HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-06, Page 2e;
THE GOLD ]MEDAL. 1 be in a �t � en �' 4
Th. Hest $•s=
in Weetsrn °Mac wheat, barley, all
a Dose
IMea.ern Melee
It is wit►�.slinp of no M pstlis
{IM► w• sonans•• Oho het that the oda
GSJ for the beat~ .west alsstly ktp1
firm in the West DmlefeI, hes beam
awarded by the ricultural and Arts
Asociatioa of Ontario to • farm iu the
County of Buren. James Dickeoa,
Esq., u the fortunate ownerof this farm,
and ho has got reason to feel proud of
the distinction he has won. The dis-
trict embraces the counties of Huron,
Perth, Bruce, Wellington, Dnfferin and
Grey. The judges appointed by the
Association to exemiue the tarns enter-
ed for competition were J. G. Hobson
end J. P. Bull, two thoroughly practi-
cacii, competent and disinterested gentle-
men. The silver medal, or second prise,
was awarded to Mr. George Hyde, of
t he township of North Eaathope, in the
County of Perth, and the bronze medal.
or third prize, to Mr. Alexander Mc-
Laren, of the township of Hibbert, in
the same county. The following is the
report of the judges on the
We next visited the farm of Mr. James
Dickson, Casternuunt, township of
Tuckerstnith, two miles southwest of
Seaforth. This term contains 900 acres,
155 of which are cleared and 45 of wood-
land. A few acres of this u timbered
with cedar and black ash, the rest beech
and maple. The Bayfield river runs
through the south side of the farm and
waters 33 acres, which are kept as per-
manent pasture. A greet part ot these
30 acres u good arable land, but produc-
ing, as it does, fine grass, it is couaider-
ed more valuable as pasture land, and is
rendered more so 1'y being well watered.
A few acres of this was top dressed with
fifteen loads of leached ashes to the acre,
and although this was done two years
ago, the result is yet very closely mark-
ed; and what is also very noticeable is
that both sheep and tattle prefer the
grass on that portiou of the field. The
grass also is considerably thickened and
very decidedly improved. The know-
ledge of this fact rnight be of some value
to farmers having land adjacent to salter -
les, for it was only doting the earlier
part of the day that we passed an ahery
with an acccurnubation of many hundred
loads lying around, the farmers not
thinking it worth their while to use
them. The soil is eley loam, with a very
retentive subsoil. A great deal of drain-
ing has been dune, in fact wherever it
was thought to be an,advantage to have
a drain, one was put down, and in carry-
ing out these draining operations occas-
ionally springs were struck, and by good
management these have been made to
serve a useful purpose, for on the south
side of the farin the water is (tarried to
the yards and rune through a troagh in
a shed. This stream never stops run-
ning in the winter, nor yet does it freeze.
It is only during the driest part of the
summer season that it ever fails. The
same good judgment has been displayed
in carrying out similar operations on the
north side of the farm. Here also
springs had been struck, and the water
carried to a lino about the centre and
towards the bank part of the farm, mak THE Axr.AN.:er Ear Fos FEEIaN.•
in a convenient waterin . lace for the u us
stock in all those fields situated on that in the best class of stables. From the
side of the property. Besides the water feed room is a tramway on which a truck
supply already mentioned, there is a is used. The front of the feeding troughs
spring convenient to the buildings on fold down, making it a very easy mat
the north side of the road, making it al ter to clean out troughs and put in feed.
together an exceptionally well -watered The stock is' fed with cut fodder, pulped
farm. While speaking of the drainage rata, and whatever bran and meal s
which has been done, we may mention considered necessary. This well mixed -cause they expect, when an opportunity
that in one field, which before being and allowtd" to ferment a little before oe=un, those men will despoil them of
drained was nothing but a bog, but is feeding. The horse -power ,ser used for this their goods. And when such men are
now ansolutely dry, there was at the work is in a building ower specially used for brought in here for trial and punish-
. of . ur first visit a crop of Russian the • purpose, so that at any tiute when merit they have to be dealt with as vie -
oats so heavy, even, and luxuriant look- feerequiires cutting, there is nothing t, latera of the law, yet, at the same time, entesr_v. Pain in the Stomach, Sea Sick-
ing that we coati. not imagine anything de but put on the hones and go to wort. we take into consideration their sur- nese, Piles, ect., you can use my name,
better, and if that bog was not a very The dwelling house is a handsome ton poundings, the circumstances under qct. 2.
costly one to drain this year's return storey brick building with verandah, and which they have been brought up, or,
• rather come up. But when a moan en-
wpeuyll/ tamps sad
tory Mssh bs.sbtIM b
tion �1 ••1t. n i• VSfy >rM
those !amen ood result kiss tsies it ate" y
bete who t , M spi''ng , sod N i•
tree Rua y that Y tried of put-
ties Metbe a rate .4 lA lbs btu the
Mee H the; were to try throe Or four
times die quantity the result woald b•
were satisfactory Last year 47 bereksis
of were Known to the sore and
61 bashsb of oats This ' year we
think the oats will go considerably be-
yond that, iur it is decidly the finest
lo, king crup we have seen this season,
and we have seen some very goods ones.
Last year the peas —small variety—were
sown on the ftth of June, Tickling over
30 bushels to the acre, free from bugs.
A quantity of last year. growth, on hand
at the time we were there, we examined,
and not a bug was to be seen. Having
been so successful last year with late
sowing, he has tried it again this year,
having sown on the 7th of June. Now,
we don't want to give an opinion on this
pea bug question. We have heard •
number of theories about it, axed in this
particular case of Mr. Dickson's, while
apparently it was late sowing which was
the reason of the peas being free from
the bug, yet, in reality, it might be ow-
ing to something else, fur it seems to us
that we have head of the same plan be-
ing tried frequently by others without
such satisfactory results ; and with such
late sowing there u always a great likeli-
hood of the crop being very much injur-
ed by mildew. About 40 cattle are usu-
ally kept—the exact number at this time
is 41. Of these 23 are pedigreed short-
horns, and a very su4ertor lot. Among
them are some Provincial prize'tattle.
This year's calves are exceptionally good.
The bull that has been used in this herd
for the past three years is Yueng Udorss
Oxf,wd, bred from Udoras Oxford, the
7th Earl of Oxford. This is a grandly
massive animal, and a good stock getter.
For next winter's stall feeding are seven
catt'e—five of these are steers, averaging
28 months old : the other two are cows
For these 570 have been refused, to be
taken off the grass before harvest. There
are 37 sheep --a few of them being Cots-
wolds ; 10 are Shrtpshires : of these, four
ewes and ram are imported animals, the
others are their lambs. The ram was
bought from 11. H. Spencer, and has
never been beaten in the show ring,
Among the prizes taken is the prize at
the Provincial show held last year at
London. The rest of the sheep are cross
cavy found little
the Senttlaoe of John
it per, Form
!magic Qklosgo Tribune.
A Miaow o.Mide of No oMinsry
run --John Raper, alias Timms Pleat -
tug — was arraigned in the Criminal
Court on Thursday 28th ult., and plead-
ed guilty to forgery. He is a trim -look-
ing young fellow, and e'fideetly of more
'than average istelligence.
Mr. Benjamin Allen, the wholesale
I er testified that the defendant had
The court
and the �.t:a-A u.yI BOOTS AND CHOES
lull • brief cugaeltatuni, and th the
Judge went on •
"I understand them are •.th .larges I At the enema L.t•b:it111s 1 Shoe Store in Town,
just you, but 1 sop i lee, t/IN•rt
4 >� " In Endless Variety
MnteMle N •Rat tit c' Wit the twee r W it•ca •
"ere* '•ra,l MY SSTOCK:
t y eoeer the moo Weisser
' f 'rt se J` I = titarr t fe•t,id and thet cretoumfo bays
/tIr• a
Of r eteptu
jewe ,
been in his employ seven or eight years
—the last two or three as bookkeeper.
Raper did the bank business, the cash-
ier handing him the deposit tickets. He
used to pocket the currency and prepare
other tickets for tl.e checks and drafts,
writing Allen & Co.'s name on them.
He also doctored his personal account
on the books by which he came out
ahead. When 5435 were charged to
him, he would erase the 4, leaving the
amount 535. He had stolen in all $10,-
400, moat ot it within four weeks, but
his peculation' had extended over the
whole eight years. In July he left the
store to go to Austin, saying that his
physician had ordered him to remain in
a dark room. He, however, ran away.
"Mr. Warner, Superintendent of Pink-
erton's Agency, testified that they track-
ed Raper to New York, where he took a
steamer to Glasgow, Scotland. A cable-
gram intercepted him on his arrival, and
an officer was sent over with extradition
papers. After his arrest he said there
was $6,200 in his baggage, and that
amount was recovered. He admitted
his guilt.
Raper had no statement to make,
State -Attorney Mills said that Mr.
Allen, so far as he was personally con-
cerned, did not desire any penalty im-
posed. Do you wish the matter disposed of
this afternoon ?" asked Judge Hawes,
addressing Raper.
"I do, sir," he replied.
tk• daises yes 10 at
'eves yeses.
Everybody was avtoetsh•d at this
'dose, ' none more se than Raper him-
self, who expected to get about a year.
Ile asked to be taken to Joliet as soon
as possible, se that he could begin serv-
ing kis tithe. 1f be belie. es hii%.iIf
there, he will be released about Maieh,
Itlaft '
Sam.on lost his strength with his hair.
Thtwaands of men and women loose
their beauty with theirs, and very large
numbers restore the ravages of time by
wing the famous enemies. HairRestorer.
Bold at 50 cents per bottle by Junes Wil-
son. 'lou.
THE FE`a.•t6
are in capital shape ; board and straight
rail. All the ordinary rail tences have
been done away with, and straight rail
fences put in their places. These fences
are put up in the most substantial man-
ner. Considerable attention has been
given to planting, and the general ap-
pearance of the Earn will soon be much
improved in this way. The barn, stables
and other buildings in connection with
the homestead are roomy, well finished
and convenient, and specially well fitted
up for the purpose required. The stables
have 26 stalls, and box stalls, &c., for
20 mare. Besides these there are bull
stables and hone stables, with stalls for
six horses.
ll seen eve
g g p is better than what is s y
se Case et Ihnergeaey.
Ie. now 0)e. ss., and I take pimento in interesting mJ Gustation that at no pr
vioes *hoe have 1 had sucb a
Large & Varied Stock
L �{�" lenitive I have raiised the Standard a d ovalue f Qualitfoot y canr e bredot ethi Prior out
it lee
"Here's that yeast," said a little girl
to the lady of a family which had recent-
ly moved into the neighborhood.
"Why, couldn't your mother use it I"
inquired the lady.
"Oh, we buys all our bread at the
"Buy all your breed ! Then what did
you want ..f my yeast.
"0, ma said she couldn't think of any-
thing she needed to borrow just then,
and she wanted to see if you could be
depended on in an emergency, so she
tried you on the yeast.
Proclaim it far and wide that Dr. Vas
Beass's KIDNEY Cr7a. not only imme-
diately relieves all kidney diagram. but
what is more important to the unfortu-
nate sufferer, will ultimately cure him
effectually. Sold by J. Wilson, Gode-
rich. 2'u
"You are charged," said the court,
"with • very seriucs offense—serious in
that you Lae not only broken the law
of the land h taking property to a large
amount that belonged to your employer,
but serious in that you have betrayed
the confidence placed in you by him.
One who steals from the moan in whose
employ he is, knocks a strong prop
and all honest business. He violates the
moral compact that every man who en-
ters into the employ of another tacitly
snakes, for he says, "I am worthy of
confidence. 1 may be trusted." Now,
you don't belong, naturally, to what we
call the criminal clauses—those men,
many of whom never had any training in
their lives—never attended school a day,
who find themselves outcasts in society
at the beginning, and against whom
merchants and bankers, of course. put
strong locks and„bars on their doors, be -
of every grade still rec.ives my prompt and careful attention, and will be iris e up
in the most approved styles by tint class workman, And
..f the very best material obtainable.
Ladies god hilss. Boots licel plalsd Fac oPc6argc
Butter will not brings fancy prier that
does not have the true Orange .Stade.
Thatcher's Orange Butter Color will give
this shade when the feed fails.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal -
It acts directly upon the blood and the
mucous surfaces of the system. Price
75 cents. For sale by George Rhynas,
sole agent for Gudeneh 1r143 -3m
At time of purchase if so desired.
Chilled Plow
Maung purehased the Goderich Foundry.
asst fitting the premiss' for the manufactur
ofcto mows and AGRI('. LTURA
IMPLEMENTS os • large scale. Mill Work
emend Repairing and Jobbing will be con
tinned. All work guaranteed.
Mr. D. Ruectman is the oslyman authorize
to ooUect payrneros and give receipts on he
halt of the late firm of Runciman & Co.. an
au persons indebted are requested to ''over
thsssaelvea accordingly.
is the most common of all diseases, and
under ordinary drug treatment the most
difficult to cure. it is a chronic weakness
of the stomach with iudigestion. The
sensitive mucous membrane coating of
the stomach becomes irritated, and near-
ly all that linters the stomach continues
to add fuel to the fire. Heartburn and
Sour Erections, Belching of Wind, Nau-
sea, Headache, Variable Appetite, Cos-
tive Bowels, etc., are its prominent
symptoms. Burdock Blood Bitters is a
positive cure for this miserable disease. 2
If Catarrh has destroyed your sense of
smell and hearing, Hall's Catarrh ure
will cure you. 75 cents per bottle. All
d. uggiats sell it. Far sale by George
Rhynas, sole agent, Goderich. 1843-3m
Robert A. \Viliu,n, Dispensing Chem-
ist, Brn..kville, says tinder date of June
5th, '82. "I have not the slightest hesi-
tation in saying that Dr. Fowler's Ex-
tract 1.1 Wild Strawberry has given my
customers snore satisfaction than any
medicine in my store for the cure of
Summer Complaints ; Diarah.ea, Dys-
would go a considerable way towards
paying the whole cost.
o1 the different crops this year wae:—
Fall wheat, 10 acres—this was half Claw-
son and half Reliable ; sprin;: wheat, 13
acres •barley, 5 acres ;mate, 23 acres ; cones, Mten carve. t
standing as it does on rising ground, ten the employ of another and defrauds
with its surroundings of beautiful lawns
him, his employer has a right to say that
and flower plots, tine shrubbery. Sc., it he has been grossly abused, because av-
is a residence that the proprietor may
well feel proud of ery man doing business has to depend
more or less upon the honesty and in-
tegrity of others. No man is able to do
all his business himself. He has to in -
peas, 6 ; hay, 24, one field being timothy I From Andrew Archer,of Fairfie.d,Jde• trust some of it to employees. And,
and the other mixed clover and timothy;Seeing numerous certificates in the therefore, I look upon it as a more ser -
5 acres of turnips and 4 of mangelds ; 1 � Moine Farmer, endorsing tfie Great Lung I ons offense, when a trusted employee DIN Reward
acre of carrts, and potatoes sufficient I Remedy, Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher- proves recreant to his trust, defrauds his
for home use. Besides the land in crop, ry, I take great pleasure in giving publi- in 1 recreant
nwhen "virtudefrauds
his la offered for any case of Catarrh that
it there w6re which wemteg in{ to1f be summer aore tl Nllow, city to the olt}' iny. familygreat
thereyeare ttitlphaDuriing has come up under different circunstan• Taken iMernallyth Price 75acent . Cure.tarrh For
after our Deco•.1 via It with fall wheat : the euinmer of that year my son, Henry* Oes• breaks the law, and is bhrlughtd in sale by George Rhynes, sole agent for
roam( tis. Charles.
Chrystal & Black.
'\Vm. Cullahan, Water Police, 206 St.
Etienne street, Montreal, says Dr.
Smith's Greet German Worm Remedy
was a decided succesa in his family. Had
trial other worm remedies and doctors
for four years without success. 35 cents
—of all dealers. Sold by Jas.. «ilei m,
Godcrich, Ont. 2
48 acres in }Gas urn, and 5 were orchard. A. Archer, now p�.stinaater in this place,
lawn, etc. Wadi,ut an exception the was attacked with spitting of boo• d,
crops were all excellent. However, at cough, weakness of lungs,and general
our first visit the mangulds were back- debility, so much so that our famil"
here and tried for his crime. y un er- Godericii. 1843-3m
standing of the criminal law is that it is
for the purpose, first, of punishment for
the protection of society. and, second,
for the reformation of the prisoner.
ward, but 'lathing else could be expect- physician declared him to bare a `seate t
ea, owing to the early part of the season conbumptnnn.' Ile was under medical tnudeterni others me should
an oicause theided a
being so tlirtsudily cold, and that par- treatment for a number af months, nut er to feel that he cannot Grids with the
ticular ro •t ret uuing plenty of warinth rece ved no benefit. At length, from law.I am well that strong temp-
and sunlight But the next time we the solicitation of himself and (then, aare thrownellawarein theh way of young
saw them, ou the 8th September, they I was induced to purchase one bottle of men hereaChicago. and in other large
had made grunt growth, and& nicer look- \\'ietar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which cities, look around them and
ing and better crop of turnips, man• benefitted hint u, n uch i obtained enoth• see men when they fortunes in a day—that
golds, and carrots, we thiuk, it would er; which in a short time restored him they weary of well loins} and trust spec -
he difficult at find. to his usual state of health I can safe elate, and frequently take the money of
THE .1'TEM OF FARMING ly recommend this remedy to others in employers andend-
invest it not int
their d
varies somewhat according to the nature like condition, for it is, I think, all it ing really steal hut hoping t be
of the soil, but the general methal perp.+rts to be—the Great Lung Remedy on the luckyside of the market and re -
which is carri -d out is as follows:-- ' for the Titres ' The above statement,
When the sail is broken up, if the land gentlemen, is my voluntary offering to
is at all dirty, summer fallowing is re- you in favor of your Balsam. and it is at
sorted to, std the hand is sown with fall your diapnsal. :A cents and 51 a b,.ttle.
wheat, otherwise it is sown with oats or , st.ld by dealers generally.
peas or bot't. The old stubble is heavi-
ly manure' in the fall with 25 loads to
the acre for mingolds and carrots, for
turnip; the same quantity per acre. ant The ((utifying and healon{ properties
applied in the spring le -emit -mit and of ler. F .wow's Extract ..f "'ikt Stan,
ploughed in previous to drilling up Fall berry impart a healthy tone t., the dig -
wheat on summer fallow is usually *eel- eased mucous surface of the Stomach and
ed down. Spring wheat or harley seeded Bowels. its coaling, se.thintt peaces,
down follows turnips. Sprint wheat is ties counteract pain, its antiseptic pro-
prefetred to barley, as eluded. invariably }.erties camel canker and foul humor,
•t to meets
turn it ; and are finally caught and
1 know those temptations exist, At the
'eine time I think it is the duty of every
Judge on the bench to see to it that
when these offenses are committed and
Now N worts. I the offenders brought before the court
such punishment is awarded as shall
have its proper effect. The law says not
leas than one year nor more than four-
teen years. The terse I fix upon I wish
yon to understand is for your' benefit
and for the g.std of society. I am very
sorry to fiml a young man of your sp-
peront standing and intelligence before
a gnod paying crop is grown Last year
the field was over 25 bushels an acre.
and herdly any year has it leen less
than 29, but (mostly considerably above
it. For yeah fast the white Russian.
has dune better than other varieties.
in growing whets!, as well as nearly all
other grain reels. and *Ian on the roots,
Mr. Dickson teed selt freely, the usual
quantity being 50011'.. to the etre, and
*levet int -steely has he seen n marked
benefit front it, the Only exception being
fall sheet, stere the gain was nos so
/wile( able. Mr. Ire km n'* testimony
was similar to that of many Mkt W-
ooers with whom we *peke on the sub-
?eel: lend it week' appear that thole es,
and its tante i,etringent roe ore the court at all. 1 take into ConsidaM-
III exlattative discharges-- such as Das fat that you have pistoled
Diarrhntw, Cholera Mtion thec
orbus, and ilioand also the fact that your em-
ployer Cemplatnls generally. 2. gu
ployer dons not desire that you should
A weave of tlMsoa. be severely dealt with. That is very
Beware i.1 Opiates andpnwerfnl arrive eontmen.iahle in Mr. Allen, after Nevi,
gent drama in the treatment of B,.wel been to the the trouble and expense of
Compisiats. they may hill the pain and bringing yon hack. i have no desire to
Ivo .l•yerc. The un.lor portion of the
peek I►iin .is ete., but are liable to to vert was returned, but after the tar.
p��s�dneo ir,Aalwtltti..n. Dr. %colors 1'' 1 y
Eafract of Wild fttwwherry ie gssarma- rest was made. it is unfortunate for
ids= be
teed safe and rehash,. rv,xe foe wows, s, you that you did n..t return the property
and ii a ap,ciRo for chowsfore making the c,nfeseien."
D -oi nte� •r C'v--- Colic. Amite •- "How .44 are yon 1" asked his Heiner,
thea s!. Rwvnever enfwnlslab sa551 J. *topping in the midst of his lector"
2 "Thirty -e we.- ,nt•aw.wd Rap.,
New fl )1L; t: and l SLT PNS manufac
tured on shortest notice.
11 (kinds of Repairing executed under th
personal supervision of the 'Proprietors wh
Gray's Specific Medicine .
K.,o.I.H 11F-
vntnv. An un-
failing cure
for Seminal
S ermator-
rhea, linpet
enry. and all
diseases that.
follow M a se- i
Imu1 Thaw gamee of melt APtf TONI
Abtme-as Loss of Memory. Universal Law.
tilde. fain In the hack, Dimness of Vision.
Premature old age. and many other discase%
that,wd to insanity or consumption and a
premature grave. 14..Fnl1 ryuticnlaru in our
pamphlet, which we desire to wean free by
mall to everyone. The "peeife Medicine is
sold by all druggists sr 51 per package. or six
packages for tt, or will be sent tree by mail
on receipt of tote mnnev M addre'etng
THE ORAI• MKINI'i'E ('O,, T•+rnntn.Ont.
y .$old to Ooderich by J. Wilson.
Practical Wo - n r
P. 0. Box 103 1787
W. S. Hart & Co
Goaerich Mills
Beg to return their thanks to the public for
the liberal patronage received during the past
year. and to state they are prepared to do
c3-,eDWI' IN €-
on the shortest notice. or for the convenience
of pee ies living at a distance will exchange
grist' at their town store
Lute W. M. Hihiard's, )
Masonic block, East 8t. Oodericb.
'Highest price paid for wheat 'lee
St. Oatherines Nurseries,
Having fully tested
two new grates, I unhesitatingly advise my
patrons to plant them. Yon will not be earlyblack dis-
RLY is the best
verynk Ogrape yetRE'S
grown n Canada.
it has stood thirty degrees below zero unhurt.
BRIGHTON Is a delicious red grape, ripening
just atter Moore's Early. They are both large
in bunch and berry. and very production
win mail both to any address, postpaid,
receipt of 52, or either for 51. Agents wanted
f Ste' mit' T _3 ^Sa, I !. -mss'
Wr "OE tipe -WO
Farmer's Hardware
Tal 11
Builder's Hardware
Illustrated Floral Guide
:n fact, everything you want in his :.ne
f or last I. am F.iegawt ta...k .r 110 rates.
Ise,. Colored nage. of Flower., sad more
Ill.. /we Olwdr.11.•s of the
1 " Uihnra-irnwtt nnafor
er..'lanfa an.l Vrs, an
grow ing. It i. handa.'me enough for the Pen-
tre T..hlc .,r a 11 .reds, Present. Fend on ynwr
n ame and I'.at .)M. -e address. with 10 rents.
and 1 will seed you a eopy. postage paid. This
M ail a ter of iia coat. It Is printed In
MO Misi and German. If you afterwards
• tteetl eteseeet the 10 et..
M jaw sr, the hest In the world.
/1,eiaal.Grtnt will tell you l.•w to tet
Mee. them.
r!��'�pwN aN tt.•pH.►Ie 6:wNew. 175 ,
.,:z Poste.. 'eco F:t,Krat inlr Fns �
tae A
Pries $1.1% • year J
This Spring and Summer. See his FENCE WiRE, the best yet.
era ; ti.CO in elegant loth.
•.atalyIletivelme 11
numb( an
I�• toren \nma.er
/ .rile. for tit .Ynl
J twI4 VW5. D.eae.ter.11 r
Posters, Circiilars,Cards tit
.riot Wears. Gorier; eh