HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-11-03, Page 1TH1*C1Y•F'1'1It i► •1 Witt L •: N1 M1.IW, :Ary GO . ► h,111dtH. ONT., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, ! 882. McOILLICU DDY EROS. Pt•ai.lsua.s l $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. New Adverttsesetata. Patent --Muth R Ca Btvsyed -Wm. Moi..•. Notice -10 awes Cobble. Hardware -R. W. McKenzie. Mow to Leas -E. N. Lewis. Auction S.ile -Mn. Hibbard. Great Clearing Sale --Jas. Istria. Oolerkh High School -H. 1. Strang. Ayer's Sarsaparilla -R. J. C. Ayer It Cu. Dentistry. lVf NICHOLSON, SURGEON DEN- . 'r l 4 r. Onloe • nd residence. West diesel tireedoirs below Bank of Montreal, Clots deli 1736 EDWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- OEON Bate with Trotter t Caesar. the Mathew Dentists of Toroato.l All operational neatly and carefully performed. Rooms, Coat's Block. over W. Taylor's! Sow's CLIN- TON. sttrPrUents from •d4at•.oe wUl ylesse snake •"pointsent la advawe by Nair 1.16. She People's lolumn. QTRAYED FROM A FIELD ON THE t7 Harm Red, la Oedert b. •bout the flat of October. a white sad rad cow, about five veers old, jest whom to mire. Ary taforma- Lion rsllat to her resewevy will be aftablT reward.. WM. M.LI AY, (lodertch. 1333.! Nthe late George Cabbie, OTICE-ALL AI'f'I'8 C011OWING be - tore time 1st d bar, 1 met De �M t e" thy will be placed la the beads et ;41. lawyer for odleo. tion. FRANCIS CtIsagf.s, Executrix. funis MONeItX o'r�8iat.Wu LOAN Funds.1/tIS Cf6aa Comet it= Amer to IL N. (1 ODIRICH HIGH HCHOOL-TLE NA- next Eatrsao• isnsl.atles will be hold 4. Um CentralA.y.L re w Thursday, tis yeti OM 111.1. at beglantag u 111111aril*m. tesMab tandidatea leer aril*Mind Maatar. sr the Town I•ajs}Mr: sat kM 17th d November.�.�ea0 Mar UMW, .xeept that r Pstosatago sad Waren are added. t his yteaa�r,. however. • paper will be stent mea Drawing. Plat harsher WM tc Smith's n apply to H. I. STRANo, B.A. Mbit NOTICE TO DEBTORS --NOTICE IB here t!va tau 3.R emits assort to the .p.,tig33nea by acts sr best a.s.taat an req to meths tf•mast arse and Sara "swain' rejoined oolrotton i aria bod- es. ABRAHAM SMITH. 1m1 - r OR BALM OR TO RENT -THAT I/,ardtao Some and Post Mat, wiValuable Propetty_kpown th guarterof mo acre of rad, 4. cored Orr solo or to roa* moepkeiV W new eat *sob Sig year. Tho gttoktmor other briar whisk will rim- sll MP stents. Mot wan bait a 1, ea.• IL A dada. • .$.wwr iard ; two good able {{ae���t..edebr.im T!N19t of whisked are desired ..d ttttd well � eg acme Ter �aadR.hardparticularsrs dress Z H A Y N ES, Sbeppardto. P.O. MI - TO THRESHERS -FOR SALE -A lleer-Cess Hairs mad Douse. no arty sW %mead skew Apply at the eseuritlew. to 10071 M M. or the subscriber, JNO. HE - THOROUGH BRED SHEEP --J. 0. STEWART Debs for sale a number of thorough-bred'i.eloeeter and Southdown rams and ewe lambs. Apply to J 0. ST/WART, Con- 10 LM 11. Colborne. 111e1 - HOUSE, AND LOTS NOS. 33 AND 71. entry of victoria sal Lat.terr, ti the town of cogent. tar arm obs.p, 0ewill be apply to Jas, gaunt. zohsaged Orr tars p rierarg.etlod•rs oar Crabb'• Blom. or J. C. Cutting, •notteses. FARM FOR SALE. the west halt of Ise fb lob con. of the to p of Weer W. sat•i•a 100 smear cleared, of whr► N f. M for tb s•p- eer mrem•inder Mgr and osier. Frsse• ham bows lb•d .e.blse ft x 71 sad • geed wag wttteeati mad hosed. sad en The farm err estL Arab es Theses Horne on the presf.ed K to moment Mtytt*AY. 81. Helen, let p0 THE MUSICAL PUBLIC OF 1. 0OD ION. 11 The Sisters of St. Joseph, are now prepared to give lemeas la vocal as well as [narrosn- olmod N e. r particulars apply at the Ooaeel, el - NOTICI TO DEBTORS. -ALL AC - orals d�-vTradeJ. Trsnit be paid st onot1 laird dregouslasna.per anal pm w N cheered on ensue 4'Mue at t to eai log vrag se a sem Steed sear e sand. L. y. �ti thIW. G OOD FARM FOR BALL -BEING i[rubor et lathe t georne tyacres. he '�WIT �..e�ww��esda.Wafer 110 cres.. I6 sow Oaseow uveas Doane anb insurance. JfONEY.-PRIVATE FUNDS TO land on ea. terms In sums to suit bor- rowers. ALVA. may ALAN. Dederick Nov. 17th 11161. 1613.1m. 1500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO t'P °AMMMON, HOLT k CAMKRON, Oode- W. 1716. I75,000 TO LEND ON REAL ES- TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to B. L. YLL Ooderich. 1731 x50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND tiv oo good Darns or Orebctaas Towpp Property t 8 per oent. Aooly to R. RADCLIFFE. 1731 MONEY TO LEND IN ANY amount W suit borrowers ate to K per oat. Private meds. Apply to 8111.4oRit and Mora* Oodoricb. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Toads for inveotme•t u lowest rats on frtai•a Mortgages. Apply to GARROW & PROUDFOOT. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE.- Money to rad at lowest rates. tree of any tecta or charges 88A0811 dt• MORTON. opposite Colborne Hotel. Goderlch, 2Srd Mazola um. ssPER CENT. -THE CANADA Landed Credit Company s lend mono on good Yarm securityapit�tsiixx to Dent. mirticniersoiren upon to HLOH HAMILTON. C. at,Tiw•' ;rlch. 1766. Q�2 rt PRIYA a FUNDS TO LEND �WV on Fair ..nd Town Property at lowest ln- --. Mortgagpurchased. no Commission .larged, es Con Fat. reasoruble. N. B. -Borrowers out obWn money in one day �N. Hirrrters� .. Goode ii b. 1751 & JOHN DRADCLIFFE, FIRE, MARINE, • Lite and Aocident Insurance Agent. R'Drestoting fnsol.a.Cosmp•a4sa. Also agent tor the CANADA LIT. STOCK INSURANCE Co. Mows, te lend on Mortgage, either in Town a /arm Property, 4.aay way to suit the borrow- er. O- op -affair moeCar's blook. Ooderlob. ieaical. R McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC. . IAN. SURORON, tc., Graduate of Ter- mite University. Lioeetiate of the Royal Col- lage of Physicians, London, Enttaad, to., to., 1C 0. P. Ontario. Oar and raddenoe Opaodte BSaim by's Hetet. H•ULonatr' et Good- aDR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- 08ON. Coroner &c. Moe and residence Dram Street, seoond door west of Victoria LT 1751. G. MAOKID, M. D.,rPHYSI- •s, Sumacs sad Aoo ..te, Orsduate of ToMast University. Omoeoppodte Cason "on t Cameron's Beak. Luokaow. 13 not is adtee, esquire at the Bank. 17111-y. URS SHANNON & HAMILTON, Pangaea* at Dr. ib ac's residers. wear W Tali Godertoh. O. C. SHANNON, J. C. Hniss• .0N. 1753. Legal. vp C. H A YES, SOLICITOR £c., • • Oma comer of the square sad West wrest. Ooderteb over Bullet's bookstore. money to lend est lowest rats of Interest. LEWIS & LEWIS, BARRISTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors to `r Office In the Court House. Godarob. ce� d IRA L.wra M.A.. B.C.L. E. N. Lawns SS CARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR T RISTERA, Attorneys, Solicitors, oto Goderioh. J. T. Garrow, W. Proudfoot. 175 L. DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D gAziaritetecriRy, Solicitor in Cb.•eeryi7u QEAGER & MORTON, B A R R I 8- TEPS, &c., tc. Ooderich aid Wiaabss. C. Seeger Jr., Ooderioh. J. A. Mottos, Wrsg ham. 1761. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Barrettes. Solici9odeetet sad Wlxgbbam H. Cly' t, op C.; P. 3.Holt, IL O. Orson. Oodertob- 4 V i i C. OURRIE,THE PROPLE'S AGO • TION8ER ooderlok, O.t. 1713. IN THE HIGH COURT( OF JUS TICE. CHANCiRT M Ti81ON. �� Aoarsdaleel♦ Pwbetts i. f to w eLabrsaa.rr or the maid Court, dad in • cense �et bIa.�mb v3. mrd dart sale Pn1Uo . Ithere K the a will be oared to M8'a 11b tpiyoalilr. Job. C.Qga[(b� <> •t his Ath ye Llfi snobs, 11111. al U Yea ttb Paash qtttpkwdl4t- Tows of h, Wog 3.M Wnli as nese Md a.. w w••se es pari.• a . nosh Noesis • attunes ember Ore a CO. Mb awswbae rimier. Tetra ea est•Zi2 Amet saws - time toHaar irbang do Sem asl tlaewf+ the award,, asps. tl Me.Testy b sun skoala he • 3sstabi es the pre. rt d.p.w� N�tt�s dnegw% r�rbd Osseo es�u�l gurhm=1 eg33 i�.p�dl BOOKEINDINO. --WE HAVE MADE fee tb 3.[r. 1. M este tags s h ids Ur. nA�NU�ra�rwo t *mIiSdose M33y3�� melee Mimeo is M this emir will reeavm Si preens! Mekrsoa. 41st. FPO 1 RELIT. -THAT VERY 000- 1 maim bar suer et Weergr 3 ad �ibs�t., a bo e( r it ewe- wee Pse bI ,�I ��r Iet metalline ants IL 333' �7etw 1pamausor N RI& 0 JN LATE nistae Erse �tMa� . brat � m ed. eryeeper M a mb a wry [sew • Mies rote v7� and ea ere d tsar - m �gir�aweri��s��g if Inlsa K tem aorta Se. agree w Lot n .11M 4 memet tb Iglisll r. =‘).es Araelaiesr 3.N tb em idme..eeso aset f ii other tend!ti.1te retia b. ate et 441.1111 e tr.ara� es• 4.18 eatlses e erloh.gel► Mao at ' 8 AORA & MORTON Narrators hoikerbb 1113114 NEWS ABOUT HOME. "A chief's among ye. takbe notes, Au' faith hell prent it. TOWN TOPW8. J. W. Weatherald employs no agents now, but sells Organs 3.•d Sewing Machines direct from Die shop Save money by buying from him. I now have my next store formerly occupied by Mr. Campbell. tilled with a variety of stoves which I shall sell obeep fur malt. Just received • car load of oil. -0. N. Davis. Over 1000 volumes, entirely assn, Sunday and day school prise hooks and library books, received this week at Imrle's Book Store. Es - Orestes given to school teachers fur libraries. "When the leaves begin to tura, and toe summer days are path Is • good time to tet re . ■f� ra�atradtres.0 ca Inellse way da't rorgor to call •t SaUow'e photo gal- lery. Hell snit you to a dot. Joe Williamson elves the following recipe for oaring a cold. Before ;etlring for tie night, If you are nattering, take a large tumb- ler of "bot Scotch" with • good aro .f brim in It and la tie Ne�r� your throat will b• .. clear as a wheel* 3.Y. L. Hortep, ejN a Bloat, kap the best. �Tharsday Lext will ',e Thanksgiv e • .re please d to see Mr. Andrew .derby looking quite well after his pro- tracted illness. Mr. Thomas Dark met with what might have been • serious accident this week, but u recovering. Mr. John Blake, of South street, is seriously ill. The old gentleman hes been ailing for some tine. It pays to advertise if you advertise wisely. The Signal u the best advertis- ing medium in this section. Mr. Peter McEwen'■ salt block, at Saltford, had a narrow escape from de- struction by fire on Sunday. Interesting information regarding the next entrant examination to Goderich High School tan be seen in our edvertie- ing columns. "Lucy's" Picruaa -The drawing fur the picture of Lucy will be held at the Albion Hotel, on the evening of Thurs- day, Oct. 9tb, Miss Annie Gordon, daughter of Mr. James Gordon, and Miss Jennie Good- ing and little sisters, left for Manitoba on Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Benders; of Lucknow, preached in the North street ]fethotiist cherish on 8.sday Inst His sermon in the evening was a fine ase. We like his per' The rsllsgatere lied a lively time of it on Tomb, craning;. Osies were re- word, sips lmitangrd, sod a variety of other Mid dg*snWtse indslged in by the small fry. RAiL Ear ra SALL-The property known as the leacester estate will b of by rabbis mottos on the 11th of ove.ber, inst., eoameenci.g at 19 o'clock am. Bee adt't for particulars. Let week L. Elliott and A. Ue7s1e1 were made to pay $23.70 oosts and daas- ages, for injury done to sheep by their RMcLean,owner of the Iambs, received $18 as oompesatioo for his loss. Wn snow Basion. - -On Tuesday last three boys were find $1 and Dosta for broking windows in the hoarse occupied by Mrs. M. Macdonald what the sport toot the joung More, rather, their parents. Some of our correspondents have grown rusty during the past few months from inactivity. Stir yourselves, gentle- men, and tet us hear from you as of yore. Begin at onoe, and you will have the thanks of ourselves anour readers. On Thursday, Mr. Harry E.:Johnston received his ostia) sopeintment as Vice-Ooosul at Goieriek front the U. 8 Government, dated Aug: 19th, with a letter eating that the imam had been teoagninsd by the Govern- W M. overn- hmeiwe set of steind glass win- dows for the Sunday sohooi hoose in oon- neotits with 8t. George'. chureh arrived op Thmei. Wit from the factory of Mc- Causland, Toronto Thiry will be fitted in spies by Mr. H. Clem during the ns week Thomas Schofield, aged lit, walked nine mil.seo new hisa�tsritwn to • Aper. It is the gensswl impression R�esust17 editors that Herr are • d/ sabetribees who . waiting MINI ere 91 viers aid to mune and Pr *Cask p.p.r. -rib- Bee Hsllrtnorr ow Fuov>, -We ttnder- shad [bet Kamm end• H.tehi- eon, of the Harbor lint hove made a large sok of 1!,18.00 beer le of lour is the *AWE bow Cloorigisa is deeding Me Gear at the hen sad will she it to Algoma Mitek Mr. Philip Holt, barrister, was mallei sway co Yosda y the d•M1. of his father, W. Holt, era baker, of Barrie, who wee fogad in tempeefeldt Hay. =droned, in a few feet of water. It Iseb es Y the deessnd p.Ywt. W talks ie a it while?akiag th .elk along the ahead. Mr. Jell. Head, hems on Moeda, .1 Net mak from Tot- tenham, whither he had bogs serseit- Nndag the dreg b -meas of his sem der the past two--slh-. The �s�k et air end I.dMiem did not .,em to dtsegrss with him fes my way. Oh Galeria Meade gar glassed to mime him beak. D otr'•Dh to send to tboos y.e From the list of criminal sta Utica for the year ending Sept. 30th, 1882, we learn that only 21 cases were disposed of before the County J udge's criminal court, and 3 before sessions of the peace, which shows a satisfactory falling off on the number tried in previous years. Mr. John H. Hibbard, of Fargo, son of the late Consul Hibbard, is in town, settling up the affairs of the estate. Mrs. Hibbard and .on will leave during the latter part of next week for Chicago, where she will hereafter reside. The friends of Mrs. Hibbard will regret her departure, as she has formed many friendships during her residen;e in our town. On Tuesday next $ 10 o'clo:k an auc- tion sale of hou.ehrd furniture will be held at the late residence of Hon. John Hibbard. The furniture is of good qual- ity, & it to be disposed, of owing to the removal of Mrs. Hibbard from Goderioh to Chicago. Full pertioulars can be seen in the:large advertisement to our fourth e emigrant, tourist„ or trave bound for the productive mines 1t1d !uler- tile prairies of the Great P outhwest u unanimous in selectir;gg the route via Chicago. Implicit Confidence is placed in the Kansas City pioneer line, composed of the C. B. t Q and old Reliable Han- nibal and St. Joseph Railroads. Through fast trains are run by this Line and the equipment to unsurpassed. MIraoD1Sr S. /it Corn.lr rxo N. -The annual Sunday School Cpnvention of the Goderioh District of the r.othodist Church of Canada, will be held in Gori. rich, on Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov, 28th sad 29th, 1882. An excellent pro- gramme has been arranged, and ..me of the subjects are practical and timely. The dosing session will be taken up with a sermon by Rev, Alex. G. Harris, and the Lord's Supper. Rev. John Wakefield, of the North street Methodist church, was one of • the speakers at the recent Methodist itea- meeti at Clinton. The Record takes the following special mention of his speech : Rev. Mr. Wakefield's address was fall at interest and instruction. He briefly zonated the chief events of a few days stay in Belgium, and his short re- cital made many wish that he could have had • much longer time." A Buorrsvr, Paasstrr,-St. George's Cha dt was recently presented by • lady member with two handsome tablets with the ten commandments inscribed there-. on. They each measure six feet bythree feet; they are lett,red in old nglish text, on an illuminated ground of gold, backed by a maroon ground with blue and geld border, and gold stencil nil; the s. I11on on each has a crusade cru pa gold ground. The illuminated work end lettering are by our townsmen, Mr. H, Obese, and are of a highly oreditsble sod truly artistic, character. has. -A portion of the property own ed by the North American Chemical Compuiy, here, was burned early on Sunday morning. The derrick, office, ask, wood sod coal, together with a Urge stock of salt in a large storehouse, were saved. Owing to the unusual delay in getting out the horses, the steam fire entgae did not reach the 6re for a long time, otherwise the damage would have bees much smaller. The lose, apart from the stoppage of, Urinous, is fairly covered by insurance is the North Brit- ish. Cause of fire .nknown. CAaalraawNx.-In it report of the recent sesventiion of the Toronto teach- ers. the Globe thea relies to Miss 8tf.s- tal, w6w► p.eente reside here : Miss I. V. 8trwdbei pve an exposition of her exercise. in erli thenice. having nearly the whole -association for her clams. This afforded infinite amusement to all, and more examine than the majority of than have sees lee a few years Miss Strau- b.' was . very martinet in "one," "two" "three," "four," "as you wen," and the manner is which she called attention to the deioisnoies of her pupils would doubtless be an eloquent reminder of days lore by. "A little straighter, Mr. Marta," brought that gentleman to a sense alio dehnomocks.. k Bwwovann.a laowcrao. - A ems was recently tried at Red Bend. New Jersey, wbioh will be of inessest to bicy- clists. A ye.ng man mounted on • bicy- cle on • country rnad,..aseg r team com- ing, blow his wluetls ed alarm The tease bessims frightesed sod the driver lost all oestrol of these. They ren away smeaWg the carriage and banking the hareem, whereupon the driver brought an action for damages maim* theWay- idiot. The case was seemed .t grist Iesgth sod • verdiet for IS demagog amnia the plaintiff. The ease is to be espied to the Somme Court We do art know whet O.saden Lw is is reforms, to Nish sedge, It may be well however, for our bicediNts to take a note of this ease. --{11.. 3'h It i. Meted that Geldeq, the Omen of the .gunner Osler* sOshslted end ehemsfugf eetngd her. ordered hie' is - der arrest till May arrived et 4*slt St. Marie where lid was pet ashore sed handed over to the poli.* --{Sarno Ob - tierce" The Marna Oti.w'.er atop* : Joss Bits boil, U. 8, Consul at who died en T eddy aorsin g, formerly re. sifted m Pert Melee, whore he Nerved u mayor sed sl .rasa, and war baggy ie- eermied is the limber boniness N. W a boot of warm pons•& friende who will liars wi. regret of his demi* Mins the dash of hie sits William, whish o*ewrrd . few weeks ego, he W gradually bailed. The frmeewl minima were lid is the Pert Bars Comings - Semi .Marsh as Hands .Marson.'sad the initersent took passe at the MI cow tib'/. Foie of the psi b....rs were es - loot were Free Memo and eigbis of Pythias. great RtylslHM d .dimer maradestd their rea- ped for the doomed by attendant* at dusk and • large pr'ne.s.iinn followed mho enemies in the gray. tits George's 14.14. wearers, The handsome little brick structure erected this summer in rear of St. George'', Church, was specially built fur Sunday School purrses. The officers and teachers of St. George's School have shown a good deal of enterprise and en- ergy in pushing the work along, and now purpose celebrating the opening of the edifice by a wand amateur concert on the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 8th. The building will seat but 250 persons, and to avoid an uncomfortable crush the prioe of admission has been placed at 50,:. The friends of the school (who are not a few) will surely not murmur at this, especially In the following bill of fare is presented for the evening : rano to MM3.: PANT 1. Overture. '-The Caliph of Bagdad" Bolldieu Mr. Newman. Sacred Ar[,"0 Rest in the Lord" MendW'",ohn Mn. Toms, Song. "One Hundred FatV ms Deep' x33' F'• a well. ne Coertl05 Sob 1'be I.st Rose of Summer" e, . Mr. F. Bond. ITbalberg ,t. "The Lost Chord" Sullivan Miss 8. Bancroft. Song, "The Skipper and his Boy" Mr. C. Reeves. Chorus, "To Thee, Great Lord" Rossini The Choir. l'A*T 11. Pianoforte Solo, "Alice. where art thou" Archer (Concert Transcription) Mr. Newman. Song, Mrs .aDream" Cowes Vocal leets. "Alto We11^ Mears. Williams and Rothwell. Soni, -Kathie.. M.reueurneen" Crouch Concertina Solo, "ROMs of Scotland" Mr. F. Bond. Song. "The Mid.b(pmlt.e" 8. Adams Mr. Williams. Sons "'ph, 1 have S gbed to Rest me" Verdi Yr... ed. Chorus, "The Stars that above are Shining" Th Choir, teeter Oed :gave the Queen. Coeds:dor Kr. Chas. J. Newman. AossapMrts: lila Price. Yrs Hattie Smith. Thaw will ba as Marvel of ten minutes be twees the part. CBANCHRY DIVISION. .sash Vomit of Asteilkv. This Ooert .vet at Godericb an Man - day Chesmllor Boyd presiding. The members of the B.r of the County wel- comed his Lordship with the following address. To His Lordship the Honorable John Almon - der Boyd. M. A. Chaaoellor of the High Court of Justlw far Ostarle. The members of the County of Huron B.r (within yopreld circuit) dee,n it fit- ting that upon thisyour first official visit, they should expresoin some public man- ner, their pleasure sit your appointment to the high office of Chnnoellor,and their belief that your promotion was not only well merited from the leading position to which you had by your ability and in- dustry attained as Counsel, but was al- so upon *very ground eminently satisfac- tory both to the Bar and the Country. We are familiar with your great abil- ityand success as an advocate and counsel wile at the B.r, and as your promotion finds you still in the prime and viror of life we look forward with peat plower., and with, we are assured, no vain hope to a long and able discharge by you of your highly important judicial duties ; we had the pleasure upon the last simi- lar ooes.ien here of o&ring our otn,grat- olatass to your eminent psedeeessor in office, the present Chief Jambe* of the Court of Appeal, upon his promotion els that office, we now no less heartily oon- gratulate and welcome les. believing that you will prove yourself no unwor- thy suoosssor to that most able and re - eared judge. ■w Lordship made a suit.biereply. The following cases were tried. Bootie" v. 800tmer-Action fur o.n- structice et wilL Decree -lead to be said and after payment or cosh, balance t to lie paid into court, and $100 a year to be paid trot to Mrs. Mace 800tmer hell yearly. M. G. Cameros for plff; Gerrow for deft. Hreshanridge v. Ontario Lean & De- benture Company. -An action for speci- fie perfordnnee of an agreement made by the defendants to convey 3. the plain- tiff a fart in Colboree, and for damages for delay isving poemion to the *lade Jekes rssa3 was given order - lag spathe performance, Ind referring it to the Moder to awes the damage Isshteed by the pplaintid harrow and Sem pl�totiff, McGee, of London, fee dd..ff Matheson v. Barker. - A. action to esumpel the defendant, tiaefrhawon, sol- icitor of £Iaardise, to account to the widow and administrates: of the late A�gen Metbsos, for the price of farm esM y WPhereoo se trusties for Math- eson ; sed the psoome& of which the *Midi slimes the dotesdant McPher- son sew aeoowebd for or paid over. Judgment is *Mire favor for Mc- Pherson to egmset. end reforest* to the Mn/*r le tette the Inseet for Doris ler dshatiant flarker, =omen 1*. d.is dei i ttmerson Weddell v. tlgerlhig.-Anion for no- el massy lensed to the Ann of;;wiefOparling emferth. Donor- ed onneed with meta Gesvow for deft. Welsh v. bwedssd i.. 0o. --Action (� reemery of is.mrka on poverty de royedty ire in Hr.mmels. DDssnmmw.. te be rebore- d. Oerrwsmeren fox deRHowes vpT. obtain pow*- vim of dJudgment Mr deft. r meta '^7 • for pit T'i is closed the teem before the seer. OUR TOWN FATHERS. Report .r rrereedlage at the La.$ Neet- int, (kt. 31. The Council met this evening the May- or in the chair, Present -Reeve, 1st and 2nd Deputy Reeves, and Council- lors Bingham, Butler, Swanson, Sloan, Nicholson and Jordan. The Treasurer's statement was read, showing aneelpis since last meeting $313.9!. xeendlturo $1.906,01. Balance in Bank 8787,11. Referred to Finance comr•.littee, Street tnspectoii report, showing amount of work done during put month,wu referred t0 pal':ic works com- mittee. The r'"port of the sexton showed tho r. ;tuber of interments during the month t• have been 3 infants and 1 adult. A communication was received frons the Directors of Mechanics' Institute for the usual grant of $100 and was re- ferred to Finance committee. A communication from W. H. Skim mings with regard to drain on Stanley -at was referred to Public Works commit- tee. The petition of Mrs. Hadden, for re- mission of balance of taxes for 1881, was granted. The following petitions were referred to the Finance committee : Mrs. Hil- liard, Mrs. Burns, Wm. Henning, for remission of taxes, and John Dunn for reduction of taxes. The petition of Mrs. Mary Ann Ames, for relief, was referred to Relief commit- tee. A number of accounts were referred to Finance committee. • ;UNCI OOMM11Tnt.'s aapoaf. 1. That we have examined the bond given by the collector for $10 000 with the following sureties : Wm. Cox, Thos. Dark, A. McD. Allan, and Semi. Pol- lock, and have examined the same, and authorized the clerk to band the roll to the collator, that he might proceed with the collection of tames. 2. We recom- mend that the following accounts be paid : Wm. Mitchell, relief, $5 ; Henry Cluces, fire dept., 9160 ; John Yule, sundries, $6.00 ; Star, printing, 98.37 ; D. Ferguson, relief, 91.8 Report ad opted. CEMeI'getf oc.artrrUs'c 1LagO.T. 1. That they reoomin.od the pareb from Mr. John Goodall of the fl.lIowi.g tools for use in the Goderich cemetery : Lawn mower, $850' pair of gesss and pprurning,knives$9;fork an4)hos,$1-tout $6160. 2. That we have appwseed W3.. Watt to be caretaker of the nnmot.ry temporarily, and have ndver'tie d for • psrsaneot caretaker, Mr. Watt tun be re- tained at pleasure of the oommitnie, and to relieve the same clary as Mr. Good all ,waived. Moved by Jordan, seconded by Owen - son that the supply oomesittee ptomaine a dark imitate for the night watohmaN. Mowed by Campbell, s.00nded y Bingham', that the cemetery committee have power to repair the ceretahns dwelling at the omeetery. Commit then adjourned. Mama Openfpg M WMteebarea. Whiteeieroh is a rung village on the line of railway midway between Wing tum and Iw, in the township of Kinloss. Our friends of the Methodist Church of Canada have just completed a. neat and substantial brick church, which was dedicated last Sunday by the Rev. John W.kei 3.d of your town. Mr. Wakoaiddreachd morning and evening, and the Rev. G. H. Cornish, of W inghttm, in the afternoon, the build ing being to the doors at each service. •liveliest interest was t ru- ing ; the Rev. Mr. Anderson, Pres- byterian minister, and his people attend- ingthe se.vism.eb entire day. On Mon- day morning at 10 o'clock the Rev. Mr. Andrews of Kincardine preached an ad- mirable mnmon to nta, and guar- dians, whit can hardly fail to bear good fruit in yeses to come. At 12 &dock a sumptuous dinner was provided is the basement of the chureh where turkeys, geese, duoks, fowls, anti almost •vey lanmry were found in rich protusion. Rom 3 &dock till 5 sea. spout to listening to suitable addresses dative. - ed by the Revd. Mora. Wakefield. Cornish, T skey and Headers. At 5 idea the tables were again spread es liberally se over, and petrol [gad by a .uicieot number to 81 the entire bedding to repletion. Addresses and mean were span the order till sass the midnight hoar. Appeop.- spmoh•a were delivered by Rev. pp= '(�•si•y ra farmer parer), Aeanew., Aa denim, (n�� and Wakefield The last gssllsrrsn found that 1960 were yet mammary to Blear off all the ind�•mad earnestly masa- voted to the pmpl. •het it would be aegis' for them to rale the as.wnt thew than at any futon haw sod they'll they had given liberally before. he 'Der s two boon' address Innouno•d amid the joy of the people ltre • deist wee provided for, and that they slag the demister, pia soh was ts�ws�beset* dime of ail the services was men of egM to sl all ir, organised for Need3m, MOW mien .bout thee* weeks ago. The chant is an nrusment to the village and a credit to as society whish erected it , while both paeitr, and people are to be omgreinlMsi os its ereem eful ev.mplo Nam -{CW. Vr ighte not the Credit ♦a1My Irian Tomato to tit Tboma.hsve lumped from tee a het t" 20e .•wt In the *nit of Geo. Rowe" .pin.[ the C.srda Poodle Railway, for ,rsli-iers prnseontto.n A vwrdiet •..a ,.t r r the plaintiff for WAS