HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-13, Page 66
1'�!E HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. ,tai, 1882.
Yorkshire Love Legend.
At this hs told her her history, mud
bad her prepare for death ; but .$ last
her tears and entreaties Ito far softened
hon that he sheathed his dieter. then
plunked a gold rine from his ger and
dung it into the sea. w
"Swear to me," he said, "that you
win nut acme into eiy sight or that of
my son till that ring is "ti your tinge.
and I will spars your life." '
She swore, and then she fled in wild
terror till she fuuud herself in a stran;;e
place, obliged to beg for food.
At last, after long wauderiltgt, she be-
came. cook to a nobleman.
One day as she looked out of the win-
dow at the guests arriving for a banquet,
she saw her cruel eueuty and his son,
her dearly Loved husband. She drew
back hastily, and theu she trembled so
she could hardly cxok•^the dinner. Just
before it was ready a fisherman clime to
Elie door. He had brought u splendid
"nes three huttdru.l )t..11'8 ago a tory
than kept a shop underneath the
rater tower. His business was as
,r as lie was ; he had already five
ldren, and one morning his wife gave
tnh to a sixth, a hoc little girl. The
old father sighed ; he tarok the
d in the shop, and laid it on the
ter. Than he fair) broke do n
d sobbed over his a poasessio .
ow, the shop was an oen one, and a
fight who happened to be riding by,
[lopped his horse when he saw the lour
,.,d moan's distress.
"What ails you, friend 1" he said
"Alas," said the father, "I have
itel five young ones, and know not
to find food for thein, and 10. my
has out now gieen me another. I
could that it had not coma into this
utrerin:; world."
"1 will see what will happen to her,"
,he kui,ht said. for he was a waverer,
Ind he always carried his groat Book of
Fate in his saddle bow.
The poor neap gazed at him as kead. All at once he saw the knight
turn rale, his hair bristled on his head,
but he spoke with a smiling face to the
distresses father.
"Be consoled, friend ; I have no
slaughter, and if you will give - me your
unweleonit•d infant I 'will adopt it and
make it hair to my pessuasions,i• •
The father's delight was great ; he
(loaded the knight with thanks, and
placed the biby in his arms. The
knight spurred his horse, and rode
eiiiftly to the batiks of the Ouse at some
distance. from the city. Here he dis-
mounted and tln'• tile i"font i.tto the
mil• of hi
the - .. , -v.xn
' babe was •lcst,ined to marry his only
Then he role away rejoicing But
the river was more compassionate than
the knight. It washed the baby ashore,
and a fishermen hearing its .cries carried
it home to its cottage.
Fifteen years after, the knight with
nutty of his 'friends come riding along
the haulie of the Ouse and stopped at
. the fisherman's cotbtgeto buy a fish. A
young girl came. to the door, and the
knight and all his friends were startled
by her wonderful beauty. - Her mann ,
too, was se aw:oet and eracioua that as
they went on their •w ty they continued
to praiao her and wonder at her loveli-
ness, till the knight said with a laugh -
"I will search my,book and son which
c.f you is dostinel to be the ti-ihor-
maiden'e husband."
But his laughter ceased and his face
Marta Medical aaseriaseS,
The .Huron Medical Association wet'
at the Commercial Hotel, on Monday,
the 2111 nisi., nue day in advance of the
usual time, On amount of Dr. Stewart
being ublieed to leave c. thei3ed to catch
the statuette few Europe. There where
=arm Stewart and Hsrlburt,
'8001tand Canipbell,8esforth;
Ittz Blyth ; Mc-
;Hygidinen, Exeter,
an&'TWO , Clinton.
Several very interesting cast's were
presented for examination, one being
lgtneral glandular. talargmeat of the
neck, on ono side of which two or three
glands had suPp rated. General appear-
ance pale and ►parent boss of wuso(tlar
power. A case of enlarged heart (or hy-
pertrophy) was examined. in which the
first sound was lost by the regurgitation
of the blood, and the second sound very
nearly masked. There was also a case
of cantor, which required an immediate
w)peration. One of ovarian droopily, also
needing immediate attention, and nue
of incipient consumption. A well mark-
ed case of rheumatic pupura was shown;
fish for Salo, and she took it 'n and be-
gan to clean it. All at once she saw
something glitter beside it.
She looked ehiser ; is was the knigt t'a
ring ; then site cvasod trembling, her
tear tuned to joy and she cooled the
dinner to perfection.
"Who is your cook, nay lord Y' asked
the knight, who, notwithstanding 1,ia
cruelty, was extremely fund of good eat -
"She is a strange girl, but she is fair
to sen," his hoot answered ; "she came
begging to my door, and I took her in
from charity ;' then. turaine to the ser-
vants behind hies : "Soule of you hid
the cook come up into the dining hall."
The girl washed her face an trnttot b-
ed her hair, then she put on her beat
Moly of rtes.-1,1,.nwl1ns am=ber'. clalsws.
The gullibility of mankind isetrikinel Mr. Meredith, is tee weurse of a aptesill
ly exemplified in the following atur$, to the Conservatives of St. Thomas, ad
whish we find in the Now Yurk nacre►- i wittwl that the agi ;rd
for repudiat-
pp��oueiMN pt the Montreal (i,lzatle :- gag theAsendary A WAS instigated
Home wog advertised 6.r ten thousand He said . ""Qua is 3wile
en to go se gyps to " to ' .otlion,'' Iby Q
The plow designated for n• 7 Mg of her rights, If the award by tuu-
and what created -much interoat was the
exhibition of the tubercle bacillus, rr
the parasite which causes consumption.
.\rt ,recount was given of a very peculiar
CAR. of catarrh of the bladder, which has
existed for 27 years,'and has been era -
dully increasing in intensity.
Atter the business of the association
was concluded, a very interesting cere-
mony was proceeded with, which was the
preeentntiou of s valuable gold each to
Dr. James Stewart, prior to his Laving
for Vienna, to spend the winter in ad-
ding to his medical and surgical know-
ledge. It was accompanied by the fol.
het. ing address :-
Deem DR. STEWART. - Your profes-
sional brethren, both in and out of this
aseooci,ttion, cannot help feelings of regret
at your intended departure from among
us It is possible that net all, , er any of
us, may meet you again, and we desire,
before you leave, to express in some de -
clothes, and with the ring os her tinge,- de-
gree our appreciation of your enthusiasm
in and devotes: to -medical and surgical
she entered the hall.
science -and of your entire unselfishness
The guests lhoked-ather with weeder, and.willinzness to render all the aid in
rowel to the members of the pro -
for she seemed to them as fair w.the your 1
Erosion. Mainly through your aorta
(noun,as lovely as a rose. this essucuiti'w has linen from a dormant
But the knight uttered a fierce yel state to be a successful and well known
institution within and even beyond the
boundaries of Ontario. Our desire is
that our memories may be stored away
in your heart, .o that you can occasion-
ally commune with us in your absence.
In the name of and by the wish of your
protessie n d co-workers. we he to pre-
sent to you this memento as an intlia-
tion of our regard. We wish you a hap -
head, for he saw that fate had been too py and prosperous journey, and entire
Strong for hint, and he suffered her to success in the line of study you intend
dwell peacefully with her loving l.ut to Pursue, .and more than alt we wish
)your a safe return; that we may again see
band•; and she became famous through- your fa^ •
out the country for her beauty, her On behalf of the profession,
courtesy and her goodness. John Hyndman, W. Sloan,
R. W. Hurlburt, Wm. Graham,
" W. L. Varcooe, J. S. Scott,
Monument to William Lyon Mackenzie.P. MoDonnld, J. Campbell,
G. R. McDonagh, J. H. Duncan,
Broadway, was thronged IT MOO& ofMen-tu.l au attewpt will be wade by Quo.
men, of all countries, look's( the to secure is souse form coin
a¢r.rti•er, who was of course t„ be
f std i the building "That well own I hon from Ontario and other Pru
If Cats. OA toss destroyed y.-o.r trine
midi Awl beari'tg, Hail's hslsarb Cute
will rule yt u. ; 5 emits per bottle. All
dtuggt►ts,t;1 it. For rale by Gt. iee
Rhyuas, . agent, Goalerich. 1043-:1n1
vu u
character, Dr Shine, has his otflce at the for that of which she has been, iu the
Location muted, and it is thought tl • 1 judgment od the peopi a of Quebec, was inserted by somebody
to annoy him. The pugnacious physi-
wrongfully deprived." Hence he regard•
cian was angr .• but he had sense enough tett the proposition of the Dominion Gov-,
nut to ahoy. .1. to the thousand and one
applicants for a free passage to Egypt,
who kept up the devil's tattoo on his
door all day lung. There will be little
oottou to pick in Egypt this year, but
there is plenty in our own South, where
good wen can earn from i 5c to $1.25
per day at this occupation. As wages in
Egypt, when times are good, run about
lbs. per day, it is difficult to see why so
many should want to go to that unfortu-
nate ce nrtry- ; but the glamor of dis-
tance, a free oassay;e, and vague antici-
pations of what might be done there,
which, of cour•se,eould not be done here,
drew thousands seriously to inquire into
the matter, showing that either a great
many mull are out of employment, or
that a great many workers are willing to
waste their time after an iyrttu_faints.
and•stp►rted from his seat. Heelrew his
sword and made a rush her, but she
smiled and held u,. 1.er hand. On it he.
saw the ring which he had cast into the
sea. He saw, too, that her young hus-
band stood beside her and clasped her
in his arms. Then the knight bent his
ernment to ignore the award an!t1 refer
the question to a new see of arbitrators,
-as a wise stroke of "statesmanship" on
the pati of Sir John. Mr. Meredith
has enjoyed the reputation of being ut• ro
than ordinarily clear headed and intelli-
gent. When he places it un record that r _
he favors the ahaudutitnent of the award
in order to keep Quebec Prem demand- ,N +) 1
ing "eompeumt' " from the Dominion
Government, he invites the belief that A FINE AS£OF.: ii.rN-
he has not Leen endowed with tuorevele
mon reuse than the le* alb ws. \1'Ity (,t'
should .Quebec dement] etoutpens:ttioe f
And why should Mr. Meredith ask the
people of Ontatio to back hits up in re-
- cognizing Quebe:•s right to any such de-
mand f It is nut a question leteeeu
Q Lebec a i1 t ht aria ; and if it w'ae, why' •
should Mr. Meredith be so ,e livit..us "ti FU re
behalf of Queh;c, and so exeeedingl)
careless of OIfar f.'s rights S 51r. \lert-
dith evidently iuta;;in.•a that it is Outar• Chas • t f t i .
io'sbounden duty to ,.acrtfice itself when- - -----
ever Quebec dementl-t ,t slice from Sir
John, but it pill -tied Ile,' the people are
not to soft headed as to agree with him
on that point t-[t'atnii t ..server.
tatatsn Leaves.
ENGL/SH all.\ \\
H \;
The delicate gradations of colour and
the gentle contrasts in leafage oonatitut e
the especial charm of the early close of
autumn. but are only noticed by the
close ebaerver. s s * At this inc..-
pleat stage of decay let those who appre-
ciate the hearty of the early tinting stand
under the branches of an oak or beech
and look up into the mass of leaves. A
thousand may be gathered, and nu one
will be at all like an"then in the colour
mar:tugs. The picturesque die position
Of golden yellow, brown and reddish
brown upon the nonnal ,green will be
shown in an endless variety of ways.
Though nut outvying in variety the col-
ouring of the cak leaves in early autumn,
the foliage of the beech is more elegant
Coughs,All persons auffeun
Though William Lyon Mackenzie has A. Worthington.
been done justice by historians of later ro.which the doctor made a very hap -
day., he sever had fair ),lay from Ids py reply. He said he was quite taken
contemporaries. He contended for Inysurprise at the idea that his profes-
glow white when he read that thi: was principles. He advocated returns/4and si"nal brethren should make him an}
thing like a preseutattun, before going -
the t..y maiden he had Clung into tits through his efforts the most scandalous to the continent of Europe. .11e felt
stream lung ago, abuses were put down. It took many very grateful tot the expressions of kind-
He soon made an s=cow to leave his years to accomplish this. Family coin- nem and lwgard coutatued -iu the' ad-
ismdiedtar o dress' it was always a leasnre to him to
Christie Bro'.• 0
'41.1 ,r
Dr. J. W. Fairchild( f New York,says:
1'ersent►ily I believe in Phosphstiue; 1
esu it myself and in my family sod eree
tice I prescribe Ph osphatine with a coo-
tidetice that I can attach to other reuotdy.
It is safe --it is effective. For sale by
all druggist. tin
Free or Charge.
by 'reason of the more regular and spine, Colds, Asthma, Brotichttis,Lusa of Voice,
trical contour of the leaf outlines,and y
or an affection of the Throat and Lungs,
of the framework uuon which the glossy
tissue is spread. The veins running in
parallel lines from . the "midrib" to the
suety but unindented margin present
grooves or channels along which the au-
tumn tinting advances, giving an appear-
ance es of green and amber stripes alter-
nating with each other. Sometimes the
advancing colour first tips with red or
amber, or it -may be pale straw colour,
the edges of the leaves. -
Continuing its, progress inwards, it
often leaves a round central spot of deep
glossy green, which stands out in vivid
contrast to t' -e light invading colour. Or
the autumn colouring may extend down
one "or lira of the spaces between the
parallel reins, leaving all the others'in
the depth of their dark green beauty.
The final occupation of `hese spaces by
anther or fiery brown, while the veins
are still green, is one of the must strik-
' friends, and going back to the cottage pact• 1d The Id Tore f meet his medical hien sat the d quarter -
asked the ftaherinan if ho would allow who bled the Province, aitd had terly meetings of the assiociation; and he
his daughter to carry a message from
him to his brother, a noble knight who
lived at Scarborough.
The fisherman consented, and then
the knight wrote a letter, and sealing it
gave it to the girl. Sho put the letter
into her purse and started on her jour-
ney. When night fell. she went to a
little inn, where she asked for a bed sad
rlept soundly. Now it happened that at
thief found his way into the inn that
night, and prowling aboyl he came into
the maiden's room ane saw her purse
lying on the table. Iu it he found the
letter, which he opened and read. It
contained these verde-
"Dear Brother -Take the bearer and
put her to death immediately."
The thief turned his lantern on to the
facet f the sleeper and seeing how young
and beautiful sho was he felt compass"
ion. "Sha deserves a hotter, fate," he
said, "and she shall have it." Then he
wrote a note in tko handwriting of the
knight: --
"Dear brother -Take the bearer and
marry her at 'once to my son." Ile
then sealed the letter and placed it in
the girl's purse instead td the other.
Next morning the girl woke up early
and hurried nn to Scavborough.
The knight's brother received her
k'ndly ; but t. -'n he had read the let.
ter he embraced her, and went to seek
his nephew,,who happened do be ors a
visit to his cstle. As soon as the youth
beheld the maiden he became enamored
with her, and (leered to be wedded nest
day ; and the marriage was oelebrated
with much Splendor, the bride leaking
Inure beautiful then iter in her wedding
After a day , r twe, the k'ti4ht told
Lis nephew that he mus! t; a t..'York an,l
e rk the knight Ilia f; tier, nod tell him
tit a he had olieved hit commands. The
)un.� hu.bwnd was unwilling to leave
1 wife ; however. he depicted with
roomy p!,•nosca of a apecalA return
Ile had not been gene long when his
f other artived they missed each other
n the rowel and when the York knight
learned what hail happened he was
alinott mad with rage. He asked his
olanghteran-'sw to come with him nut -
side of the castle ; the. seizing her by
the hair, he dragged 't• r t+t the seashore
and drew his dagger, 8b. fell o* her
"spars my life," she said. "and tell
me how i ha,. anglers.' v...i
no toleration for independence of
thought and action, could not be reinuv-
ed in a day or year. Mackenzie was
impatient. He was energetic and deter-
mined. His idea was that rascality such
thought he had himself derived as much
benefit from thele meetings as the other
members, and helped the meetings would
he continued. He thanked thein very
kindly for the sentiments expressed in
the address, sed for the valuable present
as he unearthed should not be tolerated made him. As he would have to look at
a day -longer than it was known to exist, It many tinter in tlje day, he would ever
keep his friends iu min,), which was to
him a very great pleasure.
Dr. Graham, of Brussels, was' elected
stcrctary-treasurer, in the ;.lace of Dr.
Stewart -[New Era
and when he found that, as in later days,
the people mote slowly even when they
are shown that their interests are sacri-
ficed by a selfish cligae, he became exas-
perated, soil tried to secure rights by
force of anus which he should have ob- itACY210W.
twine l without any difficulty whatever.FAkat $l'u)—Mr..Tames Campbell, of
The troubles of 1837-38, however, were the 12th con. of \\-est \\'awate ell, sold
productive of enorutuus benefit. No his farm of one hundred acres to Mr. W.
longer could the home governinent be
hoodwinked by the Tory hand, and Re-
forms atter Reform was conceded. To
Lyon -Mackenzie, therefore, Canadians
owe more of their tielf-government, their
admirable municipal institutions, their
civil and religious riuhts, than to any
other etateentan of his time ; and in
view of this fact the question asked by a
ocrrespondent of a contemporary, [The
Toronto World] in a letter published in
another column, is a tit and proper one
Where the remains of Wm. Lyon Mac-
kenzie lie there is no monument. No
effete has been made to show how much
Canadians ewe to the advocate of g•t,ptr
lar rights. Sir George Cartier is to have
a monument. Why should not hie fel-
1 ,w leader hate ane also ? Judging by
the prices set upon their heals, when
they were both funitit'es, Mackenzie was
the greatest transgress,(* in adtoo.cv of
Medlar rights. £1150 ' wen the price
offered for UN body of Bir George Cart
tier, the Government promised $4,000
to the person toe persons who would cap
ture Mackenzie, deed or alive. If any
Barber, of the saute township, for the
neat little auto 41 85,100. ` ,
I)LPORTEO .\NI)MAL+--Jatnas Moffatt,
Newfield farm, Culross, has just arrived
front Sco.thtnd and brought with Lim a
splendid heavy draught Clydesdale slap-
lion, Baron Solway. This horse will be
a great acquision to the farming com-
munity and Mr. Moffat deserves great
Credit for his enterprise through which
the fanners have already heeu so largely
benefited. He also brought a dog and
bitch "f the pure Collie breed. animals
of extraonlinary intelligence. and which
et cry sheep owner knows how to appre-
Bic Pm, s. --At the Western Fair hekl
in London last week, Mr. Donald Claim,
of Luokoow, exhibited his fine team of
light roan Sampson calts, which, al-
thou.jh only two years old were unnsual-
ly well developed, weighing 2.900 lbs.
The pair attraeted the attentinn of
Messrs. Montle & linen, two Winni-
peg gentlemen who visited the fair for
the purpose of "lotauting some choice
horses, and they succeeded in purchase
inlg the team, paying the remarkably
good sum of six hundred dollar for
them, besides 1t52 for the harness. Mr.
Clarke was awarded the second prize in
the heavy draught class at the % eases
Feu, fur his gilts
public ran is to have a mo nanient, taro• Ssaiot•a Accws'.T. Mr. Alex. Came -
Win. Lyon Mckenzie deservesone -[Ex• r .n, of the boundary ;lite between and
Wawanosh Bret with it very painful acci—
dent on Sanday last while retorning
4 Ward et tawt'e*. front church. After entering her own
Beware of Opiates andpnwerfni *Morin- gate and whsle in the act of tying the
gent drugs in the treatment „t Bowel
Complaints. they limy loll the pain and
check Diarrhtrs. etc., hat are liable to
melee* inflammation. Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry is gasman -
teed safe and reliable, even kr i.ls.ter,
.and is a specific for ('Melee* Weber,
Dysentery, f`nfic. Acute ow (•bronis-,Disc
th„ts and Rwismer Complaints g wises -
ly !•
Hall'. Catarrh ('are is taken internal'
It acts direetly upon the blood and th.
atuomu perfecwa ei the system Prim.
711 mates For sale by Gomm key s,
screed 4 A l �meet far amle,
mare to the fence a tittle atilt dasbed be-
tween the buggy and the fence and get-
ting fast in the lines threw Mrs. Came-
ras 10 the Rou*d. At this moment the
taws started oI, Mrs. Cuneron ?wing
chaired a eonsidersh1e distance before
she eosin get Ines from the home
Thee& Mrs. (.heros was seriously in-
jured, M Items were broke'. Before
1M MAW eettld b. �'pped the
,M t>lu' - 1. the horse oleo r'eoea
gamed eats sod braises. --{8en tineL
If you would lire quiet) in the world
you may both hear and as.. but you
mt1M ars nothing
are requested to call at to ilsou's Dreg
Stere and get a Trial Bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Con.umptmn,
free .d chane, which will convince them
of wonderful merits and show what a
regular dollar size Cottle will do. ('all
eat ly. ,) .
Fortuaes for Vermeer* and •erbaates.
Thousands if dollars can be sated by
using proper lodgment in taking care
of the health of yourself and family. I1
you are Bilious, have sallow complexion,
poor appetite. low and depressed spirits,
and generally debilitated, do not belay a
n (intent, but go at once and procure s
bottle of tho;,e wonderful Electric"' Bit-
ten, which Dever fait to cure, and that
for the trifling suet of fifty cents.- [Tri -
I une. -Sold by Jas, \Vill9e- [1]
Manufacturers and sole 1'roprirtori of
Try Dominion hair Restorer,
Egyptian Liniment.
Mediu'. Cholera Mixture.
I)r. Wade's Worm Syrup.
Dominion Cou{,h Balsas,.
1 phases of the changing hue. Fami1- j ('lark's ttaby rs11,e.'
ng p I ateddi's F.rasite ('oroPuu:,d,
iar enough is the autumn yellowing of imperial Liver Pills.
Dominion Condition Powder..
the elegant horse chestnut, and the light e,,,,z AmESTa roe
brown richness of the foliage of its name- t'r,oker's Pile 1 111,.
( ro.ik, Ts siomath
iticasdetl's Corn Killer.
Lowe's Standard )'ret aro:
sake producer of edible fruit, but the
chief beauty of both lies in the early
stage of tinting, when spots and freckles
Eaences, ('adtor Oils. Hair o1!., &c.
of stripes of amber and gold and bfunze ; The above medicines arc gotaramc.vt by tL,
contrast with the sunttacr green. Very i :nanufacatrers, and any Lottie nr pm kao;Y
f nand to b• not 5141isfactory on a fair Inial, ,,ta
similar in the character „1 their markings I be ieturnotl and the money will be refund.
are the autumn leaves of the plane, but "VST. (T. 0. Naftel,
the contrasts of colour upon the same meso• 1,,ent for God. i,
leaf are often grouter, for bruad splashes
of orange, inclining to red, bring out in .rte ,47,:An Extraordinary 0Tor 1
vivid relief the bright glossy green, t TO eeG-1'erT8-
whose depth Of verdancy has not yet.' GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED.
been dulled. -Fog ,t+•a (icu.yc. Ueath, I if you are int of employment and
— want to start in a business you can tea:te
W Not be W«oars=NI. from $3 to $10 a any clear, and take no
1 these 'times of quack medicine atl-
vertisemeets everywhere, it is truly
gratifying to find one remedy that is
worthy of praise, and which really does
as recumniende,l. ' Electric Bitten we
can touch for as being a tree and relia-
ble remedy, and one tent will de as re Agent gets started in a business that will
commended. They iurariablyr cure be permanent, and pay from $1,000 to
tclt and Liter Complaints, Dise.iaes 8:1,080 a ;year Ladies can do as we11 as
of the Kidney's and l-rinary ditticulties. i
We know w'hereef we apcak. and can
readily say, givethema trial. Moldt
risk of loss, we will send you on receipt
of 811, goods that will sell readily in a
few days for $25. 1f tl e Agents fails to
sell these goods in four days, they can
return all unsold to us and we will re-
turn them their money, can anything 1 e
fairer 1 \\'e take all ris': of lore, and the
men. We want an Agent in every
county. Fuil particulars free. A•'drees,
a C. S. Manufacturing Co., No. 116 Smith
50 cents a Lottie, 1t7 Jas. \' 11sott. [:3] field Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Warmers and Moolunallaft
Provide yourselves with a bottle of PAINK/LIRR at this seams
of the leer, when summer complaints are so prevalent; it is a prompt,
safe, and sure cure. It may ave foe days of sjtknety. and _you will
find it is nitre valuable than `old. Be stair yon buy the pplwine
PERRY DA PIS PAINKILLER, anti take no other mistime -
Comma. Oat , Mair 1, Iu0..
I have been Milky Parry Dave rain -Lase for alts pat Mt )erm sad he,.
meet pleasure is sterling tial iu sale is thei time tilos lass 4y !toils ray aim
put.st aetfblse that 1 lam es my shwas, sad in these yeses 1 ham arm hand $
eeift.mer say otegbt bet wards of the biggest praise is its favor. It is an setae that
imam te lions esslta.d is It all that gess to sake s fest-ela.r family wseltdw,t se4
selest es I haws bee s. sad ascii, terror Davis Paia-[idler will be feted is ttetb,
Taus. he., 1. L 1211AEDY.
lImwtar* of Counterfeit. fefltll 1a rAtaIDggr„
Prins 20e., 25e.. and 50o. per bottle
7,-^:1-'- - .:••. or t..:. -1-
i,1 •taew;r:l • - . 1.,.� is t. QOc.
•:oxt.•vw,Lc:: , t:.: ' l,.ot'..',et:sur-
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.rands, sc1 on..: ... . c, ono work 0%
S'A'G Cf a •.'• _• • i..i WCa
Irefees, (' '
P, r.• ' Ire 3. 1;e ,;fee
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• r,•.ta'n.a7Po. :..- '1'•'i teenier&
::'-:Jur PA bre C_,. u_+'... ,,, :,.cy. wort
I , •. .'11 ::old !r . at rt nt�
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1 '3 1ttd i -,-t • III ,r York..
• t,wte, ). TO. 1 Cn'CJE?, 1'`.
- -'. '',•:o.Ont.
Cathartic Pills
Combine the choicest cathartic principles
fn medicine, In proportions accurately ad -
jested to secure activity, certainty, and
uniformity of effect. They are the result
of years of careful finely and practical ex-
periment, and are the moat effectual rem-
edy ret discovered for diseases caused,hy
derangement Of the stomach, liver, snot
bowel., which iwgnire prompt sad effec-
tual treatment. Asim s • PtLis oto spe-
cially appileahle to this eland of diseases.
They act directly on the digestive and
asatmilative processes, and restore regu.
lar healthy sction. Their extensive use
by phvsictans in their practice, and by
all civilized nations, is one of the many
proofs of their value as a safe, sure. and
perfectly reliable purgative rnNlicine
Being compoendad of e cone d
virtues of 'peel, Thvegetates subetanolls.
they are positively tree hon caleme}or
any injurious properties, and ctrl be
administered to children with perfect
Antes Fut/ area& electing cure
lfo r
Leas et Dai
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tag tree as�st�tllsa�. isl.d sew are -
ed the ae-
Ae.>�tar PW Ow have iso equal.
wars _M �r settee. than
search -
lam ajar= btf=rea;ele
ors. Ilak Islawottsorp r�* Is beat-
ssi ~ se~ w� paeek rity
a.rteb tie blond. and Impart re-
sewed beak\ Dad vigor to the whole
rvm.11.at sewn Analytical Cb.attet..
Lows), Mass-
imo sir ata 011144•10111r1.1110111.11
AGF y ] $ wawtee._ sir ts. Ltrnt
w,�l. M •�nylarot
•, ea - e .outvote, NAM w t'••. Mt
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