HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-06, Page 7THK HU ON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. OCT. 6, 1882.
Fun ants Fancy.
•'U it were ouetomary he this awnsry
to venter titles upptw individuals of rank
in literature," sakellbut oou-
vettel jeurwliat of
f 4n old use, "what
would I b' "Bs en of ideas,' was
the response,
BrotherOardaer, of the Detroit Liute-
klie Club, is • philosopher who keeps
hie *yes open. A000rdng to the tree
?Om, he dosed the last meeting of the
the club with this o'sank of condensed
wisdom : "Remember, as we percolate
homeward, da' while a prnswo may have
a voids like • tornady au' a in .uth like •
woodshed, de in n who a inks with tete
left see illus gets the Ise: gluts of w.ty
A vette: adlreee 1 t,, "Mr. t)I,,.diPut
Solvate, Custom House, New Bedford,"
reoently found its way to the prolix of
ticer. It was a reply too one sent free'
the custom hound, ail the write: uv'
deafly shoe Ob Beat Serv.i..t wa th.
person who bad written G. hi s., while•
the scrawl nn ler these words w u Mier.
prated by him sn a flourish whish s••
many people to eke under their n : uoi,
While Judge S oeeplt F. W:rnerl wax
presiding in the Supreme avert recently
a lawyer, not over stocked in the upper
story, and mated for verbosity and .hel-
lownaes, was trying • ciao before hien.
The case was plaiu, so there was little
use for ergutueut, and Master Shallow
had the strong side, but he was date: -
aimed to "improve the occasion,' The
Mee leased over and said : "Mr. --- —
110.0eurt ie still with y,u, netwith-
sialfillig your ersumeemt."
A Lay had in her employ en excel-
lent girl who had one tank. Her face
wet always in • smudge. Mrs.
tried to tell her to week her face with-
out offending ker, sad at lost she restart-
ed to strategy. "D•► peu know, Brid-
get she remarked in a eentideutial Ulan
Oar, "it is said if you wash the face ev-
e y day in hot soapy water it will make
you beautiful 1' "Will it C answered
the wily Bridget. '8'ire it's a wonder
you never tried. it ma'sene Another
mistress whe had jest hired a new cook,
made • tour of inspection after she had
kept her a week, and timet . prelim/mei
Ioocked tip ie. the pantry. •'How did
this mai get here T' asked the lady, se-
vwely. "l'in lure I don't '-now, an-
swered the girl ; "he ,oust have been
left over by the old oouk !"
Farm anb tfaraen.
When sows eat their young it Semite
that the wants of the system have out
mellow), leen supplied. It is often
owing to the failure tove them • lib
a .-
ral supply of salt before wtug.
Stuff the skin of • a until it looks
like lite, then set it on the limb of a
tree, or lis •oma natant' position on ti
strawberry bad ; if the petition et chant
d every day it will .Uectually friehtee
away birds.
At three feet apart each way there are
4,800 tulle un au acre. Putative. yield-
ing ooly eine bushel to every 30 hills
would give upward of 100 bushels per
acre. That is much above the average
crop, even good yens, shows how great
are the possibilities fur improvement iu
potato. gritwiug.
A weeenitiuu w ,1u with one tumid
o' soap (soft or bald) with an ounce of
o trbulic a) d crystals dissolved in water,
will leer-ey vermin, itch, scurf and
is e<e. rile preparation 'given above
sh site be diluted in warm water before
b •ing applied to the animal, and it will
t :tu sue Injure the hair.
4 p'e e of rye near a poultry house is
very deign' during the fall end spring,
•u.i a',mete:um in the winter, as • hen
pa.ture. The cawing of grain in their
yards a also an excellent plan. What is
scratched out will be eaten up clean, and
plenty of scratching and green food are
what they need.
Gooseberries delight in a heavy soil,
rich cud well drained When grown in
the single bush f arse the berries become
yearly fewer and smaller, and soon owe
to be profitable. Entourage the growth
1,1 .hoots from the root by removing the
old wood as often as necessary, and lar-
ger crops and much toner fruit will in-
variebly be the result, whether in gar-
den or 10 field culture.
Experiments have established the fa t
that there are uu bad results faun breed-
ing large sized stallions to small mares ;
but, on the contrary, the offspring make
meet desirable roadsters and cwch bee -
sur. One Western farmer kited a Per-
eherou stallion, weighing 2,300 pounds,
to an Indian utai•e, weighing wily 600
pounds, predating g iu the Leeman animal
16 band* high, of tine uius4:iu and autu.ii.
fashions's Fancies.
Mahoghany is the newest shade in red.
Watered and shaded ribbons will again
be worn.
Hungarian braid patterns trim uisay
fall jackets.
Marlborough is a new and delicate
shade of temper red.
The favorite point of the corsage bow
is the top oaf the left shoulder.
Colored handkerchieft are studies of
color in 6umbinations and design.
Laves of all kinds are in fashion. Ecen
the old black Chantilly is revived.
The longer the beak of a bird the
more is it sought fur as a hat ornament.
Frenchshoe polish lightly brushed
ever a testy chip hat makes it look new.
The new cloaking plusher imitate seal,
beaver and otter furs to perfection.
All the mediaevaland rennaissuod
points are revived in the modern iaaita-
tion laces.
The jackets and ulsterettes for early
fall wear are lunger than those of the
last semen.
Plush siuxlses and dolmans will, in a
great measure, take the place of sealskin
next winter.
Small and silver blue will be combin-
ed in new fall suits with terra cotta enol
mahoganny shades.
Dark purple and huzzar dreams are
fashionably piped with terra cotta and
Marlborough reds.
The new English alnacaa come in grey
shades and blacks with s•.fter finish than
the old-time goods
(.)berate satin buttons of medium size,
in all shades to match the new goods, ap-
pear among new trimmings.
Ottoman reps in silk and wo•,l, figured
and striped with velvet and plush, ap-
pear among new fall dress goods.
The latest caprice in handkerchiefs is
for narrow borders in combinations of
esthetic colors on white centres.
(Ittomen rapped and satin -backed vel-
vet ribbons forst the bulk of the impor-
tations in this line of goods up to this
Tho golden Hamburg cock's back is
most in demand for hat trimmirtg, as it
shows natural shaded effects in mahogany
The new plushee come in all lengths of
pfrom the short moleskin plush to
tthi long -napped silk and mohair goods
that resemble the heavy furs.
The first cheviots for fall wear are of
light texture in shepherd's checks of
heather mixtures, to be combined with
cheviots that come with them in inch
square plaids in the same colour and
mixt urea
Some of the new satins ars brocaded
in lace effects in black and white on
grounds of Dolor embracing all the new
esthetic and fashioeable.shadee. Theme
will be tzhemed with white and black
lace saMtebieg the design of the brocaded
lad idlest&
whole coarse a1 my life bef••ro. 1 hid,
out a wound shout aye I had, indeed,
bees shut down by an tsaa .... essatw -
hall; halt indeed of mow thro.gh eiy
legs, as I body believed it had, the ball
had petted seder my feet and had plow-
ed a hole is the earth beneath, at kart a
foot in drrei, into which my feet cud-
' only ani, riving ms the idea that I
had been the. shortened by the hes of
my leap,"
Gess. ha Yells tlaeams-
There is an old a/ery d a ee t•iu min-
ister, who, in sr•sagaeg his toilet for his
parochial call., found a button give
trout his shut Dollar, sad all at voce the
good man's patience left him, 8e fret-
ted poi *col... 1 and acid undignified and
unkind things, until the tired wife burst
into terra sod vamped to her neem.
The hour of the atteruuuu sore away
du it g which the passim called am broth-
er Jttoet, Whw was all bowed down with
rheumatism, aad fused patiss& and even
cheerful; epee yowg beuther Hall want-
ing away with outsseaption, and found
him euxwus to go sod be with Christ;
upon gad old greedsaotbes Smith, in
her poor, miserable hovel of a home, sad
found her singing use of the good old
hyena, as happy se a bird ; upon young
Mrs. Brown, who had a few weeks be-
fore buried her only child, and toned
her treatful and serene in the view of
God's love which had oeme to Me
tkroogh her aM.ctiva. The minister
went home filled with what be had seen;
and when evening came, and he tem
seated in his easy chair, his good s'fe
near him, busy with her needle, he
could not help trying:
"t. hat a wonderful thing grace is '
How much it will do ! There is nothing
beyond its power ! Wonderful : It can
do all things
Then the little wife said:
"Yes it is wonderful, ueleed ; but
there is one thing that the grace of God
dues not see:u to have power t.• t:
"kh, what can that be ( asked the
hu • tend.
hy, it d..u. not .veno to have i ewer
to vetted a toinister's temper s lien his
shirt -button is wend-
That was a sew d. ctritee .o1 ;trace to
the parson, but it was such a terauu as
many another religious uu:i needs to re-
member. Aa it takes greater skill to
engrave the Land's Prayers upon a five
cent piece than upun a broad steel plate,
w it takes more grace to live a good
Christian at home than iu public.
It is a mistake to suppose that a tile
drain two and a half .or three feet deep
will drain a hollow tau to twenty
suet destine_ Perhaps it may slow-
ly. but iu a very wet 'season, wheat
and clover will kill out at arch a distance
faun a drain. If the ditch is nude four
feet deep it will drain a wider surface
but a leaner way is to make a aide drain
to the places where water is kilos. to
stand iu a wet time.
Leached ashes are good for almost any
crop, but should be applied with • tier
fertilizers that contain vegetable sub-
stances, like barn mauure ; thus applied
on most of eels, and for nearly all crops,
25 cents a bushel would be cheaper than
comn.urcaal fertilizers. Fifty bushels
of ashes applied to an acre of land in
connection with two cords of geed stable
manure would produce better results for
ntost crops than 150 bushels applied
without other fertilizers, or five cords of
stable manure applied with no other fer-
tilizer with it..
There are many ways of preparing weft
food for poultry that we weld not re-
commend, though practiced to a great
extent by experienced poulterer. By
far the greater number of beginners mix
it too wet and sloppy, and give it os a
thick, porridgy mass, which clings to the
beaks of the fowls. Such feeding often
causes diarrhoea, and in any case will
rarely produce a proper egg return. AU
steal, whether intended for young or old
fowls, should he mixed firm and short,
so that the whole mass will crumble by
handling. Food so mixed does more
gond, for the reason that it is more
wholesome in itself and more enjoyed.
Meal combined with potatoes need not
be mixed quite so dry, but all soft fad.
rightly prepared, will be hard enough tit
break and crumble if thrown upon the
*w..tf wutr meat IbtFeAesfer."
days an eminent physician, convinc-
es(' that the wily way to cure vervee
azheestioe, sal weakness .4 the matte
omens, is to repair the waste by f(kn
heels and nerve foods, and of all tt
remedies compounded, Magnetic Medi
vine is the bee& ger advertisement in
soother oolumn. Scald n Godarich by
. Wilson, druggist.—lm
The prescription of • skillful physicist,
aid *imposed of vegetable dregs o
ctahremedial power, Dr. Carson',
sad Constipation Bitters punt%
the blood, give tone and vigor to the
system, cures Dyspepsia mil Indigestioi
when all other medicinalfail. Hnv•
you tried it? Sold by Druggists, 50c. a
The safest, best and cheapest medicine
in the world is Dr. Carson's Stomach
and Constipation Bitters. Sold in large
bottles at 50 cents by all Druggists.
!'erre er tmaglsailew.
During a recent lecture, Dr. Noble
vduched for the truth of the following
anecdote of M. Boutibouee, a French
savant, in illustration of the power of
invagination : -M. Boutibnuuae served in
Napoleon's army, and was present at
many engagements during the early part
of the present century. At the battle of
%Vagrant, in 1800, he was engaged in the
fray ; the ranks around him had been
terribly thinned by shot, and:et sunset
he was nearly isolated. While reloading
his musket he was shot down by a can-
non ball. His impression was that the
hell haul paasod through his legs below
the knees, separating them from the
thighs, for he suddenly sank down short-
ened, as he believed to the extent of a
foot in measurement. The trunk of the
cody fell backward on the ground, and
.he senses were c,nrpletely paralysed by
the shock. Thus he lay mr•tionlees amid
the wo'inuled and dead during the rest
of the night, not daring to move a mus-
cle lest the loss of bleed shout 1 b-, fatal-
ly increased. lie felt no pain, but this
he attributed to the stunning efft et of the
shock to the brain end nervnua system.
At early dawn he was aroused by one
of the medical staff who came along to
help the wounded.
" What is the matter with you my rood
fellow Y" asked the surgeon.
"Ah ' tench me tenderly," replied M.
Brwtibouse. "i beseech you; s cannon
hall has carried off my legs."
The surgeon examined the lirnbi re-
ferred to, and then, giving him a good
shake, said with a joyous laugh :
"Get up with yen; you hase nothing
the matter with yon '"
M. Boutibonse immediately sprang A
in utter astonishment., and stood firmly
on the legs which he thought be W
lest forever.
"I feu wore thatikfel," sail M.
beam "titan 1 had ever dose ie the
• tate Medical Fra e...... all all wbom
tt nosy cese.a.
Ph•esnhetine, or Nerve 1•...u, a Ph••oe-
phate Element based upon cieutitic
Facts, Formulated by'Pn,fess••r Austin,
M. D. of Beet..n, Mass., cures Pultlnun-
ary C ensumptton, Sick Hea.tache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertiti• and Neuralgia
and -a11 wasting diseases of the huntan
system. Ph.sphatine tenet a Medecine,
but a Nutrimnent, because it conbtins no
Vegetable or mesal Poisons, Opiates,
N emetics, and no Stimulants, loot *imp
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Eleutents
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to c nvince. All Drueinets
sell it. $1 00 per bottle. L,wnze
Co., sole agents fur the Domini on
55 Front Street East Toronto
A raise ea ere see.
Capt. Harry Piper, Alderman and
Superintendent of the Zed( gical Garden
lately communicated the following facts
to a reporter of one .1 Toronto m moms
ii,ttuential papers: "Some time ago we
purchased from the collection of animal.
at Central Park. New Y..rk, a momentum
Rnateen bear, which we have n:unetl
'Peter the Great,' on emoted of his ire.
menden size. Not longe after 'Fetes
snivel we found that he was suffering
imm the rheumatism, and in • pretty
bad state. Pete was not the only one in
the 'Zon, which had a touch Of that de-
licious louvre; the lion likewise had it
and in test I was jest being cured of a
had taw ed the rheumatlsin,myself ,by the
use of Rt. Jambs OiL the Orval German
Remedy. I found Si Jaenhe (hl an ex-
cellent remedy, for it cured me in a short
while, cad My eggs wax a very aggravated
.one, i mooed that if it Ilcured mon it
ono two foxed Inv animals es well
D HI _A_ ' W= F T I
legs to aun•,encr t,. the pwo plc of lioderich and this section of Heron, that'•he ha
purchased from 4r. A. Phillips his stook of Groceries, etc., and will
e.u.ti,rue the business in the old stand, on the
.Jorner of Victoria and Bruce 8treetp.
tiering bought the goods for cash, and as 1 intend to make all my purchases trent
whul.rale sten fur cash else, I will be in a position to sell at
Very Low Prices fur Cosh
Hy *tuck will always be fresh. I will keep the best brands of teas, good sugar
tad everything in the griwery liue front the best producers. Bacon, Spiced Meats
etc. ,always ou hand in see.rou. I put determined to please, both in quality and price
MCall at the stand, Victoria street, uppxosite the Fair Ground, near D. K
Strxchau's machine shop.
G•aterich, March 9th, 1882.
P11! the isi ofJauiiary
Under s contract with the twenty of
Syracuse, N. Y., Mrs. Freland receives
pauper babies, and alw takes childr n
fur young women whe don't want to be
bothered with them. A child, which
recently died on her hands, was found
to have been left oils in a woodshed all
right while fatally i11. Other tathiea in
her -keeping ',ere starred t:. a pitiable
aendition. Mrs. Freeland says she is not
paid enough to keep them preperl_:.
l arik re's Anshan salve.
The best salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Se res, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil-
blain*, Coons, and all Skin Eruptious,
and positively cures Piles It is guetan-
ted to give perfect satisfaction, or
money refunded Prioe 25 cents per
box. For sale by Jas. ly.
Beg* to aormal•t the ladles of Goderich nd
vicinity. that she is now showing
Spry and Sumer eel
At iter shop. Hamilton forest, In great and
beautiful variety. Abe hap encored the r«r
•tees of • city sins ser. sed bobs moored that
ea ern fir.
ONLY 25 Cts.
Rhee •.s to be favored with a •Isit from her
mo rows, sad the Wks creamily.
Now is the time to Subscribe f,:r ,.
Wide Awake
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilror. Street, Goderich.
-.t ,rood assortment of K tchen, lit.' -r.'. u.. llu.iog Doom and traitor Furniture. such as Ta
tel•• , Ghanalhair, cane mud wood e..1.1•, 1 u1Ioiu,de, fitd-etea.:e, ilaltrcascs, Waeh-sten
Luuuges, Sofas, What -Nota, Lue.ktut; Glues. e.
N. Ii.—A compete assortment Le and iia °tots al., ay a tn. ha,d'aleo licensee for h
Lit rcneonable mire.
The Huron Signal
tmaetNr robto.•d
e.i nnr,d
Ay the w sof Ise [real
wear at -
�gg� slat
low au of Y less of rw
&Woesen�..« sial�et esiwmapttw i�tZ i Mwur
elitellttii nirwlersie mt pcar
ger M: Mers roe nr
be sect trio, a y . es
mets et pFtt'le'.
Geo. lytewaa.
Arealhole ter As erldi
Local & Genera
Newspaper in th ;County of Hurt,n.
i..eture Framing r speedup).— A , toll wet 1, d .
Beg t, announce to the Public thsl 0 eyj hate orenrd betimes in Ile el, to Stroe
in the atone lately occupied 1•y Hu.mte Nee ton. Hatil.g 1 uuiaeod liege and
well nes. t stock of Et rirg r.1 d St a 1. t r G• • ds at close tiouner, ser' 111 .'. Itralined „
to ger the Public the benefit.
irrl'ieele call and examine our
peedtemenibte the place, next •'
$ Custom wink will receive . n
e e"':ere but tete best of nee. ti
4e -eel airing neatly done • n tie
• . e before purelt:u ii:y; elec•..I.. re.
• o • J. Wilson's Drug More
• I .. did attention.
to i• d and first-cies* wee kneel Hat
el.• hest notice.
G,.aerieh, March ft. 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P
Unlocks all the cogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying
sof gradually without weakening the system,
all the impurities and foul humors of the
secretions ;of the Stomach, at the same time
Acidity curing
�yspe�s, H hes, Diz-
ziness, Heartburn Oonatipaatdon.
Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy, Dtm-
of Vision, Jaundice. Salt Rheum
Scrofulas, Fluttering of
the Nervousness and General
Debility ; all these and many other simi-
lar Complaints yield to the hat�t� influence
Sample Bottles 10c ; Regular size $L
genic F'" � O,
The Great Western Railway will run
their ezcursi•,ns to MANITOBA and
DAKOTA po•nta during May and June
every two weeks, commencing TITES-
DA ' May, 2nd. 1881.
Fares Reduced.
For uforuuatiou, tickets; etc., apply t
Special Agent Great Western Itallwa
eeeertch, Ont.
. oderich, April. 21 1512. 1838.
For sale by all dealers.
T. MILRt t cat., rraprteters. Ten■teFI f A L L'S
Cures CholIrla, Cholera Morbus, Dy -
sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick-
ness and Summer Complaint ; also
Cholera Infantum, and all Com-
plaints peculiar to children teeth-
ing, and will be found equally
beneficial for adults or children.
Proprietors, Torontee
nix Pr:Alt-T PC : c nem.
A11 Disease* of the Throat. Lange and
Pnlaonary organs.
- 1 D IT. r,t,art 1 r.r
1 CowirIKP'rlox tiAll .ICRP CURED
When other Rasedito and Pbrsie se. horn
failed to .feet a sure.
tlsew,aevinwe •l by Pyre rr.w. him se,
canes. n feet by everybody who hu
glees it a Peel trial. is senor /oils
es knee r«I,tfe,
es an tIPnCreftaJT it has at Tgaat.
1t le hareems to the Mai netessom reit&
A awnaeme ea orarr to any brew.
DiTWO •noleetw+m5an7 tea Mitre.
tee swabs all lrrnastet.
1. Recommended ht Plrelelanta.
i;atarrh of the Nvsal Cavity t,.nronic and Ukerativel
Catarrh of the Far. Lys or Fhro tt,� It Is taken
the Blood and Meccas urfacest or the
System. •t Is the belt Blood ?wilier
In the WORLD, and it worth ALL
that b ch rged for It, for
THAI atone.
TTI e:
1;- 1N TItit sl %RICRT ,w -i
Oowt: i,s::1 brirei:s t: $ i 00
t.:iu. :t e.,t ass iir,
WEL.LAsp, test. aier .
My 111115.ta••g'.t •r wow trot.;:!Mtill
d alibi
for two Yaerr, ,cies w.. very trach benafntted by
tie nee of ' Haws Casson Core" Ste, Is
..rout enrol. W. T. 11 ,es,
Wer.LAvn, tin:., 1Tar.h 2^,
t hvvo nod''Hail's C starrh Car.," 4.1
.ng from the good results I derived from
hoists, b4311,54 11 will sura the tones .rubbers
mase of Catarrh 1f Its lase be °oatmeal for a
reasonable tougtb of time.
Wau.Lavn. Ont., Kirsh ti WW1
14'..1 Cwv:cxr t t: ... 'Gdrdo. 0.
pend. -Hera enit H,11 a Catarrh Cure for the
1.55 year, and 0 gives entire sattaf.cttoa.
Poon' trete,
If. W. HOBSON, Draggles
Hall's Catarrh Cure
'.old by all Wl.o:eanlnatt.l „Rota t' Timmons
sed Dealers In Patent Medicines to
tb. United Rates and Csnala.
I Cents a Bottle. $9.00 a llos.
The este pants. hall's Catarrh Care 1. nemw
afaalaeii by P. J. CHItNEY it CO.. Tu:edn, O.
soreswars et xssitultetas.
W ter tie Ontario trade t.y
H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ung
.n l
t to
of a
s it
1 ex -
at in
lth of
', Mr.
rd coy -
e mewl
to Mr.
fort tL •