HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-27, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY OCT. c7, ►882. z f THE ARE A Reign d Terrc1 in the Town- ship of t[oICillop. wweseeaeae assn.. nos $ 0eeeswl etassisssa Fa' weeks the :•reseee d ilio- Kilop been kept in •otistest dread of the lead. Night after night wake is k nobody twining whose tura seigkt asst. The first fin was that el Mr. tk.v.nlock, and as he wee gentleman .mgarad in extensive badmen treasonous, it wee thought chit he might have have some personal enemy who wee reveagiag himself is this diabolical creamer. The second thaw also occurring ..n Mt. Oovernluck'e fates, oosfirmed the opinion just stated, and • person dressed as a female wee as.. oohing towards Ssaforth by partite roubles to the Ir., bet no notice was takes of the pewits M the his. TWa is eappoesd to have bees the imeendieey who adopted the attire to serape d.ne- tion. A few evenings afterwards a w warring a slouched hat *aped over t4 frame en the Itk eon. eat crated Ms R. $pronate, who was prv.erthlg home, whether ue not "did Mr. Ooveaiook keep a somber of dogs" Mr . & re- plied. "see did not know." The stran- ger than sada the remark, "I didn't make any dilensow" The loan was. perfect drafter and looked as if he would out • throe or burn a bars with. out compunction. Third fire, however, being on the fans tit Mr. John Cannon/ who was not believed to ham an meaty in the whole coalitry, this view of per- unial spite was entirely upset. When the attempt to An the lora of Mr. Chas. Delving, task pi..., and whoa it was heard the he was twice shot at while e.d.averfi g to extinguish the fire set M his Own bars, everybody was drives to their wits end. Y' list could it mean i Whet reason meld any person advnnos as to the cause of the wholesale inoea- dierises t Then came Mr. Samuel Soar - lett'. fin about half pad seven o'clock on a dark night, like all the rest, evi- dently tbi work of an incendiary. While Rami were jest eoesosoaeise Mr. Sc•rlatt's dog penned the perp tretor to the wood• on the back part of the fano, barking all the limn, So intent, however, were all kande lo eztiaqgieh the fire that they did not fellow tb• dog or the wretch might have bee captured. He escaped is the d.rknem and may yet perpetrate another outrage. The lad phase these nefarious proceedings have reached is the posting of notices and the writing of letters, indicating the persons who are to be the next sufferers. John Brown sad George Nesbitt have been .o warned as may be seen by the letters taken from the Rate of Chas. Dulmage, which we give below :- MoKillop, Oct 11, 1884. I suppose you fellows will be thinking this a kit of nonsense, but it is in earn- ed, sore as day. You and John Brown ars bogeying yourselves a little too mach in this Gra atyare. Let me tell you to look to yourselves and keep in inspect. Wet want you to make you, George as - bit, to be our tool as you think yourself pretty smart. We want you to come to terms with us and meet us at Thomas Govenlock's burnt born. on Sunday night next. U not punctual another time will be appointed. Dnlmagge is a sharp case. We are satisfied with him now. Hie and I nearly gave gave up the ghost of a night, but my rubber shirt saved my skin. There are rewards and detectives on the alert ---let them hunt. Then are some aniffeys in that fire com- pany, let them cry fin. To Gloaoa Namur, Lot 28, con. 6, McKillop. Let the tinder have these notes, or suffer for the consequences. Let them be direct. le day mowing sad then returned to their homes. That all these fins are tbs work .J an incendiary cannot be Matted. 1a disease of the Canton fire the fiend was tr.eked through a plowed to the toot of • tree where he palled w 4ly boots. It was observed by the foot Ade is the pig1ed Geld that he hag mottos suck. us hie lest sad the groat too of um of his fast protruded through the sock. He W made good time in mo- nism over tb Geld in quantal, sponging five fest et a time. The monster in tomtits has alio proved himself to be a good marksman, as he sent a bullet whizzing past Dulmags's ear while Dul- mag• was in s stooping position, sad another through the sleeve of hig tiii6 sear the body. Such a .tate of thinp .moot lad leag. People ars driven to the point of dspiation, and if the cul- prit was found oat we would rather be in Amid Pasha's sandals than in the trillion's cotton soaks -{8atortk (inn. T. oversell assasestY rine. The fullowiy .stss have b.oa receiv- al by robin 'meed Ia pester Milds from the :onset iia tee imtamieipelitie• after whisk they am .pined, os beast of the Ryerson Memorial Tend. W. uadast•rd an siert Si to he wands to tardier supplement the amount hew dme Ashiekk CeIhosse (Warn towaihip. W. Wawasosk Sternly .. Stephen Ushorne Hayfield Goderich High School " Model School Unknown «� 2.90 7.10 17.78 276 7.86 8,00 5.10 18i tab 1.00 Total $88.83 2 -:Allf<, Mr. A. K. kaki hi W • •abbary growing on his farm abide w,easew 10e fest la_•Yoatafotesace and about 3 feet in 4isteeteS. Owing te the rsajpMios of Miss WM- n ,s said Mies Matey, t..dors in our e saool, two sew mash.•. are •eked lure OoasLto -At a ymeeting e4 Ib.11►r. ads+on di ewe cis �lsINIet d Ry.` the m• dent, J. Vie.Ft+esident,J. O.mp- baht; S•mdsry-Tv00s ser, A. IL Morris; CloweelUeoi P. Sco�nR Graham, C.R. Ouoper, Veal, 1.8. Soot*; Pews. Y. C. Rogers; Patroness, Mn 1. C. Hagar,, Posit. -A car bud of hr. . was ship- ped Woud•toek on W.4a.si• Sae They were from the Walton chem* � ut 4.75 per hundred live weight. Amass:. -While Basal Hopkins was werkisi g in a barna few milas tram Brus- sels he had the misfortune to fall bask - wards, a distance d eight or tam fest, •si neje ed eta neck and shoulders by gomi.a( in ocsfact with tet Gucr. W are gIsd to know that he is doing a well se mould be exported. Hobert Wilms sad lea Waned, of Braeseltr, ham easrnsnsed busman foe themselves ami shop ar by C�caalar ut *1. w They ere both practical teen and will ao tone work op s Tarp tech Swops tutees -At the *how recently ►•ad i►31•auehi Mr. R. Martin, d Grey, J. I. ssip1itel sold a 1prhy q*k to Mr. Jeer Beaker. et Morris, tor. Mr. Barkerthe amimm1 aleMenitohn Mr. C., E. CoopK Held }jwo -Soothdown rain lambs toparthwis Maermand Tena- bility fee *Wand SD sash connectively. seem Orgies. South Bruce has dose nobly and the Reformers feel genial that with united .tort* they can hold the fort. Kincardine Town thtongh the exer- tions or a few good and tree men has again the privilege of ranking as a Re- form Muatcipallty. The able and logical speech of the Hon. Edward Blake has had quite different wast Haut 1[ai1 antic Will it give him credit! Huron ham added to its laurels, and the taco who have ao dirtgentl looked sties the electors have now removed their reward. Nothing like mark and care. T.eowater has also testified to the work and the teem. 0. Mowat may fed satisfied that his labor has sot been is vain. Kinios, would also show an increased majority but the stupidityor perhaps worse conduct of on. of the Deputy Re- turning Officers, deprives one of the wards of 37 votes,bat it is a lesson that the electors will nit doubt remember and avoid in the future.-{Lucknow Sentinel LC03010W. Mr: W. Connell, wbo has been rusti- cating among the heatherciad hilla of Scotland during the past ooupleof month, returned to the village on Friday last, looking much improved in health. Mr. W. Grsmick and Mrs. R. L. Hun- ter left on Monday last for the North- west, the former going to Winnipeg, while Mn. Hunter joins her husband at Fargo, Dakota. A large crowd of vil- lagers assembled at the station to gee them of Golfs To WtitoaAM.-Mr. F. Rook- lidge, of this village, hag gone to Wing - ham where he has accepted a situation in the Post Office in that town. We are sorry to lose him as he was an obliging young man while he was iu the Lucknow post office. TzwslaL. SLACOHTsE Or C.NaItIIa.- Mr. John Adams, of this place, met with rather • serious loss lately. Jock. who is oonsiderable of a bird fancier -not be- ing troubled with the cares of a wife - generally keeps from ten to fifty canaries. During his •b.ence one day last week, however, a large cat got al the birds and when Jock returned he found the wings, tails and heads of twenty of his pets scat- tered round the floor. To Cada. DtnM.oa, Lot 27, oon. 6, McKillop. You are too much for us that time. W. had it pretty hot for a time. Thank* to my rubber shirt I felt the shot. I wantonto warn the head allows of the Fin Inauranoe Company of McKillop to do quare with these fires that are oc- curring in this locality, or there will be hot tinea y tilmfore very long. We do not want this to be trifled with. We do not scent at rewards or detectives, they are very good in their pais. 1 suppose you are all in a pucker about this thing Ir. will hat you know about it through time. Ws are earthed with the wayit ha ip�.d with you now. Yoe ere alin do:bb wick that woman's word, tb.y are undeieble flet, and will be .000 nplish- •d sure is 'Oa of pans of dgp We will ase fiat that poo do our bot The team lie peneftel le delivering tgi*.-r1a letft the penall? of severe pumirlremt and ilei We will And out. sews., .r iletleller. 1* a. rule we do not r..ummead Pa- tent Medicinal, bet when we keen of one that is a pulite heeefectur, sad does teminrely eons, thou we outsider it our duty impart that informants tae a1L litadrle Meese are scaly • emit vales - bier taedieins, and will surely sore Simons, lever aid Agee, Nausseke Liver and Kidney Covey Imam, even when all other readies fad. W kauw know whereof we speak. and ma hreely reeomfawd .an to all -=see. --bad Afty eget* • bottle by J, Wileoo. [41 • woes. If ynsfruea tADiwae, ro•ie sand have littler is advertised remedies mot hat. esalfbt wilily fur s aura - seit year druggist, or address T. 11111- Ints A Co.. Tomato, for proof positive regM'dWt the merits of Burdock Blood Dsses, the Greet RKabting Blood pa - tet acts os kthe/1551, seesaw, bout and Mom 2. with ge on da after day suffering hessinehes wh• betas et Dr. am '• Phae phtttise will arras you 1 ll pens de act believe it ink yore drama' fur • .ireslsr-sod real what those who have end it sap Most it. Price =1051 La • email rasenasam Irma the p oise ss of Job wueld be swat •akuasied wine he • pee•ob r and . integre. Lis sediesse lirepiaf lip an �t Wee me Wok Ay sies, holt up gmmft Dr. o.v.ey tor Ou�mealwt' given ion'. drug Sets. (2) sbaed. no trait more 'rateable than• dateresinatioo to persevere when the right thing is to be ac enspileheil sedeserensg while they amailheogi to be bawl, iiia New away west lteeiyglepidiniesetein .oseeq. A meeti.g.<. i6. board of Direelors was held in rb grand jury room last Sa- turday. The complaint against Mr. John Salkeld was taken up, riot that gentleman offered the ezpl•natieo as gives is our last issue, namely, that one of W children had assiated in catching the duck, from a flock, and in the hurry of doing so, Mr. Salkeld had not noticed that both were drakes until the judges at the show Balled his atemtio4 to it. J. O. Stewart moved, meonded by S. Andrewt, that the board swept of the explanation given, and suspend the en- forcement of role 6 in this case. John Washington, 'wooded by Hebert Medd, moved in ammendment, that the Board do not 000siderMr. Salkeld's explanation satisfactory, and after • lo.tg diecusu- on the amendment was tarried by 9 to 5. B. Butte showed a two-year-old filly for Which he was awarded first prize, but altariards he entered the same animal with ;nether sad wag about to exhibit them as a team, when the filly being re- cognised he ins ordered to take both from the ring. On motion Rub 6 was ordered to apply in his dee also. The treasurer was instruoted to writo the treasurer of Emit Riding Society and make a demand for the share of the Can- ada Company's annual grant belonging to the Wed Riding Society. The amount of the grant is $60 yearly, and while the South Riding Society hays paid over a proportion of their amount, the East Riding has refused to pay this Society since its - formation in 1875. In the event of their still refusing, the Board will institute legal proceedings in the matter. The date of the Christmas show for tat cattle was feed at Wednesday, De- cember 20th. The board then adjourned. DLMAOLD IIT WIND. -During the wind storm on Friday night last several bans were unroofed in the neighborhood of Loagside. A number of fences were also blown down in the same locality. Over forty feet of a roof belonging to Mr. T. Wraith's barn was blown of and falling in the orchard, destroyed a number of fruit trees. Mr. John Fraser, of lot 28, we 5, shin had the roof of his barn blown offHis fences also suffered by the wind. Amu Bsoanr.-Mr James Adley, of this village met wtth a severe and pain- ful accident one day last week, while digging • well on the farm of Mr. Jams Little, of Kinloss, in company wills his brother Thomas. Mr. Adley was letting his brother down the well what a brake on the windless gays way which caused rho handle to fly round at a rapid tate and striking Adley on timer*, fractured the [member between the elbow and ten wrist. --{Sentinel Mr. Jame gaper Peewee' M.Hillop. ales rewired • koros, *eking hits to meet the writer at)ds(lenigl.'s hotel to let same jobs. hut se he ked no such jobs to let he eoaelesl.d sot to ge, as e• thought that ire nes who *oat the letter ,might wish to sheet tis► while gig through the bush es M* tray to the piece d meeting. A mss asked fat Mr. Reps that monists at the betel, bet in Ihll --1 -'n le woe amt liemtfied. IfIin IfeaMI dY tel go to ike piece d Iteestisis adened bin the letter obeys► best Ifs l isDeesil r shneteea•4 be ge en amain tint his trials woad has • thrido ausd hist et • A *teem said help their upas se that ala hliewisr eosin reseh him unitwvei. So strew* e.o.r but fir. drab, *.s -..i t• have been erode VA! inh hear•., wean r► IP** .baeid nems these en The mean' uo-dant 1tmRi1 rare •'drat etc Moa B. M. Gifford, of Port Rowan, was for many years a sufferer with Liver Complaint, and • serious complication of diseases. In a recent letter she says that she has only two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitten, and has nearly recovered her health and authorizer' us to use her name in advertising to suffering humani- ty. 2: Samson lost his strength with his hair. Thousands of men and women loose their beauty with theirs, and very largo numbers restore the ravages of time by using the famous CingalseUairRestoret. Sold at 50 cents per tattle by Jamas Wil- son. 2m. A Rsw mea -Of cue dome " Takse:s- tav" to any Oita sanding the best four line rhyme on ••1'aaawa*T," the ieaurkable little gem for the Teeth and Breath. Ask your druggist for address. Delays are dangeros, }articularly in Kidney MOWS, as take .t once Dr. VAN hoose'. Kamm Ours and obtain retie( areas all prier nilsnog•. Your druggist keep. it. Jen Wino, Gods- rimL !lo Sesser rase 0.14. A good nous, good health, • good companion and a bottle of Hagyard's Yellow Oil ars .mous; the first requisites for human happiness. Yellow lh1 cares Rheumatism, Sprains, Lameness, Brni- ma, Burn., Fret Bit.. Croup, Sere Throat, and all pain and Bites, 2 RHEUIATISN, . Ix pt01Ria, Vistula, LM14114ei, Ssebttebs, darwi.ss d the Cb.t, bout, Quinsy, Son Three!, Smell ins aid Sprains, ter'nt mei :adds, °snore Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear sad N..d*eb, Frosted Fast and Ears, end a1/ otk.r Aeries Rah Aches. M Pner.tye as soca mugs t JAMS, Ort. a . ay% eM., aa.gae .ad ekes, xat.o,.t lamer. A Sad awns lost M. wmpanttvaly ,,tr.� aetlj .r tie lents, .d .very ono we.F Mc pais .a 1.m Wm& and pada.. ttwe Www08a0 s M.... Lawro.en. GOLD ST ALL DIUOOIBTI AIiD DELLE311 11 11:111110131. A. VOGELEB a CO.. R -'-,-.,Md. tom. /.1. ANCHOR LINE. Pe • Oars DOLLAR TP .e ,s 4 • .. WEEKLY UNE BLUM - TUNA= Allo The Best General Newspaper IN TEEM DOMINION. THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES Contains Seventy-two Columns of Rawlins MNMr, and Is admitted to M tet Rett author- ity upon ASekteltwsl sod Cssi.i.rNol inseam*. - In Ow Nwtlnlse. Ifab. '!be lbGr * Ni 11•11,...1014 off.' aaLA.= or lass *. ,. '- Ogden and remeMmaeus le be add eessd TIE SIE PP= COMM, a L = DOLL Prooleita it far and wide that Dr. Van Boana'a KJ.rrIT Ctrs* not only imme- diately relieves all kidney disseass, but whatianiore important to the .*fortu- nate sufferer, will ultimately curs him effectually. Sold by J. Wilson, Gude- nek 2m -- �••••- • General a.mp.ee. Never was such a tush made fur any Drug Stora as is now at Wilson's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. Kings New Discov- ery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons addicted with Asthma, Bron- chitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or arty affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get s Trial Bottle of this frost reme- dy rear, by calling at above Drug Store. (4), FEZII AI1YALS. CANNED CORN BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN UNITED STATES MAIL STEANIXES Ball Weekly to and from I+isw TORE AND OLA.eow vtl f.O$DOKWRT t,•bin Passage. We toga Returns. SLI0t9 {110. Seoon 1 Cabin, tie. Return Tickets, 513 - Steerage p•eeesg•r• booked at haw rates. Passenger accommodations unexcelk.d. ALL STATLROOMM Ow MAIN DICE. Paaea .r. booked at lowest rates to sr frost Germany. Italy, Norway, Sweden. Denmark, sic. for Book of 'To•1r.1 i Scotlan4.-Rates Plan - c.. apply to 1HENDERSON BROTHERS. New York. Orrto MRS. E. WARNOCK. Hamilton St ,tiortcricb Ewer meanness and de.er.t aeaentr. From Ithiel Pease of forth Sears - moat, Me. It gives me very met pleasure to inferrer you of the benefit re- ceived from the use of Perlman Syrup in my own family. My wife for the pest ten years, has bees In feeble health -y.ry mush debilitated monernlly. Lase spring ahs eonaluded to dry $ bottle of Peruvian Syrup, and was se wall pleas- ed with the meek.entinoed its ere emit three or four bottles had been used, and she is now in better health than at soy time fur ten yeah and has increased in from 110 pound. to 1104. I have perishes*, mrd mud a parer d peewee as Ria�ns�e to the n- ame of buabi rds e( eibro. aid 1 know .he meshed close kaiak fetes the Pers - visa linisp sine bhe met together. Illy miss d the gym" ass trout large sell Meelae4b ammnatrtrl mad de esu halo ` 'w.esir � h Gout k► all dreg d A Mead w easei in tent is • ttiM indeed - Tess This mans .sa gmiw, es odedl ' when as - mistimes wino am le sere* e h d ss7, non 1�� Blame amt weakn.w....*as- iPsgy spoomono i amid blow Mi- nn ar. weatas's true Mood, owl we peolliesig restore her M health, neem Wo the Omelet sad selpill Isisinleepa prime our metes. see lay sons a ire` _OW b ban MOM RI PERCHERON HORSES I14Trtin Rand TIIITsTeding E$TULI$*REIT POTTED TONGUE, BEEF, HAM -.m w*m- W'ORLD. trtisordinary Otter 1 TO.4.0313lt%Za- GOODS UNSOLD k TURN RD. If you amt ovt of employment and eosin to start to s business you can make from p to $10 a day dear, sad take no tisk of kiss, we will Lod you on receipt of 511; duudt temtr'win .ell readily in a few dopester pR L tl a Agents fails t• sell themt geode in four days, tatty can return an onunld to us. sod we win re- turn them their mosey, can anything be fairer f We take all risk of les., and the Ape gets started in a business Oat will be permanent, and pay from $1,000 to 13,000 . year Ladies can de as *.11 as Man. W. want .n Agent ie every county. Full particulars frees Address, U. S. ManufaMariag On., No. 111 Smith- field Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. C IMIQi= I FRESH SALMON AND LOBS f ER. A FINE ASSORTMENT 07 Christie Brown & Co'� BISCUITS AID CAKES, TEAS, SUGARS AN Pure Spioee_ TRY' THEM Chas. A. Nairn. ALLAN LIN E or ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, ISLAS- 00 W. SUMNIBR ARRANGEMENTS Ma IL STEAMERS - RBABO.\' 1RRf Cabin, intermediateaad Steerage Tickets (e LOWmrr uTas. .C.rditft Brteae4 own ybeaked es. 0. d maws? •ad Otarow, at nm. raids u LiverPniAna1104 * , m WWII* Ai�If .... OCT. It. SA eTitlf OCT. 11 oc r. lo 't-4 ',,sirs- .. x x$j. t a x . • Y, ..; <" NOY. Is NOV. f. r! If AN nal ever, tahruusties enols 11. A mitirmotto, Ticket Asset. 1431-3m. Ood rt eb Tk.m.mi..re Wog omor of Gomm lost OI i♦dtfir asiesaathoo. tae/ wary &nu* ad Slam .lgi.tr omil .sea* y� i M seam In Ot*• eflla► 11' VS, to A � a,ea RI.Tr o i'eii.� �M.M-hiimem� tee.ta Mae M THE BEST REMEDY e'en Dion sE tie !butt of Lou. �LadkUseess* of Use nsMe. A T . Onsa.T PIIICr0SAL is such • remedy. 11tino eonshat Mt •eteot the medietnal princi- ple. and curative the finest Tirana of chemically of such mover as to insure Me greatest pont. hie eddsncy, and CT0 ' ') • odes. it at niformity of i alS4Mlae of all 'shimmery illessess. pt relief and cures. andyy� to patients of •4 age or sheat sus. Being very palatable, the (cchildreen take it reedit. In MnIs 1 la4X Cable, . Imo as's Sore tis. oohs., (».kp, a Catarrh, Threat, n'of Armes C m P110e'cant ate loere•1..Oes s ill- nessultitudes ba its and use. ar. mss should be blpt haat"' 10 sud- denfor theand att•alrl. remedy so Loa plops aroIu to try some at the =ay gableret eg syrups. made of chap and inellfecttri ante, now offered, whish, as they con- tain ao curative qualities, can afford only temporary relief, and are sure to =ni the patient. Diseases of the and tinge demand active and effective treatment; and 11 is dangerous ezperimenting with unknown and cheep medicines, from the great liability that thou diseases may, while so trifled with, become deeply seated or locatable. Use Area's CamazT Pwcroa.L, and you may confidently expect the best results. It is of acknowledged curative power, and U as chimp as its careful inspiration and fins lagredisate will aliow. Erma sent physlaatte, knowing Nal composi- tion, prescribe it. The ted of half • century has proven its certatety to euro all pulmonary complain not already beyond the reach of human aid. PREPARED BY 91. I. C. AYER & CO., rv.stt.al ass •amlrttmt a eesirns Lowed, Maas. MILD Mr acre ssseeuve svgaTwastael. y is el of a 1•44 ^L. ` fllfR PM/ ern emisifigEleff svmsetEar t.rr..attfk..wren 41120.4E sousrootivowdsred amt aat ' carat, YLm. v ,tsoswWM--trltipl _ s wms•i•abetferMiiii trlemn.d goe.eeel.5S aims wr'etten nee= l tae OMt*VE4T tlr► worn No w Mia ■mein. eetrfi ea melt.. =era tom frAurltr�rasMtlfse*miM Ilereming r emir Obild g I - • *bore M. Aettwee • •t este .w