HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-20, Page 4THE HURON SIGNAL, - FRIDAY ter- ;O, 18j2- IUURON SIGNAL ive Friday Morning, by Ile- /th,Mat theft Oth.r, North tit tOM she tlg care 1 (.JAD RIGH. t)YTARht. ♦id r MO harts of the surround 1 oranlrjj b he carnal mills and tral•s- H /�egu has a circ Um lyra stores r atMe/pper ate�a rt he lir prOn a oaf tlees'al and 1 Sommais in OOOOp�YYeatarrt* I i e War n�ebove.t��•tnt Mill -clati ���nnLds u�s�iea�.1 �Metphars alit is tiler-cl • least .h. (lrwO medias'. Wile.-$L.SO in advance, postage pre -paid 100whets ?MIL Tbb rule 5 ybefo•tx smooths re be etei,:rly •aluMed• M ar Or Aitvaornal at -Eight etas lie line Ur first insertion : three cents pm -hew fur pohauhsegaent t us.-rtion. Pearly. half -yearly and gsarterly contracts at educed rates. JOS rUM6673i6.-- iV a have also • wrat•class obbdg depart meat in connedba d powwow the complete tmeat coplete ort -fit and (t,.est Unlinks' or taming eut work In OO derich.lre prepared odo business in that line at prices ta•thrat cannot mutiny be beaten, and of a ti 7 be .urp•reed. - Tama Cala FRIDAY, OCT. 20th, 1882. were galled diming the year, so farts we bees been able to tied tel ; gold only ole (die .oatuilon Mune Jaeusry has Mou • verbal report ow railway uattefe hers given at the Council liwri, and the sub- stance of the 'natter then aJvanued wan that the committee went working in secret so that the outside world would not be put uu its guard arld work inimi- cal 4u the iutereets of the tows, Lid anybody ever heir of anything of the like fror4 a publicly appointed body 1 The Rail ay committee are "lying low for dunks," and while they keep law the ducks keep high. I� A change is wanted. It is time the Railway eonanittee rendered an account of their stewardship. If anything has been done, the public in whose interests they have been working should receive the record. If the committee has done nothing the public should he made aware of the fait that it was created for orna- ment and not for use; and that so far as expecting anything from it in the dupe of labor in the town's intent is con- cerned, it might have been better had it never existed. Had the Council Board net taken up- on itself to create a Railway committee, a Citizens' committee could hare been appointed at a public meeting, and we venture to say that more effort would ?HA £ PERJURY CIRE. On Saturday last J. L Sturdy, .of W&+ghuu, appeared before a Magistrates Court in Guderich to stand a prelimin- •rv.exa.nination in regard to a charge uf' perjury preferred against him in re the Went Uurou election. From the evi- deeoe which we publish elsewhere in' this issue, it appears Sturdy formerly resided in Goderich, and was assessed as MOWAT MUSTN'T GO ti A PERJURY U. SE r I Cneaaotie ned by biro Doyle -I tilt The Reform Rooster Still Crows. Swats er Weraesday't re111as-Vise De- Ihrssrrs FJerted and ene Tory Candi- date Relented Two Beau W rotted Fres* the Tortes (Warm testa to the tare. It was stood news which was flashed over the telegraph sires on Wednesday night,. when the returns fru in the con - tasted vacant stats cattle itt. The Re- formers wan every seat but ane,"having wrested South Essex and Glengarry from the Tories. Ile result of the bye - elections can be taken as an indication of the feeling at present prevailing in the Province. It shows that the people are in favor of good government, self government and provincial rights, and that the honest and capable adininiatrs- tion led by that able and conscientious man, Hon. Oliver Mowat, is deserving of their support. It tells us that right is going tit win in the coming contest bo- tween the provincial and federal author- ities, and that the people are true too the sound Liberal principles which are championed by the present Ontario Government. The return of Mr. H. P. O'Connor in South Bruce by a rousing majority, will be much appreciated in the section. Mr. O'Connor spent his youth in Goderich, and made 'flatly friends here, as indeed he dues everywhere. Balfour's victory in South Essex is a grand one, and Rayside's re-capturt of Glengarry is a matter of rejoicing. West Hastings 'lone returns a Con- servative, although with a reduced ma- jority. In North Renfrew a compromise was effected, a Conservatire being elect- ed by acclamation on his agreeing to support the Administration. The elec- tion in Muskoka will take place next week. The following are the figures in the various constituencies : SOCTH wa9Ex. Gimlet ich will be gone, and gone forever. Amheratbur,, Oct. 18. -Balfour, Re- former, elected by about 100 rnajority. Tile elections of Wednesday proved SOUTH iRUc E. that Mr. Mowat has a little more "go" Walkerton, Oct. 18. -Full returns for in him than his opponents suspectei. South Bruce are not in, but O'Connor, Reform, is elected by fully two hundred teryunt un a certain property. Some have been put forth by a committee w months anterior to the 20th of June h selected, than has been exhibited by the moved to Wingliano of which place he existing Railway committee -a leaner time at the time of the election a oat record could not possibly be shown. deaf, Winghatw, by the recent Berry Exception will be taken to our remarks mandating Act ..f the Government, was on the question, on the ground that it placed in the End Riding of Huron, was useless for the committee to exhibit whereas Goderich. fur electoral par- inure energy, owing to the transitory poses was placed in the West Riding, condition e,f railway affairs during the the making Sturdy a non-resident on past year. Our answer to that is, that election day. However, he came .lawn when changes are rife and transitions to vote and on beinv challenged by the I are the order of the day then is the Reform scrutineers, took the oath read time to endeavor to work the change to to him by the deputy returning officer your own special interest. When stocks and approved of by the scrutineers. A are quiet and values fixed is not the time • clause in the oath stipulatesthat the when the chances are to speculate to ad - taker is still a resident of the electoral vantage The time fur making a " big division. Hence the case against strike" is when there is a commotion Sturdy. around and about you. And it is the Two of the witnesses at the exa nin- same with railway 'natters. If the ation swore that Sturdy took the oath. `transitory cowdition" settles down, and Tho deputy returning officer, admitted definite action be taken by the directors that ho swore Sturdy, but is not poai- 'ofthe 0 V. R. to make Sarnia, Port live whetherhe gave the whola of the Frank, or Kincardine their terminus, the oath to him, or whether he omitted opportunity of diverting the road to the clause concerning his heiug still a resident of the Riding ; and this in the face of the fact that his special attention was called to the matter by Saunders,one of the scrutineers, when the oath wit read to Sturdy. The deputy returning-o.fficer is hot 1:4111.31. not swear positively to the 1 w irda ul ISl 21.2 \ .lya tie 1,r.. 1 awe,. die k:ty : N uft�Mr lM wd.W Mr. Hulk -u uta d the arch Mr. Sturdy swore to ; I cannot Ilulli��aursawtu, vu Uar nth lit tilotwins Out of the Late Elec - I w s still a the wire of Mr. William Hudson. udson. of : Meat* pcasiticrly that I � dnugtter. tion. rettelunt of the electurel district alta II Attune.. art of the o;th administered to Mr. TUOM1'ftlON--110ssa-At the Marne. Oude- mu. on Use lath hat. by ibe T. J. A. ulnas 1teh■ L. *tardy a'•mwented for Trial r•r Talking a Valor Oath. nefere is Dedely ' eetsreieg Serer. ON Saturday last the adjuunttd case 1Well.et J. L. Sturday, hotel -keeper, of ' inghatn, charged with perjury, came trip lief. re ]lld)or Horton and Pete' Adamson, J. P. The complaint against Sturdy was u.ade by High Constable J. 0. Currie, and is that the said J. L. Stur- dy did tender his vote and receive a bal- lot in the polling sub.divisiuu No. 1, in the town of Goderich, on the 20th day of June last, being the day Nein which election fur meintefs of the House of C.nnnons was held ; in this ease the candidates being M C. Cameron and R. Poiter ; ani that he did wilfully and falsely and corruptly swear that he was still "a resident of -this electoral divis- rail Mr. Chas. Seeger for the pnosecution ; Mr. B. L Doyle fur the defence. .1. C. Currie deposed that he served the summons upuu the defendant. Benj. 1Villsuu, sworn- I was return- ing officer for the electoral district of West Huron for the House of Commons on the 20th of June. 1882 ; 1 have not the commission appointing me, as such. I have returned it to Ottawa ; I appoint- ed as deputy returning officer fur polling subdivision Nu I, Goderich, James Ad - not 'swear that Mr. Saunters got up diwn by commission according to suit - when s flaking to Mr„ Addison ; 1 won t THE evidence we publish of the wit- malonty' credited with shortness of memory by SaundersSOCTH WATERLOO. nesaes Addison, and Vanstone, I Galt, Oct. 18. -Masten, Reform, el - those who know him best. He has been whose testimony is most important in ected for South \Vaterloo by about 400 known to enter into details of events turfy. By Mr. Stever -To tho beat of lay l'u'nbull, 14. A.. J u Cullant . w Jame* Row, 1 SAS ,►biers oh of tigghter reeollectlen lir, Addison repeated 11 of J li � the o>Mr pTie� ur�,,s part of the oath, but I cannot swear by the Her. lather \Yatewa, os, the lath iitively that he did ; I refer to lite word Inn., Mr. John Nolan, tete of Geder.eb, uWd. to Miss Mary • Starkey, ut Goduricb, HO �1Ktl-('AilERON --(1n the 11th Intent, Rich ird Vsnttone, sworn --I wet agent Au swam cherub, t .tait�wuud b t e far Mr. Cameron ; I wu present when•o'- l H. Kirkby, lima. E. loiwea. . r- oti D•*patch TraReportation Cu.. Tut Mr, Sturdy coupe in to vote ; I heard the ant,,, u,e bee ut Mr. P. Honore, of the oath put to him by Mr. Addison ; and t'iintou New 4;,u,1 to Belle H., eldest heard it all read ; I won't swear posi- tively that form 18, act of 1879, chilli- d'FQNLAKE-WIte8UN--At she Royal Hotel. 4, was the form of oath administered to Seatonic uu the Inn lust. by the !tee. A. ,, 11. McDonald. Mr. l:redlu Mwlake, or him, but the words you are•till a re- sceptre, to Miss 'dotal. M'llaoa, Csborae. sident of this electunl district" was part MOHit sc' -knew- At the latheop Pres- byterusii of the os, h administered to Mr. Sturdy. lie . 1'. Mur,(cra e. Men n�\1 u�il Morrison. oC Cruse-exsiniued by Mr. Doyle -My lit. Marys, to Mus lwbnll tteasr, et Me duty at the polling place was to see that Ktllop. p ,ane et,Led who had no right to. vote ; GWDHIIN;F: -MAY-At the Jasper (louse. Gdauuluu, N. N. 1'., , be rvsldeace of .he 1 was agent fur Mr Cameron ; I did taut bridr s hrother-tis-law. on rite 2916 of Aug - k M Slimlyaefore he ens tut. br aha• Hrr. A. l4rowalugHatrod M A Speak t" r. - •• I had conversation &tante hu B.D.. yin He&r7 Gw,drid&e, of Kdmonton, sworn ; a no co . to Miss Fsan y, of los• UO*�r, vote when he game in ; 1 requested biro (•L-tltKF FLA AOA' 1s, Brua.eU b cite to tee aworu I aid to those µ'ho were iter. F. lir. an. Mr J. K. (.'Lake, of �.hea- preaent that he w'as nuked on my bete FOFtifl' MKMIiNE1' rlutl tsusels on Brbeldrde- rs ser ng, and to be sworn ; I Made the inst. by she Iter. F'. Ryan. Mr. H. J. Forbes. reul&rk aloud, but won't swear that Mr. to.,Muss K A. Kerney. all of Mumu Me( t'Tl'HEWN--}'AltKt -in Brussel, on Addiwn hood me ; I did not address the sok Inet., by the Hee. M. JUG'S. Mr. myself to any one in particular ; I listen Jobe Md'urcheuma of Grey, w Miss Morons L. Parks, of Turnberry. ed W hear that Mr.Sturdywaiswerm : we rDWAItle Ito KELAN'- to Grey, on the were sitting while he was there ; I sat 1th ins'. byy- Oae Hcr, h. Ic McRae Mr. with Mr. Saunders on one side of the Juhu N. Eoiwanls, of Sttiverton, to �ltas plc Mr. Addison ; I min- Enphemla Dukelaw, of Grey table opposite t.. mew. HIBIIAHD-ln (iudertch, on the 19th Inst_ Hon. John Hibberd, t , S. Consular Agent at the port. sherd 5fcera and 7 months. ILINI'K't- In Goderich Township, os the 19th hast., Charles }Bricks, M.D., fifth son of Harney Hlncka, Esq., Hose Garland Cot tage. aged 2r vests GOHIw1N Iia i limon, on the iSth Inst. Chris- tina, relict of the late Angus Gordon, aged 79 pp earn. N McMl1.LA-In Walton, en the loth Inst, Duncan McMillan. aged 71 years. FKAH- In Monkton, o& the Wh Inst., Wtlllam Morley, infant son of Her. K. A. Fear, aged 5 months. MciKII'GALL-In Grey, on the fah Instant Catharine, fourth daughter of John and Catharine McDougall, of the 9th con., aged 10 years. 5 months and 9 days. BULLARDI-in Seaford', on the 30th ult., Sarah, wife of Hobert Bullard. TOVELL-In &ic*fortb. on the 12th not.. Jennie McCulloch. wife of Mr. Gecrze ToveU and daughter of Mr. Wm. Mc hCul- ..a , Kai.. of l'iarpenc�y, aged 10 years and S month... Blrt]ETT--in Ashfield, on the 1th Inst., Ellen Bissett, daughter of Mr. Patrick O'Con- nor. aged 11 years and s months. ute ; I know defendant ; he now resides in Wingham ; I think that he resided there on the 20th of June, 1882. I have no doubt of that. Mr. Doyle objected to Mr. Willacn's evidence regarding the appointment of the deputy returning officer. James Addition, sworn -I acted as de• puty returning officer at polling sub -di- vision No. 1, in the town of Goderich on the 20th June, 188.2, at the election for the House of Commons for the electoral division of West Huron. I was appoint- ed by Benjamin Willson of Wingham ; he handed it to tee .myself ; John L. Sturdy's name was on the voters' list for that election for part of lot 124, as ten- ant or occupant, I don't know which ; Mr. Camerons agent requested that Mr. that happened thirty, forty and tifty years ago with a minuteness that an historian would envy, and yet he is un- able to remember whether he did a duty Ile WM sworn to perform, and paid for performing, a few short months back. Jtu friends will, we are surer be sorry to learn that hid memory has failed to such an alarming extent of late, and that his records of the past will nut be as reliable in the time to conte as they have Leen in years gone by, when hit Memory was strong and vigorous. 'Tis sad ! sad sad ! The witnesses Vanst one and Saunders both say that immediately after Sturdy had taken the oath, polled his vote, and left the booth, the deputy returning offi- cer remarked, "I would not have taken that oath if I was Sturdy," and yet he cannot now remember how much or how little of the oath was taken. it is not for us to say whether Sturdy was properly sworn or not; a jury will de- cide that question inside of n week. But two witnesses at the Magistrates' Court swore he wos, and although the de- puty returning officer with the short memory did net know whether the oath the Sturdy perjury case, was copied from the statements sworn to and signed by the witnesses, and can be relied on as ac= curate in ever particular. As the case is sorb judice, we are not as liberty to give any opinion as to the innocence or guilt of the prisoner. majority. EAST SIMCOE, Orillia, Oct. 18 -Drury, Reform, ma- jority 225.. with No. 1 division, Tay, to hear from, Which will giro Shaven 15 or 20 majority. GLENGARRY. Alexandria, Oct. 18 -- Rayside, Re- form, elected by 24 majority. A Tory Acknowledgement. WEST HASTINGS. Total returns give Ross (Ccmurvative One finds at rareintervals a Conservative 254 majority. paper whose partizanship does not always prevent it from spooking the truth . In speaking .of the idscontinuance of " Mar- mon," as a High School text book, the Guelph Herald says: - Ina school where both Catholics and Protestants are alike instructed, it is neither plersant nor advisable that a chili should be called upon to parse sucha phrase as " vassal slaves of bloody Rome,' or r8ad with too close attention the amour of Mannion with Constance, or take as history the fancy picture of the immure- ment of the unchaste nun. We think Mr. Crooks has some reason on his side for rejecting'Marmion, no matter how high its literary standard, asa text book." etanle7. BRIEFS.- Mr. John Campbell, of the Bronson Line, sold a span of three year old colts a few days ago to an American buyer for thef $ett i they were a John L Sturdy be swoon ; I did not swear that Mr. Addison got up , I ate not sure ; Mr. Stnrdy calve in, and Mr. Addison was putting his name on the ballot paper when I asked him to be sworn ; I could not say how much of the oath was read when Mr. Saunders inter- fered ; after Mr. Saunders interfered the discussion took place about the oath ; I do not know where he commenced too read again : I atn Kure that part of the oath was in ; I heani Mr. Addison swear to, his evidence ; I swear that he read that clause ; he read that "he was the person named or purporting t., be lam- ed ;" and "that he was owner, tenant or occupant ;" I can 'tswear positively where he was interrupted ; there was nothing mole said until Mr. Sturdy was swore ; after Mr. Sturdy left Mr. Addison, in talking the matter over, said he would put the whale •Hath to him ; I used the not like to take the oath if he was in Mr. EG oath partly to Mr Sturdy ; Mr. A. Saun Sturdy's place ; 1 am sure that he said dere, who was acting as agent for Mr. M. C. Cameron, said 'Mat is not the right cath;' I did swear the defendant ; I as who commenced the conversation know Mr. John L Sturdy ; have know y when M•. Addison made this remark. That is ail.I remember of the conversa- tion. T. Mr. Seager -I swear positively that the words "You are still a resident of the electoral district" were read to Mc Sturdy. Mr. P. Holt testified that Sturdy's lease of lot 124, Goderich, expired two years from the 12th of July, 1879. It was made in his wife's name. That de- fendant remained in poesession until January 10, 1882, and that Mr. Smith became tenant on 12th January, 1882. Sturdy was not a tenant on the 20th of June, -1882.' J. W. Smith, sworn -Made oath to his beingtenant of lot 124, referred to by Mr. olt, since" the llth day of Janu- ary, 1882. Some time after that date requeeted him to be sworn. Mr. Sturdy still had furniture on the Cross-examined by Mr. Seager -I corn- premises On the '20th J une last Sturdy menced to read over an oath furnished was not tenant. to me by the returning officer ; I select E. R. Lewis, sworn -Made oath and cd one of the five furnished me ; I think Bald that he was deputy Clerk of the 1 selected the proper oath ; I cannot say Peace - that • cu y of the tutee' that this is the oath I administered to, the defendant ; I don't know that it was not, form 18,*act of 1879 ; I paid very little attention to the oath ; I do not re.nember the reading of the oath ; I was stopped in reading it and it put int out ; I don't remember that part of the oath was or not "that you are tenant or occupant of the property ;" 1 don't re- member that I put to hum that part of the cath which says "that you are still a resident of this electoral district," or did not ; I don't remember that I com- inenced at the •place where I left off in administering the oath as I was inter - IAN OIL that ; Mr. Addison made the remark in presence of everyane there I can't Francis Mott, Commercial Hotel, Brantford, P sus : "1 was troubled with a dlstreestng head- ache. For four days 1 could neither eat nor sleep and was nearly distracted. I could not even allow my head to be combed. My so -n went to Taps:ott's Drug Store and got me a bottle of Egyptian 011, and gave me hall at teaspoonful, and also bathed my head. and 1 can honestly say that the effect passes belief. It cured my headache and gave me the utmost comfort in ten minutes. and 1 felt at once • desire for food. And although this happened over a week Nen. i have had no return of the pain. A ten dollar hill is the slue I put o:t that bottle of Egyptian Oil." Druggists self if. - i'fi (t-ttta per Bottle. him for years ; I have been in Wingghon since Mr. Sturdy was living in Wing - ham on the 23rd of March, 1882 ; I do not know that he was living in Wing - ham on the 20th of June, 1882 ; I do not know who owns the property ; Mr. Watson pays the taxes on the lot : Alex, Saunders, Richard Vanstone, Patrick Carroll and Mr. Walton were present when Mr. Stul'dy was there. Cross-examined by Mr. Doyle -When I partly read the oath to Mr. Sturdy, Mr. Saunders said "that is not the right oath ;" I handed it over to Mr. Saund- ers and he said "all right." I then went on and finished what I was reading, and he (Sturdy) swore to it, and I gave him his ballot ; there was no talk about Mr. Sturdy's qualifications before the oath was administered ; Mr. Saunders merely 3117th. Mr. Geo. Trewin, tailor, is sick, but is some better. The dance in Watson's Hall, last Friday night was not largely attenhed. One of our hotel -keepers t..nk in no less than $175 over the bar ou the show day. Mrs. Hugh; McQuarrie ii impruvint and it is considered that she will recover with good care. Alex. Orr has got the contract for cs r rying the mails to and from the station, for the next font years. The alteration in the trains on the L H. and B. causes considerable coulplan- ing, but we suppose we shall have to grin and abide by it. The bonuses are paid. s int a Mr. Edward Wilford, who has been "was taken in whole or in part,the maps- span matched blacks- Mr. D. Smith, sick all summer, died on the 11th inst. of Goderich in the last election for the hates decided that sufficient evidence f the 22nnd d concession, had a valuable For yon he was a member and a local I Dominiuts.. I was there when Mr. Sturdy torte die a few days alto'. preacher in the Methodist church. He came in to vote, and while he remained had been adducei to warrant them in Mr.George Baird, sr., teacher of the was buried at 10 a. m. on Saturday. there and when he went away ; I hkard committing .1. L Sturdy to stand his! school in Section Nu.l, Stanley, has There was r oils an exciting time at etc tau k d h deputy -returning fficer trial on the charge of perjury at the been reoneaged for next year at a salary the Tchere ..f recision last week, some a60 t next competent court .,f jurisdiction. $5 00. Mr. 23 has been coaching in this vection for 23 years without inter- names were gone over. There were name'! mission.- Mr. A. M. Campbell, of the on belonging to both sides in polities that Bronson Line, has a fine driving mare had no right to be there. for which he has been offered $223. He wants more and will get it. K. T&TMMTT d Ce.. Mie Treprieters, Brantford, Ontario. W. J. C. Naftel, 1861-4 Agent for Oodet ich. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. Cotsty or Hunow. 1 By virtue of • Writ of ro wIT: i Fieri Facia* issued out of Her Majesty's County Court of the County of Lambton, a'ad to me directed inst the lands and tenements of JAMES ST ACHAN. at tho suit of FINLAY McKIBBON, I have seized and taken in execution all the right. title, interest and equity of re lemption of the list for the town of Goderich for 1881 above named defendant. In end to to from office. John L Sturdy is entered hundredand ninety two t•SPlt, situate in the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, comprising • dwelling house and one quarter of an acre of land, more or less, and subject to it morlgage of three hundred dollars. which lands and tenements I shall offer for sale, at my office in the Court House, in the Town of Goderich. on Tueeday, the 30th day or Jan - wary, 1881 at the hour of t wclve of the clock, noon. as tenant of part 124. W. Proudfot, sworn -Was in Wing - ham in May last, also on the 26th June, and Mr. Sturdy was at those times a re- sident of Wingham. Mr. Seager said he did not think it was necessary to say anything, as the evidence before them was plain. The charge was that the defendant made a false cath as a voter. It wis the duty of the deputy returning ofli'er to admin- ister the oath ; not a part of it, but the whole of it. The presumption of law rupted in doing so. is that a public official empowered to ad - Cross -examined by Mr. Doyle - I minister an oath, does s,, unless it can couId nut sayy what the form of oath I be clearly proved that he did not. The administered, as I had it marked ; I onus of proving such neglect falls upon could tell it if I saw the paper I used ; the other side. This has not been shown I do not know that the wcrds "you are by them. We must assume that the still a resident of the electoral district" oath was properly' administered unless it were administered ho the defendant, I don't think they were ; I think I have reason to think they were not. Alex. Saunders, sworn -1 was present at polling sob -division N. 1 of the town " T'; BE, OR NOT TO BE." The railway question. still agitates the public mind in Goderich, and the opin- ion of the ratepayers is that no time should be lout in holding a general meet- ing to devise ways and means to bring in other rail•vay facilities to the town than those at present possessed by it. There is no disguising the fact that defi.iite action has no: been taken during the present year by the so-called Railway committee to attract a new line in this direction. Individual members of the oommittee may have worked as beet they knew how to obtain outside assistance, but the committee as • belly has douse bethink in the interest of the tows. en far as we have been ab:e to learn. And the reason is not far to seek. Allen the different committees were streak by the Town Council %fierily eft'r New Seen, • Railway committee was placed on the list along with others. The committee ennaid•d of A number of members of the Council, to:tether with certain prominent residents outsi.ls, the Council Ward. - }i., Itttle interest was inhibited in the matter thereafter that at heist oDe of f!e outside members � did not know until the past week that he had been appointed on the rommittee. !qe meetings of the Railway committee Dunlop. PERSON AL-\Ve aro pleased to see once more Mrs. Hollenbeck, a former resi- dent here, but now of Salt river, Isabella everything that teek place ; Mr. Van - 'time the o to swear Mr. Sturdy ; we were both act- ing as agents for Mr. Cameron ; he tnerely said I want this man sworn ; Mr. Vanstone said "I request this man to be Mr. Jas. Nicholson, of Morris, came sworn ;" while he was being sworn I in- home from Duluth, 1.. S., last weak very terrupted Mr. Addison as I did not feted properly. But Mr. think he wns reading the right oath ; he dente is to the effect that he did not ad - nick with fever., Part of the time, when on his way home, he did not knew where showed it to me, and I said "all right." minister all the oath The law requires I recollect distinctly that I 'asked Mr. strong circumstantial evidence to sup - he was going. He is a little better. Addison to repeat that part o1 the oath, tort the testimony of a single witness in but did not know what part of the oath a case of perjury. Mr. Vanstone alone it was ; Mr. Sturdy came in to rote ; can swear to the pet jury. Two witnea- County, Mich. She is the guest of Mrs.Ac. ti.t1 T As Mr. Joseph Dobie, of Mr. Vanstone said "I wish Chia man see do not bear him out. Allen, as is also Miss Townsend, of Colborne, was turning his buggy in sworn." Mr. Addison proceeded to Mayor Horten regretted that he could Tuckenmith• Blyth, on Friday last the horse bolted read an oath to him, and I objected not my the case was in favor of Mr. Miss M. Allen has been laid up with a and threw him out, and injured him thinking it did not apply to Mr. Sturdy's $tardy. The evidence of Mr. Saunden sore arm, which has been very painful. severely about the head F case, as I tho nght it did not apply to was to theetiect that, while he could not JOLLT Frawwa.- Last week your tor- there was no bones br.ken. We are my 1atrticnlar o•bjectio; Mr. Addiwn remgmher the easel words, h poe could resndent was up in Leeturn, giving a glad to say he is recovering. h•sscteal me the nth ;n 1 said "all nght" t swear that the oath was administered. helping hand with threshing. Our crus- The Rev. Mr. Pritchard has g•a hone it nay objection that he was ail a wing Mr. Addison. evidence outside, • resident of the riding ; I read it over two witnesses were against him. He can be proved otherwise. The evidence was clear that it was given. Mr. Van- stene'■ evidence was i iven in an honest straivhtforward manner. It was his duty to see tht.t'the oath was given in full. The point turned on that fact. Mr. Saunder's evidence corroborated f Mr. an that n Vanstone. There was nl y one thing for the magistrates to nto do, to send defendant tip for trial. He was sorry to find Mr. Sturdy, whom he had known for years, in so painful a posi- tion. Mr. Doyle held that in the absence of Mr. Addison's evidence it could he as. mimed that the oath had been sdmninis- Addisons t•t•i- enbara. ROBERT GIBBONS ShertT's Office, Goderich, Oct. 18th. 1882. wheritYof Huron. 1811-3m IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUS- TICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. Auction Sale of Valuable Properties belong - tit to the Lancaster Estate. Pursuant to an order of the said Court. made Ina cause of Iamb vs. Falrbrother, and dated Itch O fiber Hitt! [herr w-111 bre uttered for Inc sale by 1'urhlic Auction, with the approbation by Mr. John ('.'. urrie .luctioneer,at his Auc- tion Rooms, in the Town of Goderich, on the 11th November, 1882, at 12 o'clock noon. the following properties, in 5 parcels. vis :- PARCEL 1 -i.ot IA, running number, Town of Gowlerich. about one fifth of an acre, on the corner of West and Waterloo Streets, about 300 yards from the square or main business part of Owlerich, on a main a rcet, and in a very deairshle situation either for a business stand or rraidence. 1'AnceL 2. -Lot 106. running number. Town of Goderich. about one fifth of an acre. in the Western part of the Town. near the Lake and Harbor, and in one of the most pleasant situa- tions in (ioderich. There to a very substan- tially built two story brick dwelling lately put In repair, rvi'h new and thorough drain- age, making the extensive cellar thoroughly dry. and the hoe an exceedingly comfort- able n e one. There In also • stable on the prem - leen. and mime fruit trees. 1'ARCKL 3 l r><r1 977 A7t11014 an pert or running numbers, riodcrtch, known aslois, the Foundry Property. There 18 nearly an acre of �rroond with • large brick hnilding, which is In use as a foundry or nionlding shop, also a frame hnildinv useful as a storehouse. The property has a very lrge frontage nn three streets, and Is situated very conveniently to the Hallwa Statim, and on one of the main streets of (erlcb. PARcsL 1.-- The north five eighths of Lot 12. on Toronto Street. Goderich. F'ARCri. 5. Int 12, own Maitland Street, Ood- erieb. near the lank 'of tl c Cover Madtlnd. and in * very desirable ph., . - a resldenee. especially for any one cmph-:...1 at the Rai l - way �Station or the Salt Weis. TERMS. tine tenth of the pnrchlute money to be paid to the Vendors' Solicitor at the time of sale. and the halanee In one month thereafter without interest. when full posses *inn ands clear deed will he given. A per- fect title will he given to the purehaeer, or his money refnnded. There will he one reserved bid fixe' Ay the Mater, amt In the hands rat the Auctioneer at the commencement of the Sale. TM other rnnditious of rile *U1 be the standin eondetteaa e[lb..aid CMrt_ ger furlhet p.flle.Is,e �ssy M Measr*. narrow i Pried.bat.Ilaevilwwrs. Qoderich. John Heston, doss., 4C., Tereste. or b the nndces Dated at Oodeh h. the 111tk Rsaft�� t BLADED R WORTOX‘. x. of S. Malcomson. Esquire, Master at erich, ink lawns are direr with then t.•ps,from visiting friends, and ooccupiect hu se and w it was what i wanted ; the oath I ecoid do no less than send him up to • and the barn eo'tss are very Pi Milne ( pelpit meg its' babb eth M gems clerk. ed nice) oe in th age 1•th as put to Mr. Sturly, met the Injection; fort higher tribunal. thresh y w dwgiLng haw l ebe rat t►o right eat, the speed of flit nn n horse 1h le I)owtsa, fc tragal) of vmtth's Hill. ssT memory ' etKad tqe right, was, "1�wt V•nsGme s evidence was stronclearly against the prisoner. g, end t onatnieos t.. hoe cult of the hamts••meat I -- still a resident of this electnfal dis- a hint from our Irishman, who wise ear,- Ynnng TThe fall wheat Workmen are busily engaged erecting yr. &tardy said. i will fake that cath ; The wheel ehdting the , u v,ip for lir. Mr. Adamson concurred, saying that adminideeed if was increased, and Tall Donald receive' T triet," but 1 Am not eertetn ; to the tut The Court committed Sturdy to the in . the snow, ,stackers.- - - - t& f h t. she v the Ms the tustrtsot of the earpent rework, pt my recollection that is the form d nett competent court of jurisdictic,n, under Capt. Heetne, being tattle of the Jab Russell, of (\arlow, the brio( wad himself in a lxand of S1f10, and own spree bed foekmea of I.wsaer>< 1 h. straw ' plsrtenaw work. and H. Doha the stone river op the steep car- , w,Kk. „root rine sheering Ills .,rg lender al... furale.t Yost vairiansii. i g hman. The oath administered, farm 18, AM of 1879,' chapter 4 ; I don't remember any rank. ttaa ill • Mailer amount. Bail was given. e1•r part if the oath, but think it was pput to him in full ; i objeseted to the f. rm h beta I thoeght that part I oat eM apt t too fiesta, 'den the stew of the math about residing an the elec- • c fvw his next say the captain was absent, and the , A farmer in this township envazed tore' division was not in the o.&th ; 1 Tri*hman gained the day in the barn. i Dome men in Manchester to help him to thought at fire' Aid the oath was ono • Victory and defeat were sw.n forgotten • thresh last week, and the weather being which applied to farmers' sons, bat I as the threshingparty gathered amend dry anal the work dusty the fellows got found it washed sad Isaid "all right; to of on their coats and wouldn't the beet of my recollection Mr. Addison the festive board m the .4 theq, and wetbb till repeal _ "You are A joke seal the .nits ..f the eves• work till they Ro♦ whtlshp�. Minh 'Oen aidene4 the electairal elistliet "aliil a te- D vng an int. ale a credit to env Lowe D On Tuesday lastunMOII feK. Mallough, .1. P., 11r. Tennant, of Ltteknow, was committed to nand his trial at the next competent court of jurisoieti n► for per- jury in the Went Huron election. The este against Robert McRory for dapelfction of duty, as deputy -returning officer was withdrawn Nanlrleva Oederteh. IJRItd tonsorial. ow Tv• finnan, nnaan, ks to the is • con be pest OAcs PRACTICAL BAR- �se beau to return moo( tcvtatrnfnf it e' ottI fee stamen PI -tor, war Peahen". 1713 �A RIAD, `i. 111•414116C Et+AOR t_ eo Dr (ltadsate cM tatie Ve ort N.wg t 88 ' p(, lover downs ewat Celeerwr Hetet N. P. --Here *ours as is J L9R1R *e he Det IMrseal ga•Itat L•rd t peer 111 and;mike be I 1 Loddon. banquet, been to the liber s e. dividua1 Alexand amount trial of i proceed trjlith hastout i it,wiil n inept of eel int' rei known t auraatst>YerY and hit British they he dy. A Cai Arabi's acres is ounvicti it is " guilty." the ern various capture have re private rebel l' being prior tc Ili dambit r nies the eipitate fleet, at e f beBiblrdrne Your he 'foo she •rat to -alleges their this da succeed min Mews:,le. stn rmed pula under Egypti the bit ,tabbii Admit dictiot pneluo perfe Ba alongc'k spread from and to Riaz tion o As Sundt Suez cotter Tm serioon nfan and fl cd beoneof regio, tion, It woo trans' wholr lily so tv'he Whoa Flown (lata, J'eart itarle J'otu � Butte ('herr dbort RMT Wood Hchop WMe edtteni t1 D 1 1 i 1 1 et t1 e