HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-20, Page 3IS sot sem eot ty d 1('�1 1�\J y,. K. o pre - %k e until e. taeup eget 1 Co. ss tali; the past d to do 451t renleper :change ch. est 1114 (des, ITON Abe die- rlAka beet unn• hurt. d i ripostes etive. t paid, on wanted Osi g 0-br CK to her teh and cls est' sell ,TING aroma e tg the atmted I. 11 eon. u 1=0 s. oke es► . Of ••/ 1* I▪ IOW ▪ fRA THE HURON d1U N A L, k ftWA Y OCT. 20, ►882. wee 'assentsew. Ieco. Peek of tomatoes, -1, W. 8waflleld; 1, J. nalkeld. Peck of tome- Tbe $t s1ey Branch Agricultural So- ; toes, swell -1, 8wamekL clot)'a Qhuw was held ou Weduedsy, It/.irt•ra.-rl'tty - Teo yards white 11th Mat , et Bay6.ld. The weatherflannel, home - 1, L 8nikeld; 2, A. was fetus -able and these was • good at- JubuTeq yards colored flauwl, huwewastou.6allteld ; 2, A Jtohu- tesdaos. tit e>vrun and apetatvrs. stun. Teo y7ards(uU cloth, bumeatadie The indoor department was probably 1, R. McKay. Teti yards aatiaette, .SO beet that hes yet been seen at this homemade - 1, A. Jubilates. Pair show. Then was a *ray display of e;- woollen blankets, hutneu•ade - 1, J. Tough; 2, I. Salkeld. Ten yards home- oellent fruit, while the roots sot pommel made carpet -1, Mm Dolass ; 2, Mrs. anything we have seen thea year. The Mwir cC,,ah- Beat d. nen'its' suit of show of grain was ltght, but the simple, clothe --1 and 2, D. 8. Faust. Skein. f generally were good. Iu Lidice' work wullen yarn, tee knots or over -1, Huth McKay. Skein u( sruckin yar4-1 and there was a very nice but nut very large 2 W Keyes Pair woos en Mnka-1, display. The show outside was out so Kiss simpwu ; 2, Mita Castle. Pair rood u that in the hall. In h. rata cottPatron[ tucks n twins, 1 Mss . GTougyl h. there was very keen ewwpetitiou to s tt; MW Castle. Pair of tine bouts many of the classes, and se have seen s 1 and 2, Jwtiu Reeding. Pair at better lot at this show in fortuer years. caret boots 1, Justin Reeding ; 2, 8. Cattle, also were nut well represented, Vhouise Woes. -Tatting-1 and 2. although canes were s few very superior Mita Woods Crochet work -1, Miss J. grades. In sheep and pigs there was a Rtes ; 2, Mies Woods. Embroidery in small show, but must ..f those exhibited muslin -1. Mies 8. Church ; 2, Miami W. were of an excellent character. The fol- McFiocht Embroidery in silk -1, lowing u the Mies M Gardiner. Fancy braiding -1 PRIZE Lis'''. .1. 2, Mies Castle. Bead work --1, Miss 1. Church; 2, Mies Semifluid. Quilt in Howes*. -Brood inners asst foal 1, J. patchwork -1, Mies Castle ; 2, Mrs. A. Sparks; 2, W. Stewart. Twu yerr odd "I'Alb.tt. Gents' linen shirt -1, Mies gelding -I, A. Sparks Twu year old Cameron ; 2, Mrs_ Swatield. Gents Ally -1, L Salkeld ; 2, A. Sparks time fancy flannel shirt - 1, Mn. G. Elliott , year old gelding -1, J. Armstrong. Oue 2 Mrs A. Granger. Plain hand sew - year old tiUy -1, Jus Richard.oa ; 2, J. is - 1, Mrs. Swa8eld ; 2, Mies Casino. - Avery. Span of wurkiug hones -1, J. on. Feather flowers --1, Mies Church ; Bowerman. 2, Miami Stigmata. Wax fruit -1, Miss Gastral. Putttrttag- -Brood mare and Simpson • 2, Mies Duuglass Berlin fuel -1, J. Johu.tOn ; 2, J. Elliott. Two wool work, flat -1 and 2, Mrs. J. Russ year old gelding -1, E. Johnston ; 2, J. Berlin wool work, raised -1, Mies L. Wallace. Two year old filly -1, H. Church ; 2, Miss MacDonald. Boquet Dawson ; 2, R lir Snowdown. One year of flowers - 1, Mies Wilson ; 2 Miss old gelding -1, J. Campbell ; 1, John Woods, Boquet of flowers, small -1, Wallace. One year old filly -1, Andrew Miss Woods ; 2 Mrs. W. Woods. Reid. Span of working horses -1, G. Ittn.ntsrns.-Lumber wagon, patent McDonald ; 2, Thos. Welsh. arm -1, Roese & Field, Zurich. Double Cautious. -Brood mare and foal -1, buggy --1, Hesse A Harberer, Zurich. J. Salkeld. Two year ala gelding -1, Single buggy -1, H. Cantelon, Clinton ; W. Stewart ; 2, D. McBrien. Two year 2, Hesse & Harberer. Covered buggy - old filly -1, D. McBrieu ; J. Avery. C ns. 1, Hesse JE Harberer ; 2, H. Cantelon. year old gelding -1, P. Douglas. One Iron plow -1, F. Seegwiller & Cu. Pair year old filty-1, T. Naftel ; 2, J. Avery. iron harrows- 1, R Thomlison. One Span carriage horses -1, T. Neftel ; 2, . horse hay rake -1, G. Park. Set horse Dunn. Buggy horse -1, I. L. Shark- shoes �ham;nep Pump -1. John Rosa. RobeSaddle horse --1, A. Campbell, 2, Goo. poo p - Bates Povl.ray. - Best pair ducks - 1, S. Cams --GOADS.-Milch cow, having Bark ; 2, J. Salkeld. Best pair geese - raised calf in 1882-1, J. Wells ; 2, J. 1, S. Burk ; 2, W. Woods. Best pair Wallace. Twe year old heifer -1, Jas. Plymouth Rocks" -LSE Marshall. Wells ; 2, R. K. Suowdon. One year Jepson. - Horses - James Porter, old heifer -1, D. IL Ritchie; 2, A. Gran- Goderich ; Jane. Livingston, Mitchell ; ger. Yoke three year old steers -1, R Alexander Innes, Stanley. K Snowdon. Yoke two year old steers Cattle -Geo. Walker ; Tuckeramith ; -1, R S year n ; 2, John Woods.Neil Mathieson, Clinton ; Jas. Young, year Yoke one old ,leets -1, R K Clinton. Snowdon. Fatted cow or heifer- -1, J. pigs Weals; 2, R Elliott. Bull calf -1, L Sheep,andnd Anry don erson, hntanley Walk - Salkeld. Heifer calf -1, J. Nicholson. er, Stanley ; George A Yoke of working uxen-1, M. Westlake. David Walker, Tuckersinith. Sager--Cat'hwul.u.-Shearling ram- Dairy -Wm. Scott, Bruce,field ; J. A. 1, J. Elder. Ram lamb -1 and 2. Jas Stewart, Varna ; Jas. Thompson, Ba? - Elder, Pair of ewes, having raised field. lambs in 1882. two shears and over --1, Implements -Wet. Purdy and John John Salkeld. Pair shesrling' ewes -1 Robinson, Varna. and 2, J. Elder. l'air ewe lambs- 1 and Ladies work -Miss S. Wagoner, Zur- 2, J. Elder. ich ; Miss McKay, Tuckenmith ; Mrs. Lawmen a. -tam lamb -1 and 2, "C. Jas. Stewart, Varna. Clarke. Pair ahearling ewes -1, I. Sal- Roots and Vegetables -I, m. Morgan, keld. Pair ewe lambs -1 and 2, Wm. Goderich : Juba Hastings, Goderich ; Clarke. Pair fat sheep, any breed -1 R,bt. McIlwein. Stanley. and 2, J. Elder. Fruits -Dr. Woods, Charles Middle- Pios-Baagsras.-Aged boar -1, W. ton and Thos Marks, Bayfield. Cook ; G. A. Cuoi er. Boar, six months or under -1, J. Avery. Sow, sixmontha raaephailae er wait -1 and 2, W. Stewart. L a wunderful thing, yet so natural, so Soyrulsa.--Sow having raised pigs in rcasonaile. Why 1 If you have feel- . ser Rrewart. 15ow, etz luvutho mss of gonenese; too weak and dragging or end i an ..11v; too nervous to sleep; an appe- or under -1 and 2, W. Stewart. to keepbody and DAILY PRODUCT. - linnet salt butter, tite hardly suit.:_. --i soul together: headache, w:!!; pains 50 Lbs or over -1, Mrs. E. Sparks ; 2, Mrs. G. Weston. 25 lbs. soli butter- across the back; the whol sysre tem and 1, Mrs. 0. Weston ; 2, Mrs. W. L. Keys p ed; p • coughs and e 5Ibs. butter sufficiently salted for table will use one to six bottles of Dr. G. L use -1. Mn. W. Swaheld ; 2, Mrs. J. Austin's Phosphatine as the case may Wallace. Cheese, 20 lbs. or over, fac- demand; it will not fail to stake you an tory or made on factory principle -1 enthusiastic friend. Why do we say and 2, J. Tough. 2 bottles of john- thus? Buse Phosphatine e su supplies a made wine -1, J. Cowie : 2, A. S ton. Honey in jar -1 and 2, H. Dow- ing ani yearning for. It is not a medi- son. Honey in comb -1 and 2,11. Dow. cine, but nutriment instantly converted . on. Baker.' bread -1, J. King ; 2, A. into blood, bone and tissue. It is also Johnston. Home made bread --1. Mrs. deli is delicious to the certain ataste.tTry caaseand hetire- e re - A. Granger ; 2, Mrs. W. Keys. GRAIN Alp Saire. -Two bushels white go hand in hand. All druggists. Low - winter wheat -1, I. Salkeld; 2, A. John- Den & Co.. Sole agents for the Domi• ston. 2 bushels red winter wheat -1,0. nion, 55 Front St. East. Toronto. A. Cooper ; 2, M. Westlake. 2 bu•'iels Lost Nation wheat -1, I. Salkel.l 2 The following is frothe1 eAberdcee- q bushels Fife wheat --1. .1. Salkeld. 2 Dsk., Republica:, oSept. bushels any kind spring wheat -1, .John fers to two former residence of Goderich Salkeld. 2 bushels small peas -1, G. A. township Eliott f.Bothersn half m les , who own a Cooper ; 2, A. Johnston. 2 bcshels two- large tract llr rowed barley -1 and 2, J. Salheld. 2 southeast of our city have just thresh. bushels four -rowed barley -1. W Town- ed 4, 000 bushels of .... 1 wheat which send ; 2, G. A. Cooper. 2 buthels whi a tested 60 pounds to the bushel and went oats -1, J. Salkeld ; 2, A. Johnston ; 2, 38 bushels to the for sowiwill ng in the spring. 325e e bushels black oats -1, J. Salkeld ; 2, A.y Johnston. Bushel timothy seed -1, J. They n een are bonanza farmers and thorough Salkel•' ; 2, I. Salkeld. Bushel flax gentlemen.- seed -1, J. Salkeld ; 2, I. Salkeld. 12 ears of corn -1, J. Dunn ; 2, J. Salkeld. Favrr. --Apples, 4 varieties, 5 of each, fall -1, D. H. Ritchie ; 2, E. A. Robin- son Apples. 4 varieties, 5 of each, win- ter -1, D. H. Ritchie ; 2, Chas. McGre- gor. Collection of apples, 5 of each variety -1, J. Manson : 2, J. Wella Pears, 4 varieties, 5 each -1, P. Camp- bell ; 2, J. Wild. Collection of pears, 5 of each variety -1, D H. Ritchie ; 2, J. Richardson. 6 bunches of grapes - 1, J. Wild ; 2, 0. Weston. VZGITASLs.. -Bushel early potatoes - 1, J. Wells; 2, G. T A. Salkeld 2,J. el late potatoes -1, Dunn. Six fieldn.angolds. long ired-1, C. Tippitt ; 2, J. Campbell d mangolds, yellow globe- 1, L Salkeld ; 2, R. PenhalL Sit beets for table w __ 1, W. W. ids ; 2, R. Elliott. Silt heads of cabbage -1, R. Dailey : 2, T. Naftel, Two beads of cau1Aow1'r-1, W. Townsend; 1. Dr. e carrots for table ase -1, T. Nail I. WssW. Delays aro �, particularly in Woods Twelve parsnips -I. so take at seem Dr. earl. ; 2, T. Neftel. Two ppospkias- Ride) Dismiss. 1, G. A 2, J. t3alk•L . Tire Vas uana's LIMIT Cris and obtain .stagers --1 OsrsAeld ; 2,J. selkIIL relief illus sU your sufferings Your potato onions, impR.gtiar-1, st keeps it. dols. W Mtr ann, God Peet Walken1 f, T. Neel Peek o- risk. 9m _ tab onions, Qaaedren-1, J. Manson ; h.setsaver. 2, W. flwed>reid ; $, III. H.1 Twelve from Acid _rigs -1e J. lett* ; Ii, J. Man- ' V1 pwttAs !�f boss of .os.. Sll! M , � e.eI�ur y-1, Dr. Colds, LMNNs d the Throat and IAfll$g. Se node. Bis nssrot.-I, Dr. (Y W nRaudos call at Wilson's DOW Woxdi. Twelve Arg 1, J. are s Trial dean �• paspAsseql, J. A�,sisis• , !th mists SW" t ; •�, A. Johnson. two nitrons -1, J. Wells ; 2, J. Ana. Teo lles*ss.loea-1, Dt. Wo▪ ols; 2,, W. 11. Woods hTwo water to w.-1 • W. Townson/I 2 1,41611310w• Tuo or WAR Caaussua. - T•. the editor of the Sensual. In regard t.. the Tug tit War that cute elf on the 13th Set{r( tiers has been su much said. nut .,uiy by John MoHatdy, but by outsid- es, that t feel loft in the shade after getting the reputation of Bruce up and keeping it up so long. Now, if the Society is agreeable, I will take ten men from Bruoe and draw MoHardy against ten trate Huron test year at the pines. I will also het any amount to give the new boons a chance to sweep clean. 1 kohl this Melange °pen 011 the 20th of October. Replay you will insert this uhalle ege iu y sur uext week's issue. 1 am yours truly, ALax.CuaILu, Lion's Head. J1rs 11'u . J.Treleaven has retuned from a trip to her permits in Artuweeia township. Masan K Crenate, It. Twawley, and N. Craustan are laud huuting in Algoma at present. Mr. Thomas E. Finlay shipped nit Saturday last a span of good horses to Mr. John Reid of Thewlon. On Wednesday, 4th inst , Messrs Richard Finlay and Alexander Shack- elt ,n, left for Algoma, where they intend to look for land and remain all winter. Mr. Robert Shackelton left too the 7th inst for the same place and on the same omission. new. M. Hey ea etarmeea. Rev. Juan M. Kier, an able Presryte. rir, ,..tweter, writes to the (betide Pre_ byteruze. taking esgption to the spirit in which the withdstwsl of "Marmiva" was criticised fat Must gaper. The rev. geutletuaa puints est teat 1ffiere are two side to the quesfies), end khat if Arch- bishop Lynch loud the work tibiae tiouable its some details, it was quite within his right to call attention to it, and that in defrrriug the Minister of Falucaticia was not necessarily obeying dictation. If he were convinced that the position of the Archbishop was sound, it was his duty to defer, u it would be W pay regard te the representations of Presbyterians er any other class of the community who desired the redress of grievances. 31a srstial. An incident, the like of which due not often occur here, enlivened the streets of Kincardine, on the evening of Wednesday, 4tlt inst. Late in the after- noon of that day there arrived in the town a young man about eighteen, mined Bayly, and a•girl of fifteen named Macdonald. They bore the unmistake- able impress of the backwoods, and came from the swamps of Huron, in the eiggh• borhood of Ripley, which had pribably been the largest plaice they were ever in previously. On coming here they pro- ceeded to look for a marriage license, but being frightened by the big talk of the newly appointed dispenser of such things, and not being able to find the other official, they decided to adopt a more primitive mode of proceeding and go to bed, and took up their quarters at H. Morgan's In the course of the night the father of the girl arrived, and invok- ing the aid of the Chief of Police, after making the rounds of the hotels, found out where the runaways were. The) were then aroused, and beth came down stairs. The old man started out at 2 o'clock in the morning to wslk to Ripley, taking with him the undutiful daughter, and left the would-be bridegroom stand- ing in the street. The 'Chief of Police insinuated to the latter that he ought to get paid for his trouble, when the young xllvx said "us didn't send fur him." He afterwards left his money in possess- ion of the Chief fur safety and started off. ONN DOLLAR fl i A simple herb found on the snowy plains of a Southern clime hu,under the skilful "manipulation of Dr. Vow Buren, proved one of the greatest blessings ever sent to suffering humanity. Dr. Van Bu- tte's Kidney Cure *acknowledged all the world over as the only perfect remedy tor kidney troubles Your druggist has it. J. Wilma. Goderich. 2m About 35 candidates were confirmed on Wednesday morning in St. Thomas church, 8esforth, by the Bishop of Huron Samson bet his strength with his hair. Thousands of men and women loose their beauty with thein, and very large numbers restore the ravages of time by using the famous Cingalese H airRestorer. Sold at 50 oents per bottle by James Wil- son. 2m. The explorer, Witti. in the service of the British in North Borneo, has been murdered by head-hunters. The old Dyak custom of collecting human heeds had been thought to be dying out. W e regret to announce the death of Mr. Angus Robertson, of Turnberry, which sad event took place orr4Mlonday, Octt;b er 2nd. Some time ago deceased was attacked kr a paralytic stroke, from which ha failed to rally. Mr. Robertson was born in Perthshire, Sootland,in 1813, and was consequently 69 years of age. Emigrating to Canada in 1853, he nettled is the township of Tuckersmith, where he resided till ab >ut 11 years ago. when he removed to Turnberry, where he Avis since resided. A. K. R,bertsun, of Morrie, and W. H. McCracken, of Brussels, each took 22 prizes at the fall show here last week. Mayrrosa SKIDS. --The nicely arrang- ed case of Manitoba seeds exhibited by J. R. Grant at the Grey Branch Show attar _;ed a great deal of attention. The case was divided into 49 apartments and they were filled with the following varie- ties of grain, grown in the principal set- tlement' from Turtle Mountain to Sun- nyside :-White Russian, Golden drop, White Goose, white and red Fife wheat, red, white and b1a:k oats, 2 rowed, 6 rowed and hullers barley, small - field and golden vine peas, wondow beans, buckwheat and .wee'. corn. They were shown in a handsome giass case, with eight inch gilt moulding. i'EBAONALs.-R 0. Wellwood, wife and son have removed from tsruseels to their farm adjoining W'ingham.-Robt. Black intends leaving Seaforth to take the ptionnof head miller in H. Wiffi• eras well-known mills in Ayr. -W. A. Tate arrived home from the Northwest last week . He is greatly pleased with the west. -C. R. Vanstone arrived in Brussels last Saturday night from Mis- souri, he left for Winnipeg this week. He has travelled over 30,000 miles by rail since last New Years and will likely make 50,000 betore the close of this year yet. -We are sorry to hear of the indisposi- tion of George Leadbeater, who * living in the Northwest. - Wm. Thompson, who hail to come home from camp in London cn account of sickness, is able t, be atout again although quite weak yet. BABY SHOW.- This was one of the at- tractive features of the fall show last Friday afternoon, the prize being a bird cage presented by B. Gerry, for the pret- tiest baby under a year old. There were four entries, the babies belonging to Mrs. Woods, of Seaforth, Mrs. Fred. Pelton, Mrs. Rett. Kerr, of Brussels, and a lady whose name we did not learn. Judges were appointed for this very difficult task and before long the prize was awarded to Mn. Woods. As all were not satisfied Mr. Gerry offers two cages as 1st and 2d prizes for next show, to be gfven for prettiest baby between six and fifteen months old. Surely with a whole year's notice the baby show should be a success -(Post. i John McDonald, ..1 Sarnia, aged 50 years. creased to Port Huron the other day and married Jane Henderson, aged 20 years All went well until tt fvrmer Mrs McDonald nut i!! 1 ea:nu for John, and toe!. atm in triumph back to Sarnia. Late in the afternoon, hi,wever, John returned to the object of his second love, and both started on a steamer for Alpena. Wife No. 1 arrived at Port Huron shortly after and telegraphed to Alpena to have the pair arrested on the arrival of the steamer, and they both linger in St. Clair County jail. EEKLY CLOBE THE LARGEST - THE CHEAP woo The Best General Newspaper IN THE DOMINION. THE MONARCH OF THE WEEKLIES Contains seventy-two Columns of Raiding Matter, and is admitted to be the best author ity upon Agricultural and Commercial matters In the Dominion. Subscribe for 1883 now, and GET BALANCE OF 1889 FREE. Orden and remittances to he addressed THE GLOBE PRINTING COMPANY, TORONTO. ONE DOLLAR 1 Why go on day after day suffering with splitting headaches when a bottle of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure you 1 If you do not believe it ask your druggist fur a circular -and read what those who have used it say about it. Price $1.00. 2m After many years of pat :tit investiga- tion Dr. VanBuren, of Germany, finally succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure that would permanently relieve all r,.tses of Kidney Disease. Re sure and ask your Druggist for Dr. V.ti11ui:EN's KID- NEY Colas. Sold by Junes Wilson, Goderich. 2m A s:eaeral stampede. Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at Wilson's for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Disoov- ery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds. All persons afllihted with Aathtna, Bron- chitis, Ladiesas ail Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, ortalimo en. We want au .{Kent in every any affection of the Throat and Lungs, county Full parttrulars fere. ddress, can get a Trod Bottle of this resat tame- U, 11. MruuAoctuuttg Co., N. illi Swith- dy Fxas, by calling at above Drug field Street, Pittaleirgh, Na - Store. (4) ( Gln ixtraordinary Offer ! TO.A.Q.E TTEt_ GOODS UNSOLD RSTURNED. U you aro out of employment and want to start in a business you can make from $3 to $10 a day clear, and take no risk of lou, we will send y•.0 on receipt of $11, gouda that will sell readily in a few days for $25. If tl e Agents fails to sell these goods in four (lays, they can return all unsold to us coni we will re- turn them their money, can at}'thing be fairer t tt'e take all risk of loss, anal the Agent gets stinted i t a h s:cua, that will be permanent, and pay front $1,000 to At Toronto onTuesday Judge Armour fined six gentlemen who should have put in an appearance to serve on the Grand Jury, bet did not, $25 each. CINoALTAR. - A name well known in onnection with the Hair Renewer,which restores grey hair to its natural color by a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents. per bottle by James Wilson. 2m The recent disastrous explosion on the steamer Richelieu was caised, according to the inspector's evidence, by the igno- rance and stupidity, of the engineer in charge of the steamer. SHOO Reward ie offered for any case of Catarrh that can't be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. Price 75 cents For sale by George Rhynaa, sole agentnt3 foror Goderich. A RwvittD-Of ors dean " TaAsax- ILT" to say one sanding the beat four line rhyme or "Tatman'," the remarkable little pea for the Teeth and Breath. Ask your druggist t for An Error Corrected. Our garrulous contemporary the Tor- onto Moil observee that wherever Mr. Blake went on the stump last June he rolled up majorities for his . pponents. Yes, indeed. This fact was eep cialfy eotissable in those Western constituen- cies in which Mr. Blake delivered ol- dness*, the Lembtnns, East Min, Ow* Perth had West Huron for ex- ample. -{Ex. A rented Cesrpmme Even the patience of Job would Ne- to me 'Mangled were be a preacher and • Assenting te neatest his audience as � while ary were teepee,/ up a. iaeaaaaet CA SEs to be h I. Yeeig k b.p oireft Mr kine � to be ►sand. Tat. bow •e•e�y'try .an all lawsittr will convitigs this be avoided by Bits using Dr. and oboe' r_ s Elsg's New Dispoverr foe uta.slapeios, regew sins bottle will do Coif Cough awl Golds Trial bottles owessway at William's dreg store ( FRESH ARRIYATJS. CANNED CORN BEEF, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN POTTED TO. G UE, BEEF, HAM RHEUATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lu.nbaggo, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell- ings and Sprain, Burns and Scads, Genera/ Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Paint and Aches. .. CHICKEN FRESH SALMON AND LOBS (LR. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Christie Brown & Co'E BISCUITS AND CAKES, TEAS, SUGARS AN Pure Spices. TRYI THEM Chas. A: Nairn KAI4 EO$ICI LIETAB1F V q AI EN EWE ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY. OI.AS- BUMMER ARRANGEMENTS MAIL vTE.4 KEJ* - gEANON 1882 Cabin. Intermediate and Steerage Tickets Loeser tuTaa. Steerage Passengers are booked to Lond Cardiff. 1Queenstown. DerryBe f Galway and casow, at wine rates as Liverpool •AssnNON MON NLNM ,OCT. It PARISIAN •. OCT. 21SARMATIAN (X' r 21 POLYNESIAN NOV.V. 4 SARDINIAN N 1 C I RCASSIAN NOV. l8. VER VI AN PARj81 N NOV. rs. Tor tickets sad every Informatloa apply t AN Omer*sweet tau.e w ..eta e••ii mhome On. H. A tdlTWNG. Ticket Agent. Remedy. AOhl w kat Ike eapireavety Oodert ch oaro .e.ey of M OsaM. slid every est .can _ _ - - - -- be wlta ` ma lets cheap end ponies peer el IIIII l>lre.ttw. 1. lima Lempages. SOLD IT ALL ID=1IISIID DLLLEl ncle A. VOGEL t. ik 00.t Al.nswwe. Nile V. a. 4. • ANCHOR LINE. ITNiTED STATEN IfAit?MAKERS Nall Weekly to and from ll*w YOUR awnOt.Aauow vis Lostriol.naa&Y %AMR PeasiMPRpIItoQhs, &eters.. Ill leto$lel &Peon t GMs. oto root urn Tickets. Sra. Ntaseage Massage^ tinniest at tow rates. Passenger accoenmodat Ione uneweelleA0. 41t N'IAwaaeaae nv IM e t Dreg. Paaaaeeses belled at lowest rates to at from Oeelnaw1. hely. Norway. Nwewien. Ilea,a•rk. k r. of Iloo • 111%. apPer ply to HINON tIION/ S aROTN1E1tN. rime art or to II RA. R. W A RNOCK. i onnItlsugoi stab 12111 5 Errffitf)fMaaoltt�rr t(n pet sayts.t1 tfartro empIM rms obs (ktPartlaaI (yon Poetised Willow caawloe AetrsMems i11.. .t,tx, erm t lest -int. Has bean In constant nee by th- public for over tweet years, and 1s the best preparation ever In- vented for RESTORING GRAl' HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOIR AND LIFE. It supplies the natu- red food and color to the hair glands without staining the skin. It will increase and thicken the growth of the hair, pre- vent Its blanching and falling off, and thus AVERT BALDNESS. .� It cures Itching, Erup- tions and Dandruff. Al a HAIR DRESSING It Is very desirable, giving the hair a silken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, sweet and healthy. The State As sayer and Chemist of Mass. and leading Physi- cians endorse and Teccm- mend it as a great tnum ph in medi- cine, $vv f R THE D C WH I S KE R S S DyE will change the beard to a BROWN or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation 11.15 ashy applied. and produces • permanent color that will not wash off. PREPARED BY L P. HALL • CO„ NASHUA, Nil. $.11 to all Dawns in Medians eras ev o nr.:vywo d layt;elytit powered HJos or latn- �tnna, is the PEST anICODIAPIDITI,IbrIcso tor, to t M• world -1k« BEST hansom i dose not Eon'., but tonin , sleety peOliewoPieties usor- ties ever the aide, .eeue.ne tlattMttte tM swan too, E Alf sT be- lt sesta No Mons loan Infector sett mos baa was ess the work o Of M SKIMP tomtits. A neem sa wah Nirvana% Int Onartsa.'i ins tang Yat Cesslsaaw•rs, . .mages segpe• as fur Wagons eu A RR a he reheats 110 MwMsso. ira Om Pi COPiMal" d TMfep IseO Ib eraq sisal trees. eiNgeeTsaii .*mufti. sock ass CO. Toro••*e.Ont co,? n .. tat t:,t II' V,1 t •