HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-03, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 3, 1$82.
Fun ant) Fancy.
A new popular song -"We won't go
home till morning, till the comet doth
A man in Vienna has 'lull frutn wear-
ing dyed underclothing. As esra1, the
dyeing resulted in death.
A cynical old bachelor says that "lov-
ers are like armies; they get along well
till the engagement begins."
"Husband, I must have some change
to -day." "Well, stay at home and take
tare of the children; that will be change
What a that dog barking at 1" asked
• top, whose boots were more polished
than his tdlpaL "Why, ' said a by-stan-
der, "he sees another puppy in your
• An English physician says a man can
stop a tit of sneezing by crawling down
stain bead first. Almost :1,11. thing can
be cured that way if the stain are steep
A clergyman who left a notice in his
pupil oto be read by the prow:'ler who ex-
changed with him, neglected to detour
carefully a private po.t•rip',o1.1 the con•
gregation were aatoui.awl to hear the.
stra'ver wind up b, saying ---"You will
please come to dine with me at the psr-
Sailor's Wit. --A lady at sea, full of
apprehensions in a stale of wind, crits1
out arming other rett exclamations : -
"We shall all go O1n. Mercy o11
us : hew my "Madam,
never fear," said one elf the enders; "you
can never go to the bottom while your
head swims."
Classical Instrnct+or in 1.'ttiu.-"Miss
B., of what waa Ceres the goddess?"
Mite B.: "site was the emblem of mar-
riage." Iust:ssct'4' : "Oh, no ; e# agri-
oolture'" Mis. B. !looking perplexed):
"Why; I'm sure wy book says she was
the goddess of husbandry."
An art critic, addicted to ram, on vi-
siting ttas British Museum. is the utdi-
nary line elf `is dutie , looked in a mir-
ror in the flea rooOiiidie entered, where-
upon taking out hie mute book, he com-
menced rt -porting as follows : --"First
room character ; red Hoas of stunning
reality ; brutal (aux ; s. -en that type
somewhere; must.be a 1' •rtr1.1 from ea-
A LAMA Tnom.-\I•se4 : - What
-very large teeth Sc..tchmelt have, intim-
ma: havn't they r' Ma w --"Not any
larger than we English t•eople have-
1tlatadie." "Aft, y'er, t''aey lire; for,
whey papa ogled *epees Scotch garden,
lar te+1&y if Ike wctahttake a.y whisky,
he repTled that -he wf%td tate just a
toothful ; and I'111 sure papa made the
butler give him more than half a tem-
blerful; and his toroth held it all, for he
didn't spill a drop."
the aM be Iblecosresee.
In these tittles of quack medicine ad-
vertisements everywhere, it is truly
gratifying to find one ',sturdy that is
worthy of praise, and which really does
as recommended. Electric hitters we
can vouch for as being • true and relia-
ble remedy, and one that will do as re-
oummesndud. They invariably cure
Stomach and Liver Complaints, Diseases
of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties.
We knew whereof we speak. and v.w
readily say, give them a trial. Sold at
50 omits a bottles by Jas. W ilston. [S]
The True beim u brat..
Hobbes was the tint philosophical
writer who ventured the declaration that
politics are 'ratters apart from equity
and even ,leeality. A government, like
every other organism, finds the tint law
of its bring in tut:f-it.onervation ; there-
fore, it may C. erre by violu:ue or mai'-
taia it t.:f by (noel Being supreme, it
is ab t.ye the haw. t` ith such views
tt••bbce naturally assumed that elaolutu
monarchy was the be -t form t+f Itoveru-
n:e it. These fifteen century ideas are
still held some parts of the World. They
agreed with the e, ofused condition of
European politics at tIt- time, and though
dem nitrated untenable by the wi.ler
knowledve, larger experience and deep•
er insight of the nineteenth ceutury, we
are constantly remint'ed that they 'are
still a force in every state atmo t where
one man .d genius and force "f character
rises to a supreme position. • Sor are
they necessarily confined to monarchies.
We have seen how under constitutional
forms Lf checks and balances, devised
fur curtailing the power of the crown or
the nobility, a minister has been able to
usurp the place furnierly held by the
Prince, and, by manipulating the pas-
sions and prejudices of 'ten, maintain
himself in power despite id the fact that
his policy is bad, his example pernicious,
and his guvervmeit subversive of popu-
lar liberty; and daueerutly 4, the Com-
But, although the ideas of Nobles are
thus shown to be contrary to the true
nature of the exclusive property of one
pasty of school of yolk 'clank Indeed it
in11y be said Mat truth 'that they form
the counter stories of the whole fabric of
Conservatism, as opposed to the Liberal
system which mai11taiues that ieditics
cannot be divorced from ethics ; that
right conduct is demanded u sternly in
a government as in an individual, the
penalty in either case being the same.
In other words, a government or a min-
ister cannot deliberately du wrung with-
out incurring the punishment which
everywhere thrutaghout nature follows
evil doing. A further postulate in this
direction is that a goternetent, like an
individual, may suffer the severest pen-
alties by accidental misdoing. if this
view be correct, and the fact that it
&gree.. with all ascertained c_ir ere
truth seero eurltirwi :its so limn;
the ethic standard mnstbZ applied to
the conduct of governments and, if they
do not conform to it, the penalty of ex-
tinction is certain to come sooner or lat-
tivenese, Impurities pf taw 131"(41ghee- er. The body politic, Eike the humanmadam, NeuN4lgia, itc.', w buy a bottle body, may for awhile adapt itself to ab-
normal conditions, but the effort to do
so always ends in dissolution.
Thee reflections are pertinent at the
present time and find their application
in the pending political struggle in On-
tario as clearly as in the greater conflicts
A tellable witness.
Mr White, lateproprietor of the Man-
sion Saloon, King Street, Toronto,writes
as follows about Dr. Canon's Stomach
and Constipation Bitters: "I have used
Dr. Carson s Sumach Bitters for nearly
two years, and I believe it to be the best
medicine in the world. I would not be
without it for anything. I have induced
snores of people to try it, and when
taken according to directions, I have
never known it to fail. i call the Bit-
ters, `The Doctor.' It has certainly
been my family doctor ever since I first
used it, a will continue to be iso hong
as it seta he tame alao1
her. • strong-
ly tidy*alb my fp autd the public
generally, who suffer from any affections
of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver or Blued,
such as Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Liver
Complaint, Headeebe, 1)azine•s, Cos -
of 'The Doctor, and 1 am certain that
nut one will regret having done so. I
do not thing there is any medicine in
the whole wtvld uqrial to Dr. Carson's
Stomach mid Qonstsitioti !littera"
(lSig4ted;j Jill. Wirc»t. Sold in hugs
t,,ottlea at•eenta by all druggists.
A Western root osier.
of full grown nationalities. The princi-
1fCelne$day mopping', daily papers ph) is the same everywhere. Asting on
contained among the Washington die. the ideas of Mobiles, Air John Macdnn-
patches alt item that one seldon. sees in
the papers, or hears of. It was an ac-
count of the appointment of three post-
mastes ire Wiyoniisi to places rgalle
ald has given practical proof that to
watntai t himself in power is the su-
preme purpose of existence, and that in
wurkiir_ for that object, lie is nOt bound
vacant by the resignation of the former respect :uiy law or principle df right, or
office holders. Just think of it, three of lustier. His arbitrary defiance, after
Postmasters resigning in one season. ' much dubious ntitntcuvering, of the
And the postoffice department claims to Boundary award : his deliberate attack
experience dilliculty twilling Die otdices on provinaal autionmy ; his scheme of
of postmaster in some n; the small high taxation. allied with a system of
towns here in the west. Oae postmas- monopoly; all his action,, in fact, down
ter in throwing np his commission writes
to tits department that he has got all the
e VS per lndIttif-peitofftee he wants in
his. He said he was keeping a country
store and thought A postofce would be
a good thing to draw trade and help him
�u on in a falls dylt new he
t fro wit tit the
st a h ttho Yb
&mond ted' eat' up the crackers and
dried codfish and spit all over the stove,
lot a %uceees, and eke
tali his 1101111,1414111.
*nettling ere*1 is
the poi
'about to happen to this country, as such
unheart of t s u postmasters rpsilTn-
int' In int y Elie a forerun cher of
gaol a l- te' a tnitrr *MA INV in
s very prosperous condition wiles wen i 1e"a"''
to his late truckling to the outrageous
demands of Messrs. Mouaseae and Mas-
son, demonstrated that the good of him -
tisk and his immediate followers, not
the present happiness and future glory
of the State is the geared object of his
1114bl(t uU.
'j'hu* 'he ple Of.Unta ass called
u nit'
At M•
the ol`jnem fhrdlr a new
Main la IWO it was called "the
F&slily Compact," "Downing Street,"
and other names. Tu -day it is "Mac-
ao d' " 1ertl Encrschment"
ayytralizallttea. Old fees with
ne The boon of responsible
t ` so ' hotly coete0ed for
and wen by hitter sacrifices, a to be
takenaiiewso:yed, accoraiwg to the
Qosfeliye by the rote of the
s. Mise side
designed to stir up sectarian
Strife and tFiss obscure the ��great is -
Te for eItrsl rreeb..t... aset eel antes
amp! loon ,.
root,. r
Id U. of D eek, Maasi•ulmhn
se N e oo(t, a
id the
ofd de-
limiter, hneat reatquestion etnfr•nts
pantie Shall ttn+an•, surrender her
pl..lf wwernwteot to We Federal
t net ?often/ to tseelane the
vepeel at a buggered. bankrupt,
ire faction in tjueher' t We
„w lesar of w a
nt tae finite • r will tut
Bilk Headache, PT - " 'Ottawa Free Preis
it iterative
' Free eel nate•
senJanina"' RA Anna willrerIn1 steinComgha,
Colds. Asthma, Bronchitie,i.csas of Voice,
or any affection of the Threat and Lungs.
belt & N.LltS. re. boson
V P•Ketable er Minna/
N ircoties, and no Stimulan
1 the
sell it. e1.011 pie bottle,
sok arab for the
and &rests Sot Toronto
yo.4414,0 44444/40
«- .44141114441 •- ;a
77w. oleallr .06
Me requested to call at tt ilsnrt's Drop
sad Tri Bottle ni D:.
convince thea
of wonderful Omits and show oboe a
oiler dollar -slew bottle will dot Oa
FRtoll Ntl'ii
ill tbe isi atJauaar7
ONLY 25 Cts.
Now is thn time to Subscribe for a
tide Aake Nospaper.
The Huron Signal
Will be sent to any address from now
Till Jan. lst,1884
This giving you the balance of 1882 for
The Sial and 1oe
Till Jan. 180884
Subscribe Now !
And get the benefit of this offer'
B - 1,. ,uuce to the people of Goderich and this section of Huron, that he ha
toir:has d loan Mr. A. Phillips his stock of Groceries, etc., and will
continue the business in the old stand, un the
Coiner of Victoria ma Bruce Stroeta.
I Ian sit; bought the goods for cash, and as 1 intend to make all my perch s from
wholesale Hien for cash also, I will Le iu a position to sell at
Very Low Prices for Cash
My stuck will always be fresh. I will keep the best brands of teas, good sugars,
and everything in the grocery hue trout the best producers. Bacon, Spiced Meats
etc. ,alwayys tat hand in season. I am determined to please, both in quality and (rice
tens -Call at the stand, Victoria street, opposite the Fair Ground, near D. K
.tHlirich, March 9th, 1882. SWIFT_Se,e shop.
Extensive Premises and Sp!endid New St, (
G-. 11 1- R Y
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
.t ,(.M!
bis.• tot. a - •:1U
' • t .., , ,,..: • rtuicut •,:
at r••nrurl
l'i.9u 1 I . 1:a.a .. .1 . cialty.-.\ .
1.. L'e,•an and I nrio•r Fur,lletc, such ea Ta
N;&etr,:5,.. \t art -aa
to d
t*.t't•nyeur 10•1d-a••u IIratrot• ler h
Fav t. annu:tuee to tlo l't.bitt• t!
i , . ht. snort; Intcly uc,•;•pi •d to 1' • u
,colit. , -to:,l stock
t.o •'.c •
OBI! SATLf S & s1Y kTiTi
e:teol;l idex:uli c
lett- •I.r• the i'h'' , Pear
ti!"- us., at wort, t• i i.,e .it.,.
. • ,nt th • I e.t of vl
1..'ti rah!, 1482. DG
..*11)14:.1 • MPP 1l, ILA. nit.te Strom
'c oto m. 1111` ut purch:ctl' hove and
: t • (11 at cl, •. t figures, •A i : • . el, tl l ,lined
' he It • •,•fit.
.: R� JFI S Wli�ll B �' 3 1IJ'�TO
pn•ch:tric. :a elu1t•.
oil 11 .-s l l'-" • SIO
.. e.t+' ti a.
..tat- 1.= emp' ,
}!".cT E: VIII-) up
11 s , t..,.d .•aione f .r D� s,..,,..1 c "n .. F ('>T. rG,�O
kr., m••rl.us i n l'.1c a d lir ('t , "
`ic'. S,e•mal•h. rat t lar a. tha• •. • ,
oil We els.:o t1 301 fever. ..p F. o.. ', • i IX 1 IT 0 Bh
•u..l:ots •!; rPiat• 1.•1,,..11 •. e
'i;ihle th:,n its Fu ler'e ExUact ' lt1
it..': w li,,11 c. ilea Ict. eh•• oee11
;11,,,,• e1n, 1)..y it Alla •-n tJV:t1191 a!, ends
ill 1. 1't d'.iiu a . .1 its tt et its -
it ani'
T. sir to tier Tra.r.
T..o much (.31111. t L•: slid of th,• ever,
f •it'tf;i' `` if•• a•rl ut"ther, co:tate:M
wis eht -g noel cariut; for her filial ones.
rev • tie •'e qiug a *emotn duty in their
beha:f. When they are aa.aite•t by
e os:, 11114 the 'g 'te111 ehonld' hate a
ti110 n••tt clevissine, the atool•1v1t ami
bots•,.'. r 110 1, 111111111 putl•itir•d. 14111
1. o . ca', -u- tt•, r .,1. -h.• must
k • '` Bitte . i• •• tier on‘.,
Th.' Great W••stero Railway rill run
r extiorsious to M:1NI'1'(tltll and
),IKOTA p o.'-'+ •tut --n•, May :Hol June
svery two weeks, comity -mein; TUES-
DAY May, 2nd. 1881.
Fares Reduced.
For 11formati„n, tickets, etc., apply t
Special Agent Great Western Railway
G terich. April. 2$. OW. lam•
son, t t ,t ati. torn hent 'u1� �s W14 11 V V ll
t lett telly
tit ors
. Wilson. [411 1
Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying
eff gradually without weakening the system,
all the impurities and foul humors of the
secretions ; at the tame time Correcting
Acidity Doff the 8tomach� curing
!1 psis Headicher Darr
sinew earbbara Oonatipation,
mss of the Skin. Dropsy. Dim -
of Vision. J8 o Fl8a1L uttering
Nervousness and General
D♦btlity ; all these and many other em, -
lar Com lalnts eld to the ha��ppyy��uoth� encs
Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular rise $L
For sale by all dealers.
W. M1LILS.A t Ca.. Meriesera, TMNM
1 •4e to attgnaiut the ladies of Eto.teri,•1
vicinity. that she Is now ahowintr
0 are assn):,}.': ••holed
dt' I ate
11r.,i t u..' ..ul'PI ate
awl •,•••d•i1 r••*t,•rM
DB h� t,rtLr n . tit!! ;reit
1,V V itioi:::' 2R
Spriui and Summer Millinery
tt her •+`top. Hamilton Street. in great and
Iictlttiful variety. She leu s+,•ured the ser -
of is city milliner, and feek asanre.l that
she can give
iN HOTtt
Sae ho es to be favored with a visit from her
pity oils, and the ladles generally.
Is Recommended by I'tralelane.
c trIZ;Ms
Catarrh of the N sal C vlty 'Cnronlc and Ulcerative,
Catarrh of the Ear, Eve or Throat. It It taken
INTERNALLY, and -acts ilRECTLY upon
the Blood and Mucous urface of the
System. 1t It the best toed Purpler
e the WORLD, and 1 worth ALL
that I charged for t, for
THAT atone.
T. ii t • t e l .t et owl p. •rtt.nLcb • . -:. ice. Tit •,
puerto-1. ltanw•d by csct•.•.••e,. oil •,
1rwweak_slar,andlcait*, ::i':.`1 1NIY I11rERNAI CURE FOR CATARRH
It w 11:411. at. olutucc ut tielf..111114.1101$' r.. a••. rot cn•
ergy. 1•tes o f memory, at ivervna I.a,oi rule,
pain 1't tbt• blob, dinmcw ref v .4..1., ; ^rm01- I e; IN TRW MARICrtT _an
tore .d ; 0144, aid mit ; ether d a• sn, • akar q,ptbr $:0� to ail eau e!
'Mai g ve. Or e•UIIVIIInPI(Utl Pnll n !rem,. 4 00 Castes it wi l set tars $ 0
lure Kram. •V
.••tend for circulars with ta•Mlmontaln fn r by I - --
mall. The IN%Ia..4T
box. or els boxes for $t, by all dm rasin, or
will be sent free m .• m.:1. er..... •t stn ed, stcd, on
r'--,' i ' of pr.. r. b. adds 'airy,
I.% 3. t;LIKNk'i. 111,....e•1117 9itmen:'•rit..: ,,:
taw. hitt s AP.
Oslo AgGoderich.at for Goderich.
.R i• 80111 111 1 i r
Cures Cl alera,Chelera alorbus,ft-
**eery, Cramps, Celia, Sea Bic -
ness and Sumner Complaint ; also
Cl opera lnfentwm, end all Com-
plaints peculiar to children teeth -
lag, and will be fund equally
bingliolal for adults or children. _
T. MILRN & OO., l az h tree for the Wastes of
Proprietors, T Orono ^a'�' "ww ana cope Iuu 'rweM o't
%Vnt.LA8n, tins., \Iarvlh Al, lath
cry IttUs .tanghter was troaiaett with Catarrh
for two )41rs, and wao very tnr,oh beneAtted by
t!te nee of • Italia Catarrh «lure." Mb. 1. now
soot sun L W. T. 11UUSB.
WrLLAvn, On:, Mareb ort. ltlfoa
I lases used " Nail's C.Mrrb Co*" and Ind.
two trona Use rood rescue 1 dsrive4 Lout one
bottle, believe it will our. the moot stubborn
ease of Catarrh 1f Its age be condoned for a
reseo&st,le lenl,•tb of than.
W. R. HF,LLE)111,
R'aLI.aten• Oat. March 7,, tent
/. J. Cervar & Co.. Tniedo. O.
Oeafe. - Have mitt Halla CwMrvb Onr • for the
si year. and H dv.* oaten' wtlalaettwo
Tnun trot
H. W HObSON, Itros s%
Hall's Catarrh Cure
- std by all Wholesale and RAMll lartinniall
era Maters la Peanut Medlelntss to
ib.United %dos and Canada.
Cent" a Bottle. 83.0;1 it Da
?be ably nen nine Hall's CatawbOar, uNalet
otastarad by P. ). CHRHST it co , 'Co:edq A
ilewwre d lmitaseas
9.661.4 tow the o*Mr(o irsula hr
H. W. HOBSON, WeltanI. ort
1 Sole Arcot, I'