HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-20, Page 5THE HUI1014 SIGNAL, FRIDAY, uc'i'. 20, 188i. LQIINET r4, be g onsort ted by (lis Iondo ere- its gesewIey wlen Areal- ra.food lWMeon Los11■b (assert - Allow Casal IMle-ted. bird Nlealeypf Eight, is tLe 1 ew leer is 1t,ed, wi lwbonttoiu two weeks and, 4Ake I)1 such ritl1h leaner, be fed 1nF, public by the corporatidh u Loddon. It will be a very conservative banquet, however, for $2,500 ot4y lits been voted for it, which, according to the liberal eaters in tha civic body, will ord I+(tt]lirtlt better t$ wp`eosie •iylntin e]Ls a,gllss1 c� a.st$r. 'Thhe , u a London ape(1.11 says tiro hl- dividual claims for dam.' -ea incurred tet Alexandria dinitig the reign of tenor amount to the sunt of $30,1100,001 up to r Edildld Illalet awnounees that the trial of Arabi and his :lsaocl Ites will not proceed unless they arodefended by Eng- lish counsel ; while the Egyptian Minis- try has informed Sir Edward Malet that it,will nit be lesposlbld for the covern- uaeat of the country if the English c un- sel introduces a method of proced•ire un- known to the Egyptian courts. The Titans says: --"Cates pro' er ar- rangement be trade by she Egyptian authorities to secure a fair trial for Arabi and his leaders, it is possible that the British Government will require that they he handed back to English custo- dy. rA Caine despatch says the evidence of Arabi's complicicity in the June maw- acres aracres is possibly insufficient to secure hie oonvictiuu, but there is little doutt that it is " not proven rather than " ant guilty." Eight hundred documents in the correspondence between Arabi and various persons which Gen. Wolseley captured after the tattle of Tel -el -Kabir have reached the Foreign Othoe. At the private investigation in the cases of the rebel prisoners, most of them objected to being questioned regarding the events prior to the outbreak, Arabi especially urging that they were covered by the Khedive's general pardon. Arabi de- nies that the June massacres were pre- cipitated by the presence of the British fleet, and says he was in no way respon- sible for them. The Alexandria bom- bardment was done after a mere twenty- -tour hours' notice, which was entirely -too short to allow the people to remove or to carry away their instils. Arabi alleges that he and his officer. did all in their power to keep under control this dangerous feeling, and would hale succeeded in preventing the outbreak if Admiral Seymour had u t been in such parte. It was s common belief am.ouj his staff that the British were well in- formed of the dangerous temper of the populace, and'inew that a bombardment under the circumstances would drive the Egyptians into frenzy. Arabi said all the bloodshed was caused by a Maltese stabbing as Ar.b who was den,,uncinig Admiral Siffnetoora caotluct. do contra diction of the charge of re'belb n. Arabi produced evidence that he was acting in perfect fealty to the Sultan and Khedive. Baker Pasha proposes to concentrate along the Giro railway the' war material spread Over Egypt, and io select there- from an equipment taw the new army, and to sell the surphta Tie recommends Rias Pasha to undertalre the organiza- tion of polite A special eaehlegrauu to the New York Sunday Sun says the sbaretaoldere of th3 Suez Canal hare evidently got to be coerced. Tee Times has again, is all apparent seriousness, taken taken up the question of a new canal from A1riandria to Cairo. and from Cairo to Suez. 'This can be constructed for $50,000,000. It would be of incalculable benefit to the western region, now beyond the reach of irriga- tion, and would mate Cairo a seaport. It would require only one day longer in transit than the present -cane!. The whole project is elaborately and plausi- bly set forth Trade .Stark kroiagerrrl. ANOTHER CREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. 1:y sal ubs.rsahtru. we find all lana MIM-, ulstota have a it head and watch the ups and downs of tna• grty, thus !Hakim.large fur: u res. But the whole secret is. they keep Cie system in a healthy condition by th use of TAR ramie, TN11 VALLaW MkDI4'I IA-, can safely say that hundreds ooate to u• for the great lung and blood purifier before going west. Read the following statement We could give thousands of the sane kind it It were neeessszy I ue-rtif7 that I was troubled with Catarrh is obs Mas, gathering of pn in the throat, choking aasadi (toughing at rat for years. so 1 could toot ekep, ono woo with dull, life- less feelings, pains in the chest and back. After giving k.adreds of dollars to doctors, ant giving up an hopes. 1 tried the fetus or TIK 'st.t.sv, and am now able to do my work after se v en Janis sickness." YRS. JAMIE lrcNE11., OS Moose Sweet, London, On "The above statement of my wife's is cut rect. Janna McNutt.. Far sate by all druggists, manufactured by Prof. A. M. Shrlwen London. Ont. Sample ppascc�t�t��ggea >s cb• fire ter Can be had in Gsder7c► of tits follow► dru : Jena head. Jaa. Mesas. I. , dies. Ray - ass. and J. A. Iin11e1. 1825 Trovalltfg Gude. GRAND TRUNK t ase. Paas. Esp'e. Goderich.Lv.5.45am..ltJ0 pm. lapin 8.30 am waeT. Paas. lases, We'd. Mii d. God.ric\.Ar 3 pIn 9.INpee ld.308.0 7.15pm AGE LINES. Lecknow Stage (dally) at r. 1e.16am .. dep fpm Kincardine l Mum " 7aes Laiups! Liii! Lauips! owdeefeb Markets. LIGHT FOR EVERYBODY. Geo.H.OId Grand Announcement to tho People, Miss STEWART begs to to aunoun • that, owing to the `tremendous Rush 1 which attended her fall openinghaving abated in some Iueitsure, the ladies of our town and te surrounding country, can nbw view with a greater degree of pleasure, the MAGNIFICENT DISPLAY Has M•en busily engaged for the past few weeks, working ap the cotapetltlo0 amongst the apple borers. no that the farriers would be enabled to get the at her new premises, nest door to R. W. McKenzie's Hardware Store. She Has Everything in Wearing Apparel a Lady Can Desire, lli1io Itht Price The most complete assortment of Children's Wearing Apparel in town. But he has act neglected to la.ep rap his stock of GODERICtL ()et. 19. 1882. \sheat. (Fall), bash.. .. ..... $0 t4 ca $ 91 Wheat, (!Spring) V bush....:... (96 ((t A� Floor. , barrel.. .. b (d 00 560 (oats. i bush 030 is 0 31 Peas • bush 0 sit s8 060 :Harley, a hush c.....:... 0 4S to 0.32 J*otatoes h bush .. e.35 fie 035 Jiay. •ton _ 00 to 800 Eui(er s R.. 0 LS fir 0 17 hos. Ina}aeisd)........ • 0 0 12 eLLL'6�� ieeebbb�sse• e w( ................... ola a o Bo Bran, P cwt .. 1 0 0 Wool.. ....ei i ............ . .... woad....... ... ................. 3 oe ;' 3 So Hides 7 ,e 7 75 40 150 WILL YOU EXCHANGE a case of' Dyspepsia or litliousnes for 75 cents? It is awfully unwise to tg'lntzo un- dcrt:lcmany ailments arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sttomach and Liver. when this offer is made to you In your own home in ail sincerity. VIM - abrolute certainty of wine �su. t?PIISA (from Brasil) cures Das palaand Biliousness. A 4tle dose relieves; a famph• Ole convinces; a 73 oc'tt tis care^. acts directly II oa the kollsaclr Liver, and Kidneys. t. Corr•o%et I ng, Jr- - a sive* e' Brain M1 ��i simpb; (cork= the Dt.es- activity to lake It to ane 1 lass and 10,4 all te— i 7 mat Betas at._ tepees, sad reit your notes bow 1t seta It 1' warraajad t• ear* Dypepsta sad tDM Cheap Groceries, MILLINERY & MANTLES Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, ornaments, &c., &c., St•. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, And is now selling them at- rices that anno be beaten. The BestLine of Teas in Town isat 5:40 -CALL AND INSPECT THE GOODS FOR YOURSELF. Apprentices Wanted to Learn Millinery and Dressmaking, C -_II_ CI=s_ Ile has also gone largely into Croc8rj & tllssro DANIEL GORDON CABINET biAgER, THE LEADING-AN VNDER'. IAHERL Furniture at Bottom Prices for Cash and hat, on hand a large selection of Lamps of beautiful design. fl you want satisfaction call and see. G. H. OLD Godes ich, Sept. ?Bth 1842. nos The Chicago House WEST -ST., CIrODERICH_ THE FALL TRADE IN MILLINERY! Has now opened at that headquarters of fashion, the Chicago House, and Paul now in a position to state that the latest st�y'les, last material and most reasonable prices can he found there. Everything in the Millinery line in Misses, Young Ladies, Matrons and Widows' Wear is on viewiat tho Chicago House. A particularly fine line in Widows' Ca can be seen. MISS WILKINSON is also agent for Butterick's Patt •res, and Parker's Stearn Dye WIrkr, Toronto. ]7Retuember the pce THE CHICAGO HOUSE, West -Street. NEW ARRIVALS tor' FALL & WINTER GOODS. OVER,COATINGS. Scotch,_Eu1isfl, Irish & Cauadain Teeds IT -UGH D U NLOP NEW DRESS GOODS I have now on hand a very large stock, such a, • � � 1 V S Chairs ofall kinds, Tables, Bedsteads, al Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat- tan Chairs, .\ large Ahipme:tt of s Goods 2 Doors West of the Post Miss Jessie Wiisoi FASI-IIONABLE MILLINErt_ TIMOTHY SEED. )- l{l 011 and GUI ID. THIS YEAR'S GROWTH, .\ SPLENDID VARIETY -AT 8.SLOANE'S SSED STORE. Newest Styles in Hats and Bonnets I he 111(04. popular Shades ire gibbus-. Novelties in Feathers and Ornaments. Styles and Prices certain to please Miss Jessie Wilson, THE SQUARE, GODERICH. Bargains in Gre7 Flannele, at J.' 0. C`:rs. Bargains in Canton Flannels, at J. O. Detior & Co's. Bargains in Winceys3 at J. G. Detior & Co's. A IAA of Table Linen at Job Prices. Mantle Cloths in (are:tt Y ari Mantles Made to Order. Mantles Cut Free of ('i•Rlge. GREAT AUCTION SALE THOROUGHBRED -AND- IMPROVED STOCK . SIXTH ANNUALSALE I Nf1KR THE AI SPiCKA OP THE HURON LIVE STOCK ASSOCIATION -0v- WEDNESDAY OCT. 18 uA, And following day. If eeeessary, at the TOWN OF CLINTON, • Sore. (•owmty, Ottterin. Canada. H Rws. Cows. Aelfers, [sheep sad 0 ewls', viMa a hest ds in Oaatadot' and tthe6t wei%•ttrw�,,r.s.�w-• , Atatoireen paFtdass. iJ� ems" i. Y H k f r � east. (r . Of wily sauseast` iu i Ina be nwielvestzeier tary Zile* :11111111111. :Wu raw tie *verde* of the 0-5.1t ('onteining 500 pieces of the Choicest Mnste. Orders taken at Heron Sehatl Book rat pot. STRIPEL and. B.;, REQ( SHEPPARD, Agent, aoderi{.i t Tc mi•, L in dolor for ,, ritnnl:itge. COLBORNE BROS, CANADA'S FAVORITE WEFKLY THE WESTERN ADVERTISER -AND - WHIM 7IC LIBH3RAL, OF LONDON, ONT. Important Reduction in Price -Balance of 1882 Free -Valuable Pre- mium for the coming year. The price of the Wogran( ADTotTT.rR ,P Wwatln.v Limiest. W hews redwood to $seas Mr 111031hebn tsar of POI free to new ewh.rr•ibees 1. syqM lattaeasr pygera. ditty four onlamns. The lewd news, valwahie ers nepartU te.' of iwteoret to I1 eentinwad and completed Marta-, music pictures, eta, For 1A rents en- tre a Om of oar great book pregame of 15e ni.be.titlett"Hoag alto Ilamain,- will be a (grown tag (weer: or. for i5 cents. he newt iv heavy board cover. Cestishp Mats wid reelpel on I.tIIIweer o trope Inked. 5.ewt ass{ will wast wad •�l1r�y w t caw tttr6� es alae t SILrrw- -hdiwiAewtMOld� 6a[ago w1Wwtodor. `NAI Mwdivow oiar fn —soritoolot "r t CA Adie r1r t Adee-effete . The shrive balmier Wl O..N 1, awl' Tota1 1'Otte% at will be din fermi Aare to the tat M Jeteary. ust, far the atereowl1 low llama et 112.50 In TAC crow. We A Khoo...* . .4 � w' • (ra\b's Blseh. RrMtta et.. mart w,�at ryes,, tlm .n acorn' M L h s atHl masrrt'r wort RRiN feetwo trod a4 sod, GOI)ERICIT ATINDE15,3 VARIETY STORE. =LtT� 0 -ODDS_ CUTIl: . F BIRD (`.1GES FR UITJ..4RS I'L.1 TED 1Y:1 RE CO()KI✓'I G STOVES F.1.ArC Y BASKETS PR ESER VIJV G KETTLES J. S. SAUNDERS & SON. The Cheapest House Under The Sun NEXT fJOlt TO THE i'OST OFFICE. Z\Zeclica1 mall, God.erich., large supply of M n.errat Line Fitit Juice, and Lime Jaice, Cordial Tho; purest andthcatLiand in the Market. Makes a chap. delicious. and WI-IOLESOME SLIMMER PRI N KS. Suss received a great Int of LONDON PURPLE AND PARIS GREEN, For 14t1AT11 111"(15. y_E=,LEBOP.E FOR INSECTS, ETC_, (IN 5111tt'ItHEHv. PERSIAN INSECT POWDER For the destruction of all kinds of insects. The neo rat and (non-,, =CVG -I3 (;) N R,AT F. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist. beautiful Art Begigus is Wall Papers. Now is the time. It roe wi.h one cr t wo nice rooms at home, to sec Hitler's room paper 11, has ore. 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Benutifnl colors. and at prices less than very enol( inferior goods. Co 1 are the hod •sine in town. and moist be sold. Designs :1nd Ac.• thele they The 1si Siug ��or 1 ii, x111 h'sliioos iitfAITLANT) H(►TEL, GODSRiCH 111 ONT. 'flee shorn new an 1 hast-etuse Mese. rinse to the Rahway Pasties end convenient to 'he town. 1. aerond to none to Ontario. for com- fort and arrnmmodatktw. fa heated by Hot Air. 11 04111/11 04180*. IW1111115C Reiff (Toryi5t !Awn and g.,vlen on the prenilee.. Hot sad told maaN at all hnorw. Metrot rvt/prw. An Otsalhws to 94nd frost boat and raew -rth la ettts4w anrA loo Rrnwts, fi Pro- prietor Ts -3= HA\ 'rll.ST Till DO1.110NIN AIR RESTORER ADS BY 1l TAPSOOTP, of Brantford, pleases them hotter than any prepara- ilea they ever ward. It Is meat refreshing in car of h•rdaeh• or feverishness,' of 'ho scalp, sad makes Faded or Only Hair sesames charmingly natural and healthy appearanee. Price C Cee .ts l'ex Mottle GEORGE =NAB, AC31nNT FOR 0-01:3ERI01E3-