HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-06, Page 8....Wt..a..AA THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, OCT- 6,1882. i One t+ _ $tflk el ; 2nd, Ted, Andern S eld a` ; "" iI bushel timothy seed, 1st, John Salkeld ; SASHBLINDS, Zed, Thus. Harris. Recusumended- MOULDINGS, and every Bag of fall wheat, Samuel Alton. Tar Description of Iutertor Fiuiah. hags of flour, W. Treleav n. STAIRS, HANDRAILI3, DAIRY. NE*ELt3 mid HALAL/STENSBeat 5 His tabus butter, let, Thu} W,N,ds ; 21rd, A Specialty. Send for Price lieu. Harm*. 201be pact - lista. SHINGLES, oil butter (in crook) lit, C. Derain ; LATH LUMBER2nd, John Fowler. 60 lbs packed but- ttttatea un „,„„ii.* ter, in Bonet, 1st C. Girvin, Sr. ; 2nd, z! Address* John McLean. Jar of honey, let, 1) 1AN(%I14 tli1LET)EH, Murray ; 2nd, G. Harris Loaf home Gnderich %Made bread, 1st, John Hnl.eeu ; Jos. Mallough. 6 lbs honey u tomb, 15t, 0. Hattie. DUNGANNON SHOW, A Fine Day and a Good Display. A Large Tersest of Spectators - Tar Friss LW. Wednesday last was like a midsum- mer's day. and the inviting weather drew a large number to Dungannon, where the annual fall show of the Ash- field and Wawanosh Agricultural Soci- eties was held. Among the spectators were a number of pretty girls, whu caught the beauty -loving eye of the bach- elor editor of the Star, who once ex- claimed during the afternoon : " By George ! old Joe Williamson wasn't one bit out when he wrote about Dungan - non's lovely daughters." Dungannoi would get a prize fir handsome lasses every time if the pressmen were judg- ing. The exhibition was up to the mark in almost every respect. The indoor col- lection was very creditable. Samples of grain especially fall wheat, were first clava. The show of vegetables was tip- top. The potatoes put in by Mr. A. Sproule were among the beat ever shown in the county, and the collection of veg- tables shown by his son Willie Sproule, a lad of thirteen years of age, was ahead .,f anything we have )et seeu. Almost every vegetable raised was represented in this exhibit, and of beans alone surae 29 specimens were to be seen. As a raiser and exhibitor of vegetables this youthful ngrienitnrist l-onoe the record. Tho s't•,•r "f . . nt some vEOBTABLia. Best 4 named varieties potatoes, let, A. Sproule ; 2nd, D. Mollwain. 5 heads cabbage, 1st, George Harris ; 2nd, John Martin. 9 blood beets, let, Thomas Han•is ; 2nd, W. McKnight. 9 ntangol•l wurtzela, ,lit, D. Mollwain ; 2nd, T. Harris. 9 Swede turnips, 1st, A. Kirkpatrick ; 2nd, T. Harris. 9 lung orange carrots, 1st, John Salkeld ; 201, C. Durnioi. 9 white Belgium carrots, 1st, Thos. Harris ; 2ud, 11. Haring. 9 early horn carrots, 1st, George Harris ; 2nd, A. Sproule. Peck onions, Lt, George Harris ; `2ud H. Monis. Peck tomatoes, 1st, R. Hiscocks ; 2nd, Mrs. S. Irwin. 12 ears of corn, lit, John Salkeld ; 2nd, Joshua Willis. Pump- kin, 1st, Junes Rose ; 2nd, T. Harris. Squash, Lt, T. Anderson ; 2ud, John Bailey. 4 water melons, 1st, G. Har- ris ; 2ud, T. Hamilton. 4 heads cauli- flower, 1st, John Foster. 4 citrons, lat, John Mallough ; 2nd, Mrs. S.. Irwin. Collection garden vegetables, 1st, Wm. Sproule. rat: IT. Best 4 named varieties, winter apples, lat, Thus. Anderson ; 2nd; A. Sproule. Named varieties fall apples, 1st, A. Sproule ; 2nd, T. Anderson. 2 named varieties pears, 1st, John Salkeld ; 2nd, 1). McIlwain. 3 named varieties plums, 1st, G. Harris. Collection of rapes, rat, )1m. Hayden ; 2nd, 0. Harris. Plate crib apples, 1st, T. Woods ; 2nd, Mrs. J. T. Graham. Plate quinces, 1st. D. McIlwain ; 2nd, G. Harris. C Ilec- tion garden flowers, 1.i, T. Anderson ; 2nd, R. Hiscocks. Judges -Dairy, fruit and naa:,ufac- of *pray into a suooessiou of brilliant could live fur an ivatent, in weather in ra►abows. But the attention al most of which it would be madness to think of the passengers was devoted to ''**ting launching a small bast, and none yenta up their atpount" and wishing they', Gave been whoa, live a iat$es I8isr it could "throe up their situat&oni and go struck the water, if It could be lsnttched, home. Eveu the gravilty 04 the *teant stood calm, resolute, perfectly self - w' ' as upset by a sea w!.sbt over im pstesewod, trusting to no "lucky chane, truugh the after gangwa'• he elermined, u he afterwards said, "to odpptatn was watching affairs at the do the best he would, aad then if he went t of the Out house, hanging -, down no suint could ray he died a (*M- ull the steps, the mil being : ttrd " Last, but not least in the recul- brokeu I,'tto, ant a lirui belferer ill lection of that memorable day, come* the pr, •ticg lower who watches with the remark of the phlegmatic old Scotch- t tender care all those "whogo down to' than, "I was na so much slowed u 1 was 1C1 NG tLESE. the sea in drips," but I think Captain I seek." ' KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. McGregor had not cun►bined with that A LADY PA.asvastL MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE faith, >eutrrkably gaol per h tuhip, setae Detroit, taepot 29 , BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. 1 forh would ral newspaper honors judg- ed „le, - t+,t.. etug uwiamed. A tures-W. S. Clark, James Stewart, \1. collection of ten varieties of grapes by E. Brown. W J. Hayden was especially worthy of • MAvrrat7oar+i. WILSON'S PRiBCRIYT1oN DRUGSTORE. MRS. PINKHAM'$COMPOUND. HALLS QATARRB P' RE. AUGUST FLOWER. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Special agent for VAN BUREU'S KID- NEY CURE. I ELECTRIC BITTERS. have ]wt the grand oplwrtunity of their A FiACD.-Billemy, the fellow who lives. presser himself upon the press represen- The boat was in a perilous position. laurel at the Lucknuw Frames as a bona The engine was wurkiag at Lull *pacify,fide repiorter un the (uafe,lerate and was yet the force of the winds was sa great as to cause her to drift slowly but surely towards the breakers at one time not over 200 feet away. The scents inside, to say the team, were interesting. The1 waves sweeping up to the pilot hi use found eutrance through the skylights, and three of the staterooms were drench- ed. One of the men was sent up to hammer fast the skylights, lest the roof should evince a disposition to part com- notice, and the choice bunches shown by Mr. G. Harris showed careful culture. Mr. Harris alit: lore off the first prize for some ntanimouth onions. The ladies, department was very attractive, and competition was keen. Among the prize winners will be observed the names of some Goderich ladies. The butter makers of Dunvannon must meet with rapid sales and high prices, if we judge by the excellent samples shown. in butter making, bread making and needlework the ladies who patronize the Beet 10.yards of all -wool, lat, W. Mc- Knight ,; 2nd, Wm Ht lland. 10 yards union, 1st; Th.s tVuuds ; 2nd, John Fowler. 10 yards union flannel, 1st, H. Rutherford ; 2nd T. Harris. Pair wool blankets, 1st, C. Durnin ; 2nd, Thomas Woods. Pair fine sowed.b.s.ts (calf.) Peter Wallace. IMPLE.MENT,. Best double carriage, diploma, John Brydgea. - Wooden plough, irou beam. let, C. Brown ; 2nd, C. Brown. Horse rake, diploma, C. Brown. Dungannon show make a ver, worthy LADIES DEPARTMENT. exhibit. We were -surprised to see the Best tatting, Miss Burgess, Crochet large number of cattle upon the ground. I work, 1st, Mrs. J. Vareoe ; 2nd Miss puny a ith us. The sound of the ham- mer had a pleasant accompaniment in the smashing of glass, the uproar of the dishes as they danced a merry -¢'-round, and the majestic boom -boom of the piano and sofas as they solemnly trundled back and forth. One sofa carried a young lady, but that did not seen[ to Important Reduction in Plum- Balance make any difference. of 1382 Free -Valuable Pre- mium for the coming year. GLOBE The price of the Wawa** Am a3T1aeR ' Wc&KLY LIBERAL has been reduced to 1114 for 1tIl53tbala ace of Mt/recto ,sewa„aaervbers 1. 1•;ight immense pages, aisty-four Nuluninsr news,The latest interest toall-continuedte and completed stories, music pictures, etc. For 10 centaex- tra a copy of our great book premium of 450 pages. entitled -Boo a AND HEALTH." will be mailed, in strong tag cover, or. for 15 cents. will he sent in heavy board cover. Contains information, hints and recipes on 2,0W sub- jects hitherto unpublibed. The latest and best: Every one will want this popular and useful work. By renewing at once present sub.:wribers can secure "Huss AND itaiLTE. on above-mentioned terms, without delay. Agents wanted eterywbere. Forty special prizes t Send post card for particulars. Address - Jain l'AUF.UON t ire. Adrertiaer LONDON, ONT. The above L will be sent from weekly to theait nd of J'.nuarAy. 1ee4, for the extremely low figure of $2.50 in advance. allowed to run in the press race on that aca,unt, proves to be only a "rural." (cor- respuondeut, and therefore not entitled to the silver medal which by this bare- faced utattceuvre he managed to capture. The managers of the games will look out for this kind of "animile" next year or the race will soon be run by others than bona fide jourualuts. - Walkerton Take - cope. Book of "Tours in Boatload," Irattees, Ylan • cope R.., apply to HENDERSON BROTHERS. • New York. VARrOCS Hain St ANITH'S GERMAN WORM CANDY ANCHOR UNE. A CURS OUARANTLED MAGNETIC MEDICINE. II owe) 1RAoa asARIK. t A BRAIN rad NRRVi FOOD. Tier Odd rad tessg* laic and f a 1r, UNITED STATES MAIL STF.AMEI LS Sall Weekly to and from NEW YORK AND(iLASOOW, VIA LONDONDiJtET Labia Passage, PM tot `O. Returns, ns, Si Oto $140. Secon t Cabin. 140. Return 1175. Steerage passengers booked at low rates. laascnger accommodations unexoellLd. ALL S1 vre.a001aa ON MAIN DECK. l'aasengers booked at lowest rates to or from Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, ka Tical{Ives • cares Nervousness Is all Its stages, Wtd$t Memory, , tens uJ Brain P `•J, pyo ttralson Night Stomt wcior*haus, Harreaaeea, iaa4 Weakness and limserui Low of Pourer. It roles Nervous Waste, Rejuvenate" the Jostled IInlet- fee{. etryeisettauaatthe RtiNeeb4sl Brala, and Re- stores e- hanwtd (iewersa rose Waer to 1Lr- ore 1W h or- der forTWLLVa packages aceompan with five dollars, we will send our W Aries Guar- antee uar antee to refund the moonyr. It the treatment dots met effect • care. It is the cheapest abd nem iiediclne in the market. which tJ Full particulars 1a our pamphlet. we desire to mall free to any 'Adenoma lark's lorgnette ledletne 1. sold by Drug gists at ea cu. per hos. or 11 hoses for tea. or will be mailed free of postage, on receipt of the moneyy, by addressing lhl7t'n lhC\NTH' ' dIUNIeat.`(;apada Sold in Ooderich, byJ.tliS WUJI41i and all preexists were- 1 iv .uctioneering. CANADA'S FAVORITE WEEKLY! I o R9. R. t Wets, in (leterlch THB !ESTER I ADVIRTISBB HO f3It S AND LOTS NOS. Eas33 AND -AND- tae tewi, of Oodericb, for sola cheap, or will be W S L Z L I H le R- I., cobaaged for term property. Tor particulars • i spbeids 10or C.rLJAw SAtt..Crites, wrokltectauetleseer., oMce Crabb's SJ. Or LONDON. ONT. Lown on the utain deck was ''coulee sion worse confounded.' The horses and cows not having on their "sea legs, nor any others of any account, had managed to break loose, stanchions and all, and for the rent of the time there was a wild waste of legs where only an orderly ass rtnent of batiks should ap- pear. Every motion of the boat sent them higgaedepiggledy, one even stand- ing on his head endeavoring to get et rights of the affair. The kitchen was in ciinfesi.n, the steam pipe conseying the steam to the heaters in the cabin burst awning in cuntaCt, as I was solemnly asaurtd, with the check of a circus man. And the baggage and freight wandered about at its own sweet wilL The only thing animate, or inanimate, which show- ed no signs of confusion was a certain English colonel, who evidently thought it "bad form" to notice anything unu- sual, afpd smoked -with great content - ti eat and perfect serenity throughout the mominit. It was rumored that a prayer meeting was attempted, but in every heart must hate arisen, even unconscious'y, a cry fog help. Ening once to the window to look out on the weather, my bed sprang after me,' while the washstand, with a levity unseemly under the circumstances, danced back and forth and bsuged its door unceasingly. It was whispered about in a quiet way that a minister we had on board was the only man who put on a life preserver, and the entire lack of glass in his stateroom door bore silent testimonyto his mural weight as he was "fired" trough it. He wasof the baptist persuation, but evidently objected to immersion. I did nut indulge to a lite preserver.fearing the fate of & certain The show of horses was rather small, but some splendid att'itnals stood before the judges. There was a falling off in the exhibits of poitltry and swine,`but Burgess. Embroidery in linen, 1st, Miss Lyons ; 2nd Mrs. J. Varcoe. Embroi- dery in muslin, 1st, 'Miss Lyons ; 2nd, Miss. Lvon''. Embroidery in cotton, lat. some first-class sows were in the pens. Mrs. Jus. Mallough ; 2nd, Miss Lyon. There was a good show of shoea. Braiding, 1st, Mrs. Joseph Mallough ; The judges' books were well lte lot, and' 2nd, Mrs: J. Varcoe. Toilet cover, 1st, olir Tabors in copying were moor. light- Mrs. J. T. Graham ; 2nd. Miss Payne. ened by the assistance of the ...pular ma An t'ocaws- 1st Dfrs John Varsoe ; and efficient secretary, Mr. W. Mc- Art'wur. The names of the ticket win- ners can be seen in the following PRIZE LIST. Beat brood mare, having raised foal in 1892, lat, D. Ryan ; 2nd, Wm. Kaiser ; 3rd, Moses McRnen. Two year old fil- ly, 1st, W. J. Fowler ; 2nd, T. Ander- son ; 3rd, S. Alton. Two year old geld- ing, let, S. Alton ; 2nd, W. Fluker ; 3rd J. Bailey. One year old filly, 1st, D. Ryan ; 2n1, 11. HowelL One year old gelding, 1st, John' Bailey. Foal .of 1882, let. Hugh Garvin ; 2nd, D. Ryan. Span carriage horsos, W. C. 1'otte.. S general purpose horses, 1st, John McLean ; 2nd, W. C. Robertson. Bug - y horses 1st Jus. R. Bell ; 2nd, ii. JC. CURRIER TSE PEOPLE'S AUC . Melt do4artuh.Oat. 1751. $66a week to your own tows. Terme and $5 outfit free. Address R. RALLXTT R Co. l'ottlaad Mahe $5 1(),$20 per day at home. samples tDL worth Si free. Address STntsos tf Co.. Portland Maine. 2nd, Miss Fowler. Brad work, lat,Mrs bishop who, being rather portly put on J. Varooe ; 2nd, Dirs. J. Varcoe. Fancy Mi knitting, lot, Mrs. J. Varcoe ; 2nd, ss Payne. Fancy patch work, 1st, Miss Payne ; 2nd, Bliss Payne. Patehed quilt (in wool), 1st, Miss Payne ; 91d, Mrs. T. Hamilton. Pitched gnilt (in cotton), 1st, Mrs. W. C. Potter : 2nd, Mrs. W. Glenn. Feather flowers, 1st, Miss Mal - lough ; 2nd, Mies Fowler. Hair flow - era, lat, Miss Durnin ; 2nd, Miss Bur - gem •` Paper flowers, let, Mrs. Brydges 2nd, Miss Woods, Berlin wool work (flat), let, Mrs, J, Varc oe ; 2nd, Miss 1 Burgess. Berlin wool work(raised,, 1st, Mrs. Jt,hn Varcoe ; 2nd, Miss Payne. Embroidery, 1st, Mrs. J. Varcoe ; 2nd, Mrs. M. E. Johnson. Berlin wool flow- I en, Miss Woods. Farmer's seen wreath, Cyan. Mrs. W. Holland. Linen shirt ,hand THOROLGHBRED CATTLE. spade), 1st, Miss Lyons ; 2nd. Mrs. J. Best snitch cow,raised calf in 1882,1st, Varcoe. Linen shirt (machine trade,. T. Anderson ; 2nd, C. Girvin, sr, Two 1st, Mrs. W. C. Robertson : 2nd, Miss year old heifer, let, C. Girvin ; 2nd, T. Lyons. Pair knit mitts home made. Anderson. Heifer calf of 1882, C. On-- 1st,.Mrs. M. E. Johnston ; 2nd, Mrs. vin. Boll calf, T. Anderson. 1st and J.T. Graham. Pair knit stockings, 1st, R 2nd. Mrs. T. Anderson ; 2nd, Mrs. W. Hot. oAD•• E ATTLF.. laud., Pair knit socks, 1st. Mrs. T. )test uilch cow, raised calf in 1882, 1st Hamilton: 2nd, Mrs. Rutherford. two for further security, and, otic jog in the door, wat pried out when the danger G,t der ch 'Branch. as over. A, DL ,ROSS, - - - - MANAGER.The ladies' maid passed anon .the cabin, like a human shuttlecock, on her them i t • t allowed on deposits. Drafts on a Banking. BANK OF MONTREAL. CAP12AL, - - eLt,000,0O), SURPLUS. - - • u• "OO• Goderich Branch. D. GLASS - - - - - lhuut der. Allows interest on deposits. Drafts, letter of credit and circular notes issued, 1payabl all parts of the' world. 754. CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE D ally globe Deliverf'd to all Parts of Town AGENCY, C+ODERICH. WccklrGlob for ifl rii 1olllh I'm S 1 Evening Globe six cents per ween or 26 CENTS PER MONTH, Pawl op Gainful, - $6,000,000. Rut, - - 81,400,000. President. - IIuN. WM. 7'e.MASTER General Ma/sager, - if:.-a.•t/ratov H. Rutherford ; 2nd, D. Mollwain ; 3rd J. McLean. Two year old heifer, 1st, R. Wilson ; 2nd, J. McHardy ; 3rd, J. McHardy. One year old hdifer, 1st, D. DicIlwaiu ; 2nd,, J. O."Stewart. Steer cult of 1882, John McHardy, 1st and 2nd. Heifer calf, 1st, J. AlaHardy ; 2nd, H. Rutherford. Fatted ox or steer, H. Girvin. Fatted cow or steer, Jos. Mallough, 1st and 2nd. Yoke working oxen, rat, H. Girvin ; 2nd, W. Maize. Yoke two year old steers, H. Girvin, lat and 2nd. Yoke one year old steers, 1st, J. O. Stewart ; 2nd, Harry Morris. .HYSP-COT+wOLnM .%sin THRIa GRAbilt. Bust aged ram, John Mallough. Ram lamb, John Mallough. -FIEEr--1•F.t.'E+TCu( ANI' THEM •.R -DES. ]lest shearliug ram, 1st, J. O. Ste- wart ; 2nd, E. Gaunt & Son. Pair aged ewes, raising lamb in 1882, J. O. Ste- wart. fair shearling ewes, lst, E. (;aunt & Son ; 2ud, J. 0. Stewart. lair ewe lambs, J. (I. Stewart. Pair ram lambs. E. (;aunt .t Son, 1st and 2nd. encs-BERLsHIRL Boat 1.t aro James Cottle. ••("a--surroLK. Rest sow that has mused. pigs in 1862, Iudges-Ladies' Work -)dist Annie Harked, Miss Sands. SHoW SRI'TB. The hotels did a tremendous bar nrd principal Tow•na and l'itica in ('aped* errands of mercy. An unhappy moth.' Great Dritain and the United Stance, bough er, with a child m her arms, concluded to "seek the seclusion that the cabin grants.- The- -first step precipitated her forward, sendingthe child spinning along the dining'table and the mother Tutu the compassionate aim athe stew- ard, who lugged her int,' the cabin, she being too utterly lunp for anything. The cook, after several "clutches after the unobtainable," rescued the infant and restored it to its mother. Until we reached the Sault we drank -tea from goblets and ate in sections, there not be ing dishes enough left to set the tables. After the etonn we spent the time in telling each other how brave we were, and in preparing an address for the cap- tain, or as our clerical friend puts it, "A resolution of thanks to Almighty God, and under him to Captain Mc- -Gregor." That gentleman received it with great fortitude, and in responding said, In effect, that tui ttutlytnpl and per- fecting himself in seamanship le had laid aside things of lees importance, the and sold Advaneesto Farmers on Notes. with one o more endorsers. without mortgage. 1;51 gift of gab among them., He thanked the passengers for their kind words and Mr. hoped always to do his duty and-van- Dtr. P. J. Sullivan, the active and en- ished. getic agent of the Seegntiller chilled .iii yet thir young wan. plow, was pointing out the beauties of years old, when everything that popular implement to a lane num- destruction, within alm•,st b.•r ..f agricultui iste during the day• throw of breakers in which The candidates for the Le_islature were on hand A spirited team belonging to the Messrs. Naftel, of Goderricn township, ran away, but were pluckily managed by the driver, aid after a three quarter of a mile run, were brought back safely. No damage to pian, beast or vehicle re- sulted. ON GEORGIAN BAY .1 Lady's *reserl allow of the %erne• Darla* 11 alerw. To to the Editor of The Et ening News: After rending the account in Tl.' Xtra of the Dlanitoba'a escarp fool' deatree- lames tkl.ean, iloar nny other breed,tion, it .occurred to me that two Ixople, Morns, Vole. how ally other Lined, If. thin t+ differently. For cue who can Morris, 1st nu.i ':ud' t recite a the Judges- - Cattle, sheep and swine - John Salkeld, Jnr. Wien, John Smith. r tnt-1.. Best pair l,ram.ih. 1st, A. Kirkpatrick.1st Pair homburgs, .'t Kirkpatrick, and 2nd. fair letotanrs, A. Kirkpat- rick. rat auil 2nd. fair barnyard fowl, let, W Sproule. Pair geese, 1st, John Salk old. Pair duck's, 1st, W. Sproule ; 2nd, J. Salkeld. Pair turkeys,. 1st, A. Kirkpatrick. Bost two loushelslf 11 wh Salkeld. Two Hamilton : 2nd. bushels .4 spring sr beat, 1st, TWO. Hamilton : 2nd, John Y eoe. Two bushels Verity, 1st, John Bailey ; 2nd, Tohn t7atilteld. Two bushels peas (large) • - t 1, tsll,eld. Two bushels jteae 1,-h• v moue : flan& alas even from the same standpoint, ►e_ p joke,no matter who is t victim, it was great fun to berm tc ' steamer Manitoba on the Goere a , baggage, 14, 1882. There were horses aturdaYi of 1882 ut 200 passengers, considerable freight and Oct, end and a cs, the live onsignment fastened stened secure - the il'o'.t fastidious tt not yet 30 threatened a stone's no vessel R'anterl. Rag Par. Light AGENTS Rork. Constant employtwent or Capital repaired. Janos Lir A!(' . Mca- treal. Quebec. 712 b. WILL PAY FOR THE SIGNAL, 2t) postage free for be balmier of 1trl). Subecribe at once, and get full benept of this offer. TA:IIES SMAILL, ARCHITECT, &c. sl Office. ('rabble Block. Kingston at.. Gode- rich. Plans and specifications drawn correct- ly Carpenter's' plasterer's and masons work measured and valued. 15c per week or 60c per month or $7.00 per year. cw is Your Time to Subscribe iuwi HON. GEORGE BROWN'S SPEECHES iWILL LRE READY THIS e WEEK FOR DELIVERY. 11TAMES 1 M ETE, SUCCESSOR TO T. J. MOORHYUSE, girth. Side Marlvet SC1,_, C+OIDERICH- FALL MILLINERY• -ILSON MISS JESSIE Takes this c,pportunity of informing her custonters:and the public generally, that. '? E FALL OPENING • In connection will her Millin(ry Department, will be held on . • 1, to stanchions in the Mow of the boat. was a alight wind. Thhritday morning Wnen she hopes to make a display that will snit there was still a breeze and a pleasing ap- pearance of white -caps, while the "infant hurricane" to pleasantly alluded to was waxing in strength. By this time* lower v ednesday afternoon it rained, and there LATEST PHASES OF FASHION 1 Of nature tt{pfluId have been enraptured with the tflwa viewed of course from CAN BE SEEN ON THE OCCASION. the short. lake was cover „white cape." the spray 'seeming o V ser ,',k covered with FALL OPENING f R E INVITED T 0 THE a mantle of lace over the mase "f tarn. A The ann ahming Baldly t1awA on the h ,.n*bels Mda gat. Jahn watery cenfesinn trans armed each