HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-27, Page 1TNf T -FIIF 1'RtEAH.
N ' 1,•
law .t rerNseuieat..
Boy 1.Van.04--Willam MWC&g.
For Male or to Rent -R. T. Haynes.
_ - • •
�_.. , f ,.. rl 1T01)F.�IiICH, ONT., I�'RIDAY; OCTOBER .7, !882. t >,1tGRR.Llcc1►nr BROK Pt eLasrtaRa
Nu t�rS iL out ro i�. The Grand 'Flunk authorities, h vine AUTUMN ASSIZES. I Ment for ut,lawtul voting at an election. r [peed up the to son alta[ oy of Sha Cl. N , I Hedging, Q. C. for Crown. Doyle for
"A o'iter,. am ing ye. [akinnotes. . 1t- at this 1 pint, havu rt-s7point id Mr. g j deft ►1 r. I). le pleaded not guilty to
Notice to Itebturs-Abrsbaw Smiik, An' 'ski' he'll prem it." Armstrong the vole town ngent in their 1 In the High CiOtlrt of Justice. Y P
The heat Remedy -Dr. J. C. A car I the indictment,
�w 'r4 ;i i r- - SAWN TQSIC4 "�: p thee ill be a great Gin veil decuured
Y & Cu. . j interest hereafter. The retentio 1 of the c t vent, and also for
u town office
w fJst K �aaes-se„.abslsa a• acrd, ' indictment. Judgment fur the Crown
I Mae. to the Irerellin b'
e •.
J.iw. e,tdette eiwpinyi it.r :wig now,
DenfistrQ1. �' but Alls OrKtnsaod .Sewing `tauh ties (I'no t
rIST. Q nee ani resldonoe, 13, est
tai J sort 1bt >w J3 tali or. Magog. ;Mee
ca -
GEON [late with Trotter & Caesar, the
leading Dentists ,of Toronto.) An migrations
a and carefully ♦n
c♦areful)I� perforated. Roony,
Ira1014 st‘ Mon's CL fesy
feign } 'iUatuive will pleea.°
snake appointment In advance by mall. 1.145.
She People's Ltolumn.
Ll ntrebr givegthat all parties Indebted to
the uoderstgned by note or bock account are
regnetled to settle the same at once and there -
hit acne arge enforoed collection. 1 mean busl-
tens. ABRAHAM MINIM!. 1tSeY-
!miry. Apply personally to WILLIAM
MuCAIG, residsuoc almost opposite the M. E.
Ch uroli. 1e811-tt
r Valuable Property known w the Shep-
patvkun Store sed Pent Onion, with quarter ut
.n aloe ut land. is oAsred for sale or to rq�L.
tock 1n store all new and fresh this year. The
proprietor has other business which will re-
quire h.s sole attention. Also the went half of
Int 8, cua. 3 Tt.1). Asbfletd ; e11 new land : two
good (orchards. two good wells, and oomtort-
abie fismwebouses The lot contains 100 acres.
of which 60 are cleared and all well fenced.
Remaining 50 acres heavily timbered with
hardwecd. For particulars address : IL T.
RAYNE'S, Sbeppardton P.O. 1W -
First -Clue E ae and Boiler. Deady new.
will be rold ebea Apply at the foundry to
JOHN S'eCALL M. or the subscriber, JNO.
ULE. 1881-
HTEWAIi<T offers tar sale a number of
tboroagl btedt11slcester end South soTam s
and ewe Lambe. Moldy to J. O. M ( WART.
('on. 10, Lot 11, Colborne. 1 n1-
7& oorner of Victoria and East etrets, in
the town of Oodericb, for sale cheap. or will be
zchaaged for term property. For particulars
epptr to JAE. Hiram, Architect, once Crabb'e
Block. or J. C. CCRRts:. auctioneer.
Beim th7 wog hallo( lot 2'. 7th con. of the
W7iath.1) eo�fr eed• West p- wanoeh, contains 100
litres, $7 clewof whieb KWit St rat cite reap-
er. rear Aar black ash and cedar. ?none
ban MASS, shed and 5es, 9A'(74 and a
good ht wn 10.36
log d welling house. The farm is
well watered and fenced, .ed an expellent
Ailey soli. App�ely to Thomas Horne on the
premises or to ROBERT MURRAY. St. Helens.
The Sista%at 13t: Joseph. a: -"on" prepared
to give lessons In vocal as well at instrumen-
tal mu le. For partlrglars apply at t... Con-
ent, North Ht. laff,
(ounts due Lewis J. Treble must be
paid at once, as 1 Intend doing a strictly cash
ouai,cea. Eight per cent per annum will be
charged on all overdue accounts- Cash cus-
tomers (au get good herse-doing and general
lackrmlthing done at favorable terms b
giving ma acall. Sa tand n.the pool. L. J.
DLL 1857.
Vf composed of lot number t; In the 14th
concession of the township of Huliett In the
('oast, of Hnron,covttaining 100 acres, 85 acres
cleared. balance hardwood bush. For further
particulnrs, apply to
1foM3rn Barrlete(3 s'erch.
a}�Cdngemedta with Mr. 1). MoGregor,
the welj-[sown bookbiner of Seaforth, to
take or for work in his line, All work
done from the plainest to the most superb at
Toronto prices. Orders left at this office will
receive his personal attention. 1853.
verdant house corner of Newgate sod
Alberts streets for a number of years occu-
a desistnble one. For The
apply to Jerre BancearOutres Newgate
of London. Ens., Academy of Musk,
Organist of 8t. Georges Church, (Wench.
will ere leneone in Organ and Piano ptayl
sdng tg a d ha pay. For partloulars ►d-
i'yne, Godertck P..3mot801
1 o Ha uMg completed her studies 1n lA etc
under Prot. Sl�ppppi of London, and having're-
ceiveid a osttif(oate is now prepared to re-
' `1 i1 • popes
it motor Plano
tomes ter as. SaatMac-
Don in evtuy case nteed. Residence,
corner Cambria Rosi sed Newgate Street.
ate. aad tbsreoa,
lots tea sad In the tetrad the
late owri__Ho os ss. is the
aq uare. WIning the _ l be said ta one or la Isis
to snit. Require of 1. C. Comma, Auctioneer.
CHAwctoav Dsvtssost.
rtinoaat to as eM Bisb
J imitieueJM9sInesti r ta gr.
ter .
g pis arc.
PsruoMMAL. -A recent. number •.t t
front bl.ahoe. these stoney bj buying from Fargo Atolls says : ''Mrs. James
Elliott, the charming musician and epos
' y n+w have my next Store /ormeN�occrpied
b Sic ('am boll, Ailed with a variety of
,4g teaq�all ter Just
teeclee oar toad u! qil. a
Go se Horten's Liquor Store In the Albhk
Biuuk. curpnr ul Mouth street and the Hqt
H. has 'ale for Englishmen. "pothecn" fpr
Ir slim..p "uequebag't" for Scotchlgen, port
wine foe invalids. and cbasipa ne f1/Bpolltt-
otaD. artd rattans, *Macon;
"Did my ever soothe lite -0(84h for October
weather[" to the question that has been ones[
asked during the present month - and the oth-
er popular ghestton has been "leave you been
to Mallows' Photograph Gallery to get your
picture taken i 1 tall you he understands his
business - w11211.- . ... 's
James Saunders & :kin are spitingin large
stocks of Christmas Goods. Another lot of
those $7.00 Watches -a most reliable time-
keeprr. Their stock of stoves is moving off
rapidly -the low xglues does it. The stock of
wwaalll taper met M cleared out to make room
for fresh Importations. "The Cheapest House
Under the Sun." 'meal
C. F. Straubel has just received direct 11 m
the North West Bubo Robe Co., a splendid
assortment of tufhlo, Javanese Wolf and
Gear Rohm.bo a e stock of Winter
Blanitets. watch be invitee the public to call
and Inspect. Fancy Robes. Buffalo. Wolf.
Gott and ttaeeoon Overcoats ordered on the
.bort,-st-notion. Nothing but Orel -class goods
kept in stook. Give him a call before pur-
chasing eines,. here.
Mrs. Nat. Weston is visiting friends
in Bnintford.
Mr. W. D. Shannon has been on the
sick list lately.
Platt's saw mill, at the reserve, is now
in running order.
There were three weddings in Coder-
ich on Wednesday.
Miss Smaill has returned from a visit
to fnends in the east.
Next Tuesday night will be Hallow
E'en -Eve of All Saints.
Mr. sed Mrs. John Robertson, of
Clinton, visited enderich last week,
Mise Maggie Reid, of Hamilton, is
visiting her uncle, Mr. James Saunders.
Mr. Joseph Noble has- purchased the
residence lately occupied by Mr. Web-
Mr. and Mrs. Whitely, of Seaforth,
spent a few days at Currie's Hotel last
Dr. Roeebrouth, the oculist. was the
guest of J. R Miller, P. S. I., during
the week.
Mr Nelson R. Butcher, of Toronto, is
reporting the Assize Court in Goderich
this week.
We have to thank Mr. J. Varcue for a
basket of excellent pearspresented to us
on Tuesday last
Mr. John MacOallum, of the G. T. R,
end tamily, have removed to Kincardine,
hav'fng purchased a farm a few miles
Mr. Day. Donaldson slipped from a
step ladder one iia; during the past
week, and sustained a severe ankle
The North Street Methodist Church
Young People's Society of Christian En-
deavor will hold a social this evening in
the church.
Mr. Geo. B. Ro.ason, who has been in
rather poor health for the past month,
left last week for a short visit to his old
home at Galt.
The Sarnia Observer says :-Mrs. John-
ston, of Goderich, mother of Mra. Julius
P. Bucke, who had beet. on a visit here,
left for home on Saturday."
Aucnox SALE. - Miss Longworth's
furniture will be sold by public auction at
her late residence, near the High School,
on Tuesday nextl, at 1 o'clock.
Mr. J. D. Beatty, Treasurer of the
NoiUtwesl Transportation Company, has
been appointed Manager of the Company
for the remainder of the ,reason.
Aecw star. -Eli Symonds, of Goderich,
who has lately been working in Coleman's
sawmill in Seaforth had one of his fingers
cut off on last Wednesday while Wring
beading fmm the saw. Iso'
Mears Hugh Ba Morpky and C. S.
Jones, two 6t. Marys lawyer's. were in
town during the assizes, looking after
seem horse thieves, who had eommitted
depredations in their neighborhood.
D. E. Cameron, Esq., banker of Luck -
now, took home with him from Kansas
nn his recent trip a large assortment of
bird skins (for stuffing) and reptiles from
the collectinw of Dr. Jefferis, of Cain
City. nip
Mr. Robt. hnechtel, who is now at-
tsotdut( the Model School here, has bene
to teach in No. 9, Morro, for
1593. His predecessor, Mr. John Me-
Lsod, goes to Ann Arbor, Mich., to
stud' medicine.
IDDaao Oa&t -Mrs W Knight,
ries Miss Jennie Saunders. has sent us a
souvenir of a rodent happy event, in the
4.61K *ape 1h. of a elite ,9f her wedding cake.
TM /wpla have the beet wishes
at of a i dr& Of acquaintances.
Hatches., -The flag of the Ameri-
can 4usnal. Mr. J. S. Besuedict, was dis-
af it at half mast on Saturday and
y as a mark of respect to the Hon.
John Hibbard, U. S. consul, who died at
Ooderich Thursday last - (Stratford
The Alvieefon Reporter thus spsahm of
may sseuilty is a Rev. P J. Iwea a a lecturer lather
te UI" Shea is an *MOT 01 the highest mak,
.:"sit: nth say powerfully ieasisdfo., ive:.m-
aims Meath �Mti • ent,f fell detail, igblperfect l3
alb [nap d4�e�,,,� A. n. lM! fildad lime. He Kieft erfe sten as
a N at e, the oagle among hinds, and degK honor
mhos. to the land of hie na•ivity."
mos of
i fns bi►
romad {last, of Perjury. on the demurrer.
The Queen v. Archibald ltaieirtaun.
he ..IST DAY. The grand jury came into court with a
A ; "true bill" opine, Archibald Robertson
for altering a Domiuiuu ate. Prisoner
arraigned sled pleaded nut guiltp to the
re I gut count sled guilty to th.t second
'swat, Verdict of guilty was returned
as bath coasts. Hodgins, Q. C. for
Orono ; primmer not represented by
sea , coe.ssl.
The ats.40
Far cow -
1 The Queen v. John Sturdy -Per -
M,"idsy, Oct. 23.
I- Before the }tori. Mr. J usher N ia.ua.
ut, li It fur her Juane in (.uderich, On-
tario, last evening, via the old piones;
route. Mrs. Elliott has been in Fargo
only a short time, but has made many
friends who will sadly n►ia her "
Union revival services will be held in
the •
Holmes:ille Methodist and Bible
Clued= churches, o.mmencing with
Monday erening next, in the M.thodi.t
church, when Rev. Mr. Rice willpreach,
it 7 p. m. Preaching on Tuesday and
following days, at 2 p. m. and 6 p.
in each church alternately: Revs Ries,
Wakefield, McDonagh, Stewart, I're,
Blatchand Edwards, are expecte.l to
preach in these services.
Parsee -Timex. --Upon the c,carsit,n of
the recent nurriage of Mus Tears
Hutchison, daughter of M. Hutehtsoe,
Esq., of the Harbor Mills, tbe employees
of the mill presented the bride with a
silver tea service. The gift was ac-
companied by the following note : -
"Pltwnse accept this as a token of respect
and esteem on the part „f the employees
of the Harbor Mills, un the tippy oc-
casion of your marriage, in which they
wish you much joy. Estrunsrt.
At the regular meeting of Court Gude-
rich No. 32. C. 0. F., the following offi-
cers were elected for the ensuing term.
C. R. Brn, Robert Fullfurd ; V. C. 'R.
Jas. Thomas ; Chap. John Pridbam ;
F. S. Thos. Sneyd ; R. 8, 4lex. Saun-
ders ; Treas. C. Crabb ; S. W. Wm.
Pridbam ; J. W. Wm. McCreath ; S. B.
1)t S. Stoddard; J. B. Andrew McKibben;
Phys. Thus F. McLean M. D.; This
order is making rapid propress in Canada,
and C. Goderioh is having accessions to
its numbers erery meeting.
ADDasaa LAszLS.-Our subscribers
will taotice that we use the printed label
system of a•idreseing The Signal, as least
liable to error in every. way. The
date to which the subscription is paid up
a peau after the name on each address,
thus : Smith John, 10nv82 means that
Mr. John Smith's renewal subscription
will be due on the 10th of November,
1882. It also means in a quiet way that
if he should pay up about that time he
would have : ie p.eaaUtQ of seeing the
figures changed accordisl;ly, and we
would not feel in the least hurt at being
put to so much trouble
The funeral of Hon. John Hibbard,
late U. S. Consular Agent at this port,
took place on Friday last. Rev. John
Wakefield, of the North street Methodist
Church, conducted the funeral ceremony
at the Consul's late residence. The. re-
mains were accompanied to the station
by a large concourse of leading citizens.
The pall -bearers were : Sheriff Gibbons,
Mayor Horton, M. C. Cameron, M.P.,
l'a Lewis, County Crown Attorney, P.
Adamson, von.:; Clerk, and M. Hutchi-
son, Esq. The deceased -gout interred in
the family burying ground at Port
brother-in-law of Major Cooke, and late
sergeant in the second 60th Foot, has
just received from Hone Guards his Af-
ghanistan Medal. The medal is of silver,
about the size of the Crimean Medal.
and bean on the face the head of the
Queen and the incriptions"Victoria Re-
gina et Imperstrix." On the obverse
side is the figure of an elephant carrying
a cannon, occupied by a troop of native
lancers and British infantry, surrounded
by the words "Afghanistan 1878-79-80."
The ribbon is green edged with dark red.
The medal will be an uncommon one in
A CL VISR ART!..+T.-On 'Tuesday last
a couple of crayon drawings, portraits
of the Rev. Mr. Turnbull and James
Dickson, Esq., ofGodetielr11•were exhibit-
ed in the window of Mr. Cuenter's jew-
ellery store. Ther were the work of
Miss Nettie Seegmtller, eldest daughter
of Mr. F. Seegmiller, of Ooderich. They
were admired and eulogized by all who
saw them, as they deserved to be. We
have never seen better executed or more
life -like drawings, and their execution
prove.[ Miss Seeoginiller to be an artist of
the first merit. Every line and feature
is so thoroughly exact and natural that
one can scarcely conceive of such aocur-
acy being attained by this mode of art
The portraits were taken from photo-
graphs of the oiiginals. -f8eafnrth Ex-
The Guernsey (channel Islands) Comet
gay.: -"The Egyptian campaign has
brought honour and distinotinn -- though,
unfortunately, it has been accompanied
with bloodshed --to one at least 1 Sernia's
sons. Among the officers mentioned as hav-
ingspeciallydistinrnnhed themselves in
the attack of Tel -el -Kolar -regarded as
one of the most remarkable victories that
have ever fallen to British arms ---is
Lieuteuant T. J. Plordnn Carey, of the
second battalion Highland Light infan-
try. who. before being disabled by his
wooed., is stated by the special oorres-
posdetnt d the Bidrsd.rd to have slain
thine trMrs who .et open
Gordon Carey is the
Oily e.s of the Lis Major General
Omega asthma , C. R., a Iwo %
ssAus.. ia the aid r war times (we
ate MR Pisa Arrow), and who
Mom* is eosasaaed of
the Hew Soaked Campaign
Clatey is AM mese, Sof Cao-
Min 1. ` Carey, of the North 51sRoos'd-
shie 111�leswtt (98th)." He is also a
Nests el 'fir Looios Carey, of Ooderieh.
Court opened at 4 p m., t,y prucLiu
tion. 'lite follow ui� :enttc men we
e*llod on
THS .,58511 Juin"
John Lon, f.•reman, A Mich. Alias
James Buchan[, Th... Ituatts., kiwis
Carnuchan, Jacob Felber, Thuu
row, Francis Morris, Hugh M(oQaaene
Duncan McEwen, Jobe McKay, Rd
ward (Moslem, Thea Penalamd, nos.
Ryan, Alellasder &aria& Robs. Tog
Thome Weatbweld, Eiiha.t Mor
James $swill, Witliaat Alieidge
The Opted Jury bat teg been Marrs
and proelonatrge sets, lieLordship
tine edures ed them es tethers
T. wenw five or em utero us the
jury.mimbest b neto Ise ves mom dot the pstigtht Wore the ias-
sested ry iesesnw for eiati-
esati... wen two eases el 4'
soy. Fortran c••a.sess m the minim
m r
fraed.lemt paper with the inssdies ed
ddra.dis.. S...s.r:MIS the staefsatet>sdf
ing of (he paper woe mads, and at Mit[m.
times only a part was
changed. , If the gonad jury&[vase
the wedge to be talo, t1e nest thing
for them to do would be to dulermine
the [Ment. Two mom et maid
also nome before the jury ler els-
jury. Hudgins, Q.C., for Crown. Doyle
for deft.
H•elguns in opening the case said:
The Lw wee made with the intention
el harms! every mans vote fairly polled.
The law has defined what is the right of
voting. sad has also declared that every
weir regimes to receive a vote or re-
, awes. a voter istaguilty (if an in -
oases. Some hare called the
ffinekses a trent, and s,, it iR When I
mem cusses W vote he does nut yr to for
bfesadf, bat fur his neighbors and his
gauntry. Sometimes an election has
treed un one tote, and if that vote was
firenhiest, a peat wrong aright be
roma ; go%erarnents have been defeat -
least governments have been kept in
by ass vote. So a single vote may
ammo the policy of a nation. The law
slims wbo'shall have the franchise, and
then "and no others" It does not
assesw where an "owner" rendes. But
udeeatwo. It was that olee z, if he .ells his property before the elec-
.aths ►ad bo.a unlawi takes by two thea, and leaves the electoral district, he
persons during the ethos.[ aweeee in has no right te vote. He is simply a
West Huron. . Perjury wee the take K stranger, who has no right to vote. It
of a fate oath ie • joined efueseler. A t s an ,t t m,anor, learned e u nether hel hesworn
n ex -
false aMdatit for rexiatntiom parp,
or a false oath at an eleotoe.l w�polling. plowed the prisoner's cam., showing that'
booth was also perjury Two things to a had been tenant who left the dis-
consider in a perjury case were : (1.) was [root before the election, and was virtu-
e false oath taken 1 (2. Had r_ ally a stranger. He had been warned
son taking the false oath a know by Mme, but he went to the poll, and
of its being false 1 if these were cl the challenge of the scrutineer he
Shown then the offence of perjury too the [lath and voted. They had to
been committed. There was a case of decide upon the following points : (1)
common, and a probability that a case Was the oath administered 7 (2) Was he
of aggravated assault would also come the tenant of property 7 (3) If not a ten -
before thein for consideration. After ant was he a resident of the riding of
they had performed the duties devoly- West Huron 7 It is for you „gentlemen , to
ing upon them and visited the gaol, be
would be pleased to discharge them so
that they could- return to their homes
without any further delay.
Daniel McKay was sworn in as con-
stable to attend the Grand Jury during
the assize.
Mr. Thos. Hudgins, Q. C., asked for
a bench warrant against prisoners in the
prisoners in the Queen v. Wm. and Jas.
Bone, and his Lordship ordered it to
Court adjourned at 4.30 p. in.
Ha00)ND DAY.
Court opened at 9:30 a. no pursuant
to adjournment, and the following cases
were gone on with :-
Collins v. Reeve -Action of ejectment.
Verdict for elf . B. L. Doyle for plff, ;
Cameron, Holt & Cameron for deft.
Tho grand jury came it -Ito court with
"true bill" for forgery against Thomas
Smith, and a "true bill" for obtaining
property on a forged instrument.
The grand jury came into court with
"no bill" against Archibald Carrick for
forging the name of Jas. Carrick.
The grand jury came into court with
a "true bill" against William John Ben-
net as principal, and Isabella Bennett
and Sarah Ryan as accesaoriea for felo-
nious assault.
Mr. Thomas Hedging, Crown Counsel,
moved for a bench warrant against de-
fendants and his Lordship ordered it to
issue, which was accordingly done.
Gardner v. Austin et al- Action for
breach of lease. Verdict for plff. for 20
cents with full costa by consent. Came-
ron, Holt & Cameron for plff ; Oarrow
& Proudfoot for deft.
The Queen v. Thos. Smith -Prisoner
was arraigned on indictment for forgery
and pleaded not guilty of the first count
therein and guilty of the secead count.
He also pleaded guilty to obtaining pro-
perty on a forged instrument.
Crich v. Sallows-Action for seduc-
tiov. Verdict for plfL forffl00damsgea
Cameron, Holt & Cameron Inc plf . ; 13.
Msloomson for deft.
The grand jury came into court with
a "true bill" against John L. Sturdy for
perjury and • "true bill" for unlawful
voting at an election.
Court adjourned at 6:46 p. m.
The grand jury came into eoonrt with a
"true bill" against Wm Higginson fur
an attempt to commit rape.
The Queen v. Mary Ann Flyn-In-
dictment for a..suit. Verdict of "not
guilty" returned. Hodgine, Q. C., fur
Crown; (farrow & Proudfnot for deft
Black v. Bheddon-Sededion. Ver-
dict for plff. Inc $100. Cameros, Holt
& Cameron for pift ; ()arrow s Freed -
foot for deft.
The grand jury came into wort with a
"true bill" for perjury and a "true bill"
for unlawful voting at an elsetiun,agadst
J. R. Tennant, of L.ekrtnw.
The Queen v. Wm. Bone and Jails
Ron.--Itdietment for larceny of a hies
of beet Verdict "net guilty." Hod-
gins, Q. C., for the Cr,wn; Ostrow •
Proodfnot for the defence.
TOUR= nay .
Court opted at 9.30 pursuant to ad-
Mea d1amd v. Ferran -Actio. on ae-
oowt. Rder- d by eneeent to Isaac F.
Tomo, junior judge of the Oounty Oonrt
Giertow & Prounfeot fe.r pit.; (Tameros,
Heft & Cae.eron for deft
Tbe Quern v.John L Sturdy -indict -
of residence during the administering of
further bore testimony in effect '`If that
was the right oath I swear to the best of
istered it." That, sari the positive testi-
mony of Vanstone and bounden that it
WWI the right oath, and that it bad been
taken by the prisoner, disposed of the
first two points. On the third point, as to
whether the prisoner had taken the oath
with a full knowledge that he was doing
wrong, there was .trona evidence that
due warning had been go en at different
times and places. He was warned on
the 25th of May by Mr. Prou foot,
nearly a month before polling day ;
also on the 10th of June by Mr. Dan-
cey ; afterwards he was cautioned on
polling day by Mr. Swanson, and Dan -
cep. Swanson's testimony had not been
rebutted in any way, and in the witness -
box he had given his evidence in an
honest, straight -forward manner; even
the testimony of Elliott did not in any
particular contradict Swanson's; Elliott
merely proved that he drove Sturdy to
the polling place, and left him outside.
He did not see hint. enter. Mr. Skim-
mings also saw Swanson and Sturdy in
conversation. In addition to those al-
ready named Mr. Proudfoot also warned
Sturdy on polling day. Under these
circumstances it could hardly be suppos-
ed that Sturdy had not had ample warn-
ing. It was the duty of every true man
to endeavor so far as in him Ly to pre-
serve the purity of clectiot.s, and she
jury in this instance had an opportunity
of passing opinion as to whether or not
there had been an infringement on the
part of defendant. Unfortunately, in
some instances grave outrages on the
election law had been perpetrated, and
allowing such things to be was striking
at the root of one of our most sacre
rights- the pure exorcise of the fran-
chise. At one election in Quebec[ there
had been hundreds, perhaps a thousand
frauds perpetrated, and in an American
case pages of a directory from an out-
side place had been entered on the poll
book. The case before the jury was not
one of that kind, but there were many
ways of violating the election act. This
case, hinged upon three pointe, to which
he had drawn attention: If the jury
had any doubt regarding these points
they should give the defendant the bene -
aa; Whether the crown has established fit of the doubt. If they were satisfied
the evidence upon which prisoner bas that the evidence was conclusive they
been indicted. should give a verdict in accordance
Thu evidence given by the witnesaetherewith. rt was for them to deter -
was to the swine effect as that given be-
fore the magistrates court and published
last week, with the exception of Mr.
Addison's, which was as follows :
To Mr. Doyle :
I took up the oath on tho card and
read it about half way through. Saund-
ers said that it was not the right one ; I
followed on from where I left off, till I
reached the end. He took the oath ; I
do not know where I left off, before I
finished the oath ; I am quite Jost about
it ; I cannot swear. There might be a
word or two, or perhaps a sentence for
what I know. I knew he was to be
aworn, for I saw him at the window, and
Saunders said he (Sturdy) has to be
To Mr. Hedging.
I am an old official in elections for 14
years, and never had any fault found
with my duties as deputy -returning offi-
cer; I have always endeavored to do my
full duty ; I believe I did my full duty
in the late election ; to the best of my
recollection I read the whole oath ; tt
was my intention to give the whole oath,
and I believe I did no ; I don't remem-
ber making a remark to Mr. Vanstone
about Mr. Sturdy's vote : I said when
I saw his face at the window : "There's
John Sturdy, of Winghamt come to
vote," and Mr. Saunders replied "I am
going to swear him;" I told the poll
clerk to enter "John L. Sturdy, hotel
keeper, Wingham, "t" (tenant) "s"
(sworn) on the poll book ; I know he
lived at Wingham ; it meant that Jahn
L. Sturdy voted as tenant and was
sworn ; I read the whole oath, perhaps I
may have lost some of it ; I read
all the oath to the end, unless it was a
word or sentence I may have left out
when I stopped ; I trier have read about
"the electoral district, but I cannot call
it to my mommy ; there was a turmoil,
and I couldn't remember all ; if there is
anything I want to stay in my memory
I can keep it for years ; 1 I committed
it to memory I could keep it for twenty
years. I cannot venture t , say it was
road or was not.
The new witnesses were Georgie Swan-
son, Frank Elliott, W. Skiniininge and
J. A. Morton.
nil JUDGE Y , NAa.la.
There were three points in this case
upon which It turned • (1.) Which of the
oaths ens admtniniatered to Sturdy 1
(!.) Did the deputy returner* Alcor rid-
misuter the whole oath 1 (3,) Suppos-
ing the whole oath bad been administer-
dmini -
ed, did the take it knowiney
or ignorantly i AS the witnesses on Om
point agreed that ea oath of some kind
had been adsaiais/s»d. The deputy re-
turning ollse did not know that he had
n ot adasieiMred the whole oath. He wee
an old olsial and believed he had eon-
enisetio.g his duty, Saun- ffamle.d The pp fact ad
deetweethat the sentence ren- Bro. Harry too, N. 0., who made a
Wive to beteg "still a re few suitabls remarks on the 0ooaaion,
sidKet d bed boon admin,„- which want duly responded to by the
[Med in Ib we se tea the witssas r'ecipssat of the gift. Mr. Holmes was
Vamstoms, -.
jggs seg v., recently appointed agent at Tbedford,shool
sto bS and left on Wednesday to enter upon
ens pre poi*. tMhoway sob' his duties. The pm) hof Medford will
was Rogaegativd, het rather strength. fled a d resident in Mr. Holmes.
good es by the OTTAWA g1 the returning Early on Sunday morning the body of
oilier. The serniisesre had iningenue.
. a man .opposed to he !Bermanerman Sttu-
tione to Swear Sturdy, and attention was barter was fnnnd on the G. T R. nt a -
drawn too the elan.w
rn.Niniz the. plates New Hamburg
the ofli
ath. The deputy returuingoosr
my knowledge and belief that I admin -
mine the question, and he would now
leave it to them for their consideration.
The fury retired at 5:30.
At ;one o'clock the jury came into
Court, and the foreman said : Some of
them are saying they will hold out for a
week from Saturday. We have a diffi-
culty. We agree that he took the oath;
some maintain that he did not know he
was taking a false oath, others believe he
His Lordship read Proudfoot's and
Swanson's evidence, snowing that the
prisoner had been warned. Other points
were also cleared up by the judge, and
the jury retired again at 9.40.
In about an nour the jury were brought
The foreman said: We were nearer an
agreement than ever before; only one
man out of accord with the others; he
will not convict the than, but he cannot
show why.
His Lordship --Every one feels that a
jury should not be coerced, but a juror
ought to be able to give s reason. I
don't desire to impeach him, but jurors
must often do a painful and ditagreeable
duty, but they should do it. A juryr
should reason with his fellows, but it is
unreonable if he says I will give no
reason, and I won't agree.
Foreman --He gays he can't agree, but
can give no reason consistent with the
evidence. We all respect the juror for
maintaining his ground oonsistently, but
he can'tso
give a reason. lie gets off the
evidence and only supposes
The jury again retired for ten minutes.
Coming in for the third time, the fore-
man of the jury said, " We bring the
prisoner in 'Guilty,' but strongly recom-
mend him to the mercy of the Court."
His Lordship and the jury decided
that the prisoner was not guilty on the
first assignment (that of tenancy), but
was guilty of the second sasignment, in
swearing as to being • resident
His Lordship said the prisoner would
have to be handed over to the ouatody of
the court, hut at the request of the pri-
soner's a ouiieel, accepted bail for his ap-
pearanae Inc sentenoe nn Saturday morn-
ing, two sureties in $200, apd the prison-
er in $400.
Di . Ten to n' , - f Luck now. and Mr.
James Mitchell, of the Ntar went bail for
the prisoner.
Paa+sxrartoa -On the evening of
Mnnday, 73rd inmr.
t., the embeof
Huron Ledge and Huron Encampment
1. O. 0. F. met at the lodge room and
presented Bro. H. S. Holme. P. 0. and
P. C. P. with a handsome combination
jewel, suitably engraved by C. J. New-
man, es a token of the appreciation of his
past services in oneaeotsoo. He also re-
ceived a member'e corniest*, elegantly
reagin on was mad s by