HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-13, Page 811
MOULDINGS, and every
Description of Interior Finish.
A Specialty. Send for Price
Estimates on applica
tion. ,e.iTAddrese
Wawanolh. able■ la [ttltit.
Mr. John Craig, aawmtfler on the 7th Rias Pasha, Prime Mio&,ter, declares
that ox,wptete tranquilitypnttloM ic prevails
eun 7
is ensured.throughou,
and it ensured.
Cengratulat my to the Khedive teethe
suppression ..f the rebellion arepouring
in true all parts of Egypt. The 'Imes
are preaching the doctrine of ive
obedience, and prove from the '}Curtin
the sirs of revolt.
e„u., West Wawanteh, *ear Nt. Aug
tine, has just completed a handsome
end commodious brick -veneered resi-
Our engit.eer��andle the reins
well, but he had quite an adventure with
a nettle steed on the way home from the
Kiatail fair. ' some practical joker struck
the animal with a whip, causing it to
bound into the ditch. The esRinsee
got it on the road again, to collide With a
passing yoke of oxen belonging to • Lee -
burn roan. Be kept his seat skilfully,
but a .the Port tee animal aplsiu took
fright, upsetting the driver into the
ditch. Ile held on to the lines pluckily,
regardless of broken shafts, etc , until
rescued by sou.e Dunlop friend. He
could not be induced to have his injur-
ies attended to by the people of the
Port, preferring the nursing and lini-
ments 111 our famous sick cominittee.
u Qsrb3laid.
Mr. Welsh, the well-known house de-
corator, of Goderich, basuat fiuuhed
the residence of Mr. Chas. Morris. It is
handsetnely painted inside and outside.
Mr. Welsh states that the Good Temp-
lars used him well at Leeburn, but he
couldn't get reconciled to the goat.
A Bee Sala. --A young bachelor on
the Commercial Road, like a very souse
ble wail, recently took unto himself a
wife. The buys turned out the other
night and sereuaded the pair,
horns, old muskets and tin pass. After
the ceutrirdri party exhausted all their
powder, and were weak in the arms
from hammering at the old pats, they
discovered that the newly wedded pair
were snuvly situated among friends some
two miles away ! The serenading party
went house badly sold.
FAMILY RECNIoN.-A pleasant gath-
ering of thn Morris family took place at
the residence of Mr. Joseph Morris on
Saturday last,. and a right merry time
was spent by .all. In the midst we
noticed the beaming countenance of the
patriarchal ,ro1„i N'.,i`ri f,h then head of
, , • . Colborne. He
1 .oeeu laurt•ty, ants was as gay as when
4!1 years ago he first lived 'in the log
ldiuse en the site of which hip sons barn
now stands. Great changes have been
wrought in the.townihip since that time.
The wilds have been changed to beauti-
ful farms ; the old settlers have given
way to a new generation who taste but
a p,rtien of what their fathers and
grandfathers endured. Mr. Morris
now li :es at Morrisdale , in the township,
but is a welcome visitor at the houses of
his sons and daughters. He is full of
reutinisceusee of old times.
Goon TBRae111N0. -The threshing on
the t'arm of Mr. Jos. Morris, Colbonw,
lasted 5}days with the steam thrasher
of Mr. Echlin, end in that time over
3,600 bushels of grain were threshed, of
which 1,600 bushels were fall wheat rais-
ed from off 40 acres. Mr. Morris is to
be congratulated upon his large yield.
Gotlerich Township
RIB Bltos$N.-Last week, while Mr.
Jas. Wallis, of the Lake Shure road, was
playing with a dog, he struck himself in
the aide and broke one of his ribs.
AI•CIWENT.-While Mr. Thos. jewitt,
of the Bayfieldline, and his wife were on
their way home from Goderich, on Mon-
d they stet with what might
2 t7 tns km the balsam ut uvea.
sinhaew M a ones, aad net toll benefit of this
■ (Moe, (-rabies yltick. Kingston st..Oodr-
rteb. Plans mud b lficatluns draws correct-
ly Carpenter's' p erer's and mason's work
measured mud vela.
The Bedouins bete violated the graves
even of their own deed for loot.
The Greek residents of Tantab have
seized a fanatical sheikh for attempting
to excite the population to commainas-
sacres on the withdrawal of the British
Ft is stated that the Khedive is deter
termined ou the death of Arabi. He
says it is essential to the peace t'f Eu-
rope that Arabi should die. Arabi bas
telegraphed for additional legal 'assis-
Arabi is treated as the commonest con-
vict by his Egyptian gaolers.,u
It is believed the English ausel sent
to defend Arabi Pasha will be denied ac-
cess to him, the Egyptian Government
being of opinion that legal assistance
from such quarters would be of no avail,
the pleadings being in Arabic.
CAiso, Oct. 7. -When the annual car-
avan which recently departed with im-
posing ceremonies was journeying to
Suez on the way to Mecca, the canopy
over the sacred carpet was caught and
overturned by a telegraph wire, and the
sacred emblem esposed to view. The
day evening, dervishes in charge were vreatly excited
have been a serious accident. The bel- I by the accident, and it is not certain but
lyband of the harness gave way, causing that the 1st an will have to return,tand
the shafts to raise. The buggy came in the ceremonybeperformed over a
contact with the horse's le;, -s, and he Cairo.
kicked vigorously. All were precipitat- Wolseley has ordered the troops to be
ed over an embankment, the occupants relieved from police duties.
receiving little or no injury. Pensions of $10,000 a year, or $ lum•
Holmesville, Oct. 2d, 1882 ff d to bur
Council met to -day pursuant to ad-
journment. The members til present.
Minutes of bast meeting read and passed.
By-law No. 7, confirming the levying of
taxes read. Moved by J. Cox, seconded
by Joseph Whitely, that by-law No. 7
of present year be paaxd-Carried. The
collector brought his sureties, passed his
bond,.and received the roll. The follow -
lug accounts were paid: -Buren Itereed
for printing, $3; J' s. Miller, indigent, Earl Dufferin, replying to the Porte's
$18.75. The Ceuucil adjourned to meet letter regarding the withdrawal of the
again on the first Monday in November. Egypt, portion
JAs. PArrON, Clerk.
100,000 ROLLS
Trade Murk Registered.
By usual oujiwrtation, i.e and all lane
spet•ulators have a clear head and watch tht
ups and downs of property. thus makin.
large fortunes. But the whole secret is, they
keep the system in a healtl.y condition by th
use of
We can safely say that hundreds come to u•
fur the great lung and blood purifier before
going west. head the following statement
We could give thousands of the same kind it
It were. necessary.
"1 certify that was troubled with Catarrh
to the head gathering of phlegm in thethroat,
choking and coughing at night for years, so 1
could not sleep. often troubled with dull, life-
less feelings, pain in the client alai bark.
Auer giving hundreds of dollars to doctors,
and giving up all hopes. 1 tried the PRin& or
Tug V.u.LKY. and am now able to do my work
atter seven tear'. sickness."
5Y4 Sim.we Street. London. On
••Tae above statement of my wife's Is co)
For snit. by all druggists, manufactured h)
Prof. A. M. Shrieves. London. Ont. Sample
'an be had in
1 aBlatAD.
Feint Setae -Mr. A. S. Fisher, of
this place, has sold hes ferns of
acres on the 13th can. of Hullett, to Mr.
Herrington, of that township. for -the
sum of $4,400 cash. Tho farm has 60
acres cleared, the remainder being hush,
and the price is coosidereu a fair
figure. -
FARM SOLD, -Mr. E. Chesser 1 :u sold
his farm of ,70 acres,. un the teur.•:troad,
a short distance from Clinton, bi Mr.
Jamas 3rowtr, of Bay, for the aura of
"y nbl
. l3,t;:�J .Thu is considerably
Mr. Chesser paid for the property a
short time since, and shows aha• farms
are again rising iu value. -
Pags•NTATION.-At the regular meet-
ing of the Clinton Conservative Associa-
tion, on Friday evening last, Mr.. Cor•
bett, on behalf of the association, pre-
sented Mr. W. 11. Cooper, with a splen-
did gold chain, in recognition a,f his ser-
vices on behelf of the party'. The reci-
pient, who did not anticipate anything
of the kind, briefly acknowledged the
gift. If anyone deserves well at the
hands of his political friends, "Bill"
certl.inly does, for he has labored early
and late in the cause in which he is an
enthusiast. --fNew Era.
rltt iM
sum of $250,000 each, were offered {wcl-at t• e3 rat: the our $1.W.
Garnet \Wolseley and Sir Beauchamp Gods rich of the following druggists: Jars
Road, Jas. q Passu. F. Jerdma. t e.. Bay -
Seymour, They chose the latter, which was. sad J. .t. Nane1, ttl9S
indicates that the available rate of in
tercet over here is not bad, and that life', `FA1TLAND HOTEL, GODERICH
insurance, in its practical aspect, is tin- � 1 ONT.
derstood by the \\ ar Office. air Garnet's The above new.and first-class house, close to
the Railway +tatlon and eunvenlent to the
title is nut yet annouuced, although he town, is see aro. d toi none in Ontario, for conl-
is understood to have accepted a peer- fort and accommodation. Is heated by liot
e, while on the other hand the Ad -
Croquet Lawn and garden on the premises.
Hot and cold meals at all hours. for travellers.,
An Omnibus to and from boats and cars con -
Mantis' in attndince. Jno. Broaman. aro- i
A 1
Frieze s
Latest Designs both in Gold and Plain
J. C. t'arrie's Male List.
Monday, Oct 1&—Salo of farm stock
and implements on lot 5, Lake road,
Coldorne, sale commences at 1 o'clock.
Wednesday. Oct. 18. —Chattel mort-
gage sale, on lot 37, con. 7, Goderich
township, sale commeuces at 10 o'clock.
Dat WaLL.s.-Many of the wells have
gene dry, -and a number of our farmers
have to draw water from the lake.
How 1 T'h>a, DLM1.oe.- Several of
our farmers helped each other with
threshing during the week, and some
rare .experience in stack building tea turred. The well-known Yorkshireman,
aided by eight others, essayed to build
e m.)nater atack, but it siuldealy tumbled
Meat thein, almost burying tomo of the
Party alive. The engineer and 1t. D.
Alorris came up bra, ely le the rescue
and helped the unfortunates out. But,
truth 10 nay, every man can build a
straw stack butter than the man who has
the job.
British troops from gyp , Sys a I1[338
- the Britishd forces ver has already left I
C o m b i n a•o n Ce i l i
Egypt, 3 th (' n•erninent desires the D \• • FAVORITE WEEKLY '
remainder u , possible,
England made great sacrifices to pacify THE WESTERN ADVERTISER
• i
RyP ,ant a ('AN:\ ADA'Sn gs
d tofollow, w as soon as pw ,
the country, and must take measures to +\D -
ensure the permanency of the pacifica-
tion. The temporary willpresence of a cer-'CiT E E S 1..""/- Z I �' T
tain number of troops will be necessary. OF LONDON. ONT.
�..' j 1�y
The picture of 'Arabi looking through Important Reduction is Price -Balance
the bars of his prison at the review of of 1882 Free -Valuable Pre-
Satunla ,Oct. 21. -Sale of carriages,mium fur the coming year. 8t CCEea11R TO T. J. MOORHOVSE,
Saturday, the British tr./ furnishes & strong•
buggies, eta, at Morton & Cressman's cugtrast to the picture he presented a i Thu put c of
-'ar Colborne House, t•oderi li, at week or two ago, when he was at the
shop("clock, Wednesday, Oct. 23. -Sale of farm born the army and the navy of rent.
stock and implements, on lot 11, con. 3, Batelle it is net viten that one expe-
Eait division of Colborne; at 1 o'clock. riences,the ups and dow-ns of life in '0
1 'cloick sharp head of the Egyptian soldiery, deffting
short a time. Arabi posed as a national
In a quoit snatch for $ 20 a side J. leader and was thought to be a n.an of
Bone, of Wroxeter, defeated R. Prercie, valour and skill. But he turned out t.) information, hints and recipes on L.IKnlsu- Grand a ytyt o �iieement to the People.
of Brussels,laat Wednesday,in the former be utterly devoid of nationality, as was tecta hitherto unpubllahrd. -rbc latent and 11. .nn
1 d \1 . best t Every one will want this popular and
p h tcxah of the in- IIu•sn. tin llK tt.T)1.
the \t ENTERS A,VERTI,KR et'
r of rut ro uru•eu Here ccs.
Eight intmenne pages, sixty-four columns.
of has been reduced to *Lie 11\7
N Orth side Market
[or1aJ3,bu/anc � I L 'G
The latent news. valuable "departu)ents. -of 1
interest to all -continued and completed
stories. tausic pie -twee ee eta, For 10 cents ex- 1
ora a copy of our .treat book premium of 130
. ' 1 rat
AND HEALTH." will be
mailed in strong tag cover; or, for 1., cents.
pages, entitled
will be lent in heavy board cover: (bntains I
C+0 ER1CH.
sue, made plain when he permitted tzars- n,eNul vrolt. By renewing tie once, present
The Reformers made a gain of 11 votes dria to be sacked andthe sabatrtbie-can set ore "
.,nthe a) sagainst Grey voters list. cendiary to be applied. More than this on .abore•meatiened terms. without delay.
p peal \ ents wnuted ct•crrwhere. Forty epeeist I
On Brussels list they made a gain of 7 be peeking in both va- • t t )darn
Judge Cameron held to -day that the.
Ontario Division Courts have no turisdic-
tion in action against a naturalized citizen
of the United States of America.martial, and it s though probable that }rdl be sent from a o
The case of W. M. Cliptie vs. the Cor- he will be condemned to death. But ir)sl for the extremely low figure of $235 n
poration of Listowel, was an =teen to there is not much likelihood of his being
recover $ 2, 000 damages for a broken
so disposed of. Itis plainthat whatever
lege the accident having occnrrcd prom a the Khedive's own feelings may prompt
defective sidewalk and lack at street him to do, the Porte will not permit
lamps. Verdict for plaintiff, with 8400 Arabi to be put to death.
The Charybdis, which has already
cost the Canadian Government over
$20,0110, is to be returned to the Eng-
lish Government as being too unwieldy Ottawa, Oct. 10. -The Spearman
to be of service. It would be better $0 murder Cavo was continued this morning .cattle her than pay her expenses across before Juctice Galt. The c.•urt room the ocean. was again crowded, Mr. Cosgr.,ve, the
counsel for Maria gpearman, addressed
the court. Hon. Mr. Scott, for the
Crown, submitted thee there was evi-
dence of remeditated murder, and re -
he was shown to prizes .Send post Bart for par .c .
lour and skills as he allt,wced hand if to o tJwlt
1 caught by y
ce napping • l'Zwrro% A (0. -
drlrerfiser O,Dirr,
to his heels as soon as he smelt Bangor LONDON, ONT.
in the air. Ili is to be trted.by a court- The aloe popular Weekly and TILE SIGNAL
date t the 1st of Janus .
Tnaaeu1No,-- The eLrill whistle of the
"Reynards' " steam threshing machine
stirred up the drowsy hnchetors at the
north of this harulut, early en the •norn-
iug-of the 3rd instant. The threshing
Fnrty were operating on the farm of Mr.
oley, and were under the. command of
Morrow Bee., of the Nile. Mr. Thos.
Morrow is bawl t ngiueer, :testate(' by
Mr. (`has. Dodd. The tedious feeding
department was .dteedal to ht Donald
McNerin, ..f Bull Run AViAlue, Mid R.
Morrow, of Turkey Late. They are a,
jolly met. and the only change again*-
then( is, that there is a. sheep lees it
every farm )louse aft )r they have thresh.'
el. they have been out for two menthe,
and their biegest reseed is 400 hushels
of wheat in six. hour, on the farm
Mr. J. Glen.
PRaw,NAL —A few .lays a;:u )1r. J
astrachan met with a pleasant surprise
a visit from h0 nenhee•s frori (Flat •-.sus
lc,.t:and, !hlr. 1Mvid Fie on, . t..:
and Mr. :11(x. t )sin,nie, merchant
latter is a member of the city
and at one time h. al •he position
provost of the city. If. is accontpwbid
hy his soon Rohe't, who has just pasted
his examinatain as a antntilt-e far the
ministry. The party i voted the kirk
here nivel tried the tell. and too'( a TIM
TLe tioalbsarae Trase1y—Mui PrWaer.
Joseph Frey, aged CA, a miser who
died at Vincennes, Ind., had $4,200 in
;reenbacka sewed in his shirt. The im-
mediate canoe of death was eating green
apples, which he got by `'alkine into the viewed tfle testimony in favor of tits.
country, thus saving the )coney he Justice (.alt charged directly in favor of
would have to spend for food.
Typhoid favor is raging et Winnipeg.
Several victimea are carried oft daily, and
all the hospital accommodation is said
to ho taken up by the sufferers. Altogeth-
er about two hundred canes are reported,
but as the physicians decline to give par -
both pprisonerae Is h. s review
facts he placed great reliance on th,.
Ch L nt. Feve$ lt bi
tP thet`ea� cr ,cTc' (are »'tA etitPett;
%OmaT tettata to P���t,tol; 'P td e
P113r1r s°c�; lr R r�yat Pow
rYg t__.,t1011.
pit ►► YaPet•
C�e1Ss�poth ��eP�o O �A
pig o INNES
the' slasewewees►
statement of the prisoners, and Duct • Banking.
the attention of the jury to the
that it was adinisaible as evidence, pro- -SiANK OF MONTREAL.
viding. they were under the impression 1 L
that it was true. The jury returned a
ticulars, a definite estimate cannot be verdict of nqt guilty. The announce -
anode ment was received with prolonged ap-
ltoger Smith, tate of the oldest of please.
died h
idents i at is cess
London s res, Bence,
corner of Waterloo and King streets, on
Saturday, having reached the age of 78
years. He sWletl in London previe.us to
the rebellion in 1837, and was 1111 r.n-
ployee of Mr. Carling, one of the tiret
grain buyers in that section.
George Johnston, an old man 77 years
of age, residing at Chinguacousy, aux
miles from ltrempten, comity of Peel,
was burned to death Friday " night. A
lamp up.met and net tire to articles in his
eve -
hi else
neigh -
le to
vroom, the dames spreads
Whore ria sister, who wooing
se. ascii saraaw a
entirety An Are, and
re did arrive it was
Barr the , Id man.
A female wise stance to
weeks yam, and
ideJreians asd ler Let
pee iter name with W. D. it, i ss
Wan .l sine * •t.,5 onofideuos work. 1
tis instance she stated tol lemon
whew aIle visited that she % %tonin
low name, attr1 e.iiL 1$ln bet
Vole teensy *11 •ttliid a .o, bot
hes not seen f!e betrayer since.
although ten days has passed. t ohm.
similar ratios are repotted. Several city
doctors state that it she floes Dot leave
the city they will pwvwes4 with tlo •'pot.
blmlar INS
to the Poirs }arta , ,.1 other points of
int.•rewt. They think i oro ads here are In the month of October Dr.
well n,,de, raneee letter than th,.se at Canon's ttlBaath and Coe.tipefion bit•
holm-, hot rather wide, Met Mr. Strachan I tersshosM be taken to purify the blood
hap artu..Ay :old thein that it gist , the sad fortify the a spirt the severs
poor an's kye a cher, t. The yictots ; changes .•1 ow Canadian winter. It im-
are e a t.,ttr 44 Cana,ls and the I proves the cirewlatiow and cures
r0-. •'sten. and twirl have a hook at peptise, Hiiiotienetw, and Sick Headache.
our r m Noah sues., ere they return to i In -large bottles at an rents Sold by all
'he .. est,. ' dlrealitt■
Teterboro, exults that the local tax
rate for the year is tiled at the low nate
of 11 4-10 mills, stills -nets e• be held up
to the general gaze as a paragon of muni-
cipal economy.
TrarelllaS L.Ide.
Pass. Exp's. MIx'd...Mix'd.
Ooden, h.1.c.:..l:.am. 12.30 pm..3.1:,pm S.30 am
w KRT.
l'a*s. Mixed. Mixed.
Go.ien,"t Sr 3.y. pni 9..I•iiSllxp►NiE 10.30am 7.1`.pm
Luck now Stage ITdailyt arr. 10a0ann
Kincardine ' " "
dep rpm
7 ass
M corner of Victoria and Mist suets. in
the town et Uoi terieh. for sale cheap, or will be
Xe ter tarns property. Forpartienlan
bit JAS. 5551t.1. Architect, "Mee (rabb's
er J. C. ('t'sat E. auctioneer.
Goderich Branch.
1,. (X 1, .1•�: - . - ►1ama'am r.
Uses 5*erest en deposits. Draft*. letter
,l cN4tt
notes i*etled, payabl
In all parts of the world. 1751.
Pn.1 ej, Capital, - 8c,000,00V.
Rest, - - 81,4,1.),000.
President. - huX. icAl. Mr MASTER
General .ltanaper, • W. A.
Goderich Branch.
A. AL I1O$S, - - - - MANeeK*.
interest allon,vi on deposits. Drafts ee
the principal Tow ns and Pities in Canada
Great Britain and the United (States. bough
and sold.
Adtaneestn Farmers nn Notes. with one O
more endorser.. w" 'them mortgage. 17$3
Miss Jessie Wilson,
Newest Styles in Hats and Bonnets
The most popular ;;hatless in laid..n.
Noa-eltie. in Feathers awl Ornaments.
Style. and Prices certain to please
Miss Jessie Wilson.
begs to to annonnce that, owing to the
Tremendous Rush !
which attended her fall opt I int; having al.latkd in some measure, the
ladies of.our towlt torp the surrounding country, can now
view with a gr, -titer degree of pleasure, the
at her new premises, next door to R. W. McKenzie's Hardware Store.
She Has Everything in Wearing Apparel a Lady Can Desire.
The most conoplete assortlul nt t.f Cl.iliren's Wearing Apparel in town.
Ribbons. Feathers, Flower.. ()rnaluents, etc., &C., Sae.
Apprentices Wanted to Learn Millinery and Dressmaking,
'Ili l
-- .t N r'
Furniture at Bottom Prices for Cash
I have now on lian•l a er\' large ,tock, such as
Chairs ofall kinds, Tables, Bedsteads,
Parlor Setts, Side Boards, Rat-
tan Chairs, ..o., 8zo-, (!to.
2 Doors West of the Post Office.
Bargains in Grey Flannels,
at J. C. Detlor & Co's.
Bargains in Canton Flannels,
at J. C. Detlor & Co's.
Bargains in Winceys,
at J. C. Detlor & Co's.
A Lot of Table Linen at .Tob Price.. Mantle Cloths in Great variety.
Mantle., Made W Order Mantles Cut Free of Charge,