HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-03, Page 6'FRE HURON SIGNAL FRIDAY, OCT. 27, 1882.
' discharged ; for, whether owing to sten
The Luck of Roaring Camp rude surgery of the catnap, or 81404 other
at' satcT HAKTI.
reason, Cherokee Sri was sinking fast.
Within au hour he had climbed, at it
There was commotion in Roaring were, that rugged road that led to tie
Camµ It could not have been a tight, tan and so passed out of Roat.iig
for in 1850 that was not novel enough to
have called together the eutire settle-
ment. The ditiet)es and claims were not
• nl deserted,, Out "Tuttle's grocery'
ha41 contributed its gamblers, who, it
%till be remembered, calmly continued
their gave the day that French Pete and
hattaka Joe shot each other to death
ever the bar in the front room. The
whole camp was collected before a rude
cabin en the outer dg f the clearing
the child to Red Dog—a distance of 40
miles --where female attention could be
procured. But the uulualy suggestion
met with fierce and unanimous oppwi-
tion. It was evident that no plus which
entitled partung from their new acquisi-
s �
Camps its mile and shame forever. 1 4o tion would for a moment be entertained.
net think that the announcement alis- "besides," said Tom Ryder, "them fel-
turbo' therm much, etcept in specula- lows at Iced Dog would swap it, and rine!
tion as to the fate of a child. ' filo, in aeuaebtniy else 00 us." A (babe -
he live now(' was asked of Stumpy. The lief in the honesty of other camps
doubtful. TI only other prevailen at Roaring Camp as in other
by mule --had, in Stumpy's wily of
putting it, "sorter killed the rest of
the furniture." So the rehabitation of
the cabin lacune necessary. The sten
who were in the habit of lounging iu at
Stump}•', to see ''!sow The Luck gut on
'teemed to appreciate the change, and, in
self-defence. the rival establishment of
"Tuttle', grocery" bestirred itself; and
imported a carpet and mirrors. The re-
flections of the latter on the appearance
of Roaring Camp tended to produce
answer was
le ,
stricter habits of personal cleanlin s.
being of Cherokee Salm sex and water- places. Again, Stumpy impose(' a kind of ttltu-
nal condition 01 the settlement was :,n The introduction t'f a female nurse hi
gains upon those who aspired to the
ass. There was some conjecture RP to the caanp also met with objection. r pr
fitness, but the experiment was tried. was argued that no decent woman cupid honor and pritilcge o1 holding "The
It was less problematic than the ancient be prevailed to accept Roaring Camp as Luck." It was'a cruel mortification to
•h fu rho carelessness of a
nus guts; to him the tall ,eJwooi s
familiarly and sleepily, the bumblebee
buzzed, add the rooks timed • cumbrous
acc•aupsniment, -
Such was the gulden summer of Roar-
ing Camp. They were "flush times,"
and the Luck was with then. The Oahu'
had yielded enormously. The camp
was jealous of its privileges and•loeked
suspiciously on strangers. Nu ere 'ur-
•gement was given to omigrati n, and,
to make their seclusion inure per ect, the
land on either side of the utuuntaiu wall
that surrounded the camp they duly pre-
empted. This, and a reputation of sin
oiler proficiency with the revolver, kept
the reserve of Rost -leg Camp iuvielate.
The expreamnau—their only a winging
lin': with the surrouudiug world --w•uic-
tiues i ;i1 wonderful stories of the came.
Its.• would say, "They'te a street up
there in "floating," that would lay raver
soy envie in (ted Dog. They.ve get
vices :ui.l 'lowers round their houses
and they wj It theui*elvcs twice a day
But thin, 're mighty rough on e;rangete,
awl they worship as Iogin baby. '
11 nth the pros}e ity of the camp camp
a 1i.niie for further improvement.
nitration a her own t ho C N'89 Placed, a r
WWI pro:arel to build s h.itel in the iul-
anduucd, and irrecluimaLle, ilio wa laTtt I at staring rod flannel, lay the la.t:o'r,d tl s:r to rear the child. There was some- n "
thi.,•. original, independent, and heroic srL"le existence m a persistent attempt 1,11iu, s;•ring, and to in•'ite one or two
Bufferin: 1 plot ve tet hard Donn., ! at Rosette:, Camp. 'Beside the • re a est not be tenturtte In Id8C 141 ::. ultra to reside tiltlt for the
bear c•: rn w'heu veiled by sywpathizi°g { ��� tray placed, a hat. Its use teas • n
' •men ".said �' gained the estop its unfchcltuua
i a: int,' I had
indicate ' were sunt for to Sacramento. '•Jlind,' g
with a singular mixture of enttemewere not permitted within hearing dis-
a '.•ie cum lucency, "Geutletne•, t, tt. s'tid the treasurer, as he pressed a bag 1
1h p -,f cold dust into theexpreaemau'8 laud, tenet. of Stunipy's. The mein c,nversed
. uncut of •the 1' ren dour r"ul,•i ' ere or aun,leed with Indian
new bate t ,4c the i:mn• I
please pass id at the f
first u.iu. i sou tatadful. It was,
thelaLle and out at the Lackdooa. 1 h• a, :'rho Lost that can be gut, lace you w whispers,
Foliage, art.. { the. t x111 tio11 alter cin w'ishcs to contribute anythiu . t : I • anew and filigree -work for frills, ---d— Brat ity. Profanity was tacitly given up
I 1 in these sacred precincts, and thruubhuut
ilea • t •a immie It ellen she most 1:acee,l ltLt orlun,ul will 1 1 11 thrived.' P•r. Ithe popular
edge o
Conversation was carried un in a low treatment of Romulus au,l Remu-4, an' her home, and the speaker urge] that Kentut
tone, but the name of a woman was fre- I apparently as successful. "they didn't want any snore of the other large t.stute and the habits of frontier
queutlyrepestcd. It was a tame fautl- I When these details trine completed kind." This unkind ai1U)*oa to the de- life, bad begun to regard all garments at
1 e f.uut mother, hank as it may 80040, was a second cuticle, which, like a snake's
date enough in the camp, "Cherokee which exhausted another hout,tho doer
Vie Ent spasm u, propriety—rho tint Duly rl"a;bud orf through decay —h, he
u -
Yerhaps the less said of her the Letter.
She was a coarse, mud, it is to be feared,
a very sinful woman. but at that time
she waw the only wuunnri in Ronrmet L xhicll the figure of the trot , • o'ti a 13ut when questioned, he atter•
Canp, and just then lying in sura ex- i atatkty outlined below the ... • ' ,
i at needed the min_ el stoutly that lie and "Jinuy"- the
et eel I • t 1 le On rhis a' caro `'- •uuual before alluded to could man
was opened, and the anxious crow ; ..f
melt'• whu had already fennel t!mu,l. s)'mptem of the comp's regi nastier. I debarred this pit' (lege funis ea tam 1 r
Stumpy advance. nothing. Perhaps ho denial reasons. Yet such was the tu1-
tile. Beside the lew bunk or selves into a queue, entered in wit' ' •
felt a certain delicacy in interfering with the influence of iupocatfon•th.t he there -
.8f, , ::
th • selection of a posed hie successes in aft, r ap:wate.l regularly every afternoon
i,a a clean shirt, and face still shining
fret:, hie :dilutions. Nor were mora'
and inoialsanitary laws neglected. "Tem -
e`n m ne the n :a 11110 'a • _
f 1 sex Uierolutt• at - t n l within it etc ' e ' e' }• eh,. was supl ,"ed to spent sue
A BRAL'TIYL'L URAL, Or Hata--There is
malting more pleasing in theexternid ap-
pearance of weieen or men than a beau-
tiful head of hair, end it is possible for
every person to possums it. by using the
long and 11 I known enemies Hair Re-
storer. Sold t 50ceuts per battle by all
Uruggeste , t1 .hanks Wilson. 2tn:
During the pyrotechniciapley at Phi -
h del ,his. Mrs. D G,nkley wall instantly
killed and five others injured by the
explusiou of a 18,01Is Miss Evr bicCurrie
hall butte kgs flacturod by the esplesiun
of u muerte.
At 'Manistee, Mich., Miss Luna Pierce,
a nurse eu.pluyed to take cart of a sick
d not been
rnine, ed fraeurthe lhotel which was bu
ing, and dashing through the flames took
ti:e sick 111811 in her arms and bore him
to a place of safety.
bird cttches the soros".
"The early
Dr. Smith's (treat tits 4,140 \\'urs Renlo-
dy retro yes worn F.
w-ou1at(Lo,,,1, but .n.w terttblu in her
lone:iueas. 'Fite primal curse hail come
to Ler in the original isolation which
about the plan th',t pleased the camp. to rt•{x by
w•a • retained. Certain articles noise. The shouting and yelling which , sake ,•t ' • L': r 1,u,1; who ought l.er-
e..l.. � It tit female companionship.
- . .
res , suWt'
51 •nc
• •al,< } e anionship.
4 I • I- w t
The sate t driest . ,' this concession to rex 1 r+'a
fi ly }ceps'
cal 111 reSar.l Q' its general rhesus all
w 4, •.•
and useftdners, ears only •lie accounted �+,��'a i��., •':�
for by their :Oleo:. ler Tommy. A +'- :
few still held "Ht. But the res. Ii e , }. ti 11�grg4+'3•'-;
could net be carried etfeet for three yl
months, and the utla.,:.ty koeAly yiel.l- 'yi
e1 in thehope t
such conuou�,: maternal defiuiencle+. _ a oro t � not intertlictetl supposed to have I turn up to proven,. t.. - • � 1:-.....
, broader breast. !n i being Pl
8 are . of iu winter of 1851 will tun; be re• .r•. ,
d i es,:•r.l
twin tr.'ek uecatue! a elver, . and eve"' I ell c,ty. to ,• . u li °,on
al •nneay,W •od 6, Y .1•LL eu� el Jnweea it g
''` the cost ?
'' • '" tin,l a tent limply.- 'i fut•m of expletive,
1a pl
her : t �'� 411111414 • tt o4crnrea and casae' l hrs1• lit i entered with his hat Int Strange to Bay the c ai iris ` known as "D—u the luck and "Curse
•L, met only' the half c.•uteunpdn .u" i tm;,•yrrc.1 however, as lie 1 ., ked a halts rho iut•isorat1I4 sinuate of the+ the luck :" was abandoned, as Baying a.
lac, x of Ler 1Il culiuc ass tciatt V,: . , ,.,1 so ; encunsentuslV•, set a• ••t lis'un1,►in •camp «*8 compensation for new personal bearing. Vocal music was l l th tt sumethtug might , j
1• d t lath thel And druid / ..=-i
fete t the �pccta:ors wen., I think, a,es1:,• t the next.1
l • 'sandy 11,'- - d.:.l ' ,
1.400;,, 1 t ; lies ;
0 i• 11.
t,,r a tl,ctllct;t 1'o.{• sttl'•eririr t.. t11•• i
that he 1:111 ani ace 1(1:,1 two bode, I .
1115 tilertt :,11!'. " lir: i el�j:ttl .. , rile C-�traa...� ... .__ •-_ _ _
1t tt iil 1'' x`._211 a'.x". 41(481 the ai"I."I''' 1 t . ributi. i,. as chat, t }ix: l.: : chemistry that transmuted asses' milk to, four," in n muffled ----minor, ending with a t rennase that uescendeel the h ma or
it ,cel Deaths were by uu meg,. 1 ttonng • y e...ur. a.e, Yea
1 I • ••r tublcc . hiss, a 4uuh1 'un, , , v time and phosphorous. Stumpy inch )
but ,1 bite', � .• , r silver luountcd ; a g•'1'1 � td t , t belief that 't thelatter and each verse , leu b -u o -o Red f f 1 ! I 1 •the Ilam ROA F ,,the Fen•..,
unco,iu,n„In iu ti .inng Camp, ''AL1;cRT LES RO.1T
• t • 1 i lir r in•r. "'1Ie ant that acs,.' hu , ht ba ser Jack lle•' had been twice under water, and � t > 3.:•tret'li n o"usas.
ad Erna L-'�.4„R.3.,07:73
Cutis the.. 1 ,- 0 54,15. «4410 4410 `�'/1:
i :�j` L.
In �t�itt p p
p t t, • ,.. foundling fu her I' s, h tranquilizing tluulrt), ant" Tho t �I �t r��{tq 1S `• J a rs; Ali 1C li 1
• 1us ahere of the Sierra f.wt• R g I 'DLJ [117Li11+i��tt . h1 l �wa
in, r.. than t a,n 1 "Man -u -ser •lack•,'• membered in the foot -hills.- The mow f •sill usett.auo•, or tr,.I ti,•li �Al ,i• -•s
one sou({, sUllg;by 1 mea ar e• l,n. c uu °R 1 r, s �••,��e^
a4dn s,• . hiiiy, tL.tt air pungent with balsamic I every n rat• .sorsa • ,h;, ct, .sDen-t ••
English sailor, from her Majesty's
lay deur, on the dirt rata, and ece ulo.,0 sylar ons eewno e• ,e.,,,or,h. aa-n,.on.
„ in the rl, t odour, that etheu.tI c�rdal at once btnc- 'I Australian culouie , was quite popular as
s1i,wioati, "hasn't ne r n g :,:• ' 1- ing and exhilarating ---he may ,.have ,8, A•.Ir ue nes+ ri T;�e o.na t. r°�'°
''t ! a lullaby. It was a lugubrderreeter ious recital of I;,ver :a lake. Each gorge rod pule nevoa.a.a.a a+.'.
.1 , nourishment, ... .....6f la � } anis. s tumultuous Ma• I ,avdtuunr,e,l•d w•,.1 :,, ,_•n•.e Do oCoaches.
.. found and _ . S transformed fd 7C
-_ I t aaosa coo:oe.,h: tte,sr• int .r 7„rati
•tlla•idet, ,Yrs: ace:,t Sort o•. X : n.oc r...r h h1 rwm-
�tia•.ir�:llYtTrltc dltD'•a C-`: ••un�1h11ie•t
n• 1 D,.1wi pin m; lata t4u, sat. 1 • iM+Tr�o
f. tearing 4,1144 giant trues ant set b,t„ee t w iso w :.. r°a i''''''1;". .aa a
was prolonged dying fall, at the burden o Tr..o. 8et�,e, r, °v -
ha bis to t is t was e " the Are- its drift and , t ,ria along t e-+•• • a E.••
'was :a new thin•.. 1'eoplt h ul 1 . ,t t'rt} ..! ' .f,8 fully e:uL• soil 1 p ' thns:n It •vas a line sag e A Aew a .,,., n
a i "has I,:. ut.far6er :sod uioiher I
!,.ty lea:n.rr,e:o�.,t• ... idi11g The Luck, rucking fmlu slue to l;oariug Camp had b�eti farewarnet. s rhl+ ,e,°y N 'Owp'•
• I lo, i
px .tano�ea.A.iser.aa-
.IllaeCal h";:1 nuc e.aui,• �- ■°C r�whvtne L•+r ►aillsLte,naaoa..tlweuart4
ox. Lilac t,acat, i ..� t„ him' ''D n1't }',u" he would add, aN side as if with the motion of a 81111, and \%'stet put the gold into them gulches,'' I drat res rat -ad. p,ht°+ powY�
a •
nd Lad nosh "t _ambler , adixuleu•{ ring mut d1 La
this rasa the first rinse flue! any bode had I',: 1111 with tete reinark Inert the _ er ostrophizing the helpless bundle before I crooning forth it's naval ditty. Either ,said Stumpy. "It's Leon hero encs and
meet int. 1 1 ,6 in t,". Hence 1rc Scat he"Salta (hat pia aml•«cut ie., 1:8- , hien, "never go back on us." 1 through the peculiar rocking of Jack or will be here again.' And tl.at .,fight r • «lar+' n cam• '
excitement. lita...+r. i +•t a 1� sort, and cath o. far rt-
:Duds iictter a alums abut, a ' By the time he was a month olds the"' the length .,f his song,—it cpntaincel the �ieah Fork suddenly 1cllpetl overt t}i.' o as ,• u : a et.we. tart *Sec Ica ,aa•a
ill air re. :•tulip.•, . s•'+ a ;'.ut111,utornut detects ,a les Ince Y ntue y.s d_the tanrular arca
'.1"utl c. of ton
" � I • • • t w t' He had }generally been d '•beraitiun to the Litter valley of Raatring Camp. � . ' ''EAT R?f : �SIP.*I] R7tJT1<.
CO.,'VA alt. Yaa: •
t 1 A:1 : °r.: aihY»,•, y .v, ].,vat au Fiat rxFrsss
!'."'•• :ache: otse•sta
1' •cats tw
seta ',,rine' al
',1 � •olds" - `u' •391' of giving him a name be- t • tanras and was continu,:.l v: ith i its banks, an swept up e . Z 1 `�o. d.•e,a.,a i.,:. ,..• ..�.: - y' 1.4..1 '
1 Silver tearge, l the initials. nese came apparent. i conscientious deliberation p>oluit-e--t citizen 1,11, eft as `'hultuc.., . I C :�'�r tea,
gain••.. me , f the b•uu,crs. "1 i '' say, were flet the 'gieer's , a Inir , i.- knew.n as "the hid, "Stuml,ys buy,' lera —the lullaby ;enerally had the de- { In the coufusi..v1 of rushing sates,.' etruur Herr-,.:.- . JuHM.
sidles t R. A. O newel-,
y s eo.,'a allege, a lane t, a leen: ..f 11n- tlw Cayute ' (an a11u8ivu to his vocal g t„l r.,� a c�,: l , :.. r, T- s ,.•,,,,..
es Ass
there; and sec w'n t uthi do. You c,'sired effect. At such tunes the snot 1 et%tithing trees, and cracking timber 'tis C'!fC,!a-t
had cxlerienci in fl'a't' things.'" i land not for £`r, sad about >E;t� w 1""su power\ and even by hentucL's ender; would lie at full length under the trees, I the darkness which seemed to tluw with `
1 • ld :and ailed r c •in. Durin;t the.r.{ r - L. dimutivo of "the d—d little cuss. in the s.,ft summer twilight, sleeking 4 the water and Llot a ut, the the fair' val-
1.0iruaps thiel t was a tituu�3 in the $uf those 8tr::ned to h_'va{ue and uiisati,►- I ley, but little could be done to collect ,
lection. ~lumpy to• other chance, 1, ,a i seeding. stu'tupy maintained a sthn •e as their pipes and drinking in the mete'- t
been the putative heart of two f .Il I l - : impassive . as the dead on '.his lett, factory, and were at last dismissed under I i
thous utterances. An indistinct idea the scattered camp. When the morn -
in fact, it was ow•iuq to some 1 "1 :u- ' ., gravity as inscrutable as that another influence 1,amJltrs a•ad ad- that this was pastel al happiness pervaded ing broke, the cabin of StumP3 oar
venturers are generally superstitioua,and I the camp. ''This 'ere kind o' thing," � the river bank was gone. Higher up the
formality in theism , proceutlin i that :f Co. newly e ,r.1 tit his right.. t i it Siiunona, Meditative- gulch they fou --d the body of its unlock
H',. i,ta-0alup-a city of refu•! as •in r incidentaiccurnfalto break that m'no- t►akhunt one day declared that the Iia- •esid the Cockney o
de',icJ Erse tie a'aul,:tla}. 'Phe cr.i " 1 a:• : avid the CUri0a3 pn'cessiun.. Ws h.. 1 by had brought "the luck' t 1 it 0.. lv reclining on his elbow, ` is 'evingly ' owner; but the pride, the hope, th.. I Es A
tau: , ' stats' tuck bentnver the candle -leas half ear CAlnp. It was certain that of lata the} 12 reminded him of Greenwich jay, the Luck, of Roaring Camp had alis-
• proved of the choice, .. l Stumpy d They ware returning tt
wise enough to bow to the majt,tity. I iotisly, the child turned, and, in a si'asun had been successful. `'Luck" was the
b tl bank l •*
The loser closed on the extennpore ane- I of pain, caught at his groping finger, at: d name agreed upon, with the prefix of On the long summer days The Luck
goon and midwiic, and Rnarilig Camp held it fast for a moment. Kentuck Tommy for greater convenience. No al- was usually carried to the gulch, from
sat down outside, suu.ked its pipe, and looked foolish and ennbrrrassed. . S itue• lusi.un WAS made to that another, and the whence the t;t,lde:1 store ' of Roaring
awaited the issue. thing like a blush triad to assert itself ;father was unknown. "ifs better, -
etas taken. There, on a blanket
The asec.,nblage nuuiliered about • a in his weather ';eaten cheek. "The said the philosophical Oakhurst,"to take spread over pine -boughs, he would lie
d- d little cuss ".•• he said, ass hu ex- a fresh deal all ruentL • Call him Luck, while the men were working in the
hundred men. no .•r two . of these tracted his finer, with perhaps, more , ! f and start him fair." A ilsy,tas accord- ditches below. Latterly, there was n
were actual fugitives from justice, some g iti�Iy set apart for the christening. rude attempt to decorate this bower with
were criminal, and all wale reckless. tenderness and care than he might have
Ph.sicially, they exhibited no indication I been deemed' capable of shnw'i.,�. fit \\ hal Was meant h}• this cereunony the' Hewers and sweet-eunelline shrubs, and
held that finger a little apart from its reader may imagine., who has already generally some one would brim him a
of their past lives and character. Tho
greatest. scamp had a Raphael face, with
a profusion of blonde -hair ; Oakhurst, a
' 1 had the melancholy air and in -
fellows as he went out, and examined it gathered some idea of the reckless
cluster of wild honeysuckles, az�lcag, re
fellows curiously. The examination pro%okcd ' irreverence of Roaring Camp. Tho mas- the 'aimed blossoms Lis Mari'.r,aas
na ne the same original remark in regard to
tel of ceremonies was one "Boston," a i The inen bad suddenly awakened to the
telloctual nbstrsetion of a Hamlet : the j the child. In fact; he seemed to enjoy 11,••ed trait, and the i'ceasien seemed to fact that there were head} and si nifi-
re eating it. "He rastled with n1y fin:;- premise the greatest facetiousness. The canes in these trifles, which they had so
coolest and 'most corageous loan was p •
scarcely oyer five feet in height. with a et', he remarked to Tipton• hol.lin7 tt:' iegeluttus satirist had spent two days in . beg( tn'.lden carelessly beneath their
soft voice and all embarrassed, timid the member, "the d—d little cu 45 ' preparing a burlesque of the church tier-' feet. A take of glittering mica, a frag-
manner. The term "roughs' applied to It was four o'clock before the catnap vice,' with pointed local allusion". The went of variegated quarte, a bright peb-
them was a distinction rather thin a de -1 sought repose. • A hight buret in the chi ,it. w -as pr.,perly trained, and San.ly'' bfe from the bed of the creek,, became
linition. Perhaps i., the minor de. cabin; where the wa`chera aat,for Stumpy
Tilden 'w as to'stand gu4f:whet. But af- beautiful t, the eyes thus cleared and
tails of Ungues,, toes, ears, etc., the
c amp may have been deficient. but these
f' I not detract from
did not go to bed that night. Nor did ter the pt •cessi,u hail I,, rched to the . strengthened, and were invariably put
Kentuck. He drark quite freely,: and grove with music and banners, reel the1 aside f,•r "The Luck." It was wonder -
alight otnlsaw11e aid , related with great gusto his experience. chiid had been deposited before a muck • fol leer ninny treartares the Weeds and
their aggregate force. The strongest Ivan iivarably ending with his Characteristic ,.altar, stumpy stepped before the expec- hillsides yielded that "would do for
h•id butsthree fingers ..n his Right hand : condemnation of the new-comer,It tart ''crew.l. "It ain't my style to spell Tommy. Surrounded try playthings
the heat stet hall but seemed to relieve hint of any unjust iu1- fan, boys," said the little loan, stoutly, s ich as never child out of fairfairylandfairylandhad
itar ' ul ono eye.
such was tlw physical aspect of the 'plication of sentiment, amt hcutuek ha'' , e}'eing the' faces a100401 l.in, "but it before, it is to be looped that Tommy
I h knessts of the n., alta st methal this thing ain't exactly I was content. i I
encu eyerybotiy La.l :;one to bed, he walked the square. L's 1a 'inn it rett • low• 1 h8 all'eit there was an infantine
I !' ) pretty } happy,
cabin. The camp down G, th
, a and
. hal
valley, • {mtwoen tw
that were dispersttl around the
the wee ' 1 x. W lace strikes o i He appeared xared to he secure -
appears with
cad hearts, when a shout from the an
recalled thein.
It was a relief- 1 oat fans dee the!
river. They- had picked up, they said,
a man and an infant, nearly exhausted,
about two miles below. Did anybody
know then:, and did t,iey belong there i
It needed but a dance to slew them est.,
Keeled: lying there cruelly crushed and
bruised but still holding the Luck of
1' my an a trangularI the river, and whistled reflect-
down on this ter baby to ring in fun on gravity about him, a contemplative light
n mtunes
that 1
a •e e
) i ) )
round rat
- ingly. Then he walkedup the tench, u him that he nisi t going to 'understandin ,u run g '
The only outlet was a steep trail troer past the cabin, `still whist:Me v. 011 .1e- g ) p} )
the summit of the hall that faced the Ind of there'a gain• to be an g"dfath-' worried `Ilam • •. He was always trnc-
cabui, now illuminated the liltig I monstrative unconcern. At a l.lr.'- red- ens ruund,I'd like to see who's got a bet- tahle and quiet, and it is recorded that
moon. •The suffering' woman night fare 1 wood tree he 1•:ause,] and rctra: ed lila ter tight than 111e.' A silence followed' once, haying crept beyond hie "corral,"--
I steps, and again passed the cabin. Half- stlillapy's speech. To the credit of all i! a Led se of tessellated pine-boughs,which
seen it front the rude hook whereupon
down the rivers hank he again 1 lluraurists be it said, that the first man I surrounded his bed, he dropped over
she jay; -seen it winding like a silver 1 wa )
pans ext Ana then reunion' lied kn..ckede c
t i kuowle4
a its justice was the satin- Vie Lank on his head in the salt earth,
Roaring Camp in his n.•tns. .\s they; Min Ccps•t,a,, r.s,N It ..0 45•wwv.
bent over the strangely assorted pair, ,
they saw the child was cold and pulse-
less. "Ile is dead,.' said one. Ken -
tuck opened his eyes. 'Weed !• he re- 1
'sated feebly. "Yes, any man, and you•]
are Dying too." Amite lit the eyes of
the expiring Kentuck. "Dying," he re- I
peatcd, "he's a taking me with hint -
tell the boys I've got the Luck with me
now;"'and the strung man, clinging to
the frail babe as a drowning man is said
to cling to a straw, drifted away into
the sh:uowy river that flows forever to
the un known sea.
Wine improves with age, hut that can-
not be said of those drink it.
All Diseases of the Throat, Ltttgs and
Pulmonary Organs.
R y I T- r a 1 T n r r I. r 1 a
oorst'xrrtosl IIAS eeeN CL -RED
When other Remedtee and Phy.leiane have
failed to effect a cure.
$eer.mmende•i by rnTater %vat. MONTITraa AND
ICca8►'. In fact by everi'body who has
civet* It • goo4 ,tp all. h 'veer jail.,
As an EXPECTORANT it has no Egaai.
It is harmless to the Most Delicate rbild. ;
It contains no orrr'.rr rn worse Fortes.
�TFor We by all Druggists.sate bottle.
thread until it wits lost tothe stars
1 at the door. It was oIeucl by.Stumpy• !1st thus Mopped of his fun. ' •I3ut- said and remaine 1 with his mottled legs In
tc 1 "How goes it I.. said Kentuck, leeking 1 Stumpy quickly, following up his whale the sir in that Io'sition for at least five
\ tireI taltLi rr.l 1�iut-Lt�ugha added � past Stump} towards the sage «r re here f,
in candle -hex. o for a christenin • and minutes «Ith unflinching gravity. He
• a lability t" the gathering. 13y degrees , "All serene,,, replied Stl• a ' "Any TO BUY YOUR
Camp rt -
I y 3` we'll Late it. i proclaim }v44 Th was extricated witoui a murmur. 1 he"i-
t'Ie Wend levity "f Roaring 1 thing up ;•' '•Nothing'" T'1 're 4(11.4 a' Luck, according t.. the State .1 Califor- tate to record the many other instances '
turned. Iter" were freely offered and P'050 -ata c11nLsrroasing tgtumPY nus. so help me 0,1,1." it was the first of Itis sagacity, which rest, unfortunate -�--�
taken ecoar4in: the result. Three to •1 l i 1 the deer. Then h ---tuck -tiune that the name ,•f the Deity ha'l iv upon the statements o1 prejudiced
five Casa "Sal t,o:al.l Let through with
(30 TO-
(� a- x�r �� 8..11
,aN /111121104,, ;rye
I" ( lt'
had recourse t,• his fillet•., which he Held been uttered otherwise than profanely in • friends. i:.me of them 44010 not aith-
armer's Hardware
t tl ' Coe thil 1 would survive Retitled with it --the the a ml'. The for
in of chnstenlnii was out a tinge of wperst$Ut'n. corp. II - \ i 0 11
d d teethe eras, he axial an,l then retir- perhaps even m. re lndicr„us than the the brant just now," said Kentuck one
the coinstranger In the .,tidal of t 1 d conceived but a•angrly day, In x breathless acne f exerts
1 ; even ea • up t" Stumpy.
ride beta Rs to the sex and complexion of
' ° ed.
satirist 1 am ., o mens
th.i excited discussion an reclamation • enough' nol,rxly sew it and l.authetl. "and dern my skin if he wasn't a talking
cam from these nearest-.lisRoaring
the d,o'r, and , '}144 nein day Cherokee Sal h8,1 such "Tommy.11"1").
was christened as seriously as to a jay -hied as was a sitting on his lap.
the c.un{, at"ppud t" listen. Above the rude sepulture aRoaring Camp afford- be would have Leen under a Christian There they was, jest as free and sociable
swayint and nno:uiin1 of the pines• the ed. Alter her lath} had been committed
roof, and cried and was cernforted in an asanythinit yeu please, a jawin' at each
swift rush of the river, and the crackling
..f the fire, rose a ,harp, qusrnleals cry,
a cry unlike nnythin; hoard before in
the camp. The pines stopped moaning.
the river ceased to rush, and the fire to
crackle. it sceme'1 as if nature had
stopped to listen ton.
The camp rose to its feet as one man'
it was proposed to explode a ham' of
gunpowder, hut in consideration of the
:titivation of the mother, better counsel
prevailed. and only a few revolvers were
to the hillside, there was a formal meet-
ing of the camp to elieenaa what honld
he done with her infant. A resolution
to adopt it wee unanimous and enthusi-
astic, but an animated discussion in al Lints sang,the squirrels chattered, and
regard to the manner and feasibility of ment. The cabin assigned to "Tommy e t
providing for 1(1 wants at once mprung Luck" --or "The Luck," ns he was more,the flowers bloomed. Nature was his
sop. It was remarkable that the Aron. frequently called -first mbowed signs of aurae and playfellow. At him ahs would
ment partook "f none of those fierce improvement. It wee kept ecrnpnlnusly let slip between the learee golden shafts
personalities with which discussions clean and whitewashed. 'Then it waist of eenlight that fell just within his gr•aap.
were tU44ally rnndncted at Roaring camp boarded, clothed, and papetel. The i she would send wendenn4 breezes to
Tipton proposed that they ahnnld send rosewood cradle -packed eighty miles Tilt bim with the balm of bat and resin
orthnd.,x fashion. .,ther just like two cherry -hums. •' How -
And m" the work of regeneration be- belt whether creeping over the pine -
gain in Roaring Camp. Almost imger- h"uy,118 or lying lolly on his hack hlink•
tihl}• a change came over the settle in,t at the leaves above him, to him the
Build.er's Hardware
lel It -----
In fact, everything you want fn hu lune
This Spring and Summer. See his FENCE DIRE, the best yet
R_ •W _ McI NZ=