HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-06, Page 66
the Net's Itorner.
Wan an%Trwsa.
"Jowl vote, what are pea singing fur 1 \'ou
knew we've lost the hay.
And what well do with horse sad ky• is more
thee 1 can may ;
Why like as not, with eternised rain. vein Looe
both *urn and wheat.'
She looked up with a pleasant face, end an-
swered low and sweet ;
"There is a Beset, there is a Hand, we Leel,
but cannot rise;
We've always been provided for, and we shall
always ber
breadth 270 miles, sad its area 1,800
square miles. Great Salt Lake, in
Ptah, which may properly be termed an
inland sea, is about 90 miles long and
has a varying breadth of from 20 to 26
utiles. lta surface is 4,200 feet above
the level of the seta, whereas the surfed.
of the Caspian is 84 feet below the ocean
The largest empire in the world is that
of Great Britain, c prising 8,557,667
square miles, more than a sixth pari of
the land of the globe, and eatbreeieg
under its rule nearly a sixth -part of the
population of the world. In territorial
extent the United States ranks third,
containing 3,680,242 square miles, in-
cluding Alaska; in population it ranks
fourth with its 50,000,000 people. Rus-
sia ranks second ; 8,252,940 square
Ile turned around with sudden gloom. She
Bald "Love be at rest,
You cut the grass, worked soon and tate. you
did year very beet.
That was your work ; you've naught at all to
do with wind and rain,
And do not doubt but you will rta,rich fields
of gulden grain :
Fur there's a Heart, and there's • Hand, we feel
but cannot sce
N'a've always been provided for, and we shall
always be!"
-That's like • wonan's reasoning -w'•' must be-
cause we must."
-lir softly said : "1 reason not, I only work and
trust ;
'rhe harvest may redeem the day- keep heart
what'er betide;
11 -hen one door shuts I've always seen another
open wide,
'there is a Heart, there is a Hand, we feel, but
cannot see
We've always been providod for, and we shall
always be."
lie kissed the calm and trustful face: gone was
his restless pain.
rhe heard him witha cheerful step golwhistl-
ing down the lane
.and wept about her household tasks full of a
glad content,
Singing to time her busy hands as to and fro
sip. went;
•'There is a Heart, there is • Hand, we feel but
t anted ace
We've 'ewers been provided for, and we shall
always be. -
Do' s
e."Do's come and go 'await Christmas tide, and
the grate fire burned clear.
The !sauce ^'tl.i .. • '"cu a gird
. JIM has
"Juts.) )Js k11ew,•'
She lifted then a smiling fact, and said: "I told
Fur there's a War:, and there's a Hanoi, we
feel. but cannot see
N-e've always been provide,Vor, and we shall
always he."
Mw talstsA M rum .
San Francisco O►n,sicle oat albnat
canning :-- '.While wandering about s
town upon piles I strolled into the pio-
neer tanning establishment of the Co-
lumbia River fur the purpose of describ-
ing the mode of transferring salmon
from the boat of the fisherman to the
cans and cases packed within steamers
or ships bound for an eastern market.
This cannery, like each of the thirty-six
similar establishments upon the river,
extents out into deep water. The fleet
of boats arrives in the mooting, after
fishing all night. A hook attached to a
rope is fastened in the gills of each fish,
and is hauled up from the boat, counted
and cast in • pile withie the cannery.
The fish is then headed, gutted and
washed, passing from hand to hand until
it lies piled upon the tables, nice, clews
and fresh, in pieces long enough to fit
into an ordinary pound can. All this
indoor word is done by Chinamen. A
dozen or more fill the cans to their ut-
most capacity with chunks of salmon
fresh from the water. They pass to a
table, where the fish is pressed down by
• revolving machine, while a jet of salt
water washes the outside of the can.
Then they receive a top and are passed
to a machine, where they are placed
sideways and rolled down an incline, so
that the edge of the top just adjusted
passes through a groove filled with hot
solder, which solders the head. They
roll down the incline to three Mongo-
lians. who critically inspect there to see
if they hare been well s•,ldered. 11 not
they pass to other M mgoliatts, who
firirtt the soldering Here they are
The highest monolith is the obelisk at
Karnak, Egypt. Karnah is on the east
bank of the Nile, near Luxor, and occu-
pies s part of the eight of an ancient
Thebes. Tho obelisk is ascribed to Hat -
arm, sister of Pharoah Thothiues III.,
who reigned about 1000 B.C. Its whole
length is 122 feet, its weight 400 tons.
Its height, without pedestal, is 198 feet
10 inches. The height of the obelisk in
in Central Park, without pedestal, is 68
feet 11 inches; its *eight about 168
The Chinese wall is the largest wall in
the world. It was built by the first Em-
peror of the Tain dynasty, about 220
B. C., its a protectio+t against Taut tr'a.
It traverses the northern bouueiary of
China, and is carried ,ver the highest
hills, through the deepest valleys aceto
rivers and every other natural of etacle.
Its length is 1,2..0 miles. 1;,.ln line a
parapet of :' feet, the total heiele f the
wall is 20 feet, thickness at the lee- 25
feet, and tit the top 15 feet. Tew, rs "r
bastions occur at intervals of about 100
Lig Things. The largest suapensiou bridge will be
the env new building 1 etwecn Bruoklyu
and this city. The length of the main
span is 1,5')5 feet 6 inches. The entire
length of the bridge is 5,989 feet.
Fortress Monrce is the largest single
fortification in ti.e world. It has already
trust the _ivernment over $3,000,000.
The water battery is considered the
finest milit's y work in the world.
The loftiest active volcano is Popocate-
peti (smoking mountain,) thirty-five
miles southwest of Pueblo. Mexico. It
is 17,784 feet above the sea leve', ilas a
crater three miles in circumferen. c and
1.000 feet deep.
The largest university is Oxford, in
Oxford, England. It consist$ of twenty-
five colleges and five halls. Oxford was
the seat of learning in the time of
Edward the Confessor. It claims to
have been founded by Alfred.
The largest librate i. ilie Bitoleelesine
National in P .::s, founded Lv Louis
X IV. It contains 1,400,000 volumes,
300,000 panli;hlcts, 175,001 ulanesctipts,
a thousand cars. Thu dome is closed sage of goneneee; too weak and dragging
3x),000 maps and charts, and 150.000
:tied seemed by bolts and screws, and the to ranee too nervous to sleep; an appe-
cins and medals. The collectn,n of ria- lite hanlly eutlicient to keep hotly and
gravities exceeds 1, ,00,000, contained in en -
cans uuder.•u a steaming process of out soul together: headache, with Maine
g hour and a yuarier more. l)11 ba--eg acr.,sa the back; the whole system rclax-
auuie 10,000 volumes. The building
which contains these treasuries is situa- ie
taken taken out the air -Coles are solder ed; perhaps coughs and some lunger and
ted on the. Rue Richelieu Its length is ed up, the cans cool and are passed to will use one to six bottles of Dr. G. L
Austin's Phosphatine as the cast may
two white girls, ,who rapidly and skil- demand; it will not fail to wake you an
540 feet, its breadth 130 feet. The fully paste labels upon them. As
largest library in New York, in respect P they enthusiastic friend. \\ by do we say
of separate works, is the Astor. About are labelled they pass to Chinamen, who thus ? Because Phosphatine supplies a
place them in cases, two dozen in a case, 'want, the wry l.roperties the eystertt M
hick -
190,000 volumes are on its shelves. slut _ale/ yulrnuuj for. It is nuts medi-
The largest bell in the world' is the trail thein up and they are ready for cin, but nutriment instantly converted
shipment. They now pass out to the into bluo3, bone bud tissue. It ie alio
y Teat bell of Moscow,ircuat the foot of the wharf to be shipped to San Francisco or delicious to the taste. Try it. The re -
tom i lin. Its circumference at the, bot-
tom is nearly sixty-eight feet, and its Europe. The salmon thus sasses front suit is as certain as that cause and effect
its native element—the .waters of the! go hand in hand. All druggists. Low -
bight more than twenty-one feet. In utN tt Cn., Sole agents for the Dee -el-
ite stoutest part it is twenty-three inches Columbia—'tutu care and casae within a I Ilion, 55 Front St. East, Toronto.
thick, and its weiteht has been computed few hours No fish is kept over eight.
The fish thus prepared is the best we get it u&■ • Trite Mead.
to be 433,722 pounds. It has never
After many yeah of patient inve�sty' !
v lt►wli
list Dr. ai bseev, G.r�yr Cllr's
asci dad ii1
that would p1li��lwsO salami cat.
of Kidney Diemso flora sad ask
your Druggist for Dr. VAleSt•awN's KIP -
Par Coxa Sold by James % aeon,
Dulwich. tin
• Vwiss CIensymaal-
Even the patience of Job would be-
come exhausted were he a preacher and
endeavoring to interest his audience
while they were keeping up an incessant
(toughies, staking it Impossible for him
to be beans. Yet, how ver easy can all
this be avoided by Gimp using Dr.
King's New Discovery for nsumption,
Coughs and Colds. Trial Bottles given
away at Wilson's drug store. (2)
A simple kerb found on the sunny
ptsies of • Soothers °Lias has, undo r the
saiJM start u td.DR Vow Bore*,
prott cos grotto*
s vst to isunaeatity. Dr. Van fdu-
anx's Kidney Cure isacknuwledgedallthe
world over as the only perfect remedy
tor kidney troubles. Your druggist has
it. J. V% ikon, tiuderieh. tut
Free et Charge.
All persons suffering from Conghs,
Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis,Loss of Voice,
or any affection of the Throat and Lungs,
are requested to call at W ilsou's Drug
Store and get a Trial Bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
free of charge, which will convince theut
of wonderful merits and show what a
regular dollar -size bottle will do. Call
eatly. (3)
Tree of Cowl.
Al) persons wishing to test the merits
of a great remedy- one that will posi-
tively sure Consumption, Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Brosebites, or say affection of
the Throat and Lunges -acro requested to
call at Jas. Wilson's Dru St..sre and get
a Trial Bottle of Dr. a New Dir
Love y for Consumption, free of Gut,
white will showou what a regular dotl-
lar-sine Dottie will do. (1)
Mr. Wm. Ranson, of South Norwick,
says: For sixteen years I suffered frotu
Biliousness, never had any medicipe
done me any peri anent good until re-
commended by our druggists. (J. Wo. -
low Fish erre Cu., l►tterville.) to try Dr
Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bit-
ten, which have done tue more good
than any medicine 1 have ever taken. I
would, with the utmost confidence, re-
commend -them to all suffering from Bii-
liousntss, etc. Sold by all Druggists at
50 cts. a bottle.
De \.I be Insrw.eesed-
in these times of quack medicine aul-
vertiseneetes everywhere, it is truly
gratifying to find 141)0 1eto dy that is
p aced in circular 44.11 tray's, containing trerthy of piatee. Mutt which really does
as recommended. Electric Bitters war
110 cans, and a Chivaieru pricks a out omen ter as heirs a tree and relta-
nliunte hole in each ca:. fur the escape . f see reu'edy, and one that w ill do as rc-
steaut. They are now heisted b.1•
levees of chains at,d µaa in:try and
dropped into tanks of boiling water, one
tray upon the other, uutil each tank is
tilled. They boil slowly for one hour
and a quarter. Then they:are fitted by
machinery, to a doute-shaped steaming
tack of wrought boiler iron, which holds
commended. They invariably cure
Stomach and Liver Complaints, Diseases
of the Kidneys and Urinary difficulties.
We know whereof we speak. and can
readily Rey, give theut a trial. Sold at
50 cents a bottle, by Jas. Wilson. [3]
Is a wonderful thing, yet so natural, se,
rcasenable. Why ? If you ltave feel
Thelargest ship is the Great Eastern.
She is 680 feet long, 83 feet beam, and
00 feet deep, being 22,926 burden. 18,-
015 grese and 13,344 net register. She
was built at Milwall, on the Thames,
and was launched Jan. 31,1857.
The most extensive park is Deer Park
in the envireus of Copenhagen, Den-
mark. The inclesure contains abjut
hung, and was probably cast tin the spot
where it now stands. A piece of the
bell is broken off. The fracture is sup-
posed to have been occasioned by water
having beetf thrown upon it when heat-
ed by the building erected ,over it being
on tire.
in the market, as it never becomes stale
and always retains its natural flavor.
Everything is scrupulously, clean in and
about these canneries, as copious appli-
cations of water are applied to the work-
rooms daily."
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
This none can deny, especially when as-
sistance is rendered wheu one 13 o,rrely
afflicted with disease, twee particularly
those complaints and weaknesses so coo: -
mon to our female population. Every
woman should know that Electric Bit-
ters are woman's true friend, and will
positively restore Ler to health, even
Dr. J. W. Fairchild of New York,aays: when all ether remedies fail. A single
Personally I believe in Phosphatine; I trial always proves our assertion. They
► Goad %tory .tnvhow. use it myself and in my fancily and prat- , are pleasant to the taste, and only coat
tice I prescribe Phosphatine with a con- fifty coots a bottle. Se1d by James \\'il-
Fourteen years ago, when Chester Alfidence that I can attach to other remedy, son.
It is safe --it is effective. For sale by
Arthur was a struggling local politician u
Neuralgia. Sciatica, Lu neaps,
Baetache, Soreness of the Chest,
Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell-
ings and Sprains, Burne and
Scads, General BodiO,
Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted
Peet and Ears, and all other
Pains and Aches.
No Preparaaon on earth equals M. Jorma 015
SO • aefF sure, sin pi. and cheep xitern.l
x.aedy. A trial stadia but the curparanv.ly
Wats" outlay of be casts, and even ono mare -
tag with pun ean have cheap and podnes pro,'
of its etaima
Direction. 1s /Seven Laertsye..
A. vows & co..
Dafaita fro. x/.. U 11. A.
g 11 druggist. est Has Entered the Capitol awftdings•
h1 k there �a
in New York, of w at is sown tete as It Las finally gains 1 its p,4iut and ne
the Custom- house variety, he numbered he most wondrtul curative remedies less a personage that the Sergeant -at-
', f tLe Hous of Commons, Mr.
4,500 acres, and is divided by n small among his friends the mate of a vessel,
river. The largest pleasure ground in named Kennedy.
I'hila Just about that time Arthur made an
this country is Fairmount Park,
dell',hia, which c,•ntains 2,740 acres. unsuccessful effort to obtain some minor
Imunicipal appointment. The mate con -
The lances: body of troth water on the l riolecl with his political friend upon his
globe is Inks Superior. It is 400 miles disappointment; and soon after sailed
long, 160 miles wide at its greatest for Washington with a cargo Of hard-
Lre..dth. and has an arca of 32,000 ware While ascending the Potomac a
be 2110 feet, and its greatest depth about
900 fathoms. Its „surface is 035 feet
stove the sea.
The largest tunnel in the world is
that of St. Gothard, on the lino of rail-
of the present day, are those that come - rens o -
front Germany, or at least originate P. W. McDonnell, Ottawa, thus inches -
there. The tatEATiiERMANINVIn'RATon, sen the Gree. tlerlaau IRentedy: "St.
which has never been known to fail in Jacobs Oil is a splendid remedy. I used
curing a single case of impotency, spar- it en my left hand and wrist for rhennta-
mah'rrh.ea, weakness and toll diereses tistn, and ferule!' it es claimed to be.
resulting front self-abuse, as nervous de- Mrs. McDonnell usei it for a most
bili')•, inability, 'netted :anxiety, lang- severely s1sp fined ankle ; by the steady
uor, lassitude, depreseien 1•f spirits and use of the article f,•r a few days a corn -
functional derangements "1 the nervous plate cure was effected. St. Jacobs Oil
system. For sale by dru.r. irrs, or emit dies its work very aatiafabtorily land alas
• rapidly ; such at least ie my spiny ne
atluarc utiles. its team depth is said to block and tackle fell upon the mate's free my mail on receipt.:of tuft carto.
$1.00 per box, or wit ltt,xee ler 65.09.
head, indenting his skull in such amen- address F. J. CHENEY, Tole.tu, 0., Geo.
ner that the man became practically an Rhynaa, Sole A est, Goderich. 1843.3m
idiot, and was placed in the District (.f !-
. I. f
4e alum.
1' Insane .
Columbia ns. y
♦ elheeler's Iilixtr of phosphs and
A short time ago the famous surgeon, i'ahanyof threat vain,• lu mshttaiutnaterr
strength. preventh.g anu'm::t or noir blood.
giddiness and prostration no ,otmmon to deli-
cate Casotelse,I
tion. Being coopled f food element,. t
promotes the health of the metl'•'r. aur! the
development of the child *Thou. the danger
of,depprared habitswWrh may resu't from the
tree of stimulants so often Injudictoudy pre:
roadbetween Lucerne and Milan. The Dr, Gross, of Philadelphia, visited the
summit of the tunnel is 900 feet below asylum, examined the case, and straight.
the surface at Audenuatt, and 6,603 feet way performed an operation invented by
beneath the peak of Kastelhorn, of the himself, which resulted in the almost
St. Gothard group. The tunnel in immediate return 141 the patient's reasons
twenty-six and a half feet wile, and the intervening 14 years being, of course,
nineteen feet ten incites frons the floor
to the crown of the arched roof. It is
nine and a half miles lone, Inc and fire -
eights smiles lunger than the Mt Cenei
The most extensive cavern is the
Mammoth Cave, in Edmonson county,
Kentucky. It is twenty-eight utiles
from howling Groan. The cave consists
of a sucsession of irregular chambers,
sense of which oro large, situated nn 'hand. "Glad to ace you.
tiifferent levels. Some of ti - e are ora- I "Howdy, old matt," said the sailor.
ver.1 by navigable branches of the sub „How's thins ? Got •job yet ?"
terranea9 Echo River. Blind fish are i "\Well, I believe I lute," aat.l the
found in its waters. : Executive with a -smile. "A pretty big
The largest trees aro the mammoth job too. You must cone up to the
White House and see me."
"To the Whits House l" repeated the
amazed mariner.
"Yes, just ask for my private secre-
tary, and he'll show you right in," sad
the President walked on.
"Pax old Chet ! -olein gone,' mused
the mate. "Actually believes himself to
be President of the United States.
Smart man once, too That just shows
you, 'Landman," he continued, turning
to the bystanders, "that just shows you
what polities and disappointment will
hnnu a asap t•' Poor old Chet '
a complete blank. •
A day or two' atter rots rea,reiy, the
mate walked out, and began strolling
through the Capitol building. Almost
the first person he encountered was
President Arthur, who was just leaving
the Executive chamber in the Senate
."Why, hew are you, Kennedy i" said
the first citizen, affably extending his
trees in California. One of a grave in
Tulare county, according to measure-
ment made by members •of the state
I Ieoligical Survey, was shown to be 270
feet high, 106 feet in circumference at
base, and 76 feet at a point 12 feet from
the ground. Some of the trues are 376
feet high and 34 feet in ,liemeter.
Keene of the largest that have been felled
indicate an age of from 2,000 to 2,50B
The largest inland sea is the C'aapian,
!yle between Europa and Asia iia
Leo,41, se 700 miles. its greatest
rooters,. ter Varsucn and lleebsalra.
Tliousteels of ,l' ll os can lee saved by
using proper judgment in taking care
of the health of yourself and family. If
you are Bilious, have sallow complexion,
pour appetite, low and depressed spirits,
and geuetaily debilitated, du not delay a
moment, but go at once and procure a
bottle of those w-',nderful Electric Bit-
ters, which never fait to cure, and that
for the trifling sum of fifty cents.—[Tri-
bUne.—ti"Id toy Jas, Wilson. [1]
Farmers and MeahsaIO s
Provide }•ourselves w -it•: a bottle of PAIN' KIILFR at this season
of the year. when summer complaints are so prevalent ; it is a prompt,
• safe. and sure cure it may save you lays of sickness, and you will
find it is more valuable than gold. Be sure you buy the genuine
l'ERRI DAVIS PAINKILLER, and take no other mixture.
Coaataa, Ont., ]card a, lata.
I have beta sailing Perry Davis' rain -Killer for the past sit jos. astl have
mash pleasure is etstiag that its sale in that time has been larger than my stir
patent matelot that i have on my shelves. anti in thew yews 1 have never heard a
customer any anght hot welds 4f the highest Fraise is its rarer. It is an Bis1a that
mesa to have eorsbtne t i a it all that goes to males •,►test -class family rweilia , ad
Belong as i hare a berme and nom, ferry Davis Pun.biller will be foa ad la both.
Tors. lee, J 7. KENNEDY.
liewtsre of Cossterfl>rlta wad INaha Mous.
Prise 20e., 250-• sad 500. pet bottle
HAM 'x
Christie Brown & Co';
Pure pio es. •
Chas. A. Naifnn.
.'the Yearkc
071 Br2LF.1.
And for Purifying
Mood -
It has been In use for 20 years, and Ism
*.roved to be the beat rr'eparatioa In the
o : dkE1LSIA. PILEit, and all Mesas
hat arise from a Disordered oar r as
mcpure blood. Thouseeda
•eopie tato 11 and give it to their din-
ar -a. Physicians prescribe it
u ty Thom
who use u re ooea fe
Itis made from Yellow Howl*
rees.n.p.ru1., wad Cherry, &I1Its{�
Dandalioo, Saa+afraa, WlDt.rgt*D. ass
w,•11 -known valesbleRosot.
Serbs. Ube vegetable. ctncam
7.0t.1: 111 the muse delicate in use for
it .nate or the bei m
Be. ,Matin" the Bowen. druggists
It to soli by all respoadA
at one dollar for • quart bottle, or cis
bottles for eve dollars. • bottle of
'Moss who cameo obtain
this medicine from their druicgb:t m
send us one dollars and we will send
to them
W. =PIMs tn. ItianfsctsreM
For sale by
comprsallargely o;pTw:; nd leac.rta:n-
lase, lathe BEST and CHEAPEST 1-:x1ca-
tnr, l) theworld-tke SCSI because It doss
not gum, but forma a highly polished Sur•
taco over the ashy, red acing Moron and
.Ightening the graft; the Ch£APE9T b'-
'anse It costs NO MORE than tafor'Cr
`:rands, and one box will do the work
iwo of any other raa..0. Answers ns. We.\
'fir Harvesters; >ai!.(:r::Ir. '1 hr•eel;O g Va i
bines Cares-i'lanter.s, (.10111gra !elegies
etc., ss for wagons CUARANTEED till
contain NO Petroleum. s;,ld by all (Valet's.
tf Our IYslet (yefareiio o/ Thing. North
Knowing emailed nee
228 Hud.OnSt., New York.
Cleveland. O. and Chksego.1(1. ,
SASUII. POOERI & CO. toronse,Ont.
fn1e Aisente far the u>0minknt,
t tlaed
WMIaI•O»ALT:(sa.1&115 n tree
ty- iatimate to the t pee-
All irsetbW
helttn>` • -
:.--3 R !•e• •. ,
�l ••„aFP ���
s l
• 1..f; -4:r.
s, d±-' • a - -.4f' '
- we-
........... -..
Anil all p- ..'1 Let :u b'. ,w•pl'.
points In Iowa, - '.tchiaon. Topks. D.•ni
Nebreaka,M1.s4nrl. Kan- ern, 04171.i. (151
cat, New llrxla•u, Ariaron, ` I. - _ ' - d.an,
tans and Tens.
ly conceded t.,
be the hest quipped
Railroad la the world for
all susses of t rssem •
CA. CO• 1, - .. •r!. 4 • r %Inert
Tickets v!n tb'.
Celebrated Ltn, t.•
latest an our.* a n,
the t•. S. sad
T -v It,
• sari
r 1 • n Inn ■
,1, -t •aterad
/ nl.
4 71
tn'•r, ,nnI not
shoot nates of
Yam steeply .cors,
etc , eherTfull riven 1,
U fee Roam a Q.s'l ¥s.•.ge" Gel, Anse.
Cltlesto.115. Ciaieaga.
J. S111rarnN,
Canadian Pau. Ag't,
Tornnn, Ont.
Gen. il.J o, xamr,
Ticket Agent, tioderich
root Northern Pacific R. R:
Lew Men t Lew) Tina r UI 1't www Irmsove,
esaRr r festtale Paw ane PRsa 5T To Bernina
ren Ptt& awnlnsa1t01k Its
R. M. N$wPOIrt. Gait. twos dtev
lasenee was Pella IT PAUL What