HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-22, Page 8iter 1v th 1e° 1 Id I n• 4 a. 1" c t : t 1 THE HURON btUNAL, JR1))AY 8EPT• 4. ►82.2 DOORS. SASHKS, BLINDS, . MOULDINGS, and every Description of Interior Finish. STAIRS, HANDRAILS, and BALUSTERS , ctlTh W OLU !lbws lhaul, , In / t Ram klub, 1st, 3.D Icnt+htl H Snell & Son ; 3rd, Juhn Ilial Pair aged ewes, having raised Iambs in 1862, 1st, H. Snell & Son ; 2nd, J. Salkeld. y. Bend for Phos Pair sheailin Itt ewes, H.. Snell & lion. ▪ _! distiliihiGLES, I Pair ewe lamb, H. Snell ,L $fin'; 2ud, John Salkeld. Pair fat ewes or wether., lst, nut known ; 2nd, R. MoLean. Collection of 1 ram, pair aged ewes, pair shearling ewes, pair ewe lambs, H. Snell tSun. ' UEOBTWOOL-OI►O&D no vosalananseganns I.UWN$ UR SOUTH DOWNS Aged ram, Isaac Salkeld. Shearling ram, 1st, H. Snell & Son ; 2nd, A. Gerrard ; 3rd, Isaac Salkeld. Pair shoarling ewes, J. 0. Stewart. Pair ewe lambs, 1st, Jaa. Dickson ; 2nd. H. Snell & Son ; 3rd, J. O. Stew- art. Pair aged ewes, lst, H. Snell & Son; J. B. Edwards, 2nd and 3rd. Ram lamb, 1st, Jas. Dickson ; 2nd, J. O. Stewart ; 3rd, H. Snell t Son. Collection of 1 ram, pair aged ewes, pair shuarling ewes, pair ewe lambs, J, O. Stewart. mos -LARGE BREED. Boar pig, under one year old, Wm. THE INSIDE utrARTIeENT,Jackman.more particularly in the ladies class, I Poland Caina;pig, recommended, J u. where a number of the old, time honored; Cottle. prize taking articles failed to put in their BEREeHIRE. annual appeanatoe. But what were Boar, 1st, R. Price; 2nd,John Salkeld; shown were quod, and downing ef a place Sow pig having littered in 1882, lstJ. inany exbibitiom.The eftdepartwent Salkeld; S. Andrews, 2nd and 3rd.was ahead of previous years, and a num- hoar pig, under one year .old, James ber of gents were exhibited. Fruit, with Cottle. the exception of peaches, wee a goodly dig- Sow pig under one year old, S. And - play, and the flower department was an rews, let and 2nd ; 3rd, John Salkeld.. unusually tine one. Roots and vegeta- POULTRY. • bles were a fair exhibit, and the Houdans, L. Elliott. 'samples of grain shown could hardly be excelled. • So tnany of the exhibitors in the indoor department showed to ad- vantage that we will not attempt to draw comparison, but will allow the prize list to tell the tale. • LATH & LUMBER. Estimates on applies tion. war Address FRANCIS SMEETH, (Oder lel[ - • _ I s THE FALL SHOW. Of the West Huron Agricultural Society. The Agricultural and Mechanical }Naplay - The List e1 aneersrrul ('am)etItan. The annual Fall Show under the aus- pices of the West Ridingof Huron Agri- cultural Society, was hed on the Socie- ty's grounds, Goderieb, on Tuesday and Wednesday last. In. someuf the classes there was a falling off 1n. exhibits. This was particularly noticable in scone branch- es of 10 varieties tamed, 1st, Jas. Dickson ; 2ud, Jas. Stewart ; 3rd, H. Palmer. varieties winter aasei, 1* Jai T. t)>Clkadd ; 2nd, M. Q Clowdso ; Northern spy Vibe Win. 2ud, John Stewidt Snow, 1st, S. Fbne•;-glill$'a $[••watt. Rhode Island Greening, lad, John Stewart ; 2nd, Mrs. Paaosotlr. Baldwin, 1st, Jas. T. Sdk.I4 ; 2nd, S. Furca. St Lawrence, 1st, ,Jas. Gordon ; 2nd, John Stewart. Gravenstein, 1st, Jas. T. Salkeld ; 2ud, Jahn Hunter. Spitzenhurg, Elopes, lat, John Stew- art King of Tompkins County, 1st, Geo. Cox ; 2nd, Isaac Salkeld. Roxbury Russett, 1st, John Stewart ; 2nd, M. C. Gordon. 20 oz. pippin, lot, W. Rumball ; 2nd, Jas. T. tialkeld. Ribston pi pin, 1st, John Stewart ; TIIE OUTSIDE MOM' was not so largely attended as on pre- vious occasions. One drawback to the success of the ont•%%.1%, exhibit was the fact tl',t ,•L:.,lu • 'ex both 'the th'..,.... ., . ......... t:n,, formerly l roa_ht stock to compete four prizes, did riot this year present an appearance. The Dickson and Snell herds were 'absent, and ne other thoroughbreds mile entry. -In saeop diene was a good representation; and Snell, Grieve, Dickson, J. 0. Stewarts Gaunt and others contributed front their [locks. Horses were also well up to the standard of previous years. Pigs wera scarce The gra3e cattle exhibited were of good appearance. Poultry was hardly up to the average. The judges books in some instances Pair brahnra, light, 1st, 1Vlu. Grime ; 2nd, Mrs. l'asmore. Miller. - Pair brahma,'dark, Wm. Grieve, rs•RS. Pair black Spanish, 1st, W. Grieve& 6 varieties named 1st, A. McD. Allan ; 2nd, R. Price. 2nd, ticket lost ; 3rd, John Stewart. Pair palawls. W. Grieve. 3 varieties named, 1st, Wm. Rumbala; 2nd, John Stewart ; ard, John Hunter.. Bartlett, 1st, John Porter; '2ud, J. 8. McDougall. Flemish Beauty, 1st, A. McD. Allan ; 2nd, John Porter. Vicar of \Vinktield, 1st, John Hunter. Duchess,D'Anguuluwe, 1st, Jno. Stew. art ; '2nd, John Hunter. Louis Bonne de Jersey, tat, A. M. Ross ; '2nd, John Hunter. Benrre D'Anjuu, 1st, A. M. I;' ass ; 2n•l, John Hunter. [white Doyenne, 1st, H. Palmas, Bad, 2nd. 8. Furse. Pair Geese, tat, John Salkeld; 2nd, P. iieaurre Hardy, A. McD. A11an• Carroll. Beolurre Diel, 1st, A. M¢D. Allan ; Pair ducks, W. Grieve, 1st and 2nd. 2nd, A. Watson. • Cellectiou te.uoies double, 1st, WAY. McLesu ; 2ud, A. Watson. Collection Aanu,►s, 1st, W. McLts t. 12 caeleus, 1st, John Stewart ; 2ud, A. Wets(6 ; 3rd, A. Bingham. Bogeet for table, -1st, E Bingham ; 2ud, W. McLean. /laud Moque[, 1st, E. Bingham ; 2nd, 111. C. Caureruni. 6 c.'xc•nnba, tat, 'V. Stewart. 4 Achimeuas, 1st, A. Watson. Collective carnations, 1st, K Bing- ham ; 2nd, W. McLean. Collection Dianthus, 1st, E. Bingham ; 2nd, A. \Vataun. 4 Boeonus rex, 1st, E. Bingham. 4 fuchsias varieties in flower, 1st, Joo Stewart,: 2ud, M. (y'. Causer u. Specimen fuchsias, 1st, M. C. Cam- eron ; 3nd, John Stewart. 8 geraniums tingle, 1s4, E. Bingham ; 2nd, John Stewart ; 3rd, A. Bingham. 4 genaniuuts single, 1st, John Stew- art ; 2nd, M. C. Cameron. pp 5 eerat.iuuns double, 1st, E. Bingham ; 2nd, Jas. Dickson. 2nd, John Stewart ; 3rd, A. Bing am. Hawthoendean,14, Jas, Dickson; 2nd, 4 geraniums double, 1st, A. Watvou ; John Stewart $ed, John Stewart Hubbardson's Nottauoh, 1st, John 9 green house plants, 1st, M. C. Cane Stewart ; 2nd, Jaa. T. Salkeld. *run ; 2n.i, A. Watson ; 3rd, John Pontine Grist, 1st, John Stewart; 2nd. Stewart. Isaac Salkeld. 9 foliage plants different vaneties, let, American Golden Russett, 1st, M. C. J. Stewart ; 2nd, A. Watson ; 3rd, E. Gordon ; 2nd, Isaac Salkeld. Bingham. Swazie Pomme Grine, 1st, A. McD. Fh,rsl design, 1st, E. Bingham ; 2nd, Allan ; 2nd, John Stewart. A. Watson. Setter, 1st, Geo. Cox ; 2nd, John Collection zinnias double, 1st, A. Hunter. Dickson ; 2nd, A W atwu. Wagner, 1st, M. C. Gordon ; 2nd, J. 3 hanging flower baskets, 1st, A. \\'at - Salkeld. sen ; 2nd, W. McLean. Beauty ..f Kent, let, John Stewart ; 1 hanging flower basket, lit, A. Bing - 2nd, John Salkeld. ham ; 2nd, A. Watson. Any other kind named, fall, 1st, Jas. Collection truss geraniums single flow - Dickson ; 2nd, Goo. Cox. er, 1st, E. Bingham ; 2nd, J. Stewart. Any other kind named, winter, 1st_, Collection truss geraniums double M. C. Gordon ; 2nd, John Stewart. •flower, 1st, John Stewart ; 2nd, A. Wat- Plate Crab, 1st, Geo. Cox ; 2nd, J. R. son. cARDLN cwITABLEe. Larose squash, 1st, John Salkeld . 3d. W Swatheld Berlin moat work.fatl. let, Miss Genie Wakefield ; 2ud, Mra Joseph Whitely, 1 Berlin wool work, slaw[, tat, Mrs, 10 pounds table butter, salted for use J`. rlin wuta ; 2nd, .'Visa Trine ; Srs, in rolls or prints, tat, C Blake ; 2nd, J Mt' Evens e. - made, Stewart ; 3rd, John Robertson, Stair urs[, 1st, .lfn Johnston ; Ynd, Tub ..r [nock of salt butter out lose Visa 1Suuna'ny; 3rd, Afrs A Matson than 25 pounds, 1u, N Morrish ; 2nd, Oil painting, 1st and 2nd, Miss Lena W Swatheld ; 3rd, J () ldtewart. C.nterun Cheese net leas than 12 Ata, bows l)ilutiug on panel, tat slid 2ud , made, ls•, Samuel Biss. Alias Lons Comer on Quart maple syrup, 1st, Samuel Bis- \Vater colon, 1st, -Vias Bond ; 2nd sett ; 2nd, M C Gordon. and 3rd Vies Weathmsld. 1 quart of syrup [rude from amber or Pencil drawing 1st, hiss Williams ; se rghuw cane, 1st, Thus S,werby. . 2ud, Miss A'eatb.+reld. 15 lbs honey in comb, tat, J R Miller ; Pencil drawing by child under 18 2nd, Guo. Stewart. years, 1st, Alias Williams. Jar of hooey, Lr, John Robertson ; Crayons, tat, 2nd and 3rd, Mia Se+gt- 2nd, J R Miller ; Srd, C A Humber. millet, Lai home nude bread, 1st, \\'otter Crayons by child under 16 yuan, 1st, Putter ; 2nd, M Hutchison; 3rd, R MissWilliams. Fulford. Pair woolen st' o'iing., 1st, Miss Haar. - 2nd, ; 2nd, Mrs Gas, Sheppard ; yet, LAWNS wase. Mn Capt Gibson Gent's abut, linen front hand made, Pair woolen socks, lst,M.tas Hamilton ; 1st, Mrs W Swattteld ; 2nd, Mr. Robt 2nd, Mn Thos Beatty. Young. pair wuulrin gluveu, 1st, Mn Graham. (:out's •shirt, linen fronts maehiue Psir wrwlen mitts, tat, Mn Genese made, Lt, Mn C A Humber ; 2nd, Mrs Elliott ; 2nd, Mn Uimmhani ; 3rd, Mn M C Gordon. I T l3wtty. Gent's 6aucy flsunel shirt machine *nolo, 1st, Mrs Humber. Evans, Linen lir cuttuu chemise, hand made, 1st, tire W ,S' zathvld ; 2ud,. Mrs Gra- haw ; 3rd, Mrs Geo Evans. Night dress, 1st, Mn SwatSeld ; `2nd, Mies Paine ; 3rd, Mr. Humber. Tatting, 1st, Miss Sneyd ; '2ud, Mrs Rudolph. !Miller. Crochet work, 1st, Mrs Rudulph ; , Motto on card board, 1st, Mn John - 2nd, Mrs graham ; 3rd, Mra t;eorge'ston ; 2nd, Mrs 5 Adams ; 3rd, Mn Showen-1. Isaac l+atkeld. Einero.dery im cotton or muslin, 1.t;, Sampler work, 1st, Mra Graham ; 2ud, Mn Rudel;,h ; '2ud, Mrs J R Miller ; Moa Paine ; 3rd, Mrs Rudolph. 3rd, Mn ,1••huetoir. Cloth mat, tat, M ger. Elliott ; 2nd, Embroidery in worsteds. 1st, Mn Mrs Graham ; 3n1, Miss Paine. Rudolph ; 2nd, hila Juhoatou ; 3rd, Counterpane knitted, 1st, Miss Sneyd ; Miss Paine. 2nd, Miss Paine. Embroidery in lin••n, 1st, Dlrs Ru- Cotton tidy, 1st, ,Irs Rudolph ; 2nd, dolpph ; 2nd, Mian. Pain!. 'Mrs Capt Gibson ; 3rd, Mn J R Miller- Embrridely in silk, l-', Mn Rudolph ; Wool tidy, 1st, Mrs .1 Williams ; 2nd, 2nd, Mrs Jo':natou ; a:d, Mrs (Jorge Mrs R..bt Young ; 3rd, MisJoh netou. Sheppard. Twine bracket, recommended, Mrs T I'oint lace, tat, Mn Rudolph ; 2ud, Sneyd. Mra Johnston, Crochet work, recommended, Mrs ' Hnniten lace, 1st, Mn Rrtdoll,h: 2ud, Johnston. Mn Johnston. Jt tr.iES Fancy leather work, 1st, Mrs TSneyd ; Horses -Robert McMichael, Seafurth; Bingham ; 2d, John Salkeld. 2nd, Mrs Rudolph. James Punter, G' Goderich township; Thus h table, lat, Bead work. 1st, Miss \Veatherald ; Dark, Goderich. Hamilton ; 'd, E. Bineham. 2nd. Mn T Sn,yd : 3rd, rs Janus Cattle -James •forrance, G.,;derich rio 3 roots white celery, 1st, M. C. Came- Stewart township; Andrew Drysdale, Goderieh; n ; 2d. E. Bingham. Fancy braiding, 1st, Mrs Aad .lph ; Humphrey Snell, Nu'lett. 3 roots red celery, lot, E. Bingham ; 2nd, Mn Graham ; 3rd, \IIsi 1:•olert sheep and pi;, -s --John Tough. Stanley; 2d, M. C Cameron. Young. John Marquis, Goderich township; Tbos 3 heads winter cabbage named, 1st, H. Fancy braiding nn sift, 1st, Mn (it Ander oo, Taut W'awanoah, barn ; 2nd, Mrs Johnston. Fancy knitting by hated, let, Mrs Rudolph ; '2nd. Mrs Williams ; 3rd, .1flas Paine Fancy ki.ittiug by machine, 1st, Miss Putter. Plain kuittin by niachine, Lt, Miss Game, 1st, H. Morrow ; 2nd, Jas. Munroe. Pair hamburg,, 1st, W'. (;neve : 32nd, A. Kirkpatrick. Pair Lantatur, 1st, R. Price ; 2nd, A. Plyun.th Reck; 1st, W. Grieve ; 2nd, W. Kirkbride. Pair leghorns, \\'. Grieve, 1st, and 2nd. . Pair fowls., any oth r improved breed, 1Vm. grieve, Is! -lid 2ud. Pair turkeys, W. Grieve, Lt and Pair Muskowy ducks, 1st, J. Andrews; Ikwurre Busc, lst, 8. •FtlAse ; 2nd, A: 2nd, John Salkeld. • M. Rtes. e . rag Best collection .of fancy pigeoui, 8., es Benurre Cls►tjleau, 1st, P. Adamson ; Swaflield. rad, S. Furse. gg were 'acedy ke of aid. some instances 'falcuniseyLs Unwell, let; Jai Dickson ; 2nd, 1. 3 Steads revs cabbage, tat, M. C. Came wtttr ; 2nd, ,\Irs. Rudolph. 1 kept, . Pest collection of (owls iso raved 1 p NI. -Ross run ; 2d, F. Bin„haw, Fancf patched work, 1st, Mrs James Collection Potatoes named, 3 varie- ties, "lie peck each, 1st, E. Bingham ; 3d, John Andrews ; 3d, 8. Furse. Peck of seedling potatoes any variety not exhited before, 1st, John Salkeld. Peck potatoes any variety named, 1st, Geo Grier ; 2d, John Salkeld ; 3d, B. Palmer. Peck green peas, 1st, Wet SwafBeld. 3 summer squash for table, 1st, E. 3 winter uaa fur to e, s , Thomas DAISY Paout",. Darn on a sock or stocking, 1st, Mr. Ferments' wreath of reeds, 1st, R Price ; 2ud, Mn Johnston. Flower wreath, 1st, Mrs Jeltnstun ; 2nd, Mrs A \Vatwnr Fancy uettiag, 1st, Mrs J w illiams ; 2nd, Mn Rudulph ; 3rd, Mrs J R Palmer ; 2d, Wm RumbelL 3 heads fall cabbage named, Lt, James Cue ; 2d, Wm Ruwball. 3 'beads Savoy cabbage. Lt, M. C. Cameron ; 24. E ' :3 citrons, 1st, Thio Hamilton ; 2.1, W. difficulty 1 'n getting v was tspcvlenLI n breeds, W. Greve,.. n YRl%F L1S:T, Vnondaoo, 1st, A. M. Ross.^ 0 Snug blood beets for table, Lt, M. aun•.ela ; -d, Mies Paine ; 3d, Mn R W' Secltcl, 1st, A. McD. Allan ; 2nd, J. Gordon ; 2d, Wm Rwnball.' • )McKenzie Pair brahms, white, W. Grieve. Hunter, 16 turnip blood beets fur table, 1st, E. Patched quilt in cotton, lst, Miss 1'ut- Pair black Spanish, W. Grieve • Claim's Favorite, 1st, A. McD. Allan. ; Bingham ; 2d, W. Rumball ter ; 2d. ileo Robt Yotulg; odor Mr' T Pair -game, 1st, H. Morrow ; 2nd, A. 2nd; Wm. Ituwball. • 12 radishes, let, W Jackman ; td, W Cyd Kirkpatrick. • Laurence, lot, A McD. Allan ; 2nd, Ruanball. Patched quilt in wool, 1st, tars Win Fisher ; ..".rd, Isaac Salkeld. Parr .Hamburgs, 1st, W. Grieve, 2nd, A. M: Ross.12 table turnips, 1st, W Swal6eld ; 9i, Swat5eid ; 1J, )Sias E Wilson; 3d, Mn o year, old fill, let, AmiFislwe. .JMurine. Butlum, tat, Win.. Rumball ; 2bd, J, E Bingham. Juhluton., Pair Bantams, A. Kirkpatrick,' 151, S, MrD•ou tall. is l.xitr, orange carmb, Int, Jolty Sal- Roman ewhtuidery in linen, 1st, Ills Two year old >'tidinp, Tw]at, » E. :alts.: and 2nd. .\ray other variety, 1st, A. McD. Al- keld ; '2.1 1\' Rumbtdl. Lt dulph;.d, Miss Payne ;3d, Mrs Jobe - OneP'-ri. Flukey. Pair Ylytnoath rock, 1st, \1', Grieve ; _ -- Palmer (ane rear old filly, 1st, Jas Tit•''• 2nd, Wm. Knight. rtmt+t 2d, E Bingham. Wax flowers, 1st, Mrs 0 Evans ; 2d, 11. ,v v draught team., 1 A. M. Bolas, , 1.. 1',, 1st, Jas. O.Stantart }air Fowla,any other iwprocedbre d, • - to Washinoim, 1st, Wm. Stewart ;. early 1st A. Dodd : god, W. (isiere nd, Robt, Walker. e:E1-tatL PC14106$ i pair }egiorns, .W. Grieve, Let.. ;cad. 12 Brsdshati, 1st, John MclMtyre. Brood mare, must have • foal by' her 2nd. sid. 1st', i). D. Fisher; 2nd, C. Blake ; • DIPLEMENTA. . • 3rd, A. Chisholm.. Plueton oro n bugky, 1st, Morton di, /101%.‘4.-r.-nr.AvY DRAt'tOHT. Yrood Marc,. must have foal by her side. By M. 0 Cameron, M. l'., 1st, J. J. Fisher•; 2nd, Jas. Davidson. • Foal, 1st: Jae: Davidson ; '2nd,'J. J. t.rRlNG CHlelleNs. 9 horncarrots, 14, E Bingham;r 3iraJuhnston, 2d, Wet Swattield. I Berlin wool flowers, tat, Mrs Mor - 9 scarlet carrots, 1st, \V Rumball 24 risk. E Bingham :t parsnips for table. 1st, ].i Gibbons ; 2d, M 0 Cameron. 12 red onions, 1st, H Pahner ; 2d, A 12 Ponds seeding; 1st. Rwbt, Walker 2nd, J. S. McDougall. • . 12 'Victoria, 1st, W tn. Stewart ; 2nd, Foal, lat. 0 Blake: 2nd, Jas. H. El- Creasman ; 2nd, T. & J. Ston•.Jas. Stewart. • liott : 3111. D. Fisher. Two horse buggy, 1st, Morton, tt• I 1.2 Huling•s superb; 1st, A, McD. 31 Roes • Tw'o year old filly, tat, D, Clark : 2nd,t Creasman ; 2nd, T. & J. Story. ' Allan. 12 yellow unions, 1st, ii<Bingham ; 21, I T. C. Naftel.: 3rd, Robe Orr, (inc horse buggy, •covered, 1st, Mor-' - 1.2 Smith's Orleans, 1st, J. S. Me- MC Cameron, ton & Creasman. Dougall. G cauet of early amber or sorghum Fanning mill, let, E. F. Armstrong & 12 yellow magnum louwu, let, A. cane, 1st, Isaac Salkeld; 2d, Willett Pot. Bro. McD. Allan : 2nd, Jas. Stewart. ter. . Pair iron harrows, 1st, R. Thump 15 towbar& 1st, Jim Stewart ; 2nd, 12 silver skin onions, Lt, 31 C Came- I John McIntyre. run ; 2d, to Swstfield. 12 Cue's gulden drop, 1st, A. McD. Collection corn 6 ears of each, . for ta- Allan. ble. named, lit, E Bingham : 2d Wm 12 any othertariety, 1st, J. Stewart Ruwbnll. 2n,l, W'ui. Stewart. Gears corn tor table any variety navu- rEAo xE.. m ed, 1st, M C Cameron ; 2d. E Bingha. 9 late ct:awh,r . 1st, J. S. M1cD'.ufall, 3 water meluas,1st, T Hamilton ; 2d, 9 Foster, let, J. S. McDougall. W 11 1[uruey. (MATES.• 3 musk melees, 1st, T Hamilton ; 2d, ' 4 varieties named, one cluster of each grown under glass, 1st, M. C. Cameron. Heaviest 2 clusters white under glass, lst. M. C. Cameron. ' Heaviest 2 clusters black under glass, 1st. JL C.. Cameron. ' 4 varieties named 2 clutters of each, let. A. M. Ross ; 2nd, J. R. Miller. 3 benches Delaware, 1st, .Sohn Rua - sell ; 2nd, A. 31. Ross. 3.bundlles Concord, 1st, A. M. Rose. 3 hunches :Hartford,'lst, W m. Stew- art ; 2nd, .1.'R. Miller. 3 hunches Salem, 1st, John Hunter. Two year old gelding, 1st, D. Clark. lone year old filly, tat, 3. H. Million ' 2nd. H. Hort•e11 ; 3rd, Thos. Hamli- n n. • One yeti- old gelding, .1.31. Pol- sm, ley. 1st, anal 2nd. Field roller, 1st, 't. Armstrong & Span general pnrls,se.bt.riet. wares or Bro. ••t•ldings, by MT.• C. Cameron: 31.,J'., 1st, Horse hay rake sulky, 1st, )Cason Jas. \'anatone ; '3nd, 11. Wells ; 3rd. Manuf. Co. Juin Salkeit% Turnip cutter, 1st, Win. Levy. I:o+vlo hilt.., - Sett horse shoos from the hammer, 1st, ::i., •1 Mare mid foss(. 1st, Harvey It. Thompson. 11 .' ,11 ; 2nd, ..1. Green ; :;rd, John Sett hors shoes polished, let, R. ,salici•1•1, Thompson. ( . . spring foal, rt,It or filly, lot, Harvey Pump, 1st, John Ross 2nd, E. F. Howell ; 2nd. John Salkeld ; 3rd, A. Armstrong d• Bro. t; teen. Iron Plough, 1st, Wm. Kirkbride, 2nd, ('11 yt•;u• old filly, tat, 'Tho.+ Sallow', A. Kirkhride. - ^i.d. T. C. Nafte!. Iron beam plough, 1st, Seeguiiller & Two sane , •hi' gelding, tat, 1). Mc- Coy, 2nd, W. Lev Brien. . Two year old filly, by .lame+ Bailey. ' tat, HAIL Rutledge ; 2nd, I►. Mclirien; 3rt , Thos, Sowerh}'. Span carriato horses, by H: Y. At- trill. Eel., 1st, A. M. Polley : 2nd, Wiiliett Potter ; 3r1, C. Naf tel. • - all,Dug,y hone, on, \V. McLean; Me= Send drill, 1st, Masson Manuf. Co. Cornsheller, recommended, W. Levy. ..1: LIN ANI. eiElis. Rest two. hush •1s of Treadwell fall wheat. Lt, Root. Bean : '2nd, 1'. Car- roll ; 3rd, 1V. Swaftield. Two bushels of ''Clawson Fall wheat, 1st John Porter : 211d, T. 11:1,uilt"n : , :i bunches R', urn No. 4. 1st, J. S. Ta.gert & Co., 2nd and :3rd. 3 Robt. 1:••:en McDougall : 2nd, John Hunter. Saddle horse! 1st, Abraham :Smith, : •2nd, John Martn.d 'bushels ,.1 Se,dt •`r Iced fall I 3 bunches Rogers' No. 19, 1st, R. heat, 1st. .1. Varco,, ; ' rad, Willett 12..nnamy. ATM? OR .;ItADE (ATTLS.. Pottle ; :Ira. W. Swaflield. Crow, Lacing raised. calf Pince 14A -t• Two bushels of any other variety fall tet, 11441, by H. Y. Attril, Esq., H. wheat. 1st, John Hunter: 2nd. J. Var. Wells 1st and 21141 : 3rd, 'oa;n Andrews. coos ; 3rd, W'illet; Potter. Te year raid heifer -boy Robt. (,iib- Two bushels sorrel wheat. Fife, 1st, bans, Esq.. 1st, Isaac .ialkeld ; 2nd, John Salkeld ; 2ud..lelin Hunter ; 3rd, Lan : 2nd, John Stewart. A varieties dahlias, lit, John Stewart ; Thos. Beatty ; 3rd, Isaac Salkeld. J. \recce. 2nd, A. \Vargo ",actWm. McLean. Oyear old heifer,'ls!. H•'nry Wells : ' Two bushels Lest Nation . r White 4 varieties dahlisiA, 1st, A Dickson2nd, J. O. Stewart ; aril, S. Furse. Russian, 1st, John \-arcoe ; 2nd, P. One year old steer, 1st and 2nd. J. O. • Carroll ; 3rd, lase SalkelI, 2nd, John Stewart ; 3r1, A. Watson.d. 12 varieties verbenas, 1st; .I•.hn Stew - Stewart ; 3re1, y. I'u:wc. • Two bushels • 1 gold drp,. 1st, Joh6' in 2nd 1'. Bingham a : ard, A. Stew, Steer calf, int aud2nd,Julin Mcllardj•; Varroe, Heifer Calf, let, .John McNardy: 2nd, • Two bashels ••f spring wheat of pny Isaac Fisher, 3rd, T. Beatty. ether variety. 1st. Thos. Hamilton ; Yoke two year old steers, Wm. Mc- ,2nd. Juhn tialkeld. Lean, let and 2nd. , . Two bushels h;,rley. Int. 11. Curwen ; Fat ox or steer, Win. Mclean. 1st and,2nd, C. cram, : ant, .Sohn Salkeld. 2nd : 3rf, R. McLean. Two bushels small leas, 1st, Jas. 1L mw RV. Best collecti• n cut flowers, 1st, A. M. Ross. 12 varieties dahlias, 1st, W'm. Mc - John Stewart. 3 green flesh 'Delon', 1st, John Stew- art ; 2d, Jas Stewart. 3 heads cauliflower, let, E. Bingham 2d, A Bingham. 12 red tomatoes, let, John Stewart ; 23, John Salceld. Collection of garden produce distinct from other tntries, int E Bingham; 2d, W Hamdan ; 3d M C lameron. HOME si %Nt'rAcrraws. Ten yalds.flannet, Isaac Salkeld. Pair blankcts,,Satnl Bissett. Pound of [earn home made, 1st, Runt Bisset ; 2d, T Hamilton ; 3d, John Reib- orison. Set r.ingle boo& harness, C F $trau- hie. Saddle, C F Struble. fair gent': sewed h.,,,ta, 1st, Downing & W'eddup ; 2J E Downing. Pair gent's pegged Mob, lst,Downing ► W'eddup : 2d E Downing. Collection of hoots, lot, Dowsiisg S Weddup : 2e, E Downing. Collection of photographs, Lt E L Johnston ; 2.1, R $allows. (•ollecti•m of cabinet makers w.'rk, \\'diner Smith. 2 bottles wine home made front the A varieties verbenas, 1st, .1. Itingham ; gee .e, tat, .Sohn Moseley; 2d, Thomas 2nd. E. Bingham :' 3rd. A. Diels, •n. S,werby ; 3d, T Beatty. 4 varieties .'erhettaa. Itt, F. liin••hsm ; 2 bottles wine hone made from any 2nd. John Stewart ; :;rd, M. C. ('ala- other fent or berry, lot, John Moaely ; 0441 !l, T S owerby ; 3d. T Sneyd. 4 different roses. las, K. Bingham; .C•.lIt,etin of leather, A L.1 Reck. 2n1, \i. C. ('amer•n. (*nate 1st, Wade Brea; 2d, .1 W Heifer lir crew, 'At W'm. M. i,. out : 2nd. Dicks,.a I C'•,llcction ;rorennial phbaes, not less W'.wtbcreld. R McLean. Two 'bushels large pea.' 1st, John than -1 varieties, 1st, A. Wata.n : 21sd, link! of working tach, 1st 11". McLean; ;aoheld y boy tin ..f hwdiars. in wood by W. McManus • 3rd, Ilu,;h t;irris W m. N Lcan. any troy under ria yeah. J w.eph \Vf{ r Two hsshels white oats, 1st, .Sohn ( ,olLrtion phlo'es, cal, 1st, R taus,,, • +:1 t: aa' L!1• , -TER. Salkeld; 2nd. ,las. ihcksnu : 3rd, C. I R„a,nsmNl c : 2., A. Dicks. al. Sewing each.ne any make, 1st, Sinner Aged rani, 1st, Not known ; 2nd, W. Cadets. P2 sAneties gladiolus, 1st. F. fling- ;' & Co; 2f Wanner & 1 - Grieve ; .3rd.Gaunt. (• Tw 1 ishela black oats 1st John m. risen 'EGET*al t% AND Iu,OTa. Shearling ram, let, H. Snell & Sou : Salkeld ,Ind, .Sohn \'arc, r. x varieties gladi•lru nanr,.l. 1st, F, Nine uiangold aurtzeta, 1st, .TasStew- 2n'i. E. Gaut ; 3rd, M. leery. Bushel of Has seed, 1st, John Salkeld. Itingham : 2n4, N'aa. Mclean .3rd, A. sat _.1, 11 Corwin. Rim lamb, E. (lane[ ; 2nd, H. Snell ,Ind, (' Blake :3rd. Isaac Salkeld. Witham 1• a tion : 3rd, %Vm. ('lar':. Bushel timothy seed, 1st. John Salk• \Inc Swede turnips, 1st, 1' Blake; Ill, A iarieties ;aolo.lus unified. 1st, F. u icemen, Tanners Primer , (.\grrulture Pair aged neat, Laving rSun lambs i W. i old ; 2nd. Jabs. Dickson :art, lass: Ian lanai . .lad, .\ W 'toss . 3rd, A i Nine Held carrots long red, John Sal T A .J. .L S 1Xl 1)32, Lt, H. Snell fi tion ; 2nd W'. Salkehf. [s. keld. VI (Mate : 3rd, J. O. Stewart. i Collection of grain. 1 brit: fall wheat, 1 1 Pollees ion Asters, 1st. A W'oNw.% ,, gine white Belgian camas, 1st. John Por .hearling ewes, Int, H. Snell t bat; spring wheat. 1 lag barley. 1 twig 2nel W. McLean Salkeld ; 2d, H Carwen. Pion ::hid and 3rd. E. Nem. i rats, 1 hag peas- any variety, 1st, John. i Collectionrynaiew, 1st, W. Mole -aa; Peck onions. 1st, 11 Palmer ; 2d, F lhiir ewe Wel.% tato WIs, (')sake ; ' Silkeld.! 2nd. M. 1'. Cameron. Bingham.' N O.L Sidle 2nd. F. (isnot ; ard. H. Snell & Soon : ' rat IT Arr1.F.. I t'nll.ctvon atacki, 1st, .1 I)icksnn; Twelve ears corn ,jfield. 1st, John Sal Sq... C 1:Lotion of 1 raw, Ink aged ewes, Nest 20 varieties named, 1st. John , 2n4, E. Hingham. keld fid, H Cerwea, lair shesrling ewes, pair rive lambs. R. Atewart ; tai, Wtss. Kumbell ; 3r3, Isaac i Collection petunias single. 1st. 11. inrgost pumpkin, 1st. Geo Greer; Zed, I G O D E R 1 0 ii . Snell d Sia I Salkeld. Bunnamy : 2ud, A 'Watson John Salkeld. Poultry -John Downing, D Ferguson, Goderich. Implements -Jae Brown, Auburn; W Robertson, '13enluiller; John Knox, Goderich; Grain and seed- M Hutchison, W S Hart. Dairy produce -3 l Ooiborne, D Fer- guson, fi C Dunlop. Ladies' work -Mn Newcombe, Mrs Mellish. Fruit-Juhn 'Buchanan. Stratford; Rob[ Imrie, John Goodall, Goderich. Flowers -W. 11. Barnham, D. B. r liurritt, Stratford; W. Watt, Goderich. t Mr. John Goss, of Lundin, editor of the Commercial Advertiser, had the misfortune to break his arm at Lucknow on Wednesday night, having stepped o ver an embankment of the riser from the leading street. He now threatens to hue the Lucknow Council for damages. FRESH AP.RIVAL OF NEW TEXT BOOKS FOR I!TERMDhLTEElil1!NATION-188H NEW ARRIVALS'TWICE A WERE. • Marini ,u, with cop.lous notes by T. C. L. Armstrong, M. A. Marn.ion and Burke's Reelections on the French Revolution in one robin's, with . . introduction, lives of endows, character of their works, etc; and copious es- ' p anaturryy notes, Grammatical, Historical, Biographical, etc., by John Miller, B: A. Burke's French Revolution, with notes and ietroduction.by E, J. Payne, M. A. Lezare Hoche, notes by Bue nr Tytler, Schiller's Belagerung•Von Antwerpen, notes by Buchheim. Schiller Ballads, etc., notes by A. Miller. Caesar's Bellum Britannicum, notes by Dunn or Henderscon. irgil'a (Enied, Book fa. The latest editions of the following School Books just arrived. Abbott's How to Parse. Chas's Complete Notes to Fourth Reader Conaei s Etymology. Collier British History. Sue's First French. tieatty & Clain' Beok-keeping, also narrow ruled, blank book for do. Schmetz History of Rome. Schntetz " Greece. Cpssel]'s French, English and Eugluh-french prononuncing dictionary. Speii•a rind Surennea Chambers' Latin Dictionary. Pott's Euclid pts 1 and 2. Knights Chemistry. Todhunter•s Euclid pts 1 and 2. Liddell & tentt's Greek Lexicon. Smith's Latin Dictionary. Harkness Latin Grammar. Adler's German Reader Adler s German Grammar. TEACHER S HELP, Etc. Teacher • Hand Book of Algebra. Curries Common School Education. Park • Manual ;.f Method 4.1 i1 hrlu.h T.. T T \hese}:HIN SE, . ,, n,-...,... ...n,r., w... , - .,... - - ---`•-- _car .. "erairat.._: -.... ..".`--.- _ , _. -. .8+'_., •