HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-03, Page 44
(21LUC flwz every
t e. North
Fur suave weeks back the Tory organs
toirthe fiquarei in \West Huruu have beau ringing the
OODERICH, ONTARIO. I chap os on the so -c'1
And 4 despatched to all g fwd "ivaliciow pru-
part. of thsseoutiun" of John L. Stordy. They
tag sYYtry by the aarlkot otitis anddrentor. rains.
y generaladmission a hasanger circuutut have one and all joined in the 'cry that
TM 047 outer newspaperin
he country. d la one old* raciest, newsiest Sturdy was being mate the victim of the
sad most' reliable journals in Ontario
De asia u tt does, the tore-gotagessentials malevolence of "Mr. Cameron r d his
aMLalttstoaddition tothe above, aeretclaa.
f'sau7 and L7rwlde paper It is therefore a
leramadeatireeis advert isiay wets ens.
-41.30 in advance postage pre -paid
envier,; 01.75, if paid before rix months
if not au paid. This rule will be strictly
Raves or AL,vawrI INJ. Eight cents pe
toe for flet insertion: three cents per line for
eaohsubsequent inserttori. Yearly, half -yearly
and quarterly contracts at reduced rates.
l $ Pel\TNC•••.Ve have aleoanrat-cera.•
obbing department in connection. and poorer
tag the most cotuplute a t• t $ud best facilities
er turning out work In l -rich, are prepared
do that
he beaten, a d et a lineprices
tthat that
cannot cannotbe
surpassed.- Terms (ANA
FRIDAY, 10V. 3rd, 1882.
The e:litor of the St it poses as a
"very 'Limbic" member of the Censerva-
tire party Asa pohticia:r he professes
to be fair•de.tliug and honest toward
opponents. Ile is continually express-
ing himself, in his paper, as shocked at
the partisanship of THE SIGNAL Tu did not in any way tend to defeat jus -
read t!te • t r, ne would think that ltice.
friends," and was an innocent ers.n
who was being "persecuted" unto Bath.
The Tury organs did not tell their read
ere that Sturdy had violated the law and
deserved punishment for so doing. Oh,
no ! Such a thing newer appeared in
their columns. But some of thew went
so far out of their way as to censure the
magistrates who sent Sturdy for trial,
and alleged that only es ',tile testimony
had been allowed .o be taken at the pre-
limiwry investittation.
During the time the case *asset, i,trfi: e
we carefully avoided dircusaing it ea its
merits, for we hall every confidence that
the law would be fully vindicated when
the matter came before the court. Anel
we have out leen disappointed in our
anticipations. From start to finish a
clear case against Sturdy was observable,
and the vain babblings of the Tory press
orgaa was run ..n the principle t f dealing
fairly std ayuarely with all political
issues, and thst THE SttiiAL was se con-
ducted that all questions of a political
nature were cut on the Lias in the
interest of its particular party. Mr.
Mitchell, the editor of the Sate, is not a
partizan, aoa Mr. D. McGillicuddy -
who is deeignat,d by the Star as the When the indictments against Sturdy
"senior editor- of THe SIGNAL -is a vin- were submitted to the cenaiderauon of
lout, virulent partizan in everything the grand jury a "true Lill- was unani-
that the name implies. This is what
. one would glean from leading the • /.n,
but a bat are the facto % For the l,enefit
of h rth parties we will-cun.rast the
couree of the two editors politically. and ed for attack upon Mr. Swanson, one of
advance only that which is true, and the witnesses fest the prosecution, which
well known to our readers. injured rather than aided his case.
Mr. McGillicuddy is a l:ef..rmer, and ! When Mr. Hudgins placed the case for
is so from training and convict;on. For'the Crown before the jury, he laid bare
nearly ten years lie has been identified I the f:alacioue arguments of the opposing
with the political affairs of Huron coup- ; counsel, and conclusively showed that
ty. Although he dues not pn.feaa to be every witness for the prosecution was de -
other than a staunch Liberal according serving of credence,and }.articularly Mr.
to his light, he holds no pubition in the Swanson, who had' acted the part of a
Bateau Association ofGoderiee or West friend to Sturdy, and whose advice, if
Hurn, but is content to do service, in taken, would have saved the l,rist ner
the ranks when tczasiwt requires. • Over I from ha then uneviable position. \1 -het:
a year ago. when Sir Herter Lanwevin, his Lordship retiewed the et idence in
the Minister', f Pulaie Works visite.' l the perjury case, his charge wan atr,ongly
Ge derich, this Reform etlit•.r, with :ill ' against the prisoner, without a solitary
the Refnrmern of Goderich, went hand in ; ,acing sentence. And when the jury
hand Rit5 Cie Conservative ],arty to brought in a verdict of "guilty" a,ainst
'wele!olfte the hen. gentleman ;u his ofpi• ; the prisoner, justice was vindicated, and
cial capacity, iereei, ctise. of party feel- • the partizan press which had all alena
ing in the matter, and Sir Hector tiro contended that Sturdy's action in taking
that ucctsiot. said be would ever remeu,- a false oath tva3 a thing not deserving .of
bur (:oderich air the hearty manner in punisltmel.t, received an answer itt full
which the Refermera had honored the but the condemnation of the Tury press
public position he held, although politi- did not end •there, fur on Saturday
rally they di.feretd strongly' from him. ritorniva when, Stera dy withdrew his plea
Now, let us look at Mr. MitdhelI's of "not guilty: and pleaded '"guilty" to
political record. tai to two 3eaws ago the eecrtnd:•indictment. and threw hint-
. he was almost entirely unaes1uainted oaelf en themercy of the court, with his
with C. nservatisui. Since Own he has own mouth he gave the lie to the con-
nud• rapid pr,{ress. He is now Sec- tentione preciously advanced by the
retary of the Godericb Lib. -Con. Asso- tricky Tory organs, regarding his inao-
ciatiun -;he is a solid stand-by of the I ceuce. The flimsy ecreen behind which
West Huron Censervatire Association ; , they stood was pulled aside, and their
when no one else c•,uld 10, f..uno1 to act hypocrisy was laid bare ii: all ita nakcil-
a■ petitioner against Mr. Cameron in I ncaa.
West Hulett ito undertook the task : and If altytlting Luther was wanted to
when a surety was wanted for a convict- ehaw the absurdity of the plea advanced
ed Tury perjurer he came forward to by the Tory organs that the prosecution
fill the gap. Then, must of our readers was a malicious one, the remarks of the
will remember his action when 31r. learned Justice when passing sentence
Blake, the leader of the Reform party, upon Sturdy, formed the cap -sheaf. kf-
visited Guderich in June last, and we`Rill ter referring to the heinous character of
ask them t contrast it with the cmrse the crimes e.munitted by the prisoner,
pursued by- hit r .:rfrrn. at Sir Hector 1 is Lordship expressed his entire appro-
Langevina reception. At the close of val of the the action of the ;prosecution
the L'lake meeting the Testy scribe sneak• in ;bringing Sturdy and Tennant before
ed alien the rifting behind the Reform the court. at1 stated that although the
platfOrin. ani b tisui; Ma himself on. one, cape a tainst the latter had failed. yet the
leg thereon-Iiku a belated rooster on a prosecution •was fully 'astitierd in de-
atrau_ee back•feitee--endeavored to crow mending an investigation.
discord in the tieig;to.rrhoud. And yet The matter is now definately settled.
be claims to be no partizan ! The prisoner has been nladre to feel that
All 've we have given a fair contrast of the law cannot be violateI with int -
'the two editors in t(he matter of their punity, and his case will, it is hoped,
public.puliti al doings. Every statement ],rove a deterrent too all unscrupulous per -
is a fact that can be vouched for. • gens in the time to come, not to tamper
"and fa. t care spiels that w;nn.tres tin,.c I with the sacred privileges ..f the
And date nit he dispntit." I I
We only regret that the making of this ' chile. Should such be the result, no one•
explanation has been forced upon Oa by be he Grit or Tory, will have reason to
the persistent attempts of the Star to: regret that the case of the Queen against'
place the editors of THE SIGNAL among :John L. Sturdy was brought before the
those who stop at nothing, however de- Court&
grading.t,i farther the interests of putty.
\ a plead guilty to the indictment of he•. S•`StE of our Tory cotetns are induatr•i-
ing itt accord With the principles of fie- ; "ugly seeking to prove that if the duty 1
arm. and of being willing to advance of fifteen cents a bushel was taken off
the interests iif the party, legitimately, ! wheat our farmers would be getting n
so far as in us lies. Thos far will we go, lower price for that grain. Of course it I
and nc further. Bet if the Reform idoes not look reasonable, hut then the t
party made it incumbent upon us to d„ averattr Tory editor isn't a rea• viable 1
Step by step the case was fought by
Mr. Doyle, the counsel for the defence,
but unavailingly Before the magis-
trates his leja1 acumen could net pre-
vent an adverse decision, and before the
High Court his oratory and technical ob-
jections proved of no avail. He fought
hard for his client, but without success.
mously returned on both counts. When
Mr. Doyle addressed the jury he virtu-
ally admitted hie case was a poor one by
mak ing a bitter and, we think, an uncall-
THIS, .IND TH.t1T. Twit ladies are uoR usiupttb'.t•ds-whole's
or in part --for deeorati.•ns iu head gear.
Home rejoice in displaying a representa-
tive of the feathered tribe tutiro en their
fall hats. Others are satisfied with a
wing or breast fur a decoration. Con.
staut argument is indulged in 1 y the
ladies as to which is the more becoming,
and r ataw,na aro advanced by the dispu.
talita fur and against the adoption of the
entire bird --head, tail and feathers,
A sensible young duly of our isequeint-
anee clenched the argument the other
day by saying, "I prefer the breast or
wing as an ornament rather 'than the
whole bird, for then, you see, the gen-
tlemen of the family cannot object to the
the result showed that bin advice and as- size of the 'bill.' "
"The proatou•tun tin the Sturdy ...sari was
-ably' wasted by the editor, of the North
atrerti organ. the .ecretary of the Grit Amor-
talk), sad when ..f .•11r. ('enteron'. friends.-
-Gederieb mar, Oct. W.
Our friend "f the Star, for lack of an
exeunt to take a Hing at tke editors of
Tat $IONLL, and others of Plifr. Canter-_
ons friends," roust needsu invent the
above little fib, fin far as the editing of
Tam 81o11&L are concerned the atato-
ment is false, for in no instance was tl.e
of Sturdy mentioned directly or in-
directly to the prosecuting counsel until
after the jury had retired to consider the
verdict. With regard to Mr. Dancey
assisting Mr. Hodgins, he acted in a 1e -
gal capacity, as he had a right to do, and
aistance, although given by one of the -
youngest barristers in Ontario, was of Foutzn in his'attempt to secure the
more consoqueuce than the "able assis- Catholic vote against Hon. Mr. Mowat,
Sir John A. Macdonald has determined
dance' given to Mr. Doyle by 11 r. F. W.
Johnston, the "brains' of the Lib•Cun. I to make a dead set upon the Crooks Act,
and thus wake a desperate bid for the
votes of the whisky element. It is
doubtless the intention of the Dominion
Premier to declare the' Crooks Act ille-
gal, and extend the hours for the selling
Of liquor. Will the province calmly per
Init this impudent intervention 1 Will
the temperance party, and the party of
order, stand by helplessly and permit it,
without a struggle t We think not. Sir
John will Lind that his standard of mor-
ality it tut. Iuw for the people of (In-
party in Goderich.
Again, had we desired to tender ad-
vice to the prusecutrun, we is ould not have
been doing a wrong thing. But what
has the Star man been doing 1 He has
been, so far as his ed.tts availed, en-
deavoring to cause a case of perjury to
be looked upon as a matter of small con-
sequence, and was anxious that a law-
breaker should go "unwhipt of justice. '
And`he was not content to stop there,
but he endorsed the conduct of the con-
victed perjurer by going en a bail pond
for him, prior to the passing of sentence.
and this, too, in tho face of the fact that
Mr. Mitchell, in his character of Tory
WE are informed that at thehre at the
North American Chemical Company's
salt works on Sanday meaning last, the
petitioner against Mr. Cameron alleges tire engine was very dilatory in putting
that certain unlawful votes had been iu an appearance, fully three•,luasters of
polled in the riding, and -'believes they an hour having elapsed from the tint
all voted for the said Malcolm Collin sounding of the alarm to the time when
Cameron. - the water began to play on the flantea.
Our friend of the Star should try If the fault be with thefire crmnpany the
again to belittle his opponents, and if he members ahuuld guard against similar
can't make his strings hold together bet- slowness. on future occasions. If the de-
ter, be should cease at once and forever. lay was not attributable to rhe firemen,
ales. LANGTRY expected a warm re - thea they should, in their own interest,
ception on Monday night at New Yurk, place the blame upon the right should-
ers The people of the town rely upon
when she was to make her. first appear- the firemen, and it is the duty of the
mice en the American stage. The Brit.'members of the fire company to endea-
vor to merit the trust reposed in them.
warns at the theatre for her to appear
there. The building was horning at the
time she should have been talking the
le..._.a. The fair actress last a very
valuable portion of her wardrobe.
Tose Resume Wry.
It must Ile assumed that the chit
crgan of the Conservative party is carry
ing on the campaign wi,ieh it his inaug
united against Archbishop Lynch, wit
THEY tt}ve a town in the State of the cognizance and consent of the Con
Michigan mined Butes°, but fortunate -
leaders. It Would hardly dare
to provoke a row with an ccclesiatic
ly for the town the people are not all p,asessing so much, influence unless it
I Bad axes. Theppace get one resident had received the 6i_I:al from headoluar
named Truax, and from the Huron Tri terse. It certainly looks absurd to sec th
a+foie we see he has been waking ion- Motif mounting the Protestant horse s
,n after the purchase of Catholic votes
provements n his store by puttiwen a by its leader, by the elevation of Mr
piasra on the building, &c, Now ii he O'Donohoe to the Senate, and the admis-
hal been a Badaxe Instead of -a Truax *ion of :Mesars. Smith and Costigan to
h t might have spoiled the job and put the Cabinet. The explanation of th
.♦ 1 1Itt: lit.• Il1E\lR ()F THE LATE
--O\ \EXT --
Tuesday, Nov. 7th, at 10 o'clock a.m.
3(1(II1iI,Io,hiiiii }O.hl! oii IiiiIt Sclls kTihu lJlllSiIs
ETC., I: ft'
Horse. Bum y, Cutter, Harness, Err-.
Remember the Day & Date, Tuesday, November LI, 1882,
Etta Porter, 68; Mary Robertson. 611.
Fourth ('lies --Ella !b bertson, 1'0
Mary Treble, 79: Jamt•s Sallows,
Winne Bisset, 82; Matilda Stirling, 71.
Third Class- An_ usta P..tter, ,8,_; A-
nes Junes, 76; Albert lit it 61.
THrtE.Hia...-Ott the 30th ult., on the
farm of James McClure. on the let cin.,
78 bushels , f fall Rheat were threshed
in 30 minutes, by the steani thresher of
Henry Sabel, of this township. This is
luuked upop as a phenomenal piece of
work in the three'hiig line, and other
threshers will new have to hook to tbeir
1882 has been a bad year for the back-
• i e'er briiu.le•. In this neighbanco.d
- some six lute deserter and joined the
h Benedicts. The latest deserted was ppre,
sented by his late cotnrt•Ies with a per-
ambulator. Sly fellows.
The furniture ..f no Dunlop • home is
coaplete without Ti.. .'ijiust Those
- who don't sutlecril.e for it burrow it.
et We are glad .te ounerre that the sut.sertb-
0 en t are rowing'ntorenutnenoua and the
bor-vwers Correspondingly less. Every-
• body likes to read it.
whole affair is that Mr Mowat has get
a mortgage un the building instead of a the lead of Sir .Nuhn Macdonald in the
piazza. If we lived in Badaxe, we would race for the Archbishop's prize, and
like to act as sponsor to the town f ,r a naturally enough Sir John does nct like
new saute. it... -(Toronto Telegram.
Ir HAs been officially announce(' that A t•estparlsea.
Thanksgiving. Day will be held tbn,ueh• l A Canadian citizen was sentenced to }},ay
out Ontario on the 9th of November. ••fine of one hundred dollars and under-
pto three danys' imp,risoontnent for rjury
The 9tho'f November happens to be the and illegal cutins. A Sew Yurk pejudge
anniversary • of the birthday of His has just s, utenced a than to five years
' Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, imprisonment. for illegal voting. It will
and some of our coutentporariee are 1'e seen that there is a marked contrast
t i e the sentences, alt hough Canadian
i agitating to have the cony net annually ,pewapapers frequently print articles
as a public holiday, so that it may be showing that the administration if the
celebrated in a dua! capacity. Thanks- law is eery lax' in New York, and that
giving days are usually set apart for re- the place to see justice dealt out with an
returning thanks to Providence for a ssheorould habend"tios Canada. Illegal voting
j bountiful harvest, and the Toronto ('tau- suffer.-[Turunto paper.nu matter who ',nay
di.,,,, taking this view of the question,
rises to remark that if the Prince of 5 Rai %ell ea the 'tater."
Wales receives an interest in the day it The Goderich .it.or"publishes a copy of
must he because he had such a lx,unti• a summons issued by a London east
ful crop of '•wild oats.' ful and grammar worse. attributing the
- — - same to •' one of Moa-at's J. P's,'. and
THE Mechanic's Institute and reading conveying the idea that such an iLgnor-
roont is an institution deserving of the anln. should never have been appointed.
hearty support of .sur citizens. The read• It rurns cut that the magistrate in queatinn is a dyed-rn-the-wool Tory, but wil1-
i n3 room is a Most inviting one, and the the Mae utentien this! Not very much,
character and variety of the litgrature as it is apparently store willing to score
shwas that the directors have gond taste, a point agaiist Mowat than have any -
and have Clone their part to !Hake it at- thing to do with the truth. -[New Era.
tractive. It is to' be hoped that those of ---- -- -
•ntr citizens who are in a pusitiun to aid esbar&
the institute in any way will do sr,. Let Mrs. H. W. Fleming started for Nel-
thew drop in occasionally, and bring a son, Manitoba, en Tuesday. She in -
a friend with. them. There are maga- tends to visit her brother Dr. r. Collie,
zines, bunks and journals there which in Michigan, 1'. S., on her way.
can be found in no outer single library Two of our villagers had a little "cute
in town. Thi roim is weil worthy of ; ly hurty last week. \ one was .scions•
patrennge. A literary and debating so- .i. B. Brown took possession of his
ciety, composed of members of the in- ' new blacksmith "hop on Tuesday last.
team° would, we think, 1.e of mutual ! Several wells in the village are dry.
,enefit to the institute and the intblic. The repairs ..t the: C. M. church are
- _ - completed. The inside of the building
presents a neat and comfortable appear -
A sere rruan night watchman ass mice. Reepening services are announc-
peen seeing ghosts, spooks, spirits altd ed for SaaLboth next. Tho Rete. Mr.
doings in that hub of the universe. , McDonagh, of Clinton, is expet•ted to I
le endeavored t , arrest them, but as delta er a lecture in the C. M. Church on
nest ay next. Subject "Cant.
magistrate, in which the spelling is dread -
their political "dirty work -" always, of \.tit...
course, provide) the R•'furtn party had --- --- _
"dirty work" to dol, or law prestige in Pk. Tx'NAtar, of Luc -knew. who steal
their rank", we would be willing to loose his Last et the late assize' for unlawful
prestige. For we lrelirar the editor .•f voting, is rather given to rh•eleinentada t
a party jeurnel should lead the party, it is mid that stretching his hauls to -
and not be the party's toe!. wards heaven recently. he tragically ez• 1
Personally we have tame respect foe !claimed -"If f was sent to the peni-
oar carter, iv of the. 'lir, but ae do not tentiary anti died there for this nutter,
reapeet his political wriggling'. I would have tt in my last will and tell- t
r tanieut that my remains should be
TAM result f the recent c.o:otest in l•rought in env coffin at the next election. es
ilie4erte\ Markets.
Oouittucif, Xoa. 'l, Ibi2
Wheat. tripringgl a bush ........ l t; M 82
Flour, ;• banal...... _ / :u w on
Weer it dos. tuapaekedt:....... n 17 w la
(mese (.:1117
u • 12
Shorts. A cwt...: ...........:... n IM) a 1 1p
Bran, Y cwt a S0 " 0 a(
l'hop. a evil .. 1 ill 'If
Hide. .., •' 7
Sheepskins.. t0 1 :v
Pea i bush .. 0 H to
Barley. y bush .................. 0 45 N
Potatrws t+ tush .. ............ 0 :e .w
ton ..................... 141
Butter, ! t.....: .... .
.. .. .. O 1.5
Caascetty 1)tvtstor,
Pursuant to an order of the High Court of
Juste-. , l hancery 1)i%ision, made In the mat,
ter of the estate• of Henry Morley. deceased.
and in a cause Morley against Morley.
the ertditors of Iienry Mort.•'. late of
the village of itclgrave, in th- Comae t.f
Huron, who aic•d in or about the• await) of
Mareb, 1.$OL are on or ,before the rete day of
.Sosrmber. LW2, to aciul b}' poet prrl'nld to 11.-
1.. Doyle, of G.aterieh, ihe rdieGur of the
plaiutilL utrah Morlet-. the admiuistratrtx of.
th.• . 't-a.•.ed. their ('hrlstian ani surnames,
addresses and deecrit•..t.o. oke full part len-
Ian of their taint... a ,tatetmod of their
account.. and the nature of the i_curitiee of
ser, held by them. or in default t'.er.•of they
will be peremptorily excluded from the bene•
Et of the said order.
F:ver) creditor heldiug min ...,i,.0 is to
peen the NI be err dna at chambers
---- at the Court Hoose, in the Town of itoderich
Res1Ln.--Mi. It. Hastings has rei.te1
his farm of 1:,0 acres. on the 9th non., to
bis eon. He has taken up hie, reactance
in \W;nghain.
AreteEii,-Mr. James Hau;.;ha who'
met with a sari accident in Jlanitot,.a ne-
cessitating his leg being amputated slx.ve
the knee, is now homer he stool the
journey wt -!,but is onily recovering .liw-
HYMENEAL. -Mr. H. Parker, of Ore-
gon, I . S. ,'came over and succeeded in
persuading Miss L. Taylor to accompany
hire, •'for better or :for worse," .•n his
homeward journey. • They left for their
home in (►.•even "u Monday. Twin
.young gentlemen, of the name of Call-.
well and Jenkins, an•eed to exchange
sisters. The spied parties, with a few of
their relatives, drt+ve to Belgrire last
Thurs-lay nornin,, and there.g i.t a rev-
erned gentleman to draw up the wrirines
for them. They returne.1 to Mr. Jen-
kins' of Bluevale, ter tea, The i:appy
four leave for Michigan genre day tirh
Sotn.--Mr. Min Avery last week sold
a splendid Berkshire hoar to Mr. Jol n
Dixon for the sum of >e
CATTLE, 'ALE.:. -Mr. Win. McQueen
2nd con, Stanley, last Reek solid a two-
year old steer and heifer f r r:, each,
ani a two year old heifer for A:o'0, which
is a very goal sale.
SUDDEN DEATH. --un Tuesday morning
Mr. W. J. Biggins lost his eldest son
aged 13 years, by convulsions, after a
short illness. He was an unusually pro-
mising youth, briny a natural artist of
superior ability, and his parents tanked
forward to a bright future for him. In
their borc'.vement they have the apnea -
thy et their large eir,ae of ac oltuaint-
D&ATH.-Last Week Mrs. S. Blair, sho
resides near Kippers, died atter s short
illness. it wilt be remembered that her
husband, who Iced been (animittetl to the
asylum, trade his escalie. and l•t•ris1tc l in
the woods near St. Thomas. Thts sectu-
ed to have worked on her mind, and
Naught en the illness which causal her
death. Her funeral en Thursday was
very large indeed.
they appeared to Ore of the '• \Will -o -tile- The last set el Ilse Bayham lambs was
wisp or.ler, he avers they vanished and > to burglarize Ford's store at Acacia of
elided him, and thus "took him in. --- 834)0 worth of gt■,ds.
Some pe .p .e dent believe in spirits, tout The trustees of S. S. No. 7 have en- ,
owe(' Mr. A. ft. Cowheri foe the ease- i ~11f•
hey are usually fanatical teetotaller', ing year at salary v(.2.ti3 In Hrovek. on the nth (e tuber. the safe of
We have, "f our own knowledge. kn•,wn Y Mr Chas.
/oke .eta. the aver
lununary' meetings of th.. Bible Ito Hlyth. on the fico alt.. the w;fe of 4r. Ja..
.eople who actftally saw spirits, but the Chi'stuns were held as fellows. Ebel s-' Spsrlinr, els sews
cnndititms were slightly changed from ger on Monday the 74 and Bethel Gee •d
t 1 '1
he Stratf+.rd watchman s version. N'hen iAke shore on allowing teenier'rls'ee " 0Ossefee
five y. Pers. .J. V eek . f
hey 'Pin" It was t •• }tiellartos, atki ! ..esled M
.etc eat Clamart,
sap" on the spirits ; the runt• ranitth• l ntati,•n \:neat wcc•u was it is true, but were ''taken in" he Mr Lan R. tt h been ! '
+ •
, ylw
1• wual.y a Owl T. ft' hf d d 9 were the I Tohey, Io x;sM amp Tay Mr.
1botA of rise To
Minkoka--a majority of 324 for Brttes
the Reform eaN1.1date--will, we suppose,
be taken as another "reduced majority"
by the Mail. The returns fr .rn Mus-
koka don't say ''Mowat 's1 '
You Bette* your life they don t.
that I might poll in my vote against the
(crit candidete !" We would like to in-
form the dooghtydoctorthat it would not
be the tint time a dead mane rote had
been pilled in the Tory interest in West
n seep &a re en spwg- - in Hrns'el oa A
-edeesdav, the TWA 1)ctnber.
the pens.tn who had been observ(ng them ell for /school tertian No. 2 Colborne Atte l7mive. anfawt tthtriel►ter of t.wesso
iand did not "take is the apectat(t -, as I , Ideumillcr; for the ensuing year ` vttttt d tsssaths.
was the ease in the insatiate of the strut- I &moot. Barony. -The following is the
feel night watchman. No, you it.., it is of the hestsenio.r.f d;r;the s;pupilonss inlrgh
quite pspirit' ssihle the watchman saw • or the cif in K. 13,
P 1 firs 1, Colborne, for the month "f (>de.
after all. bee. Fiftb Claes Meet)* Mmith, M2) ;
uAIKENHLAD V.B., (8VCC11r1180R
lf• toewDr. Deems( r of t'sseht e
Mrary cotter
Bf rest, fear door• asst sfC.
\t. A. -Rorer. ettamtn«t
In the ('e•,aty of Huron, on the Itch day of
\ocemb.r, i» t. at tea o'clock in the turn• on.
being the time appointed fur adjudication on
the c;aana.
Dated this l h da,; ut'ck•tnber•' .. P. 1882.
i. MAuuttaurf.
Master at Rnderich.
COCNTVair Hritu, t - liy virtue of a Writ o
TO WIT :of Iler Majeaty'a (•ounttyeCourt of WeedFacieri `th Yount,
of Lambton, and to m.• directed against the
lands and tenements ofJ'.MEs sri(.tc'HA N.
at the su'.t of F I\LA Y McK11IIGN. i ba, c
seized and taken in execution all the nght.
title. interest and equity of relemp'ion of the
above named defendant, in find to Int Gve
hundred and ninety two 1310, situate in the)
comprising a dwelling County
house and ne of quarter
of an acre of land, more or Less, an 1 subject to
a mortgage of three hundred dollars, which
lands and tenements 1 shall offer tor sale, at
my office in the court (louse, in th-• Town of
oar;-. lent, at tn he hour ofttwrh a of dun,e cloof ck.
Shelid's OtHee. Godcrich, , sheriff of Huron
lhrt. 18th, len. L`G1-3nt
Fran 'let, t'om,,, :, . ti 11otel. Brantford
suns: • 1 was troubled with adiatreaslnChead
ache. For four clays I could neither eat no
sheep, and sea, nearly (Larne- ed. i could no
even allow any head to be combs 1. M•- son
went to Tappsescntt's Ling Store ant got ■A n
battle of Egyptian OIL and gave me 1 n
teaspoonful. and also bathed my Lear!. and 1
can honestly say that the effect parses belief.
It cured my headache and gave me. the utmost
comfort in ti -n minutes, and i felt at once n
desire far food. And although this happened
overs week Attu. 1 bane had no return of the
pain. A ten dollar bill is the rale • 1 nut on
that inttle of Egyptian Oil."
D,nrfi..tt ar1t it. - ,?; Cent.: , /;oft'•
11. TAPis'OTT •t t'w.. Sole Proprietor'.
Brantford, Ontario
W. J. C. Nafltel,
861'1 Aeent for Godet lett.
$5 to $20orth Ili
per day at ;,...ie. ftamplc•
BTtainn\ .t' Co.. Portland Maines Address
We eontinne to act an .nl!cttors for patent.
caveats. trade -marks, copyr►ghts, et,for the
nited Suitt*. and to obtain patents i n Canada.
Miami. France. Germany. and all n her conn
tries. Thirty -sly yealrs' practice.
1e tinier. for examiner of models of
drawings. A4. Ice try
I'a'enta obtained th tis are noticed in
the 1* 'fWk• AIA i►>♦t whh•h has Mc
larwest etrcnlatlen, tied is the mast holmiutmal
newspaper of Its bind pnhlitihwd In the world.
TQM'aadvantages of mirk a notice erer retest,*
memo da mit•H.1.04 tins1114 ivlIl innate a year,
and Mat le be the best pap •r devoted
to tease laeeattew, eselwasrtfss
works. as* Mind
hi M smaatrv. tneette
mail. 10 -ewes, Rem b.- nil news -
Ilene tt Co.. ppnMM
i.r• of !aeon -
tide Amenran. Wt. [headway. New \'nek.
iiot dr r..,k *Mor patent. malted -•e.
hanks In the ;white for rpast patronage. and
..11ctt. a eanflnasnre of enat, w•. He can
tilways he toned Ma filbert'', Paler l no r
Poo Olive erteh