HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-29, Page 10THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY SEPT 29. '882 DOORS . SASI1Et3, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, and every Description of Interior Finch. STAIR HANDRAILS, NEWELS and BALUSTERS A Specialty. Send for Price Lista SHINGLES, LATH & LUMBER Estimates un applies tion. PM -Address FRANCIS SMEETH, lioderic h about a reunion between Molesworth and Trowbridge. A ansolittes was ap- pointed to take action in the matter. Leave was granted to moderate in a cell at Molesworth. Home miaaion business occupied some time and several matters were postponed till next regular meutit g of Yre.bytery on 19th Dec., in w'ittg- ham. In the evening a public meeting was held for the purpose of discussing sub- jects of interest to the cherch. After the opening exercises Rev. Mr. Hartley, of Bluevale, took up the subion of 'Pas toral Visitation," and spoke for .orae time on the object of the same. Hs was followed by Rev. R W. Leech, of St. Helens, with an address on the "Best methods ..f couducting pastoral visita- tion." Elden Dickson and Stewart and Rev. Mr. Muir briefly expressed their opinions on the subjects up for discus- sion. The servios was brought to a close by the Benediction. Slate& CATTI.t FAIL -The annual cattle fair for the farmers of the township of Ash- field will be held in Kintail on Tuesday Oct. 10, commencing at 10 a m. Dungannon. The annual fall show under the aus- pices of the Ashfield Branch Agricultural Society will be held at Dungannon on Wednesday next, the 4th inst. The show promises to be a successful enc. ,Irtappartitoa CAst&LTY.-While taking his horbe to water recently, Mr. Janes fHoggarth was thrown off, and had his collar bone broken, owing to the annual .hieing. l 'ext Slee Uwe -Mr. John !►Tc- Leo+d is laid up by an attack of lutn- bago. D1131101). Mr. R. B. H. Williams has returned home after a two month's visit to Lang- iide, County of Bruce. We are pleased to again see the well- known face of Mr. Norman McFarlane, of the G. T. R., who is home on a fort- night's leave. Be runs between Strat- ford and Sarnia. Master Hillary Horton was thrown otf a pony last week and had an arin pain- fully injured, although no bones were broken. He carries the injured member in a sling Lesbura- An entertainment will be held in the Temperance Hall to -night, in order to raise funds to pay off the dept incurred by the recent impruyements in the building. Refreshments will also be served, and as the admission fee is only 15e, a big crowd is expected. • rottise ?. e'e..adrwss. When did General Lea rd and Arabi occupy the position of darkey barber and darkey customer respectively 1 When Luard had "de towel," and Arabi had "De Chair." • Manly w w. me te: grower in the country, stated the case in a manly way at the meeting of the Tariff Commission in Rochester, N. Y., Tues- day. Mr. Sibley argued that it was not right to Oen a high tax on seven mil- lion seed users, for the benefit of about one hundred seed erowera Mr. Sibley is not a monopolist. Besides his im- mense see; growing business he culti- vates many fares, and rents one hun- dred and forty-three to tenants. He is owner of one fame alone of forty thou- sand acres, the famous Sullivan farm in Illinois, and was rightly introduced to the Commission as the largest farmer in the world. Agriculturists are anti - monopolists, and farmer Sibley is no ex- ception to this rule. --(Detroit Commer- cial Advertiser. Hiram Sibley, the tens,re seed Mr. Harry Horton is a tip-top garden- er, and his watermelons are eui.erli. Owing to Mr. Horton's generosity, your correspondent knows whereof he speaks. PAnerlieo. - Mr. C. C Augustus Welsh, the popular and versatile artist of Goderich, has painted the beautiful new residence of Mr. James Linklater, in a veru tasteful manner. A deputa- tion of the I. O. G. T. secured his ser- vices to paint the Temperance Hall, and the obliging wielder of the brush com- plied on condition that the goat be re- moved every morning, as he had no de- sire to be butted into the burn, object- ing to such au application of cold water on principle. He suggested the procur- ing of some Dunlap "Tonic" to mix with his coloring, but the members objected. The hall is now much more presentable. Creon. -The fail . wheat presents a beautiful appearance after the recent showers. Sli•xNEss.-Mrs, Stotler' formerly of Dungannon, is now lying very low•at her brother in-law's, Mr. Thomas Mor- row. Av.-moxa SALE., On Tuesday next, Oct. 11rd, an auction stdo will be helid, on the premises of Mr. Stephen Ivey, lot 11, con. I, near Young's school house. .f. C. Currie, the well known auctioneer will offer the bargains in stock, farm im- pleMents, etc. Ccamillor. - Mr. Isaac Fisher has purchased the cheese factory belonging to Michael Pframtner, for the purpose of, fitting it up Tor a work shot's. AcciteEvt.-Mr. William Maedel re- ceived a fearful gash on the foot while attempting to cut a stick in the woods. When his axe caught in a bough over head and caused him to miss his mark. Apples are keeping at a good :trice this .a son. Afr: David Cantelon, the principal buyer of the section, u`doing a BIO PGTATo DlnntNn,-in six hours Mr. John Stewart, with .t hoe, '•1'.1 ' up 52 bushels of potatoes. ,• Who c i;1 :,.at it ? THE I•IE$T CALL. -On Sunday hast the new bell recently hung in the Presby- terian Church pealed out its first invita- tion to divine worship. A large eenere- gation obeyed. i'o many it brou_ht back memories of ten years also when their former pastor Rev. 'Mr. Seiveright preached hie tirst sermon in this sectio' in the old building owned ,Ly Mr. Strachan, and used as a smithy. Sime then many have passed away to another scene of worships The gift of the visit- ors of the Point Farm will long be re- membered by the congregation. of Lee- +b+ urn Church, to whom the bell is a great I boon. THE SIGNAL and Cfobe -for 1883 and the balance of 1882, only $2.35. See our local agent, mernenek markets. tllitsosaa ic.. tlsI4- M, 100 wisest train 1 M1 0U w • ri W near` 1 • .alai ...... 0 tiff • t Oasts. ...... ..... ' .. s 30 • 0 0e a rs w 000 !feria, .� ('hop • O ...............• Wool ......•••• •• ••• • Hideo Sheepskins ON • Oto re. • sOs 01S b 017 017 • 0 0 11 0 I! u se e 1 011 070 0s0 ISO " 1 70 0 l8 " 0 111 3 00 • • 350 7 • ' 1* Tonsorial. W KNIGHT, PRACTICAL BAR- . BtR &ad Har ir-dresr, to r t� BAR - hanks to the public tor past yrs is dial' a continuance of custom. • can always be found his Shaving Parlor,sear Pos °Moe Gederloh. The .. Practical" Statesman. The obsequious Miff bares its head to remark that Sir John's speech before the Tory Convention was "practical," "argu- mentative," "statesmanlike," "brilliant" and "suggestive." Here is one of the choicest gems from this wonderful de- liverance -the one that is said to have provoked the wildest cheers and the greatest enthusiasm. "Mr. Mowat,with his little soul rattling like a dried pea in a tun large pod- what does Is.a care if he wrecks Confederation and inter- feres with the development of Canada so long as he can enjoy his little salary as Attorney -General, and keep Mr. Hardy, Mr. Pardee, Mr. Dardy, and Mr. Lardy -'loud laughter) --in office?" How "practical," how "argumentative," how "brilliant," how "statesmanlike,' and above all, how "eugge"tive 1" Redolent of the rowdy, suggestive of the saloon and the sand lots, and brilliant as an oratorical rocket from Dennis Kearney, to whose vocabulary the Tory chieftain and the Tory party Ali, indebted for the hoodlum ear o.^y "Mowat must Truly a nice model for a Canadian .pee. mier and s Canadian party to copy.- , f Sarnia Observer. large easiness in this line. OrEN MEETI?o.-The Sots of Tem- perance of this place will trivia an open meeting On Tuesday, 3rd Oct. It will show the w.irkings of the order, and there will also be a general entertain- ment. No charge for admission. 'SONS OF TEMPEEAN. •G -The following are the names of the officers elected for the ensuing quarter: .f. Moore, W.P.; Emma Wilson, . W. A ; J. It. Steep, R S Ida Walters, A.R.S. ; 1'. Walters, FoS.; Thos. Heddle, Con.; Wm. Mosere, .Chaplain ; Chas. 'Walters, Treas. ; A. 11 ikon, A.C. ; M. ti. Gledhill, I. S.; W. obertan, 0.5 ; George Stewartt Y. 1'. Mau& Most Look out for O.rerlses. 1f the reproeentativeslof Ontario do not join hands in standing up for her rights, they need not expect that the representatives of other Provinces .will etatld up and demand them for her.' Ontario has a rivht to expect, no matter 'what differences of opinion Ler politi- cians may have. or how widely divided upon provincial issues they may be, that they will stand up finely against the en- croachments of other Provinces. Those who are writing so strongly against On- tario being given the disputed territory will have little to congratulate them- selves upon if the territory that has been awarded be taken from her.e--(Toronto Telegram. The Tery Platfarsa Condense(!. The T, ries oft lntario recently Intl in Convention and at the dictation of the Dominion Premier, instigated by Mous- seau & Co.,' and abetted by two New Brunswickers, Tilley and Coetigan, they adopted a platform which commits thein t44.- ' 1 Dominion interference in Previn- cial Affairs. Ceti:. a O1NINn.-The new lletho- 2, Abandonment of our !light to Leg - dist church in Hansell was opened and ; ialatc on Purely L44cal Matters. I;epudietiui "f the L'oundary. 1) 1 aaellecLed Traffic in 1titokicating Drink... (:r, Irresponsible Dirieion Court bail- iffs. , ar . Snell n platfera n is : '(1) 1-nparietic. (2) Unconstitutional. (3) Dishonest. (4) Demoralising. (d) Retrogressive. -- [Sarnia Ob- dediente;l o1 Sunday, 24th Inst; the Rev. .1. Wakefield, of Goderich, chair - lean • f the -listrict, preached in the 11 Iniug; Rev. 11. Cameron, of Kippon, in the afternoon, and Rev. Mr. \Vake- held again in the evening. The congre- gations were overflowing ; after farms and chairs were pressed into service, still n number retnstined standing, and seine had to go away. finding no room. The collections netted a little over $32. The sermons were stil that could be de- sired ; Mr. Wakefield set forth, in the !morning, the manifestations of Jeho- vah, through the different dispensations, and His manifestation 10 the heart of the believer, and ably showed that these manifestations 1 .mire special prepare-. that on the hilt o1 the individual or server. Nit amadlan Need Apply. No Canadian officer, at the Lead Ad the volunteer militia force, would be n t stupid as to act as Major-General Luard has dune in the matter of the towel. people.. Mr. Cameron forcibly set forth But the difficulty is that we cannot have the sacredness of the sanctuary, and the a Canadian officer at the head of e. th nvereuce to be manifested therein. In militia force. No one can take c•in- tbe the evening Mr. Wakefield's semen re- mand of the Cxnndian militia elle has laced to Christian principle, -ably setting forth tliat while excitement in itself is )lot religion, yet true religious principle is silwags accompanied with religious 'feeling. On Monday,' 2.5th inst., the opening tea was held; there was a good gathering, the speakers did well, and the proceeds ., f the • meeting re.ult not attained to the rank of major -general. and no Canadian ;4111.1.1 can attain t.• n higher rank than that of lieutenant - colonel, even should he remain in the force until he is as grey:aa a badger. Why this absurd barrier should be erect- ed aVainst Canadian uflicers in their ed in over filo.. 'Phare was after a L'..tIt•tezin v entry toh.xly .cent" to be nble to ince was struck. it was thought, pI30, ex.dain, lint then it is, and the result short of 'electing the whole indebtedness, I i" that outsiders are imported into the which was about $750; this amount was country and gain their experience rat the fAtnestr•uetur,' 14x24140. wilh ;ni.k faun - Holt is v. , church matter of foreign officers, the Govern.. raised n 1 tel The is a c" •t of n g. rad teeny blunders. in the uao•It r N. 1 . u not worth a button. defies, Gothic *Bodine*, will swat s..mc- thing like 20(4, .ural is, in eve:•y particu- lar very neat. • _ lerrsk of Mastlawd, Thi+'.iesbytety tract in .l.lsillecl:ur.h i:rnr-el.. lain T•e'.ilay 'ittetII. s.0, Iles. H. 1ieQnarrie presiding in the ahee•nce of the MieIcrst(rr. lieu. Mr, McKenzie haven/ acre, ,eels call to Mouth Kinlen, and Rev. .1. McNabb II Beaverton. a call to lit. Andrew's cher,►h, Lucknow, *Rartgesne its anmeads le inflect them int,, tit. se t' ire .% ns. •'('hweelay, ore, fills. Itev Mr. Bell, d i.tatowcl. hp. tear.' .in iawha$f (d the Presbytery (41 MtratfMel 45',12001 'Y the an.•Opperation 4 Protyterl . reek nv esuask el a caress Train. SUBSCRIBE FOR GREAT AUCTION SALE -or- THOROUGHBRED -AND IMPROVED STOCK . SIXTH ANNUALSALE UNDkR THE AUSPICES Os Tab: HURON LIVE STOCII ASSOCIATION -ON - WEDNESDAY OCT, 18, '82, And Wowing day, if necessarl. at the THE SIGNAL Lancaster, Kentucky, Sep.. _' -Ear- ly yesterday morning at tramc.uttaining a portion of SeiI lir-Others. shoe while coming shroud a cline near Poii.t Lack, a car frout some unknown cause jumped track, and with fifteen others relied down an embankment. The cars were loaded principally with the baggage of the company, tableaux waggon, electric light machine and a cage centaining a tiger. Two atteches of -the circus and a boy stealing a ride were killed. Three omen were prel.ably fatally and seven or eight others more or less seriousiy injur- ed. The cage containing the tiger was burst open and the animal escaped, caus- ing creat consternation. At daylight the tiger crept back into his prison and was secured. The electric light and ta- bleaux waggons were detruyel. The track was torn up for one hundred yards, and the can were piled in a confused mass. • The engine with three cars were uninjured. Mrs. Scott-Sid.l..ns has abandon...I the stage, and will henceforth confine her work to dramatic readings. Her recent theatrical engagement in London was a di stilal failure. i)r. John lt.'s+ .1.s•s m.4 hoid the c••In- mon opinion that the Eaquimaux are a dnninutive race. He is inclined to think that they are fully as tall as the average native of London, and much bossier. The women, when young, he 'ays, ars very' pleasant -looking --almost pretty - - extremely "olid and compact, with small feet and hands and well -formed limb.. As to strength he found that the Ksg1i- niaux e anlrl lift 40:1 nr 1500 pounds with "ier, THE 'WORLD OVER. Dr: Tainer, the (eater, lectures in Loddon 01),Seit. 29th. Mr. A. Macdonald, well-known as a successful participator in all Linda of athletic sports, , has decided to give up athletics and attend to business. , "Total Depravity," .was the subject of the sermon ••f the Rev, Mr; McDonald of San Rafael, Cal, While he tree preach- ing, it a thief stole his lap robe from the buggy in the horse shed, The Lill fair held in Zurich on the 422141 inst., was a success. The entries were fnlly rip to former years. Live "tock and implements were much better than in any former year. Grain, roots, and fruit were well represented; also other branches. A large ccowd visited the fair. • The well-known quotation, "Behold hove gond and pleasant it is for brethren to de ell together in unity," used by Mr. 'Vs. ren Kennedy in hie address on Melodist union, reported in Saturday's Globe, was 1 y a telegraphic error, nude to read, "drink t. gether."- ICorreetiOn in Toronto Globe. , The General Cynference of the Caned+; Methodist Ciruibells AliPe S. most success- ful session, during which welters 44f the gravest inipertaice sere discussed and dealt with, finally adjeuried on Wed- nesday. A nuntl,cr of intlr1taut con- cessions were noel() with a view to the early co'ipletien of Methodist union. The Tuckersinith and Seaforth show, held en Sept, 22nd, was above the aver- age. Live stock was well represented, especially horses and sheep. Tie num- ber "f agricultural implements was lim- ited, but .,f excellent 4luality. The fruit wall It ntncnificent display, and r.s•ts far above the everai:e. The weather was delightful and the attendance very large, FROM NOW TOWN OF CLINTON, Hurun County, Ontario, Canada. Nurses, Halls. cows. Heifers. Sheep and ;Swine, all trout the best herds In Canada, and the propertyut well-known breeders. See catalogues or particular(. Sale will com- mence at It o'clock Hoop. TERMS. Six month.' credit w'il be given, with interest at the rate of 7 per own. per annum, on 1urafth- Ing security satisfactory to the seller. En- tries will be received by the Secretary until the morning of the sale, but all catalaeue stock will be offered for sale flet. Catalogues .an be procured on appilcation to the President. Secretary or any of the Directors. The Secre- tary will be et Rattenberry's Hotel, Clinton, on the evening previous to, and the morning of the sale, to receive entries 1t is expected that reduced railway tares will be given os. the Grand Trunk and Great Western Rail - w■ both of which lines enter the town. JAMN44 BIEGINS, Clinton. PresidentM. Y. McLEAN, Sea•orth, Secretary ; JOSEPH 1'. BRINE, Seaforth, Auctioneer. 1e68 -3t. Till the 1st ofdalltiary .tlt110. Ilia w 1'.n -tc. tin 5%'ednc alar. the 27111 fast.. at the residence of the bride's father, by the Res ..T. A. Tnrnball. 13.A., Mr. (1,0. 1ore w, of ('olh,rne, to Mhr rTlea ('onsltslk second dauahtcr of James t'uttslns. of the same place. Rrcit (NAN - At lie > fleld. gp %Veil nes-le,. llhh .'pp$ by 1Fe Re?. 111. Ibttrrsol. Sir Js.: iwtr-1Ntnss, jr..ot ri. h, to \1;-, hate IdeD'e.old. e'f i�• 'L•1d. Teaselling c:.flde. (111A'11 TRUNK FOR A CURE GUARANTEED Ds! Lamps!Lampsi LIGHT fOR EVERIBODI, MAGNETIC MEDICINE. •mss. •`/ _. -r ONLY 25 Cls. N,,w is the tune to Subscribe for a I aclJRa 1 TRADE MAnra. 1 Ar ItItAIN and NERVE FOOD. Ler Old and ' Male and female. Geo. H. Old Ila" been busily engaged fur the past fee weeks, working up the competition auwett the apple buyers, se that the hinters would l e enabled to get the st Iaret Ptce But he has not neglected to keep up his "toe < of Cheap Groceries, And is now selling them* prices that anno be beaten. The Best Line of Teas in Town Is at G_ H_ oTs_ He has also gone largely Into Crockari &GlassWraa and has on hand a largo selection of tamp+ of beautiful design. Positive! cures Nerrousneee in all its stages, Weak AI IIwry loss of Brain Powers Sexual Prostration, Might Sweats, Sperntnton•Aao, irueorrhtea, Barrenness, ie,ninal treakness and timers! Loss of Tomer. It repairs 1-errous trash.. Reforms: •.. tat Jaded Intel- lect, strengthens the !Letlerb ^-t Rrain, and Re- storesSlwrpruitfp Tone and rigor to the Ex - hassled GeneralityOrp)aes. With each or- der torTwat.vs packages accompanied with flue dollars, we will send our Written Guar- antee uarantee to refund the money. if the treatment does not effect a cure. It is the 0 brapr.t slid tea* Medicine in the marker. Siff Full particulars in our panlph:e', a I,I, h we desire to mall free to any uidta�.s. Mark's Mag.eele Radials, is sold Ly Drug- gist. at M eta. per bis. or It boxer. for OA., .•r ' will be mailed free of postage. 4)4151 eipt o(Ihc money, 1,1 addnesins M.►e'klI r.II TH MLPte'ISt Ie., Windsor. out.. (`.nada �,1d r in G.stech, L. J Imps w1r./.st\. aim all Druggists evrrl wbrr.• iiL"tfl-Ir . \\Tj cwspaper. WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION• D R U G STORE MRS. PINKIIAM80011'I)I-ND. HALLS CATARRH CURE, AUGUST FLOWER. - BURDOCK BL(V)D l3IITER& - Special agent for VAN BUREt"S KID- NEY CURE. CINGlLESE. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ELECTRIC BITTERS. SMITH'S GERMAN \\ 1 tRM CANDY • (1 lou want satisfaction call and see. GH.OLD Ooderich, :sept. 'lath, 158.1. 157.s CANADA'S FAVORITE WEEKLY ' THE WESTERN ADVERTISER -AND-- WEESLY LIBERAL, LONDON, ONT. Loi, •r1ent RBiluction in Price -Balance „f 1.582 Froe.,cr VAilual4e I're- tniutn for the.coSiing year. Thr price of the Wtt+TERN ADV IHTtet;lt at• W 'SEELY l.louk-IL has been reduced to 81.35 for IKtt;t t fs.la are of Pot t free to neer stsb rribersl. Eight immense pages. sixty -tour columns. The latent news, valuable "departments, --of interest to all - continued end completed stories. music pictures. etc. For 10 cents ex - Ira a copy of our great book premium of 150 pages, entitled "Hong AND HEALTH." will be • mailed. in strong tag cover, or. for 15 cents, will be sent in heavy board cos er. Contains • Information, hints and recipes on 2,000 sub - eats hitherto unpublished. The latest and t ' Every one will want this popular and 1useful work. Ily renewing at once present subscribes can secure "Homs AND HEALTH, 1 nn above-mentioned everywhere. without delay. t Agent* wanted prizes ! Send poet card for particulars.special Address - JOrk ('AMMON A CO. Adre,tiser O er. 1.0N [FON. ONT. The above popular Weekly and THE SIGNAI. will be sent from date to the list of Januar], ISM. for the extremely low figure of $2.50 in • advance. GLOBE AGENCY, G-01)ERZCH- Wcck Fiflii for $1 Evening Globe six cents per weeps or The Aurora Signal CENTS PER MONTH. 1S THE BEST Local & General' Newspaper in the:County of Huron Subscribe Now 1's.... lisp's. Minas ]filiA Oedrr;, h.l.t 7.'satm 1tI011114. 313ps " 0.as tlsafnrth 17,:04'' 1.154.43 • •. 13.*Strat(ord..%rs.Iare tl1/si.CANON ..1.110" wili Rtrni(ord.1.r 4.91am .9p. SAam i1pe'.Pa.. Ma. Med. Mil. 1N ONL Y2St.aferth . Y.ly" . 1.10" ;.M" S Uoderich.Ar 3I5pm. L Spsi I:1tEAT Eget.. matt. 4 xp'a. (Tinton gninenorth .0.11am ...teens wirer •' awing.onth 3.511.rn .s.02a,n- 7.21 - MTA1:E t.neknow Ptage td"ilyl arr. to Item deliIptri Kincardine " " 1 Alts. ass Isear.lner "'Wednesday end CTS Daily Globe Delivered to all Parts of Town 15c per week or 60c per month or $7.00 per year. 411. Now is Your Time to Subscribe. HON. GEORGE BROWN'S SPYt'CHES WILL BE READY THiS WEEK FOR DE. '•it•ERY.; JAMES I�,ZRTLE, SUCCTI.$SOR TOO T. J. MOoRHOL'1 3E' ort1 . Side Mance t Sq.-, C3ODERIOH.