HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-22, Page 7T sed
, ,a.pc.
1• U••at•
is Ilal
r NM ,10.
Paul. Feat.
ted s
las a
.t:ttr.'(AA aitaat
Fun anb fancy.
A lame. lady who was etftiurtsd hum
chant; denwg • shower ender a nettle.
sea's tta•or.Ya sailed hint her rain bean
H• tersed many adorn
It timid tlintJe+a James epee thought
i'teriu+ry of l''*going thievish allege "
'rite 'atlas tweet ikMrwf." war
everything yd, sad the raison hu dida
••Io, typegt" euiiege must hate beets
bemuse be ouuldn t see any money in it.
Prostate it far sad wide Not Dr, VAN
Boaas's Ktelmm Cuss aid only innate
&ately relines at ktdisy dimmest, but
what is inure impormat to the ontertu-
,,Mte sederer, will ultimately ears hiss
et t,,.11y. Budd by J. Wibr•u, Gods
rich. jes
A oorrespundiat Saks :—„What time
d die year du the days begin to •hor
ten r When you have a note to the
teak- A W.41 in bank is the greatest
suuibiwr of tune. The days ars crowd -
ad together in that layers, and the nights
are like • suer from the blacking
A little girl was asked by her mother
,,n her return free church how she liked
the preacher. "IMu't like him at all,”
K by I" asked hen
oCthe ause her preached till he
mads tea sleepy, end t eu haltered s,
loud that he wouldn't l•.1. we w . G,
sleep." •
Wily go on day after day r.utieriug
with splittilett headaches when • bottle
of Dr. Austin's now/atom will cum
you 1 I1 you do not believe it ask your
druggist fur a circular --and read what
those who have used it any *boat it.
Price $1.00. tat
"And so you love Jaws better than
any other tsuath," she said, gazing at,
the young farmer friss the blue abysses
of her soft dreamy oyes—'•beautiful
leafy] Juae, and its ruses and its s,ng-
bire, and its fragrance Liss zephyrs r
"Yes," he replied aesohalaatly, "it's
the best month W mesa calves, you
know.' •
BM said she w.Msd a ticket to Wyan-
dotte and resent., aid the pale. gentle-
manly agent sill the dark ateustache
asked as he Wok up a peeaeb..trd :—
'Single I —heist aay 't year busi-
'.e , as I keit.," she resp.+idr.l tartly.
••1 migL t have hese le .mal .t .l emu
t. -,ns if i'.1 felt like roadie' for earn,
�., . , shiftless wreak d a min He
doesn't ask Indies if they want "single"
tickets toy battle, Ile is afraid to.
A yoeag man Si a aeisnt axial aasem-
t.ly was asked by s keine lady: "Why is
your sessteshis fie ea shot/act noun r
The yotsi mea owlet had bet en abstract
idea of grammar, meld act tell. "Be-
cause, replied she, "it can only be con-
ceived of having an existence. " That
young gentleman sewer having studied
grammar, does net see through the fete
7 1.
Delays are dangerous, particularly in
Kidney themes. au take at cane Dr.
Vest Beagles [tam Cats and obtain
rebid bum all your sufferings. Your
fruggist keeps it. Jae. Wilma', Gode-
rich. Yin
}touseho[b Hints.
A:. aye r,moye the yellow rind from
lemons that aro to be shoed and used as
a garuaah Cur sardine., salmon, rite.
When Wig( the eggs of bantams for
any f the recipes Riven in thine olumn,
..se three where tke .recipe calls for two
'1 »a aid nutmeat uel..ns cut in
.:..,e. with pepper sad salt mattered
,ser them, oke a g.a.d begginning at
the breakfast table.
3f you find that your stoves that are
p ut aside for the summer are rusting,
rub them over with a little kerosene.
Apply it wick • Simnel doth. This will
prevent rust
White kid shoes can be cleaned by
dipping • perfeetly clear white flannel
,loth in a little &monis, and then rub-
1'ing the sloth Duet a take of white soap;
after doing this rub the kid gently and
iIl gently, and the soiled places will be
white again. As the flannel becomes
w -sled ch•uge fora dean one.
1f you have trouble to get goer last
ear s catsup bottle' perfectly clean, af-
ter washing them thoroughly in suds
and rinsing is clear water, chop a pota-
to quite fine, salt it with a little warm maywell enough go naked in winter.
water, put thesis. a bottle and shake it
Bi 'res of Wisbom.
Let y •ut s.• 1W .s, byt Otani. Limps do
nut talk loot tltei dor *hie.. A lightbue:ae
sounds no diva, it Meta no goatu; yet
far over 11,e -.ter its friendly light is
aeon try the .t.atiut r.
Beanie one teas asked es whether s
good 1.4'4,4/, is not better than a tad
0/tetanal. Most adaer,dly he is, but
then what is the object its }wing either
.`sob a lR•.,al Christie,' is beet of all
Lt is not for nue to determine whether
the dank 1.. the they*, be greater or
less by tory In or death. The truth of
Glad t. a r. of fear i•I.oed tor the fall-
ing and rising of otany in Israel.—
[ Luther.
Thom disciples who desire to be suc-
cessful workers in the churches should
give thetnselv,r G. inti •31 prayer, re -
Lama beri lig
La aberintr t.tt,.t a g...w! a..rk with God
in secret qualities for . g,a.d work with
wan in society.
To lx' noonIs intending to live a new
life. tow .a v4 4, And time to se. about
—that a .e if • gran should put off eat•
in,t and drinking and sleeping from .one
day and night to other, till he is starved
and 'k truyed,
TM *,ewes or General welaeter's regular.
Hy Wwr the , Owns,..
Genera W,eleeley's bulletins rectal one
.d the surreiv of his }popularity. 11..Y is
pr hese its his acknowledgments ..1 the
.erviem reedervd by the officers under
his ewe 11111.11d. Compliments are Twstow-
ed with • !stylish hand, aadaevery promi-
nent of icer's.o'dierly qualities are recog-
nized and recorded. It is uot strange
that British oftkers should be at all tithes
anxious to light and wort under a general
who distributes honors so generously,
and does not smile' anyone's reputation
to decrease tie his service. There was
Hu lack t.1 volsutrers when he went out
to the Gold Coast without an army, and
only expected to array nue native race
agaittet auothe ; and when he found his
plan •.f opceattioue impracticable and was
furnished with an army for the Ashantce
campaign. his gave credit wherever it was
due, and abided to the reputation of every
owers. The
' f
set" rlli 1 around him when he was stap
1 minted Go t'.e cownwt.d of the Egyptian
expedition, and Mit without reason. --
[London Figaro.
.l ■s.aea.1'a s'rriateaae re..aetel.
A gentleman sauntered into a large
dry -goods store iu the city of L-- a
few days before Christina, and remark-
ed casually to the attentive clerk: "I
want something for a Christmas preseut
for my wife. What have you got r"
The clerk suggested various things;
but the customer seemed not quite satis-
At last he asked, "Have yore any cot-
ton cloth 1"
"Certainly, sir."
"I neer} some new shirty. How inuch
cloth does it take for a shirt I"
"About four yards."
"Well. let's see. I want, eight. new
shirts. Eight times four aro thirty-two.
('11 take'tl.irty-two yards."
The gratitudes of the wife at receiv -
ing as a Christmas present the cloth for
eight new shirts for her husband a.n be
better imagined than described. --[Edi-
tor's Drawer, [taper's Magazine for Oc-
Faeroes is a ueceastty ; it pantos z
life, and greatly improves livens; it bet-
ter Eta es nue our duties ; without it, we
du oat more than half live. He wily
who exercises sumcientty can know the
joy of good health, goad appetite, good
digestive, refwLiag sleep. It causes
the Mood to eneet.tequioky,fresiy, and
eq . ly, sad will drive away the blues.
It increases respiration, thus Cringing s
larger quantity of the elixir of life, ozy
gen, to purify and vitalise the blood. It
naiads and harden the seneeles, and
educates them into ever -ready, faithful,
and efficient ae:vattts of the wi1L It
limbers the joLttiAnd strengthens every
part of the body. It invigorates the
mind, and renders it active and efficient
in alt its operstions.
Mae PhlaleMaa 1 stet ae.
It is generally considered a pretty dif-
houh task to outdo a physician but the
following will preys conclusively where
nine were completely outdone. Mea
Helen Pharvia, 331 Gayton St, Munro
was treated for Consumption by nine
physician, and all pronounced her case
Incurable. Seven bottles. of Dr. King's
New D:soovery for Consumption comple-
tely cured her. Doubtiug ones. please
drop her a pwstal and convince your-
oanselves. Trial bottles free at Kbynni s
Drug Store, Large Mae 11.00. (4)
The prescription of a skillful pphysicists
and cenpu•ed of vegetable drugs of
ggrreeaatt remedial power, Dr, Carson's
Stomach and Constipation Bitters purify
the blood, give tone and vigor t•o the
system, cures Dyspepsia and indigestion
when all other *satiatees fail. Have
you triol it/ Sold by Druggists, b0c. a
The Arab.
An Arab is a queer fellow. tin enter-
ing a house he removes his shoes, hut
not his hat. He mounts his horse upon
the right side, while his wife milks the
cow on the left side. In writing a letter
he puts nearly all the compliments on
the outdi.de. With hitt the point of a
pin is its head, while its head is made its
Gel. His heard must be wrapped up
warts even in atmmner, while his feet
well; It will sesety remove any foreign Every article of merchandise which is li-
. u balance.
Curry vinegar is made by .doling three
vnces of curry powder to one quart of
t inegar ; let it stand in a covered earth-
en dish or jar near the tire for three
days. This gives an excellent flavor to
all kinds of sour pickles. Remember,
when using it, that a li.tle goes a great
It is a good plan when baking new
potaeoes to turn them occasionally in
the oven, as the akin is so thin that
there is danger of their burning on one
side before they are done nn the other.
if :they are very small, hake them in a
dripping pan ; if you d.. this you will not
need to turn them, but give the pan a
shake ono, in a while.
If vegetables that are to toe pickled
are put into cold salt and water, and are
gradually brought t.. the boiling point,
it sa rent necessary to IM them lie the
cu•tomery three days in cold salt and
water. The right proportion to use is
otle.'uarter of s potted of salt to one
quart ..f water. it is sometimes a great
convenience G, be able to do up the
pickles ill one dot-.
Peach fritters. served with cream and
sugar, are an excellent substitute for
,as$ry at dinner Make a latter as for
ordinary fritters of sweet milk, flour
and baking powder—and if you choose
to add one egg to each pint of milk it
will Imprnt a the dish. Peel and quar-
ter u many pea. hes as you wish to put
In- the more the better, as the peaches
shrink in cooking. Drop by spoi,nfula
in hot lard, fry till brown, and serve
quid he weighs, hut he mei-sures wheat,
barley, and a few other articles. He',
reads and writes from right to left. He
eats scarcely anything for breakfast,
about as much for dinner; but after the
work of the day is done, he sib down to
a hot steal swimming in oil, or better
still, boiled butter. His son eats with
hint, but the females of his house wait
till his lordship is dune. He rides a
donkey while travelling, his wife walk-
ing behind. Ile laughs at the idea of
walking in the street with Lis wife, or
even vacating his seat for a woman. He
knows no use of chairs, tables, knives,
forks, or even spoons, unless they are
wooden ones. Bedsteads, bureaus and
fireplaces may he placed in the same
category. If he be an artisan he does his
work sitting, p,rhaps using his feet to
hold what his hands are engaged upon.
He drinks cold Wates in a sponge, hot
never bathes in it unless his home is ..n
the se•ahore He is rarely seen drunk,
and is deficient in affection for his kin-
dred. He has little curiosity and no
imit*tivn; nn wish to improve his mind,
and no desire to surround himself with
the comforts of life.
Tose f.Ner• Kant nasal atesert
EVAlrevfu.a, Ind., Jan. 11, 1802.
1 recently had a very dlfScnit ease of
Consumption. I treated it ill the most
scientific wanner possible, but G. no ef-
fect; patient grew gradually worst
Rather than give up, and as a last re-
sort, I decided. much against toy wish,
to use a remedy that had cured one of
my former patients. Greatly to my sur-
prise. the patient began to gain, and in
• much shorter time . than 1 dared to
ever expect, she was ,tomplstely cured.
The name of this reruerkable remedy is
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump-
tion. I now use it altotgetber in my
pr*ctice. —[Leading M. D., Evansville.
Trial bottles free at Rhynas' drug store.
Lnrge size 51. (6)
• ire aedteal Prellesles. and all whew
It may resew.
Phosphatine, or Nerve 1• 000, a Phos-
phate Element based upon Scientific
Facts, Fortuulated by Professor Austin,
M. D. of Boston, Masa, cures Pulmorf-
ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia
and all wasting diseases of the human
system. Pbosphatine is not a Medecine,
but a Nutriment, because it contains no
Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates,
Ntrmtics, and no Stimulants, but gimp
ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements
found in our daily food. A single bottle
is sufficient to convince. All Druggists
sell it. 51 00 per bottle. hownsi &
Co., sole ..gents for the Domini on
55 Front Street East Toronto
Dr. J. W. iitlrehild of New .Yrrk,ania:
Palomar 1 believe in Phoil.hstiset 1
w it� and in m Way aid plea
I plMetbe Moe�+atirks will a soo-
Ada1m„ that i ten attach to leiter rern.dy,
it is safe --it is eflfectiveogre ale
all druggist
Under a contract with the county of
Syracuse, N. Y., Mrs. Freland receives
pauper babies, and also takes children
for young women who don't want to be
bothered with them. A child. which
recently died on her htibds, was found
to have been left out in a w..00dshed all
r.ight while fatally ill. Other babies in
her keeping -were starved t.• s pitiable
condition. Mr. Freland says she is not
paid enough to keep them properly.
Till the isi ofJauuary
Beware sr - lama.
�1 good. article that has achieved sue
cess, and attainied a world-wide repute -
tion by its true merits and wonderful re
sults, is always imitated. Such is the
case with Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Al-
ready unprincipled parties are endear-
rring to delude an unsuspecting
public, by offering imitations of this
'moet fortunate discovery. Do not be
deceived, but insist on having the true
remedy, and take no ,t'ier. Trial bot-
tlers free at Rhynaa' drug store. Large
size $1. (5)
wt.'s Or loos rlivatrlsn.
Th. one that ..nee fleet to relieve suf-
fering humanity of the thousand and one
ills that befall them, is certain) the bast
of yh
Ill phlden. Riectrie Bitters w
dikay dotao this. ,tiring where all other
resnd}w puled. As a donne tonic and
fined purifier duly have no , era'. They
positively cure liver and kidney cent -
plaints. in the strongest emu of the
Trate, they are the beat and cheapest
n irginsinknown.- {Dailey Tinea Sold
Rhyne, st 56 °mita [3. J
The safest, best and cheapest medicine
in the world is Dr. Carson's Stomach
and Constipation Bitters. &.Id in large
bottles at 50 oenta by all D*ugipiste.
Begs to scgnatni the ladle. of (ioderi, h
vicinity, that .hr Is now showing
8jrinj and Saner Elm
At her ahoy. Hamilton Street, in great and
betutifni Variety. Pike hat securest the ser-
vices of a city milliner. and feels saenred that
she can give
She ho s•.. to be favored with • v hit from her
patrons. and the ladles generally.
ONLY 25 Ctz.
-:ho s.samser yea
irh=aM t s h .-. great
Now is the time to Subscribe for a
WidcAwalie Newspaper;
D 3. ..N SW1FT I
Begs to announce to the people of Goderich an ¢ this motion of Herm, thatthe ha
purchased from Kr. A. Phillips hstu4kot Groceries, eta, and will
oontinur the business in the stated, on the
Corner of 'Victoria and Bruce Streets.
Haring bought the goods tot oaah, sad as 1 intend to teaks all my purchases from
wholesale men for wall aim, I will be in a position to sell at
Very Law rions for Gash
My stock sill always be fresh. 1 will keep the best breeds of ten, good sugars,
and ererythiag in the gr.•oery line from the hest producers. Bacon, Spiced Meats
etc_ , alway. of hand in steam. 1 am determined to please, both in:gtality and price
//r Call at the stand, Victerie street, uppoaits the Fair Ground, near D. K
Barseban's tssebine shop.
oderich, March 8th, 3$W2.
The Huron Signal
wlteh gasiHtvwty •ad prweeslr sena
�o'Oro Weigh bby •sus'/. sd tt.Ay
e Y a •e "a of heel ee t.�
w hei4 all alseasse task
is tN
kiss dbeetmrve, ,eydti•s, eslrwewal
/tpb sss *1
tare old age, sad meal ethwMwsPae�1� tars
ted to lassetty sr a seseesod
pease s • poems.
1e.e4 for (-troller, with resale sus/ale tree at
waft The revllSNarea is sold at el per
bins ow sir heves for ga. h., Sit 4rogwkels, se
will he want fres my 11. uw•.'. 17 veldt, eh
feeelpt of Ori �sg/t�t,
t re.. `senate, 1P I4
Ono. Revs aa,
Solo Aeeet fM (feltawle*
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
Hamilton Street, Goderich.
Wats. Chair* * t"rt heir,moot and wood termed,. t ut.t.unt Bc.i-sten s liattHoorn and Parlor nea.se Hatt-etan . such as a
Lonna.,. Sofas, Whet -Note, Loohit•tt liters vb.
N. It. _.t complete uw,rtuttot of Conine and nhrwuds ale aye oe hem! 'Aso Ilcarert fcr h
at re,'.,-,;tble rates.
Picture Framing a atrecialty --A tall Colica, d 1731 - -
Local & General
Newspaper in the County of Huron.
Be',; t announce to the Public II et i) sy ltete.•I.eut-d I winces it, the a}tAa Ftros
-in'the ►tore lately occupied by lutein Newton. Hat nog } urvbaied n. 1at11e and
wrl..,ea. rted stock of t } til e r r d t• t non t r Ge i•ds at eh se bees .►, et alt i rtet.nined
to give the Public the benefit.
Subscribe Now I
eel -Please call and examine ot.r ge..,rli before pgrcbasing sloes here.
„to-;euielinloerthe place, beat .io.•r to J. Wilson's Drug &ore
).•r ustnm work will receive tat. rl eiia1 attention. .
" X 'die but the best of material mad cid first -,lase workmen ennui.) ed.
..r : cpairing neatly done an the *hottest notice.
(,,,derich, March 9, 1882. DOWNING & W ED D U P
t'nlocks all the clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver. carrying
off gradually without weakening the system.
all :he impurities and foul humors of the
secretions ; at the ume time Oo
Acidity of the Sto cunni -
�spepsia ea. Dls-
zinet> S srttinrn OonstIpatiolt.
Dryness of the Skin. Dropsy, Dim-
ness of potion, Jatmdice, Salt sum
Etysi u, Scronll, Flattering of
the Il earle1, IPolnoornessfsad General
Debility' all these and many other simi-
lar Com taints 'eld to the hapvisince
Sample Bottles 10c ; Begnlsr Size 51.
,r sale by all dealers.
T. ll 1L$LIN a C1.. ere riet.es. Terse*
Cures Cholera, Cholera Morbus,Dy-
sentery, Cramps, Collo, Sea Sick-
ness and Summer Complaint ; also
Cholera lnfantum, and all Com-
plaints peculiar to children teeth-
ing, and will be found equally
beneficial for adults or children.
Proprietors, Toronto.
All meows .1 the Threat. Lasts sad
Pale eesry Oi•ga_s.
at rte r.lrarr,. '11
001esv*Prso$ Sas 101R=Jt CURS')
Wiwi other )llassuI- sod 1 ...).iany have
tailed to .feet a eery
Psys,rt.gm. Mnnemr a are
t by ween hdy w,.. hoe
et.. It • eek ft•l. rl weer /alio
as exeaCeelairt h las se you.
It is le abs. to the Mat Doliesi rhIIL
s.w.•/e.s we ortr. M .air forges.
#� gesetWeastr.a tstaerah tattle.
The Great Western Railway will run,
their excursions to MANITOBA Ind
DAKOTA }Hunts during May end June
every tore week., commencing TiTES-
DAY May, 2nd, 1881.
Fares Reduced.
For uforrnution, tickets, etc., apply t
Special Agent (treat tVeatern Rt.Ieay
Goderi. h. Ont.
;.nlerlch..1 nrfl. 41t, Itua. I8215.
ill Rerowmeuded by Pine/elan..
Catarrh of the N*sat elvlty • Cnronic and Ulcer:elm
C to •1 aro Lys er Throat. 11 i, Ulna
IN ftfi Y �e acts QUIETLY woos
toed a %Kota urfac the
reser. it h the hest tool igillar
le the WORLD, and Is worth Alt.
that is charged for it. for
THAT alone.
1 .e- !'4 THIr MARf1KT .wf
S 1 00 $ 1 00
Wtarr. +t w..l tet 'art
Wrt.t.arn, Urso. Mush 11, talo
My nnth.M"gbter wastro*L•led with Catarrh
for (so )eere vendaM
ws very new* b.htted by
the use of " t(all'eaC•Wrh Lure" She is now
about cured. W. T. WHIM.
%Ver.trsn, Oe►., March S, iNya
i have mad " Ilea's Catarrh Curs" and lsdg
ing from the g•o•t rw.ulta I d.rfwed from on.
.retie. I.elt.,* it will cure the manna stubborn
rile of Caterrh if Its dee be eorueued tow •
resaowble length of time.
Waders., Oat. Msr.b e0, teflt
P .f. (',resat Atte.. To1«b 0
Oeeb.—Rave gold Kalea Catarrh Cure for the
Isla TIM. aad ft.ly ' astir* sadefsMion.
Y.etre war
H N HOb4 o)N. Druggist.
Hall's Catarrh Cure
old by all Wholesale and Nae•it »"e.t$.
and Dealers fa Post I(Mletnee to
the yelled States end Canada
S Conti; a Bottle. !65.00 a Dos.
Th. wall.ne Hall's Ca,,
tab Cure Is teas -
03.4, sod by J CHKNItT 1 CO. Toleds. O.
tdr$ww•re of I.ntt tio•s
Bottled for the .tntarie t►a.Ie by
H. W. HOBSON, Welland. Out.
�.,I. Aunt l:."leeleb
arded RS
l sago
E and
nd out
1. try-
:gi•e to
A' 1
lar iia
sue 4*