HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-06, Page 31'0. 11111tON t4GILthe FRIDAY, OCT. 6 l t 82 FACTS ABOUT EILEB. A sear •.Hoenig a a tow ..aeereaa Puna a Weedckosa.1 Wanted ■ settee Mher Wellies. "D., they edit here 1" The several occupants of the n■w• looked snood and saw • young lady 1 rias, says • writer to the Fetes. mod utaadiig in the doorway. She noddtd Barra*, (re a tee moats oe the bear. sightly to the hum reporter, and that I bate known bruin for the past forty individual returned the salution with a years. l Immense Ltm ea the tressl in placid utile -and -a -half -over -eight -hurdles Northern 14Ictijgaa, Pe.gltanta soli GM►k, •lose grandeur of expanse would the North wuoda• 1 (late sew him to alone hers made it noticeable. Wisconsin and ]Yiahesofa Yue are right this time madame," Urdittaroy brava is swot v danger- he said. "This is the exact spot where use as • mono ur the festive eoud- the seething brain of the trained lour chuck. Dut tt dens happen that the mother of any shamanl will ignore dan- ger to herself is Anginas "f her pining. Almost any animal will g., wild mud reckless of danger in defence of her young, and the bear is wonderful fur muscle. Consequently, when a she bear turns on her tormentors it is well to keep back a5out mighty -Cite and • half feet. She doesu t want to hart any- one. She only wants to get her babes when I Knot right to the door I just away from that fearful biped with the thought I should die." Derby bat and a dead rabbit cut on his u don't appear to be in danger of hair. you bower bre you are rade enough immediate dissolution," remarked the It rt :tent proceeds to bobble, and the lances of Tltostht that pierce with unerring aim the brawn helmets of Wrung are ever held in couchant poise by strong arts ready to launch them forth at the slightest signal of danger. Papa doesn't know I am up here," said the vision of loveliness, "but manilas d•.es. The very minute I told her that I was going to see an editor she said it was the best thing to do, but "Not that I know of." - "Everything g,.es tot just the assns. "Jest the asula." "Aid didn't you hear that I bad lues ell faith in human nature, and retired Ism the world 1" "Never heard • word of it Tra-la, add Mali, I'm of. The bear sat down on • thistle and thought the matter over for a few minutes, and then anise and made a bee line for his usual haunts, telling every animal he mat on the way that he had been off on a tithing excursion. YOYA L: The cyu'c who Hatton himself that he is revenging vu the world by sit!idr•w- ing his company forgets that he will be obliged to associate with himself floras of Ujishom. Geuius can never deepisu labor. Beauty without grans is a book with- out a bait The only jewel which will not decay is knowledge. A truth one done not understand be- comes RR error. If you want to put your hoends to her, "^"' repo er• making the escape of her cubs dowbttd "Oh, uf course, I don't mean exactly I An idle man is like stagnant water ;Ire cot rupts himself.If you that," said the young lady, "but 1 was well, "you tale your choice." rhe smallest aequisitiou of knowledge drive her to desperation and she has the awfully nervous, you know—I always has a wuneyod value. was that way—and when I was • little In the battle of life no eau can win by tiring blank cartridges. The energies of the soul slumber in the vague reveries uf hope. Justice is the bread of nations ; they are always hungering for it. There are epidemics of nobleness as grit to stand by her cut*, "tetter you stand • bindle back." I have Cragged a good deal of bear meat. I have buten twice on a lune cruise in the North woods. I saw ser- „ ,, ould you like to read the Hawkins- era. bean there- all intent on their own 'villa Clarion or the Cuhuea Freeman?" affairspointing to a pile of exchanges Su slight was the banger from wild „No, I don't care about it, thank animals there, aud at; childish crewed Y' u „ was the reply. `:You editors the imm.mer armaments of the average must have a hard time managing :all the tourist, that I tie ca:ue to leave not only girl papa used to say that the only way to govern me was by kindness." "Well, we'll be gentle with you," re- plied the personal friend , of Raruma my ride, but my rerulvet behind. And I found the eight -ounce r.d and the pocket hatchet all sufficient for defence against wild beasts. All the seine, a she bear with cubs may be dangerous. I will give three Instances that I can vouch \ for. peeple who conte up here." "'!'here is a managing editor for that purpose," said the reporter. "How nice ! And do all these geute- men edit ?" "Yea." "I'm going to bo married next week," said the young lady. "Ain't it funny 1" Forty yuais ago "Jim Steele,- with a „Quite ludicrous, no doubt," was the record of seven panthers, tttenty one re1 bears, and 1,300 deer, resided at the p y mouth of "Asoph Run" He sent his son, aged fourteen, up the creek for the cows one evening. The boy came Lack frightened and crying, saying that a big bear had chased and nearly caught him. "And I came up here, she contin- ued, "to see if you would put. a nice notice of the affair in your paper. Will you do it d" "Certainly," said the horse reporter. "Would you like to have it-eferred Old Jim was disgusted at the boy's tow -Ito as another one of tastes delightful moioe, l,esving his rule h�.went hack events in which the happiness of a trust - With the boy, and at the malilti of the I ing lure finds glad fruition in wedded Kennedy Run the boy commenced to blues orr the marriage bells rang out say, "It was just here," when an im• merrily last evening„telling to the star nlen,e ! ear juanpel from under the lit skies a joyful talo of love's final bank, reared el her hind lege, and, showing all the teath she had, growling, snarling and threatening, made at the party. Old Jim took it in at Ones, "Jump on my back,” he yelled t. , the youngster, 'which the bey did at once; and yelling, tucking and Bounshing a knife, all the weapon he had, Old Jim and the boy got away. Then they saw the mother hear cr•sathe "riffle" on the creek and scatter a; the mountain' side, t•, be seen no m•..e of men forever. Thiity-two years ago "Harry Eilis," bum and brei on Pine Creek, guided a well as epidemics of disease. True loge is like a jack-o'-lantern ; it is hard to catch and rarely seen. • Heroic unselfishness always C vnmands the ei:thuaias<m of mankind. Dean Stanley said : "The best reme- dy for all evils is to look' forward." The unused talent, the unimproved opportunity, is sure ro be taken away. No metaphysician ever felt the deli- cacy of language ao much as the grate- ful. Hato enters sometimes into great souls, but envy conies from lit tle minds only. A miser is a man who lives and sluts like a beggar in order that he may utter be poor. Putiellee is net paseice ; 011 th con- trary, it, is active, it is concentrated atreii th. Cumulate. - A trams all'tactual with this Hair eat,.rea grey hair to its a few waists use. Said bottle by Jere. Wilson. 3 well known in! Renewer, w hich itaturul albs by at 60 cents per 2m JU$'1' ECE!VE 9. ALT A Rawaa•—Ol oa. dweu " Teasest sir" W any one sending tis best four line :Yerillusapet°• ••T-asaany,' the testarkable tlem for the Teeth and Breath. Ask fur ddr•wr D.FERO .asewed t. Irew•aser reason. Enlist Chas. L P•arcy,of brooks, Me. "Frau early youth I was in feeble health, troubled withhumor in my blood weakness and debility of the system gen- erally;lwas unable to laboru 'land oand nly at spice light business, only with great caution. Seven years ago, the taut spring, i bad a severe attack of Diphtheria, which left my limbs pare - fixed auto useless, so that I was unable to walk or even sit up. Noticing the adver- tisement of Peruvian Syrup, I gave it a trial, and to my great jcy soon found my health improving. I continued tho use of the Syrup until three bottles had been usetl,and wasrestored to complete health, entirely to the use of Peruvian Syrup, and hold it in high estimation. Icannot speak tow str,ni,ly in its praise. I have several times recommended it in cases very similar to m7 own with the same good results." timid by all druggists.. triumph Both of those sentences are kept in type and you can have your choice. "- "I rather like the last one beat," said 'the young lady. "It is more ten- derly beautiful. Dont you think so ?•' "Yes," replied the horse reporter. "there IN a sort of curfew -will -not -ring - to -night tinge to it that laye over the other one • 't R'ell then 1.11 take that. And will an editor 1* around to write it up ?' "Certainly." Delays are dangerous, particularly in Kidney�>Dieatea, so take at once Dr. VAN BCREN'ai KIDNEY t eY.E and obtain relief from all your eutleringr. Your druggist keels it. Jas.Cude- rich. 2,11 Earper'sWeekly. A S>E'LENDID_AR3ORTMENT OF FRESH c Sl IT aftLE FOR THE SEASON Spacial 1 ass iu Teas at Very Low Prices 25e. per ib and upwards. If you want a redly fine Tea try my 50e. Young Hyao• it is a splendid article and worth uttr., auJOey. I have also just opened out a twin pieta assortment of ILLUE9I'RBTH:D_ Ilarper's IV eddy stands at the head of Am- erican illustrated weekly Journals. Hy its un- partlnan position in politica, its admirable il- lustrations, its carefully chosen serials, short stories, sketches, and p.,emu, contributed by the foremost artists and authors of the day, it carries instruction and entertainment W thou- sands of American homes. It will always be the aim of -the publishers to make Harpers Weekly tbcin the world mostt popular and attractive fatality newspaper HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Years HARPER'S WEEKLY ........ . . .$ 10000 HARPEICS MAGAZINE.400 HARPER'S BAZAR The THREE above publications ... . - 10 00 Any TWO above named .. ....... 7 00 HARPEK'S YOUNG PEOPLE • .. . 150 IIARPEICS MAGAZINE 500 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE i HARPER'S }'RANYLL' SQUARE LI- BRARY. I- HRAree to all .wsbser•ibers to the United l Stades or Canada. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of acb year. When no time is mentioned, it will be understood that the subscriber wishes,to commence with the Number next after the receipt of order. The last Twelve Annual Volumes of li.tm- piansa Weggi,Y, in neat cloth binning, w ill be sent by mail, postage paid, or by - express. free expenseof e dollar(provided volume),for$7.00 each. iyy��bhr does not ex- ceed Cloth Cases fur each volume. suitable for binding. will be sent by mail• eeetpaid. un re- ceipt of 11.50 each. Remittances should be made by Post Office Slaney Orderr Draft. to avoid Aance of loss. \oer. are not to copy this adrerttae- urtt without tar express order of HARPER & BltoTii Address n.tarts a outrruhatt. New York. If rte Can, 1.114 Net She. Governor St. Joh'', of Kansas, con- vening ou the prdiibitiou questiuu,sutt: A man rewarkel t:• inc the ether day. "This is a very Vin, l ., .:.1 for Uie women to be ene.t,od in, tett basineas for tha Governor of a S' ate." , I replied : "My 'dee.: sir, I wi,h yeti could etty at home and be'ed, like your 11802. Corckery Glassware, Including Stone and China Tea Sets, Childrens' Toy Tea Setts, Ladies and Gent Fancy Tea Cups and Sauzers, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Cifts. Lamps 13; amp G c c d s i n Great Variety AND AT VERY LOW PRICES. Calland beConvinced Zmasrriers . .tterition.! Barbed Fence Wire contracted for$ n any quantity at trrc 1ow.rst prices 1 SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED FENCE WIRE. N'im and barb galvanized:after bend twiete-1 which cannot scalcoR. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNCW •7IFTS NO WEEDS yO WiSTE LANDS. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, F. r sal I -y G h. PARSONS, CHEAP HARDWARE, GODERICII. AA ILLUITIIATID WEEKLY --16 PAGES. CIT IED TU SIIXTEEN`YEAt GIRLS OF AGE.OF O)1 VOL ra, coma= Cos Neve aster 1, 16.2 NOSY IA 771E TINE TO stliStlitIZE. wife, over e f th wash[ tub, nurau t11e ht- 1•e \-ocno PsorLE has been from the Arst hies darn Vie 8n'ka ' '1 attend the nec•a tsful beyond anticipation. _>. 1'. Eren• +Nose. duties of the house, att•1 everything efse is Yt has a distinct purpose to which it steadily of that cli,r.l;t• r which toudx to wear adl,erea that. namely. of supplanting the tic - out the piq•s'cal strength of *omen, Iona papers for the young with • paper more atttav tve. as well as mom wholesome. -Bus while your w'f;� eo t!:1 loaf Eur a Rails tea .tear:utl. c tin and around so ua..1, , • ''y"' " it is unser d y rn1 be 'f:u.atiu vo•nrs+'Ii upon this questioNL publlcaatitgin of tole kind yet brottagbt to our no- t would thou For neat nese, eleganceot ngra b If there is un•+ •.t von 1i.•a•" to -night irho party to the huckleberry hills ..f taw' '!1 will send you a piece of the wed- shouldco-'. y.•m. wore1 .',:i'a' an.nnd a I ding cake." _ontinued the young lady. saloon, yon wo'.td ❑o . y 1• t :t div,on. Barrens. While prospecting for the I inside of 24 hour. • .. a »',.' i rook.'it beet berrying grwnds he was suddenly confr:nted by an immense bear, which arose frown behind a large fallen trunk, and rearing en her hind legs, made dir- ectly at him. roaring. grunting, snarling and showing her best array of teeth. "Do," said the horse 1i,porter. she herr cies ..t s, t .i.:1 "1 t 1:'-•a'. "There is a dol; up my way that needs%he iror7•i i.• killing --(Chicago Tribune. of 144.04'.1•• el as n'a'ry..• i : .t . for tt. 1 chid t••.tl tall 1o,., i' ,.:Mout 1 1, a.- I•i,.etT wort atter week.. 111 Ito• the 1lorld Went tight ena. A bear who had made himself believe 'I Harry seized and flourished s pine knot, that he had the worst luck' of any animal 1 whooping and tlyelling at the top of his was crawlingthrough the }in creation, voice, as he ran backward at his Hest woods one day when he met a Serpent, ptce for a fe'- rods only, when t`e bear ;alto enquired: returned and quickly conveyed her two Which sea} now, troy friend ?" cubs out of danger.. 'I am going to find some spot where On tie same range of hills I once went I can retire from the world. The world huckleberrying with Farmer T., his wife and daughter. on invitation. His rig way has not used me right, and in revenge I a two -hone farm waggon, the bettoln of will desert it " the waggon packed with iii7erted tubs ") wouldn't do that." and bucket.'. Distance to 1'te grounds, ••D-ut I will. I can no longer trust twent)-.one miles. hod 1 hate been cheated, lied to By dint of starting at three a.m., and i anybody. abusianng the horses to unwonted speed, 1 and misused until I have no faith loft. we were nn the ground at eleven a m., among berries an plenty that the ..round was absolutely hidden. It was a short job to pick a bushel of berries on suck ground ; but I had "Leen there before, and I thought I knew of • place about three-quarters of a mile westward. where the berries ware equally plenty, but lar- ger. So I took large tin and start, limey spot, and he then crawled ,into a s psi. ed. Half way to the ground therre was a Mole and bee•In listening for the Crack gulch to be crowed, and this gulch was I of Doone. it made him feel good to btdly blocked with fallen timber. When think that the world was turning itself near the bottom. I tie I will now retire within myself, and if any convulsion of nature takes place the country .oust nut blame me for it. I Lave home all that one bear can be ex- pected to put up with." Bruin went his way until he found a lice.-l'ittsenrg (Jazctft. Its weekly visits are eaterl - looked for• not only by the children, but also by parent% who are anxious to provide pare literal are for their girls and boy.- Christian Adrocate, Buffalo, N. 1. .t weekly paper fur children -.yhh•h parent treed not fear to let their children read at th family fireside--Barttol•d Doily Times. Juan the paler to take the eye and ,ecure theattentionof the toys and girls.-Sprinp- fidd Union TER,MS- N.1=aQ'4 rot Nal rtiatrrt:• tt1.-0. Per Tear. roslaar rrepald. , eINeLI; NE a}mita Four Cents . nth. The Bound Volume for 18111 will be read Iearly in November. Price $.1.00; postage pre- paid. Covey for Torso PEoI'LL for 1881. 35 cents; p0stapte. 13 cents addltional. Remittances should be blade 'by Past-Oftice r Money Order or Draft. to avoid chance of loss. \rirspaprr.are not to ropy this adrerti.rr•- ',trnt without the erprcsa order of If ARI'Ett d• Bittern Kim, A hirers, IIARI'EIf & BROTHER'S, NEW YuthR• • ltd i « bottom aide up because ho hod absented best route for getting by tie over soots fallen tree.' that lay to my path, when a' himself from sight and search, and he I rielng compounded of the conrrntmted very large dingy -looking "brews -nosed•' was determined not to yield until after virtues hey P f purely positie sly beet frllo omac nasi oe err Year 1 ff �� 1 - 1 terror-stricken Cathartic Pills Combine the choicest cathartic principles in medicine, in proportions accurately ad- justed to secure activity, certainty, and � uniformity of effect. They are the result of years of careful stndy and practical ex- periment, and are tho most effectual rem- edy yet liscorerod for diseases caused by derangement of the stom chliver, and bowels, which req prompt effec- tual treatment. ATER s PaLLi are spe- cially applicable to this class of diseases. They act directly on the digestive and assimilative processes, and restore regu- lar healthy action. Their extensive use by physicians in their practice, and by all civilised nations, Is one of the many proofs of their value as a safe, sure, and Meetly reliable purgative medicine. I 1882. Tile .Treat Cleansing Fluid, i McCULL BROS & CO. TORONTO_ MRS. WARNOCK! Inas great pleasure in announcing to her many friends and patrons iu Goderich and vicinity. that she has secured the sole right and privilege to manufacture and sell 1)R. LUC AC'S CLEANSING & RENOVATING FI.aUID, For removing grease and soil trim anything and everything, from the tincst fabric to the coarsest garment worn. No natter if the goods hate been saturated with oil. grease or dirt of any kind, it ran, fur w trifling cost • be made to look as goal an new. It cleans all articles without changing the color, that would be destroyed 1,y the nsc of water. No need to send to Toronto or any where else to have your feathers cleaned and curled when It can be done for less than half the cost. in your own town. tall at arty. WARNOCK:.( Millinery Eetahli.slimeuj� on Hamilton Rt. aol see for yourself. 18 ti. MANUFACTURER S -OF- LARDINE OIL OYLINBLR OIL. Ilarper's Magazine. iLLZTSTRIt-TFD- r ,. u.•,gU•:ntm , r "e moan,.•., • �• L SSE ar IK•WM, 13 '*,$M•• ♦Hat 1') Fuc: Medals nod t1 ret diplomas awards then% last year at the leading Exhibi- tions. in the Dominion M AN U FACTU RERS And all urn running machinery will acv money by using our oils. Our LAIIDINE an CYLINDAI1 OIL has no equal. Facts spa louder then words, and the public can find ou that the fore g0111gnssertIons are true, by try Ing one sample of our. Oils prices etc., on ap ..haat ion to McColl Bros & Co Toronto. The l.ardine is rot sale in l:udcrith by a. W. cK ENZIE, G. H. PARSONS, C. CRABB, and D. K. STRACHAN. tone ten •,Always varied. always good. alwa, s im- proving!' ('*AttI.rsFRA`a teADAMilarJr. .lhas- Harper'.s .ifagariae, the moat pop rated periodical in the world, begins Its sixty fourth volume with the December Nunb.•r. It represents whet i%best. In American litera- ture and art; and Iia narked success in Eng- land -where 11 has already a circulation larg- er than that of any English maga.+.one of the same class -has brought Into its serylew the mast eminent writers and artists of Great Bri- tain. The forthcoming vnlntnes for 1882 will in every respect surpass their pre,leecasors. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. p.opN " i prrtlra and can 1/e bear, spelling ,an • pion., sprang o ..vera t ousant any injurious pen , began meg: '+n blit mo f le,J. sad '1.‘1111:11,; 31.tGAZ1NF... w ltd o.�. to him with tears in tend.) aolminbtered to c ildmn with perfect It tHPF.ltt3 RK'8 BAZAR. W KEEL ATE i,ARP ArP.R'a PILIJI are an effectual cure for �ho THRK steins p hags t gist o.ttal R� fed aM.w— sa she aB mar a�t•s to enra>zd bears, a the WO" I be* l passed like all -other nights. Pio nue Pout Stomach and menta 11'a . It \Ri t.tt f memory it \RpiAra YVUNIi i'KUPLF. t ran In IA( a Chinese teeth � es the cam y''.��F.� ing, inn, tinware cm the other. .Hirst. Slat hadly scar$ . As for .gear, I wase't stared a bit : A. for the bear, it goes without saints ; who els Ind played le of a she got down on all fours, sad trek hee- tt self of with bar cube 1,'r •11 she wee n O gg iblleathme wiltg�.aaa� 1satkr Makin ilia � ' �~ \ray TW O stbot-e tt•med ing, ews�9ta tls.�. Mtatn(a. Much to bruin's surprise, the Light Constipation 1)yxpeopala. IA". of Ap fate, HAItiER15 YOUNA P191tPLE ie 1 ' • s Aa _$4nol e (14 400 10 W 7 00 . 1 w 3 OS rias w lively retrograde rorisl.ed- Ouse sM•ear•d daring the forenoon to piens sew. Headache Lasa o 1\ h Ttll�etusneas. Jaundice, HASPitit'Sknit 1*RANKI01 'of 1 Li 10 e0 Prot United and hag, without an ea ads i w 1 tan. expecte y I caught my heels •a11 tumbled back- 1 om seas It CRY, one year 1. nm rs ... . wards hes Rot ep atllliiwiy. It esu a with him, and the afternoon pawed' Rheumatism, •i+rrrption• and er ! nRtnpf /fro In all RrAarnhr (itvrw 'i ..sit rthquak tornado, H• ill.eaeea+ i)rnpay. 'Como rat h Stat, nr C awndn tl•.aeA y 1'1 ,- ,at..d to plead with him to eomo back the !Aver, and .11 other diseases resnlP tag from $ dlaordered state of the diges- ,'.r to the world and hare faith and anuli the apparstns. t dence, but the crowd didn't show up. , As a Dinner Pill they hare no equal. ,r,. i qn�ntle In their action, these ',t i After a long and hungry night, bruin I tootle /retie thomngh and sNrch c, began to weaken. After much argom.at I � �tlo Aiat ran M amp n1 with himself, he crawled out of his den 1 R re psis. sora. the lwlwel. ai. In' e or rnrwlgla, e e. Gripe+, err a*a. _ _ d the advent of a I) aent.ry, f;nut, P1les, )Isortlerw of yolk era ting. suffer..( I with Wittig. .h.4 • bottle 1 of Dt. hootti► s gine till core you 1 It yen. oei 1�11'•1eeadl� w"h those who have WWI Is w semi it Prtea $L ( ?re r a►' ^lt liar td ate 1 1 •d and per ' I n their hlAnenre Is bed- �'*Olt and ' nr+a•s. vol•imes of t he A$ttpadae begin with tat ,:•ten for June and DDeeen`ber of each year. . no t,m• Is lgeotted. 1t will he under. that the nibsoriber wishes to begin with inrnt Vnmher. 'nniplete Set of HAerial% MIAGAZIN& 1:1 vainness. stoat binding. Mat by e=ltt • , '+ ./ I I, t• eve �. >•s•t sae tea! Nsr t.lna,.taw ALLAN LINE or ROYAL M.AILSTEAMSHIPS LIVERI'OOL. LONDONDERRY. GLAS- GOW. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS MAIL tis 1:.11IL•1:•s — •'E-iNuv 1.'iRt Cutin. tatcnnedlate acd Steerage Tickets at tWE.+T RATE$. Flerr r l'arewsgers see Laked to Lindon. ranm+it Hr,•'nl Qnecn.t"wn. Derry. 1u-Ifed, Galway and 1.11a-v.tw. at same rates as to Ll tertrool SVMMFR BAILI1 'QB- 1-1, •n Quebec. I',•ra•.lan. ' Mt and was sneaking through the woods ; 0wintate theappetitetn'tr: a etttrwttii AAA when he met 1 lbw's t'It the wrwid yet atMdittg 1" ask the %tsar. Certainly. net or more solid since can remember." and 's enrols- .ser'ehin. t -1 s, 4.1.11 e•tr wows evsw ten•. • •• y • they operate to purify thebloat. and impart re- alta end vigor to the whole I PREPARED BY DR. 1. C. AYER i CO. Practical and Analytk'al ('headsts. Lowell, Mase. nalyt legit, and 1 lasalfsd. i,,.•Inalta. (row, fnee, 1580. (gash. Stan HnyaNpaenrsshank' h• \I mw+T eherR• rR Draft, to e ,F..t•rya,r• wren not .,, • .•tho ,• the rrprCM tit trtert.R w minae lree „sew , Nova s.rotien... sa- • 1`arla'.an. • 1N-• I isermati.'n..... •saassss se•ti e 1 el),nesian M Ar Peruvian. Circassian. . Sia diwlaa. sa tag vose and in• on x(eu {i lave eterpt era la ts• and balesovvl r Ottawa sad 1. ol. vla W Tataona "ALBERT Lu ROYTt." y PA Lion l wa1 • • 'enols i. 7y�y .C.- • �•�.•• e�reasoM )f=uses - tow M sessllman mM alas IAaen? aa• 61. Iwaya stay= alt ttse .fa 114 WAN s see Tsl- OSS.AssaaTri••RreeOOK BUND ROUTS. I *treat `, fit, 000* 1131-,m. !'at 'inlay . May !t 117 June • 10 •' 17 •• 14 rly 1 a " 15 Aug Petit. 11 •• is 0. M 1 Y s and ever, infor,natloa sooty to H. Alti1ITRON(l. het Agent. Gode-htta ate of •n- int (a aro Ins a of tede T--' m Sews Mr t • iyttr a weer „Rtqrreo Aid... ..•. ate$111:4:47