310ealeaet..totem 81%1.028TOC 1 i. eND*. To Mr. Hodgins. -Don't know where No. 3, Wawanosh, was; No. 2, Ashfield, was shout 6 miles from Lucknow; don't know what Tennant did with the certi- ficate after he prods ed it to the return- ing officer. Robt. Murray, sworn. -Am township clerk of W. Wawe.nosh; (witness was ask- ed to define the position of W. Wawa - nosh, and did so) ;No 3 is the polling divis- ion nearest to Lucknow; know the deft; he resided in Lucknow, the polling place at No. 3 was under five miles from Luck - now. To Mr. Doyle -Km or that Dr. Ten- nant's residence was formerly in West Wawanoah; think that until the last re- dutributiop, that part of Lucknow was in Huron for election purposes; know that it was in Huron in 1878 for parlia- mentary purposes, Lewir, sworn. -Am deputy Clerk of the Peace, and produce certified copies of voters' list of Ashfield and W. Wawanosh; deft was not on the list of No. 2, Ashfield; this was the Mat revised list; the name of deft. was on the list of No. 3, Wawanosh; the name was entered "468, Tennant J. S. N. Q. 13, 13, owner 2;" the figure "2," represented Lucknow P. 0.; do riot know the defendart person- ally. In. S. Holmes -Know the defend- ant; know N. } lot 13, con. 13, West Wa- wanosh; purchased it from deft, on the 29th of April 1882; do not know that deft owned any other portion of lot 13, than that which I purchased from him; he was residing at Lucknow when I pur- chased. To Mr, Doyle. -Met deft on the morn- ing of the 29th; we met the evening be- fore to make the bargain; next day the deed was drawn and delivered to me; I got possession of thedeed, and Dr. Ten- nant kept possession; I leased it to him for the pasture season on the 29th; that is why deft still retains possession of the property. To Mr. Hodgins. -Tennant was to pay me r5; there was no arrangement between us regarding his vote; he ceased to be owner when I got the deed. To Mr. Doyle. -In addition to the $75 1 was to get the fruit; the land com- prised about 52 acres. D. E. Cameron. -I reside in Lucknow; know defendant; he was residing in Lucknow on election day; some time be- fore the election I had a oonveruation con- cerning his vote; had more than one con- versation; I understood ilia intended to vote on the property he had sold to Holmes; I told him he should not vote, that he had no right to vote; he said he intended to move his family there; Mr. Cameron was in Lucknow a few days before the election, and asked me to warn Tennant not to vote, as he would be prosecuted; I warned him ac- cordingly; he .aid "I have a right to vote and I intend to vote[" he said he was not going to be intimidated from voting; I spoke to him several times and warned him once. To Mr. Doyle --I had some knowledge of the lease existing ; knew Mr. Holmes and Dr. Tennant were opposite in poli- tic ; I have some knowledge of the elec- tion law, and therefore, believed Ten- nant had no right to vote. Mr. Doyle submitted that the cue for the Crown had failed, owing to the fact that Dr.Tennantt although not a re- sident of the electoral ditieion, and al- though he had sold the property on the 29th of April, had become a tenent for a period from the 29th of April which has not yet expired, and was thereby en- titled to vote in respect of that interest as such tenant He cited the revised Statutes of Oct. , chap. 10, sea 7, and an amendment of 1879, 42 Vie., chap. 4, *se. 17, which governed the ease. Mr. H oteaded tMMt the Sta- tate bot owl AM the voter should be sworn positively oa his parti alar quali- ty of title. If his quality was that of owner he should he sworn on that quilt ay, and if tenant or occupant he should he sworn ,in either of these quali- ties, bent it was mover Iafr.Med that the Hiroo gtmlitiea should be read i• the oath, alba an "oaaaibtm" fa.A- ioa. Whabee r wets the quality of the voter at th. fined the revisit* of the smmement ecU, was the title upon whkh he ghoul' be mem Atter his Lardahip hod heard aazgrgnn-- Memt as to whether the change of gt..Iity on the part of 'be voter of acted his legality .s a voter, and had derided that the ironic had the ps4cU s of selecting any coal the three, the eaaasination of witnesses was proceeded with Robert Mcfrory, troth -Was deeps. ty returning ofeer at polling la. 2, Ashfield ; i knew Dr. Tennant fee years ; he was peasant at the attng plain on .ie etinn day . he same L K I Nr3UIt \NCK CARD. BRITISH ALLY. CU' Y. Tosu!ITO--Krtabllabs 1sJ3 PI1(* is IN d..dCOY of Lontiox 1l:nstaadt tnardlwtte Ida1I71 err. talism de 4m .. 17* HARTFORD INS. UO'Y, of ttAIfT.O'D. Osla lIalk114/W te 1 Sham " TWO I -tetaDUahgd tun Risks taken la the above/ntMeneOfB.... st the lowest rates by HOR,ACE HORTON. The uucersigned U also Appraiser M the CANADA l' R. LOAN Ano SAYINGS CO'Y To&osro. Mosey to Ivan on Arst•ctas. eicurlty, rom 1 to e per Cent. --Cheraw moderate. fORACt HORTON. Ooderleb sept. 10. Atha. Bathing. BANK Ob' MONTREAL. him with suflicient clothing. Mrs. Mc- Lean, an insane old woman, is to be re- moved shortly to one of the asylums& The Governor kindly referred us to his books, from which we find that there have been fewer prisoners in the gad during the past year than In any pre- vious year, and the majority of thews were confined for short periods for petty offences. We thank your Lordship for the lseid manner in which you explained the chief points in the oases before us ; the Crows oounsel for his assistance so cheerfully given, and the County attorney for courtesies. All of which is respectfully submitted Joax Meaux, Foreman. His Lordship in y, said the .lb- jeds they had treated ars worthy of care- ful consideration The matters to whisk' they had referred, would gain pebbsity through the press and otherwise, sad would thus have an upportanity afforded of full discussion. He complimented CAPITAL, ett,eave,e ,. SURPLUS, - - - • 0,000,,100, Goderich Branch. U. (1L.1N.SS - - ANS ;Fr. Allows interest on deposits. /)rafts, tette. of event and olreui&r notes issued. pa4abs In all parts of the world. I7t. CANADIAN BANK OF OOMMEItCl Tennant did not tell how long he was going to remain ; Griffin came in his absence ; Dr. Tennant said nothing to me in leaving ; I got the certificates for Griffin and Reid from the candidate; Telluwt't was fruw thy roturiLs eideer, as he came from another polling tab -divi- sion ; I put in ,.tt.e ballot box all the papers I received in it ; I think I put all the certificates in the ballot box ; I took them up after examining them ;I cannot remember all the forms I put in the ballot box, no man can ; 1 have been a returningofficer for 15 years ; I put the oaths of secrecy in the ballot box ; 1 cannot remember if I put in the appoint- ing of agonta, but can't say for certain ; I got five forms of oaths from the return- ing officer ; I held back one, a kind of peculiar one. The judge declared that the objec- tions of the Crown counsel were merely technical. Paul Reid, sworn -Was an agent for Mr. Porter at polling place No. 2, Ash- field ; Dr. Tennant was present as an agent ; the doctor witnessed the record- ing of several votes ; he remained per- haps an hour ; Mr.' Clare's boy was sick, and they sent for the doctor ; I thought I could act as agent without him while he was away ; he returned about dinner time ; he lunched in the polling place with us ; he remained for a short time. Mr. Griffin acted as agent in his absence in the forenoon ; he had been employed as agent before. To Mr. Hodgins -I had conversation with the doctor after he voted ; I did not hear him soy he had done what he called for and was going away ; I cannot tell where Mr. Porter lives ; it is south of Goderich ; No. 2, Ashfield, is 16 miles from Goderich ; I got my appointment from Mr. Johnston. W. 11. Johnston, sworn -I was poll clerk at polling sub -division No. 2, Ash- field, at the last general election ; am a school teacher ; 1 know Michael Clare and family ; his youngest child was at- tending myschool ; I know one of Clare's chdren was sick at that time ; it was the one which attended school. To Mr. Hodgins -I did not hear the doctor say "Now I have done what I came for and I'll go ;" it was 10 or 20 minutes after the docter left that Griffin came. Mr. Doyle submitted that theeridence should go to jury. The judge held that it had been clear- ly proved that the certificate had been given. On the whole evidence I think I should tell the jury not to convict, un- less Mr. Hudgin's address change' my mind. Mr. Hodgins argued that the certifi- cate which the Lw provided )'.ad not been proved, and read authority to prove his contention. His Lordship thought there was one point on which he was entitled to go to the jury. The jury retired and returnea with a verdant of " not guilty." The Queen v. Philip Reeve - The gghhhhd jury came iato Court with s "true bill' against Philip Reeve for malicious injury to property Defendant m's ar- raigned and pleaded "riot guilty." The indictment was traversed to the next Quarter Sessions. Court adjourned at 7:30 p m. mlxr'1I nor The court opened ptenuantto adjoorn- anent at 9 s m. The Crown counsel Naked that sen- tence be passed on flown Smith for forgery, and Archibald Robertson far otterisg a forged bank mote. f cid ftp Ouptktl, - 06,000,t*u. Rest, • - 91,400,000. Pterulest• - Du.V. N'M IkW4STE1t aewrred Matseprr, - W. A..a..siwv Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, • - - - Mee.tota Interest allowed os deposit. Drafts as • fa Calm& Great its a sad tai. •United `Statees. heath sad sold. Adraaexsto massae ea Notes. with ens • more eadotuers. wttbont marttraare. 1711 Mtsr'dy's emend ddletrmelt. John L Sturdy withdrew his plea of "not guilty," and pleaded "guilty" to the tndtctwent ft r unlawfully voting at the West Huron election. Mr. Hodgins, in rising to move for the passing d sentence on Sturdy on the two counts, addressing his Lordship, .aid, "I am requested, in this case, to state that the prosecution was initiated to put a stop to the practice* which were begin. ning to intrude upon the fair and impar- tial administration of the election law, and now that the defendant has been convicted by the jury of the charge pre- ferred against him, the prosecution has requested me to supplement the strong recommendation of the jury to your Lordship's mercy in pronouncing sen- tence. 1 do so cheerfully • and I may further state that Mr. M. �C. Cameron, the member elect, whose election was af- fected by the vote in question, has made a personal appeal to me to use such strong arguments as I ooeld to ask your Lord- ship's well-known clemency, as so strong- ly reoommen'ied by the jury. His Lordship, in addressing the pris- oner for sentence, said the offence that had been prbved against him, and on which the jury had rendered a verdict of "Quilty," was a serious one. That the verdict waa reluctantly given, showed that the jury were conacienti.ua, and the verdict fully warranted. The prisoner must have known he was not the owner of the property and not a resident, and was warned beforehand of the conse- quences of his action. Had there been any 'reasonable doubt concerning his guilt he would have got the benefit of the doubt. A conviction of thw kind mud necessarily weaken him in the eyes of the community, and by taking the risk he had injured himself more than the in- diction of any penalty by the Court could do. The jury had stronglyrecommend- ed him to the mercy of te Court. and after hearing the observations of the Crown oouatel, the Court was not desir- ous of impomng a heavy sentence. The prisoner could be relieved from a heavy penalty, but not from the odium conse- quent upon his wrong doing. The ppotoo• secution had done a good thing in bring- ing the cases of the piisoner and Tennant before the Court, and although, as against the latter the cuss had failed, the prosecution has, nevertheless, been jueti6ed in bringing him be- fore the Court. He trusted that thin case would have a salutary effect not only in Huron but *Luther*. The sentence of the Court was that John L Seedy be imprisoned in the common gaol for three days, and fined Off OR each count, the imprisonment oe es.i oount to run concurrently. His Lordship then addressed the petty jury, and paid • high tribute to then in- tetlwectoe and ability. They were then tsshe John ll ».head, a weak-minded per- sist, was brought into court. and his Lembillitp released him from his inability *lad bail. nib closed Sm, wsa sentenced to sit months in Court. the common gani with hard labor; end Robertson to twelve months in the Oee- trsl Poison. The Grand Jury brought keying to the fol- Ptsaswrwtwr That we are sorry to obsetrs that w dation is becoming very common .n thin country and we believe the wads of justice would be better served and the moral tone of the oeslmunity improved by asking it a criminal offence upon our Statute hooka In all aggravated cases of rape we be - the business- before the AIWA eifasr, , The Chiargs., Burlington ! Qoistdy Railroad Company has jest laved as ig..lrsled fret tle., "The Heart of the Continent," deseribing the woed.efr/ growth of the ell Gnat States. Ti. hook is beautiful) printed, and aeessevns w- geav ng. of high merit adorn its � = Any are *ending their erne and dilills Ifith two three -cent postage Amps Will receive a Dopy by return mail, by F lying to Pen syal Lowell, General Agent Chicago. Illinois lot Auction Sales. A UCTION SALE OF VALUABLE !'ARM PROPERTY. Under a power of sale oostaits d a esr- tt we will l be be prod a at the ea flues o there w W be sold berry, attottoe.sr, at I be H noel Dano vtll•.e el =sten w sat urday, day of November. as the bar of 13 reclean Maes, the following �vfaluable property. namaty : —The south shalt et *0wi. lat Ilea the lake Read, e aortacoricos tttrses0 em s sheav xl b�isstalns is seem w tea QQaa w• Its.rerty b St s� Iss fssgts Mw .,mall tern; the 4gd of -peed quality is in a fine itemat• - TTen per oast et rte� ��ute the "et. M paH to the Yeuttsrb athir t ear. the flus d uses, twser eega is iblrfy ears thought/ eel Or b11gw Se le become IMMO are ew��bry.s hlfhilbm'e tttsevea�eal26.ip Rose, Il.oaeeaY, ld..lttV Sand ]. Toseeteet. Great Clearing Sale TWO WEEKS AT Imrie's Book Store ----��P ALL KiN1.78 OF ---- FANCY GOODS &c, M., Iic., INCLUDING— - Vaaea Wot� fioreti Scrap Albums. Autograph Album. Engl ish Chub.': Prayer Books English Church Services. sP Picture& Pocket Bibles. Fancy Bibles. k., Ace. Writing Desks. Ladies Dressing Cane. !Irks' Tu"sitng Casal. Photograph Albums. Japanese Goods in great variety. Writing Books of all kinds. Testaments. Psalm Books. Blank Books. Paas Books The above goods are offered at Twenty -Five per Cent. REGULAR PRICES Clear Them Off Quick MAKE ROOM! FOR New Christmas Goods Arriving Weekly from England. OE E S 1 M R=E, SUCCESSOR TO T. J. MOORHOUSK, ri =On. Side Xitteux3cert Sgt., C+ODICRICH. HARDWARE. R. W. McKENZIE'S TO BUT YOUR C ross C ut Saws & Axes COW cEEra,=rrg YOUR—_ Tells awl Po1/t Oattlay--Si.t Value, Ass tegret A'ssrtmemt r ib• Ceuab. tib a im Yeo of - -- rantwsr& Paints and Oils at Bottom P'rioee. Barb WireBeat Made.