HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-29, Page 9Yon anb Fsncy. Britrfo's jewel just now is • Garnet. A uwuut furs bailiff --A durecelerod home. A tumbler full of whiskey—A drwlk. en scruhat. The only game that a grumbler in- dulges in is e:nrk-eh. The aaeubat in the :ircua is rattly the roaa who iatruduoes the sprier styles. RThe cr.,pe are backward," said the e, as he slung the hen over bis should- er. A missionary was asked the cause ,rf his poverty. •'Prinoipslly because I Leve j,r•eached so often without notes,' he said. "Shall I hereaftereLe-ny onrstoukius r• is said to be fashionable language deer a young lady to use when inking a leap - year proposal. Mistress: "Forget it 1 Why. I told you W impress it un yuur tenet." Brid- get: "It was un my mound I fiat it, mum, and my muind 'int astray wed it." everylaaly, mud is a feeling that fellow f.N,ling "What is lute r' maks somebody replies: ' It you don't want another around her." "Amateur Gardener" waitta to know the minuet way to make a hot house. Leave a box of matches where the baby can play with thew. "Mamma, what is that old than work- ing aro hard for r' ---"Why, to earn a liv- ing, req child. "- -" But he is se old that when he has earned a lieleg be won't be alive." "Your honor and gentlemen of the jury, I acknowledge the reference of the counsel of the other side to my gr'a'ss hair. My hair is gray, and It will con- tinue to be gray as I live. The hair of that gentleman is Meek and will sen- tinue to be black as long as he dyes." A debtor who wag sued by his credi• tar acknowledged that he had d,trre rrow.tJ money,the but ein- tiff knew the time that it a wast h a Kath- leen Mavourneen lean. "A Kathleen Mavourne,,,n haat," repented the court with a purled I.N,k. That's it one of the It may b, for may be forever' /meet" The fashionable evenly 1.01 ening-place Hotel a few suets teed a spelling bee. The lei the meet ex ,.mire jewelry it speller, and twelve •.ut wf u went down on the w..rd "Phthisis" floored then, all, a the cooks was called in to Biel for thetn. A young lady wh. 1>ug dog aid wore daimon( maintained that deem t was "doubt" was spelled when el school. A bridal couple bearded the at Woodville. The groom w strapping feliow, sued squeezed into a seat nett tile window. the train hands wino were poet newsboy epee bringing in a ,z rattles and offer the emha their choice for five cents. All excuses were offered by the reasons for net buying. Fin made a clean breast of the with, "See here, 'Mater, I've married about fifteen mieueis. Give us J "f a chance We don't want to set up houaekeepint• right here 'in the c:ir. Keep your tinware au' I'll be along next year, and M the returns are in to sh for it satisfactorily 1'11 buy t caboodle." After many years of patient in tion Dr. 1'anBuren, of Germane -- succeeded in perfecting a Kidn rh lkicruu cf l j►stjurr,. 11',o,epe ..t iy .ettt• •te h /mart to wenn :aa n .g •.. life i fee. act.at.il 1 art" Yarn.[] fife .4 kswle,-.,, anti e4terree. u einem I raise ie t•. chilJle , e the sat II ever. hr I w.l.slrrtn' TUE HURON SIGQ,�IAI., FRJp4.X. $EPT. 29, 1882. s &Wall N sie sae. Capt. Harry Piper, Alderman and • 8epertoteudeut of the 7,.ad. geed Garden es Ltely oowwuutaateat the fell., wing feet. W a I Neater of one of Termite'. most a hideout's.' papers: "Snare time WO purchased fr the puUectiuu ut ,ansa,]. at Central fuer , New York, a •tuu.truus Rummel bear, ,which we have unwed Teter the Great,' tre- mendous Mer Not long hTett.' arriv e I , found that he was sufferil ,; fbed nate Pete was rom the rheumatism, and in a pretta.Il ' the Leo, which had a/ touch oft the nthat de- l'e.oess torture; the lion likewise had it and in feet I was just bei ng d of hid ease ofthe rbeuuat,,, tiyself,bythe use of St. Jacobs Oil. the Great German Remedy. I found Si Jacebe 011 au ex- cellent remedy, for it cured mein a short while, and my case was a veryaggravatet( one. I argued that if it loured men it fMet be geed for animals as well; • 'lo du Noel which •nreIlly',u41,a man must rot Irma the love of with a view es reword hem: ,,l •u.•1 ooh Ailey 1.11 wfter. about the small ti De. livcu-altos i • kiir� di u a great man who lain, tee. ei,„ at. nY and my I,otlliu.. y All the shad.,,• follow' the :ie...., in tine splendour of the falsest vn•i; 141 t will the It rung (cues t.. *melee t u:.l., age soul In the hours of l,i„ses:fly. A RUY•L baSIATI) Ysau. --T!;r year 1882 eta awl en•is with .1utedst. A bayear gib d!ed by a . 'hie•, help, ..1 53 8a1e- ths thuul•l r_ 1 worthytilt i:t aur Ayes wn,My bey," a.,.,; „ Tether to un. ue,a,es'er)oue with p„ ditoneussyeven there elle are rule t•, you. Fe lenient - her th.,1 you alt ,w c.•utte„y- to others, caw. bee.iuso they aie iieuticulen, but be cause you ale ane.'• Furs boy to meet eteuipt.itinu ht.ldly frankly, and at enc.. with a "N..,' which has a un . w rLantr� to it a g•eat thing. Some boy' will ansa. "No,” but it is in knsuows a helf-heatfe, a „ that the tempter II that it ureaus a half "Yee.' This 'imply gives an invitatiem for repetition of the solicitation, and ,,like„ al,tu,st cer- tain, to,, the yielding. But a "Noe' that is enforced by tune and look that tells that the word has Ira urea true meaning settles the if it dues nut settle it largely akes crit t certain thatthat if the tetnptetien conte again it win be weaker and be will be str..uger. The fitst "No," is s great thing. „ Don't [tax • Catenate', Rt LER. —"The Bible is so strict mrd old fushi. led, said a young- ran le a who was a4visin grass haiudy friend, ‘k ,,rd if g frau to study Ggd's he se uld learn h..w to live. ' 1lrere ate plenty of books written /11,W - days that are morel enough in their teuchitie Bud d the Bible, ' not hued .me down as , judge .1 The old n.er.:h.nt turned yeats and 1; t" his desk and t.. 1...k out too rulers, Hee of ahich was slightly bent; with les at :► wah l each of these he ruk-tl a bee: and silent - 44e. a (fy hau.led the ruled a. . organ- 1 p . rl• his celu- ue that Gore' I'tunoo. ••Well said flet lad ; "what a, the w,.rst id., yet wean ?' "Otte lice is nut 1e fanner, I Straight 't Bud true, is it f %%lieu you :s 'par,rte. your path iu hf.•, ,L, not take cad one of a meatal ruler." 1 the wird r:omo•HASIra.—Habit sof tempererice, , fondled a++ ea,m.ia,iy, truth- uIi.e.,, honesty, gene- ! earrings,] verity, •uoe the,.. hly engrafted ',upon the ata I the life of au individual, ,dual, mut accoueplish le went lo for him what yuan, of seeking without thew would frit , a,s1 .t ,�t train e,ut They will epee wide for hien :he:41:19, ss a tall, i of success, . .1 honer, of respect, of a:f,,•c- the pride tion, through which e• many seek in Surae of I vain til eetlr Working spout ►neon.;y ed put the and aluwst unu•nseieusly as they will t> of t tby { after cotstent and intelligent culture, rrisserl c,upfr I they release the parer that i.r.,duced suets (11 thea[ for stall higher efforts ; they form roan a, a foundation on which to build, without ally, he fever of eterthe,e, all the finest traits of situation excellence : they prelate the way foie alma been I'r"truseiee virtue, awl for the beauty y.N.dneNs which is .•, rarebut ael- mirable. a" - — I1 WNW !Reward Is offered for any vase of Catarrh that can't he cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. Price iL cents. For salt by George Rhynes, Bolt• agent fur Goderich. 1ti*43 3ru It kat Woad tie Test sr Those. For twenty -fire years has Dr. Feeler's Extract of t% ill Strawberry been before the people, and its popularity a to -day greater than ever, because it has prayed reliable in the trest,uent of all forme of Bevel Complaint incident to the Summer .arise. 1N ALL CHRONIC KIDNEY TROU- 1. aJ.ti1B we haws evidence of errors In nut- rt&ltak nein 1atd,Y, disease front overitim- r'rrettrr( repair and hastening degen- eration, Mailmen from fuucatanai firer de- no�easants intonndary to tinpared lige. tion• or D ° a to the bacck,, .,,,, tale std or cnalaeslmlars4la on elicit air ndtaecom a eminence enof neunlgiaandrheumatjY,,. common cause of perfect convertion of food y Zeuri lei the blond to maintain the constructive werktio( the organs and tissues• w.: have in Wheeler's Phosphates and Calisaya the most certain cure of theseallmenta. Twestr•Awr years' lEx /erla•wer.'• Says an eminent physician, convinces rue that the only way to cure nervous exhaustion, and weakness of the sexual omeno brain aandt nerve repair fo dr and waste 14 givingllth remedies cortlp,.und(d, Magnetic Medi- cine is the heat_ "See advertisement in another c•Junm- Sold n Goderich by I -fan. Wile,t.u, &el gine-1m The preaeriptien of s skillful ppb and c,r4p esed of vegetable drugs of great rented i.1 p,.wrr, Dr. Careen'. etenlach and Cenatipati..li Bitter. purify the bl•a,d, give tone and sitter t,. the system, cures Dyspepsia ;old Indivestien when all ether medicine, fail. Have yen tried it? 'S..I.1 by /tempt -has, .10c. a ftr,ti le. • le Ur,lteal Prefiwloa. awl all wham It Real eesera. Phosphatine, or Nerve /glee, a Plies - Flate Element based upon Scientific acts, Formulated by Professor Austin, N. D. of Beaten, Mow, cures Puhnen- ary C,tnsumpu,n, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, ::emigre and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human stem. I'b.ephatitie is net a Medecine, uta Nutriment, because it c..-. - Salos•ar lust his strength with his hair. b Thousands of men dle an women 14'6 el„eta le ere Mineral Poisons, Opiates, nu he hull their beauty with theirs; and ears leree Nirc,tica, and no Stimulants, but in, number* restore the rava•es of tante by ly the Phuapltstic ani•Gartric Elements rrstiga_ using the fan,eua CingaleseHairltestt•rer• • S dd at :e0 cents per b..ttle by Jensen Wil- forted in aur daily fetid. A single nettle buil] 14 rertticioetat too convince. All Druggists Y sun. 2m• sell ire ry Cuter t61 di Isar b'tee. Twos ime .\ Co. ..ole a,etrta for the Domini oft 3.i Fnmt Stry-et East Termite w at would permanently relieve all cases of Kidney Disease. Be sure and as your Druggist for Dr. '%ANB(•fg%'5 get Pial' CORE. ,Sold by Jau,es Wilu,t Goderich. 2m It is told that ten old Baptist parson fatnous in Virginia, mice visited a plan tation weere the darkey wh., met him the gate askol him which bare he woul have his horse put in. " Have [you tw, barna?" asked the doctor. Yes, ash, re, k 'less', Yon Take a Kneen - i, Mahe', Kieran, at a great ern once meeting in 1778, closed his ad. , with the followidg anecdote : "A fa ai whn ha,l several Sens, promised the eld- d est of them that if he would tefrain from strong drink during the harvest, • he weu14 ,Lake him a 1 resent of a eh • ''Then," said the younger sun, "if 'v the same, may I hare a sheep ?" you may. •" said the fanner. "And said ,nether. "Yet," said the fath Then said the y eungest son whn quite a youth. '•)fay i have a sheep, j feather, if f .1.. the same 'f ' "Ys, my is ,n t s'+n,' was the reply. "And, father," sus] the youth, "won't y.,'i take a sheep, I tau (' '1 ie father n'.t...•t ar' ie.(. but p Rf- Ting'ter thini<io. awhile .roti 1, "Yes, env t„n bottle I will ” , Iyer- Under a e.,rtra,•t with the • county of fres, i Seracuae, N. Y., Ai.s. Freland receives I fur young women wh e, chtldr n bothered with theme, denc want to which recently die,] on her hands, was fond to have be e❑ Irft .,ut in a w,N,4Jahe•f all Ir.iglit while fatally ill. t ether rabies in o' her odic Hing `.ere starve,' to a pitiable ira Frelan,l says she is not Fes, • paid eiI ugh h. keel, them properly. I r' — I ere berktriret t eaa *ate. 1'�'��� The hest salve in the meld der Cots, 1 bIC $UTO 'u Sl Y1 teas Bruises, Ulcers. Sah Rheum, Fever' g1. tom, Sires, Tetter, Chapped Hantls, blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles. It is esteem - teed to give p.erfeet satisfaction, „r money refunded Price 21i cente per hex. For sale by Jas. 1Pilse car. 1g-• l'he safest, best and uhea�,est usedicine in the e•urld is Dr. Carson's Stomach and Constipation Bitters. Rodd in large betties at 50 emits by all Ilauggiss. mew I plied the darkey; "dabs de ole learn and Mase Wales has jes built ane one• " " Where do yen usually put the horses of clergymen who come to see your master i'• " Well, Bah, if dey'a Methodis's or Baptia'a we geteally put dem in de ole barn; but if dew's 'Pince- pals, we put em in de new one." "Well Bob, you can put my horse in the new barn; I'm x Baptist, but my horse Episco ,alian Wit's, go with splitting Iheadachesrrwhen ti b of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure you ? If you do not believe it ask your druggist far a circular—and read what those who have used it say about it. Price $1.00. 2n, pauper t SUBSCRIBE FOR THE SIGNAL FROM NOW T1L1 a lst orJanuu FOR ONLY 25 Cls, Now is the titne to Suhacrihe• for a 'D Wide Awa. t I 1 If thevirf who iafishingtora husItend, •' says the Philadelphia Times, discussin husband fishing at the snnimer resorts, a which it says has been a failure, "snakes n any mistake, it is that of thinking that the yeunv man who is looking- for 1 a wife wants a costly piece of wends her I show. Some young men want this, but there are few who can afford it and even those who can are in many instances P afraid to yoke themselves to it. They' g know that a toe showy young woman, fi even if she have wealthy parents, is apt as to be full .,f troublesome whines and .41 nntiena very difficult to satisfy. Even if they be so sordid that they would like P1 to rparry for money these young men 41‘know enough to. reflect that riches some. I Ph • times take wings and go amt of sight, sen They stop and consider that if there be at wealth flies away and leaves nothing but w the whims, the residue is an exeeerlined undesirable piece of finery." • Ca\VALeee. -A name well known in oneection with the Hair Renewer, which esteems grey hair to its natural cater by a few weeks use. Sedd at 59 cents ptr bottle by James q'ils'u. :fns Surgeons knew the value of the expert - ire power of peas and other grain in laking arml u,teioal prepatrate.ns, No Ile hie any ilei, of the force melted nti] a test a test of it it made. An talion vessel, laden with rice, put into East Lindon some time ase leaking IA A strenuous effort was made to ++ ,nip out the water and unheed the car_ Hut the nee continued to swell and pally the vessel was violently burst under. A simple herb found ,.n the sunny eine of a Southern clime haa,under the ilful nanipulAtinn of Dr, run Buren, ives] one of the greatest bleasines ever t to metering humanity, Dr. Van ltu- it's Kidney Cure teacknowledgtd all the n orJd over as the enty p rfect remedy 11 tor kidney froublee. dour druggist has it. ,1. 11'tls.,n. Goderich. The Texas and Pacific railroad willl est::hlieh experimental farms along its lines next ,• .sen. fern. a cit The purpose ..f these he most wonderful curates remedies "f the present day, are those that eon's from Germany, or at Imam ••rt.:i:ate then.. The tatRATitTanta hv onlitATOR, which has never been known to tail in curing a single etas of impotency, sper- mato.rrh.ea, weaknea and all diseases' resulting fr.,m eelf-ab,i , as nerreus de- bility, inability, mental anxiety, Isng- ttnr, laaattude deprew,ion e4 ewe* and functional derangements ..f the nerrous system For sale by druggists, car sent free arty mail en receipt of th.pprioe. $1.00 per hot, or Ma hots* for moo. Address F..1, Comfier, Tnpede, 0., Owe Rhyme, 14.4. Avant, fiorderieh 184.4 4m oe to test the evedahility of lands for dif4ent farming pttrpN.aes. Twenty groe/ire were recently indicted in England For selling ce.ffee adulterated with ch,c ory The authorities failed to a'rnw that the adulteration was injurious and the prosecution fell through. The best evidence. of the superior merit and virtue' of Dr. Fowler's Extraet of Wild Strawberry for the core of Summer Complaints, is that its popularity and den and is greatest where it hie re.n Ingest known '.°a.-•---•-•....01.•••44,..�...-.. i11 S. TAftOCK I$egstoacquaint the lartie,of (ioderi,}, •,d vicinity that 411'10 now shown*. Spr�� aed Se ? er fiery At he,htffut saNrty. She has secured , it greet w'rl vices Ma rity milliner. and feels aasure.1 that she ran .rive SATSIFAC T I ON 1] 110711 STYLE AND MAKE. IS THE BEST Local & General Newspaper in the County ..f Shebo .es to tat• favored w,th a bait from her estrous, and the ladle, asrnrMl(y. NIRS. `ti'AliNOCK. Subscribe Now! II --ThnnsamlP nrtrratla •rr nnnnally. mb f their rictlma, Ih« larolertg.td happitaeea and health, rewerte•eQ b) the time of ttlegreet GERMAN INVIGORATOR whl,•h paw rveir and permanently rare. OW. ase, teamed by •serous, of any hind r IM, weakness, and all diseases that fol- low as a aegnence of Reif- Ahutte, as toes of an- eryn . lama of memory. universal tosollmAe, pain fn the track. dirtiness* of Aston, pereats- tare old lead tolnaanit y other diseases that tare Mperre 7 or ,ti,naumplfon and a pray aril. The 91st •tAwith ilt• free 6T et Of Awill ux. or stir hoof.fur bj alllQttramflsta, ami he iu nt free my mail, aecnrely M price, byaddressing. 1estrd eat teet r. J. elliVigY. Drawls.. tiwn. Myr vs,. 1104 ftsw,mit Rt ToledoOhio ante A sen, for GaAs... ... ONLY 23 en. • • CHEAp GROCERIES �.J . A N- S W7CT. Begs to annunnce t.0 the f God .,ole e 2 F T 1 purchased from erich and this section of Huron, thatihe ha r. A. Phill�ti1ps his stook of Groceries, etc., and will euutinue the busitlesa in the old stand, on the 0ornsr of 'Victoria and Bruce S Hating bought the Koala (er cath, and AS I intend to I et8w wledeasle men f"r cash a1N,, I will be in a larsitionitotYurchases from sell at My seek will alwaysVery. Low Prices for Cash and seek in be fresh. I will keep the best brands of anti every g in the grocery Ink. froth the hest producers. teas, good sugars, s wt hand in seau,n. 1 an, dr' • Bac'n, Spiced ce Jefi'CnII at the stand, 1•ic((i-l* 'treed, e rtninrtt to ,l 1 Ced Heats please, both tu�peality and price Sttrachan'a niselnne shop.opposite the Fair (1 1j I1,Nlerieh.'far'cb !nth -1 D _ SWI.. -121,_K 21,_ Extensive Premis and Splendid New Stock, C�i-- 33 ARRY GBiNET !AKER al IJIfIIERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderich. A good raa,.rtment of Kiteh,ii. lied-nN.m, Lining Hoorn and Parlor Furniture, each a. Ta WLousy.* Solar+tt!hat and Luk K Glees►.]. uplN,atdP, Bed -steads. ilYttP, tWB. N'ashytan l ou oleo lw,uln. N. Ii.- A complete assortment of enable and shruude ahs ays .a, baud •oho Heal bet for h y ut reasonable rates. Pis tun• Fs,unit:s a tl i•cialtr,.- i call e. I: t t. d. IL BOOTS&SHOES Wec.d,up Beg t• announce to the Public that e1 ty here uf,ened huffiness it, the el eve in the store lately eccupieel by Hence Newton,' Hating purchioc,l a lar and well assorted stock of S , • ,Stroe • 1 m g aced I t L 1, t r Geode at cher figures, we are dee mined to give the Public the benefit. QUICK SALES /I SMALL I E OFITS WILL BE OUR MOT I J e`' I';rasr tial) and rxau.ior „car TO 1st I'eulembel and place, next dg, ,cls before purchasing three hen.. t'Air-ustou, week will receive a J. Wilson's Drug Store e. re" Nene but the hest of nlateriilt special id and first elate were ref Repairing neatly done on the shortest notice. knlen emple)ed. Godericli, Afareh 9, 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P THE KEY TO HEALTH. BURDOCK BLOOD BATTERS 'Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, 1 eff Kichiey weakening the system, and Licarrying all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions y of same time apnea, tea li:Omrtc curing - gams, • Constipation, 7aMs of the Skin. Dro f VLion. Jaundice• Bat h mo tlse°�• Nervousness Lad General Scrotal+• Flattering of Debility . all these and many other simi- lar Complaint, yield to the happy influence 'of BuRDoot BLOOD BITTERS. Sample Bottles 10e ; Regular size $1. ' ,ab• i r ail .lealert. T. III MIRY t t o.. trrepe,p ,s, Tarel' D FQWLERS EXTRACT < , WI t_ 8TR AINsERRY Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Dy- 8entery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick- ness and Summer Complaint ; also Cholera lnfantum, and all Com- plaints pecutt.,, to children teeth- ing, and will be found equally beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE BY ALL ORUCCISTS. T. MiLBURN & CO., Proprietors, Toront.d. nix RF.1titDY t' • . , CONSUMPTION, COLDS, ASTHMA, CROUP, All Diseases of the Threat, Largs sad Tel/naivety Orga,s. a w I l 1 1, 1 11 11 1, 1 1. r h o coatr1ypT/olr 11,►ll aaan ta'Rt3D Wb � nther failed Pl•^i"lana have Meer a ear ..nude, he Particsa,fn•tra t a,p ', eft e. In tern by eta," habr stir, (.aa a.t.e 1t • aw,.4 trial, h weer, / I.:. re Mews .els sat 1X zC'rr,LX! it has as :cast It to twnine l• the Afro, fie:,sats r hilt twwaartae N. ortt• to •say 1...,., fort - fort r Trams ^a e'r eeert•sgf earn 1•- • as Itra.rawK MI= ! l• Oil. '•Ts a>_or r. rAN 1 T 0 8 TLe Creat 1%esterli Railway will ruts their excursions to MANITOBA and 1►AliteTA p.r'.ts donee fluty mei June evert' tee weeks, c'iunite:ei , • T1TES- DA Ymav, 2nti, 1881. Fares Reduced. P.:r atf•otuutti, n, tiekc't., etc., apply t GEO. B. JOHNS TON SJK•e:al .terr•nt 1:rcat tt'eaterii lIdiwa •:•rlerich. A i rile 214. (nor;,y (r.' 833. HALL'S et Recount:elided hr UTE emstasmun i':v�frl . cvT1 c3 Catar,s, of tilt Pitta' Cavity (error! Catarrh of the Far. Eye or Theo 0 and , Ulcerative/ INTERNALLY. 1g- its. It 1, tas, the eland a"' acts i eft 5, o the and Mucous Blofare, of the System, ,t if the haat Bleed P.Hfler in the WORLD, and It worth ALL that 'MATrralone. !t. for ONLY IN►EANAL CUIRE FOR CATONI t r i* VII': N • Re --T .say W 1 00 7r ..tr S1:3,'!7 ro. $ 10 ••S'r t.r.4%:,, nor., Mareb n—___ sty UItJe ,., t..t•,r wu. trot. '.• t Lay. for two (.jr,, ,.n.1 was ver e) twctt take by Sue nae :.t ' Hall.' CatarreYI ureh 1 v;"arta.] by tt•yut CUP. • /mare ,fans. M.. 1 DOW W. T. Hail NC. i hoer i,..a • its a( ri, ' lfareh 7a, t nafrom Cat gn,,•1 re*.yltr'�titerivedamt Judg •c,ttI belle,, tt will curs, tbo from one •. e• 07 enta,Tb 1f Iii un be onti ,lflr a ..ase tehre lserth of tint,. Msttn ,e,t fin • W. If. iiI:I,I.F.M!i, SVI'I ' h not ' Itrrh lo, POI.f.1,PMusr_j►irartaniTt(dIei,(4tarrh Cur„ tin th s at jou, sat It ai „• • ,..se . nw,.• HOaarlyi.r ea10 t,t .,,,It. Toms tru, 1 Hall's Catarrh Cure -nIJ by ale 4t h-'e,tle wn•I tact,, hove sad „+.alar. in Patent it«Itc.,,,,. in the at,t� Visited 91st.. and (lana.:.,, Px�cE 1 Cet►ta a Bottle. *1.04) rotes r Ina. s,sQ bjsriJ CIItt,:\CY • Ct .C• To,teattwa, . i ts!'ietrara of imltatinwa. Retried fur the (b-,e,.t , ends Dr H• W. HOBSON, Welland, On, C Er1RGE RHYNAS, a r { y '1 a :v 11. 1t n., int U- rn Jld ins esti h of 1vo- lunt .it a atone ught [.tins anti• m oI lures 'aside 'veld. ,m - Mr. sines. d cur - to ytr. f"T *X