HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-29, Page 5A P1 ,R. a da th 0 753 ;h •0 his Id 1 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, l $•2. 5 IN THE STORM, The Ilsp.rIeoos of the Manitoba. eisaMte apr•ertgat a by • rsrseager. The following has been received from Mr. J. B. Glass, of Mews. C. 8. Hyman & Co„ ut London, who was a passenger by the Manitoba during her late dread- ful enoounter with the waves of Lake Huron. It will be read with interest : Bruoe Mines, Sept. lb, 1882. The magnificent and powerful steam- er, Manitoba, of the N. W. Transporta- tion Co., experienced a vary NNITvw soap, 11 beevwin • t al'wreck and of A! ' no less than two hundred souls to aa:, ry grave. Circumstances are as follows : --- Left klouthamptun at 2 a. m. Thurs- day, 14th inst. AU afternoon of W ed- nesdey the 'lemmata wore • threatening oast The cloud' wore a livid hue. Thunder was distinctly heard in the dis- tance, but was rapidly drawing nearer and nearer. The dashing of fork light- ning became very vivid. Such was the nature of the dement& No storm sig- nal hasiag been given, no weather bul- letins received, and with only a slight *oath stat wind bl owieg, our captain felt he could pruoeed ua his course. After leaving port we steered a N. W. course until about 7 a. m. A terrific gale set in from the 8. W. direction. Captain McGregor now thought. it advisable to change his course and make for Cove Ialand. Mur • sburt run -a distance of a few wiles -the gale freshened very ra , veering to westward. It was now found utterly tmposslble to keep the M*autoba on her course, rapidly drifting leeward. Danger was neer im- minent, and terror was depicted in every ooaneenance. The larger number of the paepeogera were dreadfully sea -Nick, sit that many did not fully realise the Igwav- ity of the situation. Strong, stalwart assn, who were able to be rat hand, ex Sited every nerve and faculty to save the cabin from utter destructive. while the deck below, frlrtn the shrieks of the ter- ror-stricken passengers, the tumbling of freight and o.rututu.d stamping and surging to awl foo of hereea and live stock, grade the scene awful in the ex- treme, the sound of ail.<:, w is heart - 1 ending. Every esei.terr_.., t otfcera and pswenvere had eat aoo.6.us look. mingled with alarm, bet ui the whole were cool and courageous. Froin 9:30 to 11 the storm raged with increasing fury, and the skylights of the cabin were abed into fragmenta at every roll, doors and windows falling in every direction, while the roar of the hurricane and the seething waters out- side was terrific- At Nines the sun shone through the storm as if 'to mock our fears. At the hour of 11 the passengers were competely exhausted with sickness. Our strung and stalwart men now began to succumb to the dreadful syottcons of sea -sick item Fierier and still fiercer Knows the sterol. The Captain, still at his post, finds the beat could not weath- er the point to which he was steerings, and utterly impossible for her to battle the storms in her pesent condition, the iron rod in the esgiee-room binding the boat having already broken. The steam pipe was found leaking. These engineer Tonkin, with almost superhuman skill and rapidity, replaced by new attach - menta. To return to Southampton was impossible. Two ,courses were open to him, either to rusk theboat ashore and save all he cook, else head her round to Pitch Ckanrrel, a ontvrae through which a steamer was never known to pass before. He, however, ventured the 'latter. Breakers ref's ahead within a distance of 1,000 feet rot her present position. 'Ihe rudder chain had already showed signs of weakness, and was exl'ected to snap asunder at any nutmeat. The most cri• 01 -EO RI EPPARD_ tical time had now arrived. %Vas it pus- Huron School Rook depot. Bible with such Leary sea the Mtnitobs 1818. could obey the Sola ? The captain, still at his post, cont and deliberate, gave his orders, whose voice seemed to rirg out far above tkeroar of the hurricane, Not a moment was to be lost Up went the jib sail at the command of the cap- tain, and in a moment it was observed the immense pressure of the helot was greatly reduced. The captain nor do- cided to head her routed. The critical moment had just arrived; she made a tremendous lurch, amidst creaking tim- bers, rolling baggage, with freight and merchandise flying in every direction. The awe-stricken female •paeaeneers sent up a wail of utter despair. G.xd alone could now save us. Ceaseless prayers were being offered for the Divine inter- position. The conviction rd the writer at this moment was that in answer to prayer God would not "still the storm," but He would sate the people It seem- ed for a few moments that all was lost, but He who once said to the elements, "Peace and to the waves. "Be Still '•' now took charge of the helm. The mouth of the channel was entered, another half hour of suspense, and we are under shelter of the islands and steaming into the harbor of refuge at Tabor Morey. The movements of our ship were watched from the islands with glasses in hand by the various captains of steamers who had taken refuge in this harbor the day before ; had ordered steam up to come to our rescue at the first hoisting of signal of distress, as dan- der was imminent at this point. At last moored safely to the main land, under ordinary ctrcuwtsnoes would not dare to venture, were taken and suuews- tutly navigated. Thanks to the skill and presenos of mind of the captain, and the wmirable beheriur ut the crew, the ataam-r wail brought solely through her perils, and under the shelter of the har- bor the passengers were able to oungr'atu- late themselves upont it providential escape. It was a closer, and all were loud in their praise of "Rhe coolness seamanship displayed by Cetaut !' Gregor during the storm. This will w the Mat.itoba's last trip this season. On h or return to thu port she will (oil Lid up and her place taken by the St.vuIt,igIt. uN sr Vali mews the tea. South Huron, Exeter, Oct. 2 and 3. East Hurun, Wt.:star, Oct. 3 and 4. Ashfield Braucb, Dungannon, Oct. 4. Grey Branch, Brussels, Oct 6 and G East Wawanomh, Belgrave, Oct 11. Morris Branch, Blyth, Oct 12 and 13 rein YOU EXCHANSE a case of Dyspepsia or 1.111 oneness • 7arents? It Is awAilty unwise to e go'.ize un - de -themany aliments, arising from Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach and Liver. when this offer L made to you in your own home in ad sincerity, with as absolute certainty of t17Rrin4 ony$ t (from Brazil) cures Dy.pePpf�1l►►. ZO PE'and Biliousness. A single dose relieves; a sample bottle convinces; a 73 cent bottle cures. It acts directly upon the Stomach, Liver, and liit_ne3 s. Cleanalnw, Corroctiug, Reg- ulating,Zopeaa gives energy and vim to the Brain. Nerve, and Muscle, simply by work- ing'growler; upon the I) ;,es - tion, ant giving activ:.b- to the Lteer. Cut this out, take it to any' dealer in medicines, and l,i t 7 at least one 75 cent bottle of Zopesa, and tell your neighi) r r hew it acts. It is warrant -•d, to cure Dy^pepsia and lgd- iousness. FALL OPENING. Miss STEWART WILL HAVE HER Grand Fall Openiug! lliiiii Schol Book De. J-QDERICH- SCHOOL BOOKS ON Friday & Saturday, OCT_ 6 AND 7_ Ladies will Please Make a Note of it. Guderich, Sept 28th, 1882. 1858 - HAVE YOU TRIED IT ? IF Dot go to yoer lerwgwl,t and get a bottle:of the DOMINION HAIR RESTORER You will Orad it 10 be theG.ra of all Hair l'reparn•tn'ta. 11 •+'orint C - y reeled Nair to 1t, Natural color: Clears ng the scalp and giving a twal ani vee i t0,1 Antic to the I air. ATI the text books prescribed and authorized for High - Model -- Public and Separate Schools, always on hand. Exercise Books - Cary Books, Slates, pencils. ink. pens, etc.. sad all school requisites of every deg riptiun. 1 make a specialty of school books and Reboot applies, and having taken considerable trouble to ascertain the opinions of the leading educationists upon the relative merits of the' Textbooks published on the special subjects, i am able to supply those highly reeomatend. All goods sold on approbation. and prices. as taw as the lowest. we were where we remained until Friday morn- ing. During the day a resolution of thanks to Almighty G"d, and under Him to Captain McGregor, was moved by Rev. A. A. Cameron. of Winnipeg, and on Friday evenine before rising from ter. an address was presented to him an -1 signed by a'ommittee on behalf of thekk'vassengens, the same to be en - growl groin the city of London, and to be forwanled to Captain McGregor, Sarnia. Thus has this magnificent boat been PzA1Ce �� Cim2Zts 1561 3Z3" ttle GEORGE RHWAS, C3ENT FOR C30IDE_ . (IiSURANCE Ci4tD. "FO$ SALE. BRITISH A6& 00'1r,Toao'l o-Ectablf.ly 1878 PHINIX I148. WY, of LONDON tEnglandl - Established NM HARTFORD I)+8. CO'Y. of IIARTroan, Conn -Established 1810. Risks taken in the theices. st owstrtes by ORACEHORTO. The underaigsed is also Appraiser for the CANADA PER. LOAN AND SAVINGS car TORONTO. Money to Loan on Otw4class security, rest. fi1HE SUBSCRIBER, FIN (NG 1 That his -dusk/attention will 1.x• re.tuircd this sum nor in the management of ti:c• RIO Ndispose OUS . will disse of that property known as the "WINTER situated on the Main Gravel Road, consisting of a capital hones• of ten rooms, with veran- dah oa two sides, large drivinghouse 00c22. stabling for ten horses, wood shed, etc.,togetb- er with one and a half acres excellent garden, well fenced. The premises are all new and in fifirst-clamfirst-aorder. To a good man no reason- able offer will be refturii. Anoiv to J. J. WRIGHT, POINT FARM. Goder►eh. P. O. NEW ARRIVALS r lir PALL & WINTER GOODS. OVERCOAT=NGS. Scotch, English, Irish & Canadian 'heads 7 to 8 per Cent -Charges moderate Aprl1MIAMI. 1888 HORACE HORTO1r. Goderich Sent. 10. IMO. TIMOTHY SEED Trade .lfark lirpiaferrrf. AO THER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. FRESH and GOOD. Real Estate. HUGH D IT NIi0P • HOUSE, AND NO$. 33 AND 7R earner of V tort• and Fast titre's, in Umpteen,' of Godericl,. for sale ct.esp. or will 1 e %changed for term property., Forparticnlars .pply to.1•ARMAn.L. Architect. office ('rabb's Block. or 1. C. Grunts. auctioneer. THIS YEAR'S GROWTH. By casual oheerl anon, we And ►11 land watch the ups and downs of property. thus math'& .. nm kwiv.ee:i fort 'Inca. Rut the whole ndRio le, tseis - �1 rdinary Offer I kce;t G�r• -; stem in a healthy rind Rios lay this 11 1177���1 W sprula+ors hex e • clear head and A - NEW DRESS GOODS A large shipment of Fall Jiress Goods .Jy L-. iy• SPLENDID VARIETY HAND TRUNK RAILWAY <AT- S. SL OANE'S t tEt) -Tolll•:. LUMBER HEMLOCK, ELM, BASSWOOD, &C. IN BOARDS, PLANKS, SCANTLINGaod JOISTS, BILLS CUT TO ORDER CUSTOM WORK DONE. ARCHiBALD W)D(l E Saw mill. Dunlop i'. 0. 1153-1m. ANCHOR LINE. UNITED STATES MAll, STEAMi RN Sall Weekly to and from NEW YORK ANDOLA•nOw, SIAtAIINDONDF.KRY (•bInPassser.11ptoVV. Returns. Steno stet. Seeon 1 cabin, 140. Return Tickets, $75. steerage pawengers hooked at lee rates. Passenger aocommodat ions unexcelled. A1.t.STATxw)O s ON MAIN i►Rat. Patt•+rnrera booked at lowest rates to or from Oerntany.ltaly. Norway. Sweden, Denmark. For - dec., applyt toours HENDEiRSON RROTHiCltM. New York. Or to MRS. E. WARNOCiC. Hamilton 5* o rfrh use 0. ter, reser OF Tut • ALLFT NEON III& TO tAGFNTB_ We can safely say that hundreds ...rime to es GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED. for the Krrxat tun and Mood nrlfcr before toted by the heaviest sea known fur the j tine wont. T the thousands of folio's tor to elf 11 11,. v pact tit pars. lt were necessary. 1 oestt that i was tronhie.l w id1 Catarrh Trots the amnia Alarm sr. (Ie. eke pth'Mas •f ►a1e�n' In thetnroa4 The 111 busy. s, ofTeas B'-tty Lite ehaM •e r 1 which {eft lbws on Ttwdsy night, 12th essld stet with ditil,hlaile inst., saeosnteswd the dreadful gale of .e the Thursday following when near Duck island. Captain McGregor gndiew it impossible to maintain hiscourse or Ta fain of seeh a hurricane, ber.MJ where be would he otsaar the signer Oils pssiasuls. For somehow' it was a ttA ag& between tasty and deal/. At finer it looked as if the host was iseraet The most daring expe- dites, bad to be resorted to, and than we s ageeea the islands. where Ta*5k and to Metas. ami feting up 1 Med the Patna OR Tag\A RhIctodomywort after seven )4( NEIL Street. london. On "Tor arv,ta ita▪ tementgnf my wife's 1a ro, Veer JAt•an MCNRIL E ,r .axe by all d rnnrigrts, Prof r f.w�Ae. M. 8brievea, Mik rleh o titee td Nitwd, des. Q7leos. V. ass. sad J. A. HaftM- STRIPED and BROCADED SATINS TicketstoWinnipegand return will be on ale at the principal ticket offices of the com- pany from August let to Sept, tuber Soli. to elusive, good to return within forty days from date of Issue_ 1f yon are nut of employment and want to start in a business you ran make from !JL'I to al0 a day clear, and take no risk of hose, we will send you on receipt of $111, goods that will sell readily in a few days for 525. 1f the Agents fails too sell these goods in four days, they can' return all urisnld to ua, and we will re tern them their money, can anything he fairer? We tate all risk orf k,ss, and the Meat gets started in a bminess that will be nt, and pay from $1,0011 to $11, iear Ladies can do as well as ate& We want an Agent in every ems, Full particulars free. Address. U. S Ysnnfaetuting Co., Ne. 118 Smith- field Street, Pittsburgh. Pa First class tieke s available x la all the usual routes., these by the Int, nonce in, meals and berths os the fteamet form Sarnia to Collingwood. to and from Dnlnth. 1 7•u uralt h in color for trimmings. OLBORNE BROS, GODERTCI�- _ cR 'T== ":"'Y AT J.C.DETLOR & CO. FARE FROM GODERTCH - 555.00 1819-3t PSOSPHA`)i" e. Toaosro. Me,vh 2i. 142. Meows_ Lawson; ft Co.: 1*KAR ansa, For the ant two weeks 1 hate heenusln 1s�Stones Phonobatine i.. env ()amity with rite moot satisfactory results. I is unauestionable • most valuable ,n'dicine Yours truly. W. H. WILLIAMS, - 8psclaf Correspondent Toronto Oxon:: DR_ AtYSTIN'8 P HOSPHATINK Cares all /ferrous Die eases, -SPECIAL VALVE IN- FREcH GOOD. These goods were bryth• at a discount of twenty -flee 1.er cent, Call and see thew. 2 Cases Prints Newest Patterns. J. C- DETLOR 8e. Co. SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. NEW G O 0 D NRwNARK KT, Mare 1, 21. 1x82 Metiers. bow nee et Co., Toronto. firers. -1 have taken one bottle Of Dr Aostln'n • Theseatina mmerded by D r Aently, of this place. and have received great benefit from It. 1 believe that after taken Ova or six bottles 1 shall be quite free from • nervous tremour which has tet allied me since t wag 1*, and now 1 am 191) sixty-one years of Yours t; aiy 1.8. WRTHCRiLI. Auctioneering. ry CUTLER 1' BIRD C.4GE.S FRUIT J.IRS PLAITED COOK1AG STOVES. F.iJVCII BeISKETS PRESERVING' KETTLES J, S. SAUNDERS & 'SON. The Cheapest House, TJndr The Sun NEXT DGOItITO THE POST OPTICS. Me�ica�. Hall, 'Goclerich large totpoly of Ianserrat Lime Fruit Juice, and Lime Juice, Cordial, Ther purest and,bestbiard in the Market. Makes • cheap. dellelour, and WHOLESOME SUMMER DRINKS. { s LONDON PURJPtLvedAaNDot ofPARIS GREEN, HELLEBORE FORNETC ItittY. je at I 7 � t�C. CURRiE,THE PEOPLE'S ALT . TiOISE1iR Ooderieb, Ont. 1781. it PERSIAN INSECT POWDER For t he destrw tion of ell kinds r f (nee, t.. '1 he rat w rat and mon:.' ,til; -,n, l� R077C± ME 0 INT R.AT POi`!ON FLY PAPERS. Far. P. JORDAN, Chemist and Druggist. Us week In year owes tows. Terms and U Sb •ends Moo Address H. H ALLRTT R Co. Portland Malmo S5 to $20 P" dm at hmy ftu oaple worth e,t free Addis .iliacs ! 0o.. Portland Main Ari esins iu Wall Pon Now ia the time. it inn wish one or two nice mem. sr h ani - ' He has over 20,000 Rolls of the Latest Desi; r:S,:~_ Beautiful colors. and at prier tram than x ort much .i Mr• err the teat • aloe to town. and m ,. • '......tgnaw ins ego 151 ve- #t a e t5co ht Bina att. • ,•1 area lat.te ,rid. «e - The f161 Sviligi ai xis I �t i'i>s ail At 313T.TTI.4=12Z (