HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-27, Page 2iI
OpiaiOne We ilitky of Attention
lam ..sartr Ism rews.e sats ON
A few days eines the editor of Old
Landoll Athenian sent out a circvlat
letter to s n.eabee of owl prosatgeut i.
various ways in the province. The let-
ter asked for a brief reply tlo the three
following questions :
1. Do you approve, on the whole, of
the (gooks Lionise Act, as • measure for
the reR•latiou of the liquor traffic
,'j. Are there any amendments you
would desire toi recomme-id
3. Do you desire to see the issuing of
pmblio lioenses placed in the band* of
the municipal councils 1
So far as yet received, all the answers
are strosgly favorable to the Act. The
fellowiug are fair specimens :—
I. Yes, most decidedly.
2. I think there are some amendments
3. Most decidedly not ; such a change
would be • erne to Ontario.
L 1 do. It ria advance of any legis-
htios of its kind
2. No.
3. In the light of pest experience I
hive ni hesitation is saying it would be
as mmitilwted evil to go back to the old
condition of affairs, nor do I think the
Municipal Council* wish to have any-
thing more to do with them.
are. w. A. Y'XAT, wooD mote.
1 I have no hesitation in saying that
the Crooks Act is the best measure we
have the fax secured for the regulation
.4 the liquor traffic.
2. I would like to see the duties of in-
spector more clearly defined. and more
stringent provisions made tor the en-
forcement of the law.
3. I would Leery much regret to see
the issuing of licenses again placed in the
hands of municipal councils. The his-
tory of the put very clearly shows that
local councils have not moral strength
sufficient to use such a power aright -
But the Crooks Act does not go far
enough. Crime should be prohibited,
not regulated.
1. I believe the Crooks' License Act
is as good an act as can be introduced.
2. The only amendment I would sug-
gest is this : Any person holding a li-
cense upon conviction of violating the
license forfeits the license for one year.
No discretionary power left with the
3. I would never allow the issuing cif
license to be in the power of municipali-
4. I would be in favor of the Govern-
ment controlling the licenses of billiard
rooms as well as the sale of spirituous
5. I would most certainly recommend
that the Government should impose the
same license fee on clubs, and bring all
"clubs" under the same law and Govern-
ment that now troverns and controls tav-
at-erns, ions and saloons, so far as the sale
of beer, ale and liquors are concerned.
6. Restrict the sale of spirituous h
quos u mush as possible without at
tempting a complete prohibition and }sou
will lessen crime.
1. Yes, most heartily. I have watch
ed its operation for the past six years,
and am in possession of facts which
prove its efficiency in reeiucing the worst
forms of drunkenesa.
2. 1 am not prepared at present to
suggest any amendment.
3. By no means, I think it would be
uustse and dangerous.
ktousehola Etats.
>i►btpslN * of T
pan th. 'p the •+ao ; wll•i-
yo. would oof.t use
rf.I (?f. fl!your w 5 plea eamX a
Stir is the pulpares
hpd helm a you on not
a ole ilii any in the Wes
Sete with eggs and ose sea& with
hies Viami•L Have a large jar
sitting behind your stave when peeps*
apples remove all the dedyedand wormy
ones and throw thc parings into the jar;
keep water enough un them to Dome to
the top; pack them in, and continue to
add bosh pariwts until they hare stood
there there two mouths. In the mean-
time dip off the vinegar (or shahe it
through • colander) as fast as it becomes
good, adding otos want to the parings;
add a handful of brown sugar to each
gallon of vinegar. Good
rins fiU40J SIG/14.4 PEThAY, OCT. 27, 1:t:2.
r Temwsew.es CsnoteL
recently kid.
tt+ai Rsliter ey is a 1108dw *-
bar 41,4gga.sph,
the sided hit tififfineer 1 -
4+it iR'tFhue M , twi
flit iin IiisisAk:Penns i1W 441Wp�l1e will statin' i#Mi ,ill(
alleged fad. 'The grentenj: > '
the nein .uaoessful,
this day is a teetotaler. jii.saioesai tb
will attribute to his ebateoniuuso
which is all the mon remarkable in a
soldier, or, at any rate, they will claim
that the triumph of the English arts in
Egypt has been greatly helped by the
sobriety of the geueri,l in command.
And they will have gue4 resin for the
Alt IR-usowe NAIL—Much suffering
is due to the corners of toe -nails growing
into the flesh. The remedy is very simple.
It is • mistake to cut the nails short at
the sere corners; if the nail is lung, cut
the upper edge straight across, ur In •
crescent shape, the cresoeut in the cen-
ter, leaving the corners untouched.
Then scrape the middle of the nail, for
it. whole Ieugth, quite thin. The scrap-
ing •nay be done with • knife, but muoh
more readily by the use of a bit of fresh -
1 brukeu window glass: The centof
the centre e nail should be made so thin that a
slight pressure upon the corners will
bend it. In some cases it may be well
to put a little lint or cotton ur.der the
osiers of the nail, to aid in the bending.
Of coon. the avoidance of tight boots
or shhotis will suggest itself to all.—
Amnion Agriculturist.
Ibises Weise lwewta,a.
boiling wane will toasttewe tea
—.saki wwy Inds shales : peer the
Mian.. ttftppeMalq and thin yea-
st hos aps•Ma g ewer two
That IlM ensawnt vitt Agin 4k
ether 1 eigulta to white °tun i sad
beat ISIOPfiff‘
' lAfltl I1 fe•ppuaepv of t rpeetf.a, boil-
ed wish whit. elutb -,will aid the white-
ning prunes.
That boiled starch is much iny.roved
by the addition of a little gum arabic
That bees- wag and salt will snake flat
irons as smooth and clean as glass ; tie
lumps of was in • rag, and keep it fur
that purpose ; wbeu the irons are bot
rub them with a rag, and then scour with
• paper or rag sprinkled with salt.
That kerosene will soften boots or
shoes which have been hardened by wat-
er, and render them as pliable as when
claim. Undoubtedly a sober General is
far oore trustworthy than one who re-
lies on stimnbnb to bolster him up when
the occasion is trying, No nun can be
trusted to do work when requires good
judgment if he is much addicted to drink
Alcohol very own affects the balance of
the faculties, and therefore the less peo-
ple who need to have their heads about
them take of it the better they are off.
Drinking is the great •ice of armies, and
yet nowhere else does a man require that
all his faculties shall be normal more
than when in the charge of troops in the
field, especially when in command. If
Sir Garnet Wolseley is a teetotaler, he is
a wise man. He is in letter physical
condition to stand the different climates
to which military service may call him,
and intellectually he keeps himself far
better poised than if he followed the
drinking customs of the run of army of H-
oene. His mind is clearer. and he can
trust his judgment. How many thous-
ands of lives would have been saved in
our wan, fur instance, if the Generalshad
all been as sober as Wolseley is said to
be. We observe that among English-
men of education and ability, and who
carry the load of 'extensive affairs, the
tendency is toward increasing abstemious -
nem, and that even total abstainers are
growing numerous. It is a tendency
which we commend to the thoughtful
attention of our men in public life. our
professional and business men.—[New
York Sun.
Ksv1No Ewa—Perhaps more than
the usual number of inquiries as to pre-
serving eggs until the time of high prices,
has come to w this session. This is pro-
bably in part due to the great preten-
tious of the "Ozone" chaps, who claim
that eggs may be preserved very cheaply
by their preemie As this so-called
"Ozone" is nothing but Sulphurous Acid,
produced by the burning of sulphur,
while it may preserve the eggs, we do
not believe that it can be used without
imparting to them an unpleasant flavor.
All the methods for preserving eggs now
to use depend upon the fact that the
;hell is porous, and if these pores oan be
so clewed u to prevent the access of sir,
she ocntents of the shell will remain good
for • long time. There are two principle
methods. One is, to smear the surface
of the eggs with something that will close
the pores, and then pack them in some
materiel that will "tactically exclude the
air. The eggs are smeared with lard,
coated with Linseed or Cottonseed Oil,
ur with Shellac Varnish. and are after-
fterwards packed in bran, dry sand, or other
aimlilar material. There methods will
answer for home use, but whatever may
be the coating material, thc surface of
the shells will have an unnatural appear-
ance, which will prevent their ready sale
in the markets. So far as we are aware
the only practical method to preserve
eggs to be sold, is to place them in Milk
cf Lime. Lime is slacked and prepared
as for white -wash and the eggs are cover-
ed with and kept in this, until wanted for
market. The eggs according to the ed.
tent of the operatiota, are placed in bar-
rels or in brick vats built for the purpose
Some recipes advims the addition of
cream of Tartar to the Limewaah, but
this is of doubtful value. The.eggs when
sent to market are removed from the
lime and thoroughly washed, and :-hen
dry are packed in barrels of out straw,
like other eggs. In the N. Y. market
they usually bring about five cents a
dozen less than fresh eggs.
It becomes Dor painful duty to record
the death of John Ard,eldest syn of Mr.
Samuel Ard, of the 1st oon. of Morris,
which took place on Monday morning at
3 o'clock. He was a young roan of 22
years of age. aril usually possessed of
good health. and was attending the
threshing Duchene all week, and to all
appearance retired to rest in his usual
health and spirits on Sunday evening.
In the morning at 3 o'clock his father
woe aroused from his sleep by a chok-
ing sound from his son's bed nom, and
reshidg i3 found hist breathing his last.
The greatest sympathy is felt throughout
the locality for tlec bereaved family ; and
Much s..rrew preemie for the loss of the
young man aa he ees much respected by
ittt associates,
EyingJrltlt - Should slog butter maker
deals better totdence •4 the su,terinrity
oe Theteher's Orange flutter Coldr before
ivt.g it a trial send us your name and
After many years of patient investiga
tion Dr. VauBuren, of Germany, finally
succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure
that would permanently relieve all cases
of Kidney Disease. Be sure and ask
your Druggist for Dr. VANBLREN's KID-
NEY CURL Sold by Jatnee Wilson,
Guderich. 2m
A False Nesse.
Some of the Conservative pipers of
the other provinces do not approve of
the N. P being made one of the issues
in the Ontario elections. They say that it
would be an imprudent step on the part
of the Ctniervatives two risk the prestige
of the N. P. in a contest in which it is et
no sense a legitimate issue and in which
it may suffer from a defeat of the Oppo-
sition, on account of the weakness of
those who civnpose it. There is a good
deal of force in the argument, for as a
matter of fact there is no more connec-
tion between the Ontario Legislature and
the N. P. than there is between Mr.
Plumb's poetry and the war in Egypt.
The Conservatives must expect that if
they fgo dragging the N. P. all over the
premises somebody will be sure to step
on it. We all saw the result of the elec-
tions for the Local Legislature in 1879,
coming so soon after the Conservative
triumph of the year preceding. It is well
enough, perhaps, from a party point of
view, to pull the N. P. into provincial
politics if you are sere of winning; but
how will it be if you do not win? The
logiesl argument, although not the truth,
will be that Ontario has repudiated the
N. P. —[Toronto Telegram.
A ctsspsaa.latememe.r.
W. E. Gifford, Pastor M. E. Church,
Bothwell, was for two years a sufferer
with Dyspepsia in its wont fore, until
as he states "lab be.o5ine an actual bat -
den." Three h0Nlee of Burdock Blood
Betters cured him, and he tells w is a
recent letter that he considers it the
aiding sod you shall have abundant ! heat family matinee now before the
tsstimowials from national teen, whom 1 conntry CT [Dyspepsia and Liver Com -
u know and respect Meonfactured plaint 2
byH. D. Thatcher & Co., Potsdam,
N. Y.
shaves Awash.
We eeriest help notating the l,hrral
offer media In all 'mall& and .tt roes
by Dr. Eines New Dise'very for Con-' bilious nature, by all means procure a
a.mption. Yea ars rags sted t., call at bottle i'f Electric Bitten. You will he
Wilenn's dr. g stets, awl get a Trial B.'t- surprised to are the rapid improvement
tea few of cost, 1f I suffering with that will follow; you will he inspired
('cassu.aption, Revere he, Colds, with new life; strength and antivity will
Asthma. Bn,nchiti., Hay levee. two of Mum; pain Ned misery will cone, and
Vole., Hoarseness, or any affection of heneefoeth you will rejnice in the piwise
the 'Throat or Lungs It will pneittaely Of Electric Bittern. sum at fifty cents
CM" you foil s bktle. t'y Jae Wilson 161
•SYR Mee t..
If you ire suffering with low and de -
d bi3 t.ptrits, 1,.as of appetite, general
o sty, diaornered NIA0d, weak atetsti-
lutie.n, headache, or any disease of a
Mr. John Agar, of Aahfield Township,
near Belfast, threshed 603 bushels of
wheat, the product of ten and a half
acres, being a fraction over 56i bushels
to the acre. This is the largest yield yet
heard of.
I 1 I
ial llargffis m Tari at Vory Low Prtcos
25c. per ib sod upwards. If you want • really fine Tea try nay 50c. Young Hymen
it is a splendid article and worth enure in ,noy. I have also jest o;xned out a oust
plebe ausurtment of
Goon Cola. —Robert Martin, • well
known breeder of good stuck, sold a
splendid yearling heavy draught filly to
Mr Grigg, of McKillopon Fair day,
for the handsome sum of $200.
Adam, son of Peter Sinclair 14 coo.,
is home on • visit. He has been away
for over ten years, the greater part of
which be spent in California. He says
things have changed greatly here since
he left.
Joseph Hall, son of Isaac Hall former-
ly of the 13th oon., but uow ut High
Bluff, Manitoba, is at present visiting
friends in this vicinity. He likes the
country well and says the crop this year
were excellent.
The Big Spring Creamery has shut
down for this Season after s very suc-
eus.fnl run. The amount of butter sold
for duly, August and September was 9,-
496 lbs., at 23 Dente Made fur the pat-
rons 423 lbs., total 10,581 Iles. Next
year it is expected the amount will be a
great deal larger as the creamery works
A PLOWMAN'S Association has been es-
tablished in this township with the fol-
low intg!officers. —President A. Reymann,;
Vice-presiden, D. Robertson,; becretsry,
Hiram White, Tress., C Dames„ Di-
rectors, P. McDonald, G. Duk, J. Came-
ron, T. Ennis, J. Knight, P. Keifer. A.
Forsyth and A. Keffer. A plowing
match will be held this fall as soon as ar-
rangements can be completed.—(Post.
T o ith.
Mr. A. Elcoat, of Tuckeismith,recent-
ly old a ten months old bull calf to Mr.
Samuel Brockenahire, of Stephen, for
sum of :200. This is a good prioe, but
the animal is a good one,
Mr. Noble Whitely hes rented his
farm of 100 acres, being lot 37, conces-
sion 3, to Mr. Michael Whitmore, his
neighbor, for 5260 a year. Mr. Whitely
intends removing to Clinton to reside.
The annual tournament of the W ing-
ham Quoit Club took place on Thursday
last in the grounds adjoining the Din-
sley House. . There was s.good turn out
of quoiters. The following is the prize
list :—First class—let J. Patterson ; 2nd
J. McAlpine ; 3rd, W. McClyment.
Second class --let, W. Elliott ; 2nd, Woe
Corckery Glassware
Including Stone and China Tea Sets. Children.' Tuy Tea Beth, Lwdies sad Gent
Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable k'r Christens and New Year's Gifts.
.aeklea's Arabes Salve
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil-
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles. It is guaran-
teed to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per
box. For sale by Jas. Wilon. ly.
Lampe it Lamp Goode in Great Valriety►
J. R. Bond, Druggists, &c., Schein -
berg writes, "I have old medicines for
over twenty piers, and no medicine could
give better satisfaction than your Dr.
)(alder's Extract of Wild Strawberry."
This medicine is the old reliable cure for
Cholera Morbus, Dysentery, and all
Summer Compleinte, 2.
• M Iter be BMtearasea.
In these tinges of quack medicine ad-
vertisements everywhere, it is truly
gratifying to find one remedy that is
worthy of praise, and which really does
as recommended. Electric Bitters we
can vouch for as being a true and relia-
ble remedy, and one that will do `ss re-
commended. The invariablycure
Stomach and Liver Complaints, Diseases
of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties.
We know whereof we speak. and can
readily say, give them a trial. Sold at
Cool ; 3rd, J. Mitchell. Third class— 60 cent. a bottle, by Jas. Wilson. 13]
lit, Wm Mete ; 2nd, J. Neeland. ; 3rd
C. F. Kent. Fourth cls let, M.DISAGREEABLE AND UN -
Beckett ; 2nd, John Dodds ; 3rd, J. It SIGHTLY result of poverty of the blood
Fleury. Swan in the various diseases of the skin that
disfigure the surface of the body. in this class
--- --- of oases there U•defect in the digestive e.pro-
Tari Morality. os and the tissue elements do not reach the
circulation in a .tate fit for the work of repair.
Here Wheeler's Elixir of Phosphates and Can -
While the Tory organa blamo the Mowat says, composed agents that invigorate the
stomach and secure the heathy blond, hes
Government for disposing of the timber
limits of this Province to the best &trent cured many obstinate eases.
age, they have not a word to say in arm
demnation of Sir John boldly In seizing
and selling the timber lands in the dis-
puted territory, and quietly putting in
the Domiuion treasury the money thetof
right belongs to Ontario. The Tory theory
it will be gathered from this, is that it is
wrong to sell timber limits unless you
first steal them. —(Advertiser.
F. J. Cheney & Co., pr'prieors Hall's
Catarrh Cure, offer 000 reward for any
rate of Catwrrb that can't be cured with
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sold by George
Rhynes, sole agent for Goderich. 3tn
Bray's specific Iedicine
MEDY. An un -
for mitral
WRAxs R es,
rhea, Impot-
ency, and all
diseases that
follow sea se-
1iiME T u uenoe of salt
Above sa or MemoryLTnlverva tusu
Dote. Pain In the Rack. Uimnees of Vision.
Premature old age, and many other dlse•aes
that lead to Insanity or consumption and •
premature grave. Kroll psitlenlars in our
pamphlet, which we desire to mead Ree by
mail to everyone. The Specific Medicine fe
sold by all dragglsts at $1 per package, er six
packages few or will be sent tree by knell
on receipt of stone b addressing
THE GRA Y MEDiCIN�CO. Toronto,Ont,
CURLING. —At the sixth anneal meet- ea. Sold In Oaderieb by J. won .
lig of the Members of the Se•forth Cur-
ling Club, hell at the Royal Hotel, on A COU GUARANTEED
the evening of Friday last. the following MAGNETIC MEDICINE.
Alone were elected for the ensuing year,
viz . -D. D. Wilson, President; J. C.
Laidlaw, Vice President: M. R. Counter.
Secretary -Treasurer; Representative, s .
Mettsbers, D. D. Wilson and M. R.
Counter. Jetts McMillan, M. P. Patrol!
The managing committee is composed of ,� ✓ "`
Mem& D. D. Wilson, J. A. Wilson, J. a.. 1 T MAIeK. l A
C. Laidlaw R. Common, and 1M. R Band r and N beige ndD.
nor NA and ieaag, lair end tt'v.sYr.
Counter. The skip are to be appointed
at • future meeting, to be felled by the
President Every effort will be put
forth W make the ensuing season the
most successful, and if the weather be
(avoppMe. we are safe iu predicting that
the Seafurth Club will well eastern the
weed resew and repettatiens alrewdy won.
Call and be Convinced
Pssittvely cox. Nervousness la an its stages,
Weak Mressrp, lase RJvsfa Pater,. Sexual
ictus, i17i/Af Aper iotnrrhaa,
eewel Weeawee.
Moak Ayeseaasse it. Jn.w !wM-
tAL�terblc.t Arora, awed Re-
7Tbti at
nee. f*Egor fa t4 leo
i ripen. with each et.
Wed err
Weselrawer. tr the eweasstwi
awe et Ord. saws It lathe wll..iaE.
M the marki'ep.awe tii�ltt
AMipseens ebb* to test the merits w• „111 (1 .dtsesW wtllsi
o f a greet 1'.saad -+... that will poli- I fwseMse le esti
tiveli waw Os.(M, (ods, get or tf _le tea bs1 w
AsRhssa, llitatbhMil�i late watt 1 isioc. of rwafwUwe i 1•w• 51 be rs tee t t r
she Non and js.ffp- twat bbd t., ■' 'd ti*alta tolbellttt+.,
eat) ►t 41, tt� aseg shat 1 tint. UBas4s
a Trill WPM M: O►. Ki. s New Dis- l Dreed la iree ever, . Wh� JA tit
ogvt>ryIne 1tir'n, few of Decal, all Dr.ddMsevervwMs•. 1�iv
which will show will
what a regular d,.l-72 A went. Sit .day at home easily
lar size bottle wi 1 d•' made. Costly ontft Ree. Addre's
�I) . ■ a t e.. Aewssts.lralae
Farrn.ars .4 =1. tt sitioxz
Barbed Fence %Ira oontracted for ■ any qu•stiry at very lowest prices
Wire and barb galvaniaed,aner beat twisted which cansot soaleoi.
Use Barbed Wire for Penoee.
For sol by
At the Oldest Established Shoe Store in Town,
In Endless Variety
to suit the most fastidious and the most economic buyer
Is now eomple.e, and I take pleasure in informing my customers that at no pre-
vious time have I had such a
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have rained the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price anti
it is a positive fad that no such value in foot weer can be gut elsewhere.
of every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be ma e up
in the most approved styles by first-class workmen,,snd
of the very best material obtainable.
Ladies and Misses BQols Heel PIaIe4 Free of Charge
At time of purchase if o desired.
_ D0 -W N NG_
W. S. Hart & Co.
Having purchased the Goderich Foundry,
am fitting the premises for the manufactur
IMPLEMENTS on • large stale. Mill Work
General Repairing and Jobbing will be con
tinned. All work guaranteed.
Mr. D. Roseman 1. the only man authorize
to collect payments and give receipts on be
MLR of the late firm of Runciman & Co.. an
aft persona indebted are requested to gover
them seI res accordingly.
Obxyetal & Black.
New BOILERS sad SALT PANS minutes
tared -on shortest notice.
All kinds of Repairing sweated nese tate
personal sepervision of eke Proprietors wbe
Practical Workmen.
P. O. Box 103
Sobaetelb We bit tM pr
""glee Mitiehaa-
awed aingeas. A ii motto, d
ORGANil or
w111 and it to titer advpltyagee to rill as epee
es this is • GENti 1NE e1 s/Tree saM.
Goderich Mills
iteg en return their thanks to the public
the liberal patronage received dwrtsg the pas
year, and to state they are prepared to do
Glut I 414 'V I IN !
on the shortest notice, or for the convenience
of ps1tles living at a dietetics will exchange
grist* at their town store
Lute W. M, 11iUiard's,)
Masonic block. East St Ooderieb.
.par -Highest price paid for wheat
St. Catheriles Inrseries,
Having fully tested
two Dew 'repeal unhettailngly advise m7
patrons t t them. Yoe will not be die
MARLY 1s the boot
esti 1 PA grown in Canada-
j�tty�a�a }e a gyro nnhnrt-
�i Marty. led grape. ripentge
• Marty. 7'Ire1 are both large
ivy. sled very productive. i
heal to any address, postpaid.ea
MOS etftofeither eOL, Agontawaoted
Has gees( p►,sapre In announcing to her
rsaas Mends sad patron in Goderich and
vlsiait . that .he has esewrat the vole right
Atla privilege to Ittannfaeturs and sell
ipesseasd •ooill from aaytbl
tag, toss ibe ds.et rebels to t"�i
Nil vasa.
yrs eaten,
of It Sas.
111,11 se