HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-10-06, Page 1THflttY-RI4741 YF. %R.
1t11UL1' \C3iHnit t.'•.1
li-r '. t:erllietneal.. I _
} "'eale''b a ` ^• t ►flints. (wee eRY I)rvlalor. NEWS ABOUT HOMMF i The regular semi-annual meeting tf : THE FALL OPENINGS. BOUTS BRUCE.
!vase€,'r 1 , (4'ulker• 1, sena*T r +- ' ,the Kurth Huron TeacLen' Aasuciati. n
Medic;n. - srs order of for High l'nurt of •• k ehit•1's amass ye, 'akin' nota, will lot hell in the Ce alai St ht o1, Sea h bat oar Mlllbrrs are Mlat -••a, Fatbe . + Hee las 11e.•llat ter �'f 1
St. Co.('u, Jamie", (•hane.•ry GIvWan. made In the mat- u' faith he'll ,teat IL";eraalJ,
Fall opeui ,t 'I .» •t' !Unroll. ter of titers/ate of Henry :Hoary, deceased• t forth, on Thmaday and Friday, Oct. 19 Dear Faits r, Co to ren■ wilt
t'nII open,w .i• As Wilson. and In a cause Morley against. Holier "- ` and 20. one xaa�gs.'
Asir ilstm• • the ure,titurs ,f Henry Morley, late of TOW'2t TOPICS. I A meeting was held in the temperance
crane fait , .. `lir3tewart, the village of Het yy REFORM MEETING. -The digerebt hall of this place, ou Wednesday ecen-
grare•, las the ('uuuty of About fain tttue of year it, a usual for in 1'
The '1'r t.•1 lien. Sheppard. Huron, who died in or about the month of I now have my nest store form Air oecup td 'ward committees will meet in the Reform ;g : ,aft Ult. , by &Tr. H. P. O'C.tnnor,
pParL 3[arth. (ABL lire ou or before the 8111 da of byMr. laatabwll
in -
bonen .n 1 ; «orrr-!;un. lthynn•• Norcplbrr, l t�°, to wend by t , t i all a v
ty or remits this (Friday; evening, at 7. ;;p the millinery establishments to have an the Reform candidate fur Hoath Brow
In the li rt ,, of Justk• -S Jlalouaimin 1 Ihrr►�ttc.O( Gudtwlth, the solicitor of i rH. eceived a�Ioadlofnil. -�N�It.,.. ' Ju•t m•, fur the purpose of arranging matters! "fwninp dap" ui.,n which to display the the corning election, and though the
Ater'u (, t.-.). Pills --lir. J. l . Ayer i Co. I plaintiff: Sarah Morley, the admla4tratrtx of to he brought txfure the , !sleet novelties of the season in lathe g
the deceased, theft Christian and estnaa)ea, Th., veuplr up 'north are boasting of the •d Court of heti notice of the meeting had only seen up
r she de err and heir Christ the s Dnntan•nn show. and some contend that it mon on Monday. Let there be a cued wear. 4 )n these occasions the lad J
t !ales of their claim. a statement of tihetr was ap to the (tiding show *n some depart, Y two ,lays previously, quite a hutnber of
attendance ..f all the committeemen. the family usually takes iu the situation. the electors ware present to hear the
t?entistr�l, r,aouctr aa•l the nature of the ueruritira lir "wets but all are otoplt,ion that N»ltow'r phu I selects what she Cansidt•ra U, be the must
___ _ _ , anrL Add by twin, or In derv:[ thereof the 0l rapli gallery is the place logo to if No, want Some exquisite designs in borders and . i,etytntine, and expecte the head of the
white. a sant rder.v excluded from the beney goo' pl'utos at reasonable rater. ornaments for fancy priutiuk hate been
,( \ lt,i;.I (LSI)\. II 1)N DEN- tit of the said leder. Nobody would imagine that Win. 1,. Sur1
.1. 'rt. r Nl,ryndtrosidenoo,lt'cit9tre•t blrery•house U, nintle the matter in due time.
1,� 1:y !l ttik of :Wont rex', (;oda- Dtro.:u. o the dame
hnkyng any sec ton, the liquor merchant, a pie of purChasrxf for the fall and holies) trade. The masculine portion of the community
la 1 t t >:: psilr is to d as a dlsc•i
c , sau,a teeters toe, atm timbers !lase Wilde but an lacy-r.[ion of his wind urchanta anti 1 ry
173;` • i at the !'Dorf ILrtses Is the 7bwa Q (i•aerkh, reveal the beautiful suutluwer in full hh
In 11.e county of )luron th wl '1 • tl
on a 1111, da of n c ,e words "Wines and Liquor."
11 ,) .\ 11 ,i EEFEIt, DENTAL SUR- Xorrmerr, i•tM2, at trot title k in the forenoon, I tlxed upon it in high colors eualcient to
-31 '' c - Ave with Trotter i'aesar, the tw n1t the time appn,lnted for a.ljudlcatlon On the moat fastidious.
fettrrytrrh•Ref-4'neentn,l Allo !the lift"' ptlrwtioas ( The finest cidlectinn off ra',ora, satyr
II :•!; y , ' (Arendt mrformed. itoonms, JTst-d thta /,h day of (ltyohrr, A. t►, iN6N brushes and hair
nor• 111' : over W. yiidsd•SoabklLIN- .. S. 11ALCOMa(N. at the Iuei
TON /r ',tJones term adiatanee will please; Master at Guderich.
mak- air. ti n'menr fn advance ley instil. 1015. 18S¢11.
She People's So(umn.
sever "iI for general Fp housework, lamely
Money to Irnd at lowest ret Interest. Df ass Davla to vtalting the i1 J
rat x. $13 o •r ••, cull. For pesrtienlan, aafdrnss, t
Mrs. (1. M. Walker, tValkervale, Ont. 14513E f - at ALawi-ave, Detroit.
tierce cornet of the square and We
Street, Galertch, over But'ler's b,okator
EWIS ,C LE\\'IS, a of
I4IOR SkLE CHEAP. -A .Hut'$E, 4 4Ilrorneys, Soiicftora 1u l'hrne-ery &c.
Teel nl t furniture, etc. Th.' ,orweawl ! Office In the l noel Ituuse, G'»lerict;.
lot on tt't .. :refer, owned by E. F. Moore is I iR4 1.> was. 11..1.. E. N. !,eats.
"Irene 1 '„ • 1•• ata Ina: tl,,,:re. The house- _ 11(2e. _
owe , ,e .ohs w .ounces To- don't delight Int fall openiu4, • but the
aero quiring circulars, cards er fine printing lades 'bless them` fairly dote on the
SU, I tan get their work handamuely done at displays. This week there are no less
• lowest prices at THE Sn.y 1L office. than three large millinery displays in
ia. Mr. Abraham \\'lion has left with us contemplation, and the announcements
gala ' a cur oeit ill
ng a»raAH al stye of J.4 H. Y the vegetable T line, Soling a elsewhere in this issue, give bills of par-
te vivre. ,cornus of want the street and the three. headed cabbage. The hems are titulars.
square. Those who want these toilet recti a solid and well -formed, and being, on a
Kos yhonld not fail to call and Inepoel the 0 iai 47'14w•18T
stock. I single stalk are rather odd looking. \1'e
For fancy printing -THE SIGNAL. hope the three heads will prove better
For cheap printing -TRE SIGNAL,than one when we come to eat then!.
Miss Lizzie Cox, has gone to Chicago. t In our report of the West Riding
i lases ones Agricultural Society's show held in
G elerich on the 19th and 20th of Sept
' Hugh Davidson left for Toiouto 1
• hold td , will also tw die ris:•.1 of at a
t. .1r the family be about removing
to ebb ;, trot, Everything will be a bargain for
the bn. a -. Apply on the premises. 1339-1.
a -a. t.. r •-.i 'e. wlshee to take a maid of all
work a-.: •t • tr. Fancily small. No children.
LIberat w l •••a. Apply to MRS. l'. It. MAT-
THEW. st. "•.•phen r Parsonage, Huron road.
hi for sale on reasonable terms. Apply to
E. L. JOHNSON, North-st., Godericb. 4t08-lt
V tido t.•riber, about Juac last, a t1Tcy-col-
fired ce.y • Add heifer. Ike owner is requested
to 4o-.- :,:. perty, pav expense a and take her.
away.' mita. MARY WATION, lot 19, 1st cos.
West Hen wnnoeh.
sl air;•. at live boyo about 16 years of age, 18
wanted to ;cern the printing buaines., Apply
at this onl, .'• 1637
DEEB Ft tit S-\LE.-.klint"T Fi)RTY
1) etilu•t.ca of bees for sale at reasonable
.r{.t+. .triply at the Colborne Valley Apiary.
Peter ; :.:.('r, pro;or1etor, Ilenrniller, 'P. (11.
1 T..,•mi•ea of the sul,striber, about the 1st
n. t:•go.t, a black and white heifer.. heavy
w.:* Is , n0f. risingthree years ol1. $5.0) reward
Will Ile a:ccn for Infonnetion leading to her
re"h.1,re. W J. itAYt9EN, Li' 6. 1.. R.Ash-
neld, Shepperdton P.D. 157 -It
T LUSTERS, Attorneys, Solicitors, etc
Goderich. J. T. Carrow, W. Proudfoot. 175
Attorney, Solicitor in Chancery. &e.
Ooderich, Ont. 1751
C. Sesser
Re.,udericb. erich J. A .Morton, Wing
ham, 1731.
a riomber "4 2nd prizes awarded to
varsity ea N'ednerlty, ni• mars. Montan & Creasman, were inad-
vertently emitted, viz: twoherse buggy,
Mr. Robt. Patterson, of Winnipeg, is one:horse buggy and covered busty.
visiting his sinter -in-law, Mrs. R. I'. Morton & Creseman tusk first at,d sec -
Smith. and prizes in the three exhibits named.
Miss Macliahen has resumed her dot- Prnf. A. H. Kay, who has had charge
les as teacher in St. ,David's WB
Ward of the 33rd Battalion and for a number
aeh(ol, of yearn, is about to remove to Wingham
Mr. Eugene Carey, of \\'il.nipelr, ex. and revive Inc band of that town. Mr.
tended his ()uteri* trip, to Toronto and Kay is a gentleman who is worthy of all
Barrie. confidence and support, mid it will not
For Comb;n Ilion Ceilings dune in the surprise us to shortly hear of the Wing -
latest and best style, call and see E. R. hath band being among the host in the
Harristets, %Bettors in Chancery, tic,Mr. John 3IcGilli)'ray has left for. Mr. George Savage, of the weir -known
3;latishand 4'(ngrner M. d Catnrich. ron.W. adle.rtisingafiencyofSticaye..0 Farnum
C.: Y. Holt. 1f. G. Cameron, Godcrich. R . 4; T fronto, to Tesoroe his studies at'I nl- ,
Mascara, Wiughatn• 1751. retail Co'1 e. Detroit, was in town during the week.
Y M • S g Canadian, and was rain- OUR TOWN FATHERS.
_---_ ed' iu Guderich.
announces a two days' display, to -day
'(Friday) and Saturday. She has recent-
ly moved into tho commodious premises
formerly occupied by H. H. Smith. and
is making a heavy showing in fall milli-
nery and dress goods.
on West Street, under the management
of Miss Wilkinson, will Vivo an open
�fueetions of the day, and that lately -
hatched rackety platform of the Tory
party discussed. At ori.00 oclock the
meeting was organized with Mr. Jno.
McClung, President of the Lochalsh
Young Men's Reform Club, in the chair.
Tho chairman, after explaining the object
of the meeting, introduced Mr. O'Con-
nor who was well received, and who, in
a speech of an hours duration explain-
ed clearly anti concisely the grounds on
which he asked the suffrage of the elec-
tors of South Bruce. He discussed the
Boundary Award and the Streams' Bill,
and concluded by decl:u•ing his intention,
if elected, to do his utmost tostreugten
the hands of Mr. Mowat and his admin-
istration in their great battle for On-
tario's territorial and constitutional
Mr. Eckforil followed, and spoke for
ae.Utet on Saturday, to which all are in- •^.n hour,'during which time he was lts-
vited, when the attractions of the season toned to in almost complete silence.
in ladies head -gear, etc., will be ou view•.• He attempted to defend the course of
MI$3 JE.eIE w•1L,ttN, Mr. Meredith and. Sir John A. Me -
whose establishment On the square is Donato; in the, Boundary Award and
well -knows, has also selected Satnrday, Streams' Bill, and enunciated the policy
and is going to show the newest styles, of his party as embodied in the resolu-
Her store is certain to be attractive, and tions noosed at the late convention at
will be well pat}•onized 00 Saturday. Toronto. Mr. Ecford seems to be rather
Our leading milliner* believe in adver- a plea'utnt and agreeable gentlemen, but
tieing, and "'tannest an energy and enter- his speeches prove clearly that he l3 far
prise which soiite of, our business Igen from being thoroughly acquainted with
sadly Lack. find tliey find that it le ys the tJuestlona which he attempts to dis-
to advertise, cuss; at all events, if the reasons he gives
are the only ones that can to given why
r. Mowat mus go, then t that gentle-
• A number of our townspeople took r Savale is a ( sd Di li t 1
ical. H e d
. IAN. SURGEON, &e., Graduate of Tor
onto University, 1,l..'er.tiate of the Royal Cul -
of Phyafcisns, London. klaglaad,Re., Re..
C. P. i•(., Ontario. omee and residence
Opposite Bailey's Hotel, Hanciltun street. God-
ndtantGe of the cheap trip on Tuesday, is firm does an at- Men la not likely to go for some yours
t , t Ott Dent tt menso Canadian business, and are con- cep+ori 01 the 1/hotter or List ---alar vet to came ; neither is Mr. Eckford
Mr. Charles Davis left for Hetroit en young loan, and will doubtless make his tative tit South Bruce:
Tuesday last to take a situation in a "pile" before he reaches forty, ' Sept. '29th, 1882: Mr. OC+moor- reply was 1s effectual
drugstore in that city.
tinually extending it. Be is still a
Meeting. ' likely to ;to to Toronto as the represen-
Mrs Join Hincka,who itais'bee, flail- E. Trainer has secured a
L96em ing her p beats Sir. and 1Ire Port p sition in the Pullman Car Company's
OEON, Coroner 8:c. Office and residence
Bruce .Street, second door west of Victoria
Street, 1751
. clan. Surgeon and Accoucber, Graduate
of Toronto University. (flbeeopposite Gamer
-ea S Cameron's Yank, Lucknow. if not In
hilt e, enquire at the Bank
1 O•tnr:ntctL 1 nysleian.• Surgeons. Accouchers, Re.
like at Dr. Shannon's residence, near the
The *were of sat. Joseph, ar_ :tprepared r 1 Goderich. j .ua, 1731.
to give lessons in vocal (.s well as instrumen•
tal must,. For par': -dor. apply et the Von.
ai , enc ,. U. C. SHANNON, J. C. HAnil.
.•n t. North W.
l 1 i ;CE T41 DEBT(ti;.i, -ALL AC -
1 counts do . fowls J. Treble must be
prod n: rare, as 1 intent doing a strictly cash
un.ine ew. Eight per runt per annum will be
charged on all overdut• aeeuonta. cash cus-
tomer eau get good !terse -doing and general
black•tnithing don€ at favorable terms br
Mg me a call. Stand near the gant. 1.. J.
1 REIIL►:. 13,57
composed of lot number t2, in the Lath
enneession of the township of Mullett in the
County Hnron.,+nnrein lnq 101 acres. R5 acres
cleared. balance hardwood bush. Fur further
particular., apply to
(i.erR1w d• PRornrtxir.
Burristera, etc..
18i1 -am Oodericit.
d Haynes, saw mulct+. Si teppar•tton,n-as
this d dissolved. A. Hodge will sell the
lugs an,! Inmber on hand. and receive and pay
he debts due to and by the company at this
WILLIAM l'ROCt►OOT. ' ARcit. Hot e.:.
t1'ltsees. i R. T. Has,. '..
Bheppar.lton, 19th Jul,p;1834. 19:.3-im
arrangement' with Mr. 10. McGregor,
the wil-known bookbinder n' .$eaforth. to
tate ors for work in his line. All work
d from the plainest to the must nperb at
T to prices. Orders left at this Office will
receive his personal attention. 1;i3.
venient hone canner of Newesto and
Albert, streets for a number of year. occu-
pied by Mee. Elwood. The home t in every
way • desirable one. For further part erMars
apply t0 Junx BRECRENRIM.E Newgate
street. 1852.
1 .1 number of rain lambs, get by a Provin-
cial winner. Aliso some chote hives of bees.
For particulars apply to M.trrnew LEVY. 11h
:tin. of Colborne. 1847aru.
it Lindon. Eng.. Academy of Mu Oe.
Ortanlst of AR Georges Church. Owl 1444e
wt11 tire lessons In (Myles and Ptaso platin,
...netts and harmony. For pnrt)ealsrs ad-
dress. care of Mia.. Payne. (loderteb P. O.
!aeon -1951
un' �ItMiM U code
t►ad Ira
celled g- rMit ld
(rrserr lb ~On
• •
�tiALE.-TRAY REA thereon. Wing 0110, and buildings thete.on.
sad filin the town et 0.wlarlp►, be-
ing proper!) owned and ors -apart by the
tate Hany, Horton sen. font en Wet le the
nits,,. Will be unid in ono Parcel or r taut
to soft. Enquire of J. ('. CT mug. A •
1 ONT. -
The Merry now and 6ratrIwo, house. cites• to
the Rallway Station and rnntenient 10 the
town. IN *served to none fe Ontario, fq9rr 0010.
tort and accommodation. in hosted ty not
1t ((AAAI SATfa. $Y1'I11R6Yi SIM
('refines Lawn and garden et•n, the premitaee.
Hot and toll meals at ail batt/ fortraneners.
An ormittrs to and ttMt Matt aMMs M1�
mostly 11, st'telan••. Ino, Rrearaaa
Loans anti insurance.
ALLAN. t -tic , No% Lth 1191.
13131s.lenAon teenslt1 a0ma 10 suit b
500,000 To ► LOAN. APPLY TO
ich. 17.39
favorable. Apply to 11. L. ; atom Ceilings, dune in the latest style
list I by E. R. WATs1IN.
Council met this evening in regular as it was sh;-t. In tell minutes tho
arssion. Present -the Mayer in the argnntents of his opponent, his platfer .t
ur er, olives Chicago, in Tuesdayleft for chair, the Reese, 2nd Deputy -Reeve and his policy, which had been framed
bas returned to Detroit. hu future homeantlato lalb Mr. and councillors Bingham, Butler, Hum- ;,y the combined intellectual capacity
dance of J. R. Miller on Saturday, 21st company's employ for a number of years. mDr. Rotebrugh will be at the rein- James Trainer, who - has been in the ber, Jordan, Lee, Sloan and Swanson. and talents of the chief lighta of the
enie Treasurer read the following state- groat Cunaervative party of Canada
Oct., to receive patients Loth as we are to part with our Cana- Cash receival s:ase last meetin,l 60300.91 weTe..Shatterod and sundered
Mr. Globenski has removed his family diau boys, we are pleased to know that Cash paid out tensa • Wot•w• than the i essian•,
to Petrous, where he has been engaged their services are a Balance in hank 1; 8. Y! fa the six hundred;
ppreeiatel by our Re''erreej to Fithance committee. The applause wtdclt Mr. O+Connor
in business for sometime. ,neighbors to the south of the line The sexton's report showed the inter- elicited proved' that the audience was
.lir. Neil McGillivray, }las just secur- John R. bertion. forinerly oaf Code- tents during the month to be light- with hint almost to a man. The meet -
ed the appointment of teacher in the rich, (int., has uow been fully initiated Adults, 5 ; children, L Referred to ing closed with cheers for the Queen,
public school at Cookeville, Ont. into his position of Deputy Shetiff, to Cemetery committee.
Mr. Md and Mr. O'Connor. We aro
Mr. R. Hobson, conductor on the line. wide!, he was appointed a short time The attest inspectors report was read, satisfiedth that ladling sub -division No, 5,
of R. 11. between Grand Rapids and age, as successor to Mr. Strange. Sherif' showing work dune can bridge, Harbor Huron. will give a gootl account cif itself
Chicago, is revisiting his old home. Inkster speaks highly of hint as an ofti- hill, Platt's Hill, South St. drain and on the day of the election.
E. R. Warsas, Painter and House De- tial, anal he also finds favor with both Bruce St. drain tinisheti, gravelled por-
.corator. Combination Ceilings done in lawyers and suitors. Mr. Robertson tines of Bruce and C',bourg streets, the , Lisburn.
the latest style. has had considerable experience in Huron Road side walk, and entrance to
Mr. \\•m. Swanson, of the firm of shrievalty business, and carne here high- the cemetery. Referred to Public works I. O. G. T. -The entertainment held
lv rec0nnnended. - [;\innip tg Free cotmnittee. iit the Temperance Hall on Friday even-
Swanaon4-Jackson,hardware uterchants, Prem. Blenheim, Ont., is in town for a few the fullowulq cotnmunicatn,n was re Mg last was a success. Re t.. J. A. Turn -
days. Felt RAcAy -During the past week a ceived from John Goodall, sexton of the bull, k. A., the popular paster of Lest -
'NOTICE TO THE Pt -The latest Driving Park Association has been form- cemetery:
thing in House Decorations are Combin_ ed in G,nderich and the following officers
have been appointed: President Dr.
'$'+30,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO LEND Miss Fannie Rothwell accompanied
Vt8 1IXLIFFL' 1731
on good Farm or first-class Town Property. her sister Mrs, Br vans, who has been
Per cent. Aunty
to }.. H. y
Taylor ; Secy., W. L Horton ; Treas.,
D. C. Strachan ; Committee of manage-
ment -Capt. T. N. Dancey, \\'m. Lee,
spending a few weeks in Guderich. to E. It. Palmer and A. M. dley. Al:
1/ ONEY TO LEND IN ANY her home in Li,towel. may- a suescripticth�ii has been raised
cent.amount t. Privateto suit funds 1pplyrtosSiscg Si and Miss A. Wallace, of Guderich, spent a first suffiraceseto tt�whichrcw•ili'ohesuccess held on the
MoR7ter, Goiter ch. few days last week, visiting at her 19th and 20th inst., when purses aggre-
brother's, Mr. .T. W Wallace of this 1 gating 8500 will be offered for competi-
villaRe.-[Lucknow Sentinel " tion. Tho owners of several foist mut.-
lr. Arthur J. Mauger, of \Vingham, ing horses have already signified their
formerly of Brooklyn, N. Y., has been • intention of attending the Guderich fall
secured as bookkeeper 6y Messrs Ogilvie ; meeting.
& Hutchison at the Harbor Mill.
1 amount of Private Funds for investment
tt lowest rates on first-class Mortgages. Apply
1.4 11.066T to lend at lowest rates, free of
eat 5OSM or ehrtrges. BEAVER * MORTON,
i eYea/rte
Ooderld Yardd March 1 (AAI, 1779.
V Landed Credit Company ,a prepared to
lead money on goal Farm security, at six per
cent. Full pp,ssrttculara filen upon application
to H('UI[ HAMILTON. C. L. agent, uoderich.
r on Farra and Town Property at lowest In-
terests Mortgages purchased. so commie**
charged. Conveyancing !fess,_ reasonable.
N. H. Horrowers can obtain y in nee
it one i. satisfactory.-_DAVISION h JOS,
OT,)N. Berrien -rake.. Ooderirh. 1751
11.4a. Life sad Accident insurance Agent.
pre•tentingnest-clams Coin ante,. Aleoasent
for the CANAOO Ltvtc STneic iNal•*Atey Co.
Stoney to lend on Mortgage, either In Town os
Perm Property, braes way to suit the borrow-
er. Odlee--(up-stain* Kar', Mock. (Indorich.
Tam SNiNAL for 1883 and balance of
1882 only $1.50. On trial until New -
Year's for 25c. IJb,L: and SIGNAL for
fifteen months, 82.25. -4,fr.-fellate and
Sh+NAL, 82.50
S(H IA1,-A very pleasant gathering
was held at the residence of Mr. Wm.
Acheson on Tuesday evening last, un-
der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid Strie-
t (Attie North Street Methodist church.
e grounds were beautifully illuminat-
Mr. Geo. Campbell, of the Mercantile ed by Chinese lanterns, and the interior
establishment known as the Alpena
House, Alpena, is visiting his parents in
own. Mr Campbell is a nephew of Mr.
W. D. Shannon, merchant.
The proprietor of the "Western Ho-
tel" has an intelligent collie, whish pre-
cisely at the hour of 10 p.m. seeks the
night policeman, and accompanies him
on his rounds until 4 p.m.
Mrs. E. W. Hastirigs, of Iowa, young-
est daughter of Mr. R illiant Wallace, of
same place, and an old resident of God- old D. McGillicuddy. The chair was
erich, visited last we, -k her native town. occupied h Rev. Mr. Wakefield, pastor
She was the vuest of her cousin, 141r. J. of the North Street church, who, in clos-
of the residence was placer{ at the con-
venience of the large gathering. After
refreahtnetoe had been partaken •,f by
all present, n lengthy programme wasg..ne
through with, consie ing of instrumental
and coral music, +•endings and recita-
tions, which were fotnishwl by Misses
Truman, Smeeth, Minnie and Liszie
Acheson, Wakefield, Weston, Oliver,
Bond, M. anti R. Trainor, Henderson,
Seegmiller and Smith, and Mteters. Hen-
derson, W. R. Dickson, T. Henderson,
KNIGHT PRACTICAL BAR- pn Tuesday 1 Ills. paid a high tribute to the hospitelo
RibR awe I�slt
"To the Mayor anti Council,"
"I hereby beg to tender my rcaign*'
Lion as sexton and general amperintend-
eat of Maitland Cemetery. I find that
burn Presbyterian church, occupied the
chair in his usual happy mariner. A
pleasing and instructive address on
"Ten , terancw ' was gi i eu by Mr. James
I aur unable to attend to the necessary Mite: ,•11, ef. Uonlerich. The h»l„e o uar-
Y tette, under lite leatlerelup of ttr'•. John
work through my fni in, health, and ! Linkliter hang several choice pieces
would respectfully' request your honor- (luring the evening. They were kindly
able body to relieve me from ditty as assisted by Mr. A. C. Macdonald and
such sexton from the nth (lay of Octo• • Miss Mactlonald, of Dunlop, the latter
11er next." ( presiding at the organ, and also assiat-
JOH(t Goon.at "
Moved by Johnston, seconded by
Bingham, that the resignation of Air.
Goodall he accepted, to take effect on
the 15th of October next, and that the
Clerk do advertise at once for n care.
tog Mr. Jas. Linklater on the organ and
riolin duets. Bro. (,I. H. Clutton and
Harry Horton give recital, ns in good
style. The readings of R. E. Brown
and S. B. tVilliams also "took." The
taker, and that the cemetery committee refreshments were excellent, and the
have ower to engage a presses, including the voting on the
['person temper- moat popular young lady amounted to
arils until a permanent appointment is tt3j tk3, Votes of thai,ka were numer-
made. Carried. nus, and were all carried Illlatiitii ll/ly.
A communication was read from E. After the entertainment, al second
F. Moore, thanking the council for their meetilM was held with Oro. D. Cum -
complimentary resolution on his roattrna• mingin the chair, and yctinr for the
tion of the offices of Clerk and Troa-1 most popular young lady in the room
surer. t took piace, the prize being an album.
A number of accounts were presented The candidates were &rias E. Rome, of
and referred to the F,nance commit- Leehurn. ami Hiss Annie '(ailows, .,f
tee' • Rurrerllut Ron•. The It(•eLurn lassaio
The Finance committee rep,poled, to. h.,l fora 1on_ flute. Last the ad,nirera ..f
commending that the. following acc.iunt/ the Butternut Row brunette app tat•ed to
be paid: (farrow & I'roudf,ot, 814 25 ; have the deepest pockets, and Miss Sal -
Luke EUard, $12 10 ; HURON SLiNAL, lows was awarded the album. The vote
221 ; 1V-u'a, 83 ; E. C. Reicher, 84.20 ; stood Miss Roane 183 Miss Sallow,' 271.
Williams & Merritt-, #182.14► ; expense Am•,wtt realized by the voting, 822.70.
connected with charter of St. Marys, The hall is t.. lou painted inside as well
Credit Valley anti Hunan R.11 sundries, as outside, and other improvements are
$08.24 ; advertising 222. t
lxrnalL c uses- r. Jas Strachan
M 1
Wm. C contemplated.
. d chairman.
Bev T M I
dt{rwr, flip to ,..e ,. uea ay set the Misses Ellen and ty of Mr. and Mn. Acheron. oted ,y iohn/ton, inane e,l hf Lee, l,tl given your correspondent some
tbaakseto the we
far and Minnie Hamilton. daughters of Mr that the report of the Finance committee heather ar 1 i tl b i f
s�tl€Ars •cow atlwtee o re/
>w timid Ids item::
11e receives and adopted. e recon rt nolo
fi4igh Hamilton, left for St. Paul, Minn. fie Go1n DienAr --on \1'e,lnerlay peel. Carried. yq
(feeler can lest our tormentor. Jame/ Dickson Er TM Council then adjourned.
tic"Hand by his son. Dile. D. K. Strachan,
{y� Mita Ellen has been - 'd f .
ie Godelie a .. resident o tot p., ) rnet . „f (io(ierlch. These ;10e01001 s of the
;either land" were plucked at Mr.
to e Daseant Gradual* s( Qh41'l/ Tw
try Coleys one., statists,_,
on New t0 reef. tour donne east -M
Motel, N. R. Horse, etamleed ae to
BRIT' a� ARS. CO'Y, Totatxro--E•taMlsks
Pfl( . f X iNq. CO'Y. of i oenow tFntf•adl
tltabllabod 1700.
TART R !s, ted om, HARTroan, ("min
Pahl for three yearn, and has penuade.[ Registrar of Heron, receired the gold
Ler sister to share the pleasures of a n.edal offered by the Agricultural and
residence In that thriving city. Arta Association of Ontari 1, for the beat
managed farm in Groupp No. 3, onmptis-
fag !hs counties of Wellington, T)ufCerin,
Perth, Hnron, (Trey and Bruce. ' Mr.
matter la select, and the daily papers are .cos n was the est (las a nersit r
always on hand. It out ou •d twenty-three final (lass farmers it
thought of the Y ng asew only ! the ail ceuneies mentioned. The medal
to the and profit a visit it a handsome one, shove the size of a
number w � uld eve' * large 120 gold piece, anti t.0 one fries is the
iesetiption " Rest managed farm in
Now is the time to become a tllsllohsr
of the Mechanics' institute, ae the btttR
winter evenings apptr,aeb. The reading
We hid the pleasure Inst week ..f'T•e-
ing 'Tome aperimena of eomhinatien bor-
ders and decorations made 11 by Mr. mens pilo a the Provincial Blyth, Tuesday, oct. IOth. Mrs. Ge..r. 4smItbrll, it ft on Satur-
taken in the _.__ - ,dart F. R, \\'stens. Mr, \\"atann has the in- N
n f love rate- `- ACK - - °~ tt Eincta of a true artist, and as he a Nir1 �siRn surrounded by the Turnherry, at illuevale, on Weeinea- (lay last to t ia:t friend+ at Ft -runs and
a meta or t oars spent Agricultural and Arts Allende- day, Oct, 11th. Hamilton.
Puttee haat!. Strachan s natio e elks,&., Lealturn, in
Before Mayor Morton. Aryshire, after which place this hamlet
I let. 4, i$$2. La call.).
Mrs. Sarah Clark was charged with
drunk sad disorderly. Fined 81
and costs Paid. --
Mt. (7lerlea Rutherf' rl left oto 11 , 1-
Robt Williams eat charge 1 with as- nes,lay- last for Knot College, To.ou:o,
*suit by Matthew Meunteney. Fined'
•1.7$ cls and emits. Paid.
Final Rev/slim wr later"' Lada.
No. 3, Jame* Dickson, Seefurth,
1 T' Tuckersmith, Co. Huron. (ioderleh, on Monday. Oct. 9th
Mr. Will J. Phillipa is visiting at pre-
sent at Mr. Muffin's of Lochalsh.
Mr. Hutchir'n and family of Ltehalah
became retttdent• of this place on Tates
flee last.
The nnderaltaM 1s elan Appraiser for the
of y frescoing, his work
as a decorator of walls and eeilings ie
after proper rules Re has a Rood •y♦ µ eat µ awanoah, at Dungannon, (* from Xs'. Arthur McLean too supply thee
Winer to Loan nn nest etre. aeenrtty rem for color, and excellent jntigment in friend on is success, aml hope he will Monday, pet. Ifth. 4*.** during the next few wee'rs.
f tot per Cent. t•Metres moderate,
design, and we helm he will J
q(mR 1(1: H.mRTnV 1 get well live long to point to the well merited Rayfield Thurttttaq, Oct. 19th ill. R. n (ltttterlm has hast) (Ts.e•
tteeerfeb clap(. la. Tsar ;rattl`nir.•t ,n ►hi. •lernrrnunt •,f his trotmhy as the realization of his highest Exeter, it•ltaday, act. 23.
atile es a ....eeriest art- •'• Wr,-r«ter, Friday. 0..).t78ti ,,•,Rt le
ITOrae t the
MIR Ontario." A full description of
aro lank ed Mfr. Dickatm appeani on our
seared We congratulete our old
East Wawan•,ah, Thursday, Oct. 12th. Kastrs, J ,f• D. Rutherford, hutche•a
\\ ingh•m, Friday, Oct. 11th. hast Wight about twenty head of . rs r le
It of
of a
to of
11 Cortwee
to Mr.