HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-27, Page 7TSE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 47, 1882.
Words of Wtsbom.
Heart work asset WO. J . a.., k
Apology is .Hale, eguti.., w. u.. _sol•
An elft epeakor diger. fngt ,.0 evil
d oar tnsttt !ill went at �1,►i•ortuu ty.
Our 1. mad misery are masted
to owe euwilK4, shod 'seep, r.. dope d up-
on it.
Trust ir.t to the omnipotence .,l 4.,1.1.
sur my auto u,'thou art
What makes people .0 diesoutented
w it+ shale owe hat its IA, is the mistakes'
Adis which they f•..... of the happy 1.4 of
It may ►.e doubted w:.. ther there ever
WWI gee tl,esa oaf olaau.ctur w!kWh haJ ao
been nurtured w the ',ohm,' .4 aJflretion.
Truth is the feud of the Lwow, spirit,
which could nes grow in iw.wjestte ;roe
portions without dearer aril anal a truth-
ful views of G..d and Hie universe.
The casting d.awa•tf u:► own spirits it
true humanityis hut lice throwiul a tail
on the groun, which un altos it te',uud
the hi.rher toward httav ,a.
Lure does not awn simply ..t the cog.
traious �.•d o►
the lig4rvr,i object, It is
Da satisfied witho.0 perfect loyalty of
heart; it aims at its own e mplateueea.
Our fellow-crvMuvs esu only judge of
whet we are from what we dor; but in
the eyes of our Maker what we dos of
no worth exoept es is flows from what
we are.
Poverty is uuoumfortab'e, but nine
times out of ten the best thirag that can
happen to $ young man is to be tossed
overboard and assapelled to sink or swim
for himself.
The little flower that opens in the
meadows lives and dies in a season; but
what agencies have concentrated them-
selves to produce it? So the human soul
lives in the midst of heavenly help.
Hope calculates ita schemes for a long
and glebe life. presses forward to ima-
ginary points of bliss, and grasp at im-
pouaibibties, and -consequently ensnares
men into beggary, ruin and dishonour.
Censure and criticism nerer hurt any-
body. If false, they catui.,t harm you,
unless you are wanting in character; and,
if true, they show • mail his weak point.,
and forewarn him auaiu at f-iilure and
Good done for the Nike of self, the
angels do not call good, because it is done
from self; blit good, done for its own
sake they call good from the Divine
Source, and affirm that this good is what
oonetitntes heaven, because mach good is
the Lord.
• sa&a1 a1 tie tae.
Capt. Harry Piper, Alderman .end
Superintendent of the Zoolcgical Garden
lately communicated the following facts
to a reporter of one of Toronto's moat
influential: "Some time ago we
purchased raroPmertedps collection .4 animals
at (ventral Park, New York. a monstrous I
Russian tear, which we hare named
'Peter the Great,' on account of his tre-
mendous sire. Not long after 'Peter'
arrived we found that he was suffering
from the rheumatism, and in a pretty
bad state. Pete was not the only one is
the 'Zoo, whish had a touch of that de-
licious torture; the lion likewise had it
and in fact I was just being cured of a
bad case of the rheumatism, oyes !thy the
use of 81 Jacobs OiL the Great German
Remedy. I found St. Jacobs Oil an ex-
cellent remedy, for it cured me in s short
while, and my case was a very aggravated
•ane. I argued that if it cured men it
trust be good for animal. as well ;
AT the meeting of the senate of the
University last week the report nn Mar-
mion of the board of arts studies was
taken up. The board recommended that
an alternative be allowed candidates at
marriculation between Marmionand the
Lady of the Lakes, with especial refer-
ence to cantua b, 6. The motion to adopt
the report was lost 10 to 8. This means
that Marmion will remain nn the Uni-
. ',emit), curriculum despite Mr. Crooks'
interdiction of it.
• MHIaba. Wttaeea.
Mr. White, lateproprietor of the Man-
sion Saloon, King Street, Toronto,writes
as follows about Dr. Carson's Stomach
and Constipation Bitters: "I have used
Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters for nearly
two years, and I believe it to be the best
medicine in the world. 1 would not be
without it for anything. 1 have induced
scores of people to try it, and when
taken according to directions, I have
never known it to fail. I call the Bit-
ten, 'The Doctor.' It has certi4ly
been my family doctor ever since 1 rat
used it, end will oontinae to be as log
as it acts the same as:bitbssio. I st
ly advise all my ilfifiellemeiiehe 1>
generally, who _rifler from asp affections
of the Stomach, Bopsb, !Atropos Blond,
such et Dytglpia, Iodi/FeaMlt. Liver
Complaint, headache, Diazines, Cos-
tiveness, Impurities of the Blood, Rhea-
tnsAine , to buy a bottle
of Mrs 77 , 'Ladd"1 am certain that
not one will re;ret having done so. I
do -.sot fnige isan edicise in
ties. erikok*411.1140i ! to Cellabea
Stomach and Constipation tttera'
jottfi ,] J�OF:4 Sold in large
bottles at 504'glilia"t
To Wet ■edteet Prellemeese. sad e11 canoen
el teas.sows.
or Vert e,kvon, a Phop-
d b1 l of Austin, -
M. Di d isstoe, )Iaea, eines Pelsanu-
ary Q neeseptuin, Sick Headache, Nee -
voile AqMsks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
an4 _ of the hennas
IterA Ntlfeefi'
ifee.14.lag 'Ise
Fashions s Fancies.
Black dash* street wear have s splen-
did finish sheik& to ahem of satin.
All weal kers N sowm let out au
various _trades, both light and dark.
Short akin, with light strain, are in-
trudwrd fur favor --s style trot all he -
ug, mrd ells that it her from leeln"
neat. Let es hoope this fashion will 1....
and favor with our aosiety fashionable_.
Tb. Eerie/a oedema' is • beautiful
mode( ; it is cut with • polonaise that is
tight klieg, the beak is shirred over a
tight -fitting liming; the drapery is very
erltstie, sIt800sh this design cru day
c.aits to much that is picturesque.
The " eats no is arrenged with
• gored wanting skirt, tritawed with fan -
plaited goon*_, al restating with gather-
ed rulfea, over w .ah is s tight -fitting
psi; ass overdress with shirred pulite
del -erne on the fides, and extending iu
a Ioug sod gracefully draped polonaise
at the lack.
Jura at present there are a 'limber of
.pleudid b• eaina calmed in dry and fan-
cy g...'4. Haudsunts sittings art mark-
ed at t:5 mute per yard ; these material&
sere udrduosd late leaf spring, and
haulm they are still faahioaabls fur early
fall sear. An • milent quality eau be
had for 75 omits per yard.
The Jessica andel for a fall costume
is singularly eaective and novel in cxm-
stru;tiou; It is composed of • polonaise
draped at the front and sides in pinion,
and is cut off just below the waist at tbs
back, wpporttng upon the barque just
forined, • very bouffant arrangement of
the skirt, which is draped full upon the
foundation of • plain gored skirt.
The "Pilgrimage" dress model Is sure
to be favoured, possessing ai it dose the
distinctive characteristics of style and
simplicity combined. This graceful cos-
tume is composed of • gored skirt and a
polonaise, arranged in a Watteau plait at
the hack. A small shoulder cape gives a
pretty finish to this lovely design--•
heavy sordeliere is knotted loosely around
the waist -a style of dress very appro-
priate for trunding.
The display of rich goods for full dress
has never before been so lavishly elegant
sa now. Gold and silver threads are
liberally employee in giving a dash of
gaiety 4. the various' high-t„neat manufac-
ed textures introduced thus early in the
The "Arietta" suit, simple, and at the
same time stylish and graceful -this cos-
tume is very well adapted to the require-
ments .4 • stoat figure, while net unhe-
anaing to slender forms. The Francine
oustume is essentially novel in design ;
the foundation .f this model is a gored
skirt, rather short; it is mounted upon •
plain, tight -fitting, cuirass baggies, upon
which is arranged gracefully irregular
draperies forming a bow just below the
Embroidery will be extensively used
in adorning all kinds of autumn and win -
garments, both for indoor and outdoor
wear. Beaded garnitures will also be
greatly favored. For early fall, laoe will
hold a conspicuous position in millinery
and neck wear, especially for promenade
toil. te.
Free of Charge.
All persons suffering from Coughs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,Loss of Voice,
or any affection of the Throat and Lungs,
are requested to call at Wilson's Drug
Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Conruroption,
free of charge, which will convince them
of wonderful merits and show what •
regular dollar -size bottle will do. Call
.early. - (3)
In the present month of October Dr.
Carson's Stomach and Constipation bit-
ten should be taken to purify the blood
and fortify the system against the severs
changes of our Canadian winter. 1t im-
proves the circulation and cures Dys-
pepsie, Biliousness, and Sick Headache.
In tare bottles at 50 cents. Sold by all
Dr. J. W. Fairchild .f New York,says:
Personally I believe in Ph•sphatine; I
use it myself and in illy family and prac-
tice I prescribe Ph•.sphatine with a con-
fidence that I can attach to other remedy,
It is safe it is a fectict. For sale by
all druggist. 2113
F.ftaaew for Farmers .ad ■erbatelts.
Thousands of dollars can be saved by
using proper judgment in taking care
of the health of yourself and family. If
you are Bilious, have sallow eeaple=ion,
poor appetite, low and depressed spirits,
and generally debilitated, do not delay a
moment, but go at once and proems •
bottle of thefts wonderful Electric Bit-
ters, which never fail to cure, and that
for the trifling sem of fifty cents. -[Tri-
,--Sold by Jas. Wilson. [1]
■Utas_ Given Away.
Millions of Bottles of Dr. King's New
Diworery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, have been given away u Trial
Bottles of the large size. This enormous
outlay would be disastrous to the pro-
prietors, were it not for the• rare merits
hy this wonderful medicine.
�'IWiLosta d q .tore, and get a
T Its; at ley for yourself.
it nevef'fat core. (5)
• IOW .
w'rILL Deo. 20th, 1880.
Sarre - Manicure Co.. Gents: I am re-
quested by Kiss Sarah Ferdham to in-
form you that your treatment of the
Tape 'Worm has proved a great saooess.
=am .flee aft jrtd taken the
with pi:4 t4 alive Witt
head complete, untag } feet. 18.
mediates reused so pain or amoeba
Tee may rest assured that I will fever
.sass to resoen n.nd your treatment
whenev the pppnrtuniry 0 Yours,
Was. Kaltaue, of South Norwiek,
Por siztese years I ...S..ed fres
say seedielae
is,1h8 sat.. < ) to y Dr
OtlMlit all sseh eel awsatipatios Bit-
ters, while here Mee eee more goal
C111ea•ti -- A
titre. grey
a dew weeks alae.
brittle M James
les $nasi
name won known te
>* Neflrm►br.
Mair *color 'by
0600 roots per
..11mwi etre. 'C111d b
taint a hulas
ONLY Z5 Cis.
Now is the time to Subscribe for •
Widc Awalw Nespapr1
The Huron Signal
Will be scant to any address from now
Till Jan. lst,1884
'lima giving you the balance of 1882 for
Tito Sial aiidlligbo
Till Jan. lst,1884
Subscribe Now 1
Aad get the Wasik of ibis awl
Begs to &rasionw to tyle people of Goderich and this section II usual, that he hit
purchased from Mr. A. Bulky. his stook of (Wearies, its., and will
Dustin she business in the old glad, on the
Corner of 3r oe Streets.
Having bought the goods for cask, and tie I Weed to _sake all my purchases from
wholesale men for cash also, I A he in a position to sell at
Very Low Prices for auk
My stook will always be fresh. I will keep the brut broads olj teas, good suggaars,
and everything in the groOery line frost the beet producers. Bean, Spiced M ata
etc. , alwa on hand in season. I w determined to please, both Iaquality and prime
st the stand, Victoria street opposite the Fair around, near K
8tec machine top.
_ S W T F'T_
Goettfoh, llitarvh a9th, 1882.
Extensive Premises and Sp!endid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
:t good a.sartatest d Ritche. bed-roew,, pienig Room sad Parlor Furniture, such as Ta
hie.. Chainl►mlr s- at
ad wood saedl Cupboards, BedsM
teads. attresses. Wu -,t.
L..•uyfew u. Wehat-. ons, L...king Masses.
V .
ft -A eesepiete aeaortabsat of Comas and Shrouds always on handialso Ho verses for h
at reawaaUe rate
Pieter. /rmatae • svwlalty.--A call solicited. LIM
lfw t. anwwnee to the Public that they have opened 1..1: i tea in the hh.•ve Stroe
.n ti.. %t...e lately occupied by Horace Newt. n. H.% se purchased s lar:. and
• • , "sot .,I stock of i - pone and Sunnier Go4 da at I. 'it figures, we are date .wined
to give tr.e Pohlic the h.. •oyi1.
Ca'- ' ease call and ex tmi•ie our zap is i.fon p ic',R.ii:. elsewhere.
alr•r••• eau.-nil,er the place, neat de •r to J W i o i'• D• n•. Stn o
rlti" u.t work will iemirs, our ape in' a• Inti at.
Air' " i•• but tit- teat .4 mstrri .1 ua.••l :and fist- 'ea, s. Ivo. i eini.1, y .4.
ra`r" e ai mg neatly done on the .1, ;tom no. iee-
.b.March 9.1A82. DOWNING & WE) UP
As a pre tv cur.. for Dysentery, Cho- '
-r. North.: :'tarrhs:x Colic, Cramps,
8'.eerit'a ''tinker a' the firs each
•••1 Bowels, mei 411 fortes of Su um
•'•.ti, .!,rots, :h'•re is no remedy more -e
liable than D... Fowler's Extract of Wild
St.awl•rrev. Dealers who sell it and
th..- vhn h:iv it are on mutual grounds
iu c efioteuox • f its merits 2.
Trate Ie ger Trust.
,ouch cannot be said of the ever
f»•.!lint wi(., and another, ounstautly
ea •Li.ig .uid oaring for her dear ones,
ever ue,Jecting s angle duty in their
!,e'. •'f. -\\•hen they are wailed by dis-
•• s and the .vstem should have a
', •, :!, .•I••ll '4 ,Y, th.. .sto,n.eh and
• • . o'., b!,.•d purifio 1. nn
•.! dao .Nora exterminated, she must
ktn•w •lin' Electro Hit.,... ar•r t'le only
•n,.• ,.....--h. r.:rl •.t t . • herr +rad
ire•+f ..• ;icier, i the went :,, 1 only
C .o.•
41 ty . et.. ' .1' 1, S. \Yi:a.,,. [4]
Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys aa Liver. carrying
off gradually without weakening the system,
all the impurities and foul humors of the
secretions ; at the same time
Acidity of the 8 cnnng •
oneness, 11�� eeyy11qq�a, hes. Ms -
sinew. ]�le�i�rtbnr Constipation.
Dryness of the n, Dropsy. Dim-
ness of Vbfon,Janndice, daft Rheum
Errafpelas, Scrofula. Fluttering of
the Heart, Nervousness and General
Debility all these and many other simi-
lar Complaints yikeld So the hap nee
of BURDOCK' BI,00D inA.ue
Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $L
For sale by all dealers.
T. MILIW I a CW.. Pre reifies,. T.n..W
-Thousands of gra*eS
t :TI
-ktyy robbed
0 ,....,. ir..lntts'n. hwppinoM
n it t,ealth ro,tord
by the use of the great
s..„ • 1. !„a.tt.v,-Iy and permanent y coma Imo
potrery icuused by excesses of any kind 1
1ireses l t#'rsknes''and all diseases that fol-
low as w seotassee o1 Bel! -Abuse. as loss of en-
ergy. 1-tm ..f memory, universal lassttede.
pain in the back, dimness of vision. prase -
tare ell age, sad many other diseases that
lead to insanity or consumption and a prema-
ture •
se_ ala testimonials free hy
mall. The IMTiei*.4T•R 1s sold at Si per
bpz, or siz boxes ter 45 by all druMrGu, or
will be sent free y mail securely se clod, on
receipt oe price. renaming.
F. C MKTDi-untie,
lel nmmit Ht., Tole L.• Ohio
dale Aarbwt for (led,ri1he.
Clrflllt ll oMu, Chole,* Mort**, Dr-
motsr%, CmWtps, Celle, Sia etch -
nese and 8atmmer Complaint ; alis
Cholera /Afartum, and all Com-
plaints p ooliar to chfldrlen teeth-
/ly, and will be found uaily
MetilO►al for adults or ehildren.
The Great Wo.•eri. R-•ilwty mill run
their excursions t.. M 1SI1',)11.X and
DAKOTA ponnta duan•, \f ty mil June
seers two weeks, co nme'wiug T(J1$-
DAY May, 2nd. 1881.
Faree Reduced.
For uforinatioii, tickete, utc., apply t
S,n sial Ageat ()r.• it Western 1La J way
l7 r .ori 1,. Ont .
.1) leri.h. Aprn. l!•. lest 1835.
'I.•.re to acynatnt the ladies of tlorlorlch
vicinity. that she is now showing
Spriu aad Summer Thorp
1t her shop, Hamilton Htreete in groat and
b.wtiful Variety. She has secured tie ser -
vire, ota .-sty milliner. and feela e•.ured that
she can ere
She 'to .es to be favored with a visit from tie
quroos, and the ladies generally.
\IRS. WARNO(;{c.
iw Reeemntended by rivatel•na
Catarrh ��oIifpthM.. N sal C;yvfty -- C ask rid Ulcerative! a
INT(I88All e „snot acts Ie or 'NECTLV soon
the Mond sed Mucous urfaee the
System. i` Is the best food 'urleer
in the WORLD. and is worth ALL
Ott ly chivied fnr 1t, for
THAT &Inns.
t.! iN ?MK MARRRT Aye
$100 "°•tat vIlt tK ' ," $ 100
WRi.WRD. oat, lusreb lett
My 11.Me laeebtse wee w.eh'W wNh
for two yrs end was vary latish bensetasd by
the rasa of •'Mm
atra Cavern Oars' Rha is now
abase send. W. T. 11OUa1.
WRLca'D, O- ns Mareb I°, 18
leaused " Mas Catarrbcts.
n w
are," sod Jodi.
Ina from the good remiss 1 derived from one
hnttle, bellows it will ears the most stu..born
sous eM eaterrb If IIs use be eeestaead for a
r.asoeabis length of Stuns.
W. R. n tlmitme.
WRLLaID out. Parch la, Ma.r. 1. Cwttxev fit Co., Toledo. O.
.losers-4vs sold Mare Catarrb Oen for the
•,a year. sad item* esM,. eattsfsesloa.
Tories trot.
• 1!. W. ROMION. Drawy b
Hall's Catarrh Cure
W by an Wbotss•le sad aoa•11 Draittdats
re MINIMDeplore wawa aaeflt In
i Oants a Dottie. $8.00 a Doc
' dr,", b Thilig l a° Q�i. I a
''.ware M Immo....
1esMd tar nets Oudart, Wadi he
H. W. 1108SON, Welland. Ont.
rime Agent, God etif- h.
T. MILSURN & 00., u •7 l ost•Re tr.e for Hat balance et t I�L
ttgtfit.'r As! at nervi and arts MII Mwwtlr of
Proprietors, Tori em',