HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-20, Page 2uu
the Poet's tomer.
freers Carl
1 round today amid Mass taaaaerad WNW -
LEO Meg with levies oars
Some tatted RwwOa, love nota and kMehw
And -donna far et all Lor.. offerings- -
ThM laths cars of bate.
The week bombe tsars tell .R..+.Tmad ;
rbc the dear early bead
My williv4 Rooms have so oft caressed.
Till every tblldtehgref was seethed to real -
In number wttb my dead.
Never again my eager hand shall stray
A mid the clustering hair,
where in the loaf ago thO sweet curl lay
For the dear head Is Wag far away
Beyond my lore and care.
B.:yia t the reac i and need of loves caress,
The era's) re. curly bead
tan never feel again my warm lipi Prow.
Or know with wheta depth of tenderness
I hold tide silaen thread.
What wonder that the tears fall thick and fast
Here in the twilight dim!
F-ir this my darllag's ringlet, to the last
And only relic of a wed past'
Tie all thereof' him.
Seven Suisessa. -Seven Make youths
of Ephesus, who find from the Deegan
pee seetien is the ease in Medea Cagan.
After two hundred and thirty years
they awoke bet mote died, trod their re
main, weer Olt to Matesilhs in a
lata stone eadb. ria show. in Victor's
Muted Their moss aro Coaitdaatine,
DDonQisfos, Jobo, Mazimian, Malchus,
sad $crapMon.
BaveH Wuguses w Arena:te . -1.
The Pyre:nide of Egypt. 2. Ha.ging
Gardens of Babylon. 3. The Tomb Of
Xausuleus. 4- The Temple of Diana at
Ephesus. b. The Colossus at Rhodes.
6. The Statute of Jupiter. 7. The
Pharos of Egypt.
-1. Coliseum at Rome. 2. The ooaats
of Alexandria. 3. The Great Wall of
China 4. Stowe Huge. 5. The Lean-
ing Tower at Pisa 6. The Porcelain
Tower of Nankin. 7. The Mosque of
Nankin. 7. The Mosque of St. Sophia
at Constantinople.
Fla Number Serra.
Thinking that the frequent occurrence
of the number seven in both saered and
profane usage would not prove alto-
gether uninteresting to the readers of
the Methodist, I send you the following
which I have gathered from different
sourest', mostly, however, from Brewer's
Phrase and Table :
There are seven days in creation,seven
spirits before the throne of God, seven
days in a week, seven ages in the life of
of man, and the just fall 'seven times a
day. There are seven phases of the
moor., every seventh year was sabbatical
and seven years was the jubilee. The
seven great Jewish feasts Let seven days
and between the first and second of
these feasts were seven weeks. Levit-
ical purification lasted seven days. We
have seven churches of Asia, seven can-
dlesticks, seven stars, seven trumpets,
seven horns ; the Iamb has seven eyes,
the temple of Solomon was seven years
in building, ten times seven Israelites go
to Egypt, the exile lasted the same num-
ber of years, and there were ten times
seven elders. Pharaoh in his dream saw
seven kine and seven ears of corn, eta
Ssvzie Bonus IN Aicgzry.-Sun is
gold, Moon is silver, Man iron, Mercury
quicksilver, Saturn lead, Jupiter tin,
and Venus copper.
1. St. George, of England, was seven
years imprisoned by the Almider, the
black king of Morocco 2. St. Denys,
of France, lived seven years in the form
of a host, 3. St. James, of Spain, was
seven years dumb out of love to a fair
Jewess. 4. St. Anthony, of Italy, with
the other champions, was enchanted in -
a deep sleep in the Black Castle, and
was released by St. George's three sons,
who quenched the seven lamps by water
from the enchanted fountain. 5. St.
Andrew, of Scotland, was guarded
through the vale of walking spirits by
the walking fire, and delivered six ladies
who had lived seven years under the
form of milk white swans 6. St. Pat-
rick, of Ireland, immured in a cell
where he scratched itis grave with his
nails. 7. St. David. of Wales, slept
seven years in the enchanted garden of
Ormandine, but wall redeemed by St.
Seen Cin tu•HEs o 1 Asta.-1. Eph-
esus founded by St. Paul, 57, A.D. 2.
Smyrna, still an important sea port. 3.
Pergamos, renowned for its library. 4.
Thyatira, now called Ak-hisean, the
white castle. 5. Sardis. 6. Philadel-
phia, now called Allah Shehr, City of
God. '7. Laodicea.
SEv[N DAYS' \VAR. --The great Con-
flict fur German supremacy, between
Prussia and Italy en one side are Aus-
tria en the other, in 'he spring of
SEVEN 1foNrH+' WAR -This wee the
late Franco-Prussian conflict of 1870.
Saves Dials, (LONDON). -A' column
railed in, stood at the ancient limits of
St. Giles, and seven dials were affixed to
it facing the seven streets which radiated
from that centre.
Simeon's prophecy, the flight into Egypt
Christ mused, the Betrayal, the Cruci-
fiction, the taking down from the cross
and the Ascension, when she was left
Revue Jots or THE VIRGIN. - The
Annunciation, Visitation, Nativity, Ad-
oration of the Magi, Presentation in the
Temple, finding Christ among the Dec -
ter', and the Assumption.
S[vsi Wier. Mee or Gesze[.---1. 8(
ion, of Athens, whose motto was 'Kno
Thyoilf.' 2. Child, of Sparta, 'Consider
the End.' 3. Theles, of Miletes, 'Who
Hateth Suretyship is Sure.' 4. Bias,
of Pnenne, 'Moet Men are Bad.' 5.
Cleoewlea of Lindas, 'Avoid Extremes.'
R. Pittacus, of Mitylene, Seise Time by
the Forelock.' 7. Periender, of Corinth
'Nothing is Irmo marble to Industry.'
Severe Steam - According to very an-
cient teaching. the seal of man, or his
inward holy b..ly',. is compounded of
seven pnipri.tws which are ender the
inflamer .t the seven planets. Are
asiaatet. arch gives the sones of feeling,
water Rives speech. air gives taste, mist
gives sight, 6 IwRe give hawing and the
mouth wind give. selling. Hence. the
seven sewers are fesliwg. epeerh, Bat..
sight, hetsgl a anti smelling.
war's la a Name
WA. Braes Sts s4 5allaplhados ss. sot
Te Uta Steer et Tett Ulaa.a.
tits, -The Raw. Mr. Lein& at Dew
dam in int I t whoa 1.ie °Pe* *e
.11tl to ...Mit Fi0-
tes/wt than they ye cbtatskik, iwp #M►
more Catholic titan tits/ Ya Praenblit.
They are purely and perfectly uasscta-
rian and undenominotirnal, and this ac-
cording to the clear wutd of the Lw and
the well -understood intention of the le-
gislature. It is only en this ground that
they am be hooestly supported by a rats
on the property of Roman Catholics, and
if the Rev. M,. Laing will take the pains
to enquire h.'will find that there is not a
high school or collegiate institute in On-
tario that is not receiving a portion of its
support hoax the tales levied on the pro-
perty of Roman Catholics for tchoi.l
Thune institutions being 'insectaries)
and supported alike by all denomina-
tions, must be maintained on a footing
of equality, and must be equally aocept-
able to all denominations.
It is not correct for Mr. Laing to say
we (Roman Catholics) teach our religion
as we please in the separate schools. We
cannot teach our religion during school
hours, nor an we use any text books in
our schools unless they are authorized by
the education dePertmeut
It is not correct to say we object to
Protestants having children taught Pro-
testantism in non-Catholic Schools. In
non-Catholic school you can say and do
u you like, but bear in mind the public
schools, the high schools and the collegi-
ate institutes are not xoa-Catholic, nor
non -Protestant either. They are com-
mon to us all -the floor of these houses
is common property --the right of the
Catholics to stand on that floor is the
same as -is equal to -that of the Protes-
tants, neither less nor greater, and every
advantage to be had in those schools by
Protestants is there equally for Catho-
lics, and when the Rev. Mr. Laing says
he will do bis utmost not to offend Ro-
man Catholics attending the high school
he must be understood as I would be un-
derstood if I said I would do my utmost
not to offend Mr. Laing whenever he ap-
peared in the town hall of Dundas. The
truth is the care not to offend must be
mutual. The Catholic in the high school
or public school, or collegiate institute
must welcome his Protestant neighbor to
a seat by his side, and be polite to him
and kind to him, and do his utmost to
make him feel at home, like's Christian
and a gentleman. This being well and
clearly understood. no man with the love
of freedom in his breast will attempt to
inflict upon others what he himself
would not submit to. If a text -book
were brought into the public schools of-
fensive to Presbyterians would they tol-
trate it t Would they even consent to
be present while others read it ? Speak-
ing for myself, I would no more read of-
fensive matter in the presence (.f others
than I would speak what would be offen-
sive to them. This is common polite-
ness, and nothing more ; end I may here
state :here is not one word in any book
used in our separate schools that has the
slightest reference even to any church
but our own. We find we have enough
to do to learn and practice the teachings
of our own church. Few Of us even do
this much middling well.
In conclusion 1 beg to say I feel coati_
dent that when Mr. Laing has looked
carefully into the school law and the of-
ficial reports on the public and high
schools of Ontario, and considered that
those schools are all open to us as widely
as any other denomination, end that
they are supported by our money, cent
for cent and dollar for dollar, in propor-
tion to our property, as compared with
the property of any other denomination,
be will be glad to find that we are on a
footing of perfect equality with himself
in relation to the educational institutions
of this young, freo,enlightened and hap-
py country -and that he will say long
mny it continue so -free from prejudice
and whatever may produce prejudice.
Besides the Rev. John Laing, the Rev
John Langtry also has written a letter on
" Marmion," in which, I think. he shows
how utterly unfit "Marmion" is to be
used as a text -book in our schools. If
the rev. gentleman, who is a finished
scholar, a sound logician, a man of large
reading, of culture, of refined feeling,
and much experience -of the world -if he
1. not able to discuss the fffwesu of "Mar -
mien" as a text-bo..k without telling his
readers his opinion of Papal infallibility,
without it for anything. I have indeed of debased priests in Paris, etc., what
scores of people to try it, and when may we not expect in the way of coatro-
taken according to directions, I have veiny from the high school studios.. and
never known it to fail. I call the Bit- teachers in our wheels throughout the
ters, 'Tbe Doctor.' It has certainly Pvrovinace.
been my family doctor ever since i first
used it, and will continue to be as lung
as it acts theatres as hitherto. 1 strong-
ly advise all my friends and the public
generany, who suffer from any dMsctioss
of tMElossach, Bowels, Liver or Blimd, that erieoss such as are recorded 'here
such ss. Dyepspsi&, Indigestion, Liver were of fregeent uecurrs.ce in the mid-
Resdache llymtine s, Cos- ! ao that tactieall "Mar-
tiveness. impurities ed the t d, Rho- 'e m" i, a tree history, acrd must be ac-
matlND, Neural eta, to bey a Aoki*
cif 'TM Dnetor aid 1 am codais that eepted ss. serf, by its readers :and Oathe-
not one will regret bating dose so. i lies will he peewit in wheel while Pro-
cto not thing tetra V ray fIledislns i• testante reed this tree history of the
the whole world egad M Pr. Oeesw's seines el Catholics in put centuries.
Stomach and Conetipadas littera
(Rigned,) .1 at. W Rytw. Fold in large
bottle* at MI cents by ell druggists.
An observant person has noticed that
the name of some great person bestowed
upon a child frequently inclines its new
possessor to follow in the footsteps of its
illustrious namesake, and he presents
the name of Gen. Winfield Scott Han-
cock as one of several illustrations con-
firming his theory. We have frequently
noticed this peculiar result of naming a
child. For instance :
Napoleon Bonaparte Browne is now
engaged in the oyster business, and re-
cently wagered $100 that he could husk
more bivalves in one hour than any
other artist in the profession.
Benjamin Franklin Simpson is head
cook on a steamboat, and signs his name
with a cross.
George Washington Jones hurried off
to Canada to vee his Uncle Silas when a
draft was ordered a score of years ago,
and he is now an active member of the
American Peace Society.
Horace Greeley Tompkins is the pro-
prietor of a gin mill, thinks the Eman-
cipation Proclamation was a national er-
ror, and all he knows about farming is
ejecting "dead beats" from his saloon.
Robert Burns Smythe drive" a street
car, and abhors poetry.
Daniel Webster Wilkins parts his hair
in the middle, wean a single barreled
eye -glass, and a shallow crowned hat,
and intersperses his conversation with a
prodigality of "awl."
Miss Mary Walker Delaney was the
most fashionably and expensively attired
young lady at Saratoga last summer.
Marty more illustrations might be giv-
en, but these are sufficient to show how
a child's baptismal name has much to do
with shaping the course of its future
A t. .. iestA of Pleader.
s'Narmises " Pack day after the reeding
bj Prutdetsnte of this true history of
(Nabobs crises, les the Cat hohes reed a
ehet4 of Sim penal laws elf lrelead, by
t goes, Protestant Dieteran and
at'Ipswgo,, the greet 1<dmeMd Barka
U sainethi g of this kind w eel sgr.sd
te. AiM►ltl�QofatAlios everywhv. with-
dgtw, lfpl qts sit botsla end ceois*
alto itsttilutes, mad thus pruteel these
edves.frum IIlsalt.
M. PTA/Voss, Pt.
Mr. John O'Donohoe has built himself
up by abusing Orangemen and Orange -
ism. Mr. Mackenzie Bewail has won
distinction by leading a crusade against
the Cholic Church. But the two chiefs
having hed the goal of their ambi-
tion, strike hands, vow perpetual friend-
ship, and laugh at the gullibility of their
dupes. The picture is not overdrawn.
For the loss of life, disturbance of the
peace and discredit to the country,which
has been in the past caused by Orange
and Green riots, Messrs. Bowell, O'Don-
ohoe and men of their stamp are morally
responsible. When a Reform Govern-
ment was in power these riots, we have
reason to know, were ,often excited for
the express purpose of embarrassing the
administration of the day and securing
advantages to the Opposition. The
mdue operundi was exceedingly simple.
Some irresponsible individual would be
prevailed upon to fire at or otherwise as-
sault a representative (Orangeman or Ir-
ish Catholic on or about the twelfth of
July. Bad blood was aroused ; a riot
would follow ; and the authorities. in or-
der to preserve the peace, might be on-
liged to call out tee military, and for
this act of simple duty- they would be de-
nounced by both sides. Such nefarious
plots have been carried out in the past.
and will doubtless be attempted again
when Messrs Bowell, O'Donohoe and
company find themselves out of o6'ice.-
1 (Montreal Herold.
Lindsay, O4
Tbuuraade ►re being cured of aturh
every year with Hell's Catarrh Ours, that
the doctors had given up and maid oould
not be cured. 75 oasts a bottle. Sold
b, George Rhynes, sole agent for Gude-
nch. 3m
The death of Lad Smith, relict of
the Lts Sir Heury Smith, M. P., at one
time Solicitor -General for Upper Cana-
da, and subsequently Speaker of the
Legislative Assembly, is announced at
F. J. Cheney h Gr., preprie•un Hall's
Catarrh Cure, offer $100 reward for any
ease of Catarrh that can't be cured with
Hall's Catarrh Cure. Sold by George
Rhynas, sole agent for Goderich. 3m
From s. nstss.aer. M. n.. ambers. h. R.
"Although adverse to countenancing
patent medicines, I cheerfully make an
exception of our very excellent lung
pnparation-Dr. Wistar's Balsam of
Cherry. This prep.tion I have
u ed in my practice for some ten years
past, and have always found it to be of
more effectual service than anything
within my knowledge. I recommend it
with the greatest confidence to those
subject to coughs and pulmonary oom-
plaints." 60 cents and $1 a bottle Sold
by all druggists.
The three wings of the Liberal party
in Germany have agreed to sink their
differences and unite all their forces
against the military party, at the head
of which is Bismarck They are he
of being able to defeat the Iron Prince,
whose ranks are somewhat disorganised
at present.
N'ltl:tifi UKUCM:ftIES
tial Bar k s Teas at Very Lour Prices
Sipe �
23a per lb and upwards. If you want a re►ily fine Tat try my 60a Young Hysoa
it is a splendid article and wurth in .re m Duey. I hav3 ale I just opened out • cum
plete assortment of
Corckery Glassware
Including Stone ani China Te.t Sots. Caildreni Toy Tai Sotto, Ladies and Gent
Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable f.•r Christmas and New Year's Gifts.
Travellers will find the best remedy
for See Sickness in Dr. Fowler's Extract
of Wild Strawberry. While for Sick
Stomach and diseases brought ea by
change of water, diet, eta, and for Cho-
lera Morbus, Colic, Dysentery, and
Canker of the Stomach sad Bowels,noth-
ing acts more in harmony with nature to
effect a mire. 2.
Thousands bear witness to th„ posi-
tive ccrative powers of the Gazer Gss-
MAx Iei- oourns, the only remedy that
has proved itself a specific for general
debility, seminal weakness, impotency,
eta , and all diseases that arise from self-
abuse or overtaxed brain, finally ending
in c,nsumptiun, insanity and a prema-
ture grave. Sold by all druggLu or
,sill be sent free oo receipt of $1.00 per
box, or six boxes for $5. Address F. J.
CHZNsy, Toledo, Ohio, sole agent for
the United Staten Send for circular
and testimonial of genuine cures. Geo.
Rhynas, Goderich. 3m
A Reuss, mamas.
Mr. White, lateproprietnr of the Man-
sion Saloon, King Street, Toronto,writes
as follows about Dr. Carson's Stomach
and Constipation Bitten : "I have used
Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitten for nearly
two years, and 1 believe it to be the Hest
medicine in the world. I would not be
And Mr. Langtry tells hie c..nadi.ag
readers that ''Marnsios," tiuttgh a fie
tins, is founded ort histone truth. and
Cnespe&nt, die a}ius, . p y,
There is roe condition on which 1 shall
most cheerfully ntharrihe to the nee el
Lamps & Lamp Goods in Grvat Variety
Call and be Convinced
Hever ,sive Hp.
11 you are suffering with low and de -
premed spirits, lou of appetite, general
debility, disornered blood, weak consti-
tution, headache, or any disease of a
bilious nature, by all means procure a
bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be
surprised tri tee the rapid impruremet.t
that will follow; you will be inspired
with new life; strength and activity will
return; pain and misery will cease, and
henceforth you will rejoice in the praise
of Electric bitten. Sold at fifty cents
a bottle, by Jas. Wilson. (5)
in Its character. and producing no actual
suffering. often occasions persistent restive, -
nese and want of sleep. The symtotss are
mostly dry nets of the month. ocaaional burn-
ing of the .oIe. of the fat. heat and throbbing
in the head. feverishnesresulting common-
ly from a too acid condition of the stomach
from eating fatty, highly seasoned food and.
in some cases, taking too much wine. 13y se-
curing complete tertion and assimilation.
SATA has proved the most reliable means of
caring this form of irritability.
Gray's Specific Medicine
MELT. An un-
failing care
for Seminal
WEAgw sae.
S ermator-
rhea, impot-
ency, and all
disuses that
follow as a se-
ggpm um. goenen of self MTN T
Abuse; es bee of Memory U:ntvereal lass.
tale, 'ala in the Hack. Dimness of Vision,
Premature ohs age. and many other diseases
that lead to insanity or eonaumption and a
premature grave. RFall paAticehue in our
pamphlet. whichThe
we desire re to mead free by
Specific Medicine is
sold by all Tints at$1 per paekagr. or six
packages for or will be Nat free by mail
ea receiptof moseyb addressing
TH E GRA T M EDICIS CO.. Toronto. Ont
A. Bold In Dederick by J. Wilson.
*ea , rasa. s*... 1 w.
BRAiN and N1t:RVggFOOD.
Ilse Nd end leery. Mahe sM Femal.
P lItT .area $ in ali its Mages,
II.n! w /'new, Arrvutl
tveshtitssts 77VV 8p'euiatorrkwn,
LewyeveM, east We/awes
e�w,�// grass& ten y uatlae
Woes,. Weare. „ fib J.Ad lwt I.
turf, srrw Jsa.rs t4kjil� ani iWr-
-jsgt easter hear
der e�rrr rs 5 atss W ri tt d web
waw et11 w rf uAw Otter
�.tes M the ms�s� oskeusPs 1 and
I.ss vet•lib
r R !s 's
serniornMat. which
Den -
We Me1mY.flee_ 1Liq
f1tMsN lIlapallrr wig Af ltvtaR-
g a at le eta per bel. et n heves tar K se
*IL be telt bra et esemer. ea memo et the
. s..1 r* i $TFC M111011ssetelleirieb. by Judd sad
Window, Oat (a.eda
sigIleum every where tv
'v A wsEs. )El a day at home molly
made. ('natty moat fro Addy,/writ h ('o . Atunsa Main.
ars Attesitios� i
Barbed Fence Wire contracted for n any quantity at very lowest prices
Wire and barb galvanised,after beng twisted whicb cannot scaleoff.
Use Barbed Wire for Fences.
For cal by
At the')ldeet Established Shoe Store is Town,
In Endless Variety,
tc suit the most fastidious and the most economic buyer
Is now romple.e, and I take pleasure in informing my custotaen that at no pre-
vious •ime have I had such a
Large & Varied Stock
As at present. I have raised the Standard of Quality and Lowered the Price until
it is a positive fact that no such value in foot wear ran be got elsewhere.
d every grade still receives my prompt and careful attention, and will be ma e up ,
in the moat approved styles by first-class workmen, and
of the very beat material obtainable.
Ladies and IIeeI PIaied Ffte of Charge,
At time of purchase if Mo desired.
13$ 00 VT .N T N G_
Chilled Plow
Having purchased the Goderich Yourdry.
am fitting theremise% for the man ufactur
IMPLEMENTS on alascale. 114 ill Work
General Repairing and Jobbing will be eon
tinned. All work guaranteed.
Mr. D. Rnitclman is the oaly man authorise
to collect payment. and give receipts on he
half of the late firm of Rnnciman ! Co.. an
all persons Indebted are requested to gover
themselves accordingly.
Chrystal & Black.
New BOILERS and SALT PANS manatee
tnred,on shortest not tee.
All kinds of Repairing executed ander the
personal supervision of the Proprietors who
Practical Workmen.
1 P. O. Box WA 1787
gel= woald lattmatw to the pen-
MMtah Iilss hs W derided to ggii ve op
t��at� r Mon.* aawe alta ee t__ ..a
fool ss AIM weather
win Rad it to their deant,asgfve 1e Balt at onee
as this teak G EN t' I N E cksrl.g male.
!Els 11
W, S. Hart & Co.
Goderich Mills
Beg to return their thanks to the public
the liberal patronage received during the past
year, and to state they are prepared to do
GI- ,<r I rr I N ( !
on the shortest notice, ot{0for the eonveniepee
of pa -ties living at a distance will ezcbahge
grista at their town store
Late W. M. Hilliard's, )
Masonic block, East St. Goderich.
flIiR'Highest price paid for wheat 'Wit
St. Catherines Iurseries,
ntsTAiLIAH[D IN 1836.
Raving tally tested
owe saw geapaA. I onhenitatinAy advise my
haves,{� }Iseti them. You will not be die
spMassL MOORE's EARLY M the be.1
req use Week grape yet ggmmcan in cense..
It Was shed thirty drgesea bedew sere unhurt.
BRIGHTON is a delicious red grape. ripening
just atter Moore's Early 'They are both harm
la bench sad berry, sad 'They very productive 1
will mall both to say addtass, ',astral(' . nn
receipt of tt or either Neill. Aram wsntcil
T. CATguxsa, ONn.
to her
Has grtent�.(p�1smaman. ta
tett s
yy _h sad
. that she be'u nettani pvivtlege to Bras and sen
PI tX �D�y.pat
2146=.7=t gases label p rat
�r 9
' as .r t the
with pesos et
Mei.elsiStaas W w
the older.
avfrt{�,a�ter.rat It alli �a)I. assd}Ilee
IL, liar
ia• lam
the ARN 'll MRRtteey retaMlshd
Maratha* b awl sus Inv veerwsN