HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-03, Page 34.
;‘,:\ .1L. I•i►1DA\ N ) 1l. :S ►.i i:.
---_ h tu ��f I There is no doubt aloof it, that Lr.
'the Poet s ILorner.
11 %ever roes.
it never pa) s
When furtun
The better t/rel
And strike u
trot and strew 1
teems our foe ;
will push ahead
braver blue,
For luck is work.
Aud those who shirk
Sholi2 not lament their dt.om;
liut) ieM the play,
Aud clear the way.
That bell 4,1 man ha•, o root,:
u never pals to foster pride.
And a tuander wealth Io show ;
For friends thus wee are sure
In tiutoa of want and war.
The noble worth.
1 if all the earth
Are gems of heart pnci brain-.
A runsolenee . bear :
A household dear,
And Lands trithut t a stain.
It never )w) s to hate a foe
Or sister to a friend.
To fawn azul whine, tnu.•'t less r.pine, was very fair and reasonable, and as he
To borrow or to loud.
The faulty of sten
• Ant fewer when
(tach rows his own canoe.
Fur friends and debts
And pampered pets
Unbounded miachlef brew.
It Dever pays to wreck the h. al! L
in drudg:"g after gain.
And lie is,t.ld who th'nks that gold money. Nothing could be fairer than
Is cheaply bought with pain. that, so he war well received everywhere,
and went areal with about $300 in his
pocket, leaving his address with every
purchaser, in case he should neglect to
rend the exterminator. Well, in due
course of mail, every farmer received a
neat -looking little package labelled "Bug
Exterminator—certain death—due $1—
none genuine without signature,'' etc.
Upon opening it, the fanner disrovered
two nice, smooth little .square blocks,
containing the following directions on
No. 1: "Place the I,ug on this !dock ;''
and on N. 2 : "Strike the Lu_ t ioleut-
Abent Vats, ly with this block.- The fanners were
- — ready fey hint when the time came for
"You are accused," said the Austin him to return, but I need not say the
Recorder to the culprit, "of having fired time came on alum.
a gUn twice within the city limits, Did
you kill or cripple anybody ?' trlat is Actually lout by racy l'atrwiow
"No, sir."
"It is a very seriuus wetter to fire off. \
rowed lna Jian. cid ring, stud still had b. }f olli 2 G In S. Vaal Krrxw'a 111x!\Cl' (_'t az is the wily
She had slyly titketp his g dd watch and I - known neuro• 1 t - t
elaio, and %% Lett he ft!' f,•r Li, r allot h.. if y
i.•. imianwra
.•u clNau our win or with n wofl tore ewe
y _..._ ulA.tt n.a.lit..t .. t ..:u ,, y
k•a.ey disease.. Aak ))aurdrug:gistjor it.
, (I.,deticho Yat:
fingers clutched an empty locket. tie ;.e wr instead ..f a cloth, time stun
danced around lie • crazy monkey, ble will both It., saved, as there will bel
figuring his notal I ss at $520, but he no hut, and the glass will have a butter
raved ill rail. Tit entertaining girl polish.
who bud permitted hies to "darling" her, A little powdered borax put in the
and who had solemnly informed him that water in which laces, muslin', and lawns
she 1'x}1 never known what love was until are washed will improve their appe.tr-
thea, �}tmid nut be found by the police. auce greatly : use just As little soap as
I. w•ts it backhanded ;use , you possib'e can.
--- Anentnw.•1 merit iswadeofcaulillow-
Tt.e naa Entrrulualsr. er. Cut it in very small bits. and put
I -- —
Ill the ep:iti. of List year a smooth- it ;u a palling dish with layers of btead-
ton;tued, glib-mouthal young can, alto crumbs, use pupt.er and salt and little
had gone through the light ' g tad lumps of butter, as Ise seall.ied oyate •s
i. course. and graduated ill the book agency A cup of rich sweet crests ituprovea the
I business pttsaedthieuglr Washington and duh. \\'lieu ready- for tl.e oven four
the adjoining counties, introducing what enough loot water over it to thoroughly
I he called the "bug exterminator.' Ifo moaten the bread crust:,,, and t,. allow
a little were. Serve hot.
An iugeuiuua way to nuke a fair of
vases appear t.. be larger than they re-
ally art is to tet two block/ of wool,
in site and shale about like a quart -
bowl, leariug a apace large euuugh to set
the rase in and have x little margin;
c.,ver them w'itb plush and put nue at
each tale of the mantle. Curious' rases
of bronze or brass show to good advan-
tage on these little pedestals. The vase
must be large en.iugh t.. give an impres-
sion of strength and safety. A round
piece of plush may be used to cover
thein, laying tt in plaits when it is nc-
W3.4. Duly taking orders for his invention,
he merely required one third ;fifty cotta
and the rest he would collect in the fall
when he passed through. In case the ex-
t:rminator failed to kill every bug upon
which is was tired, according to accom-
t,anyutg directions, he would refund the
A humble lot,
A cosy cut,
Ilavc tempted even kings,
For station high
That wealthy will buy
!insight of content int brir.gn.
It never payat A blunt refrain,
Well worthy ota song;
For agwttady-outh must learn this truth-. .
That nothing pays that's wrong.
The geed and pure
Alone are sure
To Lriug prolonged ,onces :
While what Is right
In heaven's sight
Is always euro to bless.
An attentive reader'of newspapers says
a gun in the city limits and not kill any- OA; Atchison Kan., ( !,•t, t,i,.n, can see
body. Don't you know you are liable to a great deal more than is set down on
be punished very severely for such care the Printed page. For instance, an "ex-
lesaness 1" pression common in these days of nurti-
Yes, your Honour ;but there are nations is, "While a portion of the tick -
souls very mitigating circumstances." et is not r;uch as we should hare nouiin- epective pre, entions. One produced a
"What are they, and how many of. tailor's bill with the retei t attached to
!,ated,' we shall give it our hearty sup- l'
them are there 1"
A pretty hair pin box is made by tak_
ing four of the Japanese fans, which are
about four or Lire inches across. Tie
the handles together close to where they
join the fans. Their handles stake
four lit.le le;a for the boxes to
stand .» t. Catch the fans together with
a few stitches of black thread, and you
have a delicate but very pretty orna-
ment for dressing table.. If you use
fans a trifle larger than those mentioned
here, a antr.11 pasteboard box can be set
within, and so it can be naed to put small
articles of jewelry in.
Bald by J. N ik. u s
Dtaautitul Hair is one of the tut'st strik-
ing and pleasing of charaeteristies and
cau easily he (deemed by the use of the ,
Ciugalesu Ilair Renewer. Sold at Weaning
per bottle by James \\'bogs, 2m:
Pain from indigestion, rlye;ep't:► and $4
too h -arty eating is reli.•t.1 i i t u.ce by
taking...tie of Carter's Litile Liter Pala pi
immediately after 'limier. Don't forget 41
13Peasj ' -� '-t?
eh's 1 — s Pi
A llraele of loaesty.
At a party ()tie evening, several con-
tested the honor of'hayingdune the most
extraordinacj• thing ; a reverend gentle-
man war appointed judge of their re -
"They are cats, your Honour, and art" Thia means that the editor's it,
most bitter enemy, who will give the I "The paha is hie," said one. "I can-
the noire they make I ehuuld,thiuk' printing to the other paler if he can, is not twaat of that, but I have just return -
there were about a thousand of tlieul. � on the ticket, and the editor hopes that I ed to the owners three lead pencils and
They made a worse racket than \\�h I the low down reptile u;ay be beaten out! two umbrellas that wee left at my
Jones and Ireland did when the • lead
y I sight. Ill the case of distinguished or-' house.'
that joint gubcrnaturial diacussien at afore the remark. "The Hon. 31r.
Houston." Blank was attacked with a sudden midis -
"So you are troubled by cats ! position and did not steak" means that
"I'll hear no more," cried the aston-
ished arbitrator. "This is the very
acme of hots i.ty, 11 is en Pct of virtue
"Yes' guar Huouur, they worry Ina 1. the venerable totatesu)at) WR1 fou druRL I which T `.,are never known any one cap -
nearly to death, and I tired at them to hold his.. head u , Tie ubaenatioll able of doing ►,ef„re.. The "prize -
twice. That's how I came to violate the t I
city ordinance.' -
Recorder .brighten' jg ul,, —"Come
here, prisoner, I with to cunsult with
you confidentially. Tel: etc, how ..tsny
did you kiil 1"
means the same thing when applied to "Hold !” cried a third. "I have done
more than that."
"Impossible," cried the whole com-
pany. "Let us hear."
"I having been taking my c.unt7y
paper for twenty years, and have : lways
paid for it in advance."
. He took the prize.
the lights of the American stage. "We
tailed to catch the last words of the
speech" means that eloquence at the
critical period was downed in "budge."
Three with the first barrel and tom';, "\\ a regret we have no space to publish
with the eecund. , the gentleman's eloquent effort in full"
means that, in the editor a opinion, the
"Splendid : Glorious : What sire shut speech would have made a reflective
do you use when you violate the city or mule have his oats, and that it would be
durance by discharging firearn.: within
an outrage to print it. -'\\ a may refer
the city limits ?"
to the aatueas hereafter.' IuCana that the
"'I use duck shot ; it fetches them news paper man feels happy at getting
•very time." out of it this time, and trusts that par -
"I'm glad to hear that. I'ye been us'- dition may seize him if he ever mentions The elan not only stared at her, but
ing a size smaller when I tiulhted the the matter again. In obituary notices rested his mnbrella on his chin an took
city ordinance. Would von object to congestion of the brain," when applied a long look. She was first nervous,
now They Leaked.
CDBS;the Best General Newspaper
rhos Seventy-two Columns of Reading
Matter, and is admitted to be the best author-
ity upon Agricultural and Comrnercal matters
in the Dominion.
Subscribe for 1883 now, and GET
Orders and remittances to he addressed
On the Jefferson avenue line the other
day a man with an amlarella and a wom-
an with a basket were the only occupants
of a car for several blocks.
lending me your gun ?" to a gentleman of easy views with regard
"I will lend it to you with pleasure,"to drinks, means delirium tremens, and
replied the prisoner, •'but your Honour he was his nwti ,worst enemy" means
must remember that you are liable to be that the deceased was a drunkard, and
severely punished if you shoot of a gun the worst enemy of the people who loan -
inside of the city limits and do net kill ed him money. "He had his faults,who
anybody." of us has not l' is an equivoleut expres-
"You can go, but do not let it happen Sion. In regard to performances, dm -
"You can
Siftings, uratic and otherwise, "those who failed
, to be present missed a rip h treat" means
that nobody wan present except the
holders of complimentariea. "Owing to
the inclemency of the weather the Audi-
Palled ker "Darlln..^
e As the train pulled nut of Charleston
I looked around the car and raw that
there were seven of us occupying whole once is not what it would have been,
seats, while the eig'tth was a pert -hook- means that nobody would have there He turned his head and regarded the
ing girl about 1R years old. I think the had the sky been as clear as crystal, and back end of the horse in the light of a
idea with the other sic men was to get the ' neighb orho"d been fanned by spicy
some sort of an excuse to share the breezes.- in the way of dramatic ctit-
yourtg lady's seat. One offered to open icisut, "Mr. 'Montgomery shows same
the window, hut found it open and fell crudity and inexperience, which will
back. A second offered her a hxok, but doubtless disai•pear w it time and study
she had read it. A third handed her a means that M. M. is a hopeless and ir-
newspaper, but she hail the same ils•1e. redeentah!e stick.
The fourth was a drummer fn,m Cincin- - _
nati He pulled his cap down, picked Of all the ills that flesh is heir to kid- every year with Hall's Catarrh Cure, that
the doctors had given up and aid could
mot be cured. i?, cents a bottle. Sold
by George Rh nas, sole agent for G.de-
:'ea It
Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lu nhago,
Backccha, Sorsness of t,19 Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-
ings and STrzii: c, Cdr,:: c,,d
Scalds, General
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Fcct and Ears', cnd all ;fher
Pains and Ache:.
No Preparation on earth equals Sr. J.,mta On,
as • sale, sure, simple and cheap ksten,nl
Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatively
trifling outlay et tie (:.sats. and e,erj one suffer-
ufferIng with pun can hays cheap sad positive proof
of Its claims.
Direction/ in 'neves Languages.
BaINmore, (AS 4,
.enol _ .. -ANAnwwwv
• Mi Extraordinary Offer !
li you are out of employment and
wait to start in a business you can make
from ;`t to $10 a day clear, and take no
i ick u1 loss; we will send r, u , It receipt
.1E411, go, ds that will sell readily in a
few day's for $25, 1f 11 e Agents fails to
sell these goods in four days, they can
return all unsold to us, and we will re-
turn them their sones,, cau anything be
fairer ? \\'e take all riak , f 1, as, and the
Agent gets started in n Lcsine/is that will
Le permanent, anent, and 1 ay fr. in 81.00010
$3,4.100 n year Ladies can do as well as
'sten. We want an Agent in every
c. may.. Full pattictilars fttee. Address,
U. S. 'Manufacturing Co., N.,. 1111 Smith-
field Street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Ll'Nl'li TiiNfit E.
)NGLlrli L'It.1WN
j TItSt:CE,
then vexed, and by-and-by she cried
nut :—
"Why do you stare at tie in this rude
manner ?'
"I am not staring at you to be rude,
madam, but simply to study you."
"Well, I want you to atop it ?"
"Certainly, madam ; but I assure you
that I was regarding you in the light of
a piece of statuary."
' That's all light, air, and I have been
regarding you in the light of a baboon,
but we'll loth quit regarding or one of
us will walk the rest of the way }Ionic"
beautiful landscape, but it didn't seem Io
really satisfy his artistic longings."
A REWARD-- Of one dozen " TIAat:R-
hst four line
rhyme nat' to y'T= aaaAT, ttheaemarkable
little gem for the Teeth Ind Breath. Ask
your druggist for addreas.
Thousands are being cured o: Catarrh
Is a compound of the virtues of terse"
parilla, stillingia. mandrake, yellow
dock, with the iodide of potash and iron,
all powerful blood-maLin , blood -cleans-
ing, and life-sustaining elements. It is
the purest, safest, and most effectual
alterative available to the public. The
sciences of medicine and chemistry have
never produced a remedy so potent to
cure all diseases resulting from impure
blood. It cures Scrofula and all
scrofulous diseases, Erysipelas,
Rose, or SL Anthony's Fire, Pim-
ples and Face -grubs, Pustules,
Blotches, Boils, Tumors, Tetter,
Ilumors, Salt Rheum Scald -bead,
Ring -worm, Ulcers, Sores, Rheu-
matism, Mercurial Disease, Neu.
raigia, Female Weaknesses and
irregularities, JaundiceAffections
of the Liver, Dyspepsia, Emacia-
tion, and General Debility.
By its searching and cleansing finali-
ties it purges out the foul corruptions
which contaminate the blood and cause
derangement and decay. It stimulates
the vital .functions. restores and pre-
serves health,,and infuses new life and
vigor throughout the whole system. No
aufterer from any disease of the blood
need despair who will give Aran's
SAR'+aPARILT.A a fair trial.
It Is folly to experiment with the nu-
merous low-priced mixtures, without
medicinal virtues, offered as bloo'1-puri,
tiers, while disease becomes more firmly
seated. AYER's SARSAPARILLA is a medi-
cine of such concentrated curative power
that it is by far the best, cheapest, and
tnost reliable .hood-pnritier known.
Physicians know its composition, and
prescribe it. It has been widely used for
forty years, and has won the unquali-
fied confidence of millions whom it has
up his grip, and went t.; the dots sad nay disease is the most dutreset coT
banged it as if he had jest entered. sufferers, we can only ser. take Dr.
Then, rushing along the aisle, he uluniF_ ' Bcwg•c s t ,r i rt Crag at 'glee, rad thea
htatn w
relief you cannot find elsewhere.
ed down beside the girl without a word, All 1)t-ugttistS have it. J. \\ is on f ,dr • `�M
etnwed his grip, under his feet. and pull- , rich Y>o: \tver was anch a rash made for .any
ed not a paper and began to real It Ladies who suffer periodically from Drug Store -- is now at Wilson's for a
dse• nI Dr. YAC a'e
she proved to be the most entertaining 'Emmy Crap Tt was never known to
talker mao over listened to She Yd Try it at on*. Your Druggist
keeps it.
tmuliedeverywbent end eMeeerythiga 1 J• Riles Godericb.
and hada laugh to mail m taaa's heart Ifyoa ars desirous to obtain immediate
raid trout any kidnmeeyy tr"uble, and illus
jump As the train tbmsiwud on the pieveest tM "or lte that always M-
drommer wane love, lied richt and left, te.sd the treRlsct ese diatrt+silia etrts-
and .comet: '.n hare made a complete 1 'rats (and who docs not?) why take Drs
was tem minutes before it. said a word u, Mum in the back will find imine dittos
r -
her. bat when the concertation opened lief m a few B • tt1's Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Colds-
il cry for Consumption. Coughs and Colds.
All persona allictedd with Asthma, Brow-
*Litu, Hoarseness, Severe Comehe, er
say &Raglan of t►e Throat and Longs,
esti Rai a Trial Battle of this most reme-
dy rags, by calling at above Lrtgit
Store. (4:
In the present month of October Dr.
tnaah_ She gave him her address, in- S ata Suety s b it wttr Crtg s, nnt'e+.
tlteel him to call, told him all ghost tleis safe, wimple and effectual. Sold by J. Carson's Rtomaeh and Constipation bit -
family and permitted him to call het t Wil"eG'"l°rich. 2m • tee at►nnld he taken In purify the blood
h h 11 thamnnutaeturer and fortify th tri h vers
darling before we reached Savannah. lite
was to see about her baggage there, Ota
while looking for it rhe slipped sway.
When we got to the hotel he suddenly
turned as white es flour She had hor-
Practical and Analytical Chemists,
Lowell, Mass.
Dairryymen, w at , se s stem s inst t o se
of Thatcber'k'Oranga Batter Color do or changes es the of our
Cat adia on and intern ter it in:-
toy ton place itareal merit ,n conspicuous- peon
ly before the people that every butter petiole, Biliousowts. and Sick Headache.
maker in the land shallonce try an.l learn n lame hnttle, a' .e,() Penta Stela 1w all
the value ••1 ,Hese goods amortise
r...yrnellses, - t.:p • ,.,}ogle -- :us'
e^' •v.l.'.theSESTaniG11.aAP,. ' 1.11-
at•, I t cif} world --the SCST tee. t.aa atone
+.at ptww,but 1, Val ,aha ter peg's'tee eta-,
«^e over the moo, rse:003trtet'irt sue
.'vhMn'net• eie aft$ tis Ong APCST b• -
.e it Cos -.t NO r'C11111 trap tnlerwar
1 warty, 11% I ase beta saS dV '.re stork''
two of ane oiler rncxe. 14 elPTi
Ttr Harvaste:ts. $E1 new Ia;.
Mess, Coro -Ritter% ruing's. r�
f rr wawareense sR ti alifil `1
OTetatn R0►ewule ou reek
Irrr I'loI4 (Venous news
goodie nailer We.
UR Hudak:' q!., New York.
C;eyetand. ). ani Cblesso.l't.
::.•i•'trt eons es a co.tternwo.Cle1••
I'. r sale by JAS. WILSON.
nilly 411 s'.1e1..r1t±
And all
pants In Iowa.
N c`.rneka.11 Dona -1. Tt tn, •
oil.-:. t, - h.ttr and
-r 1 • , .• J.:..ph.
.. T. r k.. (' -nl-
t..l•.0 se. tial•
.as, New ]elrylro, Arlmsa. ?.� . I .• +rug
tan.. and T.'4
G I R c, .g. .. c r c
•r cont sled 1/ �Q1\
he the 11.st equipped "w
Railroad tn. the Word f •r a
all classes of travel.
ut u..• Great
Tickets yin this
Celebrated Line r„
rate at •1l °Weer t
the L'. 9. and
•1 you will
Ind a a, ellni •
of a e1.•
Inlnr motion
•1/0.11hater o1
Flee. ,le.etaa : •ay,
err rtt.:erfa 1, aprobr'
T 1 POTTER. Piactralltl�ilts
to ileo Pratt A aew'I Malutlev, 0.4. lease.
c h trap. 111.
I:YIse/e, lllL
J. Srareox,
Canadian Pros. dad,
Tornno, t hit
Christie Brown Si. Co'E
Geo. 11. Jonr.T
Ticket Agent. flodettth.
Pure Spices.
Chas. A. Nairn.
1.1vI:lt1'(OOL, L11NIN)NBEltl;S. u1,AS-
M.4 IL STEAMERS — SEASON fNx,IntermediateCabin. intermedia,Alia Steerage Titkels
Steerage Paasettger, are beaked to Lnnd
Cardiff. Bristol. Qneenetown, 'Wiry:• Br f
Gala sr and (ilessrow. at carne rales as
AILIAs IROIRO"!e1'lfttits
•+IAN _(N'
YAru. •
t'lietl' V LAN NO V. 1s.
For Jeketa and ♦vers information appy
Ticket Agent.
1x11 1n'. unclenchunclenchunclench
Rau Weekly to awl from
Nun YORK Afbt vis ls/'1x,N
Labia Ps a RMwrna.Stintotilt
Pieces 1 l fa Rfp
eed aatolow rattes.
Paaweger coo sennnodat lows naeseelle el .
Abu NT tTawonra .vs MAIN Dteu.
Fhs.ewgr.rs Mtoke4 at lowest rates to or from
0•emMy, Italy, Norway, Sweden. Denmark,
al'. •
hers* of 'roan la Pentland.- nares Flan
II r)P
as., apply to RioN RR(ynr4ERs.
Nrw Vont A s a frock 1w rosy ewA town 7'ertse and
(Mtn MSc F a'tRVO('R Homo, • yetS flyettlaisdfXel -.1. dreim11 11 ter err ft