HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-03, Page 22 Mk. HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 3, 1882. Cl<lHU& AoelpnCT. —As the steam thresher be- longing to Messrs Cunnoly and Slattery ass returning from Goderich usi Tuesday evening, and when it had reached Com nuly's Hill on the 7th con. , by winsome' the horses strayed to the side of the road sud the engine full over Tutu that diti . The young than who wan driving got anus bad bruises but was not seriously jujus, ed. One of the horses was killed and the tngi$e was considerably brukeu up. 8salotta Ace•t•semr.-- An accident of a very serious nature happened at the sy rup works, in thistown, on Tuesday worming. Mr. kl.lmer Andrews wt* engaged to feeding in cane, to the crusher and had on a thick pair of mitts. The mitts imped- ed the movement of his lingers and the hand became entangled in the cane draw- ing the huger* into the rollers. The horse power was at tn:ce thrown out of gear but beton. the machinery could be stop- ped three the huger' of the left hand were soterribly lacerated that aiuputatiun was necessary. The sufferer is doing as well as possibly under the circumstances. — [Record. — — Mlle 8. Morley has fixed a h tot lamas for the wiutr guile oomfurMhde for the oannectiun with this It luny be say that our people have; q mese is Wag .Appalled w tl .sachem NSW. . *bay tbe Ill tbe vilaye a the Dauber of leety, are beiatg ethieated in the private echoed. Where Was She tat Tim Clark, of Brooklyn, once act which he showered the m hu bachelor heart, and the the slump, et a pquud of ak'evety day. (boa mavoinRtha Iced that his Mina samaaska hid fall cad away to* mar, skeletoa,aad immediately be W Pull ted hit boy Bill 1 t . , appear, before the bee. "Didn't I tell you to give that cat a pound of neat every day 1" asked the Colonel. "Yee, sir ; and (hats what I vire him every morning before you are out of bed," said BilL "1 don't believe a word act it. My op- inion is that you either pocket the money or eat the meat yourself. Bring me the scales and :he cat.- The at."The scales and the cat were brought, the latter was placed on the former, and Tom and the marker stopped at the one pound Dark. rhere exclaimed the boy in tri- umph. "Didu't I tell you I gave him a pound of meet this morning 1" "There's the pound of meat, sure enough," said the Colonel, struking his chin "But where is the cat 1" Snmmarhill. Farmers are talking up their ,turnips. Mr. Geo. Hill's little boy had a severe attack of croup but has recovered. Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. John Juhnatc n, of this village, is recovericg from an attaca of diphtheria PIP. As Wray b, a lessons Mel . - A pie as a part of speech is s pronoun, as it stands in the place of • novo, nut • very objective, most always neuter, un- less too old, and agrees with any person who is not sick. They are generally round one way and very fiat the other. When they are cut they assume a triangular shape, until they are eaten, and then we don't know what shale they have. They are abou the only three cornered article of ted we have except beech -nuts. A three -c anereed piece of pie is about as convenient a thing to eat as one ever cloned teeth on, and licked one's lips afterwards. This is sharp and foremost The only trouble is you don't know when to bite it off; for the mouth naturally widens as the wedge goes in. The oom- pesition of pies is dough and something else — what that something else is or should be has never been definitely set- tled. You can nuke them out of most any- thing that grows in the garden, except thistles and burdock& A boy told me that his aunty made • thistle pie, but Quilting bees are coming round again. "Coming events cast their shadows be- 1ure.' • Mr. Henry Bear.ut Lia re -aided his house and has put on a new layer of shingles. These improvements will add much to its appearance and his com- tor The leaves on the trees are turning the bey said a lie one day before, anti 1 brown. Now is the time to gather cannot trust him aince. Leaves and put them away in books to I have seen punkin pies made out .of pick up and burn during the lung winter apples very much. I remember one I saw evenings when the books are• opened at the pictures. ILLNESS. —FOUR' of the children of John Johnston have been ill, the eldest with diphtheria and scarlet fever, the others with the latter disease only. G. John- ston's little daughter also has the latter disease. Some of them are almost well and the others on the road to recovery. Wo hope this malignant disease will not spread further. PEiomoNALe.—Miss Wright, who has been the guest of Mr. and Mot John Wright for a short time, has departed for her home in Montreal. She made many friends while here.—Miss ,Tilly Lovett is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Tyner near Belgrave.—Miss Annie Whitely, formerly of the Huron Road, near Holmesville, but new of Ttlronte, has been paving her old friends in this vicinity a short visit. 3o .srich Township Miss Kattie Connell, .,f the 9th con., is seriously 11 with congestion of the lungs. Mr. Adam Cantelon.has hold a horse t o a gentleman from Exeter fur the rouud sum of $160. Mr. A. Duff, of Hdlmesville. has been engaged as teacher of S. S. No 9, for the it was very nice. 1 tasted the most t f ensuing year, at a salary of $400. I it myself, I know one ooy who was very found of pies: in fact, rather than do without them he would hook them from hismother-in-law, if he had one, but he hadn't. Anyway, he was fond of them; he wag very apt to take a bite out of one if it was in his way. One day C SessertkaR Sed. A g ed mute, e••.xl health, • go ed ouutpanion and a bottle of Hagyard's Tallow Oil aro au,uuq the first requisites for human happiness& Yellow Oil cur..' Iaheuiaatisnt, Sprains, Lameness, Brui- s Burns, Frost Bites, ('tunp, Sure 'lltroat, and all pain and lutautatio.n. J: ♦ rad. If you suffer from ChruuieDisease, and have little faith in advertised remedies and hive sought vainly -for a cure. C.et- sult your dra*gist, or address T. Hil- lmans R (hp., Toronto, for proof lenitive rHv r'dt'ng the morns of Burdock Blued the Great Regulating Blood pu- �tng Tonic. that acts on the liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and skin. 2. once; it was not a very large pie, but it was got up in great style It was made on a white plate with a blue edge. The under crust was trade of dough, and was very thin; the inwards were just lovely. The under crust was made of what .they call mince -meat and sugar spunkled over it. The top or upper crust wac made of dough rope yarn, laid across like the slats of a bed. Oh, it looked lovely! Around the edge was a hoop of dough laid partly over the edge of the plate and about an inch on the fragmentary meet. It was ornamented around the outer part of the hoop with an impression made by pressing it all over with a set of false teeth before it was baked. It was a great appetizer, you better believe ' They sacrificed it at !a tea shrine, and it sold readily at four 1 Dents &triangle, cash on delivery. Werth, of Praise. As a rule we do not recommend Pa- tent Medicines, but when we know of one that is a pub benefactor, and does positively cure, thilh we consider it our duty impart that information to all. Electric Bittern are truly a most valua- ble medicine, and will surely care Bil- iousness, Fever and Ague, Stomach, Liver and Kidney Complaint*, even where all other remedies faiL We know know whereof we speak, and can freely recommend them to all.—Exch. —Sold fifty cents a bottle by J, Wilson. [6] Their are a great many people whe Tike pies but seldom eat them, unites 'tis because they can't get them. I don't think the common apple pie is very hard to make, for I made one once out of cranberries, and all who tasted it said As apples are so scarce pumpkin peals are the latest innovation. H. C. Cook, had one at his place last week. Jas. Graham sold a fine mare fur $199 to an American buyer. "Thos. Trick also sold a mare to the same gentleman for $160. John Nlels:ctc has purchased from Mr. James Perdue a fine mare paying there - 1 there was a pie made on purpose for him for the sum of $160. and put in his way, and he put it out of Wm. Baker of the ltith con., built a his own way and everybody else's. I stack of splendid clover hay of second never liked cayenne pepper since; it's tae growth fur feed last Thursday. There is a scarcity ..f seed in the clover this fall in this section. Le err Au. T Our rig..rous and changable climate, and our mode of life induces frequent colds, that often lead to seat -re Coughs, Broaching and other lung troubles that are liable to end in Consumption. 'Phe best and mord pleasant remedy known for these difficulties is Hagyard's Pecto- ral Balsam, to be obtained of any Drug- gist. 2: Mrs. B. M. Gifford, of Port Rowan, was for many years a sufferer with Liver Complaint, and a serious complication of diseases. In a recent letter 'she says that she has only two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters, and has nearly recovered her health, and authorize• us to use her name in advertising to suffering humani- ty. 2: The Monetary These says: —The Can- adian Pacific Railway is about placing four first-elass steel steamers on tbe upp{eer lakes, and in (x.nnection therewith has secured the service of Mr. Henry Beatty who has severed his oonnection with the North-west. Tranaporation Company. ,Mr. Batt) ns to have full charge of all freight and passenger business of this line. and teres for England shortly for the purpose of obtaining plans and giving the contracts for the im- mediate building of the steamers. Mr. Arthur C.intelon has purchased a driving horse from Mr, Peubt, Marshall, fur the snot of $I:10, and will now be in a petition to take his best girl to all the social parties that may take place this winter. Ealgravt. Very large quantities of grain are beim{ marketed here this fall. Mr. Hamilton, of Whitechurch, offered Mr. James Oweus,$190 for a two-year-old colt, got by Heather Jock. The offer was refused. Mr. Thos. Brandon is back from the North-West. He likes the country so well that he is pine back in the spring. Bears are reported to have been seen in this neighborhood, but as yet no one has got near enough to have a shot. Walter Allison is sending 'this fall • large uumbcr of wagons to Manituba. Wm. Duncan is helping him with the blsckstnith work. It is reported that John Lung has se- cured tht contract ..f carrying the mails from the station to the village 1 tr the next four years. The Presbyterian Caurch, on the 10th con , of Wawanosh, was opened oa Sun- day last. There was a large •tteedance at the Sabbath meetings as wellas.at the teameeting on Monday evening. Mr Role. Sterling, wagon maker, has engal{ed Mr, Ellis for the winter% Mr. Sterling intends to get op a let et wag- gons which he will take e o Winnipeg in the spring. Mr A. H olein has been building a stow fuu.idatiou under his Mmes Whet' the frame came to les let drown it was f..tum.i that a glieht utistalculaDou had sem nude anti the building took a tasaUle .'ter to .reside. $5.00 fixed up the damages. The show flusear was a good one in every respect. 'flee day was fine and ewerytesa; *eat off ale meetly until Oxus sight o'clock w the evening when tetra• d the toastry lads erased a little aloe r>iatime *ilk thew gs.reel rag and profane ,11184 1 W410 ahn McCrea is down front Al looking to he in excellent health. Ylie has cheesed Mi attach that many 01 hum schoolmates waked not reeolrnize him. He has 1 ureheeed a threshing machine from Illwegow. Macpherson & Co.. ('lin ton. which 1M will fake with hem a t! grime warn. Wlotar's Bahama of Wild Cherry. From the Kingston (Ont.! D.sily Whip. This aid mdicine, the ever -effective heal, er of ills that Hush is her to, is still be- fore the public in its full favor. It start ed on its career of mercy Ifor a good medicine is a merciful agent), forty years ago., and is to -day Bought after by the children of the wen who first sought nut its virtue and established its name. Were it not for its merits it would long since have 'died and left no sign,' like many a once popular curative has done even in the last five years. Wiatar's Ralston of Wild Cherry is no artificial, deleterious compound. certain to afford temporary relief only by cutting it. wf� by powerful agents through vitality, yet leaving a worse injury behind it.' It i9 a vegetable, and by natural remedies works off complaints from a slwht cold to a threatening orenumption. 50 cents and $1 a bottle. Sold by dealers generally. W.waa's Tree reread. A friend in need is a friend indeed. This none can deny, especially when as- sistance is rendered when one is sorely afflicted with disease, more particularly 1 those complaints and weaknesses so .'cont- mon to our female population. Every woman should know that Electric Bit- tern are woman's true friend, and will positively restore her to health, Brett when all other remedies fail. A single trial always proves our asscstion. They are pleesant to the taste, and only cost fifty cents a bottle. field by Janine Wil. limn. [21 F. J. l'Leviey A Co., preprieturs Hall's Catarrh Cure. offer $1110 reward for any ease d Catarrh that earl t he cured with Hall s Catarrh Cure. Sold by therms Rhymes, sole agent for I;.tdsrieh. :ten Pn.etam it far and wide that Dr. Vag Bi•ssx's Klnitsr Cuss twit Poly Sass* dwMly relieves .11 kitbag diesasss, hat what 15 more important to the sahwtu- `nate sufferer. will ultimately nen him eferateally. Fold by 3. Wilson. Geri*. Inas. 2m WHEN IT is i'NT)F.R6'Tf W"1' the, moat of the 4t ,e*.r+ of 11- body whether functios.ldvratomeada er .Iestr ,e tier n nlc cl• le th r1ca1 orpos, err povorI meet N tba Menet ear *tarragon er the Haemes. It Is easily open why W er'■ lett tea and Canasta. w teh epeneao the Der on and awfmDation of earl toteeecmthe work rat repair. N enecetndnfy used In the Lrea,n,cnt of the wide range of sfncctinn'. for w1t1.•h n Isew•ommew .w1. the �iewottont of Prrees (wen ttlon from 1m- rIr •sr Navy. Thousutds hoar eitnesx to the posi- tive ccrative powers of the GMAT Gaa- Ma!( Iavtooaams, the only remedy that has proved itself a specific for general debility, .eminsl weakness, impotency, etc., and all diseases that arise from self- abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending in ooitsumpti..n, iusanity and a prema- ture grave Sold by all druggist*, or will be sent free on receipt of $1.00 per boa, or six boxes for $5. Address F. J. Cesxsl-, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for the United States. Send for circular and testimonials of genuine cures. Geo. Rhynes, Goderich. Stu WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. J UST RECEIV 14: I )• AT FERGUSON'S A 11PLENDID A'.I()RTM1o.:NT uN FRESI! G1WCERI!S, SUIT.t4LE FOR THE SEASON. Spec!al Baron. Teas at Yery Low Prices 25c. p it tb atad upwards. If you want a really fine Tea try my 67.:. Young Hysor, it is a splendid article and wort'i more m Indy. I have also jilt opeue 1 out a cont plete assortment of MRS. PINKHAM'SCOMPOUND. HALLS CATARRH CURE. AUGUST FLOWER. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Special agent for VAN BU RED'S KID- NEY CURE. CLNG ALESE. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ELECTRIC BITTERS. SMITH'S GERMAN WORM CANDY. It has become customary fur Govetn- seut °n ails to deny statements appear- ing in Reform papers, and a few days afterwards oonfess that such statmeuts wore correct. Some days ago it was an- snuned, to your readers, in these Notes that the war ship Charykdis wan to be reamed to the Imperial Government at once. As usual the Mittuterial organs contradicted the statement, but nowc.ol- l.y announce that Sir Leopold McClintock, Admiral of the British fleet on the North American and \Vest Indian Station, has received instructions from the Lords of the Admiralty to receive back the Charybdis, which was loaned by the Brit- ish Government for the purposes of • training ship. The Charybdis enterprise has cost the ratepayers of the Dominion about$20,000, which amount might quite as properly have been thrown into the Ottawa River. What a howl would have been set up a a Reform Administration had been guilty if such etuyid folly as that displayed by the present Ministry in reference to the Charybdis. Why go on day Rfterday suffering with splitting headaches when a bottle of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure you If you do not believe it ask your druggist for a circular—and read what those who have used it say about it. Price $1.00. 2m 4 Samson lost his strength with his hair. Thousands of men and women loose their beauty with theirs, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time hy using the famous Cingalese HairRestorer. Sold at 50 cents per bottle by James Wil- son. 2m. A Vexed CMrvssaa. Even the patience of Job would be- come exhausted were he a preacher and endeavoring to interest his •whence while they were keeping up an incessant coughing, making it impossible for him to he heard. Yet, how very easy can all this be avoided by simply using Dr. Ring's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds Trial Bottles elven away at Wilson's drug store '2) McCOUL BROS et— CO' TORONTO_ MANUFACTURER S Corckery & Glassware Including Stone and China Tea Sets, Children'' Toy Tea Setts, Ladies and Gent Fancy Te.► Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and Neer Year's Gifts. Lamps 8c Lamp floods in teat Variety AND .41' VERY LOW PRICES. $600.00 Reward. We will poly the above reward for any cane of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache. Indigestion. Constipation or l.'oativenest we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are stri.tly complied with. They ars purely Vegetable. and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large Bones, containing 1D MA. 23 oents. For sale by all Druggists. Beware of counterfoils and imita- tion. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. WEST A CO.."The Pill Makers, El and 4 King 01. East. Toronto Ont. Free trial package sent by tall prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent stamp. For sale at W IIJS•sw ,1St& *TOSS. Health is Wealth! Call and be Convinced Dir. E. C. W aal& Nam .aim Emalx TilasT- lMCYT, a a s ,eidHyaena.. peer for Hyeria. Diz- ziness, Convulsions. Fits, Nervous Neuralgia. Headache. NelkOue Prostration caused by the use of alcohol er tda.ceo. Wakefulness, Men- tal Deprea Pion, Softening of the Brain, result - Ing In insanity and leading to misery. decay and death. Premature old Age, Barrenness, Lass o(Puwer is either sex. Involuntary Looses and Spernottorrh.ra: caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence. One box -A. ill cure recent case.. Each box con- tains one month's treatment. One dollar& box. or eft bone. for five dollen; sent by mail pre- paid on receip of price_ We guarantee nix tones to carr any cave. With each order re- ceived by us for six boxes, accompanied with five dollar.. we will send the purchaser our wrl-ten guarantee to refund the money if the treaimurt .toes not effect a cure. Guarantees Mooted only by JArVIs WILOOrt able author - hied agent for Oodorich, Ont. JOHN C. WEST S CO., sole proprietors, Toronto, Ont. AG E V 1$ Wance.t. Sig Pay. Light work. Comitant employment 0- Capital regnired, Jetties Lax A Co. M. u- real. Quebec 1762 Gray's Speck Medicine TRADE MARE TUE (:CREAT TRAIN MARK E,mm.IRH lit:- xtOr. Aaun- icing cure or emtnal WEAgr ase. •rmator- r ca. itnpot- ency. and all diseases that follow as ase - i (uence of self, MIR UMW Aeneas M Memooxryy. t'!overeat LSW- tede. lata hi the Back, nimneee of Vision, Premature oM age. and many other discasys that lead to Insanity or eonsnmptinn and a pvemattrre grate. t; .Vnf p.lniculare in our pamphlet, which we desire t0 send free by mail to everyone. The Specific Medicine L sold by all drum/detest it per package. or six pee pt for t,the or pwpill ba es�pdtrfreeinby mall on receiTHE UR AT MEDICINE CO..Toronso.On'. tom skid is eleda iCb by J. Wilson. A CURE GUARANTEED MAGNETIC MEDICINE. l —Ole—' ... LARDINE OIL ND CYLINDER CYLINDER OIL. ^oilcan seat t Feat at the I;Ad muses i bah hsuede L80111/. in the Dominion MANUFACTURERS ml a:1 .n••'i .yenning n.ealso Islpwlby swag our toils our LA IG l 1. DAH 011. has no equal Meader theft wends, and the rebate e•a aa6 oar that the rtrr.Ratwg s.serttws are the. be ler ing,.se naw ale of our. this prices etc., ensag dicatien to ale save IcColl Bros L Co Toronto. The laxdi.e 1r int sale In Godetirh by R. W. Me.+KENElt, G. H. PARSONS, e CkAAR, sed D. K $TRACHAN. WU-s • .) tracer& Ma.etta: ( *Plena ) BRAIN and Nkr,RVL1FOOu. For cow awl waste. ilk and Female. Farsriars Attenatiori Barbed Fence Ware contracted fur n any quantity at very lowest prices SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb gaivauised &iter berg t wistud which cannot soaleoff Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW SIFTS NO WEEDS !IC WASTE LANDS. l- rsal M G Ha PARSONS, CHEAP rfARDWARZ, GODERICH. ur,-. Nervnossras le all its maws, r/lPeerrfat►. etrQJeiws'yy.r.rre, l tdyr Mawmln Week A ,sen.MMah Heusi Parry, ammo strrwyraewn$s;o tii F.ffreafed aiiha*.4*i rr$ePrem is WaM RefOrewnfra fast fele/- stereo Piworisi tof lestereoNwrilsetoff rose nod rigewIn 15e RN. Massa t eirtherstOwt Orgasm With emelt e - g seCgmpq�aled wftb we w send oar W tlth•n (Joel' when��77 . 1r rasa treat metmt eti~at s t It (. the Chespe.s a d yR cine�jjsf emar d• partMttta» in ear pamphlet. wbleh we Astaire f n awl tree te aty address testa + thewsea� rrkte la eslli hy 11rsg- g (at as . r tt..'r rt n. lew wiltete he maattafle+•lfrper nI.x.po •r iSe. nexlaces ptr orf tb. Ries" Ilaf'p�t'a a�rtrgtfiirW1,,1�1/1.1.11r1/Pi a I Fe.. t., Ofteada all la 1 sTeleltbrw>lellMAiO'WIL S anti 11110.1,41 HOOTS AND SHOES At the Oldest Established Shoe Store iu Town, In Endless Variety tc suit the most fastidious and the most economic buyer MY SPRING STOCK G now eomple,.e, and I take pleasure in informing my custoinen that at no 1 r. v Nus time have I had such a Large & Varied Stock As at prese it. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price uuti tt is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear can be got elsewhere. CUSTOM W ORK of every grade still receives toy prompt and careful attention, and will be ma a up in the most approved styles by Bret -class workmen, and .,f the very beat material obtainable. I�I�IPS �D(I Miss, Boots Hol Plated Fite of Cliarg6. .tt time of purchase if so desired. E _ D o 'OCT- N11�T G- SEEGMILLEP. Chilled Plow —AND --- AGRICULTURAL WORKS. Raring pnrehased the Goderich Foundry. am fitting the premises for the ntannfactur ofCHILLED PLOWS and AGRIC LTi' RA IMPLEMENTS on • large scale. Mill Work General Repairing and Jobbing will be con tinned. All work guaranteed. Mr. D. Reinermaa w the oaly man authorize to collect payment* and give receipts on be halt of the late firm of Runctman a Co.. an all persona indebted ars reeueated to gover themselves aceordingb. S. 86EGMILLER, Proprietor. GODERICH BOILER WORKS. Chrystal 85 Black. TOMILL MEN and SALT WELL MEN New BOILERS and SALT PANS manufac tured,on shortest noafce. W. S. Hart & Co. PROPRIETORS OF THE God (LATE PIPER'S.) Beg to return their thanks to the public the liberal patronage received durisg the pas year. and to state they are prepared to d GI- IS't'rII101-! on the shortest notice, or for the convenient of pa -ties living at a distance will enchant/ wrists at their town More Late W. M. Hilliard'',) Masonic block. East Let. Goderich. prTHighest price paid for wheat St Catherine& Nurseries FaTAIIL1RHLD IN 1836. Having fully tested IOORE'S EARLY & BRIGHTO two new grapes. i unhesitatinglyadvise m patrons to plant they you wilnot be d' ippetntcd. M00RE'S EARLY Is the varreariy black grape yet Rr. era In H hsa stood thirty degrees b, 'eve um sea RRIOHTON is • delicious rhe grape, tl All kinds of Revelries executed under the tad .flex Moore's Keely. They ars . bee.•h sed berry, and ger personal supervision of the Prs,rtetots umbo will twat both to *ray address, R receipt of SI. or either (m $1. Agc*b D, W. BEADLE, ST. CArasuasa, on. taus ARS Practical Workmen. P. O. Boz 1(1R 1787 MOIL 11131411111 171 AND SEWING MACHINES. wo he ►itr seoNed tottener, to hg'he amp t to tl/ u..tti, as PIA NO11, ORGANS or SEWING MACH I!PE$ will bed tt tp t eit rift* to call at awe* M a reit oMafflag rip. ����All AssatlN fee ass . tht' J W. WEATHERALD. take MRS. WARNOC itis great pts+aa*r, to asaeasstaF to aa.*•rlta6 sad�f and petrosa q eefas.s ri. �i'trNo 4%. onset Ma ae 'all DR. LUC'rANe8 CIMING & W110Y1T1I FLUID. /tMlWtea► N ed *very tasterit 1w S '�a!� for . est new , It MO color, �µ of war. 1So where else t* Dere e rad warp it ran IBr. bar nee 4,st vac Our have bees yke» a It o. The • Al Shut tf TWO lr nc Au For In Are And 11 tie Or Tut 'I'u Eric t n. It u, In An. iia. Nal It1 tv To isa Recur a gun you ki a gun body, be ptii lesane .yt 801113 them 'STI from there The) June' that Hour „' a.y natal twice city Rt here you did with .e dol dim the • *vet illgt city len, rep mm eev an: I1 th set int ids so yc th bs sh rat T m u! b T est t• w h 5 k a 41 s 1