HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-13, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL 1s pa►YsYM every FMday Morning, by Mc- GILLICOac DDT B.. at their Oce, North at tt tethe &M ice, Square) OODERICH. ONTARIO. And M tai Off parte of the surround tat the tlalj est miles and trains. admlasNS It bas a largtr ctrcula- Say other newspaper in this part of es i• 4 oe fir tke raciest. newsiest reliable Journal to Ontario as it dues, the fore -going essentials addition to the shoed. a first-elm. sad areal** paper it l therefore a said desirable adeer as imne edi.N.. m Taes. 01.10 to advance, postage pre -paid by publishers; 111.71, ll paid before sit month lade if out so paid. This rule will be strictly enforced. Hares or ADvawyiPi' 0. -Eight cents pe ow tfur first Insertion ; three cents per line for each subsequent insertion. Yearty,half-yearly •ed quarterly ()entracte et reduced rates. eo JB raiNTiNt .--• :Ve have also a first-class obbtng depart inept pommeli- ng in connection, and possir ng the most complete out -fit and b.:et facilities .r turning out work in Guderich, are prepared cod° business In that line at privet' that cannot be beaten. and of s quality that cannot be surpassed. — Terms Csak FRIDAY, OCT. 13th, 1882. POETRY -LOVING POLITICIANS. There are some who claim that they can tell your character if you will but give them the name of your favorite au- thor. This is perhaps too sweeping a claim, although we must admit that the tinier of our quotations, poetic or other- wise, can be used u pointers to our own sentiments, and indicators of tour eon in- clinations. We are apt to judge a speeker by Itis references. if his au- thorities are good he is in +air favor, if they are bad we give but little heed to his best sentiments. Orthodox preach- ers do not utter rhapsodies over the beauties of Volney, neither do "advanc- ed thinkers" care to dwell upon the sub- lime sentences of the Fathers. The man of culture will have his summedspeecsummedwith the Attic salt of suggestive thought in prose or verse from goo(' writers, while the town loafer will be found hum- ming the latest variety song, or repeat- ing some maudlin chorus apostrophizing whiskey. It is often easy to plans your finger onnamethe nae of the pet author of a friend, although his conversation may show wide reading, and a good acquaintance with the best thoughts of the best writers. For some thought, ruling and irrepres- sible, comes up continually during the conversation, often unconsciously utter- ed by the speaker, yet always recognized in whatever habit of words it may be wrapped. It may come u unobtrusively as a camel, but no trappings can disguise ta its form. And you n depend upon it that the writer who presents that supremo idea in the choicest manner will be one of your friend's favorite authors. Mr. Blake has often been bantered on account of the frequent occurrence of poetry in his speeches. But he has this merit, that his authors are clean and his quotations elevated. Tennyson and Whittier are among his favorites, and he lays their 'sentiments about liberty of speech, freedom of action, and respect for constitutional authority, under fre- quent tribute. His poetical quotations reveal the man who loves good'reading and who admires noble thought. But this did not keep him from turning with tremendous effect upon an adversary a nursery rhyme "as old as the hills," but as timely as anything extertiporaneuus could be. Mr. Mackenzie is said to be wedded to Butler ; but this is en assertion made only by Tories, and therefore needs proof before it can be accepted. Cer- tain it is, however, that the plain-spoken ex -Premier must have a keen apprecia- tion of the incisive author of "Hudibras" whose trenchant lines ho so often used with good effect in describing certain lights in that party against which it is Mr. Mackenzie's dut3, andlhis pleasure, too, to wage war. Mr. Plumb, it is said, wrote the moat of the poetry used by himself in debate, and is known to have a supreme affection and profound admiration for his favorite author. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 118, 1882. THE RAILWAY QUESTION. The time for definite action on the railway quest has arrived. A cunpe- titive line is needed at Goderich to develop its natural advantages, and the sooner our public men put their. shoul- ders to the wheel the better. For some time back the railway question has been agitated in the :olunins of THE SIGNAL, but owing to lethargy on the part of the Railway committee of the Council no action has been taken. Last year the work of agitating for a branch of the Credit Valley from Woodstock, ria St. Marys, wasbegun, and Goderich took the initiatory work in hand. Delegates from the different municipalities be- tween Goderich and Woodstock met at Exeter, and a practicable mho=was formulated. An application for procur- ing a charter for the proposed route was brought before tke Legislature and acted upon, and everything bade fair to bring about a speedy consummation of the Scheme when the bugaboo of the absorp- tion of the C. V. R. by the G. W. R. was raised, and the question was allowed to'drop. Since that time railway mat- ters 'have assumed a different shape. The Great N'estern has allowed itself to be made the victim of fusion with the Grand Trunk- the would-be gobbler of the C. V. R. has itself been gobbled by the G. T. R., and tho C. V. R. still re- trains an independent line. Present indications point to the fact that the C. V. R. will eventually be- come connected with the Canada South- ern, one of the best paying stretches of road in Canada, and at present the pro- perty of W. H. Vanderbilt, from whom money cannot buy it, so long as the Grand Trunk is his opponent in the carrying trade. Should such an amalga- mation takeplace, a western port onLake Huron will be a desideratum, and on this coast there is no better harbor for the purpose wanted than that possessed by Goderich. A line of steamers running from Chicago and intermediate ports and connecting for transhipment with the C. V. R. terminus at Goderich, would create a diversion in the carrying trade which would cause the Grand Trunk to regret that it had ever given Goderich the cold shoulder so that Sar- nia might be favored. Then there is another line which could be diverted to Goderich in the event of the C. V. R. scheme failing of effect, and that is the Toronto, Grey and Bruce. This was formerly a narrow gauge line, but during the pant year the entire track has been .;hanged to the full regulation width, and the capacity of the road for traffic is now equal to any of its competitors. The line, when in course i John's favorite poet, but he must ba an of construction, was pushed as far as EngI'ahman, and fond of a pint" of Tceswater, with the intention of finding "wet. ' a lake outlet at Kincardine, but failing to obtain bonuses in some of the north- ern municipalities, the terminus of the road was made, and still remains at that point. The T. G. & B. It, is controlled by Messrs. llendrie, Edmund Osler and other bitter opponents of the G. T. It„ and we have every reason to believe that an effort on the part of Goderich to divert the line hither would be met halfway by the controllers of the road. The above is sufficient to show that favorable opportunities exist for the 'de Wiling of increased railway facilities by Goderich, an 1 it only remains for the people of the town to take action in the matter. A public meeting should at once be called by the Mayor, and the iron should he struck while it is .hot. Since the above was written we find a special despatch to The (lobe from London saying, that "there4is good au- thority for stating that a proposition has been made to transfer to the Credit Valley the charter of the London .Junc- tion Railway, giving that company the right tf way into the city and ground tor a station. The Credit Valley, it is said, are ready to covenant that the rod shall be built and running into the city by the month of May next. it is under- stood that a line will in the near future be built from London to Gederich, thence connecting by 'boat with the Ca- nada Pacific Railway and Prince Ar- thur's Lending for Winnipeg." MK. JONES A ti l► "LADY." Tis casts against Dr. Tennant, of \ THE OBJECTIONABLE BOOK Surae of uur county u,ntempnrsries Lucknew, charged a ith perjury in the I ras,rr, ma•etd `1 "Naraslea" Ni, ?i'. have fwllen wtu the fashion of dubbin West Huron election, and Robert Mc net Lens less hairnet lgo. John Jones and his wife, or Will Brown Rory, of Aahheld, for dereliction of and his wife, er any other respectable duty when acting as deputy-returuiug- resideut and His a ife when they go off on a visit, "John Jones and lady," Re. Now, wedoe't know how much Jones and Brown like this kind of thing, but if we were Mrs. Junes or Mrs. Brown we would endeavor to put • stop to it The trouble, however, doesn't all lie with the newspaper reporter, for sometimes Jones when travelling with his spouse registers himself as "J. Junes and lady," instead of "J. Jones and wife." We have oftep noticed this peculiarity on the part of Jones, and we [oust confess that the temptation has been upon us when at dinner at a hotel to take a close view o(Jonee' "lady," to see if every- thing was right. If we discovered Mrs. Jones we were satisfied, but we really pitied her, for others who didn't know that she was Jones' wife had their sea- piciotts aroused just as ours had been, when Jtanea had neglected to revister her as his "wife" or u "Mrs. Jones," instead. of his "lady." When Jones places on the hotel register the informa- tion that he and Mrs. Jones are travel- ling together we are always satisfied, for we know he is in good company ; but when we see him announced as accom- panied by a "lady," we always wonder why is Mr. Jones trsvelliug with a "lady" and paying her great attentions, when he ought to be home with his wife, or she ought to be travelling with him instead of the "lady." Examine the hotel register, gentle reader, and see for yourself 'how many iron make fools of themselves and their wives when travel- ling, and thus subject the latter to un- just criticism at the hands of the travel- ling public. If a man's wife be travel- ling with him he should not be ashamed to let the world known of it. officer, were up for hearty{ at Dungan - tutu on Tuesday Leat, before Wm. Mal - lough. Esq., J. P. Both tasty were ad; jounced for a week, to await the produe- tiou of iwpurtaut testimony. Sts JOHN A. Mactior aLu's friends are 1 crediting that gentleman with a large sense of fairness, because he state'[ at the late Tory cuuventieu that he did not believe Mr. Mowat was peisorially a bad roan. Cooling after a reteetless and unscrupulous attack upon the public character of the Ontario Premier, the Chieftain's annptitnei;t brings to out mind the saying of Nero, who having coni uauded the rounder of his own mother to further his political eude, cool- ly remarked as lie viewed her corpee that he had never thought her w haud- souhe a wo%aan ! Sir John A. Macdonald d! not often use poetry. .His imagination is so fer- tile, and many of his statements so mar- vellous, that ordinary poetry would pall by contrast. There is, however, on re- cord a gem in rhyme used by the knight in a speech in the West, when the in- creased tax on malt was discussed some years ago. It is brief, it is vigorous, hut it is not scholarly. It runs "1)— my eyes Hever I tries To rob the poor man of his beer.' We do not know the name of Sir Arrest ail the hnrrah of the Convention, l IS a remarkable absence of enthusiasm On eke smelt et the Tory press ever the polit- ies/a position bluest In tbla Pan Tt e par rat position of • wan who ss wee* ed iso digging bait that hs MR when he went Asking, --4 Nay, brother, nay. That patty rata resemble' s man who want fishing *Sh- ut 517 [,tit CONSERVATIVE chorus : "Mowat must go." Rousing Liberal chorus, complet- ing the refrain : "Mutest must to back stronger than ever." The Tory voice will be lifted •gyp in wailing after the general election. THOSE terrible Grit License Commis- sioners have given licenses to 2,704 Conservatives, and 1,102 Grits. That looks as it they were anxious to use their powers of iuuing licenses for political purposes. Cilia?' Jounce WooD, of Manitoba, died suddenly in Winnipeg on Saturday. The deceased was well-known as a poli- tician and jurist, and his sonorous voice and vehement declamation gained for him the sobriquet of " Big Thunder." He died in harness, as he was sitting on the Bench when visited by the fatal stroke. He had some glaring faults, yet his geniality, courage and vigor of mind made many friends for him. His age was 62 years. Ar the final revision of the voters' list of the town of Goderich on Mtnday last, one of the tricks employed to manufac- ture Tory votes was brought to light. The Trust & Loan Company own an un- occupied tenement on one of the side streets, and the brother of the Tory can- didate is agent for the Trust & Loan Co. The name of one Fred. Marsh was on the voters' hat as a tenant, but M the place was unoccupied the Reform- ers appealed to have the rote struck off. The agent for the property was plaoed in the witness -box and positively swore that the property had been rented to Marsh for over* year at the rate of $l per month. Deepite the fact that not one cent of rent had been paid, and that the tenement was unoccupied, the agent tllsimed that the rental was bona Mr. *Mat will the Trust & Loan Co, think at ti. transaction, and will they look to the went for the rent Lust Sunday after mass in St. Mary's church, and before the sermon, Rev. n,.t.•.wrl Father Statf.rd spoke of the wit of "Monition" from the listof text books autburised for use in the high schools. He said it was a matter of great impor- tance, and one which should bi viewed calmly and from all its points. "Mar - 'Mon," he said, was a pure fiction from the Grilliaut imagination of Sir Walter Scott, one of or in any otthe ost her t tongue. writers in the English But the questiou was : is it a fit text- book t.. be read, analysed, scanned, com- mented on, committed to nunnery, an men and publicly recited by young{ young wouteu 111 public clue before each other and before the teachers -some uwle, soi a female, some sisters of re- ligious a•iumunities-nuns. No fair minded Tuan would say ao. As a text- b.ok it is effeusire to Roman Catholics to a monad p oihit of vhe.v, as exhibiting and placing before the ()hinds of its read- ers the immoral conduct of certain par- ties. It it al ,o,,ffertaivS 1.i their religion. This is clear and requirta 00 p erticuieriz- ing. The t,..ok, sn used, appeared to him objectionable to Pnotwtait then also. He did not believe there was a Protestant mother in all Ontario it ho would wish to have her daughter's mind stained with the recital of that story: It was certainly not a dainty dish tout be fore the young minds of boys and girls. He said he had the highest epInlun of the morality of the women of Ontario, who should hold up before the minds of their children only the lives of the good. The protest against the use of " Mar - mien" as a text -book wA0 made in Au- gust last. He had forbidden the use of it in the separate school and convent during high echo' l work, before the ai heals opened at all. No pupil in his parish would read it himself in school, or be present in school whilst others read it. What he claimer: for Catholics he claimed for Protestants of every denomi- nation. And school text -books should contain no attack on the religious belief of any party, or class, er creed, hut should be equally acxeptable to all alike -to Church of England, to Preabvte- rian, to Methodist, to Ronan Catholic, to Bible Christian, to each, to all ; and any One denomination that would sub- mit to anything short of this deserved all the contempt it alight receit0.-- [Lindsay Post. •4 ueeh Markets. Oouaswu, Ott. 11. tgt. Wheat. [Yalu t+ bush. . ........ w w h i 111 Wheal, lap/rawty Lua4........ t e6 M to deur. >r brrrcl.................. k N • 5 s0 Oats. 11 bash........ 1 69 to 0 31 •e 0 e0 M 0 52 b 01 M s D. W 0,17 b IIs 0 11 ................... w 1 o0 Bran, P cwt .... ....., ,. .. 070 ' t'0 Chop, a cwt....... IOU • 1 70 W tool .. ......... I IN .' 0 1,4 Woad« .......................... 3 W 3 •W HSbanlltW„ 411 1 t0 ot wi+ Putatubus► ••••• 0 111 Hay, it tu.t...................... 700 Y dos. Ieaiackad1'... c... 11 17 War, i•••• 011 Auction Bales. 'Tis Toronto Telegram is an indepen- dent paper which generally runs with the crowd. It is a strung N. P. organ, but has rather a contempt fur the weak and uncertain conduct of the Ontario Tories. Its opinion of the present con- dition of affairs is summed up u follows : "The Mowat Ministry does not appear to be showing any fright at the terrible attacks daily made upon it by the chief Conservative organ. Possibly it con- cludes that these attacks are not nearly as terrible as the organ imagines them to be. One thing appears plain, and that is that the organ is firing away all its ammunition before the enemy is in eight. The general elections cannot come on for six months yet, and by the time the write are ready the Nail will have nothing left but blank cartridge or old charges that have already been exploded. Even now, people are beginning to get sick of hearing it repeat, parrot -like, day after day, that Mowat must go." ' Tits Orange Sentinel throws off Its,in- dependent mask and calls upon every brother, to "work tooth and nail to se- cure the return of every Orangeman "who is nominated as a candidate for the "Ontario Legiatature." It is explicitly stated that the object is "to redeem On- tario and its Protestant population "from the incubus of political Romish, "domination." Drluxo the past few years it unoommon sight to see a man walking off with the entire library of the Kincar- dine High School under his arm. This feat, it would seem,rwas not a difficult one, as the "library" consisted of Wor- cester's Unabridged Dictionary l This reminds us of the story of the old lady who tooka dictionary out of a public li- brary, and upon returning it remarked that the stories hadn't any plot, and were too short was no TBE name of Benedict Arnold is held in execration by the people of the United States, because in the struggle for inde- pendence and just government he be- trayed his country to the enemy. And what should we think of Iden who a year ago voted for Ontario's rights and Ontario's soil, yet now crouch abjectly before the oppressors, and eoek to deliv- er the Province into the hands of her enemies ? But Arnold's treachery did not keep a young nation crippled, and Meredith's baseness will result only in his own humiliation. AN eastern contemporary puts the (ase very nicely when it remarks : "Care should be taken by the politicians of On- tario to see that no injustice is done to Quebec in the matter of the Boundary award. Quebec is a poor, weak, trust- ing, shrinking little thing, and is too backward and modest to ask for any- thing for itself. It therefore becomes the duty of the politicians of Ontario to join hands in seeing that Quebec is not despoiled or that any injustice is done to it. Indeed, judging from the opinions of some of the Ontario journals it would seem as if this was what Ontario's re- presentatives were elected for -not to look after the interests of Ontario, but to look after the interests of Quebec." Write Hon. Alex. Mackenzie left Lambton to wrest East York from the Tories, his enemies taunted him with being afraid to face the music in his old oonatituency, u his former supporters had gone- back on him. Mr. Macken- zie replied at the time, saying that he felt confident that Lambton would prove true to Liberal principles. And so she did, and her record at the Iaat election was a grand one. Some idea of the esteem in which Mr Mackenzie is still held them ean be had when we state that a few days ago a deputation of the leading Reformers of L►mbton waited on their former representative. and presented him with an address and 1115,600 in ash. Mr. Mackenzie also ean bare the proud consciousness of having unhorsed .one of the noisiest champions of the Tory party, ►rad hrnteght Kass York into line again to Neat Answer. The Winnipeg Tines says :- "Though repeatedly challenged to do so. 'foe OLOBE has not yet explained why it con- demns Sir Leonard Tills for having a Sur- plus and applauds Mr Wood for the same oppression of the working man.' The reason why THS Glow has not explained is simply because the inconsistency is too glaring to ad- mit of any defence." The Times is mietakeu. We have made the explanation asked for. We condemn Sir Leonard Tilley fur having a surplus because it is the result of unnecssary and oppressive taxation imposed for the ben- efit of a small class of the community. The sources of Ontario's revenue are fly the sales of Crown lands. timber limits, etc , which simply realize the natural wealth of the country, but main- ly the subsidy of eighty cents per head of the population from the Dominion Government. As the amount of this subsidy is fixed by the British North America Act, it is beyond the scope either of Dominion or Ontario legisla- tion to alter it. It is not increased by the tariff. nor would it be decreased by free trade. The Ontario Government, therefore, may fairly maintain a surplus after providing for the expenditure on needed public institutions and improve- ments which lighten the burden -of mu- nicipal taxation. Does the Tinea,' see the difference in the twocases i -[Globe. The Rarest Tery Convention. Speaking of the Toronto Convention, the Bobcageon Independent says : "The convention did not even allege that the Government of Mr. Mowat was a bad one ; all it urged was that it was not Conservative, and thereforetought not to be allowed to exist. This open and un- disguised introduction of party politics into our provincial institutions will cer- tainly not meet with favor from the general pu,pulation of the province. It is only that section of the Tory party known as Pig -heads that will vote for ousting a government, admitted to be pure, and good, and efficient, on the ground that it is not identified with Dominica Toryism." The Iadepenlleiit also conies to this conclusion. "The elections, come when they may, will not materially change the existing retktions between Mr. Mowat and the people, and though we have every respect for Mr. Meredith, we cannot give him the smal- lest hope or encouragement as to the con- vention of Wednesday bringing him any nearer to the Provincial Premiership." A MADMAN'S FREAK . Ne teas Throng's a Crowded New Tera street. ntabblax tight and Len—sev. oral Womanttetieusly Injured. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE YARM PERTY. Under a powerPROof sale contained in a ere talo atortuge which will be produced ot the time of sale them will be sold by E. Royce. berry. auctioneer. at the Huron Hotel. In the village of Zurk•h, on Naturday, the 4th day of November, at the hour of 13 o'clock noon, the folio w1ng vsatiable prupeny, namely : The south Milt of lot 19 on the Lake Road, east con- cession of the township of Itay Ileac 10 acres thereufl which said morcel of land euotains 65 acres, more or less. On the said property is situated a large frame house and a small barn; the lead is of good quality and 1s In a Inc fsrntlaaoountry. TaRrsa: Tett per crit of the pu chase money to be paid to the Vendor's SoUol.ors at the time of sale. twenty Der cent In thirty days therwatter and the balance to be secured by mortipme ou the premises witble five years with Interest at seven per cent annually. For further particulates and coedit lens of lisle, ap- ply to the Vendor's SollcltoVendra. Rom, Macdonald, Merritt Coataworth, or's tlollcitors. 28 and 3STbronto-at. t 0.411. AUCTION SALE I First -Class Carriages 33 Er0431 :3?Q8, AEO- S ON ACCOUNT OF THE TERMINA tion of our lease of premises, and th.• probability of some change In partnersh.p, ear will sell by Public Auction. on Saturday, Oct. the 218t, 1882 at our shop, opposite the Colborne Hotel, com- mencing at 1 o clock p.m., sharp, our stuck of finished carriages. consisting of 8 frstclaas, double -seated carriages ; !handsome top bug- gies ; 1 open sidebar buggy ; a number ot se- cond hand buggies; also s lot of new cotters. All first -else work. guaranteed for a year. TERMS :-1! months' credit will be given on approved joint notes: 8 per oent. discount will be allowed off for ash. MORTON & CRESSM tN, J. C. CURRIE, Proprietors. Auctioneer. Goderich, Oct. 1!, 111. 1814 Auctioneering. JC. CURRIE,THE PEOPLE'S AUC . TIONSER Ooderiott.Oat, 1751. New York, Oct. 10. -While Four- teenth street wascrowded this afternoon with shopper', a demented Frenchman ran amuck through the thoroughfare, and with a pair of sharp -pointed a n- t€r's compasses stabbed right and left, his victims being wcnun. The wife of a ,xolicenhan who patrolled the block was one of them. and when her husband ar- rested the lunatic he did not know that the compasses we -'e dripping with his wife's blood. The lunatic was Earnest Dubaurgne, a half idiotic painter, whose antics for years wade him a conspicuous character. The victims were more or less severely injured. Their names are: -Kra Stolzenbetg, slightly. wounded in the shoulders ; Louise Checker, stabbed in the back, slightly ; Miss M. L. King, stabbed in the hip and abdomen. severe- ly hurt ; Pauline FFedler, stabbed in the the breast, not seriously ; Mrs. Thomas Worth, stabbed in the side, dangerously; Mary Hanley, the policeman's wife, two stab wounds in the breast, danger.us- perhaps fatal. The victims were assisted to their ho•.ies. The lunatic's clothing was spattered with blood. He said he felt dizzy, and admitted he had been drinking. He had two hats. He said he stabbed the women he. ause some man threatened his life. The prisoner. with his father, wandered for years through the city bearing painted signs, demand- ing justice from the California authori- ties h r some wrong. The father died in February last. On Saturday afternoon a three-year- old daughter of John Ii. Murphy, of 24f Dundas -street, London, fell from a sec- ond storey window to the awning, and thence to the street. Her fathe't, who was standing in the shop door at the time, picket the little one up and car- ried her in, supposing her to be dead. in a short time, however, she rec.lvered 5nsciousness, and is apparently unin- jured 1 It is asserted that Guiteau's skull was stolen from the mediaal museum before the skeleton was mounted, and another skull put in its place. A tlsestlen at Law. A curious point in the law on voters' lista came before Judge Sinclair, at Stoney Creek. A young man named Marshall Hopkins asked to be put on the list as a farmer's son. It came out dur- ing the examination that Marshall ie living on a farm which is owned and run by his mother, who is separated and living apart froin his father. The ques- tion armee : 1s the woman a farmer for the purposes of the Voters' List Act. Decision wan reserved. ?be Ter, Jamb. Alas poor Lauder ' The Flesherton .4dr nee (Tory) announces that the party in East Orey, in caucus assembled, nas declared a dissatisfaction and disaffection towards A. W. Lauder. A local man will get the Tory nomination next time, and ''Lauder must go." (Sarnia Ob- server. The three wings of the liberal party in Germany have agreed to sink their differences and unite all their forces against the military party,at the head rr of which is Riemak. Tey are hopeful of being able to defeat the ir.n Prince, whose ranks are somewhat disorganized at present. The death of Lal) Smith, relict of the late Sir Henry Smith, 1N. P., at eine time Solicitor -General for Upper Cana- da, and subsequently Speaker Of the 1.Egialatire Aowmhle i, anneenee•d at Kingston WILL TOO EXCHANGE ft y cpaese of Dia or Biliousness for 75 cents? 1t is awfully unwise to agonise un- derthe many ailments arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach and Liver. when this offer le made to yon to your own home in ail •ineerity. with as absolute certainty olf Claring yon. ZOPESA (trotn Brasil) cares Dyspepsia and Biliousness. A bosingle dose relieves; a sample ttle convinces; a 75 cent bottle erre.. It nets directly aepon tho Liver. and Kleneys. Corr+et ing. toes*vest energy Reg - the grain, Nerve, simply by work- rtpoa the Trees. eto C1 nlatin and vt and lit ins tion, sad glv ng activity to $h Liver. Alt this take it to any out. and (qrt 8 eeNt bottle o! 1t arta It 1* warraatd h tore Dy pepsfa and BU. Sias. ALLAN LINE of ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS LIVEiti'OOL, LONDONDERRY. GLAS- GOW. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS MAIL 'TE.4VERS- SEASON 1S'S1 Cabin. intermediate and Steerage Tickets Lout SZT RATES. Steerage Passengers are booked to Land Cardiff Bristol Queenstown. Merry, Be f Galway and Gla"wow, at same rateS as Liverpool satluNcs FROM tllrlaa t PARISIAN OCT. 11. SARMATIAN OCT. 21 POLYNESIAN OC r. l8 SARDINIAN NOV. t CIRCASSiAN NOV. 1 PARISIAN NOV. 18. PERUVIAN NOV..115. For tickets and even Information apply H. •RM•TRO`CO, Ticket Agent, Goderich 18.31.3m. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS Sail Weekly to and from NEW YERIC ANDGW/OOW, vis LONDONDERRY Lab' nPasaage.11160tot1*. Returns, Plato $140. Secon 1 Cabin. 1140. Return Tickets. 1175. Steersge passengers booked at low rates. Passenger accommodations unexcelled. ALL STATEROoras oN MAix Dice. Passengers booked at lowest rates to or from Germany, Italy. Norway. Sweden. Denmark. kc. For Rook of "Tours in Scotland." Rates.Plin- te.., ' apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. New York. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCK. HaeUts lit 1816. Ooderich WILSON' S i'RESCRiPTiON DRUG STORE. MRS. PINKHAM'S COMPOUND. HALLS CATARRH CURE. AUGUST FLOWER. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Special anent for VAN BUREU'S KID- NEl CURE. CINGALESE. KING'S NEW DISCOVtRY. MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ELECTRIC BITTERS. f3MITH'S GERMAN WORM CANDY A CURE GUARANTEED MAGNETIC MEDICINE. Owr) TrrAea MAa,... ( A BRAiN and NiERVE:WOOD. Ear *Id sad lease. leak. sea Female. Primitively rurea Nervousness In all Its stages Weak Memory, foes of *rote Poteer, 8raval Proatraffnw, plight Nvvnts. 4perweaterrkan, leveotrapa. Barrenness, Seminal Weakness and General Loos of Power. it reeairs Nervous Waste, Ryere.s&ea the Jaded tel MO, stvsrothetu the R'q/aeNed Arnim, avid Re stores Shirr, -.twine Tone nod rfoor to the fir basted f7ewennNwr f)rpaww. With each or der forrwrt.va packages accompanied with five dollars we will send owe Written Gear ■ntee to refund the money. If the treatment dose not effect is err.. It is the t%s/eetslid Nest Medicine In the msrkat. SWFnll parttenlar. In our pamphlet, which we **sire to mall tree to any address. nasal ffis•se/te 5.44.1. Is sold by Drug sl.ts at Men. per box. or IS holes for S$. or will lemNbd Ree of postage. on receipt of the IIIMITAkibidreaudng 'e ■AstllTlf NEsf/TN• Windom, Oso (attn.t► Is fis*.Nch, by JAN'S wls41011 l`stw� .11 erer,wases P 6� Aregn.dams st S5 to $ ,.1=6. Adlarre•