HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-29, Page 7ran anb Fancy.
1ltitafu's jewel lust stow is a (larnut.
A ut.wut for w hath([ t duo aderod
A ts.Ner full of whiskey --A drunk-
en acrt.taat.
The only game that a grumbler in-
dulges its is crak-eh.
The acrobat in the Grow is really the
teas who introduces the wing styles
"The carps are backward," said the
fes, as he slung the hen over his should-
A missionary was asked the cause .I1
his poverty. "Principally bemuse 1
Wive preached es often without motes,"
he emit
"Shall I her'eaft.niamyoar statkius 1''
is said to be fashionable hinges:4w for a
young lady to use wheu (making • leap -
year proposal.
Mistreat: "Forget it 1 Why. I told
you to impress it un your mita" Brid-
get: '(It was on my )netted I Out it, omen,
and my moind wint astray wid it."
"What is love Y' ask. everybody, and
somebody replies: "It s a feeling that
you don't want another fellow fouling
around her."
"Amateur Gardener" wants to know
the easiest way to utak° a hot house.
Leave • bot of matches where the baby
can play with them.
"Mamma, what ia that old man work-
ing so hard for l"---"Wby, to earn a liv-
ing, mJ child. "--" But he is so old
that when he has earned a living be
won't be alive."
"Your honor and gentlemen of the
jury, I acknowledge the reference of the
counsel of the other side to my gray
hair. My hair is gray, and it will own-
tinue to be gray as I live. The hair of
that gentleman is black and will con-
tinue to be black as lung as he dyes,"
A debtor who was sued by his credi-
tor acknowledged that he had borrowed
the money, but declared that the plain-
tiff knew at the time that it was a Kath-
leen Mavourneen loan. "A Kathleen
Mavourneen brats," repeated the court
with a puzzled leak. "That's it, judge ;
one of the it may b. for yenta and it
inay be forever' set"
The fashionable Frame ladies at a wan
.ring -place hotel a few rai_:ate .tar•, organ-
ized a spelling bee. The (.else that were
the most ex erosive jewelry 554 the worst
speller, and twelve .out of die fuurteeu
meat down on the w•.rd "separste.'
"Phthisis" floored them all, and one of
the oouks was called in to spell the word
for them. A young lady who fondled a
pull dols and wore diamond earring.)
ata,ntatned that d-s-vr t was the way
"doubt" was spelled when she went to
A bridal ample hoarded the train out
at Woodville. The groom was a tall,
strapping fellow, sad squeezed the bride
into a seat next the window. Some of
the train hands who were posted put the
newsboy up is )ringing in a box of baby
rattles and offer the embarassed couple
their choice for five cents. All sorts of
excess were offered by the man as
reasons for wet buying. Finally, he
made a clew breast of the situation
with, "See here, mister, I've only been
married about fifteen minutes. Give us
a chance. We don't want to set up
housekeeper right here in the czar.
Keep your tinware au' I'll be along next
year, and it the returns are in to show
for it satisfactorily I'll buy the hull
After many years of patient investiga-
tion Dr. VanBuren, of Germany, finally
succeeded in perfecting a Kidney Cure
that would pennanently relieve all rases
(.1 Kidney Disease. Be sure and ask I
your Druggist for Dr. VANBCRENs 61D -
NET Cc's. Sold by Jatnes Wilson,
Goderich. 2m
It is told that an old Baptist parson,'
famous in Virginia, trace visited a plan-
tation weer° the darkey who met him at
the gate asked him which barn he would
have his horse put in. " Have )you two
barns?" asked the doctor. Yes, rah,'
replied the darkey; "dar's de ole barn,
and Matt'r Wales has jes built a new
one. " " Where do you usually put the
horses of clergymen who come to see
your master !" ' Well, sah, if (ley's
Methodic s or Baptist's we gen'ally put
dem iia de ole barn; but if dey's 'Pinc.-
s, we put em in de new one." "Well
b, you can put my horse in the now
barn; I'm a Baptist, but my burse is an
Episco .alien
Why ge en day after day suffering
with splitting headaches when a (stele
of Dr. Austin's Phosphatine will cure
you '1 If you do not believe it ask your
druggist for a circular—and read what
those who have used it say about it.
Price $1.00. 2m
1f the girl who isfishing tor a husband,"
says the Philadelphia Times, discussing
husbaud fishing at the .mmmer resorts,
which it says has been* failure, " makes
any mistake, it is that of thinking that
the young man who is looking for
a wife wants a costly piece of goods ter
show. Some young men want this, but
there are few who can afford it and even
those who can are in many instances
afraid to yoke themselves to it. They
know that a toot showy young woman,
even if she have wealthy parents, is apt
to be full of troublesome whims find of
notions very difficult to satisfy. Even
if they be so sordid that they would like
to marry for money these young men
know enough to reflect thst riches some-
times take wings and go out of sight.
They atop and consider that if there be
wealth flies away and leaves nothing but
the whims, the residue is an exceedingly
undesirable piece of finery."
ltit3rula Cr UsliSoUrrs.
'N...de ••1 it .Ae ere al 111.44 as steres -
ear, te wens ie ILII 1 DIG. a petit life ae
rub el kuel...-.s 4401 adeei l..u. Jo i-
eiawa I reiw ie t,• ekildiv , a Li' the sun
is t.. It •ear.
1'u du goo t which i. Iwdly -" ..1, a luau
madam trues the L.ve tat .. ,, .,std not
with a vier to reward hoe •u he,wtiter.
Many a small man nov •r ce.taaa Lakin*.
about the small orneriest'. he unites ;
he is a great inan SILO a;att was :i a' er.
thing and may melting..I
As the shadow follows tits :Joky ii IMM
r 1 the fairest s•:u'iykt, st wit
t macaw done toawotit.•r I u:.... the
soul in the it..urs .d prosperity.
A Ramat Saesanc Ysaa. --T!ie year
18&& notions an's reds with emelwv. A
Fyear gir died by a ..,We't bra. '.1 5$ Sala
bbaaths ah.wht I o•tt iia sur tires
worthy of ruuc .. .cc.
"My boy,- .. . father t.. hu young
am, 'area sith p.•litetless, even
thole a Le are rude to you. For terns'''.
ler th..l you .h..w c..urta.y to °then,
trot bemuse they sir eemtlemen, but be
cause you ate tee."
For a boy to motet 41e rept. tine boldly,
frankly, and at .once with a "N..,' which
has a lamming in it, W a g,eat thing.
Some boys will say "No,' but it is in
such a half-hesttud s .3 that the tempter
knows that it weans a tet!f "Yea.' This
simply gives an invitation foe repetition
of the solicitation, and makes elin°st cer-
tain, too, the yielding. But a "N..,"
that is enforced by tune and look that
tells that the word has its own true
meaning settles largely the matter, or
if it dues not settle it makes it certain
that if the temptation come again it will
be weaker and be will be stronger. The
first "No," is a great thing.
Bible is so strict and old fashioned,"
said a young tuna toes gray-haired friend,
who was advising him to study God's
to ord if he would learn how to live.
"There ate plenty of books writteu'sow-
adays that are moral enough in their
teaching, and de riot bind one down as
the Bible. The old 'Ler'chant turned
L., his desk and to t....k out two rulers,
one of a hieh west alightly lent ; with
each of these he rnktl a hu.'. and silent-
ly handed the ruled 1 al).•r 10 bis 1,0111-
I 11111111111.
, to-
Iruivo. "A'ell,' WWI flit lad ; ' what
do you mean !' "One line is stet
strni;clat and true, i• it 1 Whet, , you
mark ..tat your p.tth in life, do not take
a cte,.,lvd ruler."
t.00u HABIT/4. —Habits of temperance,
eaouuuty, truthfulness, honesty, gene-
rosity, "nee thneeahly engrafted upon
the life of an individual, will accomplish
for him shat ytare of seeking and ed.":t
without thew would fail to pro.lu.•e-.
They will open wide for him .he ¢a:•!e
of success, ..f honor, of respect, 1.1 a:foc-
tion, through which so many seek in
vain to e,•ter. Working spont lneously
and Mutest unct'nsciously as they will
after constant and intelligent culture,
they release the power that produced
thein for still higher efforts ; they form
it foundation on which to build, without
fear td overthrow, all the finest traits of
excellence ; they prepare the way for
pr"erasaive virtue, and for the beauty
of go..dnesa which is so rare, but so ad-
Samson lost his strength with his hair.
Thousands of men and women loose
their beauty with theirs, and very largo
numbers restore the ravazes of time by
using the famous Cingaleee HairRest"rer.
Sold at 50cents per bottle by James K il-
son. `tot.
he most wonderful curative remedies
..1 the present day, are those Chet ....ice
from Germany, or atlean' ort.;i :ate
there. The (Maar (Iiut ANVPsoltA fa,
which has never been known to fail in
curing • single ease of impotency. sper-
matorrhoea, weaknees and all diseases
resulting Fran self-abnee, as nervous ole•
hility, inability, mental armlet?, lang-
uor, lassitude, depression of spirits and
functional derangements of the nervous
system For sale by druggists, or seat
free my mail es receipt of the rise.
•1.00 per hot, or six Antes for 81.00.
Address F. J. CsshtsT, Toledo, 0., Deo.
Rhynas, Aok Agent, Dederick. 1$43.3m
•N'es't 1.. Take s Mases.•'
Bishop Pownian, at a great temper-
ance meeting in 1778, cloned his address
with the followidg anecdote : "A farmer
who had several sons, promised the eld-
est of them that if he would refrain
from strong drink during the harvest,
he would make him a i resent of a sheep.
•'Then," said the younger'on, "if I do
the same, may I ha -e a sheep'" "Yea,
you may," said the farmer. "And I 1"
said another. "Yet," said the father.
Then said the youngest soon who was
quite a youth, •'May I have esheep, too,
father, .if I do the same 1" "Yes, my
son,' was the reply. "And, fathor,"
still the youth, "won't y.nt take a sheep,
too 1" The father was et tr•ieil, but af-
ter thinking awhile sail, •'lee, my run,
I will."
CINoti.e.:e. - A name well known in
onnecti' i with the Hair Renewcr,which
estaiees grey -hair to its natural color by
a few weeks use. Sold at 50 cents per
bottle by James Wilson. 2m
Surgeons knew the value of the expan-
sive power 1.1 peas and other grain in
making anot•nical preparations, No
one has any idea ad the force excited
until a teat a teat of it is mule. An
Italian vessel, laden with rice, put into
East London some time ago leaking
badly. t strenuous effort was made to
pump out the water and unload the car-
go. But the rice continued to swell and
finally the (-easel was violently burst
A simple herb found on the sunny
plains of a Southern clime haa,under the
skilful manipulation of hr. run Buren,
proved one of the greatest bleasini,s ever
sent to suffering humanity. Dr.\'an
ayes Kidney Cure isacknowledgtdall the
world over as the only perfect remedy
for kidney troubles. Your druggist has
it. J. Vt ilson. Goderich. 2m
The Texas and Pacific milt -awl will
establish experimental farms along its
lines next to s•'n. The purpose of these
hems a ill be to test the availability of
lands for different farming purposes.
a Wei M Oe Le.
Capt. Harry Aper, Alderman and
enperintesdeut ut the Zuolt Kiel (larder
Indy ouOmuusoated the tulle snag (.acts
to a reporter of tete td Tursotais
iutlnestisl papers: "Hume (trete ago we
purehtsaed truth the oullecti.w ut out
at Central Park, New York, a euwNruus
Roman bear, which we have teamed
'Peter the ()rest,' tau soeuuut of his tre-
mendou• sea. Not lung after 'Pete.'
arriv e l a found that he was setferit
trout 114 rheumatism, and in • prettj
bad state Pete was not the onty one is
the 'E r., which had • touch of that de-
I:e:ues torture; the lion likewise had it
ateiin feet 1 was just being cured of a
bad ease of therbeumatisw,utysslf,by the
use of St. Jacobs Oil. the (treat Genuan
Remedy. 1 found St. Jac..bs Oil aha ex-
oelletal remedy, for it cured mein ^shout
while, and my ears was a veryaggravated
one. I argued that if it leered men it
'mist be gaud for animals as well;
saes Steward
I. offered for any ease of Catarrh t hat
can't he cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Taken internally. Price 75 Dents. For
tali by George Rhynas, sole &gent for
Goderich. 11443 3m
It Suit Used ere Test Writs,.
For twenty-five years has Dr. Fowler's
Extract of N ild Strawberry been before
the people, and its popularity is to -day
greater than ever, because it ata proved
reliable in the treatment °f all furans of
Bowel Complaint incident to the Summer
season. 2
'. BLIP we have evidence of errors to nut-
s/Okaa,aslaIitlgte'sdisrase Ment ovemeum-
uWJett weeding repair and hastening degen-
018.01 t easest,ie from fusels mesa liver de -
la assewdary to lingered (titration,
Isar rat had dyyc�ss/lora itto the back,Crum urlu add
or brick drat n In the e a sequence
of matassimllaflon and a common cause of
neuralgia and rheumatism. By securing the
perfect oonvertion of food into healthy
blood to ,maintain the constructive work of
the organs and tissues, we have in Wheeler's
Phosphates and Calisaya the molt certain
cure of these ailments.
Twenty -tier years' Exp.rle•ee:'
Says an eminent physician, convinces
rue that the only way to cure nervous
exhaustion, and weakness ..f the sexual
organs, is to repair the waste by giving
brain and nerve foods, and of all tt e
remedies compounded, Magnetic Medi-
cine is the best. Sec advertisement in
another column. Sold n Goderich by
.las. Wilson, druggist.—lm
The prescription of a skiilful physician
and composed of vegetable drugs of
great remedial power, Dr. Canon's
Stomach and Constipation Bitters purify
the blood, give tone and vigor to the
system, cures Dyspepsia and Indigestion
when all other medicine fail. Have
you tiiei it? Sold by Druggists, 50c. a
Twist re were recently indicted
wth��fl the Theselling coffee adulterated
with IIj authorities failed to
show that adulteration was injurious
as the peseestion fell through.
The best widows* ed the superior merit
mad 'trims'. ilk. Fowler's Estreat of
Wild StrsMBM'lyfor the sure of Summer
Complaints, is that its popularity and
demean,) is grestrat mesas It has been
longest known. 2
• she Sternest Prorraelee, head all wham
It say mmsrra.
Phosphatine, or Nerve boat, a Phos-
phate Element based spun Scientific
Facts, Formulated by Professor Austin, 1
M. D. of Boston, Hass., carte Pulmon-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Phosphatine is not a Medecine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Pises, Opiates,
Ntrcutics, and no Stimulants, but situp
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient t.. convince. All Druggists
sell it. $1 00 ler bottle. Lowuas &
Co., sole agents for the Domini on
55 Front Street East 'Toronto
Under a c,.ntract with the county o.f
Syracuse, N. Y., Mrs, Freland receives
pauper babies, and also takes child!, n
for young women who don't want to he
bothered with them. A child, which
recently died en her hands, was found
to have been left .out in a woodshed all
night while fatally ill. (ether babies in
her keeping erre starved to a pitiable
condition. Mrs Freland says she is not
paid enough to keep thane properly.
asrkles's .tr- slra "valve.
The hest salve in the world for Cuts,
.Bruises, Ulcers. Salt Rheum, Fever
S. rev, Tetter, Chappell Hands, Chil-
blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures Piles. It is gua,an-
tied to give perfect satisfaction, tar
money refunded. Price 25 cent per
box. For sale by Jas. 1Vile.m. ly.
The safest, Lest and cheal.eat medicine
in the world is Dr. Canon's Stomach
and Constipation Bitten. Sold in large
bottles at 50e cents by all Dauggiste.
Begs to acquaint the ladies Of Goderich ,d
vicinity that she is now showing,
Spam ad Summer Millinery
At ber shop, 'Hamilton Street. in -rent and
he'snfrul variety. She has secure the Iwr-
vloes ofa city milliner, and feels assured that
she can give
iN 1(11T11
She ho .ea to he favored w;th a visit front her
petrous, and the ladies generally.
--Thonsandnof graves
are annually robbed
of their rietims, lives
prolonged happiness
and health restored
by t he use of t he great
X. SEPT. 29, 1882.
Till tho 1st ofJalluary
which positively and permanently rues' Isa.
(.etleaty West by excesses 4 e rs atnd 1
eeslsal Weakness, and all dowsers that fol-
bw as a sseemN Pelf Abuse. as loos of ea -
FWS of meeory. olverwa!
la the leek, direness of vision. �ss��
d ye, and many other dls ease. tlai
lead to tasaslty or eoneumptlon and a proem -
tare grave.
Pend far similar,' with testimonials ere, by
mail. Tito I*s .0 ATM IS sold at 3c per
box, orate bozos for Pks,, by all dreigwists, or
will be seat tree my malt, severely sealed, ea
receipt .t prima by addressing.
117 Remmlt fw..'dedo. 011e
Gan. Rattan,.
Pole Agent for GodetIeh.
ONLY 25 Cls.
Now is the time to Subscribe for a 9
Wide Awake Nmsmilr.
The Huron Sign, i l
Local & General
Newspaper in the County of Haien.
Subscribe Now I
ONLY 23 ars.
(lugs to aunuunte. to the people 4,1Goderich an this section of Huron, thatlhe ha
purchased from Mr. Y. Philips hi. stile of Groceries, eta, and will
continue the business in the old stand, on the
Corner of Victoria and Bruce Streets.
Hat ing bought the goods for uaa! , and as I intend to make all my purchases from
wholesale men for ash also, I will be in a p(mitian to sell at
Very Low Prices fur Cash
My sto.ek will always be fresh. I will keep the hest brands of teas, gaud suears
and everything in the grocery line from the best producers. Bacon, Spiced Mesta
etc. , always est band in season. I am de,erminrd b. please, both ingtality and price
$('►-Call at the stand, V icteric street, ep.Ie.site the Fair (!round, near D. K
et echan's rurelnne shop.
(Lderich, Match 9th, lea..
Extensive Premis and Splendid New Stock.
G-_ 13ARP,
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
A good assortment of Kitchen, It`d-rauu, )lining ltoontand Parlor Furniture. such as Ta
bles, Chairs their, cats- and wood erste-di. Cupboards, lied -steads, Matin es•e, \\ ash -tart
Lounges, Sots; What -Note. Luuln.g Glees, e.
N. 11.- A complete assortment of Coffins and Shie l e sl,Aye “n, hand'.tl'o Hearties fur h
at reasonable rates.
Pitt ureFP•ntlriCaejeestt}'.— '.en11>, , 1,4 1;1
cat Weddu.p
Beg t• announce to the Public that tl e)- have of en(d business .0 the alcove Stroe
in the store lately occupied 1.y Homes: Nesten. Hating pur.lieeed a large and
well assorted stock of Storing ar.d f t t. t. t r Goode at clone figures, we are determined
to give the Public the benefit.
_Ate -Incest (all and examine our g.".ds before purchasing elsewhere.
#le'Renemtber the place, next do., to J. Wilson's Drug Store
AO -Custom work will receive our vete ial attention.
:ret-Noue but the beet of matt -rim: used and tint -class workmen employed.
rreRepairing neatly done ..n the shortest notice.
Goderich. March 9, 1882. DOWNING & W E D D U P
Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Riney. and Liver. carrying
aft gradually without weakening the system,
all the impurities and foul humors of the
secretions ; at the same time Correcting
Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili-
ousness, Wipe**, Headac
D�hes, Diz-
ziness, Heartburn, Constipation,
Dryness of the Skin, Dro Dim-
ness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum
Erysi Scrofula, Fluttering of
the Seart, Nervousness and General
Debility; all these and many other simi-
lar Complaints yield to the happy influence
Sample Bottles lOc ; Regular size $L
For sale by all dealers.
T. ■IL$CKN t CO., Preprlesrs, to
Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Dy-
sentery, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sick-
ness and Summer Complaint ; also
Cholera Infantum, and all Com-
plaints peculiar to children teeth-
ing, and will be found equally
beneficial for adults or children.
Proprietors, Torontte
rn REIngDY FOR ' it 11.l:it7
A11 Diseases of the Tlrsat. Lungs and
Pulmonary Orgaas.
51 15. „tears I. use
COlr1Cliln1O/1 Iw •sex CCniD
Wk., other R.msdl.s sed rhv+i,Ian, have
failed to .feet a eu-e.
. e'c.ndNf hr res rites aft. Mrst•ttfa sire
n,a In feet by everybody wten !'as
sir.• 11 • ••0411 is serer /.r,:.
re tenni retie!
Aa as LXPZCTOIANT It las se =tlu4
It is bantams M tb. Mn.e I).tieaa (1114.
71 eMMIM .t+ err/r•.v fa sap Pirmes,
1Nnr•ttn-,s aeeempa•,v .eek bottle.
Sir Yee sale lees all Prairies.
The Great Western Railway will run
their excursions to MANIT(+BA and
DAKOTA petits during May and June
;very two weeks, coutintncing TUES-
DAY May, 2nci, 1881.
Fares Reduced.
Fur tifeiniation, ticket', etc., apply t
-iwe al Agent Great Western Rsilwa
(,,4enieh, �t.
,.o4erich. April. Ys. !Mx:'. 1836.
ram siaa_
Recommended hr Pkt'hlelanq.
C tJ 12.-B7.9
Catarrh of the Nasal Cavity (.-ronic and Ulcerative'
Catarrh of the tar. Eye or Thr'gt. It Is takes
the Blood and Mucous Surfacer of the
System, tt is the beet Blood Purifier
in the WORLD, and is worth ALL
that Is charged for It, for
THAT alone.
Ls- IN Til" M SHIERS' ,4-t
$IOO rt :seert::l'ertryseesec B' 00
aM '><fi Y-<. art:\ata
'We r.aefn opt., Mate' YC IMO.
ter 1111.1...,otg..btt was trot.'.'ed with Catarrh
for two 1.'srs, r.n•t arse very m'eeh benefitted by
tue neo of ' Ha•l'. Catarrh Curs" Mh• Is now
et.out euro 1. W. T. Hnt'6s.
p, Ont., March 1n, 1+ 9.
I hire ns' ,1" ball a (' 0 srrh Cleo," sal pn.lg,
ug from Vie god rnodto 1 derived from on.
„o.t i", believe it will Dun, rho moat stubborn
.ere of Catarrh if It, mss Ds *mum J0.1 for a
,easouable:eogth of !hoe.
w. it. n}:i..F.MS,
Wei.oss , Ont., Msreh 1f1 ISSN.
c r Owr,sry h e:•... T d. do. 0.
O.ara.-neve sold H4!1'e C'ctarth Caro for the
.t year, ao I it CI ye. outine natisfac$ion
1•oura truly,
H. R. HOBSON, l r ,,a,st
Hall's Catarrh Cure
seed by all tt hn'e.,la amt Rets.' A. 1411e14
amd I,aaters in Patent Modsru.aa las
the United States and Cana.;.,.
l C(+nts a Bottle. *3.00 s Pot.
Th. only sennina Hell's catarrh cure as mai,.
ufeetnred by F. J ClICN1Y a CO.. To'edu, r`
ter Revere of Irrltatlnns
Bottled for Oa Onterl, trade hr -
H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Ont.
idle Aent, Goderich
z -
h of
of •
on of