HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-06, Page 44 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY OCT.6, 1882
L pabala►ed scary Ysldny Murals( by Me-
ICVDDY Bsr0/1,1111 atx,North IM
Use Square)
Aad s daspatcied wall parte of the surround
sairooa/mby the earliest mails sad trains.
s said ]o[ tM to 1 int. willle▪ rs ▪ t
111111/90Mall, as dog the ag sasentlala
iadwDaing iaaddition mate above, • first -cies.
and fireside paper -its therefore a
meet desirable advertising medium.
Tap.--g1s0 in advaece, postage WsIr►d
by vvabtiahala; $1.75, tt maid bens six mouths
VLSI 11 sots, paid. This rule will De strictly
R•Taxt or Auvrertatau.- Eight cents
Ina for first insertion : three cents per lure for
exhsubseeuent°Insertion. iteatly,balt-ymrlf
and Quarterly contracts at reduced rates.
JN leureesvt:.-.- We have alsoafirstrsas
obbing department in connection, and possess -
/kg the most complete out -fit and beat facilities
er turning out work in Goderich, arc prepared
ride business in that line at prices that cannot
be beaten, and of o quality that cannot be
earpsased. - Terns Cask
Wan., what about that Tory protestI TAILOR]. OF THE N. P.
Mwele Varese► aasra rdbirseasise Nees
the ItaWaW s*emaeawa.
1IIDICAIROIte paint su tke fact that a
sultry time is rahsad of the Oudot-Leh Tv the Editor 11f IAe Becooe. -Sir: Our
township It understood wheat u threshed and ready for the
ern the following d us
le West 11ursta,ayfsww-t
he is to apace 'r machin, tit whe° we apprue►eh ibe buu-
he s W be ptesaeowted fur breaches of trlayt gsrserW
the law matte and provided for the goo- taw pyo :
arming of asaraattre to discharge of their Buyer tesaarining the wheat)- A good
duties. sample worth from alb to 98 emits. 1
'`Tam Federal Goveroniewt hate atm Farmer` -That is awful. - Have you
FRIDAY, OCT. 6th, 1882.
Skirting the shores of our own great
lakes is a territory which is destined ere
long to take a ,place as a home fur future
settlers from 'Ontario. A Igoms uo to the
Preemie time has not received that at-
tention from land seekers which should
have been given to it, but now that it is
likely to be opened up, owing to the cur- to learn that in a memorial presented to
struction of the Canada Pacific and the Premier of Ontario in January,1876,
other railways there is reason to believe by the Licensed Victuallers, thkt body
that the tide of emigration which has rays, after pointing out the evils arising
heretetore bees) to the Western States from the unlicensed traffic : "To roue.
and Manitoba -will shortly be turned
Those who haveeet'led in that section
to the present time evince no disposi-
tion to leave, but are satietied to grow and bringing the offenders to justice
up with a country that will in the time than the police force." Government In-
to come be of no small importance as a
portion of otter Dominion. Improvements
are continually going on, and now that
railways are opening up the section, the
chances are that the growth of the coun-
try will be of a rapid nature.
We are inforuhed that the climate is
superior to Manitoba in the winter by
fully 15 while ineummeritiseverything
that could be desired for the promotion
of vegetation.; timber is abundant and of the temperance people.
good ; water is of an excellent quality -
in fact, bad water is unknown in the dis- Ova market reports confirm the fact
trict, even in the swamps ; and the soil that wl.eat is at a low figure. The buy -
cannot be excelled for vegetation pur- erg tell us that the Liverpool markets
poses. As an Inetance of the fruitful
nature of the soil, we might state a fact
,which we learned from a trustworthy
source. Some eight years ago, after a
fire'' had swept t' -ie ground in the locality,
+he manager at Bruce Mines sowed
about ten bags of timothy, and since
that time the gram has spread by natur-
al growth until it covers now an area of
eeveral square miles. It now furnishes
free hay and pasture to the settlers who
reside in that part of the district.
Algoma will beyond question ulti-
matelybe a great agricultural andgrazing
district, and the "Highlands" of Canada
will yet become as celebrated for its
stock as the Highlands of Scotland now
are. The low price of land -20c an acre
--places a farm within the reach of any
young iiutn who is willing to incest a
months wages ; and the construction of
the railways during the summer months,
and the "swamping" ' during the winter
term, is a ,trllicient guarantee that all
who are willing atid able t o labor need
experience no lack of employment at
remunerative wages -from $1.75 per day
Mr. Thos. Fftosl, assistant physician
on the C. P. R. is well-known in Ren-
frew, Hamilton and other parts cof On-
tario, and his credibility can be fully
vouched for by residents of this section.
He claims that the railway system now
im course of construction can not Le
completed inside of seven years, and no
better opportunity for pushinu men can
be found anywhere on this tide of the
Atlantic to secure covfortable homes for
thcmaelvea and families. Mr. Froi'd has
already recnred a number of men from
this dietriet to return with him to labor
on the C. P. IL and take up laud in the
district. He is at present sojourning at
Kincardine, but will leave for Algoma
un Wednesday next. • Tho se of our
reamers who have been attacked by the
emigration fever night rind it in their
interest to corrtep. n i with him:, and be-
come one of lois patty rather than turn
their faces toward the Western states.
will give yce 1111 ciente fur this.
The C. IL euugregatiuu are taskingI and farther news may soon be 'honk
eepalra in their church here. Benin f w.
will be heat in the Presbyterian church
while the rgtairs are being trade
Mr. JAL. Caldw4l of Winnipeg, peid
a flying visit to Aunulast week. He
has putchaaed a fa of AO *urea iu the
suburbs of that city, upon which he in-
tends to engage in agriculture
A son .1 Mr. Thus- McKenzie, of W.
Wawauteli, diel suddewly on Tuesday of
but week. He was to apparent good
health uh the morning at 8 o clock, and
expired before noun,
right to a surplus. They should eodeav- bur: teha'ntad asyudrnte
.r -
Nu sir. Look at the Liver -
or to get rid of it. And the best way to
pool market report, and you will see
do so is that pursued by es and by the that I am offering you more thau it
Government of Great Britain -by light- guarantees.
jlarmer-'Look at your grandmother.
ening the taxes of the people." Can
any Tory object to that view? harken
Buyer --Yes, it does.
Tea result of the final revision o•t the Fanner -Has SirJohn left the country,
voters list of the township of Colborne. roror chas ape N.
P. uoIl psed, thw at waheat to
held on Saturday last, giveto me for this load. You
Reformers eformers added 17, and struck off know its rst class.
12 ; the Tories struck off 2. Net Re- Boyer -Mr.--, I have offered you
form gain, 27. Decision was reserved on all 1 man.
a few additional Reform appeals. Farmer -I suppose I will have to take
your offer for this lead, but 1 must en -
in their quire into this business before I bring
Oua Tory contemporaries,
out any more of my wheat.
outcry against Government License Ica- Now, Mr. Editor, for some time be-
apectors, betray great ignorance of the fore the 90th of June last the farmers of
creation of those very useful officials. It this county were told by Mr. Guest, Mr.
may come as a surprise to some of them Beeson, and all the lesser lights, that
the N. I'. was the cause of us getting
$1.30 fur our wher-t last year and good
times for the last four years, and if it
was sustained we would still get good
prices. It has been sustained, and I
would like some of these gentlemen to
explain how wheat is lower now than it
has been for some years. Perhaps they
could tell us whether or not the buyers
are right when they say that the Liver-
pool wheat market rules our.. I hope
some of these gentlemen will enlighten
us on the subject at once, u we must
sell our wheat as soon as possible. An
explanation on this question would be
more interesting to the readers of some
newspapers than the abuse of brother
"knights of the quill" with which they
are tilled. Conte, gentlemen, give us
information on this important question
at once. Keenan.
The Liverpool market doe not rule our
ter-uct this, we think that Government In-
spectors should be appo,ittted. Experience
has proven that such officers are far
more efficient in suppressing such traffic
mpectors were then appointei, and this
plan has given general satisfaction. The
Inspectors as a class are highly respect-
able men, and while a terror to keepers
of unlicensed dens, are a protection to
the trade t f legitimate dealers. In
flinging diit at the Government for ap-
pointing Inspectors, the Tories will not
gain many votes from the Licensed Vic-
tuallers, nor will they get the confidence
are lo*, and that local market prices
are low in consequence, But when Mr.
Porter was a candidate for West Huron
he contended that it was the N. P. that
governed the prices in the Canadian
grain trade, and nut the Liverpool mar-
ket. 1f Mr. Porter was not talking
ing nonsense on the platform, what has
become of the N. P. and its efficacy 1
Has the all-powerful Sir John gone on a
visit to dis+ant parts and allowed the
market quotations to range at their own
sweet will ? Or is the venerable tricks-
ter 5o busy building a platform for Mr.
Meredith that he cannot say, "Let the
price of grain increase," so that it may
increase 1 Of course our Tory friends
will now say that it is nonsense to state
that Sir John and Tilley's N. P. can
regulate the market quotations ; and so
it is. But when the Tory blather akites
enunciated that same no:.sense on the
political platforms anterior to the 20th
of June last, the rank and file gulped
down the statement as if , it were sweet
milk. If the Tories are right now, they
were wrong in their endorsation at elec-
tion time.
The reports which reach the railway
party from Indians who have penetrated
the interior ,d the disputed territory. is
that it is very fertile in places. Stret•
ches •of valuable timber abound, and the
region is rich in minerals. One Indian
whc has gone where the foot of a white
man his never fallen. rays that there is
an tnuneuse plain of aplet.did land
where creases, etc, grow lexuriantly.
This territory, rich in soil, in wood and
in minerals, is yet to Ite one of the most
valuable sources of revenue to Ontario.
It is too bad that the Province has been
on lung kept out '.f Mie wealthy pre-
Dery e.
Ou P gads have been rather poorly
patronized since 1876. Some el the
Tory papers actually claim this improve-
ment in morals four the N. P. ' He most
be'meally Mini w:i cannot trace it to
the decresee of drunkenness and law-
deesness, owing to improved temp crane
legtslati,tu. The Crno:ts Act has thin -
semi the sttesiseee (n nris41-
Part Albert.
Miss Dunella Macdonald, of Dunlop,
is the guest of Miss Mahaffey, of this
Atxa►rsrtt-Mrs. James Johnston, tet
Wed Wawanosh, met with a painful
socideat oto flanday last. She was otrn-
ing helps with Mr. Johnston when the
horse took fright ane rye away, and
threw her out of the buoy against a
fence, breaking scone of her ribs also in-
flicting other painful injuries. We are
happy to say that under theskiiful treat-
ment of Dr. Hutchison, she is rec.rer-
°TINA tlrluala marualD Or.
The manes et Frederick Sparks veil
be sent on thee of clock train tout orrote
W his friends at Ottawa. Joe. Jackson s'
remains wore taken in charge by his
friends, and will be taken to Listowel
fur iatertwbodynt. The body of Mrs. King
was also taken an charge by friends this
evening, and will be take', to Clover Hill
for burial. The remains of thu unknown
man supposed re be Silas Bernard, sill
be buried here 'y the Wen If not claiui-
e. There we m' pipers
ldaibe iden-
on his peon whereby by
Tb. body of Jonatbau Sheppard, I
suppueed to be cook on the Asia, is still
THE FL"AT1?O suDtltt
This morning's report that Captain
Nt bie saw a largo number of bodies
trusting around might be misconstrued,
and cast a retreetion uioon the captain
for not picking them up. The bodies
recovered were picked up by the steamers
Africa and Enterprise, and given to
Capt. Noble at Killarney to bring here.
He consequently saw no bodies afloat on
his way here, but says the other named
steamers st:w them in quite a large num-
ber, but could not well pick thein up, it
being much easier done with a tug.
Captain Scott is of opinion that the
heavy seas stove in the gangways of the
Asia, knocking her over on her aide, and
gradually tilling her with water. The
water drove the air out of the ship, and
forced the upper works off. The Cap
tain thinks the canal model of boats
radically wrong for lake traffic, and will
probably condemn he upper works and
reco.nmend that the vessels be better
secured by stanchions right '.hruugh to
the upper deck.
Atthe Seaforth fall show last Friday,
Councilor McCracken took seven prizes.
E. E. Wade, barrister, was a delegate
to the Huron Synod, held in London,
this week.
A Scott took eight prizes at the St.
Thomas Caledonian games last week.
He got five 1st and three 2nds.
Rec. W. S. Jamieson preached to a
large congregation last Sunday evening,
it being his last service before starting
for college. The beat wishes of his many
friends accompany him. -[Post.
THE Buffalo Erprtt", a staunch Gar-
field organ, states that " Garfield
was not an unconditional protection-
ist. He held that free trade was
the ultimate end to be aimed at, and
that while protection was needful for the
time, because many industries were bas-
ed on it, yet it was an artificial system
which could not wisely be regarded as
permanent " This: is a much broader
adi iasion than the strong protection pa-
pers that supported Mr. Garfield during
the canosign ever admitted. The E
grecs says further : "We have gone no
further than this : to insist that the tar-
iff should be recognised for what it is -0
tai ; and that a tax of such magnitude
and levied so largely on articles of com-
mon use and necessity should no linger
be kept up to the war standard. The
objection to this is not alone that it nec-
essarily taxes the people, but that it pro -
in -tis public extravagance by putting a
vast eurplus at the disposal of Congress.
In a word, protection as now levied is
excessive and partial and injurious, and
tariff reform is one of the most urgently
needed reforms of the times."
Oo1bor s.
A large number went from here to
Leedom no the fair. Must of them pro-
nounoed it a failure.
PERNOP tLi.—Mt. and Mrs. G. Sny-
der, of Waterloo, are visiting friends
here. -Mrs. Ashton, of Whitby, and
Mrs. Fagan, of Michigan, are also in
the township.
Quarterly meeting services will be
held in 'Lion B. C. church on Sunday,
October 8th, at 10 s. m. and 6:30 p. m.
Meeting of Quarter Board on Monday,
9th, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Apple buyers have bought up all the
apples obtainable. The price pad is a
remunerative one. Timber dealers have
Asn scoured some parts of the township.
Water is gettinv very scarce on ac-
count of the drought. The wheat needs
rain badly.
EDrceTioaso-The trustees of S. S.
No. 6 have engaged R. E. Brown teach-
er for another year.
SICINEaa.- We are sorry to learn that
Mrs. Christy Stewart of the Nile is very
low from that dreaded disease consump-
Bacl AGAIN. - Mr. John Cant s.on, Jr. ,
Nile, has returned from Manitoba, where
he has been working since the spring.
&Hoot REPORT. -The following is the
percentage of marks obtained by the
pupils of S. S. No. 5, for the month of
Setember, viz: -IV Class -T. C. Wright
82 %; P. Stuart 52; A. Zoellner 49. III
Class, Senr.-A. Thurlow 67 %; J. Lin-
field 55; S. McAllister 51. III Clams, Jr.
S. Foley 63 *4: E. Linheld 62; M. Green
57; A. Bogie 60. II Clams, Senr.-M.
Foley88 ;Jr.--
; D. Hall 80. II Cies, Jr.
D. eise 79 X: P. Foley 75; W. Green
70; M. Fulford 00. Part II Syn. -E.
Hendersot,97 %; J. McAllister 85; A.
Burke 78; S. Hoggarth 67; M. Boyd 45.
Part 1I Jr. -H. Horton 47%; L Stoth-
RATTLE SNAKE,—A young man from
the Bruce Peninsula was in the villasie
on Monday last exhibiting a live rattle
snake, that he had captured in that
neighborhood. The reptile treasured
about four feet and contined nine rat-
tles. It was confined in a pail, and
when anyone asked to sec the snake the
foolish owner would remove the lid as
unconcernedly as though it were a pet
mouse, forgetting the fact that a bite
from it would be certain death. When
remonstrated with about the careless
manner in which he exposed the poison -
nue creature, the simpleton replied that
"all you had to do was to put a little
turpentine on the bite and go off on a
spree and you would be alt right." --
CraT.,VB SEtzrlr.-In May last a
man named X. V. Baker, who had for-
merly lived in the United States, moved
to the town of Seaforth and heel his
goods passed through the customs house
at Stratford as settler's effects. After
moving t.. Scaforth, Baker Pet up a
jewelry establishment, and it transpired
that in getting in his goods through the
customs he also brought in a quantity of
jewelry and clocks, which on the repre•
*rotations made by the owner, that he
was bringing in only settlers effects,
were imported free 1,1 duty. The cat
gid out of the bag, however, and Mr.
Radcliffe, of the customs' office at this
point heard of it, and immediately made
necessary enoiuites to effect seizure f
evasion 1.1 customs duties. About a
month ago Mr. Radcliffe eoutcetted with
Mr. Hamilton customs omcer at t+trwt-
lwd to meet him at Meefoorth, and make
the seizure. This was done, and the
roods duly seized. The seizure has
since been confirmed by the Govern-
ment. Mrs. Itaker was in town during
the week endeavoring to take the
eps to
have the gond, released, but up hare
present time, the eeNloos Alas
received no instrnetio151, ennntITmandinc
the soirees
Severs) of our villagers visited the
Forest City during fair week.
Mr. Charles4\Vaahington started for
Manitoba on Wednesday.
Miss C. McKenzie, of llayfield, was
visiting friends in Auburn, last week.
The Rev. Mr. Pritchard and family
have gone to Millbank to visit relatives.
Mr H. Beadle's imported stallion
"Leek" took the first prize at the Wrox-
exter lair lass week.
Mr. Thompson, of iDonnybrouk, pur-
chased a house and lot in this village
from Mr. Fred Searl for 61450. He took
possession last week.
Mr. John Collis is putting in a new
flume and water wheel in his sawmill.
-* ;4j: 1 r' I.141:::1
' • ' •.vtlrIly
.‘..x ea to
t1•le ,.tour is
n ('.de to you
lit your own
Lorne in sal
with an absolute certulnty of
enrinlr ill•
ZOI'rsA(h'om IlrnrfT)cures
Dyspepsia and JJillouauess. A
single dose). I!c . c :; n trample
bottle convinces ; u 73 Cent ,
bottle cures. r c't r^^rt rho
It acts d
$t crusta, LI Vc :'. r :' t1 :.t(:ne7s.
Cleanaln-, Curr -a .g, 1Lei
nl °tint;, Z-rpe• s Cir' energy
and viol 1,1 t:• L'ttl-1, Nerve,
and ?u">'c:o,work-
ing wLontcr (t:~it.l.
tionand Cr.c;: t:c'_Iv:'.;, to
the Ld ,c^.
Cut tris orf. tu1:o 1: to any
dealer in r -.c ._cines, f.nd get
at least oto :: cent bottleot
Zopc :a, andte.l7 ^sr net;:hbc r
how it acts. It i'ti IStI
to enre ]G3-'pcPs ui+
A \ muster r sf Bodies teessered and taken
isewe■ Mined.
Release .1 lawyer Gray.
DrsUN. Sept. 30. --Judge Lawson to-
day ordered the release of E. Dwyer
Gray on payment of a £500 tine, Gray's
bail being remitted. Mr. Justice Law-
son, in ordering the release of Mr. Gray,
pointed out that since his imprisonment
a considerable change for the better had
taken place in the tone of his paper, the
Freeman's Journal.
J. t'. l'wrrte's Auction Nates.
Wednesday, Oct. 11 - Sale of tarn
stock on lot 5, con. 7, Ashfield. Mrs.
Catherine Keefe, proprietress.
Monday, Oct 16 -„Sale of farm stuck
and implements on lot 6, Lake Range,
Colborne. John Shaw, proprietor.
Looney -On :Woodsy, 30th Sep;., the wife of
Engineer Looney, G. T. R. of a son.
Graviston -In Auburn, on the wife of Mr. John Oraal Ston, of apdaughter.
Beadle -in Auburn, on the °..8th ult.. the wife
of Mr. Henry Beadle of a daughter.
Robertson- Burn -On Monday. the 2nd inst..
at the residence of the bride. by the Rev. J.
A. Turnbull, B. A., Mr. Peter A. Robertson.
of Colborne. to Mrs. Stun. of Goderich.
1 Jury -Radford On Tuesday, the 3rd October,
at the Manse, Goderich. b7 Rev. J. A.
Turnbull. B. A.. Mr. Francis Jury, of Wawa.
nosh. to Miss Lucy Radford, of the same
McKenzie -Young- At Auburn, on the 27th
ult., at the residence of the bride's mother,
b the Rev. Mr. Pritchard, Mr. Alex. Mc-
iKenzie, of Galt to Miss Jennie Young,
third daughter of the late George Young. of
Owen Sound, Oct. 2. --The tug Ann
Long arrived here at midnight, having
on board the following bodies lost off
the ill-fated steamer Ass: -Jilin Mc-
I)oueall, of Owen Sound, who was pur-
ser ; T. Sparks, of Ottawa ; Jackson,
supposed to be S farmer from near Lis-
towel ; Mrs. Kirk, from near Cluverhill ;
Shepard, and one unknown supposed to
b3 Silas Bernard. Two unknown bodies
were buried at Killarney. Five of the
recovered bodies were picked up by the
steamer Africa, and three by the steam
barge Enterprise, near Lonely Island,
and sent here by the tug. Capt. Noble,
of the tug Ann Lone, reports a large
number of bodies floating around near
where those were picked up, and could
be easily recovered if a tug with proper
appliances for the purpose was despatch-
ed at once.
The excitement in town was intense
this morning when the news spread that
additional bodies had been fotind, and
groups of men continually gathered at
the telegraph offices a$fI eagerly read
the bulletins which had been posted.
Though deeply grieved at the assurance
of the loss of poor John McDougall,
the purser, people were in a measure
consoled to reflect that his remains had
been found, and touch satisfaction was
evinced when it became known that the
Great Northern Transit Company had
telegraphed their Vice -President at
Owen Sound, Mr. Keough, to send out
a tug to pick up the oodles reported to
have been seen by the Ann Long. Mr.
Keough has telegraphed back that he
has sent out Ward's tug to do the work,
s:odirlett Markel,.
Gln Extraordinary Ofsr !
TO AG -B T8 -
If y..0 are out of employment and
want to start 10 a business you can make
from t3 t° .810 a day clear, and take no
rink of loss, we will send you on receipt
I f $11, goods that will sell readily in a
few days for $25. If 11 a Agents fails to
sell these goods in four days, they can
return all unsold to us, and we will re-
turn theta their money, can anything be
fairer( We take all risk of ham, and the
Agent gets started in a business that will
he permanent, and pay from 81,000 to
$3,000 a year Ladies can does well as
mien. We want an Agent in every
county. Full particulars free. Address.
U. S. M inufacturing Co., No. 116 Smith
field Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.
GoDERIciirOet. 5, 1852.
Wheat. (Fall) V bush.........:. 110 90 et $ 91
Wheat, (Spring) V bush....,... ( 95 0t 97
Flour. V barrel.. ............. S 00 Ge 550
Oats, a hush . ..... 0 30 st 0 32
Pear. P bush ................., .. 0 58 rt 0 00
fiarley. V bush................... 0 45 tie 0 55
Potatoes V bush ........ 0 30 et 0 35
Hay. V ton ...................... 700 w 800
_ ............ 0 15 th 0 17
Eggs des. tsapacked) • -..... 0 17 et 0 18
Cheese, ..,. 0 11 " 0 12
8horta V cwt ................... 090 A 100
Bran, V cwt ... ., 0 70 " 0 80
Chop, til cwt....,.. 180 " 1 70
Wool..... ...... . .. . .... . ..... 6 18 0 18
3 (0 350
7 a0 " " 75
Sheepskins ....................... 10 " 1 50
Hides... ...... . ......
afannfacturcrs and Sole Proprietors of
Try ikominion Hair itestorer,
Egyptian Liniment,
Med ill's Cholera Mixture,
Dr. Wades Worm wru{'.
Dominion Cough Balsam.
(lark's Baby Syrup,
Medill's Erasive Compound.
Imperial Liver P111..
dominion Condition Powders,
401.E AGENTS Folk
('rooker's file stills.
('rocker's Stomach Pills.
Blevslelt's Corn Killer.
Lowe's Standard Preparat:ons.
Essences, Castor Oils. lisle Oils, R c.
The above medi,•ines are guaranteed by the
manufacturers. and any Mottle or package
found to be not satisfactory on a fair trial• can
be returned and the money will be refunded.
W. J. C. Neftel,
18.59. Agent for Godet ich
Trrole Stark Ifcfieterrd.
tic casual observation. we find all (41'
speculators have a clear head and watch th, -
ups and downs of property. thus makine
large fortunes. But the whole secret la, they
keep the system in a healthy condition by th
use of
We can safely say that hundreds come to u -
for the great lung and blood purifier before
going west. Read the following statement
We could give thousands of the same kind it
it were necessary.
"1 certify that I was troubled with Catarrh
In the hexa. gatheripg of phlegm in thethroat.
choking and cough(hhg at night for years, so i
could not sleep. often troubled with dull, life -
lean feelings, pains in the chest and back.
After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors.
and giving up all hopes. I tried the PRIDE or
THE VALLEY. and am now able to do my work
after seven rear's sickness."
202 Simcoe Stmet. London, On
"The ah we statement of my wife's is cot
JA11Ee McNutt.
For sale by all druggists. manufactured by..
Prof. A. M. Shrievee, London. Ont. Sample
package 25 cls; five for $1.00. Can be had in
Goderich of time followip druggists: Jib
R..d. Jas. Winos. I. Jordas. Gee. aby-
sms. sad J. S. Millet. 1(t,'
Trwellt .g Goble.
GRAND 'rltt'NK
Pass. Exp's. Mild. .Mild
Goderieh.Lv 7.3tiam _ 12.05p m 3.15pm " 9.am
Seaforth . 7.50 •• .. 1.10 " . t.45 " .. 11.50'
Strathord.Ar9.1:ain.. 2.14m 6.30pm.. 1.00 •'
Pass. Exp's. Mix'd. Mild.
.tratford.Lv 1.20am..750pm.. 5.00am..3.45pm
Seaforth.. .. 2.17 " 8.55 " .. 7.10 " ..530 '
Goderich.Ar 3,1.ipm. 0.50pm.. 9.00am _7.1Spm
Exp's. Mail. Exp's.
Clinton going north ...9.39am...t.L1pm..8.25pn-
" going south ...3Stppm...8.09am..7.24 •
Lncknow Stage (d&ty)arr. 10.15am .. dep fpm
Kincardine " " 1 00am .. " 7am
Benmiller " (Wednesday and
Saturrlavlarrives Oam.. 9.1
w xiAHLIN:Mr
Begg to intimate to the L''t'liei of Oalerich ami vicinity that
In connection with the Chicago House Millinery Establishment, will 1tc' )111,1 on
When th ' Lttte,t `.ove'lties in Millin 'ry will be open for inspection. A call ie solicited, as Mise 1'ilkint.rn
txl trip to the cities, anal has succeeded in obtaining the
has just returned from an extend
Litall Best, and Mosi DO Dugs m the illiueiy MC.
Call and Inspect my Stock before purchasing elsewhere.