HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-29, Page 14p)
T> OI.II[ . t`� Itk:R
OEV°' o Coo
new tdvertiftrikeeelki.
Carel It.((,,, liav
la11OponI1 -
Cow for ``ilii. --E. 1 Johnsen.
Now Arrtasts- Hindi Dunlop.
Omit Anetion Palo--Jearpppb Brine.
Girl Wanted -Mrs. C Et. Matthew.
Lamps ! Lamps! lassos I -O. H. Old.
Prescription Drug Store -Jas. Wilson.
Ayer Flair Vigor -Dr. J. C. Ayer &.Co.
General Newspaper Agency Jai. imrit..
Biblical lteward - Rutlr.tero l'ubltshine Co.
Caste un the t're,ntass- Mrs. M •rev Walean.
Canasta's Favorite Weekly- & Cameron i Co.
__ would never have, produceA Ito
NT NICHOLSON. St R.)EON DEN- liquor drain, is aware of that fact, and comm-
.fte Do' Now It maidens*. Mmare$t, Are tStreet i q The ly keeps pltetogr%Phloiia gt has trade wonderful
ut the beat.
l sh. , htbw It VIII of 1:52 rebs late ears. and the manner in which
_ I Pell on with the moven "f
i/ OEON,'late with Trotter & Caesar.tons
Leading Dentist of Toronto.) Ali ops
neatly and carefully p -metra• Helm s.
('oat's Block. over W. Taylor's eat Sons C'LIN-
�('Q\ tslett int ttda dohbyta will
mike appointment
le Allohtsra amongye. labia' notes,
As' teeth kel& sweet it.
)ou want • stove 1 Or any goods In my
line. If so call and save money, O. N. Davis.
Alloy erdue account.. m,.st be settled at once.
Weekly GIA)Ka, or weekly MAIL from sow
till the1stJasyary /sat for Sl.oe. Advertise-
At the Toronto Industrial Fair, the
menti received tor Globe, mail and London }
Geo. Sheppard. Agent. I North American Chemical Company', of
known of Irish convivial songs. but bad liquor pons for the last cu 'senor u salt,cru e
ton the
Mr. Eugene D. Carey, ;t+d ncA its of
Winnipeg, formerly
town visiting relatives and friends. He
looks as if the atnu»phere of the Prairie
Province agreed with hien.
The auditors for the Ge,vernment and
County aceouuts fur the county of Hu -
ton will meet at the office of the Clerk
of the Peace on Mi inlay next, for the
purpose of auditing the accounts.
papers. L PLe
The "Cruiskcen Lawn" is one of the best Oo&Ioridi obtained )rat prigs and dip
f crude
ti r
and refined, and a bronze medal for the
best collection of chemicals.
-Mr. H. S. Holmes, for a good while
past aesietant station agent at Guderich,
she ogrup ere keep
events it a good index for the public to loo0t has been appointed agent at Thedford,
to. H. sforw•s has the latest and brat aPpur-
tenan; es for picture taking. and his prices are ' to which place he moved on Monday
as low as the lowest. last. His place at Goderich wig he sup -
The finest collection of razors, shaving
brushed and hair brushes in town are on sale
1Si5 at the Aalr.dresaing establishment bf J. IL
I Williams, corner of Montreal street and the
--- -- squire. Thosewho want these toilet regular
She People's t.olumn. flea shu'id not fall to call and inspect the
BA\roLINE.-John 13001 & Son have just
A LADY GOING TO N KW YORK recelve•d a stock of the famous Itandot(ne, for
ea reside, wisbea to tl{ke a mold of all curling and crimping the hair. Thls prepare -
work with her. Faintly atnall. No children. tion isvattlrtootsro recomanxioumended
thet a by should be.
Liberal wages. Apply to NIPS. C. It. MAT- Bond.
Parsonage. Huron .road. given It le the toil and le hershould try ionly
THEW. 8t. Stephen'slel cents a pa keg
CSALE -A FARM IA Tow n Council will meet tl;is 'Friday\
is for sale on reasonable terms. AP�'�)�!,t crenU:{i.
E. L. JOHNSON, North -et., taderfch Dr
. McLean now does hip professional
!-'LAME ON THE PREMISESOFTHE. betting on a bicycle.
l 1 Subscriber. tames Jwae Mat, • grey -col-
ored owner t• regrind Mrs. Willie Logan has gone to join
plied by Master John Strsitnn.
There is considerable competition in
the apple trade this year, and some of
our town buyers, notably Mr. Geo. H.
Old, are putting in heavy work. The
keen competition, brings lucre to the
pockets of the orchard owners.
According to the report of the bureau
of Industries for Ontario, Huron raises
more fall wheat than any other county
in the Province, the amount estimated
this year being nearly three million
bushels ; Middlesex ranks second.
Messrs. Geo. B. Cox and McCullough,
two of our town bicyclists, left for Lon-
don on the morning of Tuesday last.
Qvoixe-Lest week a challenge was
sent by Colborne quoiters to t})Uae 1u
Guderich to play two rinks un Thursday,
September '38th. The challenge was ac-
cepted, and the game came off, resulting
in a victory for both Goderich rinks.
Mosers. Elijah Martin and James Mc-
Nair played Mr. D. Cumming and son
of Colborne, with the result of 63 to 44 ;
and Messrs. R. McLeun and E. Van -
Every succeeding in heading their op-
ponents Messrs. W. Stem:him and A.
Cowan by a more of 63 to 47.
Ventnor say's : October will be wet,
with early cold and snow falls, Novem-
ber will begin the winter of 1882-3--a
winter likely to be memorable on account
of exceptional heavy snow falls and very
cold snow storms over the whole nerd. -
ern hemisphere. .That a cold and wet
summer is invariably followed by a cold
and sturtny winter is a truth now so well
proven and borne out by the testimony
of past records that we cannot lightly
put it aside, and if we have good and
sufficient grounds for predicting the
former -as we moat esauredly have had
at this time --it is but right that we
should warn the people of the latter in
goe.l season.
owed year olds) r >
•resort lot ts. 1•e ooa. � f Brantford, is They dined at Brucefield, supped at u -
r theForest City, reach-
to prove pro
ri heifer.
i . "Pen"' and t► a her her husband At Detroit.
away. nes. IdAHC • tyy.tt )>I it Sknnnunts o re. , can end slept an
basest Wawanwh. I in¢ the patter place about 9 p. m.
"ROY WANTED --AN INTELLIGENT I bar. D. H. Allan, of Toronto was visit- I Rev. Canon Carmichael, formerly of
1wa tedsharp,to active boy. about 16 year" of age'" 1 • St. George's Church, pc -coached his fare-
waated to learn the printing business. MTV leg friends 10 town last week.
at this Dolce. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Acheson have re -1, well sermon at Hamilton, on Sunday,
EES FORS ALE.- ABOL-T FORT turned from their trip to Dakota. I and removes to Montreal this week.
B colonies of bees for sale at reasonable I /Seaforth School children hid an ex -1 He is succeeded
of i1t n batby he Ln.
{ries. Ag pry at the Colborne Vatter Apiary,
cursion to G')derich on Monday (set• i Her don, England, a brother of the Canon.
Peter Fisher, proprietor. euse!Ier, I'•1(r•.-i(Mrs. Frank Hick and her sister, Miss
t STRAY THE i Fannia Mellish, left for Winnipeg this I and proprietor Stewart, f tl,e ." - ttish American, Ell LI k I published in New York, was the guest
spending a few days in town
> clliIC T1tAAN n AD deet."
l a.se A
THE LAST HYMN. us u otherwi • than for our good/ Them
is great need ter such constdentiotte as
(A boat containing seven survivors of the these at present. During the past week
ill-fated "Asia" wusdrinln helplessly ontheevents tem wonderful fur us have trans-
troubled waters when hlg tied in cunnectien with families direct-
ly or indirectly related to our congrega-
tion. A young man, hopefully beginning
life for himself in a neighboring pro-
vince, sinks dew■ into r watery grave.
The wife and meether is snatched away,
leaving a iesolate home. The husband
is removed from earth, leaving his part-
ner to mourn alone. And, tines maul,
the husband and father escapes a grace
ueneath the wave to die before hie feet
touch the shore. In these four cases,
prior to death the Me of each one was
such, as to justify the hope that they
have "found rust unto their souls" -that
the words of those hymns, in the sing-.
ing of which one of them took part, and,
which we trust expressed a prayer, were
heard in heaven,and the prayer answered,
when their bark proved tel, frail to carry
the soul any lunger, by Jeans taking tho
helm and his ministering angels the are
and guiding, and pulling across the river
of death for that beautiful shore, on
which all the ransomed of the Lord shall
meet in the sweet bye and bye. With
words of comfort we turn to the bereav-
ed, adding the exhortation : "Look to'
Jesus,' "Learn of Hint' and ye shall
tial rest unto your souls. He alone can
speak the word that brings rest to. the
soul. As the r eedle in the mariner's
craniums cannot rest when the eur.{e is
Irising tnuttutain high and billow after
billow strikes the ship, neither cart the
soul of manreat when he is tossed hith-
er and thither upon the sea of trouble,
s walkingover the
Jesus causes
Iraging billows saying. "It is 1. be sot
roc ht was •
(tope revived, and the well-known yntn
"Pull fur the Shore" broke spontaneously from
all. 'Che little company also sang' The Sweet
ay -and -By," gaging wistfully at the beaming
signal light on the distant shore. But before
land was reached five men, including Caption
Savage and the orate, died from exhaustion,
passing away as if in sleep. Miss Morrison
and • youth reamed Tinkitis were the only per-
sona left to tell the story of the "Asia's" (ti's.)
H Week" premises of the. subscriber. itlpiut the 1st biro R W McKenzie is delighted I
bl ►and white neater. heavy of his brother-in-law, Mr. M. Hutchiewn
with her North-west top. She during the week. Mr. Stewart is to a
last week. recuperating tour. and confesses that he
Miss 5. Kirkbrile is heal milliner in
has already experienced good results
the establishment of Mrs. Shiver. Bien_ ,from the trip.
home Out.
For Combination Ceilings done in the
West and best style, cell and see E. R.
4'V AT4UN.
.. E. R. Vt AT�)N, Painter and House De•
curator. Combination Ceilings dune iu 1 foe, the =yet.,
and doubtless woo
e latest, style. I ba{je been, had the Chief of Police got
b1r, a McD. Allan has been re-elect- = his eye on him.
of August. a, m
w ith calf. rising three years old. 53.01 reward
v. ill be given for information leading to her
recovery. W. J. HAYDEN, 1.ut i. L. R. A,h-
fielt Sbepp•rdtton
1 (�ULIttC H.
The sisters of 9t. Joseph. are now prepared
to give lessons lis vocal as well as ttnetthru e Mor-
tal music. For particulars apply 163i.
Con -
cut, North 'St.
1r county due Lewis J. -'Treble must be
paid at (nce, as 1 intend tl per annum (y cash
will be
uhainees. alt 1 ••
.hanged on all overdue• accounts. as cus-
turners tau get good )erre-doing and general
teackenottbir.g e't' a at fatorab:c terms by
giving me avatt. coat ►d5,, J
Sh turned
UNFORTUNATE. "-The Seaforth Exposi-
tor says: Mr. \\illiatn Grieve of bicKil'
bop purchased a thoroughbred ram, at
Mr. Dativann's sale ou Monday last,
paying fur the animal $20. He had be-
fore that a valuable animal of the same
description which he had purchased for
$30. on Monday night htstook his now
purchase home, and during the night
the two sheep got together and had a
conflict fur the supremacy. Unfortun-
ately for the owner, the twenty dollar
tam proved too much for his higher
priced rival, and gave hitt such a .p uan-
melline that he concluded to die. lit
the morning when Mr. Grieve carte to
look after his stock he soon took in the
situation, and just got to the pen in titne
to see his favorite sheep give his last
shiver. The highest priced animals are
not always the best fighters.
WHO wAs Hz ?----The Clinton Ace. Era
says: -The Goderich youth who drove
through town ou Sunday' in a covered
buggy. and galloped his horse at its beat
speed, should have been summoned be -
ed a director of the Ontari., Fruit Grow-
ers Association.
of Saltforl, again
received tire' prize for plums at the Tor-
onto exhibition.
Hr. Rube C. Hayes, solicitor, etc. ,
has secured chambers aver Butler' book-
d rear the gn" • bar. d McIntyre, store. and begun the practice tf law.
T Mr. Hays is well-known in Goderich,
'and begins business with every prospects
R ESTlt µ, of succxws. He is a level-headed, up -
n' 10.on mer
CO1) bice ee d. 11 ' er e ofed. I.' August. ( o
i>„ - -ithlo e t o t._ !c`heers is are- don • Vert
Monday lasttoattendf therSy od right young mon, and his clients can de-
w with one d:r,oi rn•es and pond upon conscientious work.
co p ,
gnenteel to pr,ve pro ty• pew rx of the Diocese of Hunn.
rill H^� Kemal i'.o. `v. c , 4P Brtassela "s Among the welcome visitors to our
take her wavy. UA IU JO
tsOctu Peri W. S. .)leaves -
{Qpdert bay," leaves Celt week to at- issnctumis the Etxiugrii,•nI t'h,errlentnu,i ''Inst Revlatenets'atera' su.
1)OD FARM Fe )Ii SALE. -I3Ei- lit is a neatly printed, well -edited jour -
Gum composed of lot !minter r 1' to the i t, tem .allege at Jiutareal. d \Li„s nal, and gives a large amount of reading i The Judge's Court for the final reels -
c PMist FG)berta. of Turouto, an � matter specially interesting( to the mem- 1 ion of (eters lists in the different muni-
tleare eiun of the township t Hu.le. •� 'n a of the Church of i cipalitioa of Huron will be held as fi1-
l•ounly of I epee eontapnin�( bushier .
d-� of rateter, guestsaref Mr. tiers and adherents. cleamt. tatlarce h'trdN-u•sl bush. For furrier E. Downing, East Streets o• ._ England. Its selections are among the lows:
particulars, el ply to
t:em:ow, , d• 1'Hoe nr-owr. y best to be found in any religious papef. • Brussels, ip Tuesday, Oct. 3
Elsrrlalers, etc.. I Mrs.Hayhurst and family ha" K'• Grey, at Cranbrook, on Wednesday,
Ooderteh. turned to Palmerton after their holiday
issl•3nt --'�- visit to Mr. and Mrs. Platt. 1 The Clinton Net, Ere says: -Mr. J. Oct. 4th.
NOTICE. -THS FIRM OF HOD(IE I B. blare, of Stratford, was in town I •H„wic'•:, at Guriie, on Thursday, Oct.
to week The Mimes Marion and Alice Geed- yesterday on his bicycle, being onhiaway I "ooh.
& l{syncs, saw' tn111ers, the wilt n. in and little brothers, Clarence andMorris, at Township hall, on Friday, , i
this day dissolved. A. Hodge will sell the to Luhdcn. At the St. Thomas tuurna-their loss. They should a.s bt up p laed
logs and lumber on haud,'amt receive and pay \1 •alter left this week fur Brandon• repent last Thursday he waw the two mile Oct.Gth, t with fore, gats, and stay sails, which '.tI every man iu the battahon (sem
he debts due to and by the company of this WANTED. smart, iatelligen 1 Alllt sur race. Settle: a beautiful medal Goderlch, on Monday, Oct.' •tth.IL1 1 with a tin
arc.• I"'�w•hould helpto keep them friar falling 430 on rine cants )
LyrL,a.tA Cu x•nrew•r. ' Aw:H. tiotpt s:. valued at $15.Blyth, Tuesda Oet. 10th. into the trogh of the sea. class hclrt,ea. Lieut -Col. Ras has, with
r u•vNra. [oy is waute:l at this office to learn the 'I Returning to Scafurth y
•ry sttg b arose Apply in person. he made the trip from L •edea iu 5}• Turnberry, at Bluetalc, on ll\ wines' I Mr. Charles Cameron, Manager of the his usual euterhrlse and liberality, cot
11 Great Northern Transit company. has $100 himself towards the tuna, and i
just received:a telegram fret Capt. J. j was announced last niakt by the officers
B. Spines, of Parry Sound, informing ' that Cil. Gelman, of reeaforth, hes s -
him that he hila picked up Captain 1 neje(' his inteatie•n tet Li:low-ing su
Savage's papers, together with his letter ; i:n a similar amount. The total sum re -
of instructions; the will ie forwarled quire•1 will be in the neighborhood oQ:
as soon as possible. �i000. and it is expecte.' that the County
Mrs. Capt. Savage has also written a�Couscil will pay the balance after the
very effecting letter to Mr. Cameron, in $201). It is noteworthy that the Cennty
which she theefComlly acknowledgesylecaring for of l lwralityy in theirtd3atimes wet an titltmth
re.. Rt Car of tcag le
kanlneas utpy i! � .
xtraR' dawn c oar. u )
apply to JeuN BRECItLNnttlpta N s Qt wu bt leased down to , am O 1Y 1 its -\Vit) rtlfereuce to the articie in the remains of her husband. and tiny{ i •d. Lest rdttJune
au '}ley avet( I a grant
street' --- t h his daughter, S die, le Stitt- day the Soveret[pn with the ofhter.l and yriur paper of the 21st lust., reflecting all they cctuldn to make her burden >:"t0 `ret Reuel �ilice n1 �h`1CltighAe
\\1) ItEFc FOR riAI�E -A ! pa""' y hi I Lew ty C ,unty I crew t f the Manitoba, parsed up nn the opt„n rho capabilities of Captain Nava}fe lighter. Letups .,f rho eery fRi1t
DCL( APPRECIATED. -The following,
from the Pembroke Standard, refers to
former resident of Goderich:-"Mr. A.
B. Meldrum, who has been officiating in
Calvin Church during the absence of the
Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, preached his last
sermon last Sunday previous to depart-
ing for the West to resume his atuties.
Mr. bfeld_um has endeared himself to
the congregation over which Ito has had
charge for but a short period, both in
the pulpit and nut of it, and the regret
is universal that he is leaving. The out-
come of his going, however, is a social' at
Mr. Wm. Moffat's to -night, at which he
will be preaented with an address and a
handsome gold hunting. watch, with in-
scription and his monoernm engtavcd
thereon. He leaver; town oa Thursday
morning, and we wish him the bright fu-
ture which his talents promise at this
Drifting from the sunken veebt•1
From that awful scene of woe
Tossing on the angry billows.
Bowel w:th grief the wand'rers go.
Dazed and saddened by disaster,
(trenched and shiv•ring, faint and sore.
They are waiting for the morning.
They are watching for the shote.
Dark the night, and drear the vigil:
Till a kindly, welcome light
From a distant beacon gleaming
Cheers the weary watchers' sight.
And above the hoarse -toned billows,
Chasing back the shadows dim.
Rise the voices of the seven
In an old familiar hymn :
" Light in the darkness. sailor,
Day is at hand;
S:c, o'er the foansin.t billows,
Fair havens lana.
Dr, ar was the voyage, +aIle)',
Now almost o'er;
Safe within the lifeboat, sailor.
Pull for the shore."
In the earnest voice there's music
'That no study can impart ;
in the
re. e r
•er y
There is po
Gushing from an earnest heart :
And the hymns we sing in 'trouble
Sound the sweetest and the best :
For they bring the sad one conttort.
And they give the weary rest.
Now the light -the land -is nearer.
0, the crowding thoughts that come t
Thoughts of life, and rest anll comfort :
'Thoughts of loved ones safe at home :
Thoughts of meeting others rescued
From the gaping water grave.
And again, their voices blending,
Trolls a sweet hymn o'er the way e•
'• Ire trill sing on that beautiful shore
The melodious songs of the blest.
ndourxperi as a
1 of a sigh for the blessing s of rest. In detrscribing the :33rd H urtn, the U n -
In the street by-and-by don a'jr rti„/r says it is
11 a shall meet on the beautiful s ore." A ]tmULL BAIT.ttL10 N,
it was forme'{ ani! gazetted in 1813(1, •
• when Ce•l. A. M. I:e•s•, the present corn-
'- mender, was placed at its head, which
i_sition he his held ever since. Major
H. Cook, the Adjutant sif the Bateslien,
is fairly covere't with medals, received .
h^,. m the service of his ce�uatry, he 9avinp
-T `1 •.. fought in India, Cape. of (oi d Hope
Chins , and was out with \V..lsela9. in tho
Rea Itiver eeeditit.n. Since in camp
'rte IL•at •'A•1a.•• .. this gallant s.,tdier gained ten ppeounds in
weight and Live pounds sterling extra
It avuhd kectt teat blies binrvivo sod in hu pensm,a. the latter weluonse addi-
the lad dereds oro the outs suryivvh ve ti .n having just reached his ears yester-
the hear rod Asia- No tidings have day atc.r 1Aratie. The regiuoLi would
been heard t,f any othe e save that a fro satiny
lack C, f eel Coleman. tthe salt
bodies bey been picked up, he l,ucl matt of i enferth, who has always his
alttinst beyond recognition by the buf- hand in ins p.ek•t. \\-eelnesvlay 1:u was
feting wares. One of the holies was seen t,)esinp{ the lady iu che.c a of the
toured to be that if blr. Duncan ' f Protestant (mi•hatts Ht to who had
Hamilton. Ler isomer' to charge out on. the camp An irgof e p now deshi held• roti d er•und to see the soltliea a live dollar
number to experienced ehipbuilders ant. till and then tiding off, lelttvitag the lady
lake captains have been examined. lee find out as best she could the natne
their evidence has iu a measure shown , „t lite donor. The otticersste now sur -
of the ake ro ellors, alio an great , reuntlina IO',rA in the matter of
of the sake pripoellors, which iu a great it'LXET,. roll xt:IPuN,
measure appears to be accountable for
o a o , ' e lei • • usb is to be trade to finish
`A Tribal? to Our twat talwMerr sows.
IOur red -coats teturued frunt London
tamp•. on Saturday. \\•e understand
• that life..under c.uras was much enjoy-
d t h ll sorrow no n.or , eel by the• buys, and that all went well.
Sing, G boatmen, in sweet cadence
Lightening the jot: -ney long !
Sing, 0 boatmen, for ye know not
i e are chanting your death song!
Fainter grows the tremb•ing music
Fainter still, and now 'tie oar.
Sinks each bead in lethal slumber :
They have regched the Other S
8bzeeppnt'tlton. path July, 1&si.
LOoKBg rivetstwirl`\ l H1 V EMADE
the well-known bookbinder of Seaforth. to
take orders for work in his line. Ali work
dose from the plat d st tpp the must superb at
left at this office will
We re, iet to leern that Major Cooke ! hours. da) Oct. th.
returne.l frown the cathp at London 'suite sok IAL. -A social under the auspi- East \Vaw•anosh, Thursday, Oct. 1`2th.
an it,valid, from an attack of lumbago. ces of the Ladies' Aid Society of the \Vingham, Friday, Oct. 13th.
We regret very much to learn that i N tl Street Methodist church will be \Gest \\'awanosh, at Dungannon, on
ppb bar \\ m Acheson, Dfonday, co.
eT r O lath.
held ifl .he use as
ltotontoprlces. lh ere t3ai on Tuesday erenulg next. Readings.' Rayfield, Thursday, Oct. li3th.
receive his pcT.- utteutlon.
\'Fink' lit 1N- i death• recitations, mesio and refreshments will Exeter, Monday, Oct. 23.
r �O RENT• use c rn Mr. -lames Trainer, an old 13oxlerich' make up the ptni{ramme. Rex- . Mr \\'roxeter, Frida+Oct. 27th.
cenicnt house earner of wait veryand \\'akefiehl is expected to be back froth '
Alb erts sttfreets for a nuMbcr hu end new in the employ if the Pull
u: y le W every Y, ' Captain Marafte e sem iretence•
cod The h, tpn Coe Ch• n is tutting friends the conference, and give a brief atlolresa.
Mts. 1 -apt, reavaee is very low since the
I aid disaster which causal her husband's
p led by bl For forth. r pattYuitis
c (1 Monda • last the steamer Menito-
Tothe E l ltor of the Gioia
Sarnia. n Wednes-
. Jerome Lewis. of Buffalo, accent-
_ "• able staff of t 'c
SHE' `' J
A number of ram WO*. got by c l'rot-in• ing los father, r• Ira I route formerly run by the bfanitoba'
1 of the lost steamer Asia, i bey{ flatly to
l.lalwiteec•r. Also s•nae Loire hives of bees. Attorney. ,1s faster en Reeenl Screatrwists. under l: at charge, viz.: Major blurts
particular* apply to�,lATrnaw Lrct Ott► g contradict, an•1 ant in position to abate I of Clinton, an tail veterea in arms, a,
n. of Colborne. tit}'Jia'' Dr Stewart, of Brueefilld, leaves to I Captain whiGhe'}testates that
the storm from my ,own knowledge that he was in in his aermin on Sumlay eventing last who formerly heat a p'nit:e•n in the 13
the tria. w h of a few days for Vienna,
l)FESSORC. J. N Academy of LAT
, AU`tria,where he pure cies studying dor- passed was one of the heaviest he everevery respect a competent man, so much in Brox church, Rec. 3, A 'Turnbull re- ,,f Hamilton. Paymasl a JoAnn, w
OR experoriencetl, and the manner in which an that I e,ffered him ono tf the Cnm- (erred t., the afllictiins and trials that list held in the highest cabin:at" n at t
i of Lender. Fng•' For peri ':pencil g. ing'the winter.
Organist of I. Oeergesthe boat stood the test speaks well for patty's vessels to sail last spring. He frequently beset the path of the Chris 'close of ea;h camp. as is likewise Q
will (careve o Missns in Payne.
t o Platte playing, in To THIS PcstD'.-The latest her seaworthiness. piled and was mate with me for three tion Troubles came, and it was difti• chose .a1er D. C. 5tr:ishan, both .,f Go
singing and harmony. pslelcwlars so • encs, and tat, more settee glen it am
dices, care of \kiss Payne. budorl, h 3mee-1a51 than: in House dones the
are Comb- cult at )ince to realize that severe char
(inion Ceilinyft,, in the. latest style ors nr- t sen (%aderichnan formerly lu$skt bet years he Beatty's employtf for or eight renin from an ever-loving God, was i be, {lard to fled. No. 1 co,npany. kn.,
he E. R. WAr iN•intended to work gesrl to the soul of the 1 as "Goderich llaegersa'. rejeleos i*
�((ISS N ETT I E Son. ao l L LER, sitsnn 01 travelling passenger agent and I can fully certify th tt he was a
afflicted. Nevertheless, the serest Mille- 'i asCtheaptain Uhler, who is every itch a, sol'
j��1 Having completed hrrriudleM In mush Tim leaves are be3innutg to tura. and whr or a couple of Seats .,ccupi years as first mato on their beat boats,' g
under Prof. Si pi of London. and having re- the eubatitution of " hot Scotch " for ' ther I tion was often the means of the greatestfiler. He has, with him Lieut. 7d
ed to re• . __ -__.t- :.h s .ilei in it, ns a haver- ..f the O. T R.in Michiganas . laced I hen led nem.,npento, steady, anal cool-
iol bleating. The cunclading remarks were : Beck anti Lieut Charlie Ross, the son of
The lesson we are here asked to learn the Colonel, and although tho most
is one to which we must apply ourselyes', youthftal, yet one c.f the most r remiain
daily. It is one that is never known ''-. lieutenants on the tield. Ne 2 coin
perfectly in this life. But the more w pany, kne'vt-n Al •`The N ingtane W
know of it the better prepared will we i awakes.- is ably officered by the tall
be to 'walk over the rough path or ` cnmmanliu¢ Captain Ellaoit. No.
through the dark night thnt may fall "fleafoorth ie"'nen,• not cut. No.
to our lot. For when affliction* till the "Clint' n Clippers," li re lot,
up for us the cup of life, it is imp esaible (der the brat e Capt. SW inter,
to derive comfont from the declaration ed by Lieut+. Scott Ana ltesford-
of God's Word that "All things work to- 3 company, the "Brussels lore*
gether for geed to them who lime Gal, I athletes almost every else, incl
to them who are the called sccserding to Captain Roddick 'en the sh 'older
his purpose," unless we can qo back of , and Lieut. Sinclaii on the high j
it, and know the (Me in whom we trust ; No. 6, the Exeter "C'.tickens, not
end when we so learn and knew, rest to Ne. 7, the Goderich township
to the soul Conies as tho necessary re- known as the "Urang era. ' fine fel
suit. What then must we learn i That Meaen Bled lay Capt.
the arm that encicles its is hent potent Lieu Esecoin, No. 8. the "Gerrie
to protest ns from all harm ; diet the eye atlas," who "raise cane' on the "
that watches over us is entiecient ; that ' out," nailer the guidance of Cita. K
the mind that plans our whole course is and tient. Keine. No. 9, "Dungeon
E Drakes," not tint. The band, a ea
infinite in wisdom. And that the heart o i , es, i• fele the t„.v
Him in whom we trust is infinite in one, nineteen {' e'
love. 1f we no loam tf Christ, hew c kat Drttseels, and under the menagerie.
we fear that anything that happens to A. N. Kay. bandmaster
cetced a certifloate. Is now P.r sr
reeve a limited number renipupal. l for Piano
Wet ro^tion. Miss ise gn ' 1
to take orders for Crayon Portrait•. Satisfac-
tion In every caro guaranteed. Residence.
corner Cambria Head and NcwSste :Street.
,00,uu.•.� ...._ -- ---- ;quarters ui ...:....... ----
age, is new in order.
1) the fusion, ane is now running he- } "ora truly,
Mr. William Campbell has secured the tween Stratford end Detroit• biark was die. B. Soyxea.
position of a Hurl in Saltle eastern ion• known' as the "toniest" cnndn,tnr nn `3srtnia, Sept.221882.
stress far the Huron Association, the rolled, and his train "the swell thin."
qq • balance of distinctions which were ulenteth, an A WM.M Biblical Relearn.
yM Is. the town of Oexl which were not uncnmplimentarc. - The publishers of R,ifled9e's Jfonthly
eery_ Mortowned
n a sad t i the 1)182 only Sl.�><I- win trial until New wee En.
quiets. proverly Will ire sold in one Parcel or in lots Tear's for $be. Was. and Sweet for Perm w'Lt.t. Flssn.- tin Thursday offer fou valuable resort's in their Mon-
Le MD' jgpuitre of J. C. Lt"nate. Au' tt165. *• fifteen months. 112.25• A•jet•rti"''• ami last an old man and woman, hearing the : Iblu for October, among which is the
Stoll AL. �•� unmistakable evidences of tramps and following. 11 give iS20.00 in gold to the
A meeting of the Directors of the who had evidently indulged rather (ree)
MAi N1. HOTEL, Ut 1DERICH Walt Heroin Agricultural fSoeiety will
heperson telling ns which verso in the Old
1],were enticed about town. During'
O*Il. au, day they were srrosl ra by Cnn Testament Script nresc•mtainsthe great est
2y mot and and OAP co hone. eta the doth bat. The Treasurer of the�Society Should own or more correct answer be
Station Wee
i convenient set t cent-
staple Paislec, en a charge of belie( number of works by oetnber 10th, 1)1132.
tows.t j�ppmd to spine to ttntartn. rnr enwell be went to liquidate sec soma drank an.l disorderly, snd brought lx-
will be
tort red ateommoamtlen. Is hear.•d by Hot - l)a
�, ll[r. O.W. Roas• K• P' • ^fou � Rowe fore the 1[ay�C who rus tinedem
her n neh ttle Thermoney the
hwill he freward
rwsrcled to theta in-
ta ognet L lastly6 1".111111111144 n, 1aiv TSSi a iaspectec of 111 deb Mab, ass o hest
OAPs on 1110 prwtsMes. aB Thsssday M dteeAss�a a dray_ He I M edone d. and the men as Hamilton tleteterew lath, must18se p 20 centsPet-s
into trying
, t and 'Lown •stabil Aonrs. for travellers. I, .:shined the eteeeMI, and RI" them a 11(asdoe&Id. The old woman was search• theo postage stamps taken; with an-
Het and told woe.' hosts and
ell"�•tm- ".rinds in rho 'snow i ed when first erre:dal, end •125, in $5, :no
for which they will h theira the
pwtwlbus to and Resit .r nrttep. !rr► tiotnsgh 6 tag +tri •10 hills was fount en her person, Mir h which
u in FOR SALE. -THAT AEAt'TIFiL {and has started nn the route
r Buildin inti, and buildings thereon.
cinch. he" THIS SPIN et
for ly'�'i anti
November I , ' which the name
and address of the winner id the reward
and the correct answer will he published.
This may he worth $20.00 to/out eut it
out. Address RI-TLRMir Fulttl3Nttai
Cowers, Easton. Penna.
ww• .100
slinky In atttMawce.
1 ATKENSE�ADy, Y. R. , (ACM/11 t4(/R
e . to lh,„eelesaw,tle04a to of d rwai re
erirtarT Co `a'. alhlee,aw, pwldewe+.
n Me s, Brut Aonrw rant oft•olherse
'�►('i examined s• to sound
Hotel. `•• B• 1'MI
branches of tuition.
Mrs. McLeod wishes to nn
pnhho that eg 1 had a is lady s fine gold watch and chain. She
1 t
left them honestly. an
tern' tine I tied up in a silk ksndkerchief, and also
t hhvi recently pure „LL „f
sem she is now in a poettion las there was ei evf
binds of custom weaving. ()dere e
idPnce fa(. Patrick Street, will dente to the contrary, they were rester
de, all claimed that she came into pp,a:esa•
ed to her-fltew Ere
r.cei:e pro rpt attentroa-
at her res •