HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-27, Page 84 Alf. OtN .4t4ICAti, ItRItAY, OM. 27, L$82.i. DOORS SASHE8, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Interior Finish. SAIRS, HANDRAILS, NEWELS and BALUSTERS 11111 �• Spey klwtd for Price 'Lista. SHINGLES, LATH & LUMBER. Estimates on applies tion. AO -Address FRANCIS SMEETH, Goderich ?el" Albert. Mr. Geo. Y. Graham, son of Mr. Ito• Bert Graham, of Port Albert, is home - paying his parents a visit, with the du* of the fair west still fresh upon his feet. He has been thrugh Illinois, Minnesota, Dakota and Montanay as fares the Rocky Mountains, and he is looking as usual both strong and hearty. Ho intends to return, S/1gTave. Mr. Root. Morrisonhay sold his house and hot for $650. Thomas Brandon has returned from Vie North-West looking well. Taylor & Hele are buying large quan- tities of grain here and are paying good prices. W. J. Miller from the Bruce Mines is spending a few weeks with his old neigh- bors in this vicinity. Oarbraid. .1 NARROW ESCAPE. -While fishing at the pier one day last week our well- known hun's man and antler Mr. Geo. Little met with a peculiar accident. While hauling ftp a large fish the pole snapped, and he was precipitated into the water. He was not much the worse for his ducking. Mr. Duncan Carmichael hes returned from anex'en-;•.e ,:••thr.mrh theStites. He 1,,,,. tv"- NMehtison Mine the pSruperty ueat • i• situated on now atrwt, opposite air. Habkirk% store. There have been a. venni reMN ensign changes iu this village (telling the past few days, Mr. 3. P Brown, carriage '111tlder, hes purehewthe pr,paert Ot r A. Ley, u, Mein street, for . 'i He, carrying, . u the black'sjjhMl��►1,1 business in connection with his curiage business. Atx'iuraer. - A• Misr li,wt:hffe, teacher of this place, has returning fro., Si Helens where she was visiting her pa - routs, the hones got frightened at a cow or the road and upset the buggy over an embankment. Fortunately the yoni g lady escaped unhurt, but her brother who was driving had him ankle sprained. The carriage was broken to pieces. D 3111oy. Mrs. lashem and her nephew W. H. Mc(ltarrie, who had charge of the store and Poet Office for the past year, leave us this week to reside in Saltfurd. Dur- ing theirs stayhere they have won many friends. Their successor will be Mr. Shaw, of Leeburn, an old Dunlop boy. Fleisuan--Threshingisover. Every- one's grain turned out well, except per- haps in spring wheat, which was not a good crop. In the record of the Morrow steamer are 91 bushels of wheat threash- e l in 55 minutes, and 301 bushels in five h ,un and a half. OOP Lsibara- Mr. John McAllister has gore to Mi- chigan. Mr. John Shaw has let the farm for a number of years, and has gone to keep t'ie store and Post Office at Dunlop. 17 or T11zx.-A sow belonging to Mr. Zeollener had 17 young grunt.w. Mr, Zeoilener will not be short of pot': for a time to come. Mr. John G. Clutton has just taken into himself a wife in the person of one of Guelph's fair daughters. The happy affair took place at the Royal City. The young couple will take a trip to Hamil- ton, Galt and other pointe before settling down. The spirit -rappers told the truth a few months ago. $C�110Y. It is expected that the Gerrie brass band will run the skating rink this wister. THE FALL RADA. !posed of IN Twslay'.. Trolling. The fall taces7nit-II the nu the Guderich Driving Par& was held on the race worse on'Itisursday sad Friday last. FIRST DAY. The following entries were made 3-vealoLD i'us,T lid's -T. Tiplirge "Red Cloud," R. Thompson'i "Johne Smoker,' Jas. Badie's "A. M. P," Livingston'. "Lad Maud." 2.37 ThoT -"Ralph B," by Ralph Bev - rill, Loudon ; "Valentine,' Simon Lang- ley, Mougqt Forest ; "Caledonia Chief," by Isaac aollock, Glencoe ; "Ned Han- lau, by T. Daniels, Goderich ; "Sleepy George," by John Knox, Guderich, The following is the if.iit' 11 Is ('OL? A. M. P. .. • • • Red Cloud .. Lady Maud . • • . Johnny smoker... .:1..'..!. 2.37 Tater. Caledonia Chief .............. _.1 1 1 Sleepy George 2 2 3 Italph B. 3 3 2 Rey. J. Hough is laid up in bed kith severe neuralgie of the leg. His ape is convaleeing slowly after the 'typhoid. fever. Our usually peaceful and harmonious Township Council sometimes haves little family trouble among themselves. At a recent meetiug the diacuasion gut so very warm over the avointment of some officers that the Clerk's resignation was said to have been handed in and some tolerably plain English passed between the tsernbers of the Board. We under- stand, however, that they have since fallen upon each ether's necks and wept, and that the Couucil now enjoys its accustouned domestic felicity. A correspondent who has forgot en his own name has sent us a lung dog- gerel "only 4 lilies iu a verse," which hr prefixes with this eloquent appeal "Deer sir pleas tied a space in your valuable paper for the following specimen of poems and oblidge the compeer after sit hours 33 winnites paneful work ..f mind just think of the triable it is in- tended for a ryket vu the howick c'•uneul please print the followinsynot the above. %Ve print the above" and nut the folluw- iug. -[Enterprise. Carlow. Mr. and Mrs. D. McPhee are visiting friends and relations here for the past week. FARM SOLD. -Mr. James Gallagher, of this place, has sold his farm of 100 acres to Mr. Bell, of Ashfield, for 16000. - Mr. S. Ivy of the 7th con., has sold his farm of 100 acres to Mr. Joseph Tewsley. Mr. Ivy, intends starting for Dakota next week. New HOuaa.-Mr. Wm. Tindall, of 8th con„ is building a large brick veneer- ed house, and when finished it will be the finest in the neighborhood. IMPaov*(ENT.-Mr. J. Cunningham is also getting his house veneered. Mr. J. Rnsaell having both contracts. APPLE; Seem. -Messrs Old and Mc- Nair of Goderich and a buyer from Clin- ton are making things warm in the apple line. They are paying from 11.75 to 12 per bbl. Tearben Engaged. Mr. John H. McCasey, formerly of Sonshire, but who has been teaching school near Owen Sound fur the put two years, has been re-engaged u teacher for next year at a salary of 1400. John H. is credited with being azealous and pain., taking teacher. The trustees of school section No. 6, Grey, hare engaged (1. H McRain, of Elms, as the teacher for that section, at a salary of $375. Miss Forest, who has taught the Har- purhey school with much acceptance for the pest year, has been re-engaged fur another term. HvILRrr TEA. Haag. -Mr. Geo. New- ton has been re-engaged to teach in Na li for 11483. Mr. McClinton has been two engaged to trach in No. S. This is his twelfth year in No. 8; and shows how be is Appreciated, Mr. T. W. Sloan been re-on:ryed for next yewin No. at an increased salary. -- /dr. Henry Beadle has sold his intlr- est in the imported .anion "Luck" is Mr. Loess Moore, el Ooderieh town- ship. for MMS Mr. Robert Mlles has tri ht the shop tend lot owned Mr. Jai M aeon. price $425. M r.�rerRts- gp, knees to the Western litotes. &woe sit our ineehanice have been ' pendieilue at the bar instead of the bench ; e Vast week Judging farm ap- pestan, s+ they wonld maks more money On t1,• lie*Oh and hits hettSr health M This Nicholson hu pnrchaasd an m re r land from Mr Duncan Mc , Qhs r r $4 0, %Ve iiuderetand Mr Mc --1110. Mr. C--1AOD- Mr. S, Scarlett bus gtveu the contract to Mr. D. Clark, of Seaforth, for the erection of new buildings to replace those destroyed by tire last week. ALnoer SUTTOCATZD - While William C.M'ipbell and James Braithwaite were cleaning an old well 45 feet deep, on the farm of Michael %Iurdie Jr. of the 7th con. et Mc Killop, they found foul air accumulating in It and had to leave it twice. Shortly afterwards they returned to complete the job and burnt a quantity of strt w in the bottom, but were then unable to work from the smoke snit gas., On Friday last Mr. Campell again oaes- cended and sent np three pails of the cleanings of the well to Braithwaite. Being longer than usual with the next pail tis companion looked down and beheld him with his feet in the pail, hie:head leaning on one side of the well, his eyes staring, and apparently lifeless. Mr. Braithwaite immediately took in the situatinn and ran for assistance. He placed a man at the wiudlase and de- scended the rope and fastened it around tke unconscious Mr. Campbell. when he gave the signal to pull up' A $eafn•th physician wee then sent for and it was fully two and s half hours after his arri- val before Mr. C. returned to conscious- ness It is thought that he put his feet ie the pail when he felt himself coming un- der the influence of the foul air, but was uhable to give theusual signal to pull up, and had it not been for the forethought of his companion, Mr. Braithwaite, in looking down he would doubtless have had to pay the last penalty of nature with his life. s Kew Cosset 11sesverea. Panama, Oct. 17. -Yesterday at 4 a. m. a large part of the tail of a 'great comet was observed over the summit of the Andes. Its great size and silvery brillianc7 presented an imposing sight. The angle it formed with the horizon was more than four degrees. Its azimuth is 25 degrees, breadth movable with 22 degrees, right ascension Iii degrees and declination northward 13 degrees. Its longitude could not be measured. The sky becatue hazy just u the nucleus was being observed. It is entering the constellation Cancer and will very soon be in that of Gemini. When it enters the constellation of Saurus it will appear at midnight. It resembles the comet of 1811. The Bruce .Torg of War.' To the Editor of the Sentinel. DRAM Sti,-In reply to the challenge of A. Currie, Eel., in your last issue, I must first thank the ten constables who so nobly maintained the reputation of Bruce at the tug of war on the 13th Sept. last. Now as Mr. Currie seems to think all the credit is due him though neither captain nor a constable, I will on the terms he mentioned choose ten men for Ole tog next year to draw Captain Currie and his ten outside the ring, and in addi- figs to the prise, since the vitamin xp- t in of the Bruce ti -am wish* to 'take 1. iittle money, let him name the amount and deit it with Chief )Mn/A'immon of the Iweknow Oaiodmdes 8oelety, and 1 will oower.it--Jlvo. M'HA ssv, J r. _ The --- The Clinton correspondent of the Sea. faith Son says : 'Mr. A. H. Manning, tat thin place, �has a length tartieli, in the iMri headed 'Political Moods.' The aetsud et the Metter do apposed to he Zit AMMO at hoedMiikla *neerva- limes, be timakine beim behove that he is very itsplugemilmet in his polities, as he is talked M as the peohable candidate for the fourth Huron, which Mowat is `Ding to create in order to get an extra swan from Huron. in the shape of an independent eepportwr. He has already prole so far as to ask the support of a heeding Conservative hen in the event of his seeking election as en independent candidate." Mr. Lawson (Radial) gave notice that ha would oppose a tots et thanks to thio army in Egypt. SECOND DAY. COUnrry TROT - Knox's " Sleep/ George," A. Smith's "Erin Chief, ' E. Martin's Little Polly, Nicholson's "Little Bonner," Nicholson's horse did not start, OMR TO ALL - "Little Billy," by Isaac Hodgins of Brantford ; "Ralph B.," by Birrell, of London; "Caledonia Chief,' by Isaac Hillock, of Glencoe ; "SleepyGeorge,' by John Knox, God- erieh. The following is the Molt: tor NTT TROs. Sleepy George 1 1 1 Little Polly 3 3 2 Erin Chief r 2 0 A dispute and the changing a of driver threw "Erin Chief" out of his place on the last heat. They bail Dodge near Reser". Mr. Meredith and all hie followers, with uuly one exception, voted with Mr. Moue and all his frllowen in Marsh, 1:$1, oft the boundary question u 6i: - lows : �i "1. That this Houso,[' deeply regrets that notwithstanding WWWie utauimone award made 00 the 3rd of August, 1878, by the arbitrators appointed by tke joint and concurrent action of the Govern- ment of Canada and the Government of Ouiarie, to determine the northerly sad westerly buudaries of this Province, no legialitn in has been submitted by the Government of Canada to the Dominiou Parliament fur the purpose of confirm- ing that award, nor has the validity of the award yet been recognized by the Gave twat etfanada. "tin* t union of the Govern- ment end 'Palhiament of Canada to con- firm Ole 'ward is attended with great inctsiveniente, has the effect of retarding settlement and municipal organization, embarrasses the administration of the laws, and interferes with the preserva- tion of the peace, the maintenance of order, and the establishment of good Government in the northerly and north- westerly parts of the Province of Onta- rio. "3. That it is the duty of the Govern• ment of Ontario to assert and maintain the just claims and rights of the Pro- vince of Ontario as determined by the award of the arbitrators, and this House hereby reaffirms its determination of give iia cordial support to the Government u0 Ontario in any eteps it may be neceaeary to take to sustain the award, and to as- sert and maintain the just claims avid rights of the Province as thereby declar- ed and determined." OPEN TO ALL. Lit'te Hilly 2 1 1 1 ('aledonial Chlet 1 2 2 2 Ralph B. 4 4 3 3 sleepy George 3 3 4 0 levitation of roudoksre. At a i neetin.; of the Alumni of the M ichie in College of Medicine,held at Dr. C. J. L Indy's office, October 20th, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted : Whereas it has pleased Almighty God to remote from among us our friend and former e:asamate, Dr. Chas. Hincks, who departed this life at Goderich, Out., yes- terday, and whcrces we have loat by his death a brother, whose kind, and gentle disposition and manly qualities, won for him our highest admiration and esteem, therefor) Resolved, that while we humbly bow to the Divine will we deeply deplore 'the loss of our former fellow student. Resolved, that by his early demise the profession has been deprived of one who would have been to it both an ornament and an honor. Resolved, that we ten- der to the family of the deceased our deepest sympathies in this the hour of trial. Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be forwarded to the family of the deceased, and that a copy be also furnished to the press for publication. DR. T. KENNING, A. W. Owmmr, M. D ; Com. Dao C. P. FRANK, J By a new' Putt Office regulation weare required with all otitet publisher to stamp every paper that passes threngh the Poet Office, "Prepaid by publisher," using a stamp furnished by the govern- ment. It will cost us twenty-five dollars worth of time every year to do this, and we really cannot see any reason why such a regulation should have been enacted. But we must submit like all other poor publishers.-Wa'.lacoburg Record. Our friend of the Record is away off. All that is necessary to stamp are those going outside of the Dominion, Papers mailed to any part of Canada go free down here and no "prepaid by publish- er" a►,out it. -Ex. Bouc3 MONEY. -On Friday last a stranger made several attempts to pass off a one dollar bill changed to a five by a figure pasted over the "one" in the right hand corner, and succeeded at Inst in shoving it off on S. Palliser & Co., where he made a purchase worth 25cents getting $4.75 in good money. The fraud was of course, not observed until after he had left the store. At ot her places in town where he attempted to make pur- chases, the change in the bill was detect- ed and we area little surprised that no at- tempt was then made to arrest him, par- ticularly as he was astranger. On being informed of the occurrence, Chief of Police Paisley tracked hits to Goderich but did not succeed in arresting him. A description of the man was left with Con- stable Yule, who succeeded in arresting him on Monday, and he wets brought be- fore Mayor Forrester here, on Tuesday, he admitted by guilt/ end was commit to jail to stand ha'Mat , He put in justification that 'It. did not think offence was so serious, end expected the hill to be passed along by whoever might +se taken in with it." He is a lumberer by occupation, a large, strapping fellow, known u " big Archy." He will likely go to penitentiary for the offence. There is also a large number of h.'gus 25 cent pieces in circulation. which can only be detected by close examination. -[New Era. e A couple call}tg themselves Mr, Ha Faucher and sett have eietfrlosed a large number of young woman at Beale and left for Canada. Tley professed to have a contract to supp'y embroidery to a New york firm, anotadverti.ed eaten-' sively for learners,who depaited $S each as security, received a sample upon which to practice, and were to be engaged permanent) at a salary ..f $R per week as soon as they became proficient When the girls appeared for their second lesson the couple were gone. At the meeting of the lir- denian society, held last Fridq Chief G)aegns in the chair, it wasdecided that at all future game• under the auspices of this society, that ilonald Dinnie and Duncan C. Roes ow debarred from competing tilt their disgraceful unseemly conduct at the games nn the grounds ..n the 16th of September. A tote of thanks was passed to Z. W. Johnston for the interest he has taken to forward in every way possible the welfare dike society for the past three years Loans: anb.t3neurance. L(OMiIY.-PRIVATE FUNDS TO .LVL lana oeterm to •nt ae to salt bur- rowers. iLai.McI) ALLAN. t,fuaprlch. NOV. Mk UM. telsl,.L J000,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO P CAMILttON, HOLT & UAleiiWN G e - 1.k. t75,000 TO LEND ON REAL Z S - T4TL. Teras favorable. Apply W E. L. LK 1L1t. Uudarich. 1701 60,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND MONEY TO L N IN A ennead Fars! or Tome58psreoat. Aim& to RADC _17N NY apqunt to sail borrow** at to N per oent. lipoate tueda Apply to 8aaoaa and Mowros. Dederick. MONEY 1O LEND. -A LARGE amount of Private Funds for Investment It lowest rates oa Ar tclusMortgage& App/ to HARROW & PROUDFOOT. LOANS FREE OF CHARGE, - Mooey to lend at lowest rates, tree ot any costa or charges. REACHER * MORTON, opposite Colborne HoteL Ooderich, t3rd March 1881. 177'., tfPER CENT. -THE CANADA Loaded Credit Compaq is prepared to lend money oa��ppd Farm security, at six per Dent. Full ppaart%nlars given upon application to HL'OH HAMILTON. C. L agent, Goderich. 1785. fik20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND en Farts and Town Property at lowest In- terest. Mortgages purchased, no Commission charged. Conveyancing Fees resaunabla. N. H. -Borrowers tart obealn money in ,one des if title is satalsotory.-DAVI130P1 n JOHN 'Tu... R irruters. Re.. Goderich.1731 1. Ft 1.DCLIFFE, BtRE, M1.1ItINE, !.,'e in 1 Accident Insurance Agent. R^preen' lug first -clan Companies. .t Imo agent for the Cavan t LIMB STOOK Ixal-RANCK Ca Money to land on Mortgage, either in Town of Farm Propertv. In any way to suit the borrow- er. Ogles--Iep-sts2M taw's black. lintlericb. A Creat Rellere•er Jsstlsed. . Conservatives anti Conservative news- papers view the "Mackenzie Rebellion" in a totally different light now. Asa apeoi- lnen of their change of heart we give the following from the Kingatun -Veen, a Tcry organ "W iien Mackenzie planed himself at the head of an ill-advised wuvunieut, precipitating civil strife and entailing c$i *tderable loss ..f life. the Province of Upper Comae was ground down by as odious and grasping oligar- chy, known as the Family Compact. They monopolized office, land and in- fluence; made the the courts subservient to their designs; stayed all improvement and the growth of the Province; and opp,eed civil and religious liberty. The people, on the other hand were for- bidden under severe pains and penalties from wetting in public to petition against their grievous wrongs. Mackenzie led the attack upon the hydra of oppr'e*aion and Itwless privilege, and, though he may have exceeded the bounds which we con- fide- justifiable, yet it must never be fer- gotten that he felt the stings of persecu- tion as we never did, and that, though his judgment may have erred, his Rini was the public welfare. We reap now what he sowed, and enjoy the fruits of his labors in the fullest possession of responsible government. If, therefore, we value the privileges of free Hien, we will nurse a feeling of gratitude to the great Reformer, William Lyon Mackenzie." A atuy Ceara". In a letter written to a daily paper the writer draws attention to the fact that many Canadians speak very bad English The Hamilton Spectator makes this let- ter the occasion of a violent attack upon the Minister of Education. Some dull people may wonder how thiscan be done; but to the lucid in'.ellect of the Spectator the whale case 1s clear. No one can deny that most school children outrage the rules of grammar The schools are under Mr. Crooks. What business has he to allow children to speak bad Eng - list? Why doesn't he issue such text books u will remedy the evil ? It is clear he has simply bungled our whole school eyetent, and -like Mr. Mowat must go. We may next expect to hear Mr. Crooks held responsible for the had English of Tory newspapers. His bur- den will then be greater than even he can bear. -Woodstock Sentinel -Renew. A IMAM Elbltea4 Reward. The t.ubli-hers of Rutledge's Monthly offs twelve valuable rewards in their Monthly for November, among which is the fallowing : We will give $20.00 in gold to the per- son telling us which verse in the New Testament Scriptures (not in the New Revision) contains the giesteat number of words by November 10th, 1882. Should two or more correct answers be received, the award will be divided. The money will he forwarded to the winner November 15th, 1882. Persons trying fur the reward must send 20 Dents in silver (tin postage stamps taken) with their answer, for which they will receive the December Monthly, in which the stave and address of the reward and the correct.newer will be published. This may be worth $20.00 to you; cut it out. Address Rvrt.Eoas Pt' BURRING COMPANY, Easton, Penna. Toe Khedive has sent a telegram to the Sultan, begging a continuance of the Sultan's favonrrind protectiou,expressing unalterable devotion and fidelity. Carter's Little Liver Pills will posi- tively curs sick headsche and prevent its return. This is not talk, but truth. One pill a dose.. To be had of all druggists. Ilse edvel'Hshment. J. e'. funnel sate 1.bt. th,•tober 31. --Sale of household furni- ture, at the late residence of Miss Jams Longworth. Sale commences at one o'clock. November 8 --Sale of farm stock. im- plements and ate. , nit Int 11, con.4, Ash field, near Dungannon, commencing at 1 o'clock. - Iovesber 28- Peremptory auction Mk of household furniture eta., to take pdice at the Mart, Crabb's block. fids will com menee at one o'clock sharp. Trsvrlpug *Sirs. DRANO TRUNK a Pamrp's. MI.'S. itis'd. Ooderteh 1.4-.6.4aars 11.1' pen 1lepmL111efs w Pau. aP s Mia'd Hoderteh Ar llTAO* 10i>Mesi 7.I691. Look -now lda^/1 MT. dip 7..�ta. TffPbtcal. R. 31cD ,N.tc::1. GM.D., PHYSIC- . IAN,r:. , St' rc., Graduate of Tor pato University. I.!oyrn.itie of the Royal col- lege of Physicians. Liu•`.... England, ice., Cc.. M. C. P. S., Ontario. 1, 1, a and r adeno opposite Bailey's !CAM, it.milton.1,8.t..'od- srleh. 1; It1-am DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- OLON, °Droller & t Once and residence Bruce S reek, snood apse west of Victoria Street. 1751. Legal. l'. HAI$13, loLli'IIOR &s., Glto timer of the and Nest Street, Godeek► ever Bother bi bifem. Mo nay to lead at lowest rates of Wt 1 EwIa J 41 °ties la ye los Latta 4 W JIAARRUITKR ei - - ' - lie. ,ss►ta••. / 1 ARROW & PROL'DFOOT, BA R `1 Rini Auorer ., Solicitors, etc Goderich. J. T. Garruw, W. Prodfoot. 175 BB�� 1�,DOYLE, HA to ITER AN D llodae�lsi��• Sollellae M (>WerlG foo, `� bA A MOI4TON, B A M_R I S - A7 TL �c ta, 0eaartch and W haat. C. Jr.. (loderiok. J. A. Morton WWI. 1751. CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, 8oliolton la Ckanoery, tc. rindand i1t,�ham. M. C. Cameron. tc�� . oIt M.G. Catnenon, Ooderich. W. Z. Maoatn Wtnaiiam. 1751. Li G. MACKID, M. D., PHYSI- of Toronto University. Officand e Ler, Graduate of7• Dpi. I Casser roe a Cameron's Dank, Laoknuw. U sot in otaue, enquire at the Book. I7RI.y, URS. SHANNON & HAMILTON, Peysicians, Surgeons. Aooesekers. kc. 'moo at Dr. Shaasoe'e remidesoe, sear the *sit. Goderich. 9. C. SUANxoc, J. C. Hawn.- ON. 1761. INSURANCE CARD. BRITISH ASS. CO'Y, TomoxTo-Establisbe 1833 PH ENIX INS. CO'Y, of LONDON' Englund) Established 1731. HARTFORD /NS. COT, of 1IARTYORD. Conn -Easblished 1810. Risks taken In the above ant-class°Mees, st the 'owes* sates by HORACK HORTON. TeuPER. LOAN sis also Appraiser for the CANADA CAND SAVINGS CO'Y Money to Loan og drstclass security-, rose 7 to 8 per Cent,--Qh,rge, moderate. HORACE HORTON. Goderich Sept. 10. Ile. -Banking. BANK Ole MONTREAL. CAPITAL, - • sI0;004869. SURPLUS, - - - - 03,004081. Goderich Branch. D. (JLAN.1 - - - Manager. Allows Interest on deposits. untte,4ette. of credit and circular outer ,arced, payabl in all parts ut the world. 1754. CANADIAN BANK (W COMMERCE Pant ep Capitol, - 96,000,000. Rest, - - 91,400,000. Preridest, llo:: /i'J,f McJI4STICR General Manager, - R'. t.......n..uv Goderich Branch. A. M. ROSS, - - - - MANAI,IR. Interest allowed on deposits. Drafts on a the principal Towne and Cities ts Canada Great Britain and the United States, bough and sold. Advanoesto Farmers on Notes, with one o more endorsers, without mortgage. 1753 Auction Sales. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. Under a power of We contained In a cer- tain mortgage which will be produced at the' te time of es. there will be sold by E. Itopen• berry. auctioneer, at the Huron Hotel. in the village of Zurich. on Saturday, the 4th day of November, at the hour of 11 o'clock noon, the following valuable property, namely : -The south half of lot 13 on the Lake Road, east con- cession of the township of Hay deo 10 acres thereof) which said parcel of land contains e6 acres, more or less. On the said property is situated a large frame house and a small barn: the land is of good quality and is in tine farming oosatry. 'reams: -- Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid to the Vendors Sollcttors at the time of We. twenty per Dent in thirty days thereafter and the balance to be secured by mortgage on the premises within ave years with interest at seven per cent annually. For further particulars and eondlthins ot sale, ap- ply to the Vendor's Solicitors. Rose, Macdonald, Merritt * Coateworth, Vendor's fbucitors. 28 and 30 ToroLtoat. 1800-11. TC. CURRIE, THE PEOPLE'S AUC e . TIONELR Goderieb.Ont. 1701. 100,000 ROLLS WALL PAPER AT WHOLESALE PRICES FROM 5' CTS. PER ROLL, AT JAMES IMRIE'S BOOS STORE. =2rdoes, Firieze e, F`illir�.gsw =orders, Frescoes_ Lastest Dosiglas both is Gold and Plain P..APERS_ THE NEWEST PATTERNS FOR Combination Ceilings. J'A11111�E S I ILt RIE,, SUCCESSOR TO T. J. MOORHOUMi, Z� ortlz. Side Marricet N GODERIOH_