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The Huron Signal, 1882-09-29, Page 6
1 '1' 1 l E 11 U RON SIGNAL,, F$RIDA I' SEPT a..li#2 Che Poet's Corner. Whew the greet Is ea see Punkin. When inerrant is on the punkin sad the fud- &Ws r t►s t- ad yea �!S f��ttt ani {stale et lbs had she reieeee aril the And ibis on reeMerli sr es s tiptoes t o M'+ pheater s lits Wage lease le • teens at his W it► tllle-ristw' sea to greet hka Crus a eight u gracious root. As he leaves the hostas bareheaded and goes eat N feed the eloek. WU* the frost la s �►paella alls sad the rod - d u the r'sEa They's somethle kind v' hearty like about the atmosphere Wham tM heat o' summer's over and the etwl- b' tab is bare. Of course we miss the fiance. and the blos- soms on the tree's, And the rmumble of the Situation' huda and bassi■' of the bees: But the air so appetizin.. and the landscape through the hase Of a crisp and sunny horning of .the early autumn stays Is a picture. that no painter Las the eolurin' to mock When the frost is on the punkin and the fod- der's in the ,h,.. tete of tine *transpire, died, name un- Two wretches had dolt* the treacherous - �- -- r-- „�- Sow rte lifiairtrall :sky, t uak) rials of the tassel, esu the rn, Anil 1:�e raapin' of the tangled Leatei, as gold- ro as the morn: The a :111.. in the tunics, kind o. lonesome lilt . but *till A pr .t. heti 'sermons to n, of :I.e barna they grower 10 all; The straw stack In the medder an 1 the reaper lathe eked: The homes is their stalk bel.»v, the clover over -head; O it sets u.y heart a clickin', lit, the In kin of a clock, When the tr,et is on the punkin ami t he fud- dcr's in the shock! [Indianapolis Judrnai. known. The only member+ of the crew that I knew in our beat were the cap'aut and urate. After the streamer died two Others died alaarat uumedif+te4. They just seemed to perish of eAmestion, 1ttd nut from any injury. At midnight the mate succumled, and about ten minutes Aar him the captain died. Shortly after daybreak, I and Mr. Tinkiss land- ed the bodice, Whir* were aril in the beat Aftor lriplldj we drew the 4et on shore and walled along a piece, and findingweoould not walk far, we returned to the bet and Mr. Tinkles took the bodies out of the boat and laid thein on the island. We thee got into the boat again and rowed along with an oar we bad picked up, having lust our own when we capsized, to find a habitable place. That was the last I saw of the b .dies. I know that we left the bodies of John Savage, John McDonald and three other men on the island on which we first landed. On the following (1•'ri- dsy) night we slept on the rocks. Next morning we again gest into our boat and rowed until in despair we Ina e up and went ashore again and laid down and slept. Then the Indian carte along and we engaged him to bring us to Pat ry Sound, where we arrived on Sundry forenoon. There was not any conversa- tion in the boat at all. except when we saw the light; then we sang a couple of sacred songs. The other two boats were full of people. I oo not believe that the three boats I have spoken of were ca - THE LOST :'ASIA. Miss Morrison's Statement at the Inquest. sexton's biding, and closed the trap door o1 the upper stairway, leavlbg the brave youth to choose between precipi- tating himself on the pavement bebow, of °Bogie' the whole ht thseesh to the d ditat spire, with cies of foot held. He chose 1 death to certain death, but when rescue carne with the moruing, his eyes were sunkeu and dim and his Curly locks as white as ano'i. Gabriel Petershiem had won his bride at a fearful cost -(Chambers Journal. ' gable of holding all the passengers that I A and Peter. er tem of Lifeby lit atter .11111 sew on board. All the staterooms were ' Exbaa.tlas. • occupied. I know this because when I At the adjourned 'inquest held in embarked the mate had considerable connection with the wreck of the Asia, trouble in getting a bed for me. Two Miss Morrison gave the following evi- other ladies shared my room with -me. tlt•'.•''•: 1 t:ellt ' 4:eauter The ladies maid told me that all the A young roan was very anxious to secure • piece of property which was just thea for sale on very advarttagtx,Ul terms. He went to tit oder with a friend ell his, who was a bomber, about the utter, mats ahifuire tMtet sr it ed magi& s prudes/ to btuFuw the requisite will tial' om' • s .0 h `r:: ot II:. G. L sues and pay it in regular inatalmeoN. 41utiu'a a'h this C1$4 1Wy letic ate, et Maee n. t'd! h. •Ia4e y•,Y s Ho thought he should be able to manage eu lh,.::°'"•tin lti:L l F .I' Jo we gay all but the first instalment. He was ad- tltllr'1 Ii ..... :?eitin: ...el-;ta a voted to borrow from the bank a sun, *int, (.'.r arc, ,•.' .• . enueGglt larger than he wished to raise to 't°I cin• ..or la a e. Isdet'fti: . ' e .•e 1..t111t'.il, 50 ttttalNwb;•. ; t' „ 1: is .t feel- ing* of fpr.' ....r ; • •. • • •.ii *n.l •Ir u'giog iso rally ; • t,.•. 1,.•.., •.', *kelp; ase ewe - tits bar.lis s11til:ir •. . • ly and ,.lir, 14 1' 11 1411na • :e eyi'u.tl relrx- •..e.or .and ..,til t'•,�ti Cel'; kw acres the drank; the v "pur.iapa je•116;1, Gofer the first iNt, layit stfjctly tif T -- Nide aad thea go. abed. ,'Bab," said Fashions's Fancies. his friend. "you must spend literally nothing.. You must lite orf your place. You must make a box and drop in it all the money you receive.' The young man and his wife wetit bravely to work to follow his advice. 11 it was !wassry' to dine off a head of boiled cabbage and I salt, they did so and never grumbled. Every payment was promptly meet. The 1 egg money, and the butter money, ai.d the corn and wheat honey -all went Ilett. the payment -box, and at the Sped• find time the place was thein. There was an invisible wealth about such hard earned possession" that cont mon ob- servers knew no thing of. On the day ut the 'ast payment the young man },resent ed himself bef ore his fried with a emir ing face and with the money in his hand. There were no rags to be seen, but his clothing was well ou.vered with darns from head to fe.t. "You see I have fol- lowed your advice," he said, casting s glance over himself, "and toy wife looks Worse than I do. But I have earned t he farm and now I know how to earn another." -Cincinnati Times. Lace jackets are lined with light silk in the color of the lace. The seaside parasol is Turkey red trimmed with oriental lace. Black stockings aro clanked with colon when worn with light dresses. The minuet is the fashionable dance at the Eaatern watering planes. An enameled gold bow -is the new ornament fur fastening bonnet strings. French ntualins are trimmed with feathery white ruches and fr•illings of lace. The wraps worn by American girls abroad are of masculine cut, and tailor finish. Velvet zousve jackets burttered with rich bead Lands accompany costly dresses. The crinolette continues to gain favor, and fall mantles will be designed:to give room to it. Broad ribbon sashes are worn by the 'trillion, from the child of orte year to the matron of sixty. Solid colors in muslin dresses dispute the majority with *pugged and polkadot- ted patterns Jackets have from ten to fifteen wooden buttons finely cut in pugs' heads down the fronts. • A-. , .,y oven- other rooms wore equally filled. Some Huge cabbage rosea ars worn upon • the bonnet,- at the top of the parasol and tri.;, .ta mat:, about 11 o'clock; did not passengers were laying; on sofas and the aa corsage sowers. nt tics anything particular when I went cabin floor. They so laid because they Heliotrope silk shading to a gold eons - 4•11 la and; during the :night the boat roll- could not get bertha. This, ladies' maid bined with a black velvet retakes a beau- roto connection between the two ttiiusfe, ed a 14,44 deal. The boat seemed to be and purser said so. Fit e men and one tiful evening toilet, as far a+ he can discover, and bei has very touch craw led with passengers. I woman embarked with, rile at Owen White pompons and estrt h feathers , studied them. cannot t.,rm any idea nor did I hear how Sound. Tile mate told rue on Thursday form+f black the dress hats.of the largest num- "Abundant hatq" says the London how many there were on board. The nrirrititig that they took nothing•n'bir.l sums,Lam-t "is nota sten of bodily or metal relate told Inc she sea heavilyloaded Silk A•tunees, veiled tele those ,f either strength, t1:e story of Smitten b:'r;nit at Pres Quisle, except some pressed hay. ol:aci or white lace, compose very e:e- given' rise_ e. the notion that hairy men gate triwmi~gs fur dress skirts. An Atlanta negro, aged 90, has 51 children, He took a fourth wife other day. Dt.es the weather change with the me,on 1 Sir William Thompson,tells the British Science association that there is with freight. The night paused quietly; I know t,f two families of deck passers ' are strong physically, while the fact ie no disturbance occurred, except what Rota. I di l mit "tar ut any '_:C1�s .f The full ruche fastened with sling -pin that the Chinese, wh" tare the most eudur- jaocredrd frim seattick ,children. I o,c- shanty men "after our boat • i. i sired has taken the place of the lace fiche "ie' f all r ace+. are mostly bald, and as ctq,ied the upper berth of one of the state garrets 1:0 the left Land side of the stet -war and was there in a position to hear me.iit .•f what went on. at least I think 1 1.1 and the Boat stop at Pres Qu isle. I dol not sleep much. I got up on Thursday meriting feeling Very seasick; it tat pretty rough all morning. 1 think ti :Osti nut 11 o clteck the first in- timation I hail of danger was fr. al the noise made by the '"eases. I ask, i -the trate if there was ar y danger. H.•. said they '. •1 already thrown oil the .T.,erses , storm as far as I could see. All that I and weeld throw off what freight they talk m,tice of had life presertersi,n in could. I then went back totmy berth all the three Boats. and the heat rolled so much 'tis one side '}'lie inquest then adjourned. that I ,ot a life preserter and put it on. , Half an hour possibly had' elapsed tie- CHANGE OF COLOR. ttreen the first idea 1 hal of danger, atd my putting tat the life pprtserver.. After . 1n Haman Hair strange 1c.ua. I:w•rd we did not bale her . out, because there was nothing to bale her out with. Be- fore she capsized all the gentlemen that had hats baled out the water with thiir hats. There were no provisions in the boat. I ata certain as to the number of ears I have stated to have been in the boats. The other boats called to us and asked for oars before any ..f us capsized. I did nut hear of any oars being lost ex- cept through the eapaizing of the boat. The steamer seemed to ire side to the t I.rlcf. Fright and D,.palr, akmgthe,0 pn•ccauttsns 1 b eat y1110.� cabin door until the water carne into the i Sente years ago a young lady, who was cabin. 'PIten by catching hold of the ' anxiously- waiting the coming of her hug cabin door and railing i managed to get ; band -elect, received a letter conveying • un the upper deck of all. The host the sad ti.lin,s of his shipwreck and then s,.tri. d t be settling down• --one death. She instantly fell to the ground side 1:.i:ti• ,titch the welt -meat. The insensi le, and s" remained for, five life 1„ L:lore, ne,l t.. be cb.sc t • wherehours. - On the following morning her y.t 1 ••t. 1 lot, e red tiiilf into the water � sister saw that her hair, which had been oil t't • c,i,taii c.::t;ht-tiie and-liekl gyne previously of a rich brown color, had he - f ocell z•i i', i::. till t' -t,• u:rtt came and help- ' c,we as white as a cambric! -handker- 1 i; m. L • -t, • L.at. .\t that time there (thief, her o•yehruw'ti and eyelashes re- t i:eite i.1 the beat. 1 did nut tainiag their natural color, After a LitOe- any in the, boat except the first while the whitened hair fell off, and was mate and Miss 1luNab, tv iienu-tuate. succeeded by a new growth of gray. I knew the captain by sight. \ number Staff Surgeon Percy, while serving in of people from the other lei ate c aine into India during the mutiny, saw a strange curl ;,t, 'i'be reae• n w'hy they came .sight. Ainong tho prisoners t:t!ceit lugs into ou. bout int waS that they upset. The skirmish itt Cltatuba Wae a Sopor' of the reason wly they upset was the roughness Bengal army.. Iie wa.t brought before of this w ,iota. They did net sen over- l the authorities, and put to the question. er ;iron. lent' rtaso0 why they tpsut ll'\\drier the examination was proceeding, wise that they lotd not -a .ituficient nutn• the l•ystandears stere startled by the am- ber of carr... tine of the i.ther boats hail i eant in charge the prisoner exclaim one, ate titer .bad not ati_ , ...no, hJad two. irg : " Ile is turiilig grey :'• All eyes The reason 1 know they bail so few oars were turned nu the unfortunate wan, was that the; calm :a1.t site of our batt w-atdlin: t' ith wondering interest the and asked the caie:ail; if we hall any to change corning upon hit glossy jet-black spare. 1 slid taut ice any person left (.11 Locke. In half hour they were of a beard the steamer :.ter we left the shit, intifet grayish hut,. side. The three beet ran :dime toeeth. \\ heft the trepercr Leopold *vas about ' er for to little, then tete Whet. t .. t r.•r. t" make hi+ grand entry into Vienna, They up so three tmmea an 1 i tint• tl a ohl scoters of kit. Joal.ph's Cathedra t' cy righted a few we rr mit.,in,, .'u 1 the *vas mn.h troubled in" Itis mind. 1-pon thn.1 t...n. I .lid teat ace anyone c1 i :ins( such occasions it had been his custom to a; all. 1 tally taw two boats be. 1 take his stand on the pinnacle of the side our own.. Kis of the passengers oft to.t'cr and wave a flag as the imperial the te, ea!or into '•are. .\l -out 'twenty pageant p Awed by, but he felt that n to tninntea- afterwards tttr boat cgoaited 1 had eo weakened his nerve !log he Car• + ret ;,:titkly ti,.'Ltt'A. 11ee.ld me, to td:e' cal not n,:ain attempt the potilotts per- ru;•r•o.1 life liner, yT.te: rettntl th 1-- at fennaince. Thinking the matter over. so that whet sl„ • riih!ed I xi: in a;: -tin. Ise canto to the conclusions that Lu amt knot -se righted I beardDome 'retook\• find a sulstitute ; and kis .wiltg. tier his that flirt* wale s.'t nc. We tinn s::ilt,1 pretty daughter bad plenty of ..talwart a .1'tiheul it'frore the storm. Our bet suitor'', the old fellow publicly annoen- ctt sired thrive titins nnit each time some r esti that the Haan who could were 1)is11i11g. 1 dial not tir,tiev anjone till his p.l.ice successfully should lie his to be hurt ou the 'beets ririttin{, t.xcakt icon-iu haw. To his intense du•.:u.t. the which has been so long in favor. to the supposition that long and thick Half -high bodices are in favor for , hair is a sign and token of intelh•ctunli- erenin, wear. Theyare worn•with lace I ty, all antiquity, all auhouses and 911 sleeves reaching to the gloves. � common observation are against it. i he easay•w'heedled Esau was hairy. 'rhe Jasmine, pansies; carnations and half -1 tttit;hty Ctesar was• bald: Long haired blown white roses mingled with similax : men are generally weal: and fanatical, are the favorite doral ttarnitures. I and men with scant hair are the Phil .so - Elbow sleeves of evening dresses are phers and a.dliera and statesmen of the made very el•.se fittipg,, so that the long ; world,' glev'es may be drawn up over them. Two Boston boys bumped heads so forcibly.that one died the next day and the other was made dangerously ill. It ia, old a -medi- n.e'-u.Uy ro ..r, -ted t' e !t 1. •'let. d+11 • s .'r a 1 stilt i -..'s . ..... a. •'• .• • •o •e an•; erfect ge rani " -- eeetaci'•.e. I. tw- elve k Uo., tlao :.omenta fur the D1nni• Mon, . :.rn,to • A new style o.1 skirt triimning consists 1 of bunches of Wide plaits alternating with ; lateral loops. There is it knife -blade quiliyg both above and below this. Imported travelling skirt's are plaited from belt to toe. They are worn with New -market jackets, with full sash drapery, or with summer p.oleilaise. Miss Lilliphace says she used powder merely to take the shine off her face. but Fogg thinks she used it to take the shitae off other women's faces. ttti .nate who remitted s sr•tlatidl brit** offerwas at .1100 *Wept by Gabriel t thell'er After our Loather teas reduced I I'etersheim, his arersiow anti the specie to set, n the moot did not capsize any favorite of the girl, who aim not with lance. It was bee:sneo the atone m.ab r• her father's eyes. Imre the eh...Intel day lied total we ceased to t'apillee. The Lt.t Vienna opened its 1,atea tothe new -made eipso* hoot (dace shnttly helots Clark Emperor: hut it was lytainy, .r near and jolt hid•+!'o dark the trate raid be i to lire: whet, the }Nome 114 hearer .aw :and, and titter dark he saw n li ;!it • w•ele'nucd the 1toees i to from tit. hots. 0. whish the relate said was ty ing t •to•seph's tote-. ills task performed. Ms•,lslas a ■uabasd. The next best thing to pleasing a man is fora wife to dress up it bit for his es pocial Lenefit; he is s•• hungry -that it would need„ but a speaik to kindle a flame; but when he enters and sees the appcti:atig .dinner in the act .f Leing dialled, his little woman smiling, Rent and tidy, it acts upon hien like a d.ise of soothing thing syrup. The dust with: left an inch thick i•I1 the Orel:tel-piece he 1 woad 1 not s.:.. it: broken er••ckerj and cobeele might' till' every center he would leak up.ni their it it h rill the com- placency imaginable, and not attempt their nllmiihilation, washing. 1•e' tells his wife how 1,rrtty plea is, how la c.nnuig her hair is arranged in that fash- ion, says no other man ever had such dear little leveret a woman fora wife, as';s what she ltai ler dinner that Fauiells' so goo:l, and thonc h he is really starving waits upon the tal,io with all tae grace and politeness of a Chesterfieil, au,' se- lects the hest of evcrything,fo: his little wife's plate. Datil;g mealtime he tonal her all *shout hit work, oaks her advice in regard to h's plants tells funny sterrias' potaut:ala couuudrums, cracks jukes and rend -Ts Cie dinner h out a vert eft- j.yablerlfair. After it is.overlteata'. • live to his wife, plays with the sings c4ivie songs, then be gores off to itis work wliistlin3 nnertily, nI peace wit1* t:te world, thinking he has the happiest home in the land.whil• his wife f.:lb.w•e hint te the door, raving, within hetatlf; "What a Weaning, it is to have such a dear, cheerful, li ting husband." Iiet light When41416 saw' the light a.1 (14,1 would hart descended from the eheerr'rd p^ ...... ertble, but *rem a ni t_ e df rand his way hwrred. ffer : airy et'. blit . i The neater re follow nature in th ti atusont .f disease, tete more stttcessfu we are. Dr. Fowler's Extract of \\-lid Straw Terry is Nature's Spectre fey Chat • en Morbns. Dysentery. ('elle. and all forms of Kummer (.'..initlaints. it speed- ily cuare Canker to the atowteeh .r b• •irel. and is e.ife for intents at well a• n.lnite. 2 The Kansas City ./•o•no.l estimates the corn crop of Karate and Missouri of t4.- 000,000 bushel*. 1 Pe ,reale tin male by 1Nrr- int a t.nt:ll hole in a piece of tia mid IOUs( it with one clear tirTit, of the bei• s.rm of the common fir. It Bill matnifp seventy- fire diameters Ayer's Hai re Vigor, FE1EII ARREYALS. CANN r -D CORN BSEP, LUNCH TONGUE, ENGLISH BRAWN FOR RESTORING GRAY NAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. Ir Is a most agreeable dressing, which is at once harmless and effectual, for preserving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By its use thin hair is thickened, and baldness often though not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immedi- ately, and causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brachy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitality and streugth, and renders it pliable. The 'Vidor. cleanses the scalp, cures• and prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, and soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors and diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair The VIGOR is incomparable. It is color- less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economi- cal and unsurpassed in its excellence. • PREPARED BY DR. 1. C. AYER & CO., Practical. and .analytical Chemists,. Lowell, Mass. SOLD sr Au. Da000tsTs xriarwnaai. POTTED NOUS, BERM', l 1 A u1 CHICKEN FRE a SALMON AND 'LOBS f ER. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF Christie Brown & Co': BISCt'TTS,Arb CAKES. TEAS, SUGARS AN (t- t tip,, - 1C7 -241 031. i Zoi L. . _ c , - - • c :cs [.•r•• PE CHEEW ' HO S -S -� LArtCE57 Importing and Brebct: _ ENZTA4LISHMEAI WORLD. }'L W. DUNHAM, IP : Fags Crunty, Illir.Dt'I, U. S. A. :15 rtittes w,it of Ctucaga) ',tiring the poet 17 month, 3,20 ST 411:.. 7.TI, \'t . 1\'1),If: flflie here tern Imported Ir" , Tenn*, to rhes oats Mtsh»tent, ori r. th.MNtbi.0 d ern/wrrntim.s red e't;•t•„. fn. ,rtes• of 7),nJl T',.../crow e;1 parte el' Lairvjw for amp/ one year. Oe.-A/th 0: tbo entire number of rinport- e ; F',rnaA eirov in Atuerica can la 5E4 a ow QQat torrpplI His s bars Melded the Yds WImisal$ 17a* S P'( )'segs., iwy asd Ws. 51. as se the Aeest 01 illntese alma his i�M tiU $sb s• Theyelanearrt off ante rrG 117.11"/ r11141 the Gewsia 51'M► O $1.0te. nand Grafi 1'M PACS etTAr OO rT R sores rare wee LN/es. C.eI.iao over 40 M., - tool reiaa weed raw war w/ the f'^rrhereM ,-nee. Orem "CtrdlS+ L 1? EPITIT L&RCRII , & EPSAT NIORIIOCD MEN A TstsCmrtaeU er smarm • tAet las dam•n- el Me that wraa and fa s. i albtrtl :tgtla I�aa ort ariseer gr' IILISICAL ES T iJ?!ENTS AND EWING' 1A illi' T: t r ;her wool1 intimate to 11...;1 i0- o1 ti,,.ietl, 1 that be has deo Wed In gine up bprtne.s in hi, line owing to ill henith. anti that be , now prrtra(t•d to Mile . 5.- .•ption- alir .:u„ d lamming. t want in = PIANOS. Thr es.a Pur© pin es. 'i'I;1' 'I'HF;M Chas. A. Nairn. the Year Ito 4 JOHN TS ON'Sv"/ SARSAPARILLA '73 COttAllll DYSF�r`:.a ad for Purify ing the Flood. lr.ti been in use for 20 years, and rias •. •.l to bre the beet preparation in tin •-ketfor MCC AEAUACHF: PAD: OL AC SIDS OR BACK, IJi'IR • ''.tt4T PLES ON THE Vas t', ,'.tk'EiIUSIA. VILER. and els IM.a.es • it arise from a i)tiordered L'ver or an s.0 Tare blood. Thousands of our best Isle tato it and give It to their etnl ''t •n. Manilla= Pbprescribe A daily. Those One 11 Gem recommend it to others ,c It made from Yellow Dock. Hosdu- ..• -•.s liarvpartiia, Wild Cheery. tat lingta. s ts^deibn, Sass•fraa, Wintergreen. •I'ir mn.r won known vstttebts Roots and ...ha It is strictly tereebie. and cnn- t art the most dela-ate conwti� for of the beat medicines in • stir,^ thy Dowels. It ei anl'1 b all rponsibis dr:Cr ir!' :1 one dollar yea for $ quart bottle, or ►1s Lottics for dye dollars. Tastes who cannot obtain a bottle of 7'.ni. medicine from their drugcet may -4 rd us one doUar, and we well wild t . v t:vert. .:ffitt:'trrs1 1 11, riraket>mee. Arncearatt5 Oxr. 1 ..r rale 1 y - JAS. WILS(tN. • ,.i�ccy9 - lita�',r P ;'9 iN(.3;;:- I> r .ia:aa a;`. points in tome Yc5'ee.a..ttc,r,trl. HOB sad, New !aryl.... Arno.*. ' time en! Tert.. • .. . t:LS'r and r , z:. .; ,.• ;,h. •'..'rr• XA. U^rel• .a. mal baa, ers:vs.. C)L. O 'u.e 1. .••• hu. rn.ap routf,t.'.leen r • . 11n r••npnit. and is.. rant t'nt•: •rel- .' Z,�` .,n trmaiiy r, put,.'1 as to e- nc••d(d to e h byre• c,e Great t.• the test gnlypc.1 �: ruutsCar Rs:bood In th• w,..•,. • • • -' - rte` Lina all claws of 1nv, • •�_ KANSAS CITY •t tll(;AN1 .r 'L\VIN(. MACHINES will an.i i' • t' i :.te-e to call at once a. this t..l l.KNI I\F . b:lnng i J. W. WEATHERALD leis I.. VICK'S Illus rated Floral Guido 1 I'er Ism! :. 1.9 I.lc:an f Took of I::e r:n_es.. Ms (.1.rtd Plate. of glower.. aed Neer* Oen IoM Idea .w• t' the . hat. ret Flow. er.. 1'Ln t- ,n..1 5 I g(tohle• nn t l lire/ vent for monist. 1t 14 111111111.0111.•i n•n.gh for the (*ea. Ire Table or a Holiday Present. Send 041)nnr wane and rest Office address. with le rents, and t will send yea • ropy. pspaire paid. Thi. wet a wearier et ire eaasll. 1t is peiated la b EnsiMA sad Oevinaa. 11 yon arteriolar . r vets% Aedvws the Meta. s Is'l'et aREill1e aro the beat sa the trowel. Tle I't.ORA! GT114rwill tall Tot how to Rel them. t lea's 1'Iwwer amid *sellable eialist. f5a Page.. r, r olnred Prates, :atm Einem' incl. Per P1.00 in elegant cloth In O*mean or English. Irk'. ItNe/ralM lllwwlkly Maasflme- ' PyysagmM� C,eolore.l 1`latr In rTe'ry nntnhr ,tad erre(ars fuer rings. disco Unit w year: dp 0sent �i'*ettn*n Numbers seat ter to rents; trMl chutes for 25 cones. A dAr*a, 11455 111'1. Reebeat.rT,% Try a, T I orated t"\ l\`�� and veli wW Got braced t.In••i. /. ` En traveling a palest n:1 oftersh luxury, tusteed the r. S. andw, of n die - Canada. Cl� . All ,(`w comfort. tnfot cwt hm stout learn of Farr, b!tep:na .•ars, e}r • (5.,•,811 : r e r.'n 1 r T 1 POTTER, PERCEVAL LOWELL, rot t ee Prtfl.t 0,.'? t'•tc :er, Get. 1'�-• A•,t. Chicago. 111. Chicago. lIL J. Stwrsero, Canadian Pass.. Torono, (het. Geo. 11. Jt•nosrc., Ticket Agent, Godcrich. EST ...GRAZING LANDS tar -..r Northern Pacific R.R. M MINNESOTA. DAKOTA, .,n MONTANA. BIG CROP AGAIN IN 1881 Low eaves: Unite Tsar ersATTPOW 1wenovt. NWT : tttemeosm Pena *No 9 P.000 r TO ReTTttea roe Pott 1i1/OnieeTN)N. AOCWIRell R. M. NEwrooRT. Oa►t. LAND Any alba^e-•ns Pan. ST PAut. MINI{,