HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-13, Page 1s► THIRTY-riJtnl r EA IL ,t..ubr: al M... GO1►ERICH, ONT., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1882. (Mc0, L o C »D'' DROOL P IBUS Now Adverting nasals. Wall Paper --Jas Imrte. $S Reward H. Y. AGAR. Liss L1se--1L Arasstsw g. Farm lar sls-R. Murray. Coldest Mater -D. Gordon. Bargelas-J. C. Detbr & ('o. Chicago Howe -Miss Wllklrsor. A6elte. Sete- Morton & Creesusan. Legal. !NEWS ABOUT HOME. Mr. be Neter Timor .ay.: "The Ret': C. H A Y ES, SOLICITOR &c., . Utfoe corner ot the square and \test Street, Uuderiol over Butler's bookstore. Money to lend at lowait rates of latereet. IEWIS .t: LEWIS, BARRISTERS, / _fluency*, Bwlicltors to Chancery &c. Ofil.e In the Court House, (iudsrlch. Du Lewis. 31.A., H.C.L. E. N. Lewis. trodClaiara tads -(..:co. Acheson. IMMO P tutses- Juba Brnhasaa. Grand rashkaable Milliner- Miss Wilson. Announcement -Mas Stewart. t yes s Cat ha rtk Pill.- -Dr. J. ('. .Ayer & Co. tuotion Sale- hose. Macluaald. Merritt & goat•wartl. Dentistry. `rr \ iCH(K.9ON, fitURORON DRN- 1• T13T. Ocseeandresidentx. West Street trees!. sr bjlo.v R ink of Montreal. od rich 1751 L1DWIN KEEFER, DENTAL SUR- E/ OROS, Ilan with Trotter & Cocoon, the coding Dentists of Toronto., All operations neatly end csretull perfornied. Rooms, Post's Block. over W. Taylor's ! Son's CLIN- TON. serest lents from • distance will please snake appointment In advauee by snail. 1845.• The People's Itolumn. WANTED-'LENERAL SERVANT. Apply at St. Stephen's Parsotut;te, Hu- ron Road. to MRS. MA r rliN\\-. WANTED. -A GOOD COSI PETE NT servant for general hoasewert. family n lelle Ont. address. M s. C.. Sl. Walker. Walkparticulars. -2t. 1 (1111E IIN THE'PREIIISESOFTH.E Subeyeel- or rear oI1 br. boater. '1 he owner is requested nice ri' rpvroktp bey, pad IQJr"Cor. irtiKP\t'tt+ev+Int19 take awayWest Wawanosh. 1858-4t REWARD WILL ti for information that comtiottea of the p' oe 1 a seat er, r, shoat tpe atid4 the Ilia Meadow. eatwnonl the property of 11. Y..tttril BE GIVEN wHi lead to the eesons wM seek e of Au;Mt, frown celled tt a FLt's Esq. 11. CAitROW & PRUUDFOOT, BAR r. RISTEitli. Attorneys Proucitorsdfoot. eu, Oodorioh. .1. T. Gurrow. l176 1) L DOYLE, BARRISTER A N D 13 Attornei,'SsUUWtutt 1n t:bancery175&1c.. tell. (Jot QEAGER & MORTON, BARRIS- TERS, &c., le.. Goderich and W(ugham. C'. Seager Jr.. Guderieh. J. A. Morton, Wt g- harw CAMERON, HOLT & CAMERON, Itarrbts Solicitors in Chancery. &c. loderk h sad Dana. M. C. Cameron, Q. C.; P. Bolt. M. O.amernn. Goderich. W E. Mosses. W tarthasa. Jfleaical. CSME ON THE PREMISES OF subwr;ber, au iWedneeds7. October 11th • hound. with red spot un hack and on about der. The owner is reseated to prove proper- ty. pay charges and take it war. Jon v intent - MAN. Iaitland hotel. Goderteh. 1t R. McDONAGH, M.D., PHYSIC- 11AN. tit,'ReEci4e.. Graduate of Tor- sos. or onto Unlrersite.l.lc. to of the Royal Col- lege of Physicians, Lottdddon, England, &c.. &c.. 3(. (•, P. S.. Ontario. Office and residence Opposite Batley's Hotel. Hamilton street. God- 1795-6m t chiel'samong ye. Lakin' notM. Ani tants he 11 preut 1t." TOWN TOPICS. 1 new have my next store formerly oco +pled by Mr. Campbell, tilled won • variety ot .received ateh tar Iced of ohall il - cheaN. DAcash. v Jost Johnson's photographs took first prise at our tall show. Don't forget this Important tact if ouate dealrtuuaof hating your picture tak- en. He also does copying and enlarglua in first class style. Considerable talk is now Indula+•d In as to test local horses an their chan- ces at the the fact tt.atuW. L. Hortton's ing meeting, iliquor dstorebis the leading one In town. The finest collection of razors, shaving brushes mut hair brushes in town are on sate at the haJrdressfol ewtablishnnent of J. H. Williams. corner of Montreal street and the equals.. Those who want these toilet requis- ites should not tall to call and inspect the stock. The war in the east having closed and Ar- abi being likely to receive the death penalty for his ren¢bgeellion, there is IltUe t tbe feeling of no excite- ment on leasure that prevails among all those who get• first- class photo taken at Sallow.' studio. James Saunders & Son hive the cheepest stock of stoves in town, and their sales last month exceeded any previous month during the season, another stock of those cheap stoves arriving. The stock of wall paper is complete and cheapest in town. TI:e cheap- est hoax under the sun. Capt. Parsons is home again. DR. MrLEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR- GEON. Coroner &c. Office and residence Bruce Street, second door west of Victoria l Street. HC. 111ACKID, M. D., PHYSI- • clan. `surgeon and Accoucber. Graduate of Toronto Ualversity. Ueiceopposite lamer ron & Camerdn'e Bank, I.ucknow. If not in duce. enu,airc aL the Bank. 1762-y. DRS. • SHANNON & HAMILTON, J Payat aiSurgOe'ts. ACCOIIChsre. &a •Mce at I)r. B nnon•a residence, near the rail.Oodcrich. U. C. SHANNON. J. C. IlaMtt.- 1751, ,ON. FARM FOR SALE. Being the west half of tot • . 7th con. of the township cif West Wawanush. contains 1110 aeras, a' eie ut whfeb de ts IS tart the reap- er. reui taioaer black ash int Cedar. P4snie' barn 31or5i,ttibed and stables. •5 71 and a good hewn log dw -Iting hou-e. The farm is well watered and fenced. and an excellent ( lay soil. Apply to Thomas Horne on the premises or to Room:31ue,tAC, St- Helenlilts. 1)ES8 FOR SALE.— ABOUT FORTY 1 J tetestes of bees fo- sale at reasonable ``rices. Apply at the Cotb .Free Peter Ftaher, pruprletor. BeoaAller.P.U.18:7-tt. the merits of McNair, of Goderich who has been conducting the services in Cavan Pres- hyterien Church during the past few months, preached his farewell sermon on Sunday last. He purposes attending college for a time. The West Huron Teachers' Associa- ti•.w will meet in Goderich tt -day. We understand that s very interesting pro- gramme has been prepared. To -night the unwedentertainment ccnsisting of music, tending, recitations, etc., will be given in tee Temperance Hell. is toss —The schooner Jennie Rum - ball, owned by Capt. T. N. Dancey, and sailed by Capt. Petrie, went ashore at Pike Bay, some fifteen miles above Southampton. Psrt'culars have not yet arrived. Capt. Dancey left ou Tuesday afternoon for the scene of the disaster. The vessel was loaded with lumber for Secord & Cozzens. CORN.—Mr. James Million, who lives near the Interr ational salt well, has left with us some splendid specimens ut his corn. This has nut been a good year for corn, but some of those cars are 14 in- chee long, and have sixteen grains to the row. G. T. R. Tree. --The morning train for the east now leaves Goderich at 5.43 in- atead of 7.30, as formerly. and reaches Toronto at 11 a.m. The second train leaves at 8.30, and the noon train does not leave until 12.30. One or two other changes have been made. Run your eye down our first column. The comet has encouraged early rising. Mrs. Harry B. Johnston is visiting re- latives in Detroit. 31isa'Melinda Reid is spending a few months with friends in London. Miss Kate Vance, of Ingersoll, is vis- iting her uncle, Capt. Dencey, , East-st. The schuulnetater is abroad to -day, but we hope he will feel at house in Gude- rich. 'Loans M». Dancey has returned from a very nbJnSlII'Qi ce. pleasant visit to friends in Detroit and Sarnia. CONEY. -PRIVATE FUNDee TO Diss Jennie Ferguson has returned 131 lend un easy terms in sums to suit bon- Lfmtn a rice weeks' visit to relatives ifs rowers. \i.a*x. McD ALLAN. Goderich, Nov. 171h INa1. 1813.110. (Detroit. $500 000 TO LOAN. A DDLY TO I Rev. Dr. Ure and Mrs. Ure visited GA\IEl1ON, HOLT &C_A3iI:.R03i_Oude- Toronto last week. They rcturne o • ich. 1759' 1 W edmeaday. 01, Q73,000 TO TATE. Terms favorable. Apply to1R.tL. of the Gaelic church, is visiting friends in I Ol LE, Goderich. Cheeky, Ont. .Q50,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Mr. Grant, we are sorry to learn, has VY on uo4 farm or first cta5U'7O %n Property hada very severe attack of inflammation • t 8 per cent. .Anal. to H. 11 DCLIFt-E. 1751 (of the lungs. 1►.{UNEY TO LEND IN ANY' Our subscribe» are requested to lank 1NA amount to suds borrowers at 6 to 64 per 1 cent Private .funds. Apply te SliAulth and at their address labels and see if they LEND ON RE A L E S - Mrs. McGillivray, wife of the pastor CHaAr V anleLL.•f. —Messrs. Morton & Creasman, the carriage-mako»,this week advertise an auction sale of carriages, buggies and cutters, which will be held at their factory, opposite the Colborne hotel, on Saturday, Oneber, 21st, at 1 o'clock p.m. If you want a good "rig" don't Ltd to attend. Hon. John Hibbard, American Con- sul at Goderich, has been ailing for he 'Calamity tress O w Comet. past mouth or two. He contracted a L J. Jenuings cables to the World severe cold while engaged in nursing his from London : The comet is all the talk son, the late W. B. Hibbard, during the in scientific circles at present, and I stay final illness of the latter, and has so far say that our " celestial visitant' is be- ing regarded with considerable apprehen- sion. Mr. Richard A. Proctor, who de- nied that it was the comet of 1843 and 1880, now finds that he made a mistake in his calculations, and so has with- drawn his statement. More cautious as- tronomers than he have no doubt of the identity of the comet, and believe that it will return at the la- test in October, 188.3, and then fall into the sun, with results that will edible you to dispense with the future publica- tion of the World . 1 sin assured that this is the opinion of the most eminent scientist's of the day, Mr. C. Piaui Smith, the clever, if eccentric, Astrono- mer Royal for Scotland, in particular, having made no secret of his belief. 1' 6 issuRL'10 *BIM Rochester, N.Y.. Oct. 11. —Professor Swift, astronomer. says no damage need bo apprehended from the comet. It has already made its nearest approachAll re the sun, and is now receding. ports about its falling into the sun are purely eensationaL In his opinion it is not thcecomet of 1880, but may possibly be that of 1843. The comet is moving en a curve of eight or ten yearn. The comet of 1880 was, as is generally behov- ed, that of 1844. This ceTtaisly cannot be the same The most sntaresting questuonust now is whether the comet has divided or not. Pref. Swift has searched carefully, but has found no evi- dence of this, although the appearance of the nucleus indicates it is liable to do so at any time. Plietpa, N.Y., Oct. 9.—Prof. Brooks this morning discovered the nucleus of the comet ereatly elongated,. and clearly split into two nnequel porta, a small, crescent-shaped envelope also being thrown off in front cf the head. The observation of the comet by Prof. i3rooks *how*that the recent disturb- ance in the head of the comet has sub- sided. The nucleus is now condensed and been unable to shake off the ill effects. We hope to see our old friend around in his accustomed health before long. On Thursday tut Returning Officer Willson. of Wingghani, sent all the dep- uty -returning officers in the West Rid- ing checks for the several amounts due for services in connection with the last election The sum, which was the stat- utory fee of $15, is disbursed as follows: —Rent of poll, $4 ; loll clerk, $`.'. ; con- stable, $1 ; deputy returning officer, $4; fixing up norm, $3 ; swearing in con- stable, $1 ; total, $15, As Mr. M. C. Cameron, accompanied by Mr. Henry Horton, was returning from the Bayfield show on Wednesday afternoon, the horses took fright and ran sway. Mr. Horton saved himself by jumping from the vehicle, but Mr. Cameron endeavored to pull up the horses with the linea The carriage was finally rolled into the ditch on the side of the road, and Me. Cameron re- ceived a severe ankle sprain, by the capsiee. The vehicle was considerably injured. A PUSHING Bl-,INisi MAN—One .of our most enterprising business sten is Mr. George.Acheson. About fifty years of age, tall, straight and active, there is a "snap" about him that many mon his junior in years lack. During the past year his operations in Dakota and the North-west have been of an extended nature, and, as:usual, he has come slut ahead in all his speculations. Being thus far successful in his outside enterprises, he has once again turned his attention to the working up of hie,dry goods trade in Goderich, and is determined to again lead the way in the commercial march. His mammoth advertisement, which ap- pears on our fifth page, will give an idea of the character of the moan. There is a briskti'ese about it that suits the tense, d f words inducements are of - . A Be; CABBAGE. —Mr. Charles Wells evidently thinks that three heads are not necessarily better than one, for he has presented us with a mammoth cabbage which tips the beats at 1:r pounds. Mr. Nelle has a reputation as a market gard- ener, and if we judge by his big cab- bages he is deserving of a good name. Mr. Win. Webster, who has been fore- man of G. N. Davis' tinshee here for over a year, has purchased the tin busi- ness of Clare Bros. & Cc stove makers, Preston, and will enter into possession in a week er two. We understand that the business is a good one, as Mr. Web- eiter will have all the tin work to do for the old tirnt, who will give their full at- tention. to the manufacture of stoves. 31oRTON, Goderich. are correct. We wish Mr. Webster every success in ONEY TO L*ND.-A LA RG E1 The Misses Kate and Nellie Morris his new sphere, and we can recommend t h d visit to him as s good citizen. tt owls rates - - tohAKRU\Y& PitOI:U!'W'f. friends m .0 N„ who conducted the Asia intestiga- i -.NJ FREE OF CHARGE. -1 Mr. Charles King, G. T.R.telegraph t t ] en J Slone to lend at owes[ rotes, Erre of operator. has been appxointed to th table state of affairs disclosed at the amount of PrtraB Funds for intcatmen hate returned after a,lengt one st lowest t . on first-classJ31^rtgsgcs. .Apply ( Dakota. • I T1E o c DIuA.etEet.--Capt.• Scutt, R. 8 els- tion, expresses amazemen a the and - in - 11 HEIFER Syr, '.YED-PRODS THEanv oes( coemssts or charge SEAGER tt s MORTON. tion at Sehnngville, and has rem.eved table tate. He believes the at the late premises o .r he Uoc1 1 2ind )parch 14.1 1711. 1 Do Y cense of the disaster wasof o \t' t HAYDEN. P.D. I crt L R. 7 -it le Landed d Cntiia is y uJsix THE MUSICAL PUBLIC OF Mr. F. F. Lawrence expresssengerscrowding GuDt>:ncn• V TE FUNDS Tt) LEND ter of the G. T. R., between this point cony only 40 passenger.. He advocates [ 16 rube rtbcr, abort the tat Op Ile c..ltwrnc ole . ' family thither. the force of the with a Mack end whole !tet ••r, avy erre i. Lim. :1Ir J. T. Carrow has fully recovered with belt. rising three rears old. Mini reward i PER C1 N f. -TH1C CAN ADA ; gale, which kept the Asia nn her beam win be given for information k•ael to her s 't Company s ptiyoamd to from his recent indispnsitiun,nndhiattany ends until she sank. He also instances recovery. -il I' D 1857 -it geld. Shepi.a ton ante lend mussy on g rel Farm .ccurin at ica per {Fiends have ouch pleasure in congratul- gross case of overloading which cause went. Fall ppamwnlary cies upon application to HCGH 1[.ULILTUN. C. L. agent- tsodarich. sting him thereon. I under his personal observation, 150 p.•as- t;xs. nlcasett- on a boat licenced to QQ20,010 I RI A The let sof •• Josey i are nos prepared SW on Faun and Town oprty t lowest in - Commission and J3mffaln t•as been seriously indaptx I flu building of stauncher craft and an tri t the lake \es - an in a few fered to customers that are destned to I pear-shaped. The tail appeared bop; ter carry weight when . the purchasing of than usual, with a length of fifty million goods is an uppermost thought with 1 miles. p -The sepa- the Mr. Acheson is bound to stare I Rochester, N. Y. Oct.1 the "Red, White and Blue" the hub fur ration of the nucleus of the comet into the next thirty days. I by H.e C. was e. This een this observation nevem.`bears out his theory that the fragments _ I revolve about a common centre of graci- Month of September, 1882. 1 ty, alternately closing and separating. It rained on 10 days duringthe mouth. ;The separations occur in. periods of four to e» `' to gore lessons In vocal as wall as t the Coo. I, tercet. . oConvea purchased.ireasonable. 1 ed since S4turday last• I caam111At10n for officers O telt Nmusic. Per particulars apply at ; Coo- , N. o RCn7 Conveyancing manes* in one day , Mrs. Nolan left on Wondesday a.m. eels. ant. North St. - if till t+rowers ransatisfactory.-DA & JOHN OTICE TO DEBTORS.—ALL Goderich.TON. Barrdet*rs. &c.. Goderich. 1751 tier Milwaukee, called away by the and- Fon CALI:OA:NIA.—Mr. John Goodall, R,kDCLIFFE, FIRE, JLARINE, den illness of her daughter, Mr. Capt. ' for sumo time back sexton at the Malt - counts due Lewis J. Treble mus paid at once, Eighta. I intend doing n strictly cosh ,i. e'w alloveniluer nt per aowmnte. annum cu charged get good herse•dooit and general p{ titbing done at favor terras by gQiyyingnle acall. Stand near the gaol. L. J. :rttxnt r.. 1817. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. —BEING t2. composed o[ lot number In the lith re- W McGregor of that city. . land Cemetery, has been forced to re - fad- e Life,and Accident Insurance Agent. 1 • to n^preaentinRtlrsr.•WaCornpank+. Alsoagent The balance of 1882 will be givenlinquish that position nn ar. omtt of for the t'Av.an.t Ltvx STOCK iNsrM.ANCE Co. ' i health, and will leave for San Jose, Cali- er. Money to tend on Mortgage. tither to Town of new subscribers for 1883. Tell t to all. . Farm Property. in any w ay to suit the borrow- SIF. John Prouditwt has returned to fornix, on Monday next, accompanied by OAfwe-tanKars block t•od' ^!" , town after a prolonged absence in Man- his family, in the hope that the mere - itoba. He likes the North-west, and I Taaln a beneficial effte ect thatuposeitions will will return thither next spring. his in em. afr. Peter A. Wilson, of Long Rapids, Mr. o•Goodall hnallgie n l for himself the Hcteereloafal amount of rainfall 15.5 c. i., equal to 1i' days. inches on the level. It rained on the 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, 10th, 13th, 10th, 2141, 22d and 28th. Heavy dowe on the nights of the 4th, 5th, 7th, 15th 23d, 231, 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th. gra Thunder and liehtnine on the 2d. 17th best and brightest samples runtime up and 111th. Lightning on 3d and 18th, only to 75. Fall wheat is only 90 cents, Aurora borealis on the nights of the and spring only t>:a. Row is this? Time 4th and 11th. I wt+ under the old dispensation, when Large circle round the sou at a p. in. I barley was worth cnnatderably over a .in the 10th. dollar, alai wheat was run after at a del - Greatest velocity of wind during 24 lar and forty. And this was the time hours, on the 14th, 648 miles; tante of I when the great hubbub was raised about the greatest velocity at 11 a. m., 40 miles the sufferings of the poor farmers for per hour. want of protection; when it was sole ,only Number of cloudy nights 11• declared that the Get ernment was cut - Number of clear nights 10. 1 ting their throats by net listening to the Number of hazy nights 3. I T,.r} clamour to pttt an import tax on Prevailinst winds durino the munch 1 oreadstuffs ; and when it was solemnly N. E. and East• promised that whatever import duty was 'G. N. MAc'onNALD, Observer. placed on grain, by virtue of the fanners voting to put in a new Government, so BOUTH BRUCE. much should be added to the selling rice There is no use for anybody to Tonsorial. Ottr loaners Weer/tett. What is the matter with that N. P. of ours? This week barley is quoted at an average of 73 cents a umbel, the lowest des corning down to f0 cents, and the concession of the towneblif ti -H t the Stich., is t'iaiting friends in an around i oodwill of those with whom he came u1 (\runty of Hmron,contatnlnQ Macre. W. KNIGHT PR-tollI3-our balance hardwood blush. For further BER and Hairdresser, be to return Mkh. , is He prefers his home across q tom t}ID I teeters. app? I contact. He is a first-class gardener, and d o' thanks to the publtc our rat ps romag a, an eI• an-Went, allays s contintasnce of Shaving . Fla can the boarder to (loderich township. we Dope in theetenny South-west he will Danteitrs, etc.. i always doe found his 9hactng Parlor. near HEADED CABaAinL-Mr. f7alnnel have health and wealth for his portion. to ' CDR G ARROtT 11th-3to Goderich. Poi Omce Goderich. 1.3.1 Platt E I J L1 tot held tt _ Platt atmos to the front with a four FIRM F HODGE T AIKENHEAD V. (SUCCESSOR 1 headed cabbage. The old „liking loads esteem, or the Liberal Candidate Assred.1 attempt to deny this. It was drummed into the ears of the farmers in all par+s TEE-.wATaa, 4/ot. 7.—A LibA'al-Con- 1 of this riding. and it was echoed and re- servetiye meeting was held in the Town echoed by all the organs, in their ad - Hall at one o'clock p.m. nn Thursday, at dresses to "eatfarsle u, rs, naltarts "fu the which Mr. Meredt'.h, Q.C.. M.P.P., country.barley 'l Alex. Shaw, ex-M.P., and Mr. Eekfn d, tion ? shouted the expectant voter, and, he Censervativo candidate, were pre -'i Thel im tiin f.f 15 cents cents a bushel atbushel hu price,. t answered the equally expectant politi; cian. And now the quotation is in order. wain, What about the barley question 1 How is it that burley should he nearly half a dollar a bushel leas, with the duty in operation, than it used to be at timeai before the protection machine was got to work ? And if the N. P., er its agents foe it, promised that the impositioreof a The Apollo Musics n' its, opening meeting in their club moral, over 1 sent, but as thbre were only eleven Con - Bond's drug store, on the -evening of set -votive. and six Reformers preeent' Monday last. There was a good attend- there was no speaking. The affair was a ance, and an entertaining programme of complete fizzle. instrumental and vocal music was pre- II THE REFORw MERTINci. rented. The Chinn consists of a largo 1 In the evening Mr. H. P. O'Connor, dumber of amateuc musicians and vocal- the Reform candidate, held a meeting, fists, and some who cart be classed with the hall, which is a large one, being filled professionals. They purpose meeting to the door. Mr. 0 Connor in his usuai a • ek during the winter months ha(.y and impressive way reviewed the NT. ()TICE. THE (t hydra -heeded ca`abages. this da ' dissolved. A Hodge will sell the i to many College °eke NEIL. s • to Dr. Duncan) Graduate of Ontario V e- i ' Haynes. saw mlllcn, Shuppardton.was , staWesandresidenoe, the rtcord fur logs and lu"lber on hand. and receive and pay on . e the debts dee to and by tbs company at tidal Hotel. N. B. -Horses examined as to so d. date. neat. Sl WALL! tta NROtiD/OOT. l AR'' ROnf:R. w ate 'trees, four doors east otColborne Ti .-f :—+-Fiord it. T. Tedi. SYR:ANCE CARD. - • 8hcppeniton.19th ti17. i 2. 1St8lin ' 31.1P arrangements H_1VEMADE arrangements with Mr. D. Mcf5 the well-known bookbinder of seabeds. to -. tote orders for work In his line it II work Alinrete Irifronto til ache vainest a lett At recervo his parsolun Attention. superb at omce 111 RENT. --THAT VERY CON- violent ON - veslent house corner of Newgate and Athens streets for a number of yaare ^c•cn• pled by Mrs. Elwood, The bow is in every ways towI Jbfsenosig BwscactaiRIDDerx Newtare esste eipp'ety et 1862. a31LEP AND BILES FOR SALE. — A iT AA nffinbir ot Mm write. rot by a Prone - eta{ Alco some choirs hives of bee*. Far particulars apply to 34 A1Tnew' L`tiatfrl Jos. of Colborne. Mee et c. J. Ii aN ft ti T iItIT I Al a. ( eIRONTe }' PIIOE 17e INA. CUT'. of teepee (Fug Estail.tnTFORD 1NF. CO -4. of H.utTTORD. -Established 1810. 15 .k' taken In We abort Ars-class Ofscea, st the lowest rates by HORACE HORTON. The undersigned 1s also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAA-INO$ ('d'Y TOaoNTo. 7 to Money Aper Cent. -Charges Charges meden on first-class»teardty, tows HORACE HORTON. Mr. Charles McD•{o oeeakL; lett for the west during jt.week. We un• erstand he is goi2work on a stookrm in the North .11 lay his herds crease. yriwF-iilsaeaiam bl" Mr. Eugene D. eft for the Prairie was accomptn f \Vinnipee, Friday lest. r. Theo. Ing IizT'1'IS f8tZG1l1ILLER, sol taws Ua_na t •ts► eat lr f TM tioderiel Sept. O *680. - TN THE RIO RCOVRTOFJCSTICE. en incites Mvra0o moIn e d lye 1 h Court i. In the artistSilat d ,.. f• Moriel H- ~' . atherald, P. I purposes Malting in the Nolehrsr1 illi. Aomording to the re -ort of the Bureau of Industries for Onteriu. Heron raises more tall wheal than any other county In the province, the amount estimated this year being nearly three million bushels. Darin; the past week a number of corporation labore»:have been engaged m edea >< off' uttce Ger practice. and will, it its understood, risco tl ueations before the country, dot should Wise the pnae, wlaea is it give the people of Goderich one or more 1pind ons fre•lnently interrupted by bursts I going to do it 1 ur is d goim; to d 1 it enterta►awentta before tho season doses of a 1,(a1ne. Mr. ishan then took the `at all 1 And if not, why not 1 The same The formation of the AVollu :ltuaica►l 'atFnrtn and spoke at length in favor ofquestion may else be naked as to wheat Union is a step in the rtilht direction, i r. Eck and ether grains. The Fannon was ex- plicitly promised that if he would put in a Conservative Government they w.tuld impose nn iutport duty on these grains which would, to its own exteset, increase the pries. And to -day's (potations prove chess fort. He received a patient hearing, notwithstanding the uninterest• ing, 'editing manner in which he address- ed the meeting. He was followed by Mr J. K. McLean, President of the Routh Bunce Reform A•sociati.nt. in a and should be taken advantage of by those of nur residents who are of a men- ds' turn. Mr. RiS.;Will explainste Bank of Common -es, fully ob- jects of the Union to all desiring infor- mation. tiytg tk. rasa itatohes ^ the most vi7'•rous, humorous and tolling Square. he idea le it good one, an4 (h,:tosLa Suss—All the planets Rave apeecii, fully disposing of Mr. Aka* and I, promises nnfelfilled. scot et tEe street 1a much .reit Uranus appear ip the evening sky deritir his address. During the greeter part of 1 To -day's quo .tions proto the truth o[ the month ut tndtlr. Of rheas, flat►- 1Nr. Mct.oan's 'Peed' the sudietaoe was what was told the far sera by tete Advo- i gram, -___:rt by ____ v....ery and Ma» will not l!e vie ' kept in constant pars of latiRbber IT tl►e {calci •o[ the other aide. that no amorist anti humorous aseedotes intro - of protection could affect tffiS 'es o f a trtltarw —THAT UAVTt1RtL tag car eeenrtt! to ; hatter je class rr ew tib ietb i1aF iin stsntte. needle' ef or M i knetle neer 1 }4" la tie sesedicetisa es Is Mt day er Osober, A D left ( Se Meet Mass ratans VW?? ( A minas r. easy , --- - - - ,Ssiitli,,'ti,e little Smiths and Miss I ilk on aoa unrtyoft sir -- _ a Trainer, will hike G(ode bestort I orad Mars a few ts aeon minute+fter 6 later, while I againspokes tm r pl ions. Mr Maw, tilslt• ity 'fee R' a ip s . 'The willies of the pimple o lodertch go with Krypton., Tieing morn than ►n hoot stow' iml the attention of the aware* ka distI s satire party. the other two ave set, is visible ea es- gentleman's ohongo of front since tab 1 which we espnrted in much grist gitanti. The roost urn's. June. At that time Mr. Shaw held that I tiro area regehteed tsy the gaeetion ofd foe-wiU pay for Tem ft paw. omit the moat of its distm+ee }I supply and demand, and by the flswal object is Um west for the month will bele lawyer. and no one but a lawyer, was which were beitaq paid in the coos Now Year.the V hroh meta at 71, 1 capable of attending to the wants of the Mr. vers illimse, i. him old self I a-- -- On the Jhl- He (1[ O'Connor) also skewed seek kx.k the t(- of a and h 91st two) incl Mr 18rk11Md it engaged largely 1n produet of which million. of !)l its were sent out, while hardly t"'hIfMII MMM btetgl in; and that the price of all Daae grsma anus, w George jL o the well-known I Ole • this best Jupiter and Saturn tlttl } pee*lat bM haw he Mid that a farmer I market of the world. —[G10e tR wadi. who was reosntly Pr, e' 1 aP is w M' t to iemalate for Routh be of iiaT'etnnR interest Y the mos* aMha ...--.r---- '-- w 1st of the morltA Braes. t• Messrs ILswkshaw & M i• Atter rias at 9 at on the pisissto bolds. After a j proctors of the Commercial i later - . ta(ttw feverish Cold, and whtle it lasted was 1 hours t..S Saturn rises at 7 sir at th I Awe yet7 weakening. sr bare name. agcy notch A t e a+tta SO no•teriw h ••w111dosF ishan Sag ' bet." rmtng. forth, have dassoleed partaeahip Yr. h and at the seal I land aMYirby meeting the meitenee w wile codt pa the boane.s wbe aits` of the mnnt t mg three ronatnq I Ilawksha at b,40. Cranna, Y morning star. tiro 1$il$Mlwi. t 'Ovine ld SIC and pts at 4.45 in the *Ref- of owes fee Sob Mr. Moist and three The Laidlaw farm on the 3 rd me- sses. JItyller now Iles in the wows 1st their destiellati LIM'ti t here are evasion of Orewas sold As mot part of the combs dation aimini, sad tree is be toed thin time. ( proprietor, Mr. NichoMa . to lir. Natant is Toro, southwest of the Phi- ' gy'gy ate !'ung t' OAnditjnte M. Mc Millan, of Twit, e f Mr *1/ ado std Ayala -4Es M a larger majority than Were. alum of $ 2.M10 rash