HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-13, Page 3T11E linos S1GNAL, FRIDAY OCT. 1R, t8S2. 1 Fashion's Fancies. Ms11 Teethe wee Rema.. raa.eas. Many of our meat celebrated men, shoes inures are conspicuous iia the world of literature, were not renowned in their yueth fur any special - mental b4liaocy. Sums of the gyeatest dunces of the schoolroom, later on in life, shoot out far ahead of their mutes and eclipse them entirely. The "dull boys," also strive with all their aright, long and unready, to achieve success, frequently bear sway the honors from the omits -de ions is easterly theta at an readier day -and drvu tape a mound and tutel- lectual strength that carries them un till great heights are attained. The celebrated anal elwluent Dr Chalmers wet ,•'tecediugl) dull and stu- pid at his is heel tasks -=so ready fur play and prejudiced against study- that his master grew discouraged and kat all his patience with hon. At last, denoun- cing him as an ineorrieible "dunce," he ordered him to leave the pariah school, and prophesied that nothing could be made of hint under the nest favorable circumstances. It is related of Sir Isaac Newton 'that he stood at the bottom ,•f the lowest form but one in school,' though he atter- ward went to work with a strong deter- mination to outrival a boy above him with whom ht. had iought, and was eu successful that he soon won the head place in his class, showing wlutt cdrttnu• ed perseverance will do. The far sus and brilliant Sheridan showed so little mental brilliancy as a boy that "his mother, in presenting him to a tutor, declared in coutplitnentary terms that he was an incorrigible dunce.' Alfieri, the most eminent of tragic poets, gave promise of no talent in his 1 Worts of Unshorn. Thu leader u ill fail u ho acts e:, the counsel ,d these whose intelligence and weans of iufonuatiu5► i+ inferior to his ewp. Faith draws the poison from emery grief, takes the sting from every loss, and quenches the tire of every pain, and only faith can do it. A luau who u sen$itive to right a.td wrong, stud is trying to do right iestead ut wrong, has not committed the Wiper - durable We ought not to leek beck unless it is to derive useful lessons front past er- rors and for the purp•,se ot profiting by Jear.b.ught experience. Every perm is responsible fur all the good within the scope .,f his ehili- tioa, and fur r.o swore. and noun can tell whoa sphere is the largest. The nu st brilliant people are by no ,ears the most talented. We often find A Arent dual of red will be e, rn by little puople. Street costumes are either very gay or very sober. The fish wife's poke is the novelty for little girl's wear. Arabi red is the ahadu of this Dolor. Plush is as frequently used fur chi.dd- ren s dressy wraps as for larger pea- ple. uewest and liveliest Tan -colored, tong-wristed loose gloves are the first favorites of fashion. Pl,uh artifi'-ial flowers and leaves are striking, uleeint novelties in millinery. Little girl.' dresses are even mere quaint and picturesque than iia sum- mer. Little girls weer pellises similar to these e,f their mothers and older sisters. Fashionable women wear laced shoes, intellectual'superiority under the guise but the button noot is by no means thi- ef appareet insignificance. carded Reinuu►ber my boy, says Bob Burdett., Combinations of materials in contrast - the good things in the world are always in colors appear in Paris imparted cos - the cheapest. Sprig water costs less fumes. than caro whiskey; a box id cigars will A skirt of bright plaid worn with a buy two or three bogies ; a gallon of old' jacket of imperial blue waked a very at - brandy costs moos than a barrel of flour. tractive costume. The graceful use of the "cold shout- Jersey waists in new furans will be deer" fairly deserves to be tanked among worn by girls and little children, and to the fico arts ; while, on the contrary, w limited extent by ladies nothing can lye more ungainly than its The same variety and latitude in cider. awkward application. When a tactless y than meets the object of his detestation, and materials appear in children's cloth - he looks nervously self-conscious, and ing as Pi that of Muer people. seems undecided whether to cut or Ine:e- The turban and Tam o'Shanter cap ly slight his enemy. After blushing in and Turkish fez in red wools and red a haluh manner, he gives an awkward cashmere will be much worn by little bow, which, intended to Iso graceful is in girls under ten. reality ludicrously clumsy. A casual The first fall wraps for children are of observer might impute his singular be- dark, rich -toned, fine woollen plaids, in havi'r to shyness rather than hartred. pelisse -like forms, with pleated shoulder The most successful hand at "cold- capes. shouldering" u the heartless and luthxr Artificial leaves are more in use fur man who can put his victim completely millinery purposes than flowers, but out of his mind and forget his presence, many of the handsomest fall gunners if net his existence, a ad>„u as he has ac hare leaves, flowers, and feathers cum - corded him the coldest of recegnitiens brood ins the trimming. --- .atehwr'e rre.eatlsaseet. ga•ntlent.n wlh, is on intimate terms f bort. al tueudahip eith President Arthur, and who was the 'tn,euat friend of his law partner, the late Benjamin K. Philp', was s king of the occident to the Uoited S es steamer Dispatch a few days since, when she ran upon the rocks of Newport ha or, and says that he was terribly dist over it, trifl- ing as it was. "As fu the President,' he remarked, "I do n, t wonder over the telegram whichsaya that he was very much depressed by the casualty. He has rut had a really happy day since ho was inaugurated President. .1 do not thiuk lam any mere superstitious than the average of teen, but I kuow that he is harassed by,is present intent that he will not live out his terra. He has •neo fear of assassinetion, but his nervous imagi- nation (kr it is nothing but imagination) leaus toward death by sickness or acid - duet, and this nukes his life a very sad one." Probably the thousands of men who envy Mr. Arthur his wonderful good luck, and think that he must neces- sarily be the happiest moan to the United States, will be surprised to learn that the President carries his own load of sorrow and finds that the highest office is pot without its thorns. It was this that trade him weary of the ceaseless round of gayety at Newport and led him to turn his bask upon the smiles of thoddy at a time when tho aristrocracy of fash- ion's city by the sea thought their flat- tering attentions haul raised him to the piunacle ot self-satiataction. Except a clan be torn aeain he can• early days. His outbursts ,.f toupee re I not see time Kingdom of God.” I often pelted his friends, and he learned little -or within* in his youth. Yet at fsrty- eight he mastered Greek, and translated several languages. •tx. He acknuwlt't1g he h ed woman needed to be convert - it Ooldsinith, in his boyhood, neglected not need to be converted. Regenera- the golden opportuuities offered him, tion will do for harlots, thieves, drunk - and gave little enough heed to study. ards, bat we who are moral do• not need it." But who did Christ say this to 1 Obedience to rules he detested, and he He said it to Nicodeinas. Who was he 1 became uotoriuus for his improvidence He was one of tine church dignitaries ; and irregularities. At the university he he stood as high as any man in Jerues: exhibited no unusual genius. In after lem, except the high priest himself. He belonged to the seventy rulers of the Jews ; he was a doctor -of divinity, and taught the law. There is not one word of Scripture against him, he was a man that stood out before the whole nation as of pure and spotless character. And life he often spoke himself as "a plant that flowered late." Neither did Byron like the prescribed tasks assigned him. "Dry intellectual food" wits not hu ambition at school, what does Christ say to him ? "Except and the patience of his teacher was sore- a man be born again, he cannot see' the ly tried -ho proved such an unwilling Kingdom of God." ---I D. L. Mody. pule:. Then he passed "froth the first The gar.11.e of Questl•at. to the fourth elms, andwas&Itogether too self-willed to take kindly to the recess- its O f the leading questions usual y routine of study.' Robert burns •was not a p ecucioua+��rio Legislature will turn -will be the he barricaded Johnnie a mouth with a 1 excelled more in athletic I >�andttry Award, a qucstiun open khich lollipop. How 1t Werke. The purifying and healing properties of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Stew - berry impart a healthy tone to the dis- eased mucous surface of the Stomach and Bowels. Its cooling, soothing proper- ties counteract pain, item antiseptic pro- perties correct canker and foul humor, and its tonic astringent nature corrects all exhaustive discharges- such as Dys- entery, Diarrhoea, Cholera Morbus, and Summer Complaints generally.2. Jalousie and the Eggs. "Grandpa, does hens make their man eggs ,„"Yes, indeed they do, Johnnie." an' du they always put the yolk in the middle 1 "Guess they do, Johnnie." "An' do they pity the starch around it t I keep tha yelar frons rubbing oT.l " "Quite likely, my little boy." "An' who sews the cover on 1" A simple herb found on the sunny plains of a Southern clime has,under the skilful manipulation of Dr. Von Buren, proved one of the greatest blessings ever sent t„ suffering humanity. Dr. Ven llu- esN's Kidney Cure isacknow !eddged all the world over as the only perfect remedy tor kidney troubles. Your druggist has it. .1. %\ risen. Goderich. 2m ' I ar which the next nonoral election fort e This stumped the old gentleman, and youth.-- le exec sports than in his studies. He' was not `the Opposition vete,' solid!) with the noticeably bright er brilliant ; and Thor. !Government when the question came up Chatterton, whose brief career was such ( in the Local L.,„islaturc. The following a Melancholy one, was another youth resolutions were 1•ssbcd almost unani- sent home to his mother with the con- mously by the Legisiature, only one soling compliment •!... "he was a fool of member -an Ottawa rep.rerentatire - whonn nothing could he mad.'.” voting against them . - Even Walter Scutt, whoa' works arei "1• That this Reuse deeply- regrets that retwithstandintt the unanimous a literature in themselves, cared little award made on the 3rd of August, 1878, for his text-beuks. He much preferred I by the arbitrators appointed by tko joint' desultory reading, and relished regular I and concnrrent action of the Govern - study se poorly that the Professor of the I ment Ontario, to determine ter n ne the nda and the ortherly and ernment of famous Edinburgh University led seed westerly bundaries of this Province, no -Ire was a dunce and would remain so. legislator has been submitted by the "Stuttering Jack Curran," as h.. was !,overnment of Canada to the Dominion familiarly known at school, was awk- Parliament Q thateawar d, the purpose u tseeof al htrin- y ' system. For sale by druggists, or sent ward and ungainly as a lad, and start the award yet been recognized b}' the l from my mail on receipt of the price. sad nut to snake sumethiud for himself, Government of Canada. I $1.00 per box, or six boxes for 5.00. bias A stupid ..., Tliat the omission of the Govern- I Address F. J. CnexEY, Toledo, O., Geo. Nlals ablaut Oysters. HARDWARE. „- ;,1 Ti) rirF4zNpr.tST S#LC' - Li+.. -dry,pa_ _lux lam 4. Aier tiemo-'* - I a.34 T() BUY YOUR Farmer's Hardware 1 Builder's Hardware YOUR-- KNiVES FORKS ANS SPOONS :n fact • everything you want irlris imus IIE IS SOU'NL TO SELL CBEAP This Spring and Summer. See Itis FENCE WIRE, the hest yet. R_ W_ Mcg=NZ2� McCOLL BROS & CO. TORONTO_ MANUFACTURER S —OF-- LARDINE OIL —AND— CYLINDER OIL. Four them last year at,the leadiree ngaExhwalr, e Exhibi- tions. in the Dominion MANUFACTURERS Fetes -sea 0esrae_y-Drain the liquid from a quart of large oysters, strain half a pint ; pet it in a porcelain kettle; when it comes to x boil put in the oysters. Have a tablespoonful of flour taube.l into two spoonfuls of butter. When the oys- ters begin to swell, stir in the butter and flour ; cook until the oysters air, white and plump ; then add a gill of cream and a few sprigs of parsely chopped fine. Pepper and salt if desired. OYerrait P0raTo Banns. -Beard a doz- en small, plumy oysters, cover them singly with a plain mashed potato mate, roll them with four or beaten up egg and breidcrumbs, into balls, and fry them in butter or dtipp.ing. Put into each ball when you make it up a tea- spoonful of the oyster liquid. Why go en day after day suffering with splitting head:•tchos a -hen a bottle of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure you 1 It you do not believe it aak your druggist for a circular --and read what those who have used it say about it. Price $1.00. 'lit he most wondertul curative remedies of the present day, are those that come from Germany, or 'at least originate there. The GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which has never been known to fail in curing a single case of iinpotency, sper- matorrluea, weakness and all diseases resulting from self -abase, as nervous de- bility, inability, mental anxiety, lang- uor, lassitude, depression of spirits and functional derangements of the nervous h odd and most admirably succeeded in hu o f- I iinconvenience, has the effect of retarding I Rubt t A. Wilnom, Dispensing Chem- ezatwn data of June , with the r s tlised t rhvnas, . scholar, he realised his imperfections, went and Parliawent of Cansds to con- Bele Agent, 1843.3m the award is attended with great forts. The Duke of Wellington showed no promise of futura greaittAts In his early life, and geve his mother hours of un- easiness and worry. She felt no happy settlement ani municipal organ Est, Bro km ilio, says under the admi.._m .:.. of thenot the slightest hesi- embarrasses 6th, 82. "I have laws, and interferes with the preserya- tether in okaying tdtat Dr. Fowler's Ex - tion of the peace, the maintenance of tract of Wild Strawberry has given my Ex - order and the establishment of Rte' customers more satisfaction than any medicine in my storm • for the cure of Summer Complaints i Diarahoua, Dys- entery, Pain in the Stomach, Sea Sick- ness, Piles, ect., you can use my name, pct. 2. A CCr.E roe A`irttK1Nn MARANn.- "A decent eomntywotestn," says an Eng- lish divine, "came to moon() market -day andbeggedl to speak to me. She told me, with an air of secrecy, that, her huaband behaved unkindly to her,- and that, knowing me to be a wise man, I could tell her what would cure him. `The remedy is simple,' said I ; 'aiways troat your husband with a senile.' The wo- man thanked me, dropped a curtsey, and went away. A few months after she came again, bringing a couple of fine fowls. She told me, with great satisfac- tion, that I had cured her husband, and she hegaed my acceptance of tho fowls in return. This was at "nee the victory of ince and the reward of patieece And all mem ranninA machined' will save money by using our oils. Our LA RUIN I•: and CYLIN DAR OIL has no equal. Facts speak louder then words, and the public can find cut that the foregoing assertions are true, by try ing one wimple of tour. Oil to rices etc., on ap S1ee Reward' Ice offered for any case of Catar In that can't he cured with Halls Catarrh -Cure. Taken internally. Price 75 cents. For sale by George Ithyne's, sole aviet:t for Goderich. 18-13-3m Government in the northerly and north - Pride in her child, and it was' far later I westerly parte of the Province of Onta- 1 on that he achieved fame and won her rio• l That it is the duty of the Guvern- t interest and admiration by his Heroic I went of l)ntarito assert and maintain deeds. She imagined frim it dun et, but 1 he just chums and rights of the 1'ro• he did not turn out according to Ler rinse of Ontario as determined by tho earl}' antieipoati mora award ofthearbitrators, and this House Hereby reaffirms its determination of give Many arc the men, famous in th grand walks of lite, who have, as Gold- smith said of himself, "!lowered late." They have often distanced the Isilliant companions who ridiculed and looked down upon thoeu : and the mirch of time has proved their right to immortal sr Nat Entered the renit•1 Nwtlilaat. Eai11b It has finally' gained its point and no that the Sergeant -at - of Coninlonl, Mr. Ottawa, thus helot. - an Remedy : "St. _did remedy. i used and wrist for rltenttia- it al .lammed to be. • S fwd iS fora most its cordial support to the Government of Ontario in any steps it may be necessary to tales to sustain the award, and to as- sert and maintain the just claims and rights of the Province as thereby declar- ed and determined." McColl Bros IL Co Toronto. The Lartlinc is got sale in Ooderich by 1t. W. McKENZIE, G. H. PARSONS, • C. CRABB, and D. K. STRACHAN. 1835.8 to "'weakener Is a wonderful thing, }et So natural, so reasonable. Why 1 If you have feel- ings of goneness; too weak and dragging to rally; ton nervous to sleep; an appe- tite hardly sufficient to keep body and soul together: headache, with pains across the back; the whole system relax- ed; perhars coughs and sere lungs; and will use one to six bottles of Dr. G. L Austin's Phosphatine as the Casa may demand; it will net fail to slake you an enthusiastic friend. Why do we say thus 1 Because Phosphatine snp),,liee a went, the rer•y yroperiio.t the :iy..trnt ,s lack- ing and yearning for. It is not a medi- cine, but nutriment instantly converted into blood, bone and ttssue. It is also delicious to the taste. 1 r it. Tho re- sult is as certain as that cause and effect go hand iii hand. All drue ists. L.v - DEN & Co.. Sole mt nta for the Domi nion, 55 Front St. Eitel, Toronto. ipM A pec*ai FIPPVERae In W\IAier• Arms olf the D. W. McDon The refusal of the Dominion 1 ,,veru- sea the Great went to ratify the legally -made Bonn- Jacobs til a a dary Award is working injustice to the it on my left h ideas, Md I municipality of Rat Portage. Li.1uor Mn selling is rampant there, and fines for il- legal tale are frennent. Theme Chas ase octlfilcatedd by the Dominion Govern - meat iaet•ed of going in great part to the Numrtiotpality Is this what Kr. Met- sdith means to do in the rest of Ontario wkes be declares that the Creaks Ad tit r 1•—f Lesdw Il £ ersas* eplail'id ankle ; by the steady use of the artists for a few days • cont• piM. elm 11ft• tttiseed. St. Jacobs nil dace its week wary eat selastorily and ales rapidly : each at least is ea opinion. Crn.a& _A amine ea known in m tenons UR N Os tMRs s1 tett"r by • few weWIIIK',111111 IRS dealts per bottle by Jews WHIM A Raw sap—O[ "'j•.Asctt- wr' to any ems UI11 r line rhyme ota4111111111.811.E. " the Markable little gore for the Teeth end Rreath Ask vnnr drnggrst fol addrtw Ways are danger ns. particularly in Demme. so take at ones Dr. T amt Rv asw's Kiwis. Orme and obtain relief from all your wafering'. Your druggist keeps it. Jas. Wile*, (lode- rich.. tm Peed et. rl. e% Wm. Calhdisa, Mimi.. Police, 206Dr Etienne street, Niantraal, Soft% Orem Oi1Nals tlefA�ss,, y Ila a a.IlMei mo is kb aoe10t7adH WA GOO worm tswadiw sad for four years without mottoes. ease. --of all dealers Rold by gJai. darn. ()oderich, Ont CBBS PERCHERON HORSES LARGEST Importing and Breeding ESTABLISHMENT — LY Tnic -- WORLD. M. W. DUNHAM Wayne, Du Page County. Illinois, II. S. A. 033 miles wjst of Chicago.) Daring the post 11 months 300 STIL- LIO\'S .-LVD 31.I RES hare been imported from France to this establishment. beim Rl: than the condbined importations of all other importers of Draft Horses from all torts 0! .Europe fur any one year. One-fifth of the entire number of Import - e Frrneh Horses In America can be seen oa his farm. His Importations Sava Included the Prize Winners of the t'nieersel Exposition. Paris, Mint and nearly all the Prize Bones of the Great S hows of France since hiz tmpaD- tat,ons begau. They also carried off the honors at the Centennial 1876; and, at the Great t'h(raoo Fair. 1841, Mr. Dunhano's Herd of I'ER( HERONS, an rontpetltldx with tea tamest and finest collection of Clydes- dales ever shown, consisting of the prize win - mete at the Great Shows of Scotland and En- gland,) was awarded the Grand Nreeepstaks• Prize of $1,000 sad Grand Gold Medal. 100 PAGE CATAZOGPE wit ?RE' e t application. Contain., orer 40 liles- trat +OHS and the history/ of the Pereherosi rare. Order " CATALOGUE 1." . - _ , EVERY LARGE BREEDER & EVERY NEIGHBORHOOD NEEDS ♦ mitmisItON 5TALLIOH thirty years' trial has demcn- atrat' d that when bred to the common mares of the cotu:try the produce 1. more uniform, are easter keepers, better work- ers, and sou for nioru money on the ut&tUa than alar otaar class of Hors'+.. BECAUSE BE way, Axe GRAZING LANDS AR. FOUNO ON T:. Northern Pacific R. R. MS MINNESOTA, DAKOTA, MONTANA. 'l err a9 ,• •••.N iNO tar. ... -,i lnd LIP Wt BIG CROP AGAIN IN 1881 Low PRICES. Lona Toss- REBATE fOR IMPROVE., RENT. REDuCEO FARE AND FREIGHT TO 8ETTtres. roe F,Aa. INFORMATION. AODRE53 R. M. NEW PORT. OEs. LAND AOT. name, t.:. MIR* M5T. Paul. MINK. .�� 4:4j ar _ . 1�, . e • t t�°;-(e After moony years of pottiest ievtatigs tion Dr. VanBuren, of Germany, finally succeeded in perfecting a Kidoey Cure that would permanently relieve all rases of Kidney Disease. Be sure and ask yo* Druggist ter 1)r. VAsBruates Kin sal Crap ?told by Jaynes W ikon, Ooder ich. 2m '7-,re— n the moat common of all diseases, and under ordinary dreg treatment the most difficult to cure. it is a chronic weekaaaa a the stom•oh with indigestion. The sensitive morn,e membrane coating of the stnnack bemuses irritated, and near- ly all that .hoes the stomach retrainees to add fuel to the Ore. Heartburn and Sour sroetione, Belching of Wind, Nau- sea, Headache, Vari ibis Appeti'., ODs ties Rowel., ere., . are iiaoutin.d.t aymptoma. Beranek Blood Bitten is a pcetitive rune for thia memorable .iie"*se ? IMMIGEDY. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia. Sciatica, Li, o, Backache, Soreness .f the OW, Boat, Banal, S. Throat, Swell- ings end Sprains, i.rns and Scalds, f eetwel Bodily Lias, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Foot sad Earo, and allvalor Paine and Athos. Lel s� P•9191101011011 �s.t,..JL w .arab amt. OP terms ors Lel il issm`rtal M M aaMIW won avast of N Ones. sed seem wow, tan with sate ass sn• dawn ma par* er wt isle w ttema SOLD IIT ALL R � VALLi = n. A. VOGELER. & 00.. worts.,..••• :Ye . r PRIi��1i'�kl,'- i.1NE; .t: Li:. 4-:,.6E,ir sat T 1 •. • •o £t. Jd,.eph, 7"e,kt U 11- to Gai- 1 . .toe, Ani s:l (.,int. :1 t•.•-.. NaWeks.t:...'.:•: R. sas, taxa sat • dEC CM) ea. ql, h ,:i,. 1.e. ,, . ,. i.. 1i1.•rt • (1gy=p -�_nn0 p�yty. j�-t'rnrairrr,e. CB;u4W,ROCK tut+Mll &PSCiFIC RI L'..7;:',.•.'''',1.;,. D'ed (lett. the arstetiee et tf...len to the oral real- Ro�l•.,at oto e( Its IIN, epenearlea la• rut ."•' th• bt Y. alt rias" , ••1 • r+• yt.mnemes ,eat., ase rr na .• ^atop• e- N w 7.t rt w et CITY Y T ri�Q ......•ores• iTise e i p, 1 T1.�IO., t.a°. at ••�t tr c•.: eawww . ae'y� n' - ,a hes/ • ,; les l., ria • Greet ihros,h Car LIN ret •t'Tt ,°u 1'w. ittro,rEk 11..n4 x i Tickets olio I'M LILA ROUTE. W•• uCelebrated t.!o-• attl * 1*5 . latest ell nine a, ay. oke 1' a. ■not gamnaatt, slmooae- Cassia. ITV*. •at yes e� •repse a y, Masson of eel► eosin % • }aT•a1E�\wee.♦ arttmese. B:rrpina . of of !Mast Onion r •� rima. th-rrf r ) a'E 1. gl�sejaee Itir ,a tar,,.. s�sa N fo• at- I T 1 rOTTtS F[RCIv*L L�L. wa M Nes ►. ee_eMlt.aa ._.* leu aSou- M {4v peter or (Jr•••• V,- to. lett 7*.e.tansM,at ISftew. M H. Yoe. ase Feld- _ i ►10at... 111. \Irelhe .16 a• ort w J. Kim egos. Canadian Ptaa. Aril, ORtiAT ROCK tRLAMD ROYTte Etre*? manta Tsetse Orb., se seeress R. R. OAIL1. 1. at. JOHN. 1'. , u;l • `.• • y