HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1882-09-22, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FtIDAY, SEPT. 22, 1882. ggoggigaste MSS to elms Bows • ' ape anal as Ho. Part Colour ed, in aseeise with tett plan of hie. Shaw 14.vn, which hos just received to went of the Hoes' of Commons, the statue attbe Diga et Wellington mil imus be replaced upon it. ..foil who remember the piabind of the statue in its pe est po.itiou aw not aware that th..puolie taste immediatelypr000unced very strongly spinet the appearance pre• tented by the horse and rider a pen- d of ob ton Ming tat the wan set w an t arab d of across , as is semi iu sash et matures. But it was eaaler to let the DukW on the arch than to briar( him dowu, and for a generation poet be bas sept bis reface amid mid the indillsreses than the mfr• Mimi of Londoners. A new site will now have to M found for this colossal work of art. It was the production of Matthew Gates Wyatt, who had a a -n. sideestnrtep<tatiun in his time, and was placed in its present position is411. The cost of It was defrayed b large pnblio subscription. SAM eg Neel Mies M Rile. Western Fair, Loudon, Sept. II to 229. )South Karoo, )Meter, Oct Vind 3. Safe Huron, Wrideter, 043 and 4. iAmhdeid Beenek, Deasseaba, On. 4. 'Grey Branch. Brunets, Ods and A Etat Wawanosh, Beide.... Got 11. Merril Braash, Blyth, Out 19 and 13 Buri Thal SCHOOL BOOKS AbloIMoke .fat es. Ysoeselles of ..aiaL ensue ego., snake • speciaall shoal l f shod books and school tremblesuppltosoesnatn and tyheg tis osaidernb{e ha.pMtessettbsmit of the Textbusks is secs the trlativs ides of the Tezt YatMhM All so is thus. troopmntse *Fr the lomat. a �� prices.s O loll-WWPPA.ILD. *vena Ssioul Book! Deid pot. 4• tlNel des ileitis. UNY .. died tam 1m r.* p's, Med. Mts'd. asu+.p.tw Lido 7.50pm.. 5.00am_ides 8sateth...-117"..L56" .. 7.10'• ..LM Oedsst lk. Ar t11mo _ idgen 9.Mam .. 7.lipm GREAT WESTERN. gm*. Moil. Exp's. lads sort►.. Juan ...4.91pin .. e.Sao- MINI south S AGE LINT I m..7.24 + Stagdaily) ily) srr. 10.1hm .. dap bpm at 10le.. fun er f Wednesday and Saturday) arrives lam .. 9.1 ansmomm_ 1HLLl. Y011 1 _ EXC1 ,snnn. of • Lyygpepsia \ fug , * It is serthilj unwise Itl'siiitzo •rt:tomany •iluieiata I 8 arising �� r'.tlIges:lcn (,rr ;�>pI T, yt'xpepaia,r'or r ;t ` ' U forc(� (ltrr S'^irarh^nd r,a �,1l, Liter. ..f .. i • 11: !a o^. 4 nado VA. • In TOBY.own • ; Dorno lire • slineerity, with aft &W olves eertaistp (frettaeWosg(aelN. Dgjahridoee relieves; a ataim*le ;ecoorucltettea; a 11 Ltd annd Yic'aa�yso. silionene to ma. frost ; . it.n -•_r is ..on sal of A cent - work n -es- j to g.6 of hbcr -d Is Li - lie C4rroetlair Uhl Zopesa ver energy ab m t0 the s, Nervy, n.cie, simply by oindern opus the ;1 and giving actin:: Elie ver. defiler thiout, take it s iiciam, sod at least on. TE seat bottle Zopesa,and tell your ne1 how it arta It I. wnrratof t D7'tiepsia and ANCHOR LI UNITED STA?ES MAUL MI 1tS Sail Weekly to Naw Yeas aao0 a �toiM 4m S110to$140. uKART S75. rate.. to or from Denmark. . ULP.S. York. St Ooderieb (.able Beast p 010. Return T4ekets, Steerage passengers booked at low Passenger a000mmodaitoss unexcelled. ALL STATZROOfeL N liaix DEng. lowest rets book/West =Italy, Swedes. Urs say~Idly. Far Hook "Tours 1* SSoot3sui Rstea_PMn at !'e„ to HENDERS0N 3R apply ew Ori RS. E, WARNOCK. Hamilton to Extraordinary TO 11.13-1111q.TB. GOODS UNSOLD RETURNED. I1 you are.out of employment want to start in agboeiness gee from $3 to $10 a day clear, and lois, we will mend on Offer i and oan make take no receipt in a fails to they can will re- be and the that will $1,000 to as well as in every Address. Smith- risk of you of $11, goods that will sell readily for days foal $I S. 0 the Agents sell these goods in four days, return all unsold to • us, and we turn them their money, can anything fairer t We take all tisk of los., Agent gets started in a business be permanent, and pay from $3,090 a year Ladies can do men. We want an Agent county.Full particulate free. U. S. Manufacturing Co., Na 118 field Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. P HO S PRAT I � EI Tonowro, March •a 1889. Mews. Lowoax a: Co.' Dean Stn.-FortbeSet tap weeks 1 have D=1.... using 7>rAnson'. l ho.phatlne in my tj with the most satlsfaotor alts. la usauestlosable • most valet le medidne Yours truly. W. H. WILLIAMS' Special Correspeadent Toronto owns DR_ .AILMT8'TII•'El F 11 OSPHATINE. Cures allferrous Diseases, !rads Mar* Jernal red A7 =ER GREAT BOOM IN WINNIPEG. By casual observation. we and all land .pecunits have a clear bead and watch the s and downs at thus larege fortunes. Bat the whole secret i�kheey keep the system is a healthy condition by the use of uta FRAME OF TEE t' ALLEY MILNCIINI. for the,sreat loos alai bloodittifer We con Say say that hundreds mane eforree going west. Read the following statement. e could Mrs thousands of the same kind if it were necessary. '1 certifythat I was troubled with Catarrh to the head: gathering of steam is tbetbroal choking and coughing at night for years, so I .0.14 not sleep. often troubled with dull, life- less feelings, pains in the chest abd back. After giving hundreds of dollars to doctors. and giving up all hopes, i tried the Puss or vas VALL.v, and am now able to do my work aper seven year's sickness." MRS. JAMES McNE1L. 802 Simcoe Street, London, On "The above statement/of my wife's L cot rect. J,.M., McNalt.. For sale by all druggists, manufactured b) Prof. A. M. Shrieves, London, Ont. Semple ppaacckaagge 25 cte• live for $1.00. Can be bad in Ooderich of the following druggists: Jain Bead. Jae. Miss. F. Jordan, Geo. ROT. as. and J. A. Martel. 1825 TIMOTHY SEED. FRESH and 0000. THIS YEAR'S GROWTH. SPLENDID VARIETY AT S. SL DANE'S SEED ST011 E. LUMBER HEMLOCK, ELM, BASSWOOD, AC. iN BOARDS, PLANKS, $CANTLINGand JOISTS. BILLS CUT TO ORDER. CUSTOM WORK DONE. ARCHIBALD HODGE Dunlap P. 0, 1753-Im. Saw mill. .0. AM - N Iwts ARC IT. March 21. iRa Meson. Comptes ! Co., Teremts. Gress. 1 have taken one bottle of Dr. z 'tuatQ, r4Plpati ret. rh•,.mmrrdr•1 t+�_ ftlwt . et tk1Eilialr -1�jL :irk he or •;, rrr•l.. 1 .r,.. t.. trr from a Tonsorial. REMOVAL. _NEW DRESS MISS STEWART Isms temesea her milUaery establioiset4 le The Stand bcently hulled by Hath Smith. ne stash ittue eas'1Ned op gaciaUy tfbr and with laser pesbss.be hopes ,Io'be able to give faller seduction then ever boltss. ILIEMAInas33-13IT= PZAC 1_ HARRY • SMITH'S OLD STAND. Twit SQ.11:7bRE, C6OD3118ZC .. HAVE, YOU TRIED IT ? I! aet.go to your theuWist and' et s bottle of the . 3301E1 1FTION HAIR J T,. will ilod it to be the Gem of all Hair Preparait.ms. ReworIng Cray a+ Faded Male to its Natural Dolor, Cleaning the scalp sad giving a Lea1L sod bean atil Appearan:e to the hair. Price 50 Cerzts PES Rothe GEORGE RRTNIAS, A T F'OFL t3ODERIOL3. INSURANCE CARD. i BR A0& COY. Toaoxro--Xotatiar.e ; PH(=NIX INS. FT, d Loons ligaglatdI - j hed DM. I HARTFORD 8. . of HARTTORn. Cams I -Establ d 104 I Risks taken in tbe above irsta•JassOlSoes. st the lowest ratessundsr HORACEio MooAyHORTON. prelear far the CANADA PER. LOAN s$20 EAVIMEIS 00'Y Toxoxro. j 7 to i�per Cent. -Charges moderate.1 OR inst.cleas securit2. row HORACE HORTON. • FOB. SALE THE SUBSCttIBER, FIN tp I NG That his whale sUeetion will be requ:n-d. this nim ner in the management of the 010 HOUSE, will dispose ef that property known .a the "WINTER ERA1Cf0I3,' Sowed on the Main Gravel Road, consisting( M ■ capital house of ten rooms. with veran- dah on two sides, large driving house 110c22, stabling for ten horses, wood shed, etc., togeth- er with ooe and a half acres ex,el'ent garden, well fenced. The premises are all new and 1n end -clam ceder. To a good man no reason- able *Het will be refused. Apply to J. J. W BO HT, Pot:1T Faan (ioder:eh. 2'. 0. April MUM. 185: Goderioh Sept. 10. 1810. I - JUST RECEIVED OU, AND Lorre Nos. 33 AND 78. owner of Victoria and Eertbtrett, in the tow,. of Goderich, for ogle cheap. or will to 'changed for farm property. For particulars gate Jas. Snafu, office Crabb's . or J. C. Comes, auctioneer. Real Estate. -AT- GEORGE N. OLD'S A large and select variety of - At the low prices et 10 1Ls FOR 4 " KNIGHTPRACTICALRAR- al BTt H antikirdresiger, to r , yj�a,h�.� to the for pest ea lace Years trolly s�0slt, a as saetid to of enc :e aces ,. a W ETHERiLL al Pea Olgos liaderk-••�vMg i7. r Jr A1tietidt11 Nnq: C. CC$BYIf 'TSE P'EOPLWS ACC t il.P •1 1711. JAMES SMAiLL, ARCHITECT, A ciles.47tahW. Work, Khmeren .I.. G. rich. iia n, and .pectgcai leasrown y t`.rpen.er's' .5.d res.'s srerk ..aeured and valued. 31 Sit $1.00 1.00 1.00 Tri them and be convinced. My stock Otooeriei is well assorted. and at prices which defy competition. lists slit op:meld out • comylote assortnt est China, Glassware & Crockery Which I intend to sell at Very Low Prices. A CALL i8 SOLICITED. G. MI. 0LiID THE SQUARE WILSON'S PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. Peri Idea Juts INstehwe PARS GREN P11 end land Destroyer ter MOM lit .�", t dm•;• BARD TRUNK RAILWAY Tickets to Winnipeg and return will be on she at the principal ticket oMemel tl.e emu - pony from Angst lett to September 301b in elusive, good to return within forty days from date et issue. First class Hoke . available tis all toe usual routes. those by the lake rom•rs int tulle meals and berths on tbe steamy' from Sarnia to Colltngwood. to and from Duluth. FARE FROM GODERICH - $.ih.00 181k3t. IN THE HIGHCOCTRTOFJUSTICE. Quer,t'e Bsxtai D1y15M1, B,It6ILL vs. Rein. Cot -ATT nr Humor, 1 By virtue of a Writ o1 To war: l Merl Facies. Issued Det of Het Majesty's High Court of Justlee. std t0 me directed against fife Lards and Tenements of T. 8. Held at the 0.0 of Geo. R. Hlrrell and William A. Hirrell. 1 have seised and taken in execution all the Mint, title, Interest and equity of redemption of the above named defendant In and to that parcel of land situate, lying and being In the County of Humn In the Province of Ontario. and being composed of the South Easterly corner of the east half of lot number twelve in the eleventb concession of the Eastern Division of the township of Asbfleld, contain - Ing three quarters of ea ars more or leas in- cluding lot number etftgbt and part of lot number seven in the vtllagep of Altonvllle In the County of Harps. NN "Welt Lands and Tenements Isbell Ater for sale. at my oMee In the Ovum House• in the tows of (1cnletieh, on Friday the twenty-ninth day of September at the "'enrol' twelve at the sleek. noon. sheriffROBERT GIBgBjqONS. Just ill OMes MIL Gederteh. Sheriff i .tuft. A iarme .Mpeeat of GOODS Fall Dress Goods -W ITH- 3 STRIPER sad BROCADED SATINS Tr stub in 4. -odor fur trimness.. COLBORNE BROS, C3-ODERICl3 FOR THIRTY tea' S -AT J.C.DETLOR & CO. -SPECIAL VALUE IN - DRESS GOODS. These good. were bought ata discount of sweat, -fit v 1• :., u1. ('.9 at.e eye th, ni. 2 Cases Prints Newest Patterns. J. C. DET,LOR eU-Co. SAUNDERS VARIETY STORE. N]J W G -O OIJ S C UTLER Y BIRD CAGES FRUIT JARS PL.ITED Ii.IRE COOK M G STO VES FANCY BASKETS PRESERVING KETTLES JA S SAITNDERS & SON. The,Cheapest House Under The Suni NEXT DOOlt TO TIIE )'OST OFFICE. Medica.) Hall, Goclerich, A large supply of ianserrat Lime Fruit Juice, and Lime Juice, Cordial, The' pumas and best brand in the Market. Makes a cheap, delicious. and HOLESOME SUMMER DRI N KS. Just received a great lot of _ONDON PURPLErAAmNDIq PARIS GREENFor PO, IEI..LERORE FOR INSECTS, ETC_,* UN 8011UItBFRI PERSIAN INSECT POWDER Fur tis destruction of all kinds of inset ts. The new rat and mouse poison, MO -LTG -MI O INT RAT S l'OIt e1N FLY 1'A PERS. Etc. P. JORDAN, Ohemist and Druggist. aPHIAG A'D SHIER SITS IN ALI4THh: LATEST STYLES AMP II G- II U -NLG Z� • Fashionable Tailor, West Street Gc derich.4 ACHOICE ASSORTM ENT OF GOODS TOISELECT FROM. SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. CeV NTY or HL Sox, 1 By virtue d a Writ of To war. i ?Seel Fads. kissed out at Her 11ajeatys Cost, Court of the County .f Heron. and to me directed agaln_t the Losdu mad Tswetwettt. of Thomas (*rank M Art lisiills 111 i Paers. the Mit of Alexander hoes, 1 have seise and takes in RseeutMn all the right. tltle.tnterrat .. =aftd tam of Ute above tamed ane. in and n that ppaarcel nt land Now le the thee. a yes wish as or two der nose at Ass. to ore Holler's roan paper anter* Iying and hems Is the Cosp M Emma He has over anti Province of Ontario, 'comprising the Ilmterty twee amen ere the Nes h halt M ne.,ber.11�n for t..th Nen of the• 20,000 Rolls ofthe Latest DesignS astern MyI.lnn M the town.hlp of A.1MM. Whkh lands and tenements 1 shall otl►r for ar try office In the Como Honse.In the town Beautiful ootors, and at pekes len than very ...eh Infrrf,w grwnt. n 1 ane. er• 'hope they d .n ]Ierday the woad day of are the host •slue is tows. and avast SSA. Octant.. at tbe her of twelve of the clock. IOW ]Oftertfto ee. eeaerfea eaerawMacs. rer r t• ` i ares . Ii'. rr'""'it Tht latest Sprig aat Palms ad 'ahes, EL Le ardc d o �S 1 save E and spelt k *4 out y try - on ov- ate. 'by )NB, AN. 1H to 11 .9 1.A87 NTS r ifs. tt.cts at London, Bedfast. a as to GB: -day. a�3 ,10 17 21 1.1 :2 13 19 2'1 . 2l 14 fill t.p411y 1.