HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-29, Page 3riot u"1 t1 SIGSAL, FRIDAY, SEPT. 29, 1B82 3 Daalo'Dr {{,,,,captain Savage, why lost his Ii s ua tousehol i Hints. -- the ill -feted iiia, wa• 'Hoe only ,.in uf) -- Mr. Thos. Robiusoi is again at has Mr. Joh', Swvage, , t Luckily*, Ali:.f. Ps,utasa is Cara -Poli sipl».nche. ; former place in the smithy. lereor'her-iedew to Mr. J. W. if.try. Tail cut time ui halves ; put tame w a pro' is the *wood Aad dtewuiul{ amcished the' servtag kettle, with a little wawa, eprna- Ilhsppardtea, less occurred in the family within the khrl over them. Lot them ►eas tufa, µtat the eldest own of Captain see. I n.uj{ly in a pin of hot water es the Biu Woage-Ilgr. Geo. Burrows;pts• age wised skating on the rivet at Sarnia storie whew the pious, are weenie{ /erietor and manager of the Miele steam ilea Pinter bre.ke throu{h the ton Alla but, put thea la geese jars and seal r►ww , threshing mtahue of this cu nty,thrush- aw drew familyed. The family have the ape ed on the fern of A. Juhuston, Ashfield, ltrerfelt sympathy of the o nniustrity ,e e„, Cae Tasar••es-Do out Walt: W- inthe 13th Mat., 4W bushels of oats, in their sad bereavem.ut. in one hour and 43 minutes. Beat th.p;Lt E Resew(Ornessl. -At the last i a ues but put them iu bake -pans, jive who CAM. re uar meeting of the, Lueknow Bluei r t y are ; of cuurw, wash and dry - Ribbon Lodge the fulluw!ing Akers were thtafirst ; Irl them bake 15 minutes Clinton. dal installed fur the euttertt quarter :- I then take them out and a our off all the y fluid which has come from them ; this While at the fair on Tuesday, Mr. .1. President, Bro T. Webster, jr.; Seers• I hquwt furs.* away ;then peel the tuma- yry, Bro. M. McLean ; Treasurer, Bro. (u+e, wheu they are eult ; cook theut in a Me Iyer, of Hibbert, bought a span 'd 1'. Webster, sem; Mahal, Bro. J. Huu•huge kelt! fu• a full hour and a half ; Goderich township horses, at $425. ter ; As,tetant Marshal, itis T. Chan- when kettlscalde hot put them in tins and Nsam. osteous who Saturday just last bets ; Recorder, leis. S. Anderson ; solder ; warm the nue, w that in «riling Mr. Wm. Cooper, who lives jot the Guard, lire. M. Ste,eustrl ; Chaplain, the vac a more perfect;put uguher other sided the river, had a very narrow Bro. D. Atli , ; Peat Pres., Bro. D. escape from a 'terrible death. He haul Weeeeer Pew meetben of the lodge salt nor popper in the tomatoes been digging a huiu in which to bury a pure+se bufltaeg a Neck Tie Social ill the To PICILI Burrs. -Prepare them the very lance It wider. and Laving the hole I ouurse of a few weeks, when a pro. seine as to cook for the Lishle ; that w, finished, Tied thrown cwt hie pick and gramme cuuurting of vocal and instru- string and break between each bean, shovel and was un the paint of climbingostial mumu. • hers, recitations, die- wash, put on to boil, cook till they De - out, when tug steam rutted ill. For- p„ yes, gut will be rg rad fur the fro- gin to burst open, take off, cool them, tunaaely the hole w.t1 w►o larger cesium A cordial iuvita iuu a exteuled then salt es to use fresh, pack away in than tete stone. or ho "*""Id have ed to ea. -Sentinel. a atone jar er nice tub, add tolerable dean crushed to death, but even standing weight ; then prepare a weak brine and at one side, as he girl, hi, le>twas upshot -- pour ever ; cevur, and in a few" weeks and his feta very belly hruised. It will Farm ane Ibarben. they will be sour. be a good while bofure he is able to use PICIL•n Pasexsl.-Allow on coffre- tho injured limb, Give the poultry a dust bath as often cup of sugar to one pint of vinegar ; let -f- as desired. the boil ; posse Lhe peaches and stick dehfiQ14_ Coffee grounds should be preserved cinnamon buds in thetn ; let theta otr,k % } and given to poultry. tender in )he vinegar, then put in glass Earp ea,' S 1 t eeiaL3% On Thursthy the ere'tiend made havoc (;ravel for [uvula promotes dy{ertiou, j:aro ; pour the syrup over and eexl as Eiia ■ of tr Murphy, abourty of the Messrs Delete egs and should always be accessiblw cnunsd fruit. portable four stigma fru 7 Kliegs- ILLVt3TRATED_ bridge. A saw bill, 7v cords A little saltpetre worked into butter MixEn PicltLE,.- B.,il the heave till of wood and a largo quantity of lunibur, that Inas become sour or rancid will ren- they are tender, then pour them into F/arper's Weekly (stands at the head of Am - the property of John Dalton, viers to- der it sweet and palatable. boiling vinegar ; scald thecucumbers and ertcaa uluttrated weekly journals Hy in; un - tally destroyed. Jae Dalton iust 23,000 For curing galled shoulders in horses, put them in ; slice the onions and the f'w„t tons iia se carefullyi politics, aerials, short feet va:,ions kintia oflutotwr. Mr. Mur- take ail h-ather and burn it to a crisp; cauliflowers and scald them; tie two stories, aketrrbes, and warns, contributed by poly host about 30,000 ft. of select lumber. rub the ashes on the galled part. A few ounces' of allspices, two of cloves and a carrieeiuinstruction entertainment o oae,eiaatctdtttt Small insurauee un the saw still, none on applications will effect perfect cure. quarter ptuntt eiunttnolt bark in a bag mode of American homca. the other property. The ori 'in of the y and put in. It will always be the elm of the publishers p [ y Ferny aril manure is often seriously in- to make Ilnrpera Weekly the most popular lire has not been ascertained. Surmises jute's! by allowing too much water to fall TOMATO PteLLs. - Take the small and attractive family newspaper in the world. as to incendiarisui are rife, but what on it, whereby some of its Wrest 'wise- sized round tomatoes, those which are HARPER'S PERIODICALS. could instigate any one to dialect the tont elements are washed out of it. This called "volunteers." wash thoroughly property of three highly respected and with the leas of ammonia by. drying. and dry take a knitting needle, pass it Per Year: unuffending citizous, is wrapped m makes it useless once or twice through each tomato ; get IIAHI SIt'S K BEliLI' 1 i 00 mystery. The lav tt the public stns- It Iia. Sema well aro-onstrated that in a. lame jar and put in a layer of salt un HARPER'S MAGAZINE 400 rally, as well as those itldici lu illybottout, then layers of tomatoes and salt HARPER'S BAZAR. 1 00 thThe THREE above publications 10 00 concerned will be cunaiderebl,, en case .tf all lira stockkin a clean and op -en condition of the skin i• conducive to until the jar is full ; let them remain for Any TWO above named 700 a,weck. Tu each gallon of tomatoes }Lenity -ICS YOUNG PEOPLE- health and economical feeding, and no HAItPER'S MAOw7.I1\E ' 5 00 IwOhora- take four ounces of ground mustard,four HAItPEW1 S YOUNG PEOPLE 1 _ labor in the Darns is more prohtably ex - ounces of ground pepper, one ounce of IiARPEMe FRANKLIN SQUARE LI - Flair CRIME t. -The new bell at the I1endeti thau that which is employed in en BRARI', one year (52Nuumhers) 10 00 Preshj'teeters church was put in its place a thorough cleaning, not only of the her- clue,. andsmall aoutn tumathichess from Ljar, Skits BReigeA RV . rree uo t a t- awf oereba.s in the United for ringing, on Saturday evening, and MAI but airs of the cattle. wipe them au.l replace again in the )aa,, or just as twilight appeared rangits first, Early.itrellie fall is the pr.,per time for l,utttug in .he above iuy{rtltlieuts as lay- The:Volumes of the Weekly begin with the peal. On Sunday next it will summon applying 'sgannre to pear trees, *hie' en of teruatt es are made. Heat vinegar nest Number fur January of each year. When should be s ,read c u the surface whereg th time to scrib r wi a will e neat -t- rot h the wnrshipper , p alniost to boiling point and pcttr on the that the s ea, ne t a wishes to etpL of ore with tains and allows can mix in with the Buil. tomatoes. The tomatoes will keep their the Number next after then chip of orier. TEMPERANCE ENTERTAINMENT. - An p 1'he last Twelve Anneal ulumra ut lt.+n- entertaintnont will be held in the L' -q- If pear trees are heavily immured in the form and color. res'e wgatcLY, in neat cloth binding, will be burn temperance hall on the evening of spring or suntwer it ie apt to cause an sent by mail, postage paid, ea, by exprea+s tree unhrntlt by growth, Ana iwult in blight. Free .r Ceres• of expense (provided the freight does not ex- ceedSept.29th,literary one dollar per volnmet, for 17.00 eac•b. and musical programme will be given. Toads live almost entirely upon slugs, All persons wishing to test the merits t to -h t'naes for each volume. suitable for During the eveningrefreshments will be caterpillars, l -edea and other insects, of a great remedy' -opo p that will osi- binding will be sena, by mail, postpaid, on re- served of $1.00 each. served up to all resent. Proceeds in making their rounds when the farueer le tivcly cure Censumptton, Coughs, Colds, Remittances should be made byPoet Office aid of h:yll painting fund. Admission asleep-and euph birds, to be [mettle their '♦sthm++, Bmnchites, 'or any affection of 3l\new sY per., oder or re of to roptlwaft, to lchance of loss. tA a ride,-ttiae- 1ic. A good attendance is expeeteJ. p the Throat and Lungs -are requested to anent without the express order of HARPER 8. A JOLLY WEEK.- Lest week matey of own facts Frewrhll that rnieund understand call at Jas. Wilson's Drug Store and ;:et BAt In se• 11t rv.R BROTHER*, our residents went to Toronto to see the they p a Trial Bottle ..f Dr. King's New Dis- New York. sights, while nearly ever gallant took his toads at so n+ueh a dozen and turn them covery for Cunsumptiot:, free of cost, sweetheart to Lucknow• to see the games. he'6e. which will show you what a regular del - Several of the lads tried the wheel of The test as to whether a young `free is lar -size Cottle will do. (1e fortune, and giro us an amusing necount making sufficient growth or not, is made o,f huw a disappointed fellow sent bit by examining its I:ew- shoots. If these foot through the bank and buret it. grow 12 to 18 inches annually, neither Quiets Wonx.--In ane hour, 75 bash, manure ur additional culture is needed. The Stratesrd Ileral.t say's the Thomp- ef wheat were tltra•bed by the Kites If -leas than this length of new wood is amu & Williams Manufacturing Cow- hand from Sheppardron horse power S. grown, something is needed to stimulate anarc at present building three of the Penuybaker, pro rietur, at Mr. James the growth and increase the vigor of the p' y Horton s farm. From five acres of fall tree,' largest engines in the Dominion of Can - wheat were secured 225. We wish the Favi boort rye makes excellent wiutcr ada, one of thein -for a largo flouring mill all the farmers in this hamlet to keep a pasture 1 r young stock and ;filch ,cows, in Sf. John, N.B. The large engine in strict account of their grain. with yield and when sown in September or October the Ogilvy mill at Goderich, the Herold . per acre, and at the en1 of their thrash- I where another crop has been gathered. mg, give it to your • rrespendent a full If not used for winter ',astute, will says, is a mere toy beside those that are retern, to ace if we ,.in't beat the Dun- i yield a tine crop of feed, cut in April, Lip farmers. We hope .1 : Meyweed tui unilch cows, and the ground planted :ice to Dente!). At tee etee of the I again in corn or other sops. The short on we will be able t•- eJ npare netef. loan crop slioul•l ,lee supplemented by winter rye. Thuusatlde of dollars can be saved ayI JEJS'I' usine peeper jUilglimetti to taking tors of the health of yuuresN sial family. Il yuu are Billows, have sdtow oomdemitan, poor appetite, low and depesseed spirits, dT and genetally debilitated„ do sot delay • moment, bet go at on sled procure a bottle of thaw 'sever ail k' c e, e d t h- ' fere, e f h osewonderful to care, and flee u s O for the trifling sunt of fifty settM.--{Tri- 1 D F buns. `Sold by Jas Wilson_ (11) i D. WESTERN film, LONDON, September 25126, 27, 28 & 28 -18132-- $15,000.0 (INPRIZE OPEN TO THE WORLD Large prizes will be given for trials of speed in the bursa riag, aMeeh leas been enlarged to a halt mile track Five Indian Banda will compete for prizes. Exhibitors well adt:resa J. It. Smyth, Secre- ary, London. Ont.. ter Prize Lista and any their informative region -et. JOHN B. SMYTIH, JOHN t•LUMMEIt. Secretary. President. Aug. D. 18W. 1dS3•3t .1 Big Elaine. Colborne. To twoure :lute b,unatoes ex next year - thoughtful gardeners select smooth, ev- Cept,tin J. lltr.io hes been hau,.• .oto i only shaped fruit this season for seed. quite an extended visit- He lo .kc hale I The requisites are metiiunt size, thick, -and hearty. He expects tt be leaving in solid hush, few seeds, rich, bright -red f., 1 a short time. color, anal- a perfect rntltne entirely Two crippled vagrants, purporting to , free ..f protuberances. Ley them in the be from Kippell, tp., Bruce, are travel]- sun until decotnP,esitien Pete in. than N C. Pelein .( Co., dru gistc, &•c. ing through this township soliciting wash out the seeds, aied dry poriect- Kingston, express themselves as sur, alms. ly. prised at the wile of Burdock Biota Bit- Ent't cTt•,NA1.-Mr. .1. 11. )filler, In- A fanner writ:.:'•As b.,•at as I tint. an Cera in that locality, cchere patent medic specter, made an official visit to school animal in distress from bloat, fr•tra cat- ines are hard to introduce, but, say they No- 5 a few days a- p o. and expressed wet rasa or clover, I wet it along the, ' • the gross last ordered A few days since himself well pleased with the discipline back with cold well rater, also place a will convince, you that the demand is and advance of the pupils. large cloth or blanket of several thick- good, ante that It Is givin•e stttisflction to Ceers. ---The fall wheat in this vicinity names ever the paunch, after being sat. our diatut_i:a,3. ' - w•ill be nearly all sowed this week. The nrate-1 with all the cold water that it___-"-' farmers have been s.) long getting will abs -ab, and over that a dry blanket. 1 General / 'elscleJ has Iswned a grnetol through harvesting, it has caused them If the cull water is properly apitlietl rna order congtatulating the mime upon the to .ba late sowing their feel wheat. net have long t.. wait fur a cure. , ! gallantry and steadiness with which in Quito an acreage will be s•' ":t in this The following Will apely to the major-' twenty-five days they tvavetaed the dc - neighborhood. 1 it . of cases of •tele foot rut: AU loose t, sert, defeated the et:euiy four times, and Bin TeeesRINet.-tne day last week flakes m kes et horn eh, u11 be carefully pared I occupied his capital. He declares they Mr.' Henry Hebei thrashed f.r Mr. T. off. and the he ifs trimmed to a pooppeer I maintained perfect discip'inc mei yell: - Gledhill 108 bushels of fall wheat in uO shale. The foot should be theruughts i bited -the ntmest (levet len to duty ender minutes. \When any.ono, baits this let cleaned and carefully done up in a tar stress of exceptienat plications and ex - him whistle. bandage. Simple use pine tar, and ban -, uric toil. The bachelor& on the Commerciad road tltee with a bit of strong cloth. If there 1 ---- -- - - - -- are in woe at the loss of one of their old is much ulceration a elm nic wore hevine A RLweee-Of one d„eeu " TE.ter.R- timu members, Mr. Ge wee Drew, whose been formed, touch the surf ice whet•n a -r t, any one sending the beat four lino enllistment in the ranks of the Bene- solution, 1 art sulphuric er itydroclilor- rhyme on "Tresrnuty, ' the l e: markable diets is the theme aenone tine celibates. is acid. and 3 parts water. Drees ae little gena for the Teeth and Breath. Ask But George is happy, and they level bet- Reeve. The animal should be kept your tdin,,Ai,;t fur address. ter go and do likewise. where At little wet and filth as I essi A.;logeT.-An accident occurre.l to will reach the feet- Arabi Pasha is 47 yearn old. Ho is Mr. Jim McWhinoy, Ashfield, while he - rather aoreulant, lana smell, black, bluod- was threshing at Mr. Hoggarth•s near Wagons'. H Waa. Tess t•a.t. shat eyes, sunken deeply into hit head, Sheppudtsn, one day leaf week. His ; A frien1 in need is a ftien1 inlee-l. a Meavy black and grey m„nstache, and attention wa•-t drawn off to A ;screen who ' Des 1o nurse can deny, eapeciatly when as- the high cheek bones, wide nose and t was hitching A trace 01 one •,1 the horses aiatance is rendered when ore is sorely lips denoting the Af:iran. which was attached ei the horse power. ' afflicted with (Hies m, mato particularly Hall's Catarrh Cam is taken internal• and quite f• r¢attin; himself, he ate pee those corm lettes at:,l week:me es se rem• It acts directly upon the bland Ant the rarelcsely ern the edge of the uree Tuan f,. oar female p•'pula:i, n. I?yety a riucua, aurfacra of tete sv.tetim. Price power, anti .one of. . his feet comes in won:tn should know that Electric Ret- -13 ceutt. rot sale ivy (hewer 1'i nae, cont, •t with ons "i -the Pinions of the ! tars are wuutan•s true friend, and willr, ole n;e ,`. f„r {ie+irritL 1 {Ia em machiuc, ttse hie toe Ir." hunt' breis- I positively restore her to health, a •en ed. when all tither remedies fail. A si filo. triad always proems our Asasatien. Te , -y . are pleasant tib the taste, anti telly tee" L- sersavr _ _ fifty cantsa bottle. Seld by James 'R il• TRADE MARK Tie- 4•,', TRADE MARK ('tat. Aecerrea. -Massy of oar read- wn. see I AS al, Ri ors will heglad to hear that the Rev. i mete. rne• - Mr. MeN al Sesteltrtnn, and sun -in• Tobe Iteeess Revert. ter-rntinnl n. paw RI Ma1ealm Caro l l, F.s ;., d skis w ',Jots n t•e r 1'' 1'rvlNabty nn new tlev.l. rpoement will M e r m s t a r ,- age, be iterepUd the *ail ex tended stay surprise the public, then to lt+•w rCca, impot airy. anA all to list &t A*• M6 secret of wows nt certain hied 41seeere that drtortr's physicians. when they hare a ii ! fellow ata ee- \ Merin a Thew ew Roth->1wwas of threat ••r lung Aiscaae that hat- A - • erville, of Wedwa lea their acientttir skill, they preseteee , .. tAe last weak et the Mortal 1 Dr. Kings New Dtetnvery for Consume)p►.- floe tkoteeghbred Ayrskir. Olds Bose Coughs and Gilds, hiving it Are• >1e tV.id, for which he in a prescription hate, with Mpts. We cow/rat owehalirectiolta and owe se'testie(L cm iiia eelerpriee, ' hciiy • pedant le lnted, 4$.('they get the first of the kine ever bteuY t to this tile• eretift.--Tribune. Trial Kettles lee at A tion. Akriea' ante store. Large sire $1. i2 te_Mend tw being got up at the T. & W. ships, the cylinder o1 one being about five feet in diameter. The shaft is a monster piece of wrought iron, weighing about as roach as twelve ordlnarlogs, each four teen • inches through and ten feet lore. The same tirtn has an offer of an orilt r for 1,,00 wrought iron harvesters, tb be seipi'ed t•o gesele. 18821. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE, AN ILLUSTRATED liiEEILI-16 PAGES. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF FRESHG-ROCEIHES, pec!a1 Baaiiis iu Teas at Very Law Prices 2iie. per 1D and upwards. If you went a really fine Tea try my 50c. Young Ryton it is a splendid article aril worth more muney. 1 have alas just opened out a eons plete assortment of Corckery Glassware, Including Stone and Chita Tea Sete, Children'. Toy Tea Setts, Wire and (lent Fancy Tea Cups and Saucers, suitable for Christmas and New Year's Gifte. Lamps Et amp Goods in Great Variety AND AT VERY LOW PRICES Call and be Convinced Farmers ..catteriticx ! Barbed' Fence Wire contracted toren any quantity at very leech {•rices • 1 SELL EITHER 2 OR 4 BARBED.' FENCE WIRE. Wire and barb galvanizes;After Seng twisted whin:, cannot sealeoti'. Use Barbed Wire for Fences. NO SNOW SIFTS NO WEE,pS 1a, W&STE LANGS. For Sal 1,, G H PARSONS, CIHEAP dARLWARE, GODERICIM. U ITEi) TO BOYS AND GiltL- OF FROM SIX TO SIXTEEN YEARSOF AGE. V01.12. commences Vcvan tal1,18.E ,The Great Cleansing Fluid, McCOLL EROS & Co. NOW ti TUE TIME TO \{ „cam:. Te YorNO PEOPLE has been from the Pest aeceesful beyond anticipation. --.1. 1•. Firer I roe Pont. . it bat a distinct purpose to which it sit artily MRSWARN00K IatAN t' F (, TL; RE It S adheres that, namely. of sus:meeting the vic- ious papers for the young with a paper more liar gr. at II,les.ure in announcing to her attractive, as well as more wholesome. --Res many retinae and patrons in Guderich and fon Jour.u.l. ciciuitd, that she has rnufact1 thea sot« right LARDINE OIL For neatness. elegance of enKray.nq. and and privilege to ntanufacturc.and aril cements generally. it is unsurpassed by any pub i Pion of t kindGazetyrt brought to our no - 11. weekly vises are eagerly looked for. not only by the children, but al•uo by parents who are anxions to provide pure literature for their girls and boys. -('.:. e.Tiiun Advocate. Buffalo, N. Y. A weekly paper for children -which parent need not fear to let their children read at th family fireside.-//artl'ont Daily Timer. Just the paper to take Ile r e and +secure the attention ot the ,ovs and Rirts.--Spriag- ti lit yetis TERMS_ H.tRt r'R'$ t0] St: ieras:.E m ;/.»e, Per Year, Paalii Prepald.4 Steele: NrMHttu, Four Cents eacl. The Itound'Vuhmte for 1881 will le read early in November. Price t13.e0; postage pre' {y paid. lover for YOUNoJ'aOPI.r for peel, 33 Hamilton St. and ace for 1'cur t l.. to -1t. cents; postage. 13 centsaddltlonal. Remittances should be made by Post -Office Monet Ostler or Draft• to avoid chance of loss. - e•emeprprrrarrnot to copy this arlre,tiRr- n:-nt without ERS the erf•ress order of IfAurP.n y 1.114a1 1 ' ' BROTHERS. / Alelrees, IiARi'ER Q- Iii:OT11F.las. Neer V+apW AMTtD W,,. $Ue aaeaRA►eT O. ie,ar '•.M- 1 tinter, T5,0*'r PT ...A.415.40.11.410 A. TWAT Te.. i t Wi=t . _• r ,`re = at DR. LT; C' A \'S --AND-- CLEANSING & RENOYATING t7LINLLPr OIL. ZVID' Four Ji, de:. e:..d tar. a ail••• Mute aw-arde el For removing grease and soil from anything them Mete-eart at the leading Fshibi- and everything, Crum the tlnest fabric to the i tut a the Itumiuiun coarsest garment worn. No matter If the goods have been d. It can. ; M AN U F ACT U R E R S with oil grease or dirt of any kUtd, it can, for a trifling cost. be made to look an good ea new. It cleans all articlea without changing j - the color, that would be destroyed by the use ; And all men rainfall.; that hircry} will Savo of water. No need toeend to 'Toronto or any t moat by tieing our elle, .Our LARDINF and where Cleotohave our feathers cleaned and l'YLINIiA11Oi1.hasanequal. F'actes,eek curled wt rn it can err done fur Ices than half louder then words, and the puhlle ran find nut the coet, m Stour awn town. anit nt 3l1ti . that the foregoingansertlone are tette, by try- R':\ItNO('1:'. SRlllnery Fstahllwhntc on I Ing one eamptu of our. ('tls priers etc.. en ap- elfeation to Gray's Specific Medicine 182_ alarpor'za lta,Pazinc. ILLUSTRATD. ",\Iwaes varied, always Roca, always im- I peeving. --('naitt.ra F'RAN( 1a AtoAMK. Jr. ltarper•'s Magazine. the most popular illns- crated periodical in the world. begins its sixty fourth velwnxr with the December Number. 11 repreaents what is best In American litera- ture and art t and 1t. mnrked .uere-s in Eng- land -where it has already a circulation larg- er than that of any F.neli'h magazine of the same claws --has bereft/le Into its service the most eminent writers and artists of treat Bri- tain. The forthcoming volumes for ien2 will In every reapet:t Burp tea t;tc it predeceseers,. HAI11'ER'S I'ERIGDICAL`. .,. ...,.. rear - Per Year: • I1.ti:flees 3 .t . Lilt:.. . 1 its H.\rtP'R t 11 Ia1.S.... .. AOa IIARPB 'R AK. 4 e) The TIMERove publications a= le ,♦ ARPt 1, OL•1(1OI'LE1 ... :--. 1 bA IAxk t` y r ih tii..iilittlil ssyA Iyt►>t, IIJ• AltP 11Patyr re etbrwee.3 v"we rearI. roam Votes or Caseads. jjbe eelatmes of the Magas; n eeh tic, Nitrates," for Inns and Ibrember of teeth year W hie no thine le (Red. 1t will he nada, r *timet that the wwhwrritror wishes to Iw ,fin wit h i ho . neer nt N nmhrr. A !pw sat• D1 t Lose, r'a s,altra s7 itantr. , 1%. np1.'.' .'. t of if tin.ut's al ,,. a le, e'. ,e• tnedt1 t s l., .I..'1 r•.-edwwa s+wr.aon - nurieintra1 Vohtnle.. in nowt .-Intl tending.. fir••etas,r 7tew., wtu.roa ,,A raa•s, An- wIll - asst by express, at ex nt ,. nashr -, •a.d +. Lrsmrl■■•Cvneeanwts. et alts s, ea .t aeon.. A. o.w- i wit rs few Yf M1L 1 T t1lw aewp rwsaanpfJ rw•ral M- i,.t Cerweww Afo 'Ri0'.s` MIs M ill wr'a 1pai Ttaa.t O/ sea to fart/ 1 e ,,,, a" T .tM t +ilea t0 wife. Teti. rine votea. • res •et t .1.,-'.wy tt a si r -., M f:1::1: wa, s ttf iiia, W seS pssatees rale / T les ala be mete fay Prot titles ' ma. ce..: vi tnr,t..nw. p+ to NAV* a 1 rota flltttt.y er M. "Wet. io ay..M shines 4 Mon. era o stew a e pars Cr., nor to rot1ot, VAGInrfrretfa.-. tlilR1AT ROOK I*4.AND ROUTg• 'nee te'rtllees'A, e.rpreRS #sora, of H %wrtn 4 at rt.( n est Ti. Ra,• orae-, e- s.t•'•►N R. R. cAP. ff. it. IONM. p_ed sash ■IIP?RQ■t.T1aVts. - McColl Bros & Co Toronto. Tee Laruinc is for sale In Cedtrictt by R. W. cKENZIE, G. II. PARSONS, C. CRAI1113, and D. K. STRACHAN. i+3, -o to ALLAN LINE of let )YAL M.♦IL STEAMSHIPS 1.e. :eel tole LUNDtNI0}1:11Y. GLAS- GOW. S ISIM ER AR14ANGEM-ENTB MAIL '7'E.I 11E1:S - 18.42 ("e'en. lilt, nee. ,:tate and skit:;,•, Ti, eels at Ow CST FATES. -- Elm rage Paseengere etre booked 1,) London, Cardiff. Ilriaol, t,nccnetee n. It. rry, Bclfaat, Qktway and Ola -vow, at ratr.e tette as to Llverronl f9U2424m Z S.AILI. 7't38. Irl F'r,.n, i t,.1, . '.rt,.tt,lay. of tanker tq tea eestvrt pt- t•r: tiy,ae. May en rag 111 aM the en 4leet 'sung . Y7 .t a•,, Sae i,ta edsft, Nova Sowian, . June 3 ..yz.co s tlwatuse [aw- Perielse.oration. 17 Wil 10 c•, aeti w ,,< n 44.4.1:‘,.,1?srMstf■n.. '• F7 attperew.ee ,-:d • Ts d.J'elyweetan tl Moo Aet+n. •,. w.,1 t , eel, t„ meat b or.t.wted awl r.,east N . - ' ('1 L.... ..... A Yost (Yore ert.11a 1 Ysenlpnent n n n n `+ , f4af tail. l IS WOOD 'forties, P,....,, e t :r -c ef• Tl Line er Dee +a C., -•i, .n- ,t11. Fan. •' iJ b..115•55, tela. u;n ... 1 •:..v , 1' e, Nita IWMtan .... .. Arne. 1 'Prom estweew r...^aas ase leIs teryMY baa K ., II r..tvie "ALBERT LEA ROUTeiT 's • n', • •• 19 5 id .. r n. . •' en San. Oct 7 'lekets and e . err Information apply ee iT. A R31 T 17(vxn. Tlikat Arent, Itis -3w. OodeAeA L t e 4 Mr. t Mr. illi